Correspondence SectionPark and Recreation
Letter from School District 112 dated June 14, 2002.
Letter to Westwood Community Church dated June 11, 2002.
Letter from the Metropolitan Council dated June 5, 2002.
Letter to Mike Howe dated May 29, 2002.
Letter to David Moes dated May 29, 2002.
Letter to Jay Karlovich dated May 29, 2002.
Letter to Jan Lash dated May 28, 2002.
Memo of Recognition to Charlie Eiler dated May 22, 2002.
... Preparing al~/earners
to achieve their
Office of the Superintendent
Beverly A. Stofferahn
11 Peavey Road
Chaska, Minnesota 55318
(952) 556-6110 Phone
(952) 556-6119 Fax
Stofferahn B @ chaska.kl
June 14,2002
Dear Facility Advisory Committee Member,
Last week brought the end of the school year and an exciting new beginning for 445 young
women and men who leave as District 112's Class of 2002 graduates. As you can see, this is the
leading edge of classes projected to reach 900 at peak enrollment and a reminder of the great
importance of creating a Master Facility Plan for 2014. With this letter, I'd like to bring you up
to date since our last communication on May 13.
Also last week, the School Board approved an extension of the process to develop a Master
Facility Plan. The new timeline (enclosed) includes more time to study options at the secondary
level, especially ways to configure high school. Board approval of the plan is now scheduled for
December. Over the summer, Board and staff will visit other districts that have already
experienced significant growth to understand their choices in how the high school level is
organized. In the fall, there will be additional opportunities for the Board to hear from staff and
community members - which brings me to another purpose of this letter.
It would be very valuable to have your continued involvement as a member of the Facilities
Advisory Committee. While I can't give you specific expectations yet - as we have not yet
completed plans for the fall - it is likely that the FAC will be asked to continue as a sounding
board to help us understand the perspectives of our broader community. As soon as more details
are available during tl-.e summer, I'll contact you again with specifics and ~k for ycur
I truly appreciate your consideration of continued involvement on the FAC again in the fall. Until
then, enjoy these very special Minnesota summer days!
Bev Stofferahn
Superintendent of Schools
encl.: 1
Serving the communities of Carver, Chanhassen, Chaska, and Victoria through equal opportunity in employment and education.
REVISED PROCESS to Adopt Master Facility Plan (MFP)
Tasks to get there? Who's doing it? By when?
I~ Adopt revised Master Facility Planning School Board June 6
[8> Study Session on Early Childhood School Board Work Session June 13
programs, services, trends, growth
Admin Team, Early Childhood staff
[~> Refine white/green models. School Board Summer
~> Explore feasibility of a 'blue' model.
Activities include/but not limited to: Core Team
.Visits to other schools/districts that operate
models under consideration
-Clarify model details (range of acres
needed, core & transportation costs, co-
:urricular opportunities & costs, what if more
or less growth, etc.)
I~ Study Session on secondary program School Board Work Session August 28
delivery logistics and educational impact of Admin Team
each model Teachers
I~ Monthly Information Packets regarding Core Team to School Board June - August
"work in progress"
[~ Progress updates at regular meetings/
work sessions
[8> Confirm model(s) to present for School Board Work Meeting September 5
stakeholder input
!~ Agree on questions to test in Decision School Board with Bill Morris September 19
Resources Survey
I~ Obtain input through public meetings School Board September 28 -
(open forum & public engagement) October 8
[8> Review input from 'public
engagement' meeting October 10
I~> Receive Decision Resources Results School Board Work Session October 24
I~> Select one Master Facility Plan model School Board Work Session November 7
for public hearing
[8> Hold public hearing School Board November 18
I~> Final discussion School Board November 21
[8> Revise Master Facility Plan as needed
based on public input
[8> Adopt Master Facility Plan for 2014 School Board December 2002
Adopted by School Board - June 6, 2002
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Cnanhassen. r,,,1N 55317
Fa~ 952227.1110
Building Inspections
P "e !:57 2271,o.j .....
'::. :::,: ;:,;: i
:' - '::5,:: 21:' ~
Park & Recreation
· -' :. '-j~'2 Z?," i', 1{
Planning &
Natural Resources
Public Works
".' c '-}r2 227 !
Senior Center
~-,~.-~ ~._. 952.227.~125
Fa~, ~z.~L71110
Web Site
' ' '"i+~'S~ F" ~
,',,', ., ~ .-', ,~' ,~ ~, ,l,,.u~
June 11, 2002
Westwood Community Church
Mr. Dean Swanson
10 George Street
Excelsior, MN 55331
Dear Westwood Church Community Volunteer:
Thank.YO~'.-- .for "t9kino..;t._.~_= .. to the streets" on. ),our Chanh-assen clean-up day!.
Chanhassen prides itself on a'clean and well-kept park and trail system.
Realistically, however, the City does not have the resources to complete all
the maintenance tasks that we would like to. That is where you come in! By
helping pick up trash and other unsightly litter, you free up our staff and allow
them to complete additional tasks.
I have put together a map guide for your group, assigning different areas to be
cleaned up. Upon filling a trash bag, please place it in or next to a trashcan.
If one is not convenient, please group your filled trash bags in a conspicuous
location next to a trail or street. Make note of these drop sites.for Dean,
allowing him to notify me with their locations. Please know that the City
Council, Park and Recreation Commission, and most importantly our citizens,
appreciate you for caring enough to make a difference in your community!
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Mayor and City Council
Park and Recreation Commission
g :\park\th\westwoodcleanup
Metropolitan Council
Building corem unities tha~ work
June 5, 2002
Linda Jansen, Mayor
City of Chanhassen
690 City Center Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
JUN 1 I] ZO0
Dear Mayor Jansen:
This letter is to inform local units of government that tile Metropolitan Council is seeking applicants to
fill a Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission (MPOSC) position that recently become vacant
due to a resignation. The position represents MPOSC District B (Metropolitan Council Districts 3 and 4
- see enclosed district map), and its term will expire in 2003.
Tile Metropolitan Council invites local units of government to participate in this appointment process by
encouraging citizens who have an interest in the work of the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space
Commission to become applicants. Qualifications for membership include: applicant must be a resident of
the commission district for which they are seeking appointment, and shall not during their term hold the
office of Metropolitan Council member, be a member of the Metropolitan Airports Commission or Sports
Facilities Commission, or hold any judicial office.
Parks and Open Space Commission appointments are governed under tile Minnesota Open Appointments
process administered by the Secretary of State. Interested individuals should contact the Secretary of
State's office at 651/297-5845 for an application or visit their website at Completed
applications are to be returned to the Secretary of State no later than June 25, 2002.
After receipt by the Secretary of State, applications will be forwarded to tile Metropolitan Council.
Applicants will then be invited to appear for an interview at a public meeting conducted by a
Metropolitan Council appointments committee. Legislators in the affected district will also be notified of
the names and backgrounds of the applicants and their recommendations will be sought. Following the
public meeting, tile appointments committee will review tile information received and develop their
appointment recommendation. It is expected that this appointment will be made by the Metropolitan
Council in August.
The Metropolitan Council would like to thank local units of government for participating in this process
and encourages you to forward to us an), recommendations you may have. If you have any questions
about this appointment process, please call Julie Opsahl of the Council staff at 651/602-1630.
Ted Mondale
cc: Todd Gerhardt, Administrator/Clerk
kk'\t.'\t.'. I I lt'l I'~ }( '( )l I I I1 'il .( H'g'
23(I t':;Pq I"ill}~ ~ll'l't'l · .'bi.
Metropolitan Parks and Open Space
Commission District Boundaries
August 1999
~c~a .Xletropolitan Council
Hen epin
l~eow~ Twp
~ T~ hn
Spri~ L~ T~
Bt"~'k*y T~p Belle ~ Twp Hdefla ~ ~ La/u: Tw]~
0 5 10
15 20
'IPOSC Dist. A = Met Council Dist. ! bt 2
'IPOS¢ Dist. B =Met Council Dist. 3 & 4 -[ :~
'IPOSC Dist. C = Met Council Dist. 5 & 6
'IPOSC Dist. D = Met Council Dist. 7 & 8
IPOSC Dist. E = Met Council Dist. 9 & 10
IPOSC Dist. F = Met Council Dist. I I & 12
1POSC Dist. G = Met Council Dist. 13 & 14
IPOSC Dist. H = McI Council Dist. 15 & i 6
25 Miles
Metropolitan Parks and Open Space
Commission District Boundaries
Metropolitan Council
Building communities that work
Contact: Bonnie Kollodge
Metropolitan Council Seeks West Metro Applicants for Parks Commission
ST. PAUL--June 4, 2002--The Metropolitan Council is taking applications to fill a vacancy on
the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission (MPOSC). The open seat is in District B,
including Edina, Hopkins, a number of Lake Minnetonka-area communities, Carver County,
Scott County and the City of Lakeville, to complete a term that expires in 2003.
The commission is made up of nine citizen members and helps the Council develop a
long-range plan for regional parks, reserves and trails in the seven-county Twin Cities area.
The regional park system is renowned as one of the premiere park systems in the nation.
It is composed of a vast network of 34 regional parks, nine park reserves and 21 regional trails
currently open for public use. It also includes four special recreation features, including the
Como Park Zoo, the Como Conservatory, Square Lake in Washington County and the
Noerenberg Floral Gardens on Lake Minnetonka. Gale Woods on Whaletail Lake in Minnetrista
is under development and Silver Lake Camp in St. Anthony is currently in the planning stages.
Visits to the regional park system total about 29 million in 2001.
The MPOSC meets twice a month for two hours, or more often as warranted. The
current schedule is the second and fourth Monday of the month from 4 to 6 p.m. The
commission makes policy recommendations to the Council regarding:
· proposals for additional parks and trails in the regional parks system
· master plans for parks and trails prepared by the nine regional park implementing agencies*
for their consistency with Council policies
· capital improvement budgets for land acquisition and development of recreation facilities for
regional parks.
Commissioners also maintain contact with regional park implementing boards in their
districts, which include county boards or park advisory commissions.
55101-IG2G · {(,;51) G02-1000 * l";~x ~;02-1530 · TI'Y 2~,11-0.{:11')4
Applicants must reside in the district from which they are seeking appointment and may
not be a member of a metropolitan agency or hold any judicial office. Policy-making experience
is preferred, particularly in the areas of parks, environmental education and natural resource
management, or other public affairs issues such as land-use planning or general governance.
People interested in membership on the MPOSC should call the Secretary of State's
Office at (651) 297-5845 for an application. Applications should be returned to the Secretary of
State's Office by June 25. Anyone with questions about the MPOSC can call Arne Stefferud at
the Metropolitan Council at (651) 602-1360.
The Metropolitan Council is the regional planning agency for the seven-county metro
area. The Council advocates Smart Growth for vital communities and a competitive region. It
runs the regional bus system, collects and treats wastexvater and manages water resources
preservation, plans regional parks and administers funds that provide housing opportunities for
Iow- and moderate-income individuals and families. The 17-member Metropolitan Council is
appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Minnesota Governor.
*The regional park implementing agencies oxvn and operate portions of the regional park system.
They are:
· Three Rivers Park District, formerly Hennepin Parks, which also operates and maintains
regional parks and trails in Scott County under a joint powers agreement
· Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board
· cities of St. Paul and Bloomington
· Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Ramsey and Washington counties' park departments
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspeclions
Phone: 952.227.1180
F~x: 952227.1190
?h?-~' 95z.z2/.1
~=~ ~? 41
?~: ~ 952.227.~140
Fa, 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
F'r',z",e: 952.227.i 120
F~., o-"'" ",'~7 '~110
.:.":-:. 95222.71400
Planning &
Natural Resources
Pi~¢~e: 952.227.1130
Fa,: 952 227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phsne: 952.227.1300
Fa~: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Pn:,~e: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
:, :,w ci.chanhassen.mnus
May 29, 2002
Mr. Mike Howe
2169 Stone Creek Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear.~'?~ ~/~
On behalf of the Chanhassen City Council, I would like to thank you for your six
years of dedicated service to the City's Park and Recreation Commission! You
inspired many people through your unselfish commitment to public service. The
level of enthusiasm and energy you display in your volunteer work is truly
inspiring. It has been a pleasure to work side by side with you at dozens of
community events over the years.
The success of the Dave Huffman 5K race is perhaps the finest example of the
work you have done for the Commission! There is no greater achievement than
honoring a deceased commissioner who possessed the same kind of passion and
spirit that you embody today. Thank you' for investing the time and energy
required to ensure that this special event be brought to the community with class
and style. Race day is truly an emotional event seeing all those smiling faces and
knowing that Dave would have had the biggest smile of them all!
Mike, whatever the call, you answered. I cannot remember a special event that
you did not attend. Your clear focus and understanding of the premise that - if
everyone does their part things will all work out - is unparalleled among my
acquaintances. Your resolve to serve is something you can truly be proud of! It
was a joy to see you as the "cat in the hat" at the Halloween Party, drilling holes
at February Festival and selling out the prize board at the 4th of July. I know that
even in your departure from the Commission, you have made commitments to
other community service organizations.
For these reasons and hundreds of others, it is hard to bid you farewell! I know
that you share these same emotions and that this is really not good-bye, as you
have made commitments to staying involved in the special events program! I
look forward to working with you again and trust I can call on you when in need.
Again, on behalf of the City Council congratulations on your accomplishments
and thank you for being such a valuable member of the Commission!
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
City Council
Park and Recreation Commission
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen. MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
F3×i 95/.2~7.11,,0
P:~?,,e 952.227.1160
Fa,, 952227 1170
Park & Recreation
?;:.:,:~e. 952.227.1120
,,':p' 952 227.1 ti0
Planning &
Natural Resources
P,h~,~e 952.227.1130
% 952227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fa~: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Pn:ne: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
May 29, 2002
Mr. David Moes
6241 Near Mountain Blvd.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
DearS. ~a~: ~&~
On behalf of the Mayor and City Council I would like to thank you for your foUr
years of service to the City's Park and Recreation Commission! Your
commitment to your family and community is truly inspiring. I commend you for
taking the time necessary to serve on a volunteer commission. It takes a special
kind of person to dedicate a portion of their life to public service. I hope you will
continue serving Chanhassen as an ex-officio goodwill ambassador for the
Dave, no matter what the call you were willing to chip in. I appreciate all the
extra work you did supporting the City's special events program. You
represented the northwest quadrant of our City well, offering regional insight
when necessary; but you never lost sight of the fact that you represented all
interests in Chanhassen. It was my pleasure working with you and I will miss
seeing you each month. Please feel free to stop by the office anytime.
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
City Council
Park and Recreation Commission
G i\park\th\davidmoes
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen. MN 55317
Phone. 952227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
P! cae 952.227.1180
Fa,' 952 227 1190
- 9:":.2 2271170
F:,z:,e 952.227.1149
?~.2 2271110
Park & Recreation
P",:ne: .%2 227.1120
r;~, ~,-' ~1,~
Fa, ~.,: 2~., i,
[" ::": ~,2' £271400
F~., 95221" i.;04
Planning &
Natural Resources
Pt,z, ne 952 227 1130
Fa,. ?52 2271110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
P:~c:,e 952.227.i300
Fa:, 9522271310
Senior Center
Fax 952 227.11i 0
Web Site
~', ,', ;', ;i chanhassen mn us
May 29, 2002
Mr. Jay Karlovich
1910 Whitetail Ridge Court
Excelsior, MN 55331
Dear J-a~/~~ .
On behalf~/f the ~ity Council, I would like to thank you for your past service on
the City's Park and Recreation Commission. Your willingness to take the time
necessary to commit to a volunteer public service position is commendable. I
appreciated having your unique perspective on a variety of development issues
that came before the Commission. You were always willing to speak your mind,
even when supporting a minority position. For this reason alone I held you in high
Jay, you are the only Commissioner I have had leave for another commission only
to return! That in itself says something good about the experience of serving as a
Park and Recreation Commissioner. Thanks for working hard to be available
when faced with a busy personal and work schedule. Your fellow commissioners
appreciated your commitment to the task at hand. Good luck in all your future
endeavors and please feel free to stop by the office for a visit. You will be
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
City Council
Park and Recreation Commission
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen. MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.2;'7.1190
F~': ,-3522271170
,~,,e. 932227.1
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fa,:: 952.227.1110
p. ?..~ ~o52.227.~430
Fa,:; 952.2~.7 i'~04
Natural Resources
Phon~: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227111C
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Pr;one: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phonu: ,..32.2,,/.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
w'¢,',~', ci.chan hass~.n
May 28, 2002
Ms. Jan Lash
7001 Tecumseh Lane
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear ~ p~
On behalf of the Chanhassen City Council, I would like to thank you for your
extraordinary contributions while serving as a Park and Recreation
Commissioner. From the day you started in 1989, it was apparent that you were a
person who was dedicated to the task at hand. Four terms and 13 years later,
residents, staff and the council have come to recognize you as an accomplished
advocate for local park and recreation initiatives. Your leadership as chair for the
past six years has proven to be very effective in ensuring that the commission's
business be conducted with respect and dignity.
Your accomplishments while serving on the commission are too numerous to
fully document! Highlights over the years include the success of the 1997 Park,
Open Space and Trail referendum, acquisition of over six new parks, development
of over twelve parks, construction of the Chanhassen Recreation Center,
installation of over fifteen miles of trails, development of the skate park, and the
successful coordination of dozens of community events. Your enthusiasm is
contagious, inspiring other commission members and staff to serve at a higher
level. People especially appreciated that no matter what the issue, you were there
to listen first and then respond, letting them know exactly where you stood.
Jan, you are very accomplished in setting long-range goals and sticking with
them. Roundhouse Park, one of the most beautiful neighborhood parks in the
City is testimony to this. Securing this park site required years and years of
planning and negotiation. Minus your leadership and tenacity, it is unlikely that
the goal of locating this park on Minnewashta Parkway and the shore of Lake
Minnewashta would have ever been accomplished. You stood up for the City's
best interests through dozens of difficult meeting and ultimately persevered. You
have played such an important role in this wonderful legacy.
In 1995, it was my pleasure to be in your company as you received the Minnesota
Recreation and Park Association Board and Commission Award! The highest
statewide award to be bestowed upon a local Park and Recreation Commission
member. In your acceptance speech, you focused on the importance of your
community, fellow commissioners, other elected and appointed officials and the
staff you worked with. To this day I do not believe you fully understand the
impact you have had on your community and the people you have worked with.
Please accept my sincere acknowledgment of the contributions you have made
and the legacy that is yours! I cannot thank you enough for the support you have
provided me and the remainder of our staff. I wish you success in your future
endeavors. Again, on behalf of all of us here at the City, thank you and best
Todd Hoffman/~ L
Park and Recreation Director
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
City Council
Park and Recreation Commission
G :\park\thXJAN
TO: Charlie Eilers
FROM: Kelley Janes, Utility Superintendent
DATE:- May 22, 2002
SUBJECT: Letter of Recognition
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance on the Lift
Station #1/Sunrise Hills Beach lot Sewer break on Saturday, May 18. This was a
bad situation from all points, being that the ongoing negotiations with the
association property owners has not gone well, and the easement issue has not
been rectified for over a year. In other words, we're not too popular with these
folks, and you were thrown into a dynamically "heated" situation. I want to thank
you for your response to our call, your patience in handling the residents and your
professionalism in handling the station malfunction and repair. I feel the reason
that we have had little by way of repercussions from the residents was because of
the way you, Jerry Johnson, and Loren Bell "worked the problem".
Again, we sincerely appreciate what you did for us on Saturday and Sunday, and
feel fortunate that we were able to call on you for your help.
Thank you,
Utility Superintendent
Cc' Dale Gregory, Perk Superintendent
Todd Hoffman, Parks & Recreation Director
Personnel File