1 Approval of MinutesCHANHASSEN PARK AND
JANUARY 22, 2002
Chairwoman Lash called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Lash, Rod Franks, Jack Spizale, Mike Howe and Tom Kelly
MEMBERS ABSENT: David Moes and Jay Karlovich
STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director; and Corey Hoen, Recreation
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Todd Hoffman added two items under Administrative Section, February
Report to the City Council and the State of the City Address.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Howe moved, Spizale seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and
Recreation Commission meeting dated December 11, 2001 as presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried unanimously 5 to 0.
Hoffman: Thanks Jan, members of the Commission. I'd like to go through the budget with you, not only
for 2002 but for the future years. We've prepared this document and there's been some changes made to
it so obviously you want to keep up with those. As you open up the pages, when we look at park and trail
improvements, starting with Bandimere at the top and then at City Center Commons at the bottom. Do
you all have that page? It's not numbered.
Lash: It's just the second page.
Hoffman: Yep. Second page. Are we all there? So if we focus on 2002, you can see the bottom, the
total is a million 595,500 so 1,595,500. And the balance in our fund is right around a million 6. A
million 7 if this, all of these projects go ahead as approved, the bank is pretty much empty. One thing to
note, we can make some changes down there at the, on the numbers. Budgets for the last 3 items, the
trail connector for Highway 5 at Riley Creek and one at Bluff Creek and one at City Center Commons.
We have at least the engineer's estimates now and we know that the top two have changed to two trail
connectors. The one at Riley Creek is scheduled for about $82,000 instead of $100,000. So we came in
slightly under budget. And the other one is $66,000 instead of $75,000 so those were the estimates and
they're slightly lower than that.
Lash: And what is the City Center Commons?
Hoffman: City Center Commons is the park just outside of City Hall.
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
Lash: Oh, over here. On the library.
Hoffman: The library.
Lash: And so that was, I'm guessing the $200,000 is that left over from that library referendum? No.
Hoffman: This is park dedication money.
Lash: So that was put in by the City Council, is that correct?
Hoffman: Put in by City Manager and approved by the City Council.
Howe: I wonder if the same engineer that did the knife slashing on those two could do the one on
Highway 101.
Hoffman: The 101 project, I know the City Manager and Mayor were down today at the State Capitol
and obviously it's everyone's hopes that this is built along with the road. Well first of all, it's everyone's
hope that it's going to be built and the City Council has expressed to the neighborhood. They were in at
the last meeting, that it will be built one way or the other so with a road or without a road, we're going to
build the trail. But if it's without a road, then the $850,000 is going to be needed to complete the project.
The $200,000 at the bottom for City Center Commons stays as is, but then the one up above, just where
the one you were talking about Mike. 101 North. And then the one above that, Bandimere Park to
Chanhassen Hills, that goes from 250 to 200. So those three were estimated and those are the actual
numbers that you have now. So we start off the top of the list in 2002 with the trail from Bandimere to,
up to Lake Susan Drive. The public comment period for this project will be at the next City Council
meeting. So we're starting at the north, fight here at Lake Susan Drive. That's where the referendum
trail stopped, fight at that location. And then it will continue down 101 south, cross on the north side of
Lyman. Lyman Boulevard fight at that location, and then continue on and come fight into the entrance of
Bandimere Park. So it does a couple of things. It connects our northern part of the community with the
southern park and then also connects neighborhoods up to Bandimere Park.
Howe: Is that about a mile Todd?
Hoffman: It's listed in the book.
Howe: And I also read in this very packet that they're doing a re-build of Lyman or is that just a re-
paving this year? Does it only go from 41 to 1017 Is that something that we can piggy back on here?
Did you see that in here?
Hoffman: For the trail?
Howe: They're going to resurface or do something to Lyman.
Lash: I thought it was that segment of Lyman.
Franks: From the western city limit to 101.
Hoffman: In what year?
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Howe: Next year. 02. Did you see that?
Lash: I saw something somewhere about that.
Hoffman: If that happens, that will be a County project. I'm not certain it's going to happen next year,
but then there will be a trail constructed as a part of that. And it's really the bottom piece to all those
trails that have dumped down in the south half of the community and everybody can make their loops
back. That road is, Lyman Boulevard is caught up in one of the County/City agreements where the road
construction for Powers, Audubon and then there was to be an excess TIF payment made back to the
County. If there was TIF, excess TIF available. There has not been excess TIF money so the County has
not received those payments and so the County is not quite as excited to go forward with Lyman
Boulevard as they had been.
Howe: I think it's actually 04. 03 or 04 so it's not in there.
Hoffman: But they're talking about it. So that's the first one at the top of the list. Highway 101.
Kelly: That's a good question. Down the road, years and years when 212 comes through there, how's
that going to affect, I mean will they have to redo either the trail once they put.
Franks: MnDot will have to do it.
Hoffman: The trail will be included as a part of the project.
Franks: If they're in. I remember the MnDot guy told me that if that Piece of trail is not completed, they
will not work on it. It will be up to the City to put it in.
Hoffman: I don't know that there's a written policy or anything of that nature, but the trail will be built
probably as a part of an oveipass.
Franks: Right. Yeah, because when they were talking about the alignment of 212'I remember I asked
that question specifically. And at that time their representative from MnDot was saying that unless the
trail is in by the time the pre-construction starts on the freeway, that they would not be responsible for the
pedestrian overpass or reconstructing the trail.
Hoffman: Other questions on this one? You see down at the bottom it goes off line just a little bit. It
takes advantage of that berm that was built along this alignment, which is a nice raise. The tightest
location is right down in front of the home just north of the park.
Spizale: Is that going to be like a spring, a summer or fall project or is that still to be determined?
Hoffman: Hopefully start in the spring, if the schedule stays on track.
Lash: So the alignment along that berm will be on the west side of the berm, correct?
Hoffman: Yep.
Lash: Okay. Anybody have anything else on that? Okay.
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
Hoffman: The next one is the 101 north trail, and that trail... The 101 north trail travels from the south,
Lotus Lake Park up to Pleasant View Road. The schedule, if constructed independent of the road with
the $850,000 will come out of park dedication and then $500,000 from the grant. I know the commission
talked about that at the last meeting, and the City Council will meet with the neighbors again coming up
this next meeting to continue talking about that project. Any questions on that one? I apologize, I don't
have the, it just shows the street. Oh maybe it's here.
Franks: Has a decision been made to move forward with creation of the actual plans then? The
construction plans.
Hoffman: No.
Franks: No, okay.
Hoffman: That will be at the next meeting I believe.
Franks: Was there any discussion by the council about the boardwalks through the wetland area versus
the bituminous path?
Kelly: I apologize for not being at the meeting in December. I think Jack actually may have asked this,
but I forgot what the answer was. From Pleasant View Road to 62, is that just, is there going to be any
type of a connector or is it just going to be road? So the trail essentially will end at Pleasant View Road
and there won't be any trail until you get to the intersection of 62 and 1017
Hoffman: As far as I understand the feasibility study was not included, but there would certainly be a
push to make that connection. Once you get up to the north side, two locations you want to travel are
west on Pleasant View or north to connect up to the Minnetonka trail area. It makes no sense to.build
this 1.3 million dollar segment and not complete that final segment.
Kelly: But Chanhassen ends at Pleasant View?
Hoffman: No. We go all the way to the coruer. I would request that be a part of the project, continuing
on. There wouldn't be a reason not to make it part of that.
Lash: Okay. Any other questions on this one?
Hoffman: The other improvements are the Marsh Glen connector, which is a carry over project from
2001. And the location of this one is just south of the St. Hubert's Church. If you're familiar with the
Marsh Glen neighborhood. I can draw in where the trail alignments go. Currently this trail runs from
Rice Park, over to the north side of Lake Susan. And then this connector will come from on-street,
between two homes, down to the marsh and then up to the trail to allow these neighborhoods access to
that trail system. The estimated cost is $68,000 and currently we are working on that land, permitting
through the DNR.
Lash: Okay. Anybody have questions on that one?
Hoffman: Tree plantings is budgeted for $15,000 and it's just that means of keeping up with our tree loss
in the parks and adding additional trees in all of our park systems. $15,000 doesn't go far in a given year.
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
Howe: How many trees is that about Todd? Idea, rough ballpark.
Hoffman: Oh if you purchased them planted, it' s probably 40 trees. It doesn't go very far.
Lash: We don't purchased them planted do we?
Hoffman: Oh sure.
Lash: Our staff doesn't do that?
Hoffman: Sometimes we do. In many cases we don't.
Lash: How about the tree farm, do we not have that?
Hoffman: There's no tree farm, no. Wide discrepancy also if you purchase trees that are warrantied and
those that are not. If you purchase trees that are not warrantied they tend to give you the ones that are
rejected already once and they plant them out in your park system and you have to deal with those issues
so we've been purchasing warrantied trees and that way if they die the following, they have to replace
them. Skate park improvements for $7,500. And that money has already started to be invested in that
shelter that's currently out there, and some of the other improvements. Trash receptacles. Continuing on
with that 3 year program to replace our blue barrels with the trash receptacles which you saw purchased
this fall. I think we put 35 of the new green and metal with the plastic covers on them, if you've seen
those. Permanent park benches and picnic tables for $10,000. You continue to replace or update
Spizale: Can I ask a quick question about that? Has it been determined where those are going to go?
The reason I ask is because I know this fall at Bandimere there were a few people at that new play
structure, and that was a great play structure but for the adults there was really nowhere to sit except on
the parking lot.
Hoffman: You bet. Absolutely.
Spizale: So I just want to bring that up.
Hoffman: Good location. Trail connector, Highway 5 at Lake Riley, Riley Creek. We talked about that
one earlier. There's 3 options studied at this location. This is referred to as the Lake Ann underpass, or
Riley Creek. The 3 options we studied, this is the terminus of the trail at the south part of 101. Or
excuse me, on Highway 5. The simplest option is going straight west to Audubon at the first connection.
The second, which is a little more scenic, but difficult to complete would come along the fence onto
Paisley Park Studio, down to Park Place and then out to an existing concrete sidewalk. You put a
concrete sidewalk at this location. And the third option was to go east on 101, or Highway 5 and then
south on Park Drive. That's that same location.
Lash: Isn't there a trail already on Audubon?
Hoffman: Yes, there's a trail already on Audubon here.
Lash: No, okay. Okay, where's Paisley Park?
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Hoffman: Right here.
Lash: Oh! Okay, that's where I mixed up. Okay.
Hoffman: Paisley Park, Audubon and Highway 5. A couple of issues with the center one. We would
have to purchase an easement from Paisley Park, which is difficult to obtain. Then we would also be
coming through what we refer to as kind of a back yard public works. These two lots are owned by the
city and used as storage areas for wood chips and stuff that is left over from maintenance of the streets
and park system. And then you have to come down to a location which is...not as well defined at the
comer of Audubon and 5. So the selected option was just to go straight from the underpass, and through
the ditch section up to this intersection of Audubon. And that will be the connection to the underpass.
Questions on that connection? You've seen the underpasses that are there. There's a double set.
There's one at this location and there's one that crosses under the frontage road. So the trail winds
through one, and then cuts to the east and then winds through the other. So you go under a set of two
different culverts as you go through that trail system. Anybody like a different option?
Howe: What is cheapest I would think.
Hoffman: $62,000. The other two options, to give you an idea of cost. Are $82,000 for the one we're
talking about, Audubon Road. $134,000 for the Park Drive option, and $62 for the Park Place option.
Lash: I'm comfortable with that. Okay. Everybody okay With that? Can we move on?
Hoffman: Next one is the connection at Bluff Creek or the recreation center. This is more straight
forward than the Riley Creek connection. Chanhassen Recreation Center, Highway 5. Galpin
Boulevard. And then the terminus of the trail currently is right here. The creek and there's two options
that are st~died. The first going to the recreation center and connecting up to an existing trail segment
right at this location. The center of the ballfields. The second option completes a trail over to Stone
Creek Drive, in the current location of the new church being constructed here. And the decision there
was to simply to build both connections so we'd have a nice flow for the trail system with access to that
underpass. The cost differences on those. 46 for the rec center option only. 36 for the'Stone Creek
Drive option only, and then 66 for a combination of the two. Easements were acquired from these
properties through the platting process to allow for that trail connection...city property at this location.
There's an existing culvert crossing which was used during agricultural practices in this area. That
culvert will most likely be replaced because it's half plugged with silt and sedimentation but we do not ·
have to go through the same extensive permitting process...
Franks: So would you replace it with another culvert or would we put in a nice decorative bridge?
Hoffman: Another culvert. Two vehicle bridgings just north of there. I'll show you, they are quite
attractive the new underpasses. The Highway 5 project is a 5 million dollar project. They
have...facilities in here as a part of that... That's the recreation center underpass. Very nice. It's being
used already, even though it's not connected. If you walk, take a walk down there. It's being used quite
heavily already. And that's one of two tunnels. There's also two tunnels on this particular...and then the
second is the Lake Ann. This is the underpass on the frontage road so you drive, currently you're driving
up on top of this. And on both trails, the creek travels through on the north and then travels through a
culvert underneath Highway 5, existing culvert. And so when you go through the second tunnel there's
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
no creek besides this. It's simply a trail. And then finishing it up is the City Center Commons for 2002.
That's to complete the development of the front yard... City Hall in this location.
Lash: Jack, has your committee started yet on that? No?
Spizale: Haven't heard a word.
Hoffman: It will be in February. $200,000 will barely get started on this project and so I'm not sure how
they're going forward with it. If they'll stage it or add more money upfront.
Franks: There wasn't anything budgeted in the referendum for the library for this?
Hoffman: The landscaping immediately outside of the library is included. Nothing else.
Lash: Okay. Anybody have any questions or comments for Todd?
Spizale: Just one Todd. On the Highway 5 and Riley Creek and Bluff Creek, is that to be started this
spring also?
Hoffman: Yep, this spring. And the schedule, I can show you the schedule for thos6. The full schedule.
Again these are what we would hope...public meetings will start next week. We're looking at a bid
opening of May 7th and award contract on May 13th. The underpasses will be fairly straight forward. The
trail on 101 south would be much more involved. It would probably go into fall construction.
Lash: We won't have easement issues with that one, will we?
Hoffman: Some. They won't be nearly as extensive as the '98 trail project though.
Lash: Okay. Anybody else have questions?
Howe: Yeah. How much money do we take in the fund?
Hoffman: Each year?
Howe: Last year. Do you have a number on 2001 what we took into the bank?
Hoffman: Approximately $250,000. And that's been fairly steady for the past 8 to 10 years.
Howe: So 250's a good average number?
Hoffman: Yep, about quarter million.
Howe: So we spend, all these projects get finished and we have $150,000 in the bank. We take 250 in
this year. I mean obviously we'll have to find some places to cut. We're not going to.
Lash: Well I think you can see from, when we did, when we initially did the CIP, I think we made great
efforts to trying to stay within what we think is our typical guidelines. But you know when it goes to the
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002 '-
City Council level and then they bump up projects like 101 or the trail construction at Lake Ann, it ends
up looking like our budget is kind of out of whack by really no work of our's I guess.
Franks: Well the buster is the 800, for 2002 is the $850,000.
Lash: And we have that in reserve, right Todd?
Hoffman: Correct.
Lash: Yeah, so it is there.
Howe: That's part of that 1.7.
Lash: Okay. Nancy?
Nancy Mancino: Yes, Nancy Mancino, 6620 Galpin Boulevard. I just have a question about that Todd.
The park dedication fund, or fund 410 took in approximately $650,000 in the year 2000. It takes in
approximately 500 plus in permit fees and another 100,000 in investment income. And that's been pretty
Franks: I'm sorry Nancy, what was that first number?
Nancy Mancino: It takes in approximately in 2000 $550,000 in permit fees and another $100,000 in
investment income. Because at the end of the year 2000, again there was approximately $1.8 million in
that 410 fund. I don't think we've ever taken in $250,000 a year. That little for the last 4 or 5 years, It's
been a lot more than that.
Hoffman: Sure, I'll be glad to bring a report.
Nancy Mancino: Well I think that's important for you to know because you're the ones that are making a
recommendation to the City Council for the CIP, and you do need to know what's in that fund. So I'd
like to state that for the record. Number two, I had. Well, and that was one of my questions that Mike
asked and that was how much you expect in 2002 for the park dedication fund to take in. And obviously
you don't know that until you kind of see the last 3 or 4 years, what it's been, because the growth is
continuing and I don't see that being slowed down. City Center Commons, the $200,000. That is not
included, none of that is included in the 6 million dollars of the referendum as part of the landscaping for
the library?
Hoffman: No.
Nancy Mancino: How much of that is left in City Center Commons?
Hoffman: How much of?.
Nancy Mancino: Of the land that's out front here that the library will be taking up.
Franks: Once the library's constructed, how much land.
Hoffman: About 2 football fields.
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Nancy Mancino: Two football fields and then what's left for City Center Commons?
Lash: That's what's left.
Nancy Mancino: That's what's left. Okay. Great, thank you very much.
Lash: Thank you.
Franks: And that's, not to beat that down or anything but part of that land that's left over, is the bank still
have that option to develop that as parking at some point in the future if they choose?
Hoffman: I believe so.
Franks: I mean so that's the area that's left over is that, that's my question. Is that area that we're talking
about developing part of the area that the bank has that option on?
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
Franks: Keep that in mind Jack.
Lash: Okay. Any other questions or comments on that part? Okay. Thank you. We'll move onto, or
item under old business was deleted.
Hoffman: Did you get a chance to look at 2003 through 2006?
Lash: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we were just doing short term. Okay.
Hoffman: I'd also like to thank Nancy for that clarification, and I will bring a, let's say like a 10 year
spread sheet on park dedication fund revenues for the past 10 years so you have a clearer picture of just
where that's been and where it's going.
Franks: That'd be helpful Todd, thanks.
Hoffman: 2003 we have, at least scheduling. You may remember that these capital plans, or any budget
for that matter are simply a guiding tool and this is to kind of set your course and these things are
changed and modified obviously as budgeted projects come and go. Improvements at Bandimere
Community Park, $25,000 for 2003.
Lash: That was the next phase playground, wasn't it?
Howe: Silo's.
Lash: Oh the silo's, right. Okay.
Hoffman: Development at City Center Park, 275 and that's talking about a shelter for that location. And
again with the construction of the skate park and the changes at City Center Park, that may or may not be
an investment that the commission or the city would like to take a look at. Signage at Kerber Pond Park,
$10,000. That's talking about the interpretative signage. Improvements at Meadow Green Park,
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002 .
$50,000. That's the replacement of the playground that's currently there. Road and trail reconstruction
at Lake Ann park. That's currently estimated at $485,000. We've taken a look at it as an option for that
in lieu of a complete reconstruct of the old road. It would be, to put down a mat material and then
overlay that so you would come in and take out and patch the worst areas, and then cover that with a
petro mat, and then put an overlay on there. And that estimate, at least for the road and the parking lot
area is currently at about $140,000 so we can make those improvements...
Howe: How long would that last, do you know?
Hoffman: Hard to estimate. Hopefully 15 years. The current road fight now out there is 30 years old so,
looking at a 15 year improvement... And then again the third year, the trash receptacles replacement.
2004, continuing improvements at Bandimere Park. City Center Park, $100,000. Kerber Pond.
Lash: Is that the garden?
Hoffman: Yeah, the senior garden. Yep. Curry Farms Park, playground equipment replacement for
$40,000. Roundhouse Park, $30,000. I believe that was the second phase of playground application.
And half court basketball at Bandimere for $225,000, so you start to drop down here quite dramatically
towards 2004 and 2005. 2005, the only thing slated currently is the park shelter at Bandimere
Community Park at $175,000. So there's an overview of the forecast for Fund...and we'll take a look at
those revenues next meeting. If you have any additional questions at that time, I'd be glad to take them.
Lash: Okay. Anything else on that one?
Howe: One more. Todd, a lot of these, if you break them down it says, you know this project will '
increase in property cost by x thousand or x hundred. Who bears that? We do or is that in the city's
maintenance budget or whatever?
Hoffman: That would be out of the general operating and maintenance budget, and that's the reason that
we're asking, what impact would that have...
Lash: And I don't know how, you know nit picky this is, but there were a couple that I know of, and I
can't tell you right off the top of my head what they were but if you look through it you'll see it. There
were two I believe that were under our area for parks or trails and they were postponed or deleted. Item
was deleted, but the cost was still at the bottom.
Hoffman: The cost for additional maintenance?
Lash: Right. So that has to be figured, so I don't know how much that's all weighed and I can't tell you
fight off what they were but I'm sure you'll find them when you go through it. Anybody else have
anything? Okay, thanks.
Hoffman: I don't know if Nancy or this gentleman has anything to add under visitor presentations.
We've already passed it...
Lash: Do you want something for visitor presentations or?
Nancy Mancino: If I could, I have one more question. On the Bandimere, or on Chanhassen Hills,
Bandimere Park.
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
Lash: On the trail?
Nancy Mancino: Yeah, on the trail. I'm assuming you're not expecting 212 to happen anytime soon?
Hoffman: I don't believe so.
Nancy Mancino: Have you gotten any update on that?
Hoffman: I've not received a recent update on that. Again I would forecast that it's at least 10 years or
more out.
Nancy Mancino: So this is like the 101 north? The same sort of thing. Okay. That's all. I just wanted
Franks: A little bit different in the sense though that there's, there's no intention I don't think of it ever
to be built in conjunction with the rebuilding of 101.
Lash: It would have to actually be realigned.
Nancy Mancino: Well it could be built in conjunction with 212, because they're doing all of 101 way
back into Marsh Glen, so they're going to build the road, and I mean a trail is a pittance so.
Franks: Well 101 will be old 101 once it's realigned. Then they'll realign 101 to the new intersections.
Nancy Mancino: Yes, yes.
Franks: That's why I brought that up Todd because we'll want clarification from that I think as we get
sure close because the last that I was told from MnDot was they would not pay one penny for
construction of that trail unless it was in and their demolition demolished the trail. Then they would
rebuild it, and rebuild it within all specifications and overpass and the whole bit, but if the trail was not
already in, the city would be on the hook to pay for it all. But I might have misunderstood that whole
conversation too, but that's how I remember it.
Hoffman: And many, at least let's take for example the Highway 5 frontage road. Those are city costs,
but then those are, some of those are paid by MnDot as well so it depends on the situation.
Nancy Mancino: Depends on the negotiations. Is really what it depends on.
Lash: Okay, thanks. The formation of the skate park association was deleted. Was that because of?.
Hoffman: Just not there yet.
Lash: Not there? Do you have any leads of people who would be?
Hoffman: Well I don't think it will be about forming it. It's just that we didn't, have not had our own
get to.
Franks: So it's not deleted because of lack of interest?
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002 '
Hoffman: Correct.
Lash: Oh! Alright. That's what I wanted to know. Thanks.
Franks: You had me worded there.
Hoffman: Oh no.
Hoen: Thanks Jan, members of the commission. February Festival is going to be held Saturday,
February 2~ at Lake Ann. All events will be similar this year with the one addition of dog sled rides, and
that was a late edition so we don't have that in the flyer, but I was able to get a hold of some sleds and do
the rides for us this year. We did schedule of events flyer. The insert in-house again this year.
Information was sent out to all past participants from last year. Sent them a schedule of events. Along
with that we've also done two display ads in the Villager. One in the Chaska Herald and one in the
Victoria Gazette along with two schedule of events in the Chanhassen Villager. The contest, the prize
layout will be similar to last year with...to fish. The fish prizes will total $2,000 and door prizes will
total $3,500 with the grand prize a trip to Las Vegas once again this year. Tickets sold for $4 and they're
being sold at City Hall, Festival Foods, Byerly's, Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce, the Chan Rec
Center and Cabin Fever Sports. I am looking for volunteers again so if anybody's interested in
Howe: How's the ice out there? Are we worried about this at all?
Lash: That's what my question is.
Hoen: Not now. I think we should be alright.
Howe; We're not going to have a Detroit Lakes snowmobile?
Hoffman: No parking of semi's side by side.
Howe: Any trucks. Keep them separate.
Spizale: Yeah, I'll drill holes.
Hoen: 7:30.
Spizale: Sure.
Howe: I'll bring a friend of mine probably too.
Hoen: Okay, sounds good. Jan? I bet you want to do the prize board?
Lash: You bet. That's the only thing I know how to do, and I do it well mostly.
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
Franks: You bet you do.
Hoen: Rod, did you have your hand up?
Franks: Tickets.
Lash: Yeah, I can't do the prize board by myself.
Kelly: I'll help out with the prize board.
Lash: Okay. The way we did it last year I thought worked very well.
Hoen: It worked well last year, okay. I do have some inserts here if anybody hasn't got one yet in the
Villager, but I'm sure you've all received one already so. That is all I have on February Festival.
Lash: Did you arrange for a speaker? Announcer?
Hoen: An emcee?
Lash: Yeah.
Hoen: Working on that. I was actually hoping that maybe I could twist one of you guy' s arms to do it.
Lash: Well I know someone who is willing to do it.
Hoen: Okay. I'll talk to you afterwards. Great. That's it for February Festival.
Lash: Okay. Anybody have anything for Corey on that?
Franks: If it's really cold we have to have pencils.
Hoen: Pencils, okay.
Franks: If it's not cold.
Lash: It's not going to be cold.
Franks: The ballpoints, they clog up in cold weather.
Lash: Did we have bingo there last year?
Hoen: Yes.
Franks: The library did.
Lash: I missed that...
Hoen: We'll have that once again this year.
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
Hoffman: Did you see the prize for the treasure hunt?
Lash: No.
Hoffman: $1,100 bucks.
Lash: For the coin?
Hoffman: They'll be digging up all of downtown.
Howe: It was $700 last year so.
Lash: You mean it's stuff worth $1,100 or it's $1,100 cash?
Hoen: Stuff worth $1,100 donated from Byerly's.
Lash: Like 87 t-shirts. 14 Chanhassen hats.
Hoen: It's Byerly's and Friends of the Library are donating the prizes.
Lash: Okay. Anything else? Okay.
Hoen: It's that time of year again. The city was very pleased last year with Casablanca Orchestra. I've
tentatively spoken with them to reserve them for Wednesday, July 3rd from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. Per the
Park and Recreation Commission's direction I went ahead and contacted them. Got a contract sent out
for that, so it would be my recommendation, now that the 2002 City Council budget has been approved,
to go ahead and approve the contract.
Lash: Do they have a vOlume control?
Hoen: Turn it down?
Lash: It's the only comment I ever hear from people.
Hoen: Okay.
Franks: Turn it down?
Lash: Yeah, they think it's too loud. See I'm always way in the back so it doesn't bother me but people
who are up front.
Franks: Have their fees increased?
Hoen: Yes. They went up $500 this year. They said that was just trying to get us even with everybody
else. They're giving us a pretty reasonable deal the last couple years so...
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
Lash: Can we get a motion?
Franks: I move that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the contract for the Casablanca
Orchestra to perform on Wednesday, July 3, 2002 from 7:00 to 11:00 at City Center Park.
Lash: At the cost of?.
Franks: Well it's just included in.
Lash: Okay. Is there a second to that?
Howe: There's a second right here.
Franks moved, Howe seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the contract for
the Casablanca Orchestra to perform on Wednesday, July 3, 2002 from 7:00 to 11:00 at City
Center Park. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously 5 to 0.
Lash: We also have to do the 4th of July fireworks contract.
Hoen: The City of Chanhassen's also very pleased with Melrose Pyrotechnics, last year's 4th of July
celebration. They put on a really good show. I've also briefly spoken with them. For the show I gave
them their $21,000 budget figure to work with for 2002, so they're in the process of getting something
put together for us. And like I said, now that the 2002 budget has been approved by City Council, it's my
recommendation that the Park and Rec Commission approve the $21,000 budget that we have to work
with and as included in the 1600 fund.
Lash: What was the budgeflast year?
Hoen: Same, $21,000.
Lash: Anybody have anything for Corey on that?
Franks: Will that money buy about the same number of bursts or, bang for the buck so to speak?
Hoen: After we...they'll send us a synopsis of the show so right now I don't know what that would
entail I guess but if you want to go ahead and go for it, I'll definitely contact them and see.
Franks: The thing about putting on a good show is that now it's become an expectation that that level of
fireworks be seen every year and so I'm just like wondering what the cost of the band going up, if it's
going to cost now more money to get the same show or can we get by?
Hoffman: One of the largest variables, from what they tell us is the price of their wholesale products
coming out of the Orient so.
Franks: And they might not even know that yet.
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
Hoffman: Probably not.
Lash: I did, I finally saw fireworks somewhere other than Chanhassen recently. I haven't seen fireworks
anywhere for...
Franks: Traitor.
Lash; I know. Well it was when we were down in New Orleans over Christmas and they do a lot of
fireworks down there that time of year. So we went to this thing and, at their big park where they light it
all off for Christmas and they had fireworks that particular night and...we got lost and when we stopped
for directions I asked the guy about the fireworks and he said, was it a good show? Oh yes ma'am, it was
excellent. It was awesome. It was not nearly as good as the one that we have so I think we must get a
pretty good show for our people. Thanks, okay. So we need a motion on this.
Howe: I move that we recommend that the City Council approve the contract for Melrose Pyrotechnics
in the amount of $21,000.
Lash: Is there a second?
Spizale: Second.
Howe moved, Spizale seconded to approve the contract for Mdrose Pyrotechnics in the amount of
$21,000 for the 2002 fireworks display. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously 5 to
Lash: And we've got Jerry's report on the 3 on 3 basketball, which sounds like it was very successful.
Anybody have anything that you need Jerry to know? Okay.
Lash: Michael?
Howe: Thank you. Briefly, this will be the, probably the first time in 8 months you'll hear me say this
but the Dave Huffman's coming up and when it's 45 degrees out, you should be out there training for it
so I'll say it now. Put away the cigarettes. Winter's over. Seriously, I talked to the people from
Northcott AmericInn today. We'll probably have our first meeting February, just to get things rolling
again. I want to 400 to 500 people there this year.
Franks: Mike, people are still talking about it.
Howe: Are they? I think it was fun. We've had great weather and done well every time so.
Kelly: I'd really like to be on the organizational committee?
Howe: You're hired.
Lash: We need Tom to have a committee member report. Okay.
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
Howe: Take over for me...so we'll be updating that later.
Lash: Okay. Jack, you'll have something for us before long, right?
Spizale: Hopefully, yes.
Lash: Rod, you don't have anything do you?
Franks: No.
Lash: I don't either. Okay.
Lash: Let me be the first, and I'm sure not the last to congratulate Todd on his award. I thought that was
Howe: And Jerry was.
Lash: I know. We're very fortunate to have two such talented people in our park department. We're
very lucky so congratulations Todd.
Hoffman: Thank you.
Lash: Anybody have anything else? It was good to get the letter from Instant Webb. Get a litter reprieve
on that. Has there been any new, I just was looking at the Three Rivers Park District thing and it
triggered the dog park idea that had been kicked around. Is that going anywhere do you think or?
Hoffman: We're not taking it anywhere because we just have not identified a site. I know Marry Walsh
at the County is continuing to explore as part of their master planning process out at Minnewashta Park.
He's right in the middle of that so.
Lash: Okay. So nothing new? It hasn't been deleted?
Hoffman: No.
Lash: Okay. Okay, and we got the policy for the neighborhood block parties .... that must have been
getting to be an issue, huh?
Hoffman: Just actually to get a handle on it. People make special requests.
Lash: Okay. And then Todd, you had 2 additions. Anybody else have anything on the admin packet?
Franks: Well just, what's the story behind the whole Seminary Fen/Assumption Creek effort here?
Hoffman: What's included in the packet.
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
Franks: A draft from December.
Hoffman: Okay. Currently there's a group that is working with Senator Oliver and Representative
Workman bonding their funding bill to set aside, I believe it's approximately 2 million dollars to acquire
that property and both of those individuals are optimistic, but cautiously optimistic because there's,
obviously there's a budget issue right now at the State. They need to be tightening up some of these
funding sources so, but that's what the organization which is formed more or less a grass roots
organization. They're working down at the State Capitol to pursue that financing and acquire that
through the Department of Natural Resources. The money would go to the DNR and they would
purchase it.
Lash: It seems to me that a long time ago we had a field trip there, didn't we? Maybe something again.
Hoffman: We'd be glad to, yeah.
Lash: Because people...
Hoffman: ...would be glad to show you that. What they also would show you is, they only knew a lot of
some of these values that they're placing on this property, the organization working on it basically
designed a single family development plan for the property which shows how you could develop it if you
were to go single family residential instead of preservation. And so they've drawn the plan for the
property owners and said, you know these are how many lots you can get on this property based on
wetland setbacks and those type of things so. There's no sewer down there but they're showing it with
septic and wells so that's another option, but again you can look at it and is that a very desirable place for
a single family development and I don't believe it is, but perhaps someone would go ahead and invest the
money to develop it in that manner so. There's always an option out there for the landowner and it's
everyone's hope I think to set it aside. In fact the landowner would like to see that hapPen but it's putting
the money on the line to make that happen.
Lash: But I would encourage the commission to take a field trip, if you haven't seen it, to see it and also
Bluff Creek.
Hoffman:' Yep. We can set that up in the spring.
Lash: Before it gets too buggy.
Hoffman: With that group.
Lash: Okay, and then Todd you had two.
Hoffman: There were two items I had...the City Manager has directed me to prepare a report for the
February City Council work session on community center efforts which this city has investigated in the
past. The failed referendum efforts. Other investigations. They would also like information on
community centers around the metropolitan area. What's working? What's not? And then also an
update or a report on all the possible partnerships that you could form with the non-profits or the for
profits in that area, and I believe that's coming up towards the end of February. And I'll provide the
commission with a copy as well. And then the State of City address, the power point presentation I've
been using tonight. That was a part of the State of the City address presented by Mayor Linda Jansen and
Park and Rec Commission - January 22, 2002
members of the city staff. The City Manager Todd Gerhardt and then department heads out at the
Chamber of Commerce meeting. And then tomorrow morning City Manager Gerhardt will also be
presenting that to the Chanhassen Rotary, so I just wanted to let you know that we've addressed for the
community, basically your 2002 operations and those areas include, break it down into that form. The
top is the operations and maintenance. And if you start on the top and then go to the right, the Park
Commission is less than 1 percent so you can be proud of that. You're actually now I'think around .02
percent of the budgeted department. And then we have the Lake Ann Park operations at 3 percent. City
Center operations at 3 percent of the budget. And this graph represents we're at a million 8 budget for
2002. And then we're talking 6 percent for self supported programs. The ones that pay their way. 7
percent administration. 15 percent in recreation programs, including the special events. 15 percent in the
operations of the recreation center. And then a full 50 percent of our budget is the maintenance of our
city parks, trails and then also the downtown... $850,000 in that area. So that's the breakdown of the
operations and maintenance budget currently. And then the other items which were presented were the
capital items which include the trails on 101 north and south. Trail connectors we looked this evening,
tree plantings, the skate park improvements, trash receptacles, park benches and tables and the City
Center Commons. So those were the items that were presented to the Chamber of Commerce.
Lash: This is going to sound like a dumb question but if a program, if we had, put that back up there for
a second. The one segment that's very back and, I can't remember. Yeah, it was that one on the right
hand side, about 2:00. Did you say that was a self supporting?
Hoffman: Self supporting.
Lash: That one? Okay. If it's self supporting then why would we need to have a piece of the pie?
Hoffman: Well I have to account for the expenditures and the revenues so we need to show the
Lash: So when you do a pie of revenues then it would.
Hoffman: Balance out.
Lash: Yeah, it would balance out. Okay. That's just what I wanted to check. Okay. Thanks. Anybody
else have anything for Todd? No? Anybody have anything about anything? No? Anything that we
missed. Alright, then is there a motion to adjourn?
Franks moved, Spizale seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim