Supporting Tour DocumentsLyman B/to,
City of Chanhassen
Potential Community Center Sites
e:~orojects~commcenter, a pr
June 14, 1997
Park, Open Space and Trail
Failed Passed Yes No Margin
X 1,142 707 435
Should the City of Chanhassen be
authorized to issue and sell its
General Obligation Bonds in an
amount not to exceed $4,900,000 to
finance the acquisition and
betterment of park, trail, and open
space recreational facilities?
November 6, 1990 Community Center Adjacent Main Fire Station
Failed Passed Yes No Margin
X 1609 3745 2136
Shall the City of Chanhassen
borrow money by selling its
General Obligation Bonds in an
amount not to exceed $4,100,000 to
pay for the acquisition,
construction, betterment and
equipping of a community center
facility in the City?
November 8, 1988 Trails
Failed Passed Yes No Margin
X 2586 2594 8
Shall the City of Chanhassen issue
and sell its General Obligation
Bonds in an amount not to exceed
$800,000 for the construction of a
multipurpose trail system in the
February 24, 1988
Community Center on Chanhassen Bowl Property, Lake Ann Park
Expansion, Trails and Acquisition of Parkland
Failed Passed Yes No Margin
X 773 934 161
Shall the City of Chanhassen issue
and sell its General Obligation
Bonds in an amount not to exceed
$2,600,000 for the construction and
equipping of a multipurpose
community center?
Failed Passed Yes No Margin
X 934 771 163
X 852 854 2
X 854 850 4
November 4, 1969
Acquisition of Parkland
Failed Passed Yes No Margin
X 452 350 102
Shall the City of Chanhassen issue
and sell its General Obligation
Bonds in an amount not to exceed
$300,000 for the improvement of
Lake Ann Park
Shall the City of Chanhassen issue
and sell its General Obligation
Bonds in an amount not to exceed
$800,000 for the construction of a
multipurpose trail system in the
Shall the City of Chanhassen issue
and sell its General Obligation
Bonds in an amount not to exceed
$300,000 for the acquisition of
parklands in the City?
Shall the Village of Chanhassen
borrow money by issuing its
General Obligation Bonds in the
amount of $250,000 to provide
funds for the acquisition and
betterment of parks?
June 19, 2000
Dear Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission Members,
My name is Brian Hubbard and I am the Director of Development for the YMCA of
Metropolitan Minneapolis, assigned to the Carver County area. I have been meeting with
community leaders throughout the area to determine what, if any, part the YMCA can be
in this community. My initial meetings have been very encouraging and it seems to me
that the YMCA could fill an important niche here.
I look forward to meeting with you on June 27th to talk about the possibilities. The
YMCA is committed to moving forward in this endeavor of creating an increased YMCA
presence only if the community and it's leaders are interested in this. I think there are
possibilities for a partnership between the YMCA and the City of Chanhassen in terms of
collaborative programming, identifying service gaps that the YMCA may be able to fill,
or looking at joint program facilities. I am excited about where our discussions might
take us and am looking forward to working with you to continue to serve the needs of
This year the YMCA is celebrating 150 years of working with and in communities to
change lives and make a difference in people. The YMCA has a rich history of being a
community leader and is one of the foundations of success across the country. From
youth sports, camping and swimming lessons to health enhancement and programming
for seniors, the YMCA is an excellent resource in the over 2,500 communities nationwide
it is a part of. The YMCA is dedicated to building strong kids, strong families and
strong communities while promoting the core values of caring, honesty, respect and
responsibility in a~l programs.
Again, I look forward to a productive and visionary discussion next week. Enclosed with
this letter is some generic information about the YMCA to give you a better
understanding of the depth of the organization. If you have any questions or concerns
prior to that, please feel free to contact me at 952-582-8245. Thank you for your time
and interest.
Brian V. Hubbard
Director of Development
YMCA of Metropolitan Minneapolis