2 Rental Licensing CommitteeCITYOF 690 City Center Drive PO Box 147 Chanhmsen, Minnesota 55317 ~PhOlle 952.937.1900 Generat Fax' 952.937.5739 Engineering Department Fax' 952.937.9152 Building Department lax 952.934.2524 Web Site wwu'.ci, ch,mhassen, m,.Its MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director DATE: February 13, 2002 SUB J: Rental Licensing Committee The City Council would like to know if any Commissioner is interested in serving on the Advisory Committee regarding licensing of rental properties (see attached). The GO, of Chanhassen. A erowin¢ community, with clea, /ake;, aua/in, schools, a cha,nin~ downtown, t/v'ivin~ busi,esses, and beauti/~d oarks. A ereat o/ace to live, work. and Advisory. Committee for Conduct on Licensed Premise Ordinance The City of Chanhassen is in the process of researching the Conduct on Licensed (rental) Premise Ordinance. The process involves seeking input from an advisory committee, which will review the research and provide recommendations. The purpose of this study is to develop a usable ordinance that serves as an effective tool when dealing with chronic nuisance complaints and illegal activity on licensed properties. The ordinance requires landlords to take action against a tenant that conducts himself, or allows a guest to act, in a disorderly manner. The following actions considered disorderly under the proposed ordinance might include prostitution, gambling, alcohol violations, noisy assemblies, assaults, drug crimes, and weapons violations. Ordinance would work as follows: First Occurrence: The first time a rental property (unit) is found to be disorderly, the city manager would send a violation notice to the landlord and tenant, directing the landlord to take steps to prevent further violations. Second Occurrence: The second time the same rental property is found to be disorderly within a 12-month period; the city manager would send the landlord and tenant a second violation notice. The landlord would be required to give a written report, within 5 days of receipt of the notice, explaining what steps he would take to prevent further disorderly acts. Third Occurrence: After the third violation within the same 12-month period, the license for the property may be denied, revoked, suspended, or not renewed. The case may be reviewed by the city council. Advisory Committee Schedule Dates: February 28 & March 14, 2002 (If necessary, a 3rd meeting would be scheduled for late March) Time: 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. Location: Courtyard Conference Room Chanhassen City Hall