4 Hidden Creek EstatesCITY OF STAFF REPORT PRC DATE: 2-26-02 PC DATE: 3-5-02 CC DATE: 3-25-02 HOFFMAN:k ~ Z <1: PROPOSAL: Request for preliminary plat approval to create 20 lots, four outlots and public right-of-way with a.variance for the use of private streets and from the subdivisi6n standards, and a wetland alteration permit on 22.28 acres of land zoned RSF, Residential Single Family. LOCATION: Located north of Hwy 7 at the end of Pipewood Curve, Hidden Creek Estates APPLICANT: Matrix Development, LLC 1960 Crown Point Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55118 PRESENT ZONING: RSF Residential Single Family bJ l ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: N - RSF- Residential 'Single Family S - RSF- Residential Single Family E- State Highway 7 W - Hennepin County Regional Railroad Corridor Trailway COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The City's Comprehensive Park Plan identifies this development site as lying in the Cathcart Park Service Area. Cathcart Park is owned by the City of Shorewood but is located in the City of Chanhassen. The park is operated through an agreement with Shorewood in which they provide for capital improvements and daily operations and the City of Chanhassen maintains the turf and trees. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: A Hennepin County Regional Railroad Corridor Light Rail Transit Route directly borders this property. An aggregate based multiple use trail is operate, d by Three Rivers Park District within this corridor. Allowing for public access to this corridor from the proposed Hidden Creek Estates Development is of utmost importance. Matrix Development is seeking a private drive in lieu of a public road for access to Block One and Block Two. The City supports this concept as a means of reducing wetland impact and increasing buildable lot area. In the event that this street is designated a private drive, the applicant should be required to provide a public sidewalk connecting the main access road to the LRT trail. Further that the applicant provide all necessary public easements to accommodate Hidden Creek Estates Page 2 the sidewalk and secure permits from the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority and Three Rivers Park District for connecting to the LRT Trail. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Park & Recreation Commission recommend the City Council approve the' fo!lowing conditions of approval regarding parks and trails for Hidden Creek Estates. 1. Payment of full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication or construction. 2. Payment of full trail fees in lieu of construction of any section of the city's comprehensive trail plan. 3. Provide for a sidewalk connection from Hidden Creek Estates to the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority/Three Rivers Park District Light Rail Transit route multi-use trail, including procurement/transfer of all applicable easements and permits. G:\park\th~lEPORTHiddenCreekEstates ,tt'~V. 62nd St. jl .. \ q~. II II / I t i i / (.1 .:: :