PC SUM 2011 06 07 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES JUNE 7, 2011 Chairman Aller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Aller, Kathleen Thomas, Tom Doll, Mark Undestad, Kevin Ellsworth, and Lisa Hokkanen MEMBERS ABSENT: Kim Tennyson STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Angie Kairies, Planner; and Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator PUBLIC HEARING: CITY CODE AMENDMENT: CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 18, SUBDIVISIONS AND CHAPTER 20, ZONING OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING EROSION CONTROL. Terry Jeffery reviewed the changes proposed for Chapter 18 regarding erosion control measures. Commissioner Doll asked about the additional cost to homeowners. Chairman Aller opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. Undestad moved, Thomas seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council adopt the attached ordinance amending Chapter 18 of the City Code pertaining to erosion control. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: CITY CODE AMENDMENT: CONSIDER AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 20, ZONING OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING VARIANCES. Angie Kairies outlined the proposed changes to Chapter 20, Zoning concerning variances due to the June, 2010 the Supreme Court ruling in the Krummenacher versus City of Minnetonka case which changed the definition of hardship. Commissioner Ellsworth asked for clarification of wording regarding the word harmony, general conditions for granting a variance, the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic consideration alone, practical difficulties, and that new conditions must be directly related to any and must bear a rough proportionality to the impact created by the variance. Commissioner Doll asked for clarification of who drafted the ordinance amendment and the wording used. Chairman Aller opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. Ellsworth moved, Doll seconded that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code Planning Commission Summary - June 7, 2011 pertaining to variances. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Thomas noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated May 3, 2011 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS: None. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE. Kate Aanenson provided an update on City Council action of Powers Crossing, Liberty at Creekside, the BP gas station, and city code amendments. ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION. Kate Aanenson reviewed information included in this new section of the agenda regarding census fact finder information on housing in the city, Minnesota River crossing study, and the KARE 11, Land of 10,000 Stories report. Commissioner Doll asked about the status of the Highway 41 underpass wetland alteration permit. Commissioner Ellsworth asked staff to comment on the increased flooding of the Minnesota River over the last 10 years. Thomas moved, Doll seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 2