4 Presbyterian Homes Site PlanCITY OF STAFF REPORT PC DATE: 1/15/02 CC DATE: REVIEW DEADLINE: 2111/02 CASE #: 2001-9 Var. By: RG LH, JS, ST Z IL, PROPOSAL: LOCATION: APPLICANT: Request for a building setback variance from a wetland to construct a four story apartment building, Presbyterian Homes. Southeast comer'of Market Boulevard and Lake Drive PHM- Chanhassen 3220 Lake Johanna Boulevard Arden Hills, MN 55112-7997 (651) 631-6133 Senior Housing Construction 5100 Eden Avenue, Suite 106 Edina, MN 55436 (952) 929-8377 PRESENT ZONING: PUD, Planned Unit Development 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Mixed Use ACREAGE: 5.11 Acres DENSITY: 1.14 F.A.R. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is requesting a 20 foot variance from the 40 foot building setback required from Ag/Urban Wetlands to construct a four story independent living apartment building approved as part of Site Plan #2001-13. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for variance. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because of the burden of proof is on the applicant to show that they meet the standards in the ordinance. PM ~ e~^pueJ9 Presbyterian Homes Variance January 15, 2002 Page 2 APPLICABLE REGUATIONS Article 1I, Division 3, Variances Article VI, Wetland Protection BACKGROUND On November 26, 2001, the Chanhassen City Council approved Site Plan #2001-13 for Presbyterian Homes. The site plan approval is for two apartment buildings consisting of a four-story, 90 unit independent living apartment and a three-story, 71 unit assisted living apartment, a total building area of 255,300 square feet including underground parking and approximately 9,000 square feet of commercial space. Two of the conditions of approval dealt with wetlands and setbacks: o A wetland buffer 0 to 20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 10 feet) shall be maintained or established around all wetland basins. Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs under the direction of City staff and shall pay the City $20 per sign. 2. The applicant shall work with staff to determine the required wetland buffer setback for structures. At that time, the wetland edge was incorrectly shown on the site plan. Since then, the developer has revised the wetland on the plans to show the correct location of the wetland. The independent living apartment building does not meet the minimum 40 foot setback and is therefore requesting a 20 foot building setback variance to permit the construction of the building and deck as shown on the site plan. On September 23, 1996, the City Council approved PUD 95-2, Villages on the Ponds, including a Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment from Office/industrial, Institutional, Residential Medium Density, Residential Low Density to Mixed Use-Commercial, High Density Residential, Institutional and Office; Preliminary planned unit development for up to 291,000 sq. ft. of commercial/office buildings, 100,000 sq. ft. of institutional buildings, and 322 dwelling units; Rezoning from lOP and RSF to PUD, Planned Unit Development (final reading); and final plat dated "Received September 19, 1996" for two lots and ten outlots and public fight-of-way. On August 12, 1996, the City Council granted preliminary approval of PUD #92-1 including a Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment from Office/industrial, Institutional, Residential Medium Density, Residential Low Density to Mixed Use-Commercial, High Density Residential, Institutional and Office; Preliminary planned unit development for up to 291,000 sq. ft. of commercial/office buildings, 100,000 sq. ft. of institutional buildings, and 322 dwelling units; Rezoning from lOP and RSF to PUD, Planned Unit Development (first reading); Preliminary plat for 13 lots and 3 outlots and public fight-of-way; Wetland Alteration Permit to fill and excavate wetlands on site; Vacation of fight-of-way and easements; Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) findings of Negative Declaration of the Presbyterian Homes Variance January 15, 2002 Page 3 need for additional environmental investigation; and Indirect Source Permit Review for the Villages on the Ponds project. ANALYSIS The first floor common area, including a dining area and storage room, of the building is proposed at 24 feet 10 inches from the edge of the wetland. The second floor of this projection includes an opening for the dining area, part of a guest room and a part of a health office. The third and fourth floors of this projection are parts of a large apartment unit designated as Unit "J" on the floor plans. The garage level under this area consists of portions of a mechanical room, electrical room, wood shop, trash room and elevator lobby. The deck area is proposed at 20 feet from the wetland. The dwelling units themselves, except for the two "J" units, only project approximately six feet into the required 40 foot setback. While there are some constraints on the site which limit the ability of the development to meet the 40 foot setback requirements, such as a minimum 62 foot dimension for the underground parking, the required 26 foot drive aisle to enter the site from the north as well as the required connection point to Lake Drive, the need for a sidewalk and snow storage area in the northerly driveway, the "build to" design guideline requiring buildings be pushed closer to the sidewalk, and the requirement for a large storm water pond on site, the extent of the variance could be lessened. The space between buildings 1 and 2 is 41 feet 6 inches. Within this space five feet of snow storage can be provided on each side of the driveway, a 26 foot driveway can be installed, and a five foot wide sidewalk can be installed. This leaves a total of six inches not accounted for. The applicant states that they "followed the PUD drawings to establish our wetland setbacks, which had indicated structures held 20 feet from the wetland in the northwest corner of our site." Those drawings were concept plans that had not been approved as the site plan for the development nor as the setbacks for the development, but were illustrative in nature. Additionally, the concept plans had at one time contemPlated grading part of the northern wetland which would have required additional wetland mitigation and potentially an Individual Permit from the Army Corps of Engineers. An Individual Permit is required when the cumulative impacts of a proposed development exceed three acres of wetland impacts. In approving the overall plan for the Villages on the Ponds PUD, the developer and city agreed on wetland impacts that were less than three acres. (A total of 2.44 acres of wetland was impacted by the project.) Existing Wetlands Two ag/urban wetlands are present on-site. One was identified and delineated as a part of the overall Villages on the Ponds development. The other was constructed as wetland mitigation for the wetland impact that occurred as a part of the Villages on the Ponds development. The wetland at issue with regard to the proposed project is located in the northwest corner of the site (Wetland 6000, Villages on the Ponds). This Type 1 wetland is dominated by reed canary grass, cottonwood and box elder, with buckthorn and prickly ash in adjacent upland areas. This wetland's hydrology is likely supported by runoff from surrounding uplands and from Highway 101. Wetland 6000 does not Presbyterian Homes Variance January 15, 2002 Page 4 support a high-quality vegetative community. Because of its high-visibility location from Highway 101 and the proposed trail, it is a good candidate for wetland restoration. The City's wetland ordinance requires a 0-20' wide wetland buffer (10' minimum average width) around all ag/urban wetlands. Ordinance also requires a 40' setback from the edge of wetland buffers, as well as signage along wetland buffer edges. Buffers are intended to function primarily as filters for water entering the wetland, removing sediment and nutrients. Setbacks are required in order to provide area that can be maintained ("lawn") between buffers and structures. In addition, the vegetation within setbacks may perform some of the same functions of buffers (slowing water, removing sediment and nutrients, etc.). The proposed project will meet the 10' minimum average buffer width requirement if the buffer width is decreased to 0' in the areas closest to the proposed building and increased to 20' around the rest of the wetland. However, even with a buffer width of 0', the applicant maintains that the 40' setback cannot be met due to other site constraints. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a 20' variance from the 40' setback requirement. There is also a stormwater pond on-site. The existing pond will be relocated to a different position on the site to accommodate the proposed building design. This relocation was addressed during the site plan review process for the proposed project. In the event that a 20' variance is granted, staff recommends interpretive signage near this pond and near Wetland 6000. The interpretive signs should be permanent and should explain the functions of wetlands, wetland buffers and stormwater ponds. City staff requests the opportunity to review the content and design of the proposed signs prior to installation. No wetland impact is proposed for either basin. However, grading is proposed within required wetland buffer areas. The proposed wetland buffer areas should be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant will install wetland buffer edge signs under the direction of City staff and will pay the City $20 per sign. Staff believes there are three options for the Planning Commission to consider. Option 1. Deny the variance and require a forty foot setback be maintained. This option would require a significant reworking of the development. While the total development provides a total of 207 parking stalls, the design standards for the project require only the installation of 182 parking stalls. These "additional" parking stalls are needed to meet the overall shared parking required within the Villages on the Ponds development. The applicant contends that this option would require that they remove a minimum of 15 parking spaces. Since this option requires significant changes to the site plan, the developer would be required to go back through the Planning Commission and City Council to approve the revised plans. Option 2. Approve a compromise variance of six (6) feet from the 40 foot wetland setback. This option would permit the majority of the building to remain as was proposed. It accommodates all the dwelling units with the exception of a portion of the Unit "J" units, which would require a variance of eight (8) Presbyterian Homes Variance January 15, 2002 Page 5 feet to be accommodated. It would require the reworking of the most westerly expansion of the building including some of the architectural detailing and elimination of the deck. These changes could be approved administratively since the majority of the development would be the same as originally proposed. Option 3. Approve the 20 foot variance from the 40 foot wetland setback. This option permits the project as originally approved. Staff is recommending option 2 as a compromise between staff's preferred option which would not require a variance, but which appears impractical, and option 3 which was requested by the developer. FINDINGS The Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall not recommend and the City Council shall not grant a variance unless they find the following facts: mo That the literal enforcement of this chapter would cause an undue hardship. Undue hardship means that the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size, physical surroundings, shape or topography. Reasonable use includes a use made by a majority of comparable property within 500 feet of it. The intent of this provision is not to allow a proliferation of variances, but to recognize that there are pre-existing standards in this neighborhood. Variances that blend with these pre-existing standards without departing downward from them meet this criteria. Finding: While there are some constraints on the site which limit the ability of the development to meet the 40 foot setback requirements, such as a minimum 62 foot dimension for the underground parking, the required 26 foot drive aisle to enter the site from the north as well as the required connection point to Lake Drive, the need for a sidewalk and snow storage area in the northerly driveway, the "build to" design guideline requiring buildings be pushed closer to the sidewalk, and the requirement for a large storm water pond on site, the extent of the variance could be lessened. These constraints present a hardship in complying with the 40 foot setback. bo The conditions upon which a petition for a variance is based are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. Finding: The Villages on the Ponds development is a Planned Unit Development requiring compliance with specific design requirements. Driveway connections points have been previously established with development of Lake Drive. Driveway widths, parking stall and drive aisle dimensions, and pedestrian connections are also specified by code. C. The purpose of the variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. Presbyterian Homes Variance January 15, 2002 Page 6 Finding: The proposed variance will not increase the value of the property, but will permit the development of the site in compliance with the development design standards. If the deck and dining area were eliminated or reduced, it would have a limited value impact but a greater aesthetic impact. d. The alleged difficulty or hardship is not a self-created hardship. Finding: The difficulty is due to conflicting requirements of the design standards and city code. eo The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. Finding: The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. Staff is proposing conditions which should mitigate potential negative impacts of the variance. The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Finding: The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission approves a six (6) foot setback variance from the required 40 foot wetland setback for construction of a four-story independent living apartment building on Lot 1, Block 1, Villages on the Ponds 7th Addition, based on the findings of the staff report and subject to the following conditions: 1. The setback shall be measured from the edge of the wetland. o The first 20 feet from the wetland edge shall be established as a "no-mow zone." All disturbed areas within 20 feet of the wetland shall be planted entirely in native wet meadow or native upland buffer vegetation. The vegetation in this area may not be mowed or otherwise disturbed without prior approval from the City. The "no-mow zone" shall be signed per the City's wetland buffer ordinance. The developer will install wetland buffer edge signs under the direction of City staff and will pay the City $20 per sign. Presbyterian Homes Variance January 15, 2002 Page 7 3. The developer shall record a conservation easement over the 20 foot "no-mow zone." 4. A drainage and utility easement shall be provided over Wetland 6000." Should the Planning Commission decide to approve the 20 foot variance, staff recommends that the following condition be added to the above conditions to address the greater impact to the wetland due to the lesser setback: o "Two interpretive signs shall be placed along the trail behind the westernmost building: one near Wetland 6000 and one near the proposed stormwater pond on the southern portion of the property. The interpretive signs shall be permanent and shall explain the functions of wetlands, wetland buffers and stormwater ponds. City staff shall review the content and design of the proposed signs prior to installation." Attachments 1. Development Review Application 2. memo from Gregory A. Woollums to City of Chanhassen dated 12/10/01 3. Schematic of building projection into the 40 foot setback 4. Reduction of Parking Level Floor Plan 5. Reduction of First Floor Plan 6. Reduction of Second Floor Plan 7. Reduction of Third Floor Plan 8. Reduction of Fourth Floor Plan 9. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List g:\plan\bg\villages\variance presbyterian homes.doc 11/28/01 11:34 FAX 6123386936 11/28/01 09'37 FAX 612 937 5739 KKE ARCHITECTS CITY OF CHANHASSEN CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 [~002 [~oo2 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION APPL]C, ANT_' PHM - CHANHASSEN ADDRF~SS: _3220 IAKE JOHANNA BLVD. ARDEN H1-LLS, MN 5511 2-7997 TELEPHONE(Daytime) 651-631-6133 ¢ITYOFCHANHA$$EN RECEIVED DEC I 3 2001 CHANHA~EN PLANNIN~ DEPT OWNER: SENIOR HOUSING CONSTRUCTION, ADDRESS~100 EDEN AVE., SUITE 106 EDINA, MN 55436 TELEPHONE: 952-929-8377 INC. .. .- Comprehensive Plan Amendment · __ Temporary S~les Permit Conditional Use Permit Vacation of ROW/Easements lntedm Use Permit Non-cq. nformfng Use Permit P~nned Unit Development' .~_ vadance Wetland Atterat~on Permit Zoning Appeal Rez~ning -.__ Zoning Ordinance Amendment __-. Sign Permits ~ Sign Plan Review i , ~ , Site Plan Revi6w* ~ Subcr~on' ,,~ ~ ~ NoMfication Skjn ~ ' . ' ' ' XI Escrow for ~{ing Fees/Atlorney Cost'* ($50 C U P/SPR/VAC/VARJWAP/Metes and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) TOTAL FEE $ / A ]'tst of all property 0wne~s within 500 feet of the boundaries, of the property must be Included with the application. ' material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. ~rwenty-six full size folded, copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8W' X 11" reduced copy of ~,,.',-,y ;~ each plan sheet. '* Esm'ow will be required for other applications through the development contract NOTE -When muttiple applications are processed, the appropriate lee shall be charged for each application. 11/28/0'1 11:34 FAX 6]23386936 11/28/01 09'37 FAX 612 937 5739 KKE ARCIIITF, CTS ~ 003 CITY Ol? C1]A_NtlASSEN [~ 003 P~DJECI~ PRESBYTERIAN HOMES VILLAGES ON THE PONDS CHANHASSEN, MN LOCA3]O~ SW QUADF<ANT OF LAKE DRIVE & lViA~ STREET h~DAL]~ESCRIPTtON ~ I, BLK 1, VIT,T,AGE ON THE PONDS, 7rfH ADDITION, CARVER COUNTY "/O/ALAC~GE 5.1 1 5 ACRES ~S PR~SF. NT X YES ~ NO PRESENTZONiNG PUD 'P,E. QU~ ~ ZONING PUD PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION MIXED USES 7~,O~ LAND USE DESIGNATION MIXED USES FOR THIS REQUEST VARIANCE 'Th~s applic.~tbn must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly pdnted and must be accompanied by all Information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance prnvisions. Before filing this application, you should conl'er with the Plar~ning Depanmen~ 'm cietem]ine the specific ordinance and pro,dural requL~ments applicable to your application. - A determ"matiun of ccmpleteness of the application shall be made within ten business days of application Submittal. A wdtten r~ofice of apj21ica/Jon deficiencies shall be mai~ed to the applicant within ten business days of applfcation. "rh'~ is tO certify that 1 am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying ~With 'all C'~ requirements ,Mth regard to this request. This applica.Con should be processed in my name and I am the party whom '[he City shou[d contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Dup(!cate Cert~cate of. Title, AbstrAct of T'rtle or purchase agreement), or l am the authorized person to make zhLs a~ii:ation ~ the fee owner has also signed this application, I '~'I1 keep myself informed ef the deadlfnes for submission of matedal and the progress of this application. I further under~ta~ that additional fees may be charged for con.suiting fees, feasibillty studies, etc. with an estimate prior t~)any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information ! have submitted are true and correct to the best of 'The ¢ty hereby rte~es the applicant that development review carrot be completed within 60 days due to public heai~ng -requirements and agency review. Therefore, the city is notifying the ap¢cant that the city requires an automatic 60 day extension for development review. Development review shall be completed within 120 days unless additional review ex~ions are approved by the applicant. ~,¢e F,~e/OwTner ~2~" ~' Pa~'~- Receipt No..'~vO '7_ t~L¢~_ '/'he a~p~icarff should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting. If ncrt cox~cted, a ccpy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address, ~ ,. KKE l~orsunsk)' Krank Erickson Architects, Inc. First Ax'cnuc .North Minncapt~lis..XlN 55~01-1681 612/339-4200 61 ../.~4_-9_6: ~¢moran(htm Project: Presbyterian Homes - Villages on the Pond Chanhassen, Minnesota KKE No. 00-05-1216-01 To.' City of Chm~assen From: Gregory A. Woollums Date: December 10, 2001 S ubj ect: Seeking a variance to the required setback from a wetland area as described in the City of Chanhassen Staff Report dated November 6, 2001. Back~ound In the City Staff's report on page 7, it states, "All structures must maintain a 40-foot setback from the edge of the wetland buffer." In the Site Plan Approval letter (dated November 27, 2001) from the City Council, item 25 states "A wetland buffer of 0-20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 10 feet) shall be maintained or established around all wetland basins." Item 26 in that letter asked the applicant to work with staff to determine the required setback for the structures. City Staff has alloxved a zero buffer at the condition where the building structure is closer to the ~vetland, but they are requiring a 40-foot setback from the wetland edge. Because of water retention requirements and ~vetland areas, our actual building area on the site is relatively small. We followed the'approved PUD drawings to establish our wetland setbacks, which had indicated structures held 20 feet from the wetland in the North~vest comer of our site. Once we started to work with City Staff and the 40-foot setback, we realized there ,,vas no room to move the building back due to the following issues: a. The building has undergound parking, which dictates the minimum width of the building and it can't be made narrower. b. The curb cut at the entry drive must aligT~ with the established PUD location and the drive must be 26 feet wide to meet City standards. c. Moving the building East would eliminate up to 15 valuable surface parking spaces. · Architecture Planning Interior Design Variance Request December 1 O, 2001 We are requesting that we be allowed to encroach into the first 20 feet of the 40 foot setback, but wc would maintain the second 20 foot setback and not disturbed tl~e wetland area itself. Thc encroachment would only affect 3.7% of the total setback area. We understand that to obtain a variance we must show justification as how it complies with the findings of granting a variance and we have addressed these below: a. _As stated above, due to the site constraints and other requirements beyond our control, the property does not allow us to design a functional project for the intended use without encroaching into the 40-foot setback. b. We believe this condition is unique and does not set precedence for future development. c. To the best of our knowledge the granting of this variance would not increase the value of the land. d. We believe the hardship is not self-created. e. Granting the variance will not be detrimental to the pubic welfare or affect other developments or improvements in the neighborhood where the parcel of land is located. f. Granting the variance will not impair an adequate supply of air to adjacent property or substantially increase congestion of the public streets, or increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. As statdd before, we will not disturb the wetland area and wilt go out of our way to protect it. 12/14/01 12:15 FAX 6123386936 KKE ARCHITECTS O02/002 g NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD PROPOSAL: Variance for Wetland Setback APPLICANT: Presbyterian Homes LOCATION: Villages on the Ponds NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, Presbyterian Homes, is requesting a building setback variance from a wetland to construct a four story apartment building on property zoned PUD and located on the southeast corner of Market Blvd. and Lake Drive. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob at (952) 227-1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 3, 2002. Lake Susan ROSEMOUNT INC ATTN: CONTROLLER 12001 TECHNOLOGY DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 CHURCH OF ST HUBERT 8201 MAIN ST CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LAKE SUSAN APARTMENT HOMES LI 11455 VIKING DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 AUSMAR DEVELOPMENT CO LLC C/O LOTUS REAIk~.T¥ .'PO BOX 235 CHANHA$S~N MN 55317 WARM WATER POOLS LLC 6121BAKERRDgl04 MINNETONKA MN 55345 AUSMAR DEVELOPMENT CO LLC C/O LOTUS RE.~LTY -'" PO BOX 235 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 AUSMAR DEVELOPMENT CO LLC C/O LOTUS REALTY PO BOX 235 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 AUSMAR DEVELOPMENT CO LLC C/O LOTUS REALTY,.`,'/ pO BOX 235 .- CHANHASSEN MN 55317 'VIGIL COMPANIES LLC 11191 BURR RIDGE LN EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 AUSMAR DEVELOPMENT CO LLC C/O LOTUS REALTY-~'~ PO BOX 235 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 AUSMAR DEVELOPMENT CO LLC CIO LOTUS REALT.._.Y.-~ fPO BOX 235 CHANHAS S.,Elq' MN 55317 AUSMAR DEVELOPMENT CO LLC C/O LOTUS REAE-TY CHANH:SENKS PO BOX 235 MN 55317 AUSMAR DEVELOPMF_,NI' CO LLC C/O LOTUS REALTY PO BOX 235 CHANHASSEI¢4 MN 55317 AUSMAR DEVELOPMENT CO LLC C/O LOTUS REALTY ~--~ PO BOX 235 CHANH'A"SSEN MN 55317 AUSMAR DEVELOPMENT CO LLC C/O LOTUS REALTY PO BOX 235 CHANHA~N''/ MN 55317 WHEATSTONE RESTAURANT GROUP 250 EAST LAKE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 NORTHCOTT COMPANY 250 EAST LAKE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317