3m. Reallocate 1994 Contingency Fund to Fud Reduced Revenuesti 1 n J u CITY OF 3 = CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE • P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 • FAX (612) 937 -5739 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: January 3, 1994 Note: The council requested that I resubmit this as a consent agenda item. Approval is recommended. DWA (2 -8 -94) SUBJ: Request to Reallocate the 1994 Contingency Fund to Fund Reduced Revenues The ink is barely dry on the 1994 Budget and we are already facing a deficit of approximately $72,000. As can be seen from the attached correspondence from the League of Cities, the "Local Government Aid Trust Fund" is projected to have a deficit of approximately $44 million by the end of 1994. In creating the trust fund, the legislature also incorporated into it a reduction formula which would be put into place if ,Actual, revenue was less than budgeted. For Chanhassen, that will amount to an approximate $72 1 000 reduction in our HACA distribution payments from the state. The real tragedy associated with this woeful saga is the fact that the state transferred approximately $136 million in general state expenses out of the state's budget and into the trust fund. Accordingly,, one of the reasons that the state budget is currently showing a surplus of $400+ million is the fact that they shifted $140 million into the trust fund. I have already met with all of our, department heads relaying the bad news and the necessity for each of them to go back and rework their budgets. Assuming the city council approves this request to use the contingency funds to help reduce part of the anticipated revenue losses, I will send out the attached memorandum officially requesting that our departments help in finding $40,000 from their aggregate budgets., I would ;anticipate that one of the first "reworked" budgets that the council will see will be in the motor vehicle area when . the request is made to start the specification process for vehicles for 1994 (probably our second meeting in January). I would justify the usage of the '$33,000 to help in reducing our $72,000 problem on the following bases: - Park and Recreation Objectives The origins for the $33,000 was from park and recreation to ensure that the city could slowly wean itself from using $100,000 per year from the Park Acquisition and Development Fund. The Park Commission's point was that we are currently spending acquisition dollars to refurbish existing buildings and equipment. The Park and Recreation Commission felt that it was important that the original purpose for this fund be re- established, i.e. that monies derived from new home MEMORANDUM Mayor and City Council January 3, 1994 Page 2 ' construction would be used for land acquisition and park improvements in the vicinity of those new homes. By doing such we would also be keeping pace with development and ' ensuring that new residents would not crowd out existing residents or overburden existing systems. To the extent that we were able to allocate $33,000 in the 1994 budget, albeit not directly for park and recreation, we have now included that in our base level of ' revenue /expense as we approach the 1995 budgetary process. That means that if we could find an additional $33,000 in 1995 we will be one step closer to the Park and Recreation Commission's original objective of $100,000 per year; ' - Practicality Assuming that the Park and Recreation Commission was given the opportunity to try to move the $33,000 from contingency to specific park improvements, such would likely not occur until late in 1994. As a practical matter, although the dollars would then be available for that purpose, they could not be spent recognizing the prioritization, specification, bidding process. RECOMMENDATION ' This office would recommend that the City Council approve a resolution amending the 1994 budget to show the $33,000 currently being held in contingency as a means to help reduce the $72,000 revenue shortfall anticipated in 1994. Further, I would recommend that staff be charged ' with the responsibility of finding a means to reduce or otherwise modify the 1994 budget so as to find an additional $40,000 to correct the remainder of the revenue shortfall problem. I had considered including in my recommendation preparation of a letter to our senator and ' representative stating our concerns about the trust fund and the action that the legislature took this past year. However, a better approach may be the one being suggested by the AMM which is to invite our legislators to the legislative reception being hosted by AMM during February. ' Typically, the legislators are then invited to have dinner with the cities represented by those legislators. It's much easier to verbally communicate your concerns if legislators can see cities are united on certain positions, i.e. raiding of the trust fund. [Note: You should be receiving an ' invitation to the reception/dinner in the near future.] ' I found it ironic that shortly before writing this memorandum I came across the following parable, "In times like these it helps to remember that there have always been times like these." See you Monday evening. MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE 0 P.O. BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 (612) 937 -1900 0 FAX (612) 937 -5739 TO: All Department Heads FROM: Don Ashworth, City Manager DATE: January 3, 1994 SUBJ: Reductions in State Aid -- Necessity to Modify the 1994 Budget Attached you will find the notice that we received from the League of Cities that our state aid payments for 1994 will be reduced by $72,000. Oa January 10, 1994, the city council will be making a decision as to whether the $33,000 contingency fund can be used to help lessen the anticipated shortfall. Assuming that the council did approve that recommendation, I would ask each of you begin the process of reworking your 1994 budget so as to see how you may be able to help us solve the remaining $40,000 problem. As Tom and Jean were vitally involved in the detail associated with your budget, I have asked them to visit with you in an effort to identify areas where cuts might occur. As we are probably to the point of reconsidering programs, cuts will probably not be "across the board." Thanking you in advance for your continued cooperation. r I J I I BARTON- ASCfIMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. 111 Third Avenue South, Suite 350 • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 USA - (612) 332 -0421 - Fax (612) 332- 6180 ' MEMORANDUM TO: Charles Folch, Chanhassen FROM: James Unruh DATE: February 14, 1994 SUBJECT: Updated Cost Estimate and Preliminary Assessment Roll for TH 5 South Frontage Road Construction (Project No. 93 -26) Overview ' This memorandum provides the information that was noted as pending in the "TH 5 South Frontage Road and Galpin Boulevard Feasibility Study" dated January 4, 1994. ' TH 5 South Frontage Road Cost Estimate and Assessments The cost estimate for the TH 5 South Frontage Road (Table 1) has been modified from the ' estimate included in the feasibility study. Trunk sanitary sewer and water main costs were listed in a February 1992 report entitled "Upper Bluff Creek District -- Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Improvements," Project No. 91 -17, prepared by Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik and Associates and have therefore been deleted from the frontage road cost estimate. The construction cost for the proposed storm water treatment pond in the southeast corner of the school site has been added. The feasibility study noted that frontage road grading and street construction costs would be assessed to abutting land owners on a front -foot basis. The cost participation for the frontage road is shown in Table 1 and is based on the following City policy: Abutting property owners are assessed for a standard 31 -foot wide, 9 -ton design load roadway. Since the TH 5 South Frontage Road will be 36 feet wide for capacity purposes, the City will pay for the additional 5 -foot width. This computes to an 86.1 percent share of the roadway cost assessed to the abutting property owners. Abutting property owners are assessed for 100 percent of curb and gutter costs. Abutting property owners are assessed for 50 percent of drainage, landscaping, lighting, and sidewalk costs. The resulting specific roadway assessment costs for individual property owners are listed in Table 2. The property locations are shown on Figure 1. Figure 2 from the feasibility study shows the frontage road and utility layout and is included with this memorandum. PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP An cQOa' 0Ppo -. !v EmDlOyer ' BARTON- ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. The mass grading costs for the school site will be shared by the City and Independent School District No. 112; bids are due within one month, after which the specific assessment costs will be determined. ' Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Trunk Water Main Assessments As noted previously, the cost estimates and assessments for the trunk sanitary sewer and ' trunk water main were listed in the February 1992 Bonestroo report. The assessments listed in Table 2 are based on that report but also take into account land transactions that have occurred since 1992 and the 1994 assessment rates, which are as follows: Note: REU = residential equivalent units Net Area = total parcel area less major right -of -way and wetlands The City of Chanhassen and Independent School District #112 assessments include the ' cost for a 12 -inch sanitary sewer lateral necessary to serve the proposed school/community center. The cost -split is based on the area of the building utilized for school versus community center purposes. ' Summary The assessments listed in Table 2 are preliminary and are subject to change based on actual construction costs, development plans, right -of -way takings, etc. The schedule for construction of the roadway was noted in the feasibility study. It is likely that the trunk ' utilities will be installed concurrently with the roadway construction. I dmv Trunk Sanitary Sewer Trunk Water Main Land Use Minimum REU /Acre REU Rate Net Area REU Rate Net Area Charge Charge Single- Family 2 $1,050/REU $2,100 /acre $1,375/REU $2,750 /acre Multifamily 3 $1,050/REU $3,150 /acre $1,375/REU $4,125 /acre (low density) Multifamily 6 $1,050/REU $6,300 /acre $1,375/REU $8,250 /acre (high density) Commercial/Industrial 4 $1,050/REU I $4,200 /acre $1,375/REU $5,500 /acre Public 2 $1,050/R.EU I $2,100 /acre $1,37511EU $2,750 /acre Note: REU = residential equivalent units Net Area = total parcel area less major right -of -way and wetlands The City of Chanhassen and Independent School District #112 assessments include the ' cost for a 12 -inch sanitary sewer lateral necessary to serve the proposed school/community center. The cost -split is based on the area of the building utilized for school versus community center purposes. ' Summary The assessments listed in Table 2 are preliminary and are subject to change based on actual construction costs, development plans, right -of -way takings, etc. The schedule for construction of the roadway was noted in the feasibility study. It is likely that the trunk ' utilities will be installed concurrently with the roadway construction. I dmv TABLE 1 - TH5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, AND RIGHT -OF -WAY COST ESTIMATE 2M4/94 ROAD COST PARTICIPATION PROPERTY OWNER COST CITY COST ITEM UNIT OUAN. COST $KNIT TOTAL $ 100% 31/36 (86.1 %) 50% 5136 (13.99'.) 50% COMMON EXCAVATION C.Y. 55,700 3.00 167,100.00 143,873.00 23,227.00 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION C.Y. 16,000 3.50 56,000.00 48,216.00 7.784.00 GRANULAR BORROW L C.Y. 16,000 4.50 72,000.00 61,992.00 10,008.00 AGGREGATE BASE CL 5 TON 10,950 6.50 71,175.00 61,282.00 9,893.00 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE, TYPE 41 TON 1,650 23.00 37,950.00 32,675.00 5,275.00 BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE, TYPE 31 TON 3,700 21.00 77,700.00 66,900.00 10,800.00 B618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER L.F. 8,100 7.00 56,700.00 56,700.00 CATCH BASIN EACH 26 1,200.00 31,200.00 15,600.00 15,600.00 12' RCP L.F. 216 20.00 4,320.00 2,160.00 2,160.00 15' RCP L.F. 900 22.00 19,800.00 9,900.00 9,900.00 18' RCP L.F. 390 28.00 10,920.00 5,460.00 5,460.00 24' RCP L.F. 2,100 33.00 69,300.00 34,650.00 34,650.00 36' RCP L.F. 700 46.00 32,200.00 16,100.00 16,100.00 48' RC CULVERT L.F. 100 1 80.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 48" RC APRON EACH 2 900.00 1,800.00 900.00 900.00 RIPRAP C.Y. 18 50.00 900.00 450.00 450.00 STORMWATER TREATMENT POND L.S. 1 100,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 CONCRETE WALK S.F. 32,400 2.00 64,800.00 32,400.00 32,400.00 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL L.F. 600 250.00 150,000.00 129,150.00 20,850.00 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM L.S. 1 35,000.00 35,000.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 FATHERING STEEL LIGHT POLES WITH 250 HPS, 30' MOUNTING HEIGHT ill' CAL. BOULEVARD TREES, 60' SPACING EACH EACH 25 140 3,800.00 400.00 95,000.00 56,000.00 47,500.00 28,000.00 47,500.00 28,000.00 SOD S.Y. 9,000 1.50 13,500.00 6,750.00 6,750.00 ARCH STRUCTURE L.S. 1 300,000.00 300,000.00 150,000.00 150 SEED /MULCH L.S. 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 MOBILIZATION I L.S. 1 74,331.00 74,331.00 63,999.00 10,332.00 RIGHT -0F -WAY L.S. 1 25,000.00 25 25 000.00 SUBTOTAL 1,633,696.00 1,112,657.00 521,039.00 15% CONTINGENCY 245,055.00 166,899.00 78,156.00 T OTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 1,878,751.00 1,279,556.00 599,195.00 ADD 30% FOR ENGINEERING, LEGAL, ADMINISTRATION 663,625.00 383,867.00 179,758.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST (WITHOUT RIGHT -0F -WAY 2,442,376.00 1,663,423.00 778,953.00 LINEAL FEET OF ROADWAY FRONTAGE PROPERTY OWNER COST / LINEAL FOOT OF FRONTAGE 8400 1,66342318400 - $198.0261FT TABLE 2 - TH 5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL TH 5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD AND TRUNK UTILITIES 2114194 SANITARY NET REU'S SEWER WATERMAIN ROADWAY ROADWAY TOTAL ASSESS. LAND PER NO.OF ASSESS. ASSESS. FRONTAGE ASSESSMENT TOTAL MAP REF. PROP. (DENT. NO. OWNER ACRES ACRES USE ACRE REU S $1050 /REU $1375(REU ) (FT. $198.026Fr. ASSESSMENT 1 25.0151210 CHAN LAND PARTNERS 40.76 27.46 COMAND 4 110 $115,500.00 $151,250.00 $266,750.00 200 HWY. 13 W. BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 2 25.0151211 HERTITAGE DEVELOPMENT INC. 24.1 19.97 SINGLE FAMILY 2 40 $42,000.00 $55,000.00 $97,000.00 450 E. CO. RD. D LITTLE CANADA, MN 55117 3 25.0150300 HI -WAY 5 PARTNERSHIP 94.32 76.5 15.2 ACRES SIN, FAM 2 326 $342,300.00 $448,250.00 4000 $792,104.00 $1,582,654.00 & PART 25.0151100 15241 CREEKSIDE COURT 29.4 ACRES MULTI FAM. 3 EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (LOW DENSITY) 51.8 ACR COMAND 4 4 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 16.58 12.99 PUBLIC 2 26 $27,300.00 (T) $35,750.00 1500 $297,039.00 $366,089.00 690 COULTER DRIVE $6,000•00 (L) ( P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 5 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL 24.28 18.23 PUBLIC 2 36 $37,800.00 (T) $49,500.00 1900 $376,249.00 $495,549.00 DISTRICT #112 (2 6 25.0151700 BETTY O'SHAUGHNESSY 83.53 61.51 SINGLE FAMILY 2 123 (1) (1) 1000 HESSE FARM ROAD CHASKA, MN 55318 7 25.0151400 DALE F. & MARCIA WANNINGER 0.69 0.69 SINGLE FAMILY 2 1 (1) (1) 8170 GALPIN BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 8 25.0151300 THOMAS & MARIAN SCHMITZ 0.50 0.50 SINGLE FAMILY 2 1 (1) (1) 8190 GALPIN BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 9 25.0150600 LAWRENCE & F. RASER 0.75 0.75 SINGLE FAMILY 2 1 (1) (1) 8210 GALPIN BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 10 25.4520010 McGLYNN BAKERIES INC. 43.10 37.51 CIO GRAND MET TAX DEPT. 200 S. 6th ST. MS: 1843 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 11 25.4520020 & SHAMROCK PROPERTY PARTNERS 32.70 32.70 1000 $99,013.00 $99,013.00 25.4520030 ONE McGLYNN DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (1) ASSESSMENTS PENDING COMPLETION OF UPPER BLUFF CREEK - PHASE 2 PROJECT (No. 91 -17B) (2) SCHOOL SITE GRADING COSTS WILL BE ADDED TO ASSESSMENT AFTER AWARD OF GRADING CONTRACT. (T) TRUNK SANITARY LINE (L) LATERAL SANITARY LINE -T I. s C I N 4l • . 1 <.. �'�� L ' .4 Z - V W4 FA I agm 770 s x � q r i 1 L A Mmii ti �� wr ..y i R f A 4.` i ;r . 5 UPG E — A. ........ ... CE w REAL ESTATE x • r RPORATION �, {3 S� CQ, PGRA'TE ,r • i:. P M I r� v P N E �N fi 1 ELO ME T f - _ d V r . BLUFF ..O - :' CREEK ,��_ : t.• :rz _ Q 1 _ 1 ;SEE FIGS. 5 & 7 �. C WEST' CONNEf I { `:�. FORK M Y .� K RADE GALPIN �< #'U TURF cGL B D. Y AD AYS 0 ��� ' z 1 Q 2 YNN ,. =F :_ / �� ' RO AGE T z S GE 1 I -STAG ' 2 I . PI RETAI MCGLAN -%+ WALL"'"`" _ - BAKERY' i j E _ TIME R WOOD - / Y vT#0 'AIMR wk LL 0 rn ,• LEGEND EXISTING WETLAND PROPOSED SCHOOL SITE A — - — PROPERTY LINE 1 1 EXISTING WATERMAIN PROPOSED WATERMAIN -- > -- EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER - - - - PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN TRAIL .c PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN TRAIL UNDERPASS _ PROPOSED RETAINING WALL 1 FEASIBILITY STUD Y TH 5 South Frontage Road `z CITY OF CHANHASSEN (from Galpin Boulevard toAudu Rood) BARTON- ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Gll plit Rotill•Vm ((ISAII 19) PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP (from Timberwood Drive to TI-15) FIGUR Frontage Road Layout