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4 High School Sites
CITYOF CI SEI 7'700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 r~x. 952.227.1190 Engineering Fhone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 23!0 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Nalural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fa:,:: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site v,,¢^~'.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director DATE: May 30, 2002 SUB J: Possible Alternatives for Locating a Second High School for District 112 During the work session we will follow the attached charge statement in evaluating alternatives for a possible second District 112 high school. After the evaluation process, staff will compile the evaluation data for your review at your June 18th meeting. These recommendations will go to the City Council on July 8th. Staff will have all necessary resources for the evaluation, e.g. MUSA maps, wetland data, etc. The City of Chanhassen · A growing communily with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, v.,'indi,4g trails, and beautiful parks. A g,reat place to live, work, and play. Charge .Statement C~oal What is the purpose of the group? Provide the city council with some alternative sites if the need for a second High School for district 112 is sought. Results Desired Product expected from the group. Pros and cons of each site (80-100 acres). Study will include infrastructure need, impact on environment, zoning MUSA, etc. Scope of Responsibility & Level of Authority Who does the group report to? Timeline When is the project due? Next meeting date. Recommendation to the City Council. Meeting in work session on the ,Tune 4 and ~[8th planning commission meeting. Resources Available What other expertise is available & who are those resources? All city maps and appropriate land use information. Communication What strategies will be used to Communicate? The Planning Commission will produce a report that will be forwarded to the City Council for their ,Tuly 8th meeting. Expectations for Membership Names and numbers of those present, members responsibilities. Work together in a timely manner to provide a critical review of alternatives for a high school site. School District Office of the Superintendent Beverly A. Stofferahn 11 Peavey Road Chaska, Minnesota 55318 (952) 556-6110 Phone (952) 556-6119 Fax Stoffe rahn B @ chaska.kl 2.mn.us ._. Preparing all/earners Io achieve their persona/best May 13, 2002 Dear Facility Advisory Committee Member, As valued participants throughout District 112's Master Facility Planning process, you know that the timeline anticipated School Board adoption of a Master Plan for the year 2014 in June 2002. This letter and enclosures will bring you up to date on activities that have continued since you last met and provided input on April 8: · Usir~ your input from .April 8, community input, 6AREI'resem:ch, and demograp~'i6 '- ' projections, two draft Facility Plan Models ('white' and 'green') were shared at a large Community Meeting on April 23 to receive feedback from a cross-section of s'mkeholders. Esscntiaiiy, the two nqodels differ in how middle and high school levels are addressed: early childhood and elementary levels are the same in both. Summaries of input from April 23 have been shared with the School Board and Administrative Team who have continued to refine facility plan models. Eased on input from April 23, revisions were made to .both the 'white' and 'green' models and presented to the School Board during a work session on May 2 (copies enclosed). After lengthy discussion, the Board determined that it needed more time to study options at the secondary level, especially ways to configure high school. During their regular May 9 meeting, the Board directed the Administration to prepare a revised process and timeline to be presented to the Board later this spring. Due to the new timeline, Public Hearings on the Master Facility Plan, originally scheduled for May 20 and 22, have been cancelled. With an extended process and timeline, a Master Facility Plan ,,viii not be adopted in June as originali~¢ scheduled. My highest priority'is to bring forward a Master Faaility Plan that: represents well the community's preferred future for learners and that is also fiscally responsible. It is likely that District 112 will take several more months to accompJish this with the community's help. For information about new developments, please check our web-site at district112.org or contact Betsy Chase, Director Of Planning & Organizational Improvement, at 952-556-6241. Again, my gratitude for your time and deep thinking about future facilities that will advance District 112's mission: To prepare all learners to achieve their personal best. Sincerely, ,,,.2 ~ Bev Stofferahn l'lO; tq sluapnl$ ~ t, lOZ.. u! sluopnlS 9~ It, (1:81 4~ N Xup ~/I) ..--- ......... -'" L.(X)~ IlU:l ua(lO ,,, .ZOlUaD pootlPl!tlD ~l.]t:.q '-.._ o. ' g()()~ lied, I0 tI ~ g- I SOln 'x ~-1- ,,, ,(.n:luaU,alS.l uomfq lsi:~.l ,(.w.m.~It[nl?l Umll,U~q' ,(.n:lu.~uI.N.:l :,l.~o].).I.lnl[I ,(.n:lu.~tlmlSl u:~s,SmlUmlD X.u:lu:mml.:l u:'tsI:tiD ,Cn:mmUOl~l .~2p} a,Sal7 \ \ Xl?~;(h:g lu.qpnl,~ SqOOH;D$1-191i t QNV ,-L~IV.LN~IN~q~ /'A~N :10 NOI.L~'-IdlNOD 'Ha~tV X£I~Vc:IVD DNlClqlfl~l i50- l-g EO-Ei~-P 7~0-9 l-t7 I.IU-KI qqOOR =_i.LIHM- sfiulpl!nEI aJnln-I pue luaJJno [ I- !- IoIJI$!C] looqos A\.:.IN Pas°d°Jd (' 858'698'S $ 0~Z'EgP'0g L O00'000'9 $ O00'~Z'~ lunuu~' ~aN $ 000'9~9'99 $ OO9'90E'Z~ $ $ OOS'909'GL pue-I 6u!pnloUl ),soo ~oe[O~d le~OJ. $ letO/ $ 0 OOC-; $ 09 OOS~ 9~ u~o/,peaJlV sa]o¥ jo # SZS SLS suJoobl looj 'bs Jad ;~0g$ Iooqos ~ !H ~ooj 'bs Jad g6L$ Iooqos air ,IAI looj 'bs Jad 96~$ fdelueLuel3 - )4 '~cl SUo!ldLUnSS~/1SOO uo!lonJ),s Iooqos qS!H ~L-6 ~,*~l ~OOE 'Og Ipd¥ pas!^abl -lapolAi al ~M JJelS aJoc) MaN ~ uo!ionJ~,suoo MaN - S~,SOO paloa[OJcJ ~ L L# QSI lapo~ :JJeJC] Xl!liOe:l Ja~,$eJAJ .~op'Eat,!lmULl.\Slooq.~S ^~ON\S.q!l!l!-q~Lq\lOd\PO~mlSO( ',d£0s ~(1\\ · poppu puu pa.~oplsuoa oq ;snm spoou ,{~OlOUq,~oj~ puu ]uatu.~olla[l puu a!udo}l '?IJ~()N loottoS q~'!l'l aX'ON ° NSI(IO ,(.Ir. 1 uotu~-~lTl A~oN .¥)I,I0 UO!ll!tU g'gl$ ua!fl!tu 9'995 IOOtl,')S qg! I'-[/e'°N ua!Il!tu C'£I$ tunl~uo.~oJo~ A.~t;lu,ntuo[.c_t axoN NSIdO ua[Il!', 95 uo[lt;^ouo..l _/ S]/~D ' /{AOqI ~qu!lu.iod( ~ob. · (~ o, ds . aa ua!Il!tu I I5.' osnOtl .1 ;I'-IE ° UAl LID.l;.') i 'D-~-., 111) 1)7 Ll)l)7 9007 :~O0,r !1%1 ti%i llUA li~";i iS00E; '1 A;IAI 1)a,S!AVXd ~;00~; '91 I!-<IV pi)oN 1Ju-tCl ~q!l!aU::l .tals~;IAl r tlr ' r AN1 :IINIJ, :I&IH3A Master Facility Draft Model 4-16-02 Revised 5-1-02 COMPONENTS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION · Expand current Early Childhood Center · Additional Early Childhood Center (if all day K) · Chaska High School industrial tech space · Technology needs · Repair & Betterment needs · Field House and fields · Swimming Pool at Pioneer Ridge (curricular and co-curricular needs) GROWTH IS GREATER THAN PROJECTED... · Acid third house to Pioneer Ridge · Addition to nexv high school · Build another elementary school and/or addition to East Union It: GROWTH IS LESS THAN PROJECTED... · Decrease size or don't build second elementary school · Don't build second early childhood center Master Facility Draft Model 4-16-09.?. FACILITY PLAN ASSUMPTIONS Short-term, creative solutions will be needed at both the elementary and high school levels to accommodate student enrollment prior to opening new schools in 200.5, 2006 and 2007. , The grade organization of PreK-K, 1-5, 6-8, and 9-12 serves students well. Other re'adc configurations will be used to adjust for ever-chancdn~ student populations and to provide the best learning environment available every year. 3. Targets for the year 2014 reduce class size by 2 in grades 4 - 8. 4-. The community's desire for smaller class sizes results in lower building capacities/school sizes. .5. Schools built in a house/cluster model enhance educators' ability to achieve the benefits of smaller sctnools through research-based instructional program delivery State of Minnesota maintains a commitment to funding lower class size at the elementary level. . Facilities will continue to be designed and built with maximum cun'ent and future fle×ibility of school and community use tn mind. 8. New elementary schools will be built with one larger classroom per cluster to allow for future Flexible use. 9. As enrollment declines, capture two classrooms per elementary to meet space needs of extended day programs and services. 10. District 112 is open to all community partnerships to achieve this Master Facility Plan and needed community spaces, fie]ds, etc. 11. The December 2001 Demography Report by Dr. Barbara Lukermann ,,vas used to project future student enrollments in this plan. 12. If District 112 moves to large scale implementation of all-day kindergarten, Facility needs will increase. luamlIO.tU~t + O00'g OgO'g , O01.'g Og['g O0~'g ogg'g OOg'g Ogg'g O0~'g O§lT'g oog'g O§g'g 009'~ 0§9'~ OOZ'g ogL'g ~ O0~'g 099'£ 006'g og6'g 000'I7 ~ ogo'17 /~ / O0 I.'17 og ~'lz 00~'~, og~'17 OOg'~7 E£9'E £g9'E gg9'~5 iSg9'E [6g'i5 EPg'E 9817'E 0()17'E gg~;'i5 £g['E 9170'i5 696'[ 898'[ [9L'[ 9[-gI 51-17I 17I-£I £[-~[ i5[-[1II-O[ 0[-60 60-80 80%0 LO-90 90-50 50-170 170-g0 gO~~O oo~'r oo¢~ oo~'r oo~'r oo~'f-'~5-&=-r- oocr '-6a~:-~ .... -(~'6b'r ooo'r oo& ooo'r ooo'r ooo'r ltuot[qlO_IU~ + ..................... J 0 o o o k 0 0 OgZ'[ 009'1, 099'[ 006'[ 096'1. O00'g OgO'g Ogl.'g O0~'g ogg'g O0~'g ogg'g O0~F'E Ogb'g OOg'g: ogg'E OO9'g Og9'g OOZ'g 00£ SO-LO 00£ 1769 LO-90 OOL OOL L~9 i5~79 90-gO gO-170 OOL g6g 170-£0 OOL gO-gO uopoa.fo.td Al!ouduD pu~ luVtUllO.m~l ~oltlo~) uut:ttlSa.~d vgp!~I .~ooUO}d I.°P°IAI gl!tiAA.- -lJt;-~CI Xl)l!OU~.l .tolsu~ luotUllO-tU~ + oog ogg gzg 009 ,gg9 og9 gz9 OOZ ogz gzz OOg og8 gzg 006 gg6 005'£ 005;'£ 005'£ 005'£ 005'£ 005'~ 005'£ 005'~ 000'~~ 017g'g 8817'g 9g17'£ gl7g'g 06I'£ LLO'£ 5176'g g6L'< 886'I [68'[ 0t7g'I 8gL'[ 9L9'[ gi59't 9I-g[ gl-PI 17I-£I £I-gI g[-[ [ [ [-0I 01-60 60-80 gO-LO L0-90 90-g0 g0-~70 PO-gO gO-gO -_ 000'g 000'g 005'[ 005'I 005'1 Xl[ouduD 'gP[a : lUamlIOZU~ + 0017' 009' I. 009'r 00Z'~ 00~'L 006' 1. 000'g 001.'g 00g'g OOg'i5 0017'g 009'i~ 009'~ OOZ'~ 009'i~ 006'~ O00'g O0['g OOg'g OOg'g 0017'g O0~'g g0-£0 qgno-ltt.Io ~IuO gl-01 $°PU-~O uo!loofo-id Xl!auctuD [)tit; ltm- tUllO.m~ i5[-6 sapm© [opo~ ol[qA5- lJu.~G Xl![!ou~I .mlSUlA[ t, I0i5 u!'smopms )I ggL g-I s~pmD (1:8'1@ ~I Xup Kl!ouduD 9gL ~3luoD pooqpl!tlD ,({!ouduD g- I sop' 1,10Z ut, sluoPmS ~l{3uduD luopnl$ 0017£ 6'9 ~I0i: u{ sluopms 01~9~: /h!oedeD luopnls 00LZ ~;I-01 ti]}H SqOOHDS ,kHV(1NODEIS RtHN :::I0 NOI&~tqdlAIOD B.q.l 2-IV X.LIDVdVD DNICI"IIfl~t .40 XBVININfl$ ~l}oudeD luopms 008 lOOtlO$ olPPUAI aXON 7; Jo uouonpo.~ ozls SSelo slaottm 006 '000I al!aeduo u~!sop AkSIAID Z? gSIAID 6 - 9 sapmD i~!,ot:duD ~uopms 006 ,q}ot',d~D {uapmS 006 lSOAh IOOtlaS olPP}IN ~suEI iooqas olPP!IAI oot~ds oJoa i~uo!uppu o.unbm , · lOOtlOg ", ~ tlg{H ~>ISUtlD ol I uomppu ~snoH q,17 % . . ! luopnlS 00g ~ l - 0I sopmo XuoeduD luopms 00!;l Xl?eduD lu~pn]s 00L IOOtlaS tlg!H u>isuqD =~P!~i ~o=uo!cI ']~OOl~l N~SD - sfiuiPl{n8 a~nlng pue luo~no g ~ l loulsIo IOOqOS ( ~l!agduD 1uop -.: 00~ lOOtlO$ OlPP! aXon Ah~HN pasodmd = ( s~u!pI!nq l!tu!ls!xH = g0-I-g gO-g~Z-~ pos!^olt Z0-'9I-P , 9~;t'O6L'§ $ coeds aJoo %Og leUO!lippe sepnloUl, 69g'8 icj $ 1717 t '092:' t $ ~,17 t '092:' ~ $ 6g$' ~17,' $ 6gg' tl~z $ ~68'899 $ ~elS eJoo lenuuv MaN 0;~Z'698'8~ L $ lelO.L 000'000'9 O00'ggZ' [ ~ $ 0 OOS 000'909'~ $ Og OOfl O00'90!g';~[: $ Og 008 00g'90g'/[ $ 9 [ gZg 009'909'§ t $ uao tpee~lV gig OgZ'ggg'g t $ g t swoow 17g pue] 6u!PnlOuI lso9 ]ga[oJd le]Ol sa]oV jo # luoede9 looj 'bs Jad gOg$ Iooqos t looj 'bs Jed g6~$ Iooqos alP .N ]ooj 'bs Jed 96L$ /uelueuJel3 -)t- d suop, du~nss~ lsoO uo!ionJls~ ','~ MSIAI9 le LUaIS/iS Je],e~ ~2 9VAH aPeJRd IOOqOS qB!H e)lSeqO ]uaJ]no ol esnoH q],~, g# Iooqos elP".~ I-# Iooqos alp Al t#/UelUaLL 3 Jaluao pooqpl!qO/it 3 uo]lonJlsuo3 ~ lapOlAi 6u!pl!nEI Z:L-OI- se IooqoS qfi!H e)lseq9 pue a6pll:t ]aaUOld 6u :q g:O0~ 'Og IHd¥ pasl^akl - lapolAl ua . 9 ]4els aJOC) ~aN :~ uo!lonJlsuoO ~aN - slso9 pa13a[o.id ~tt# QSI lapolAl lie J(] Al!Hoed JalselAI oop'~u!iom!j., uoa~O\SlOOtl~S ~osdl ,(R\ · popp~ pu~ poaop!suoa oq lsnm spoou ~l~OlOUqOo& pug luom.Io;~o~I pue J!edo}i :~I&ON o2p!M aoou, ,{ = "{4 pooqpI!qD Ap .4 = Iooqos q2!H r~Isrq: .= S..!2) uo![i ....,~ 9: uoDe^oum A UO!ll!m -~olUOD DE[ axON * ,(^wi 1~u!lmodo oN · ,(AO'I ~u[lmodO ~ ~o~I UO!lI[m I'6Z$ lOOtlO$ olPP!lAI ~ON · uo[II!m ( , ES lOOqOS olPP!IAI 'tON , stum~md DE[ olm~OlUI uo!II!m ['L [ $ ,GmuomoIE[ axoN · mnpuoaojoM Iooqos oIPPUAI axon NStdO DEl aXON * A.mluotuoIE[ axoN · N~dO Iooqos olpp[~ axoN · NStdO osnoH ,,17 SHD * ,GeluomolE[ axoN , NgdO uOt[IKU, '800Z Ilea i~00i~ 'I' ,~elAI Z;00Z; '91 Ipdv LOOZ Ilea 900Z Ilea ~NIq~IAIkL N~ZIHD $001[ Ilea Ilea Master Facility Draft Model 4-16-02 Revised 5-1-02 COMPONENTS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION Expand current Early Childhood Center · Additional Early Childhood Center (if all day K) · Chaska High School industrial tech space Technology needs Repair & Betterment needs Field House and fields · Swimming Pool at Pioneer Ridge (curricular and co-curricular needs) IF GROWTH IS GREATER THAN PROJECTED - GREEN MODEL Add third house to Pioneer Ridge and/or additions to new middle schools If growth exceeds additions to Pioneer Ridge/middle schools, build another secondary school Build another elementary school and/or addition to East Union GROWTH IS LESS THAN PROJECTED... Decrease size or don't build second elementary school Don't build second early childhood center . Master Facility Draft Model 5-1-02 FACILITY PLAN ASSUMPTIONS - GREEN MODEL Short-term, creative solutions will be needed at both the elementary and high school .levels to accommodate student enrollment prior to opening new schools in 2005, 2006 and 2007. . Grade organization within each seCondary level needs to be determined; there are several options for organizing within grades 6-9 and 10-12. In the process of moving toward optimum grade organization by 2014, other grade co, nfigurations will be used to adjust for ever-changing student populations and to provide the best learning environment available every year. 3. Targets for the year 2014 reduce class size by 2 in grades 4 - 8. . . . . . The community's desire for smaller class sizes results in lower building capacities/school sizes. Schools built in a house/cluster model enhance educators' ability to achieve the benefits of smaller schools through research-based instructional program delivery State of Minnesota maintains a commitment to funding lower class size at the elementary level. Facil~ities will continue to be designed and built with maximum current and future flexibility of school and community use in mind. New elemenF~ry schools will be built with one larger classroom per cluster to allow for future flexible use. 9. As enrollment declines, capture two classrooms per elementary to meet space needs of extended day programs and services. 10. District 112 is open to all community partnerships to achieve this Master Facility Plan and needed community spaces, fields, etc. 11. The December 2001 Demography Report by Dr. Barbara Lukermann was used to project future student enrollments in this plan. 12. If District 112 moves to large scale implementation of all-day kindergarten, facility needs will increase. 05I'17 05['~ 05I'17 05['17 05I'P 05I'17 05I'P 051'? 05I'P 5E8'£ 5i58'~ 05E'£ 05E'£ 05E'£ 05E'£ A21.t°uduD'~PI~t'-q~ g~I'p 98t'17 EEE'I7 £PE'17 [gE'P OPE'P £OE'¢ 8PI'? 6gO'P £E6'£ 88£'~ gLS'£ 76£'£ ~IE'£ 900'£ 9t-St 51-171 iTt-£t £t-Et Et-It ti-Or Or-60 60-80 80%0 LO-90 90-50 50-PO PO-£O £O-EO 0 uo!loo!o.~d Kl:ouch:D put', luotul[o.~u:I S7- [ lUVmlIO-m~ + 000'£ 0§0'~ 09t'E OOg'E O§g'E 00~'~ 03E'E 001~'g 0917'g OOg'~ OgC3'~ 009'~ 099'g OOZ'g OgZ'g OOg'g ogg'g O06'g Og6'g O00'P 030'17 00~'17 og O0~'P og~"17 OOg'P El l./? (Igl IOpOlAI uvo-~D - ~t.u-~(l Xl!I!Vt~,d-mlsuI/XI 0017'[: 0017'~ 0017'~ 0017'[ 0017'E 0017'[ 0017'~ 0017'[ 008'i5 008'~5 000'15 000'15 000'15 000'15 017g'~ 8817'g 91517'g 1517£'~ 06['~ LLO'E LLZ'g 91I'£ [66'15 L~78'15 9P0'i5 696'I 898'I I9L'[ __ 9[-g[ gI-17[ 17[-~1 ~[-15[ i5I-[[ [[-0I 0[-60 60-80 80-LO LO-90 90-gO g0-170 170-~0 ~0-150 i luotullO-m~t + OSZ'L 096' I. OgO'E 0§1,'~ O§E'E 0§§'~ 099'~ OgZ'~ OgS'g 096'~ OgO'g og~'g ogz:'g Ogg'g OglT'g ogg'g ............................................. ~ .................................................. ~1'11 ...... If ................................................ Ill' '-- OOL L~9 90-50 OOL i5t79 50-170 00£ OOL 565 ~0-~0 ~0-~0 Xl!°uduo '~PlE[ + luomllo-~u~ + OOg Ogg gzg 009 gg9 099 gz9 OOZ ggz ogz gZZ 0O9 og~ OO6 gi~6 OOL"~ OOL'g OOL'i~ OOL';500L'i500L'~ OOL'i500L'~, OOL'g OOL'i~ 000'i5 O0g'I 00~'[ 00~'[ Xl.toede~)'~PI[t--+- 0~79'Z 86g'i~ 0gg'iS'~L~7'~; ~P~'Z 0gi~'iS-17gI'iS"LL0'i5 886'[-[68'I 0~78'I 8iSL'I 9L9'[ 8i59'[ luomllo~u~~ .__ 9I-gI gld7I ~71-£[ ~[-t;l 15[-[I 1[-0[ 01-60 60-80 gO-LO L0-90 90-g0 g0-170 170-£0 £0-E0 OOff'~ , ~ ~ 00§' i. . 009' I. 00~'[ 006'1. O00'g: O01.'g OOi~'E 00[:'~ OOP'Z oog'~ O09'g OOZ'~ OOg'Z: UO[l.oo.Fo.Id Xl?uduD puu lttotUllO.m~t ~ 1-01 s°t)mD [opolA[ uo9.10 - Uu.[O z(l[l[ot]j .Io]$UlA/