CC Staff Report 08-08-20119 CITY OF CHANgASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director DATE: August 8, 2011 0� s SUBJ: Final Plat Approval The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4 Addition Planning Case No. 06 -14 PROPOSAL SUMMARY 16 -1 Chanhassen Residential Development Partners, LLC, the developer, and LDK Homes, the builder, are requesting final plat approval for The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4 Addition. The plat includes 19 lots and 3 outlots. Because this development is a PUD, design standards are required. BACKGROUND On Monday, May 8, 2006 the Chanhassen City Council approved the rezoning of the land within the plat for "The Preserve" from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Planned Unit Development - Residential, PUD -R; approved a conditional use permit to permit development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District and alterations within the flood plain; and approved the preliminary plat for "The Preserve" creating 155 lots, 15 outlots and right -of -way for public streets. Final plats: • 1 Addition was platted in June of 2006 and included 53 lots • 2 nd Addition was platted in May of 2007 and included 12 lots • 3` Addition was plated in 2010 and included 25 lots Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition August 8, 2011 Page 2 of 11 Development Design Standards Setbacks: *The entire development, including the public and private streets and Outlots, may not exceed 30 percent hard coverage. Individual lots will exceed the 30 percent site coverage (see Lot Impervious Coverage Analysis Attachment #5). Materials and Design LDK proposes ten home styles with different options for each style (see attachments). The finished square footage of the homes ranges from 1900 square feet to 2750 square feet. There is room for additions such as three- season porches and decks. No two adjacent housing units may be of the same style or color scheme. FINAL PLAT REVIEW The 4 th Addition continues the street Degler Lane to provide access to the 19 lots. Outlot A will be platted into lots in the next addition, and Outlots B and C will be used as an internal trail. The 19 lots to be platted are consistent with the original preliminary plat approval. Ten of the lots will be adjacent to Bluff Creek. There is a city trail that runs between the back of the lots and the creek. These homes will have a walkout -style construction. Standards Lyman Boulevard 50 feet Exterior Eastern (Perimeter) Setback 50 feet (creek on west) Front Yard garage side 25 feet Front Yard on corner lots 20 feet Side Yard 5110 feet minimum; 15 feet between units Rear Yard 15 feet Hard Surface Coverage* 30% averaged over the entire site Wetland: Buffer and buffer setback 16.5 feet and 40 feet Bluff Creek Primary Zone boundary 40 feet with the first 20 feet as buffer Minimum lot size Average 8,000 square feet Public street 60 -foot right -of -way; 32 -foot paved Private street 40 -foot right -of -way; 28 -foot paved surface *The entire development, including the public and private streets and Outlots, may not exceed 30 percent hard coverage. Individual lots will exceed the 30 percent site coverage (see Lot Impervious Coverage Analysis Attachment #5). Materials and Design LDK proposes ten home styles with different options for each style (see attachments). The finished square footage of the homes ranges from 1900 square feet to 2750 square feet. There is room for additions such as three- season porches and decks. No two adjacent housing units may be of the same style or color scheme. FINAL PLAT REVIEW The 4 th Addition continues the street Degler Lane to provide access to the 19 lots. Outlot A will be platted into lots in the next addition, and Outlots B and C will be used as an internal trail. The 19 lots to be platted are consistent with the original preliminary plat approval. Ten of the lots will be adjacent to Bluff Creek. There is a city trail that runs between the back of the lots and the creek. These homes will have a walkout -style construction. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition August 8, 2011 Page 3 of 11 Block/Lot Area Front Setback Rear Setback Side Setback B1 Ll 7,211.46 25 feet; 20 feet on corner lots 15 feet 5/10 feet minimum; 15 feet between units BI L2 7,200.00 it it " BI L3 7,200.00 It " BI L4 7,200.00 it " BI L5 7,203.46 it " BI L6 0,713.83 it " B 1 L7 9,299.56 if " BI L8 7,915.32 " BI L9 7,200.00 " B 1 L 10 7,200.00 " B2 L1 9,424.21 " B2 L2 7,800.00 " B2 L3 7,200.00 " B2 L4 7,200.00 " B2 L5 7,323.90 " B2 L6 7,853.96 " B2 L7 8,921.97 " B3 L1 7,200.00 " B3 L2 7,200.00 " Outlot A 32,940.19 N/A N/A N/A Outlot B 3,233.69 N/A N/A N/A Outlot C 354,673.42 N/A N/A N/A EASEMENTS AND RIGHT -OF -WAY The private streets located in The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4 th Addition will be in a 40 -foot wide outlot. There are no public streets in this addition. Blanket drainage and utility easements must be platted over Outlots A and B. Private utilities (e.g. storm sewer that only conveys runoff from a private street) within outlots shall be owned and maintained by the Association. GRADING AND DRAINAGE The lots within the 4 th addition were mass graded with the 2 "d addition in order to balance the earthwork. Drainage calculations were reviewed for Pond 1 and storm sewer sizing. The pond calculations show a deficiency in water quality volume. Maps related to the storm sewer drainage areas do Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition August 8, 2011 Page 4 of 11 not match the proposed grading plan. The developer must submit revised plans, drainage maps and calculations meeting city standards. The proposed driveway grades must be between 2 and 10 percent. RETAINING WALLS No retaining walls are proposed in the 4 Addition. In the 5ch Addition, a 245 -foot long retaining wall is proposed on the east property line, north of Mills Drive. The maximum height of this retaining wall is four feet. There may be an opportunity to reduce the height of this wall or eliminate this wall when the property to the east develops. This wall will not be constructed until the lots are platted. ITTILITIRS Lateral sanitary sewer and watermain will be installed within Phase 4 of the final plat. Lateral utilities to serve the future lots will be installed when the area is final platted. When the area south of Lyman Boulevard is final platted, an 18 -inch diameter watermain must be installed on the south side of Lyman Boulevard to the east property line. The developer will be reimbursed the cost difference between an 8 -inch lateral and the 18 -inch trunk watermain with final plat approval of that area of the development. Homes with a low floor elevation of 935' or lower will require a pressure- reducing valve within the house. The developer will be responsible for extending lateral sewer and water service to the lots; therefore, the sanitary sewer and water connection charges will be waived. The assessments for the 2005 MUSA improvements were paid in full with the first phase. Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. A portion of these fees is collected with the final plat and is calculated as follows: SAC fee partial payment: 19 units x $608.00 /unit = $11,552.00 WAC fee partial payment: 19 units x $1,618.00 /unit = $30,742.00 The remainder of these fees will be collected with the building permit and are based on the rates in effect at the time of building permit application. Based on the 2011 fees, this amounts to $1,418.00 /unit for the SAC fee and $3,775.00 /unit for the WAC fee. The party applying for the building permit is responsible for payment of these fees. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition August 8, 2011 Page 5 of 11 STREETS The development is subject to the arterial collector fee which must be paid in cash with the final plat and is calculated as follows: 3.46 developable acres x $2,400 /acre = $8,304.00 Future phases of the development will be subject to this fee at the rate in effect at the time of final plat. The developer will construct a five -foot wide concrete sidewalk on the north side of Degler Circle. A street light should be added at the intersection of Degler Lane and Degler Circle. The developer must apply for a temporary driveway permit for construction access off of Lyman Boulevard. This access will limit the construction traffic from existing residences in the earlier phases and will also limit the damage from the construction traffic to existing streets. A temporary hammerhead turnaround must be installed at the terminus of Degler Circle within the 4 addition. This turnaround shall be removed when the adjacent area is final platted and Degler Circle is extended. All dead -end streets must be barricaded according to the Minnesota Uniform Traffic Control Device Manual. LANDSCAPING Tree protection fencing shall be installed prior to construction around all areas designated for preservation and /or at the edge of proposed grading limits. A walk - through inspection of the silt /tree preservation fence shall be required prior to construction. No burning permits shall be issued for tree removal. All trees removed on site shall be chipped and used on site or hauled off. Applicant shall remove all ash species from the planting schedule. The applicant shall substitute another species with approval from the City. The developer shall work with staff to develop and install appropriate markers at lot lines to demarcate the primary zone. The applicant shall submit a plan for the revegetation of any areas of grading within Outlot A. The plan shall incorporate native plants and be consistent with the City's Bluff Creek Natural Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition August 8, 2011 Page 6 of 11 Resources Management Plan Appendix C. Special attention should be paid to areas with steep slopes (greater than 3:1). Staff recommends that the Hill Prairie planting list be used for the restoration. In addition to the conditions, staff also recommends that the existing landscape security be increased to cover the proposed development or a new security be established equal to 110 percent of the construction costs. BUILDING INSPECTIONS A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. PARKS AND RECREATION The Park and Recreation Commission recommended at the time of preliminary plat that the City Council require the following conditions of approval concerning parks and trails for The Preserve PUD: 1. The payment of full park dedication fees at the rate in force upon final plat approval in lieu of parkland dedication. For 2011 the Park dedication fee is $5,800 per dwelling. Based on approval of 19 lots with the 4` Addition, the total fee due and payable with the final plat is $110,200.00. 2. The applicant shall provide all design, engineering, construction and testing services required of the "Bluff Creek Trail." All construction documents shall be delivered to the Park and Recreation Director and City Engineer for approval prior to the initiation of each phase of construction. The trail shall be 10 feet in width, surfaced with bituminous material and constructed to meet all city specifications. The applicant shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of construction materials for the Bluff Creek Trail. This reimbursement payment shall be made upon completion and acceptance of the trail and receipt of an invoice documenting the actual costs for the construction materials utilized in its construction. This trail has been constructed. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition August 8, 2011 Page 7 of 11 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the following motion: "The Chanhassen City Council approves the Final Plat for The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4 th Addition subject to the following conditions: Planning Department Conditions of Approval 1. All homes shall comply with all standards of the PUD. Building Inspections Conditions of Approval 1. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 2. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. 3. Each lot must be provided with a separate sewer and water services. City Engineer/Water Resources Coordinator Conditions of Approval 1. The grading plan must identify the existing and proposed 100 -year floodplain. 2. Due to the anticipated timing of the final plat with respect to the timing of formal approvals from FEMA, the proposed lots that are within the current floodplain may be preliminary platted subject to FEMA approval of the LOMR. 3. Any grading within the floodplain will require a Conditional Use Permit. 4. Hydraulic calculations must be submitted with the final plat submittals. 5. Any retaining wall four feet high or taller requires a building permit and must be designed by an Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. 6. The developer must pay $11,552 for the partial payment of the SAC fees and $30,742 for the partial payment of the WAC fees with the final plat. The remainder of these fees will be collected with the building permit and are based on the rates in effect at the time of building permit application. Based on the 2011 fees, this amounts to $1,418.00 /unit for the SAC fee and $3,775.00 /unit for the WAC fee. The party applying for the building permit is responsible for payment of these fees. 7. The arterial collector fee for this phase is $8,304.00 and must be paid in cash with the final plat. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition August 8, 2011 Page 8 of 11 Sidewalks adjacent to private streets and within privately owned outlots can be used by the public. 9. If the applicant wishes to pursue an exemption for impact to Wetland A, the applicant shall furnish information to substantiate the exemption request. The applicant is advised that, even if impacts would be exempt from WCA, they may not be exempt from the requirements of the Army Corps of Engineers. 10. A wetland buffer with a minimum width of 16.5 feet shall be maintained around all wetlands and wetland mitigation areas. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign. All structures shall maintain a setback of at least 40 feet from the wetland buffer edge. 11. All structures shall maintain a 50 -foot setback from the ordinary high water level of Bluff Creek. All structures shall maintain a minimum 40 -foot setback from the primary corridor. No alterations shall occur within the primary corridor or within the first 20 feet of the setback from the primary corridor. The 50 -foot setback, primary corridor boundary, 40 -foot structure setback and 20 -foot grading setback shall be shown on the plans. 12. The applicant shall submit a plan for the revegetation of any areas of grading within Outlot A. The plan shall incorporate native plants and be consistent with the City's Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan Appendix C. Special attention should be paid to areas with steep slopes (greater than 3:1). Staff recommends that the Hill Prairie planting list be used for the restoration. 13. The proposed sanitary sewer and storm sewer outlet in the vicinity of Pond 2 shall be revised to ensure: 1. The runoff from the outlet will not compromise the integrity of the sanitary sewer; and 2. The sanitary sewer is not located below the normal water level (NWL) of Pond 2. 14. Pond 5 shall be constructed prior to the construction of all areas which drain to it. 15. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3:1. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round. The following schedule of stabilization must be adhered to for disturbed soils: All exposed soil areas must be stabilized as soon as possible to limit soil erosion but in no case later than 14 days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. All exposed soil areas tributary to Bluff Creek must be stabilized as soon as possible to limit soil erosion but in no case later than seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. The normal wetted perimeter of any temporary or permanent drainage ditch or swale that drains water from any portion of the construction site, or diverts water around the site, must be stabilized within 200 lineal feet from the property edge, or from the point of discharge into Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition August 8, 2011 Page 9 of 11 any surface water. Stabilization of the last 200 lineal feet must be completed within 24 hours after connecting to a surface water. Stabilization of the remaining portions of any temporary or permanent ditches or swales must be complete within 14 days after connecting to a surface water and construction in that portion of the ditch has temporarily or permanently ceased. Pipe outlets must be provided with temporary or permanent energy dissipation within 24 hours after connection to a surface water. 16. Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as- needed. 17. The applicant shall be proactive in addressing potential run -on problems in the vicinity of the extreme southeast corner of the property. This would potentially involve vertically tracking equipment up and down the graded faces of the slope to increase roughness and prevent rilling. Similar practices shall be used behind the homes along the central part of Outlot A. 18. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $26,543.80. 19. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NPDES Phase II Construction Site Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering), Army Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Minnesota Department of Health) and comply with their conditions of approval. 20. The applicant shall submit a plan for the revegetation of any areas of grading within Outlot A. The plan shall incorporate native plants and be consistent with the City's Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan Appendix C. Special attention should be paid to areas with steep slopes (greater than 3:1). Staff recommends that the Hill Prairie planting list be used for the restoration. 21. A temporary hammerhead turnaround must be installed at the terminus of Degler Circle within the 4 th Addition. This turnaround shall be removed when the adjacent area is final platted and Degler Circle is extended. 22. All dead -end streets must be barricaded according to the Minnesota Uniform Traffic Control Device Manual. 23. Blanket drainage and utility easements must be platted over Outlots A and B. 24. Drainage calculations were reviewed for Pond l and for storm sewer sizing. The pond calculations show a deficiency in water quality volume. Maps related to the storm sewer drainage areas do not match the proposed grading plan. The developer must submit revised plans, drainage maps, and calculations meeting city standards. After construction, an as- built of the pond is required to ensure it is built according to plan. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition August 8, 2011 Page 10 of 11 25. The proposed driveway grades must be between 2 and 10 percent. 26. Add street light at the intersection of Degler Drive and Degler Circle. 27. The developer must apply for a Carver County temporary driveway permit off of Lyman Boulevard for construction access. 28. The developer must work with staff on changes required (redlines) to meet city standards. 29. The location of wetland buffer and /or Bluff Creek Overlay signage must be shown on the plan. This signage must be installed prior to final approval of the improvements and must indicate that the area is to remain undisturbed except as allowed by a vegetation management plan approved by the City of Chanhassen. 30. All disturbed areas within the Bluff Creek the Bluff Creek Overlay District must have an approved vegetation management plan that includes the incorporation of native seed mixes appropriate to the moisture regime and soil types. 31. Based upon recent bids solicited by the City, it does not appear that the engineer's estimate of cost accurately reflects current prices. Specifically, erosion control would be $13,235.00 and storm sewer would be $62,711.00 plus excavation required for pond construction. Any funds held as assurance must reflect these prices. 32. The Owner /Applicant and the Contractor must provide a completed and signed Contractor Responsibility and Landowner Statement Form provided by the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources to the City prior to the commencement of any land disturbing activities. 33. The NPDES Permit Number 000019096 was terminated on July 17, 2010. As this construction is just one phase of a larger project, a NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit must be applied for and received prior to the commencement of any earth disturbing activities. Environmental Resources Coordinator Conditions of Approval 1. Tree protection fencing shall be installed prior to construction around all areas designated for preservation and /or at the edge of proposed grading limits. 2. A walk- through inspection of the silt /tree preservation fence shall be required prior to construction. 3. No burning permits shall be issued for tree removal. All trees removed on site shall be chipped and used on site or hauled off. Todd Gerhardt The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition August 8, 2011 Page 11 of 11 4. Applicant shall remove all ash species from the planting schedule. The applicant shall substitute another species with approval from the City. 5. The developer shall work with staff to develop and install appropriate markers at lot lines to demarcate the primary zone. 6. The applicant shall submit a plan for the revegetation of any areas of grading within Outlot A. The plan shall incorporate native plants and be consistent with the City's Bluff Creek Natural Resources Management Plan Appendix C. Special attention should be paid to areas with steep slopes (greater than 3:1). Staff recommends that the Hill Prairie planting list be used for the restoration. 7. In addition to the conditions, staff also recommends that the existing landscape security be increased to cover the proposed development or a new security be established equal to 110 percent of the construction costs. Parks and Recreation Department Conditions of Approval Park and Trail fees in the amount of $110,200.00 or the fee in effect at the time of final platting and shall be shall be paid as per city ordinance prior to recording the plat. 2. The applicant shall provide all design, engineering, construction and testing services required of the "Bluff Creek Trail." All construction documents shall be delivered to the Park and Recreation Director and City Engineer for approval prior to the initiation of each phase of construction. The trail shall be 10 feet in width, surfaced with bituminous material and constructed to meet all city specifications. The applicant shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of construction materials for the Bluff Creek Trail. This reimbursement payment shall be made upon completion and acceptance of the trail and receipt of an invoice documenting the actual costs for the construction materials utilized in its construction. This trail has been constructed." ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map. 2. Application. 3. The Preserve at Bluff Creek 4 th Addition Final Plat. 4. Lot Area Tabulation. 5. Lot Impervious Coverage Analysis. 6. Lot Study Sketch. 7. Lot Type Exhibit. 8. House Designs. g: \plan\2006 planning cases \06 -14 the preserve \final plat documents -4th addition \preserve 4thaddition fp.doc The Preserve 4 t " Addition Planning Case No. CYO — 14 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard — P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 — (952) 227 -1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Ad p ress: Prop rty wner Name and Address A4 AJ S' ! Contact: Contact: Phone: ?J7-tf7 - /?a F x: YTl -2f2fl Phone: 952- 41 - W gSoP ax: Email: Email: @ NOTE Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (lUP) Non - conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Site Plan Revie (SPR)* ✓ Subdivision *�n�I"'/ Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right -of- Way /Easements (VAC) (Additional recording fees may apply) Variance (VAR) Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Notification Sign - $200 (City to install and remove) X Escrow for Filing Fees /Attorney Cost ** - $50 CUP /SPR/VAC/VAR/WAP /Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE $ oZ S U GK 17 p An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Five (5) full -size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8 % X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF -Group 4 ( *.tif) format. * *Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: l le5 ,0- ✓-e a / 9 /G& bee- it r1V f"t LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: "jvo - I TOTAL ACREAGE: WETLANDS PRESENT: YES NO PRESENT ZONING: REQUESTED ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. AK-1� Signature of ApKicant �L.�.,. -/ Date Signature drf Fee Owner Date & \planWorms \development review application.doc SCANNED THE PRESER VE A T BL UFF CREEK 4 TH ADD /T /ON KNOW ALL PERSONS Br MESE PRESENTS !hv Oaglw Gand Company, GG asvfv Ixnife0 hob.lity cwnpany ownw v/ top /vllvw %ng dearribed properly sifuufa0 in the Canty o/ Cane -, Slvla al Minnesafv. (a wd. .1.1 A, !HE PRES[RVE Al BCUEr CREEK !RO AOOIRON, acrvrding (o Ilia rttorded pat fhereo% Cwrer .-",, Minnesoty. rwyW and plol(ed as ME PRESERVE AT BLUES CNEEK IM AOOIROV vnd does I—, donate — Iw pub! %c u e /were- th. public xpys and also tled %cafes a epsemonfs as shown vn I pvl /w dmmo and Oeglw land c' - i ih<y cwnpany, has caused these resents to ve signed oy i<s P pP he al /ices fh.s d dvY old e, a innesa�i� l p OEQER UNO CCY/PANY, LLC ey /Is STA 1E L1e NINNESOA LWNY .IS ore9oln9 %ns .omen wv al OOq/wged be CwnPVny, v Min solo bm.lea /,o Y P y bah b l oI Iha c p Lund a an mry Public. Cwny, Minnesota owe. My Cvmmiss;on E.rpircx _ / Craig W re tlo y curl/ /y 1— Ih;s plat was pc epwed by me w undw my direct svpervisim; fool I am o tluly CicensW Lond Sm wsd veyw in A Stole of Minnesota; that Iles plv< ,§ b lvl c f re d,iv o(ipn of the boundary survey that all mo(hemoh'cal dam and lM1Of all r wo(w boundp n on f J n s p/v d vn� /s dap %cfed n s P here been w s by v e/ vicnN v ra ends, ox do /nod in Minn sofa Sfaf , on 50501, Subd. S, v v/ 1 w do(o l / IM1is wfillcafo avr slivwn vnd labeled wr , this plot: v end p he ys pre showy. and /abNed vn I fh s plat. Ovmd Inis _____ day o/ V — ___ -. __ — SIAM W NMNESO A COUN/Y LK NENNEPIN r", Instrument was -- edged baler, — an QEY COIMCIL. Orr OE CNANNASSEN, N—Eso. fi %s plot v/ ME PRESERVE AT BCUEE CREEK IM AOOIRM' rps opprowd and pccopfetl V, Ina Cil Council o/ Ina .1 v/ Chpnnasson, regular mcehny (hwop/ hold In dvy al sod of cwnplipnro mm I e p onsions o/ Minnesota Sfvfvlex. Srcfivn 508.0!, subd 2 p City CWnU. CLIy o/ Chonhass By COUNEY Twlm Carly County, M--t. Ch.- —, Mmnerom Laws or lgll. f is plat has bew —1— Ins day o/ 10 No .lphn E. Fieemyw. —y v eyv COUNrr AUDITOR— MEASWM .. C County NMmAOf9 v vR n or you y v 20 p rs nary dean pv %J Iw /and described an 1 is P.I. O—d (hl. y I 20.�_ —_ I-- E,I- Co y - 1-1Irea — c"" c— County{ MEI— 1 —by cwfi(y that (n 1 a/ ME PRESERVE AT EEUTF CREEK IM A VnW wax bled In;s _ day o/ 20, al aa/ac �M., ax opdamwl N _, Mark Lundgren, Caren Counly Rl— CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JUL 1 5 2011 CHANHASSEN PLAIUWNG DEPT Westwood Professional Services, Inc. meal l aI 2 s/melr — SCANNED L THE PRESER VE A T BL UFF CREEK 4 TH ADD /T /ON -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ca - - - - -- .ri_ N88 ° 54'43 • W 40500 _ NO /• Pow '• OJ /7• 4 JOp •_ _ g NBB • W 'r 9.100 0 N88°54YJ•W Rd 2 2q N88 ° 54'4J "W J27. 00 411Z S I rr4- 87 ° 41'03 2 122.41; - ILE NO. OC. NO. Ine d�enfvl�vn o/ 1 I A, ME �PF la v. A, ESEFN. eiuir ceceK ieo Aao,ncr..m�n bevy ry 01 °05'1 J' E 0 - - mo m: 'nen b 74 am w- md,w,nenl awe b „ad,>� No. zwz/ • ad olw: lvund an0 -- d b� / L;-- Nv. 411",, i Westwood Plofesslonal Servkes, ITK sneer z o/ z .heels SCANNED \i W l• \ may o �� ✓ Il7L_ ,'- �1- )r_ ^/--/ - r�- l \L_.: VL_ � ,� \)r , L_I J � OUTLOT C ` � �X l� vv,c.v, 2 r n a n}� + x, -NBB 44 I24 .0 \ -. 1 ° °S X5416 ZOs = - ' =.. \xL ORs200.00 4 iss�s ° OUTLOT xae xu•w ,ave ILSB ^ f `• $ \ \ `a 6- %JBB ° 54 4J'W •O Rl O `si� ,.. A o °� m . � I °0 0, %^ \ \ \\. � \ v moo° ,`�,. ei�g\ ; -..•; - -I - oa ' - - �,o ,°r su.- -� ' - 4 tll °oP�o acx • q \.. \ \\ 7 \ \\ s ° \\ \a \ ap8 % °r\ 0 .'\ J \ 6 \ Yi 2 T •'' } 2 2 o___ v ,� NBB °54'4J'W IBJ.BJ OI•E ,e w� \4 � �N73 0 50 „ro, vw /; I { / , \ \ \• moo° 612 g Rd 2 2q N88 ° 54'4J "W J27. 00 411Z S I rr4- 87 ° 41'03 2 122.41; - ILE NO. OC. NO. Ine d�enfvl�vn o/ 1 I A, ME �PF la v. A, ESEFN. eiuir ceceK ieo Aao,ncr..m�n bevy ry 01 °05'1 J' E 0 - - mo m: 'nen b 74 am w- md,w,nenl awe b „ad,>� No. zwz/ • ad olw: lvund an0 -- d b� / L;-- Nv. 411",, i Westwood Plofesslonal Servkes, ITK sneer z o/ z .heels SCANNED THE PRESERVE AT BLUFF CREEK 4' ADDITION 20101049 July 7, 2011 Final Plat Areas --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B1L1 Perimeter: 361.4961 Area: 7,211.,46 sf 0.166 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B1L2 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sf 0.165 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: BIL3 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sf 0.165 acres Parcel name: BIL4 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sf 0.165 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B1L5 Perimeter: 360.7967 Area: 7,203.46 sf 0.165 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B1L6 Perimeter: 407.7257 Area: 9,713.83 sf 0.223 acres Parcel name: BIL7 Perimeter: 402.1512 Area: 9,299.56 sf 0.213 acres CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JUL 1 5 2011 CHANHASSEN PLAVMNG DEPT SCANNED Parcel name: BILE Perimeter: 373.8864 Area: 7,915.32 sf 0.182 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B1L9 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sf 0.165 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: BIL10 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sf 0.165 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B2L1 Perimeter: 410.5659 Area: 9;424.21 sf 0.216 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B2L2 Perimeter: 370.0000 Area: 7,800.00 sf 0.179 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B2L3 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sf 0.165 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B2L4 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sf 0.165 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B2L5 Perimeter: 364.2719 Area: 7,323.90 sf 0.168 acres SCANNED Parcel name: B2L6 Perimeter: 381.4313 Area: 7,853.96 sf 0.180 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B2L7 Perimeter: 401.4817 Area: 8,921.97 sf 0.205 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B3L1 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sf 0.165 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: B3L2 Perimeter: 360.0000 Area: 7,200.00 sf 0.165 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: OUTLOT A Perimeter: 1727.1269 Area: 32,940.19 sf 0.756 acres Parcel name: OUTLOT B Perimeter: 293.8948 Area: 3,233.69 sf 0.074 acres --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parcel name: OUTLOT C Perimeter: 2762.6930 Area: 354,673.42 sf 8.142 acres Parcel name: TOTAL BOUNDARY Perimeter: 4213.3832 Area: 538,315.00 sf 12.358 acres SCANNED Site Impervious Coverage Calculations Total Site Area 79.86 t ac. Site Impervious Components: Streets 8.37 ac. Sidewalks 1.24 ac. Trails 1.68 ac. Homes & Drives 10.61 ac. Overall Impervious Coverage 22.11 ac. (27.7X') Allowable Impervious Coverage 2396 cc. (30.09) Excess Impervious Coverage 1.85 ac. (80,586 sf) Maximum Impervious Area for Homes & Drives 12.67 ac. (551,905 sf) (Excess coverage allotted to homesites) Allowable Impervious Coverage per Lot 3,631 sf (551.905 sf Maximum Homes and Drives area / 152 homes) C)) Additional Imp. Coverage Potential per Lot 571± sf 1259)) (3,631 sf Maximum — 3,060 typicol coverage) Vanelli) 59)) X v m w - - _ - oee 4/27/06 sheet 1 op 1 The % -XX 20031110[m .DWG ". a rm e r s.rvw� °�'"� Prepared fad Lot IIIIpeTV10U9 WIN So" °- Pemtom Land Co. Preserve mo m 952-M-5150 Analysis Z" MZRU �Rff 1-305-M-51.50 YYeatwood r.nompmm a.oe.a nn.m. yip Wen Prairie, Minnesota &5394 C6anh -sm, Ittianeeota Sxhiblt A 02006 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. J o G l5' dear q a raq e ::�# U eaSerricrr Sc f 20' 'Zo' � 5 `G K a w M -O AORMIIWYMMIISMN�. All OM I WK L 3 4 1 , 1�lr a > , ' I" c 60' Lot - 45' Pad _ \ ® 24 40' Pad Width - Side Load Option o' ice 2ao' wa' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION o.. 6/19/06 s� t 1 The Preserve Ryland Homes at Bluff Creek Fad s- �,- A.,— w.lood M— % = 5" rmr awe. saw ooa� aeo�r x isi° �i 1p��Ia p 1 /woa son. RoDF xExi PER e4i °��g� 5 SOfFI SO WDGE 'T SMOOTH PAwEL 9GYNC � "�!=� §4 AauN. — T s FAStlA SYSIFY yy 7�pJ pp p O.NO 12 WEE Tr 1R SADOIE AS 0.E09 B - KW. 5^F. F1T • � fA90A SYSId o ° o We Nxn 90 xc k mad Posy ( oRZ d 9oNc e" FTwJ R Yxn s9wc e: !.T.i1RdlAwr' HW9: WiAP REWIRED W ALL SIRUCNRES Cpad P653 y PIC — Q HWEE NfiAP INSTA ANO INSPECnON NECG30 C TO N . 91BNITTFD A THIS OiflCE PHId i FlNK INSPECnON. LEFT SIDE ELEVATION a nAdwc HE Ow worernaN REp R D RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION VF111xC PLUS ATTA.. EAVE fLA$HWc SCAIE: Vr -r -o- asvccnox aEauRm. 9 scut: i /� "• _ xEED OONPIETE NUTHER PROiECnaN BEFORE wsuunox TU—M GLA$$ REOD AT dmna+ CUSS PAnO — LOi wd15 YVSf BE NSA$F AT nYE Oi fOOTWC .—T. }1 /Y' Ar CM NW SE N—S APPLR:O 3 _E iTNAI I.—T. NOT APPLY 9OWG OR HWSE WRAP UxTM1 AFTER —ATNWG aSPECTIpI SLLL — 0.EOWR0 PRlgt TO —C—S NAAYUN Da AY WDTN AT CURB Ia FE£i TO PR—TY uxE C< MSHNIC - —P NOTES 00.E NFfP SCREEDS U R REWIRd FM BRICK - SNCL9 - STONE VdEd R ! 0� RO022T POST BEAU CONNEC— WIdE POST ANO BENZ OR dPDd COx —Cn% IS USED, THE oE9d SMALL EE a AL90ROANCE WTN �[ PROW90x3 aF MIS CODE —Tw --TM � Alx. BE PRONOFD TO dSURE A—ST U— Q NMI. 9l T k AND UTERK 019'IACFlAENT. SYOOrN PAVE 9pNC a Y N ALUU, soar e: z'-B' ❑ R O ASgA sK1EN ONIG � ONW !t ® SApq.E AS RE09 W Y' 1PoY 005 � W ma n d POS k � � I 12 R dL d SIOINO � I �5 (B' Elp'.) 5 /T2 ROOF PITON ASCIA SYSIEY U C T - � 0 C ON C �Oaa�Q�� �aO� ORZ. LP 9pNC (a 6 ee UPPORr Poor e••.1e^ Wam cDL NNn srowc a f e � mad Posrs � � � � G• mw eos E � ro za^ cwr. E FlREMCE YARD M BE FlMAA fAALf9 STONE CONt. 90EWAUf NAIm SURFACE ORIYEWAY FRONT ELEVATION NDDEE: SCALE: T /a` -1�o• STONE: s RS E ae.aaE TOxE REAR ELEVATION n S S /Np,A SOR. ROOP NNT Pfl1 r( 3 SOP]. ROOF AREA: 301 w =° = 3 SOPTIT; 301 HEAR RIOCE � ! ° ^Y'Ar $E i u. WT ASdA sniEu SApgE AS REO9 c C 6 O HG R °� unn aomcx'� 3 Wm1ER Posrs Y ONH: 4 I I ANC __ __ ___ y MMG b'NIE GWr. CANT. _ S . O L r I,— MUP REWIRED ON Al STN CAMES. 'Ic— Of _SE M wSiALLAMIN AND 0 IN9 ECnON REWRD — uusT BE suBMTRO To LHIS OfF12 P %dl m %NK INS E TW. EAVE FLA514N6 . .. MOLECnW REWIRED Ry W _14 PWE ATTACHED --INS INSPEC9W REWIRED. - -------- - NEED caP,ciE MATHEIt PROrecnW RESORE malunW , a adxc n adn�crs rE9PERED doss —1 AT Exm3oR d.Aa (3' z. E%P.) CORNEA PAnO OOOIis OP z4 u CAN�T. NNIt dNC S x ORE. m .1 9dNG FA POR � . � RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION L IRWS uusr SE 9sAdc AT nNE a LEFT SIDE ELEVATION FWnNO IN-1. s-1 /r• RE%£CIILE NWSE xuu3EAS APR—. s cxE: , /4•• -r -a• e°iaRE RxAL wsPErnan scA,E: V4•• -r -a W NOT APPLT 9 I N0 di NWSE MRI➢ UN1LL rArm sxEAnlmc ma>ECnoN t SILT PENCE REO.SRED P %dl ro INSPEC11axs q 1 14 dR4EWAY ­71 AT WRR PEEi Sj 10 PR 1 UNE — ING g - S - B-- SN MPP N— ORE MAP —S REWIRED Fdt BRI[R B.— Ld1E NEIEFR y 3" mY RO R 85022, POST BEAx COXNECnW 1 FRE POST AND BEAN W BE TIE 1N .O CWSRFIC9W IS 1 1 USIA• DE S i SNAIL I ALC E E- xl ] ME PR PR En WOE AGAINST CWNECnON ] RE PRONOEO ro ENSURE AGAINST UNR IAIERAL OISPLALEMENT. - w � g a g Lwn SN AAES F rg N W FASdA SKLfY IASdASSO 51� 2]TY' MDE OAdE SADIXE AS REO9 � 6 m m OVHC 3/11 R 6/11 ROOF %TCH S ROOF PINE OLNO b•/MC Mi. IP 9dxo I W 6 T %Y W 13 �S.ADO,E AS REO9 7 ® ® ` 1`♦ 4/11 ROOF PINT FASdA SKn:u z a r� F OINC ;i ®®®®®®®® ' (gtE.'9dxOq ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® ao 22 I PEPMACAST lY3u. CWVYN II (WMx ascw °•a xcwl ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® I, OPT. 14" CANT. rAaD ro eE �� GRACED 6iWE d1C, aDEWAU( MAIN'1 WRFACE DRINEYIAT VAK SIdNO S SraxE W/ CORNEA P. CM LEDGE I FRONT ELEVATION HW 475, = ­E: 149.367 Q I REAR ELEVATION 31.431 STEVE s iB e s F—�iFl D � FA OA SK,FU NMa SNCm PANG - x' -o• 2•_b• oNNC oxlc ovTc SAwLE AS RE09 ,2 R S C 9dNG • �S R y 2`b' GG OMEN PoSR ; s E ��tvLL Y ONIO ONIC CANT. OSNG yy 6 ] 6 Ptcm 11RM Hwm m m ALL SMUCn1Rm. A PICTURES OP XWSE m INSiAWnw ANO GG RECORD CARD MUST w SUBNITIED R ro MIS OfF10E PPow ro iMAl INSr+ECnw. 9 N: PWS RARNN DAM PTOrECiNNI REWX® w OnE1lWG PWS ATTACXm EAN: RASIMIO WsPECnw REOIIPm. 9 ( wz. w saxc Nnx aaxD a xEm mIPICTE MEANER PROrecnw eESwE Ixsuunw a^ Efp.) CwxER Posrs F i r ' fuEtMa N ca vEn PxODSTS Nwz. LP solxc iEYPEAm aASS RE09 AT E %IFNOR OLASS (B" E%P.) PAnO DOdK LOT Ww5 WST BE NSABIE AT nYE w RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION Fao we iNSPECnw LEFT SIDE ELEVATION scAxe: , /a " -r -a• .s-Vr REfTErnsc NwsE xuueEns APPUm BETORE RxAi WsPErnw scALE: V4••.r -o- DO NOT APPLY Sl w XWSE YAIAP UNIL unm sXE.sTmxc WsPECnw jl w FENCE REWIRED Pww m WSFECnws T T P d UNE NOM zA Ar WRa fEET e TO PROPERTY UXE 3 TOLES wE NEEP SCREmS M REWIRED fw wICK - sNCW - STINIE N1IfFR 3 R'N)221 POST BEAM CONNECnw F NNEPE PORT ANO BEW w dROER Cw51RUC1NW i5 5/12 ROOF Pliw SHS Usm. THE STALL BE W ACCwOANCE WM ME PWINSIWS a TS - ACAS CWNECnw PRON �� BE Cm io ExsVRE ACWNST UWR 3 LATERAL aSPLACfxwT. 3 VDOOa sbfr. Roof —T - PER s s T. SOF CAMrRAR9CES W Yy u. SOFP,T a y � FASCIA sYSTd ' -ASYSTU Q 6 o.Nc a al NARp STUCCO PANEL % NARd STUCCO PANEL LU �a B" rRlu BD --- - - - - -- -_ -I wi, lP 901NO S /I3 ROOF Mlw SADaE As RE09 2'- ' �S Y O- TAZA SYSIT ON0 L2 e a a O ~ ' E ) Si01NC Is" ExP.) 6'MWm l a o •S WPPORT POST b wi. 34" CHIT. 86' }IS" N90C COL y F. FlREPLACE S ARO m BE FlXAI fPADm -E LONG 90fRAU( S- HARD 91RFACE d814WAY ` ®p� '!S FRONT ELEVATION uzoue 4 REAR ELEVATION scuE ' /' ""' "' S2JA: R wE ys °e 12 U2 z �Y v e F, Ye ¢ 'AMA mrty o•r°w �i�j!x o G NNC wlc beNc s 999 /12 1`— BOOT %TN i « q 12 1 I a � _________ �NC � Y oY�c oNNC o c Y Nwx 9wxc r< a+z IP srolxc aflz IP 9dxc Mxn 9002c N aPn u 2r CORNER PBSTS (6" E1wJ (e" E..) CORNER POSiS RREP CE CAl2T. NB M RAP REBUINED ON ALL SIRI I—. LEFT SIDE ELEVATION ro X05 �� �°� TMw RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCAtE I /••• -+' -B' ON oB NNO ATTAOIED E­ RA RE QU IR ED NO INSPE EN REWIRED. NEED CWPlF1E NEA.. PROTECDBN BEFORE INSUUTIW TEMPEPED CLASS RE09 AT E—Oft CLASS PAno DOORS LOT IRONS MUST BE NSABIE AT TIME OF F wsPECnON s p 6/12 ROOF %nH —1 FlxnLECNSPECWOn NUMBERS _ED Y 6/12 ROOF DO NOT APhY 90WC OR HWSE YAAP U.. AFTER 91EATHIN. w9+ECnox U 12 12 9LT FEN, NEgNRED PIeOR ro wSPECnWS n ° i / SOFT TM BOOf A —T P ER �e ro ...7Y UNE room Ar Wfla 2a FEET ° 12 SO 1. BDx NEVI RIOfF °' nDY BO —INS - — N. ONE MFEP SCREEDS W {Y WxxD FOR ENN. - SNCW - STONE M216ER BD.D/!A— 90wG 0 U ca —..I —T BM —TIO2 (1r EIR) _ °HEA£ POST IND BEAM OR .— _S2RUCnax IS m E Y. SOF21T • � p USED. ME DESIGN — BE IN ACCppAN. wTx fASOA SY31FM ON1B n1E PflOM9IXIS OF nR5 — _BVE 'O.N.— A uT n TO ENSUNE ABNNST UPU U FT C M6NT. D N FA B SOFT OVHC - FASCIA SYSTflI G ONTO W all, 8. 11MY BO dtL IP SIOwG °• Exv.) •/13 BOOT %iLH 4/12 ROOF %iW • /12fl00f �° 4/I2 ROOF %TCH % b 0 G 00 W 6 p ❑ 91WM WDOD PAxfL O Y o' yMI bNH aS 9 POST , , 1111111111 ®1111 O 11 ®11 ° OR2. W 9dNC (p F 24 "�2a" STIXiE BASE ®1113®®®®® ®11111111111111 ®®®® SroxE ° REAR ELEVATION Bo TS ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® 1111®® SCALE: 1 /a•'.1' -O' RNK BNADEO STONE ONC. 90Eb/Lt N_ 9JRFAIZ OR1-1 E V E N FRONT ELEVATION xW°E: S Y ' �W Po515 SCALE 1/• f P J).P�Ti SiONE� R S0. FT.: 2,418 N Y9 �° •� A I!° MIN � tA,a ran >wa A A R d 3 .a 5 ad a raau °Y I LEFT SIDE ELEVATION RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION n s w�A o i To I O�f51�C To FlNAL xd ON. SCUE: J /tC'.f•_P 1 F EAl2 — NO/ILE DAM ..-T. RE—D i SPECTION Ox UN—AT" S dIm EAIE f1A911NO FLf . NEED CWP NEAMFA PPOtECndl RRORE —171ON ,iFF TEMPERED — .09 AT ExTENdt dA55 9 TI0 DOORS LOT IRONS MUST BE MSAgE AT TIME of 6 F—o INSPECTION 3 -0 IINAAL INBPECTION NUMBERS MILER A . -TI"ON xRM UNTIL 4 SILT IENCE REWIRED — TO WSPECngNS 3/Ix R— M NTW I R T UM DPoAEWAT — AT WNB x{ iFET NL O�PROPERTY -E •� ' m „m,; rr ,°,`�'T„ � • MSNINC - N .-E ORE MEEV SCREEDS x z e T; Na I(M m REWIRED ON BMCN - TUCCO - STONE TkO1EER S �J F S022T POST BEAN CWNECTIgN !' ERE PEST MO BEAM OR gNDER BE IN Cd ANCE TON IS AY` == N o% Ns 0 JNAU ACCOROMCE Ec n Z 41 E PRBE ro Ex OF MS COOL. ACNNS r COHNECTON � A: BE PROMDm sLxeE AcuNS LwLm N TERM dsPL.AdvErr. V awn a ALUM. —T M _ SqA MTFY OvNO w g OOM PAxEL v3INC A" iRIY ® STONE L x ( �S dli lP5XMN0 SADELE AS °� Ems.) SYOOM MDOD PMEl A^ iRW 0 G $3 2. 0 D SMOOM PANEL // ���OOO�Q �0�� qtx. lP SIgNO �1 EjM�E cNn. S:A B BUPP.T POST sMWM w wL • TRIU m � iP'.iP' noex ensE Q8 Mp TO BE 3 FlNAL GRIDm CCNC 90EWAUf HMO SURFACE DRIMERAY ] ORi. LP 90UID f REAR ELEVATON � ^ "�> F S E FRONT ELEVATION STONE ;F NWSE: JeT.JSZ a! SCALE: i /A ^�I' -b' a� STONE Bx d [3 1 l 3 IlDU. S T FASpA MT>A y 5 LNGI:lIB ,•_p• 1'ADPE AS REDV py1W ONNc 12 s - �s � bwc ONIL FASPA SKT]1 k $ �� __ ---------- _ kk uNr. —T . Kc y c ovnc o;NC I oeNC Nn� WC tr BDARD/BA— BOARD/BATIEM COiN POSTS ApNC (1R" EImJ SPNG IIR" EW.) �jt HOUSE WRAP REOUINED PI ILL STRUCTURES 9 CIURES Di N.. WRAP I.—TON AND INSPECTpI RECORD CARD MUST BE SUBMITTED TO IHIs OFFICE .. TO FlNAL INSPECTON. OPT. R4' C.1 FlRE FPi GA NNn SIDING ! Ty EAN: —I GAM PROTECTON REWIRED CORNER POSis ON ONFILUNO PLUS ATTAPIFD EANE fLAE1NXO WSPEC1Nw PEPARED. LEFT SIDE ELEVATION N® �MP�� WuT n PRO E " °" BEFORE wEAATw RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION ECAEE: 1 /A•• -10- PAro iaASS REDV AT ExTEPoDR cuss scA� GGGIS p ^ -r -o- LOT I N— c11O�N NSABIE AT THE W —M TERtCTVt HOUSE NUMBERS APPUED BEFORE -AL WSPECTPI AFTR OT APPLY SpxO OR NWSE WRAP UNTL slEAmnc wmECnax e SLT FENCE REWIRED PPoPR 1. IECTONS I B /IR ROOF Plyd Uu OPoNE'WAY WIDTH AT PWB 24 FEET B /1R ROOF PITCN i TO PROPERTY UNE FLASHING - Y.EEP NOTES ORE WEEP SOREEDS R REWIRED fOR BPoPI - STUCCO - 51GNE NENEER 1 /JOOLN SOR. ROOf NRI1 PER —.1 POST BEAN CONNECTW 2 ly SOFT. ROOF SOf[ W ERE POST AHD BEAU OR CwOEa CM'S CTOH IS C 2 5 —T. SOS NEAR PoOOE USfD TIE OESCW SHALL BE IN ACCOPDANCE W1H B 1RIY BO SHIL. PPONDFD TO ENSURE AOA WET UPUF iO SNANE 9DINO e ALUM. 50TFli h ANO U1Q1AL DISPLACEMENT. SNARE MIND FASPA MTEU � INSM ALAN lull . SOFFIT tr S- ! FAEOA SYSIEY ON G 6 /t1 ROOF WTCHL R / Q 4" TPoU BID T R zoW �z -17' E�'iwJ B /1R RODE Plrpl J B Lo 'a �SADOIt AS R EO 9 SpA M1FL a Lot II R) 8rd SUPPdtT PDS BOARD/TATTEN STp1E BASE Lai I i `OPT. R4" DAN, TRIP BO fds FlREPUCE _LI YARD TO BE SB T piIDED GAAON W CPIC. BDEWALK HARD SURFACE .1—Y ` y s axE \ e FRONT ELEVATION HWEE: us.Rs SCALt: I/4 " -1' -O' XBBS SIOYE� REAR ELEVATION s g g d a �4 ii I�I�I I�I�I�I ��' ��� s� �.� �. • I�000000�l �, I'I1I1I1I'I1I�I � l0000 I 1 I I.� ICI � ■ ii I�I�I I�I�I�I ��' ��� s� �.� �. • I�000000�l �, I'I1I1I1I'I1I�I � l0000 I I.� ICI � a i ll ilim E W fA$dA SK1EY {ROHi FACE UUN/MSM BAM WALL y e�C����i y f }2 _ SADOIE A 0.EO9 owe ONIL r x �— NNn 9dND . 4 /I2 ROOF CORNER vOSK _ 5! r -a• 1• -e uxT am � � d ONHL ONIO 0 G I.-°.. ONxL g ] N HWSE WRAP REWRIED 011 All SMULNRfs. C N RECOm CAN .—BE SUBMITIEO i C I i0 MI5 OfS12 PPoOR LO FlNAL WIDECnW. + EA N: FIASIXNO/ICE DAU 1A.MT. REOUWED ` 0� NfllINO�0.US ARAdifD UN: EIASIID1c _ xY slam. ( pt2 Iv .-G NNn 9OM0 ! OPT. 4" CAT. NNn SgNIC ! 4" EIIP.) CORNEA POM HEm CONPIETE WE T— PROIECnON BEFORE MEOUnM FOR FlFEPLACE CORxER PO°i5 00.2. lP SxIING �,. EE-) 1 � RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION TvoERma ss am9 At E %rtfiOR cuss LEFT SIDE ELEVATION sale Vw -r -m LOT AT Tl OF NO MSPE<nIN NSA&E scAiE: I /e• -I• -n• >-I/r• amzcnN: xWSE xuuems APPUm BEFORE FlxK INmECnox Mf11 91UMMIxG51J1ix5PECnOX SE WPA IMM SRT RxICE REWIRED PRNIR TO wSPECnOxS F e TAnuuY OPoN:wxr rnDM Ar Wae xa rtEr g TO PROVFAtt LIRE 2 X FUMING - W£EP HWES ORE WEEP SC 205 i ° /13 ROOF Poidl RE—D FOR BRICK - STUCCO -STONE efNEfR y B /Ix ROOF PITCH + R8O22T PoST BEAY CWNECTW MHERE POST AD BUY OR da9EA LONSiHULndI IS I M�PRONdONS Of MI5 CCOE PO9n COxxECTCx y SNALL M PRONOm TO ENS9aE A—ST UPIAT AD UhRAL dSPUCFYENT. I /WOUI SOFr. aacF — " V 9dNL S �AFF EIE NE Iry 2 (4" Em.) B' 1RIY BD g f u. samr x ° ASOA SISTEY FABOA - °i B" . Be V R p B/Ix ROOF PotCx �0• ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1°�C• oN1C G '/" ROOF PoILH N i owe , , , , C /TfATIEN SpNO� - - - -- 2 ` -- w a 11 �Loj R' MIN CO g AS REO9 ° [ 4/12 ROOF PoTLX � _ A —1 Q E we —A SKTFY p 1 6 owe [[ MHO ON1C O 9 ❑ ;; ❑oo 00000000 0000 6.85UPP C0. 33313131333 1313®® (COO Lo ddNC 1 -1 STWE BA4 13®30000 33 133 pq it ��r. xa•cAr. 1313 313 ® ® ®® 1313®® "mmu eD _ll FWEPUCE 3313130®313 133133 A0r0 BE FlxAI daA9m aaz Is dDlxc WNC dOElrAlx xum WRFAtt ONINEwxr (a• AP.) SidlE NNn ddxc x <ORxE11 POS15 FRONT ELEVATION HWSE: N5.2 s ­E: -.1115 +! REAR ELEVATION �° s : a p - sD. Q O 9a so : RoSg�ov'xaEROaA, zw1xim°E" �p;�� 3 samr: sox xEAR roOGE i gg� � FAStlA smEBI �III:I�i 4 � NpG SAWIE AS REOD � �' R Q 11 Yp 11 yy 3 0 �! Cgc 3 Y oM¢ I oewc oxw i 9 Hmz it Banc 6 (w' ExPJ Qy „� e: mn uM x!° RO n ON2 .) 9DINC PN.. FlREP CE CAxT. NWSE aRAP REQUIRED ON ML SIRUCNRES (! M.) . a HWSE wRM wsruaAnm Mm RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION 9 mErnm RECORD cum AL BE Wmnrnn ILEFT SIDE ELEVATION TO THa —CE Prom ro - AL wsxcnm. EANE ftAS -,4CE DAM ..O CnON REWIRED E m DNEWNC PONS ATTACHED EAVE MSna1G NY�ECDON REWIRED. NEED couaETE MFATXEA PROrECDDN BEFGRE Insw,nm rEIIPEREO G IASS REQD AT E—OR C LASS a PAno °oms p a p EOi IRONS MUST BE NSABIE AT nME OF 3j R Ec K —E NQUeEAS MPUFD g DO NOT —1 -.0 OR HWSE wRM urn, AF'rpi -- —T. .1 —CE REWIRED -OR TO I—T— MA MVM DPolEa•AT — AT WPB 14 fEET 2 0 vRWFAtt LONE REq.1 C Fm &FCN- SNCCO - SimE IENEFrt . —S Y "502.2. 1 111 ww8O w CWXECDm a m1. V —G aHFAE POST AND SEMI m OROFA CONSDm<aON IS USED, rNE OESIm SNNL BE IN AWmOANtE IMTN Pos rvs rcnm +� Z M. SOFTiT Q 1'_P g Ing —A snTEr. oMID � � � s /I1 Roa fryra e•• mlw w W S ONE �6 a Y C 1/11 ROOF FITCH OwtiO sir p � d' 1313 o c x 00000000 0000 D °' "° a 6.6 PMNRD POSR 888 ®®0138 80013 1313 MEJEJEJEJEJEJ ® 13 1313 ® g 131313 ®® ®13 ®®®® CAP —GE e REAR ELEVATION TO ARD 131313 ®1313 013 8 88® - AL sTONE C. 9OEMMJt e" claw BO NARO —CE gilNEw.xv FRONT ELEVATION ° s xWK SIgX6! s— W -1' -0• XWSE: Se)391 ea CORNEA Posrs srmE: zoeeDD + p Da.elx zrmE 4 d sO. fT.: uIe _ c3 ar l,�: �G kl z oTR 12 12 Ez I,^ EIIP.) oTRc a �° z._a. °� �A ONiG SAODIE AS REDW na x' -o- z• -a' g oNw DTNO I a ;I I 9 NNx ..NO a ORL lP SIDING ORZ. IP A.NG NNx �PnWAL 21' CORNER POSTS Ew '.) (,•• EfP) SWING a REDUCE CANT. CpENFR POSTS HOUSE WRAP REWIRED ON ALL STR1CmREi PICTUPES K HOUSE MR. NVSTAI ON wsP._ TO moR A AND TO -S LEFT SIDE ELEVATION ES OFEIE ro RE` °sTBE CT n ] RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION rnAl EATS FLASNINC 1. DAM PR.—ON REWMEE9 /' ^ -, • - a' 3 SCNE: 1 /, " -,• -a' W ONE . — ATTACHED EATS —ING 8 IXSPEC,IW KOUIREO. N— COU E MSATHER P .-TION BEFORE INSVUTW TEMPERED p.ASS REOW AT —ON fi.TSt PAno TOOT y a LOT IRWS MU ST BE NSABEE AT ONE a 3 7 Y ,/? G REFLE — NWSE NUMBERS APPUf9 B60RE I, —.—TIW y p R W NO APPLT NANO OR X WAP UNTIL C AFNR 91EATMNO MSPECMIH SRi FINE REWRED PfiOR TO MSPECnWS MAAMUM ­NAY AIDTH AT CURB 24 FEET TO PROP.. UNE I - a t 1/S001X SOFT. ROOf TENT PEN S� z y� 1 90Ff. R00f' ARFA: SOS H �S FLASNIXG - a HOLES ORE EMEP SCREEDS =7 W I sofflT. SOS nEM ROUE pNREp Faf eRMN - S`U.O - STME TERSER F- tn m z., Pax eEAU cWl W AWY. SOFTET a U THE O GN LS.W ON I NDER CWSTRUCnTH IS = 6 FNSpA SKTEY STALL BE M ACCgiD _ FROND iNE PgONAWS T O T D 1X15 WOE S ABAINSi U CWx T SXALL E E m ENWRE AONNPUFi O M. SORB e FASpA S,S_ ONIa ORZ. V ApNC == A' Tmu SO z S -- - ' Z - - -- E E S 12 , /,R ROOF %iCH SAOpIE AS REO o•- U §§ Y -a' 9 TIRO 0.. � s oxz. EF vulva oxz I AOnc . r LED O � � � i•.. �) u (r El ) ° S 'AO O C0. IB n s *one qq° nl rnAO 9 ° 51WE CWp 40EWAUt "Al SURFACE gilN:wAY SmNE FRONT ELEVATION SpUE: , /,•' -I' -a' HOUSE: SRT.U, N6 N x sm. e y coRnlEn POSTS iea'si ­ 2 z0 d SO. • I.wwwwww�wwwwwFriFs Y AS A. f f , VA 5 :d n FEWHN:O W All 51RUCNRES s Y pCNRES Di nWSE 1NiAF USTA ANO LEFT SIDE ELEVATION T O _S �c MW CA o Fl N—FOX. RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION AIE: ] /la's,' -0• —'CIN0/10E DAN PI "CTON REWWEO CALF: ] / ON D.— —S ATTA —O EAL4 FLASHING Fy WSPECTW REWmFD. 9 C e NEED COMPIETE WEATHER —XCTN BEFORE —LATON (3 TN—ED OLA55 —11 AT EX-I. OIASS 6 PATO DOOSs LOT IN— MUST BE MSABLE AT THE OF 9 FWTNC .—Fm }I//2" PF.FIECTM XWSE NUMBERS APPUEU BEFbPE i1NN IXSPECTON p 0 0 NOT VKY ANTI SNE—NO IINNSPECTON WTAP • SILT F£NCE REOUIRW PRIdt TO msPECT OXS ypyS • %M �y Ntw MALMUM DRILEWAY ... AT CURB YA fFET a /12 ROOF WTCN � P TO PROPERLY UNE e FLASIImc - xTEE EP sa+tms NEWmED FDR eWa sniao - sra+E LErEER mm.m 6 N¢ILAaN� R50221 s BENZ CWNECTOX G6 • U=. THE D-GN 91 LL BE AAC<IT ANCE is GXFF 1NE PRON50N5 OF 1195 C —T. —N—ON SHALL SE FRONDED TO ENWRE —M. —1 1 as AND —M. m5%AfE .1 J.S /12 ROOF PITCN� 91E0 a �• fASCIASY5IFL NIO V S 4 f r s ♦ FA9 U ONIG ® ® D O �SS /1Z ROK RiCN� a /TO ROOF' PITbI �1�% BOAPoI/B T,FN sIdNO f f it A• twu eo h m m f L b 0-G F7 f 4 4 11 V FASOA� II b b b DRL P mNC wl.a.oB. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ L`°T�"°"Aa'Fr. (A ^ EIP.) ® ❑ ❑❑ 00000000 0Om O(E%P.)5DNO T_. WOOp COLVYN 131J®®®13®3 1313®® ♦ TRIP BD JJJ� 666pM 1B "%IB•NVOD BAASE ®®®®®0 ®® 1313®® s� ®®EJEJEJ 0000 F ®®®®®®®® 1313®® AV %BRICK ARO iO nARO SURF . E EO AU% BRICN CONC 50EWAU( ACE DWNY/AY REAR ELEVATION Fl � uuE: a /la•• - rva• 9 I FRONT ELEVATION XOU ae..aiL ertla s YR