EC SUM 2011 07 13
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
July 13, 2011
Members Present:
Dennis Hansen, Robert Kircher, Amy Wenner, Glenn Kaufmann, Matthew Myers, David
Christianson, Katie Mahannah
Members Absent
: None.
Staff Present:
Krista Spreiter, Natural Resources Technician
June minutes were approved.
4 of July Review:
Expo: It was concluded that the expo went well overall. The location of the booth was a positive, as well as the
posters and slide show. Matthew suggested incorporating some PSAs from the 1970s into the slide show next year
in order to attract attention. It was noted by veteran members of the commission that there seemed to be an
increased interest in the booth. Many coupons were given out, as well as toilet leak test kits.
Parade: Approximately two bags of recycling were collected along the route, as well as one bag of compostables.
The commission liked the idea of the collection. Amy suggested that the bags be better marked in the future.
Chairman Kircher thanked Jill for obtaining the pick-up truck and putting together the posters.
Environmental Assessment Report for Chanhassen:
The Minneapolis Green Print was reviewed. The commission decided that the topics for Chanhassen’s report
should be the four objectives appointed by City Council: Urban Forestry, Water Quality, Water Conservation, and
Stormwater Management. Katie has finished an outline for the report, and will send the outline to commission
members. Volunteers from the commission will then be asked to head one of the topics and gather information.
The commission set a goal of finishing the report by the next annual meeting with City Council.
General Discussion:
Article to Villager: Glenn suggested going with a topic other than water conservation. It was felt that the
abundance of precipitation this year had caused a decrease in need and interest, and there was difficulty presenting
an angle that has not already been covered. Topics suggested included: Water-use audit from the Freshwater
Society, water quality issues associated with fall (leaves, etc.), drought tolerant plants, fall tree care, responsible
pharmaceutical disposal, and stormwater ponds/stormwater management. It was decided that the article would
focus on stormwater management, and be ready for submittal in early September.
There may be a joint commission city tour on August 16th.
There will not be a meeting in August.
Commission members should begin thinking about possible Environmental Excellence Award nominees
before the next meeting.
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, September 14th at 6:00pm.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:20 PM.
Minutes prepared by Krista Spreiter