CorrespondenceLetter from LeVander, Gillen & Miller, P.A. dated January 30, 2002.
Chanhassen Snowmobilers February 2002 newsletter.
Memo from District 112 transportation department dated February 8, 2002.
Special Work Session agenda dated March 4, 2002.
Email to Todd Hoffman dated January 23, 2002.
Facility Focus on Chandler Skate Park.
Email to Todd Hoffman from Shad French dated January 23, 2002.
Congratulations card to Todd Hoffman.
Memo from Sharmeen A1-Jaff dated January 30, 2002.
Letter from City of Maplewood dated January 24, 2002.
Award Program from the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association dated January 18, 2002.
Chan/Chaska Soccer Club Newsletter for Winter 2002.
Letter to Jerry Ruegemer dated January 9, 2002.
January 30, 2002
Mr. Todd Hoffman
Director of Parks &'Recreation
Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Department
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
RE: Park Commission Term Expirations
Dear Todd:
I received the enclosed e-mail regarding Park Commission Term Expirations.. I regret to
inform you that I will not be re-applying for appointment.
As you already know, my children are 10 years olds and 7 years olds. My wife and I have
decided that I need to spend as much time with our children over the next few years until they
reach that age when they want nothing to do with their parents.
I thank you and the City Council for the opportunity to serve our community over the last three
years, i will miss working with you, a person whom I consider to be one of the most talented,
dedicated and respected public servants in the Twin Cities. I will also miss my fellow
commission members/friends. I am confident, however, that you will continue to direct the
Commission to further enhance the "first rate" park system that is enjoyed by the citizens of
'As a (soon to be) demanding Chanhassen resident, I hereby demand that the Bluff Creek trail
under Highway 5 be extended/connected as soon as possible.
Mr. Todd Hoffman
Page 2
January 30, 2002
Lastly, I kindly request that you forward this letter to the Commission and Council, and please
pass-on my gratitude and regrets.
Very ~ruly your.s,
Jay P. Kaflovich
Jay P. Karlovich
Hoffman, Todd []
Tuesday, January 29, 2002 2:15 PM
David Moes; Jack Spizali (E-mail); Jan Lash; Jay Karlovich (E-mail); Michael Howe (E-mail);
Rod Franks (E-mail); Tom Kelly (E-mail)
Gerhardt, Todd
Term Expirations
Good Afternoon
Wanted to make sure all are aware that Jan's, Mike's and Jay's terms expire
on April 1st. Please contact me if you would like to reapply and I will get
you an application. You will see notification of the open seats in the
Villager. To date I have received one application.
The City Council approved the 2002 Trail Connection Project last evening and
ordered plans and specifications.
Todd H
Tuesday, February 12 2.002 at
the Chanhassen American
Legion. Bring a friend!
January 8 Meeting Minutes
Old Business
· Treasurer's report. The club has $583 in the
bank account.
· Secretary's report. Refer to last newsletter.
· MnUSA report. Doug Swanson reported on the
Sno Jam from the weekend of January 5.
Roughly 4700 rides at $1 each were sold and
over 1200 food items were donated (in lieu of
the $1). Them was a Blade 2 that could be
ridden for $5. Each of the 40 sleds had
between 75 and 100 miles when the event
ended. Almost all of the local news channels had
coverage for this event on both days!
Between Christmas and New Year's Doug held
a safety class for Ford plant.en3ployee's kids.
An adult safety class was also held at the Sno
Six people have been killed so far this year due
to snowmobile related accidents. The first death
of the year was from water-skipping. The
individual was wearing a life vest but not a
· Sno rap! Park Rapids was great; good trails
over New Year's weekend. Bayfield County in
Wisconsin also had good trails - but a little
bumpy- duringthe same weekend. Trails were
starting to get beat up towards the end of the
weekend but they were still very good north of
Bayfield. Groomers were working hard to keep
the trails in shape. Some trailers broke through
the ice at the Detroit Lakes ice race.
· Local trail update. Sled traffic and complaints for
the year are both running very Iow.
Please help keep the trails marked. If you see
signs that are in disarray while you're out riding,
please straighten them up.
SW Trails Association update. Boyd Peterson
has tumed in all of the club trail setup hours.
· A club ride is tentatively planned for Saturday,
January 19 2002. A backup date for the club
ride will be determined at the next club meeting.
Interested folks should contact Scott Truempi for
more information.
· The club decided to donate a cordless phone for
the Chanhassen February Festival. Brad
Blomquist will purchase the phone and drop it off
at City Hall.
New Business
· The statistics from a survey of Chanhassen
residents commissioned by the City found that
11% of the residents own snowmobiles. 55%
of the folks would oppose a ban on residential
use of snowmobiles, and 65% oppose a total
ban. Great news for the future of snowmobiling
in Chanhassen!
· Snow & Tell. Brad Blomquist brought pictures
from when he broke his wrist snowmobiling.
Looks like it might've hurt!
Togwotee Connection
A snowmobiling trip to the Bridger-Teton National
Forest is.currentlybeing planned. Stay at the
Cowboy Village Resort in Moran, Wyoming from
Saturday, March 2 through Friday, March 8 2002.
Arrangements for snowmobile transport can be
made. Contact LeRoy Biteler at (952) 474-7590
for more information.
Wednesday Night Rides
Wednesday night rides are on once again this
year when the snow flies! Interested folks should
contact Scott Truempi at (952) 949-1372 for
locations and meeting times.
Random News Flakes
Show your support for the Chanhassen
Snowmobilers club and the work we do by
becoming a current member!
Many may not realize this but we are the group
responsible for all of the trails in Chanhassen,
including the trails past and non-members use.
Riders and the city both depend on us to mark the
trails, and all of the work is done as a volunteer
effort by the same few folks each year.
This is your club, please support it. All that we ask
is a small amount of time, or even just your
membership. Heck, it's even fun! The future of
snowmobiling in Chanhassen depends on it!
Editor: Blayne Puklich
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Transportation Department
District Education Center
11 Peavey Road
School Chaska, Minnesota 55318
District (952)556-6160
... Prepadng all learners
to achieve their
personal best
Bob Dover, Contract Manager
John Thomas, Tninsportation Coordinator
February 8, 2002
Drivers Staging on Community Trails
There are a few areas of the district where community trails, sidewalks, and roadways run
parallel, and in some instances, are joined. In these areas, I have been informed, that
drivers may be utilizing the pathways as staging areas between routes.
Todd Hoffman of the Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Department brought one of these
instances to our attention recently. Drivers are staging on Powers Boulevard south of
Santa Vera Drive. There have been instances of members of the community having to
divert from the pathway in order to navigate a school bus, sometimes being forced to
enter the roadway. Also, most pathways are not designed to support the weight of a
vehicle that large, and could ultimately cause damage to the surface. Todd's staff
recently placed temporary signs on the pathway indicating a No Parking Zone, but he
asks that the buses steer clear of that area all together.
Please communicate to your workforce to avoid any areas where parking a bus can
encroach on a sidewalk.
Thank you Bob, for your assistance in this matter. As you know, customer service goes
well beyond the classroom walls, and any time we can address a community concern is a
Bev Stofferahn, Superintendent
Steve Pumper
Todd Hoffman
Serving the communities of Carver, Chanhassen, Chaska, and Victoria through equal opportunity in employment and education.
5:00 P.M.- 9:30 P.M.
5:00 p.m.
Meet at City Hall, Lower East Parking Lot
Board Bus
5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Tour Safari Island, City of Waconia
"A Public/Public Partnership"
Hosts: Sue Amtz, City Administrator
Kristi Organ, Director of Parks and Recreation
6:45 - 7:30 p.m. Tour Ridgedale YMCA
Hosts: Anita Lancello, Branch Director
Marvin Puspoki, Youth Program Director
7:45 - 8:45 p.m.
Tour Plymouth Ice Center
Lifetime Fitness and Creek Center
Host: Eric Blank, Park and Recreation Director
9:15 - 9:30 p.m. Return to Chanhassen
· Please arrive at City Hall promptly at 5:00 p.m.
· Dinner, treats, and refreshments will be available on the bus.
· Our hosts have graciously agreed to take an evening out of their schedule to
accommodate our tour; please make every effort to attend.
An information packet detailing Chanhassen's past community center efforts, identifying
current prospective partners and displaying financial data from a variety of community
centers will be delivered prior to our tours.
Hoffman, Todd
Burgess, Teresa
Wednesday, Januar~ 23, 2002 2:01 PM
Hoffman, Todd
RE: Trails
They are NOT bound to replace the trail, however, we would request that they do so and most likely would be asked to
cost participate similar to the Hwy 5 agreement. On Hwy 5 we were responsible for the costs directly related to the trail
(in that case concrete and base) but the trail grading was included in the road grading costs. Mn/DOT used Federal
ISTEA dollars for 90% and Chanhassen paid the remaining 10%.
..... Odginal Message .....
From: Hoffman, Todd
Sent: Wednesday, .3anuary 23, 2002 1:43 PM
To: Burgess, Teresa
Cc: Gerhardt, Todd
Subject: Trails
Hi Teresa
The question of the night at last evenings Park and Recreation Commission meeting concerned trails.
Commissioners would like to know if MnDot has a policy concerning trail replacements or if this issue is strictly
negotiable. Specifically if the City builds a trail on either 101 North or South and MnDot demolishes it to build a road
are they bound by policy to replace it?
Todd H
Chandler Skate Park
by blickey Ohland, Chandler, AZ and Cindy Herman, Henderton, NV
skateboarding, a relatively
young sport is making a signif-
icant impact on the field of
Parks and Recreation. For
those cities without a Skate
Park, every inch of concrete and every
obstacle throughout your city is looked
at as a skater's challenge. Undoubtedly,
each city has youth sliding and jumping
their skateboards and in-line skates
along curbs, rails, and sidewalks. In
fact, many areas that skateboarders use
prohibit this type of activity. To meet
the demand and provide a safer place
for skateboard enthusiasts, dozens of
skateboard parks are being constructed
throughout the world.
Many of the skate facilities worldwide
have been constructed as a result of
cities passing local ordinances prohibit-
ing skateboarding in commercial and
public areas. In the City of Chandler,
Arizona one of the main objectives in
building a skate park was to get skaters
off the streets and sidewalks. A skate
park is a place where skaters can enjoy
their sport and improve their skills in a
safe manner.
In late September 1998, a group of
enthusiastic skaters approached City of
Chandler officials to discuss the feasibil-
ity of developing a facility to practice
and develop their skateboarding and in-
line skating skills. As Chandler
researched the possibility of developing
a public skate park, the issue of liability
~vas the greatest concern. Many city
officials asked, "How safe is it?"
Chandler staff found skate parks are as
safe as any other recreational activity.
In comparison, skateboarding has a
smaller percentage of reported injuries
per participant (.4956) than other activi-
ties, including soccer (.93%), baseball
(2.25%) and basketball (1.4956).
When designing the Chandler Skate
Park, issues considered were safety, eco-
nomics, and surrounding use compati-
bility. The importance of including
skaters, parents, Risk Management staff,
Parks and Recreation staff, and a pro-
fessional designer in the design process
of the skate park cannot be stressed
enough. A municipality's goal, when
considering a skate park, should be to
involve these parties early in the
process, and incorporate their ideas and
suggestions into the overall design.
When searching for design ideas, don't
assume that existing skate parks will
give you the answer. Working with
Chandler's skating population, staff
studied the places where the skaters
were skating: plazas, streets, swimming
pools, and drainage canals. Chandler's
skate park emulates the aforementioned
venues by providing the natural terrain
that has been skated by youth for years.
Opened in March 2000, the Chandler
Skate Park is the end result of 2-1/2
years of meetings, design, and construc-
tion. The 33,800 square foot facility,
buffered by a 1.33 acre open space
area, was designed for all skaters
regardless of their skill level. The Skate
Park is a free/non-supervised facility for
use by skateboarders and in-line skaters.
"One of the best skate parks in the
United States of America. Definitely
top five, maybe top three," proclaimed
Thrasher Magazine. Amenities include
concrete bowls, decks, blocks, and
metal rails, as well as an adjacent rama-
da and playground. The park is a muse
at your own risk' facility and is open to
the public daily from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30
p.m. The total cost for this project was
$583,000, with the Skate Park costing
$343,000 or $10.15 per square feet.
Funding was allocated through the gen-
eral fund budget.
For more information on Chandler
Skate Park contact Mickey Ohland, Park
Planning Superintendent, City of
Chandler Park Development and
Operations Division at 480-782-2743
or e-maih
Prime Consultant: Carter & Burgess, Inc.
4041 North Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85012
Skate Park Consultant:
SITE Design Group
414 South Mill Avenue
Tempe, Arizona 85281
General Contractor.
Archon, Inc.
1200 West San Pedro Street
Gilbcrt, Arizona 85233
Hoffman, Todd
Shari French [Sfrench @]
Wednesday, January 23, 2002 11:55 AM
Congratulations on being named the 2001 Jack Niles Award recipient.
It's certainly most deserved! I enjoyed seeing your family last Friday.
Those kids were so well behaved. It must have been a bit boring for
them once their dad got his award!
I look forward to giving you my 2 cents worth on board issues over the
next 2 years. I do have a few opinions and I don't mind sharing them!
Again, I was pleased to see you so honored!
Shari French
New Hope Parks and Recreation
690 Ci7 Center Drive
PO Box147
Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317
General Fax
E. gineering Department Fax
B. ildi.g Departme, t Fax'
11% Site
'u,,tci. ch,mbasse,.m,.,s
Sharmeen A1-Jaff
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
January 30, 2002
Park Nicollet 1 st Addition, American Legion Post #580
I have reviewed Planning Case 2002-3 Subdivision and 2002-2 Site Plan for the
American Legion Post #580 project. The only applicable Park and Recreation
Department condition of approval is the payment of park and trail dedication
fees. The 1st Addition of 92,246 sq. feet will be required to pay the following
park and trail fees:
At the titne of plat:
Park Fee: $3,180
Trail Fee: $1,060
At the time of building pertnit:
Park Fee: $6,360
Trail Fee: $2120
Eagan Parks and Recreation · 3830 Pilot Knob Road · Eagan, MN 55122
Phone: 651-681-4660 · Fax: 651-681-4612
Together We Can
January 24, 2002
Mr. Todd Hoffman, Director
Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Department
690 City Center Ddve
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Todd:
This is a short note to formally congratulate you on your recent selection as the 2001 Jack
Niles award recipient. As a past recipient, I understand the honor and humility that comes with
receiving this professional recognition. Your acceptance speech was extremely eloquent in
recognizing that this honor would not have been possible without the support of your family,
colleagues, peers and staff.
You are an extremely deserving recipient of this award and I am pleased that your
accomplishments have been publicly recognized. It has been my pleasure to have worked
with you for the past 15 years and I look forward to continuing to hear of your exploits and
innovative, cuffing-edge projects in Chanhassen.
Our best fdends live on Lake Riley and last fall we walked the new athletic complex and trail
system behind their property. They were extremely positive in their COmments about the
Chanhassen program and the excellent facilities you have brought to fruition.
I am especially excited to work with you and your fellow board members in the coming months
as we work to develop goals, objectives and work plans to make MRPA an even better and
stronger organization. Congratulations on your recognition and I look forward to working with
you during the coming months. As always, if I can ever be of assistance, please contact me
directly at (651)770-4573.
JAN 2 ~ 2002
PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT · 651- 770- 4570 · FAX: 651- 770- 4506
Minnesota Recreation
Park Association
2001 Awards
· .
New Brighton Family Service Center,
New Brighton
Friday, January 18, 2002
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Chan ! Chaska Soccer Club
Understanding Change
- ~;~ FinAn~l Committee; devel-
op and monitor all program budgets; three
Within Our ClUb
suebjChsn/Chaska Soccer Club is a
non-profit corporation and is
ect to the laws of the State of
Minnesota. In September, it was discovered
that the By-Laws of the club were in con-
flict with the Articles of Incorporation on
file with the Secretary of the State of
Minnesota. At~er receiving legal advice it
was determined t_hot the By-Laws were
invalid as they were in direct conflict with
the Articles of Incorporation.
The current articles only allowed for
three members of the Board of Directors
and somehow, over the past 10 years, the
membership has grown to 15. When the
conflict was discovered, it was decided that
both the Articles of Incorporation and the
By-Laws should be revisited and rewritten
in order to better serve the membership
today and in the future.
An additional repercussion was that
(November) board elections had to be post-
poned until the process was completed and
that AIA, board positions would have to be
up for election. Since the current Articles
do not stipulate how they are to be amend-
ed, state law requires that the Board must
obtain votes from 10% of the membership.
The Articles were amended to allow the
Board of Directors to have anywhere from
five to 15 people elected by the membership
of the club. In addition, the official address
of the club was amended to the club s b~nk-
ing insti~tion instead of someone s home.
The non-profit status of the club was reaf-
firmed and no one volunteering with the
club gains any financial benefit.
The changes made were the most dra-
matic to the By-Laws. The document went
from about ~ur to 12 pages. The rewritten
By-Laws state that a board of seven elected
d/rectors will govern the club. The positions
along with Vice President for
Administration, Vice President for the
Recreational Progmm~ Vice-President for
the Traveline Program and Vice-President
for Long-Range Planning (Development).
The Treasurer and each Vice-President
are the chair people of committees that
m~_rtsge specit~c ~ of the club. Each
committee will have a group of people
appointed to help with the responsibilities.
The Board will continue to meet monthly,
but the committees will not meet as fre-
quently since the work ten& to be season~.
The committees will be an excellent way for
more people to become involved without
having to commit all of your time away.
The opportunity to be involved within
the club has been expanded. If you or any
other club member are interested in run-
ninE for one of the seven Board positions or
would liked to be appointed to one of the
committees, please contact the current club
Presideflt, Joe Scott ( or
leave a message at 763-493-0118, box 5).
Director Chai~ Committee
Respon~bility Projected Meeting
- President: Board of Directors; ex-officio
member of all committees, meets monthly;
- Secretary_. maintains corporation
- Vl~ Pr~dd~.nt for Admlnl~r~tion:
Admini~*ation ~mmi~ hnndl~ ~
s~ ~ (~en~ m~ field,
uni~, e~); su~ ~ empl~
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Other sismificant mendments to the
By-Laws include:
- Recreational Program Purpo~
- Strengthen the club s commitment tO an
honor code that encourages harassment free
sports for players, coaches, spectators, and
- Establishes an annual audit of the club s
- Creates an annual membership meetlnE
where the Board of Directors reviews the
state of the club as well as hold elections for
open positions on the Board.
.Getting Back
'By Joe Scott,
I hope that all ofyou had a safe and happy holiday season and
that you are ready to give some thought to soccer-related things.
Travelin~_ Paren~ You should have had your first team
meeting and taken care of all the necessary paperwork (consent
forms, birth certificates, registration fees, tournaments, etc.). Terry
Leiendecker, Director of Coaching, has assembled a talented group
of coaches and we are expecting another excellent season.
By-Laws & Articles of Ineo _r~oration: Last month, the
Board voted to present a new set of By-Laws and Articles of
Inco~mtion for membership approval. For a complete set of the
amended Articles of Incorporation and club By-Laws please visit
the club website www. eteamz, com/Ch~Chasks. If you would
like a copy mailed to you, please leave a message on the Club
Hotline at 763493-0118, box 1.
· ~i,~: Due to many years of unofficial changes by past
boards, our current By-Laws are not consistent with our original
Articles of Incorporation, and am, therefore, invalid.
Coincidentally, the U.S. Youth Soccer FOSYS] (parent organiza-
~on of the Minnesota Youth Soccer Assocation [MYSA]) is requir-
lng that MYSA review all of their Affilinte s articles and bylaws to
moi~e sure that they comply with USYS guidelines.
Club Name Chang_B: Earlier this year the Board voted to offer
:~me alternatives for membership vote.
~11 current members have had an opportunity to vote for the
club name and whether or not you support the new By-Laws and
Articles of Incorporation.
We are ~,g a large crowd on January 29 for our Annual
Membership Meetin~ so come early, sign in and take a seat.
If you would like to contact me about any of the above, you can
do so at_ioes~cottassoc,~m.
Winter Symposium 2002
The Minnesota Youth Soccer Association (MYSA) will be holding
its 2002 V~rmter Symposium on Saturday, February 2, at Eastview
High School from 9 am - 4 pm. MYSA is excited to offer, once
again, a wide variety of demonstrations and seminars that appeal
~o administrators, coaches and parents.
This year _sessi___'ons include: Cheering Not Jeering - Guidelines
for Positive Sideline Behavior, Optimizing the Youth Socce___r
Experience: Your Role As Parent, College Recruiting Scene,
Being A Winning Role Model, and Rules of the Game for
For more information on the symposium visit MYNAs website
at www. minnvouthsoccer, o~.
Calling All Equipment
~my former coaches (traveling or recreational) have mi~vcella-
~us soccer equipment hiding in the corners of their cars and
garages, Jen Mohs would love to hear from you and provide door to
door service on the retrieval of those items. All you need to do is
call (952-368-7475) or e-mail (
Roster Spots Still' Available
CCSC is looldng to fill a few roster spots for the upco__mln~
travel program for Ull-U13 te~m- for both boys and ~ If
interested, please leave a message on the ~ Hotline 763-493- '"
0118, box I or send an email to eemmdmin~P~orldn~z.nt~z_n~?z.
U9-U10 Summer
Travel Registration.
CCSC is now conducting registratiOn for its s-mm~ travel ~a-
son for U9 (bom between 8-1-92 to 7-31-93) and UIO (born
between 8-1-91 to 7-31-92) travel players. The season runs early
April through late July as te~m,~ compete against other West
Metro Area teams within the Minnesota Youth Soccer Association
Teams generally practice 1-2 t/roes per week, play two games a
week and compete in 2-3 tournaments during the summer months.
Te~m~ are also coached by licensed coaches who focus on both age
appropriate technical and tactical instruction as directed by the
Directory of Coaching to further player development.
Tryouts for these age groups will be held on Saturday, February
2, at the Eden Prairie Dome located behind Eden Prairie High
School. All players must submit a completed tryout form, copy of
player birth certificate and paid the appropriate fees before partici-
pating in the tryouts. There are no m_~ke-_ up sessions. Tryout
details and times are available on the club website and registra-
tion form.
To register, you may download the appropriate form from the
club website at www. eteamz:com/ChanCh~ka or you may pick up
a registration form at the Chaska Community Center or at the
Chan Eec Center.
For further information, leave a message on the CCSC Hotline
763-493-0118, box 1, or email
Coaches Corner
ByTerry Lelendecker, Director of Coaching
Congratulations to the following individ,als who completed the
state co~__ehing cerl/fications: Tom Brenton (D), Matt Harrison (D),
Bob Karschaia (D), Eddy Kraft (E), Gretchen Lindsay (D), Erin
Loughran (E), John McDonald (E), Ryan Meulemans (D), Ryan
Nilsson (E), Kelly Patton. (E), Paul Toichert (E), Megan Towner (E),
Gary Swit~r (E).
This places CCSC in the top percentage of club~ that have
licensed coaches within their program. This bodes very well for
player development within CC, SC.
The following is a piece that I have put together which I hope
will be helpful for coaches this upcoming season.
The Value o! Coaches Own I/motional Style...
A coach s role with player development is not just one s knowl-
edge of technical and tactical skills. The coach s role also includes
being a teacher, leader, role model, organizer, trainer, etc.
I will focus on a few key elements of being a leader and how
that should add to the environment of better player performance.
Once a coach gains more aptitude of tactical and technical skill, it
doesnt matter if the drills and activities are the finest and best,
but rather'how the coach is communicating the activities, as well
as how their actions are being received. Of all the elements affect-
ing the bottom line of performance, the importance of the coach s
mood and their actionable behaviors carry a lot of weight. This
powerful influential pair sets off a chain reaction.
The coach s moods and behaviors drive the moods and behaviors
of everyone else. A a'anky, negative coach creates a toxic team
filled with negative under-achievers who ignore opportunities. On
the other hand, an inspirational, inclusive coach spawns positive
results for whom challenges and opportunities are achievable and
A coach s emotional style creates a certain team atmosphere
during practices and games. A positive emotional style fosters
trust, healthy risk-taking, and where an environment where learn-
ings flourish. Low levels create environments with fear, frustra-
tion and anxiety, which, in the long-term is destructive to player
The coach s mood is very contagious. When a coach is in a
happy mood, people around them view everything in a more posi-
tive light. In turn, this makes the training and game experience
more favorable in terms of achieving high levels of work efforts
and deci~'on-mzlrlug is done with confidence versus fear.
Furthermore, creating an upbeat environment, fosters greater
mental effidency allowing players to stay plugged into your teach-
ings and flexible in their thinking.
A coach s mood has the greatest impact on performauce when it
is upbeat. The mood though, also has to be in alignment with
those around them- The most effective coaches display moods and
behaviors that match a current situation with a healthy dose of
opti_'m;sm thrown in.
The four components to a positive and healthy emotional coach-
ing stylefmtelligence is:
1. Self Awareness - knowing how your mood affects the team.
Z Self Man~_ement, the ability to control your emotions and
act with honesty and integrity. Great coaches don t let their bad
moods fan over to their training sessions. They leave it a the office
and adjusts to what the team needs. ,
3. Social Awareness - great coaches keenly understand how
their wtwds ond actions make players feel and they are sensitive
enough to change them when the impact is negative.
4. Relationship Mam~_ement - this includes the abilities of the
coach to communicate clearly and confidently, disarm conflicts and
'build strong respectful bonds.
Traveling Used Uniform Sale
This is an opportunity to recycle your ~h#d's aOOam/that no longer f~s, onr
wants. Ordzrs ~x mw pi~oes wi~ aho be ac~pted at tt~ sals. ·
When: February 2, 9:30 am to 3:00 pm
Where: Eden Prairie Dome
Clothing Drop Off: Chart Rec Center, Janumy 30 & 31 from 5 pm to 7 pm
or at the Eden Prairie Dome from 8 am to 9 am on February 2.
Items Acceo~: Current dub travel uniform (jersey, shorts,
t-shirts), shin guards and soccer deste. All Items must be in good AND
clean condilion. Playem may not purchase jerseys that.have duplicate num-
bers to current teammates. Simply price the item (rounded off to $.00) and
the club keeps 10% of the cost of items sold.
Pick UP of Unsold Item~ end to Collect Monies: You may pick up your
Rec Center between 4 pm and 6:30 pm. Any Items not picked up on INs
date will become the property of the club. You can also donate your
unwanted items to be used by our scholaml2p players.
Emotional style and mood is a key ingredient, one of many
ingredients that will add to player development and help you
become a more effective coach.
I challenge all of you to sharpen your emotional coaching style
and reflect upon your leadership style. Upon reflection, dete _rm_ioe
how your mood and actions as a coach, plays a role and how it
impacts your ability to drive perform,uce and player development.
I wish you all the best this upcoming season and I am very
appreciative of the knowledge you ve gained and the time you com-
mit for the betterment and enhoocement of player development.
Rec Corner
By Jen Jaeger, Club Administrator
Announcing On-Line Registration ....
CCSC unveils its on-line registration on January 14 for its
upcoming Recreational Summer 2002 Soccer Program. The online
registration (www. eteamz.corn/ChanChaska) permits parents to
register their player(s) day or night, weekend or weekday, at home
or at the office.
Registration is based on the grade the child will enter in the
upcoming 2002-2003 school year. CC,SC will field te~m~ for pre-K
through grade 6. Due to past limited interest, CCSC, however,
WILL NOT offer a program for 7th and 8th graders.
The cost of the program is $70 for pre-k through 3rd grade and
$85 for grades 4-6. CC, SC will accept visa or master card. There is
also an option to mail in a check Visit the club website for more
program details.
Registration doses on February 20. Registrations received ~
the due date will incur a $10 late fee, will not be guaranteed roster
spots and placed on a waiting list. No late registrations will be
accepted after March 5.
Walk-in registrations will be held on January 30, at the Chart
Rec Center from 6-8 pm and on February 9, at the Chan Rec
Center from 10 am - 2 pm.
The 8-week program is scheduled to run early May through
mid,July and is designed to provide youth players the opportunity
to learn the skills, techniques and rules of soccer and to assign
players to te~ms to help ensure a balance of experience and age~
The focus of recreational soccer is toward parfidpation and fun
over competition.
For further information, please leave a message on the CCS¢~ j
Hotline 763-493-0118, box 2, visit www.
or send an ernail to
RO. Box 735
Chanhassen, MN 55317
www. eteamz, corn/ChanChaska
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Chanhassen, MN
Permit No. 72
Todd Hoffman
690 City Center Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
January 10
January 14
January 18
January 24
January 25
January 29
January 30
January 31
February 2
February 2
February 2
February 2
February 5
February 9
February 20
February 28
April 15
April 16 & 18
April 29
May 13
CCSC 2002 U8-U10 Winter Clinics 8 - 11 am Eden Prairie Dome
U11-U17 Summer 2002 Traveling Registration Balances Due
Summer 2002 Recreational On-Line Registration Opens
U9 & U10 Summer 2002 Registration Deadline
CCSC Volunteer Meeting 6:30-7:30 pm
U9 & U10 Summer 2002 Late Registration Deadline
CCSC Annual Membership Meeting
Recreational Walk-In Registration
Traveling Team Manager Meeting
U9 & U10 Summer 2002 Tryouts
Traveling Used-Uniform Sale
Traveling Uniform Orders Due
MYSA Winter Symposium
CCSC Board Meeting
Recreational Walk-In Registration
Summer 2002 Recreational On-Line Registration Closes
Mandatory Traveling Coaches Meeting 6:45 pm
Summer 2002 Traveling Indoor Training TBA
Summer 2002 Pre-Season Training Begins
Mandatory Recreational Coaches Meeting TBA
Summer 2002 Traveling Coach Fees Due
Recreational Coaches uy, Clinic 6-9 pm
Recreational League Begins
Summer 2002 Traveling League Games Begin
CMSE (room TBA)
7 pm Chart Rec Center
6-8 pm Chan Rec Center
8 pm Chan Rec Center
TBA Eden Prairie Dome
9:30 am-3 pm Eden Prairie Dome
9 am - 4 pm Eastview High School
7 pm Chan Rec Center
10 am - 2 pm Chan Rec Center
CMSE (room TBA)
Eden Prairie Dome
*For registration and tryout details contact the club website, hotline or send us an emaill
January 9, 2002
FEB 1 1 2002
Mr. Jerry Ruegemer
Director of Parks and Recreation
City of Chanhassen
P.O. Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Jerry:
I enjoyed meeting you today and talking about some of the things that we are thinking
about at the Chan/Chaska Soccer Club. As I mentioned, we are in the early formative
stages of our development but have identified the need for more funds raising programs
to assist in organization of the club and the enhancement of the resources we use for
practice and games. This obviously has a direct link to the city and the efforts of your
Given that we are just beginning to plan for fund raising and capital equipment programs,
it would probably be beneficial for us to get together some time for lunch so that. we can
learn more about what each group is attempting to achieve. Joe Scott, our President and I
will attempt to call you in the next couple of months to see if there is a mutually
convenient time for us to meet.
As we had previously committed, I am enclosing a check in the amount of $2,500 as a
donation to the city Park and Recreation Department in recognition of the support
provided in hosting soccer tournaments last summer.
Thank you again for your support of our club.
Richard C. Carlson