EC SUM 2011 05 11 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting May 11, 2011 Members Present: David Christianson, Robert Kircher, Amy Wenner, Katie Mahannah, Glenn Kaufmann Members Absent : Dennis Hansen, Matthew Myers Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Minutes: April minutes were approved. Arbor Day summary: The event went well. All of the trees were successfully planted. The attendance was much lower than last year. Factors for the lower attendance may have included: RSVPs were not required by participating groups, the weather was nice after a week of rain, and specific community groups weren’t directly contacted/invited. Even with fewer volunteers the plantings went quickly. All trees were planted in about an hour. th 4 of July planning: The commission would like to participate in both the trade fair and parade. For the trade fair, they will develop another power point which will promote Water Wise, focusing on statistics for Chanhassen water usage, using Chanhassen pictures and offering a sign up for the program. This is kind of difficult since people don’t want to give out their email. Bob will email the commissioners last year’s presentation. In past parades, the commission has partnered with Carver County and is planning on doing so again this year. The county donates the vehicle, makes the banners and prints the coupons. The commission has handed out recycling coupons which are well received. This year maybe the Environmental Club from Excelsior Elementary can help with the parade. They can carry bags for organics, recycling, and trash. The commissioners should come to the June meeting with ideas for the parade entry. Water Wise review: Jill gave a brief overview of water usage in Chanhassen, the origins of the Water Wise program and this year’s program. Commissioners offered promotional ideas such as yard signs for participants, stickers for participants (can give out at trade fair too), and promoting the program at National Night Out events. Maybe the commissioners could attend some NNO events? General Discussion:  The commission will start putting together an article of water use/conservation. Staff could write a fertilizer article and send it to the commission.  Environmental Assessment. Katie had found and forwarded a link to the Minneapolis Green Print. The commission liked the document and thinks an assessment of the 4 focus topics could be done. It would include goals, what was worked on during the year, and any measurable outcomes. An annual report could be produced. Should the commission do one for 2010? Could use it as a template for 2011. Each focus topic’s assessment would be one page. The next meeting will be Wednesday, June 8 at 6:00pm. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:45 PM. Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair