District 112 Master Facility PlSchool District Office of the Superintendent Beverly A. Stofferahn 11 Peavey Road Chaska, Minnesota 55315 (952) 556-6110 Phone (952) 556-6119 Fax StofferahnB @ chaska.k12.mn.us ... Preparing all learners to achieve their personal best May 13, 2002 Dear Facility Advisory Committee Member, As valued participants throughout District 112's Master Facility Planning process, you know that the timeline anticipated School Board adoption of a Master Plan for the year 2014 in June 2002. This letter and enclosures will bring you up to date on activities that have continued since you last met and provided input on April 8: .. " -. - _ ' ' :-' '"-'-"" .:.'-.'..'--' i' '-.. · Usin'g your input from .April 8, community input, CARE[ reseat:ch, and demographi~ projections, two draft Facility Plan Models ('white' and 'green') were shared at a large Community Meeting on April 23 to receive feedback from a cross-section of stakeholders. Essentially, the two models differ in how middle and high school levels are addressed; early chilclhood and elementary levels are the same in both. Summaries of input from April 23 have been shared with the School Board and Administrati;;e Team who have continued to refine facility plan models. Eased on input from April 23, revisions were made to both the 'white' and 'green' models and presented to the School Board during a work session on May 2 (copies enclosed). After lengthy discussion, the Board determined that it needed more time to study options at the secondary level, especially ways to configure high school. During their regular May 9 meeting, the Board directed the Administration to prepare a revised process and timeline to be presented to the Board later this spring. Due to the new timeline, Public Hearings on the Master Facility Plan, originally scheduled for May 20 and 22, have been cancelled. With an extended process and timeline, a Master Facility Plan will not be adopted in June as originaliS, scheduled. My highdst priority'is t° bring forward a Master Fa6ility Plan that. represents well the community's preferred future for learners and that is also fiscally responsible. It is likely that District 112 wil! take several more months to accompJish this with the community's help. For information about new developments, please check our web-site at district I 12.or~ or contact Betsy Chase, Director Of Planning & Organizational Improvement, at 952-556-6241. Again, my gratitude for your time and deep thinking about future facilities that will advance District 112's mission: To prepare all learners to achieve their personal best. Sincerely, . ~.' ~ .'/r- ~_.~:~:~-f._.-'t<~.. ?: Be', ";~'-":'-_,. _. . '...:.i~. L[ Serving the communities of Carver. Chanhassen. Chaska. and \/i~tr~ri~ thrc~, flOE u] sluopnl~ ).j - NOjd t' IOE t,! sluoPnlS 98It' /' LOOE lll::l u~d() t/ XI!°ucluD lU°l)nl,~ gLg I x g- I saps:.,[) /t \ ~.11:lll,'3tll al:] /',\ON / '(]!'nl:ch:D 1u'nl)nlg SLI S- 1 ,(.n'.luatUal.:l tto}uFi lsi:.:1 gag '(g/_,g ZtD) gC9 ,(t[.m;ch:,~ ug!,sop lUU!g!.iO g- 1 .Sal)t:.tr.) g - 1 .l. lnJ~l ~(-u~ltf:~ul.qlTi uaSSmlUmlL') ~(.;~:1 uatu.~j~[ ,(l!ot:cluD It, ~ g-I sr. -- ! // flOE tx! Slt,.~pnls tJg9C Albm:deD lu.~pnl$ ()()SE alPl)!JN 1~10~ Is~:d Xlltl,q!lS Ol s.qnu[luo.~/(llaucll:.') Sit , Xl!m:duD luapnlS ()0gC S"IOOHDS HDItl (1NV A }IV.LN:Ia~:'I~ AA:N -,.10 NOIJ,:-i(IIAIOD ~13,LttV AJ[,ID\~(IV:D DNI(I'-III3 ~:1 om;ds 006 ,(l[D~:ch~) }tlaJ~nl~ 006 Xl~atTclu3) luapnl~ 0[)L IOOtl~N ,/' t.'()()E, l°Otl.'~.~llt::l t3a(.Io "x x\ /. "'' -- ..... -- ' "'-,. / 800C IP::I uado ~xx tl,q[ll ~:.'lsi:tlD ol ~ ............. 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KAO~I gu!lu.loclC r '.IoN ) · ~ ",~( :. 07) l~;U°!l!l)''~ )t U°!ll} I. aSh°ti I. ;t · UO[l..: .)- ,~.I17 ] [lOtLl~ ~" 1 ¥" ', u-q ):ION fl()0Z LI}0r l lU,il l lUel II iX00Z 'I at, IAI g00Z '91 I!.Idv IopolAI Uua(1 Xa!l!m;d.~alsulAi 71N l'-'lTqlNIJ., ~IJ, II-tAA Master Facility Draft Model 4-16-02 Revised 5-1-02 COMPONENTS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION · Expand current Early Childhood Center · Additional Early Childhood Center (if all day K) · Chaska High School industrial tech space · Technology needs · Repair & Betterment needs · Field House and fields · Swimming Pool at Pioneer Ridge (curricular and co-curricular needs) GROWTH IS GREATER THAN PROJECTED... · Add third house to Pioneer Ridge · Addition to nexv high school · Build another elementary school and/or addition to East Union fi: GROWTH IS LESS THAN PROJECTED... · Decrease size or don't build second elementary school · Don't build second early childhood center Master Facility Draft Model 4-16-02 FACUL, ITY PLAN ASSUMPTIONS Short-term, creative solutions will be needed at both the elementary and high school levels to accommodate student enrollment prior to opening new schools in 2005, 2006 and 2007. The grade organization of PreK-K, 1-5, 6-8, and 9-12 serves students well. Other grade configurations will be used to adjust for ever-changing student populations and to provide the best learning environment available every year. 3. Targets for the year 2014 reduce class size by 2 in grades 4 - 8. 4. The community's desire for smaller class sizes results in lower building capacities/school sizes. 5. Schools built in a house/cluster model enhance educators' ability to achieve the benefits of smaller schools through research-based instructional program delivery 6~ State of Minnesota maintains a commitment to funding lower class size at the elementary level. Facilities will continue to be designed and built with maximum current and future flexibility of school and community use ~n mind. New elementary schools will be built with one larger classroom per cluster to allow for future flexible use. 9. As enrollment declines, captLu'e two classrooms per elementary to meet space needs of extended daF, programs and services. 10. District 112 is open to all community partnerships to achieve this Master Facility Plan and needed community spaces, fields, etc. 11. The December 2001 Demography Report by Dr. Barbara Lukermann was used to project future student enrollments in this plan. 12. If District 112 moves to large scale implementation of all-day kindergarten, facility needs ,,,,'ill increase. luomIlo.mit + . O00'g O§O'g O0['g Og~'g O0~'g O§~'g OOg'g O§g'g 00~'£ 0317'g OOg'g Ogg'-c 009'g 0§9'g OOZ'g ogz'g 008'g ogffg 006'g 0§6'g 000'17 030'1~ O0 I,"F OS ~'1~ O0~'lz Og~'lz OOg'l~ 0 ,J ;.;. ... 009' O06't 000'~ OgO'g ogt'E 00~'~: og~'~ O0~'E Og~'~ 00~'~ Og~'~ oog'~ Ogg'~ oog'~ ogg'~ OOZ'E OOL OOL 00£ ~L ~69 L£9 80-LO LO-90 90-gO 00£ 50-170 OOL OOL g6g ~0-£0 gO-gO lUOmllO~U~.-~- 00§ 009 §~9 0§9 OOZ O§Z 009 , ',:3 ;:-', '! · r' ~.. ,, ~... 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LUi'[Itla 800Z LOOi5 ll~d 900~ llU~ SOOZ llt~ " ,JOt. : ilt Z00z 'i ~(uIAI pos!^olt Z00E"9I IpdV IOpOlA[ lJmG ,(l[l!aUd aolsu~ Master Facility Draft Model 4-16-02 Revised 5-1-02 COMPONENTS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION · Expand current Early Childhood Center · Additi°hal Early ChildhOod Center (if all day K) Chaska High School industrial tech space Technology needs Repair & Betterment needs Field House and fields · Swimming Pool at Pioneer Ridge (curricular and co-curricular needs) IF GROWTH IS GREATER THAN PROJECTED - GREEN MODEL Add third house to Pioneer Ridge and/or additions to new middle schools If growth exceeds additions to Pioneer Ridge/middle schools, build another secondary school Build another elementary school and/or addition to East Union IF GROWTH IS LESS THAN PROJECTED... Decrease size or don't build second elementary school Don't build second early childhood center Master Facility Draft Model 5-1-02 . FACILITY PLAN ASSUMPTIONS - GREEN MODEL Short-term, creative solutions will be needed at both the elementary and high school .levels to accommodate student enrollment prior to opening new schools in 2005, 2006 and 2007. , Grade organization within each secondary level needs to be determined; there are several options for organizing within grades 6-9 and 10-12. In the process of moving toward optimum grade organization by 2014, other grade configurations will be used to adjust for ever-changing student populations and to provide the best learning environment available every year. 3. Targets for the year 2014 reduce class size by 2 in grades 4 - 8. 4. The community's desire for smaller class sizes results in lower building capacities/school sizes. 5. Schools built in a house/cluster model enhance educators' ability to achieve the benefits of smaller schools through research-based instructional program delivery 6. State of Minnesota maintains a commitment to funding lower class size at the elementary level. 7. Facilities will continue to be designed and built with maximum current and future flexibility of school and community use in mind. o New elementary schools wil~l be built with one larger classroom per cluster to allow for future flexible use. As enrollment declines, capture two classrooms per elementary to meet space needs of extended day programs and services. 10. District 112 is open to all community partnerships to achieve this Master Facility Plan and needed community spaces, fields, etc. 11. The December 2001 Demography Report by Dr. Barbara Lukermann was used to project future student enrollments in this plan. 12. If District 112 moves to large scale implementation of all-day kindergarten, facility needs will increase. ..... .. . ggI'P 98I'P 151515'17 £PiS'P [giS'P 0Pi5'17 gOiS'P 817['17 6gO'P Lg6'g 8gL'g gLg'g 176g'g £[15'£ 900'£ lUamlI°-mEl-'q ' 9[-gI 5[-17[ 17[-£[ £1-15[ i5[-I.[ [[-0[ 0[-60 60-8'0 gO-LO LO-90 90-50 50-170 170-£0 £0-~50 i50-[0 uo[loo.fo.Id Kl[ourh;D puu lt~otul[o.~u.~t g-[ sopt;.~o 000'£ O90'g O0['g O§l.'g OOg'g O9g'g OOg'g 09£'g O017'g oog'g ogg'g: OO9'g ogg'g O0/_'S O0~'g Ogg'g O06'g og6'g 000'17 090'17 00['17 00i5'17 ogg"17 OOg'17 OS6' I, ogo'~ OS I.'ig Ogg'g og~'~ ogg'~ ogg'~ OgZ'g Ogg'g Og6'i~ ogo'g OS l.'g og~'g Ogg'g Og'lT'g ogg'g - 1 00£ L£9 90-gO OOL OOL OOL ~9 g6g ~Sg gO-gO ~O-gO £0-~0 Xl!ouduz) luomlIO.~U~ -.~ 0O9 0§~ 009 §~9 0~9 gl9 OOZ gZZ 009 OO6 O~9'Z 86g'i~ Og~'~ i5L~7'i5 [~7['~ 0~15'i5 ~7~I'~ LLO'~, 886'I [68'[ Ob8'[ 815L'I 9L9'[ 8i59'[ -- 9 [-g ! g [-~7 [ ~71-£ [ £ !-i5 [ i5 [- [ I [ I.-O [ 0 [-60 60-80 80-LO LO-90 90-gO gOd70 ~0-[0 £0-i~0 OOL'Z OOL'E OOL'~ OOL'i500L'i500L'Z OOL'i500L'i500L'i~ OOL'i5 O00'E 005'I 005'[ 005'[ ~(l!oude~) luomtto-m~--~ 0017'1. 009'1. ....... 00/__' I, 008' I. 006'1. O00'E O01.'g OOg'g O0~;'g oog'g O09'g OOZ'Z O08'E uo!loo.Co.~d Xl!ouduD puu lUOmllO.m~ i~[-O[ $oPmO