7 Park & Trail Maint. Report7
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
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Phone: 952.227.1125
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Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent
DATE: June 11, 2002
SUBJECT: Park and Trail Maintenance Report
Summer is in full swing with lawn mowing, softball, soccer field maintenance and
the opening of the swimming beach all happening at the same time. The park
maintenance crew has been concentrating mostly on general park maintenance
duties such as fertilizing, weed spraying and soccer and ball field maintenance.
Currently our first application of fertilizer was completed in early May with the 2"a
application scheduled to go on the end of June.
Spraying of the parks for weeds has been a little slower this year. The rainy and
windy days have made it tough to complete the spraying. So far, Lake Ann, Lake
Susan, the grounds at both schools, 3/4 of the downtown and a couple of the small
parks have been sprayed.
The roadwork into Lake Ann that was connected with the construction of the new
park maintenance building has finally been completed. We still need to do the
restoration of the ditches along this section of road, but the plans are to have this
all completed before the 4th of July.
As of the middle of June all fifteen seasonal employees are at work doing the day-
to-day maintenance work in the parks and ball fields. This year I have five retired
individuals working for the city cutting grass. They are the ones who have really
played an important part in trying to stay ahead of the fast growing grass this
The downtown crew has most of their spraying and fertilizing for this time of the
year completed. They are finishing up with their flower planting and all of the
irrigation systems are up and running.
We made an attempt to move a lot of the trees around city hall that were in the
plan to be destroyed with the library construction. Of the 38 trees we planned to
move only ten could be moved. The others were all too close to utilities, which
made it impossible to move them.
The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work. and play.