EC SUM 2011 06 08 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting June 8, 2011 Members Present: Dennis Hansen, Robert Kircher, Amy Wenner, Glenn Kaufmann, Matthew Myers Members Absent : David Christianson, Katie Mahannah Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Minutes: May minutes were approved with the addition of Glenn to Members Present. th 4 of July planning: Expo: Amy completed a PowerPoint presentation for the trade fair. The commission will review it via email over the next week or so and finalize it for the expo. It was suggested that one handout be created that summarizes the slides and has suggestions for ‘things you can do’. Make it a ½ sheet in size and maybe print it on cardstock. Jill will print the handout. It needs to be to her by June 29. Other handout items include magnets, dye kits, and waterwise brochures. The commission will need a laptop and monitor for the expo as well as decorations such as grasses, plants, and signage. Attendance for the trade fair will include Glenn, Amy, Denny and Bob. Amy can pick up the supplies from Jill earlier in the week. The commission won’t need the display board for the expo – too big. Parade: The commission talked about the title for their entry. Suggestions were ‘Recycle for a Cleaner USA’, ‘Recycle for Cleaner Rivers and Lakes’, ‘Recycle for America’. If needed, Denny could supply a trailer. The trailer could be used to put recycling, compost and trash bags. Items will be collected along the route. Kids can do the collecting (lacrosse team?). Use the county pick up for supplies – water, coupons, etc. The Commission can use the WaterWise banners on pick up. The city or county can make the banners. There could be signs on the pickup advertising recycling and composting. Amy can bring a water cooler and cups. Signs could say ‘Chanhassen Environmental Commission encourages you to compost and recycle’, ‘Kids from the Chanhassen Youth Lacrosse and Excelsior Environmental Club are collecting recyclables and compostables’, ‘Celebrate America by Keeping it Clean’. The commissioners wondered if the collection bags should be labeled. Maybe the kids could wear neck signs showing what’s compostable. Jill will see if she can find any signs from last year. She’ll also contact the county about the pickup truck. She will order Environmental Commission t-shirts for Glenn, Matthew and Katie. General Discussion:  Ready for next month: Water conservation article.  There may be a joint commission city tour in September.  Jill asked if all commissioners were signed up for WaterWise. The next meeting will be Wednesday, July 13 at 6:00pm. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:30 PM. Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair