3 Variance 6681 Horseshoe CurveCiTY OF PC DATE: 08/06~02 CCDATE: CASE #: 02-10 VAR By: Angell STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: LOCATION: APPLICANT: Request for a 16 foot variance from the 30 foot front yard setback, 5 foot variance from the 10 foot side yard setback and allow for 29% hardcover surface for the reconstruction of a detached garage and addition. 6681 Horseshoe Curve (The North Half of Lot 30, Pleasant View) Jeff & Judy Kvilhaug 6681 Horseshoe Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Single Family Residential 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Low Density Residential ACREAGE: 11,163 Sq. Ft. (.25 acres) DENSITY: N/A SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is proposing to remove the current detached garage and construct a 22' x 26' two-car garage with an addition to the home. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to aH property owners within 500 feet. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City's. discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for variance. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because of the burden of proof is on the applicant to show that they meet the standards in the ordinance. Kvilhaug Variance August 6, 2002 Page 2 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Section 20-615(5) of the zoning ordinance requires a 30-foot front yard setback for properties zoned RSF. Section 20-72(a) states that there shall be no expansion, intensification, replacement, structural change, or relocation of any nonconfom~ing use or nonconforming structure except to lessen or eliminate the nonconformity. Section 20-72(b) states that a nonconforming structure may be altered or expanded provided, however, that the nonconformity may not be increased. Section 20-72 (e) states that removal or destruction of a non-conforming structure to the extent of more than 50 percent of its estimated value, excluding land value and as determined by the city, shall terminate the right to continue the nonconforming structure. BACKGROUND This property is part of the Pleasant View Subdivision, built in 1976. The lot is located on the northwest comer of Laredo Drive and Chart View Road. The existing 24.4 foot by 22.5 foot detached garage is setback 31/2 feet from Horseshoe Curve and 21/2 feet from the property line to the north, thus does not meet the required 30 foot front yard setback or 10 foot side yard setback. The current hardcover surface is 3,496'sq. ft. (31%). The proposed hardcover would be reduced to 3,256 sq. ft. (29%). Both calculations include the driveway surfaces even though the proposed driveway is to be constructed of permeable pavers. The applicant proposes to demolish the existing garage and construct a 22-foot x 26-foot (572 square foot) detached garage and home addition. The new garage is proposed to be setback 14 feet from the fl'ont yard of Horseshoe Curve and 5 feet from the property line to the south. Lo Kvilhaug Variance August 6, 2002 Page 3 Property between existing ga.rage o.nd residence 6681 Horseshoe Curve o . .__.-- Edge of road ~ ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting a 16-foot variance from the 30-foot front yard setback, 5-foot variance from the 10-foot side yard setback and a variance to the hardcover surface for the reconstruction of an attached two-stall garage including a home addition. The existing garage was constructed at a 3½ foot front yard setback and a 2½ foot side yard setback. The applicant is seeking to decrease the nonconforming setback. The existing garage is located 41½ feet from the existing house. As a remodeling project, the applicant is proposing to demolish the existing garage and construct a detached 2-car garage that would be located 18 feet from the proposed addition. The proposed addition to the residence would be 10 feet x 12½ feet. Nonconformina Setback The existing garage maintains a nonconforming 3½ foot front yard setback from Horseshoe Curve and a 2½ foot side yard setback from the north property line. The zoning ordinance permits repair and maintenance of existing nonconforming structures. Removal of more than 50% of the value of a nonconforming structure will terminate these rights. (The current garage is being demolished and a new one will be located elsewhere on the property, so a variance is required.) It also states that there shall be no expansion, intensification, replacement, structural change, or relocation of any nonconforming use or nonconforming structure except to lessen or eliminate the nonconformity. In addition, nonconforming structures may be altered or expanded provided, however, that the nonconformity may not be increased. The proposed garage does not meet the required 30-foot front yard setback or the 10-foot side yard setback; nevertheless, it will decrease the nonconforming setbacks, thus meeting the above requirements. Furthermore, the new garage will improve the overall look of the property. Kvilhaug Variance August 6, 2002 Page 4 FINDINGS The Planning Commission shall not grant a variance unless they find the following facts: That the literal enforcement of this chapter would cause an undue hardship. Undue hardship means that the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size, physical surroundings, shape or topography. Reasonable use includes a use made by a majority of comparable property within 500 feet of it. The intent of this provision is not to allow a proliferation of variances, but to recognize that there are pre-existing standards in this neighborhood. Variances that blend with these pre-existing standards without departing downward from them meet these criteria. Finding: The applicant does have reasonable use of the property; however, the existing garage is a nonconforming structure. The reconstruction of a detached ga'age will decrease the nonconformity of the setback. b. The conditions upon which a petition for a variance is based are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. Finding: The conditions upon which this variance is based are applicable to many properties in the RSF zoning district. Co The purpose of the variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. Finding: The new garage and addition may increase the value of the property; however, staff does not believe that is the sole reason for the request. d. The alleged difficulty or hardship is not a self-created hardship. Finding: The garage has existed for 26 years and was constructed prior to the ordinance, so the hardship is not self-created. eo The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. Finding: The variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Kvilhaug Variance August 6, 2002 Page 5 Finding: The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission approves Variance #02-10 for a 16-foot variance from the 30-foot front yard setback, a 5-foot variance to the 10-foot side yard setback and to allow the hardcover surface to cover 3,256 (29%) of the property for the construction of a detached garage including a home addition with the following conditions: . The applicant will submit a survey that shows the elevation at the edge of bituminous and a drainage swale between the garage and the residence. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. Contact the building department for demolition permit requirements. The setback must be measured from the eave to the property lines." ATTACHMENTS 1. Application andLetter 2. Existing site plan 3. Proposed site plan 4. Public heating notice and property owners Request for Variance 6681 Horseshoe Curve Chanhassen The owners of 6681 Horseshoe Curve are requesting variances need to construct a new garage on the property the variances are: 2. 5 foot side yard setback 3. 14' front yard setback 4. 29% hardcover The owners are proposing an addition to their house, which does not require variance, as we understand the ordinances, however the construction of a new garage does. Statement of Hardship The current topography has a 12.7-foot drop from the street to the grade at the front of the house. This condition makes it impossible to keep the present house and attach a garage. The present garage is on the street, 3.7 feet from the lot line, which creates a dangerous traffic condition. The owners must back into the street with no site up and do,am the street. The current grade requires a questionable retaining wall, which is on the neighbor's property to the north. Proposed Project The Architect looked at a solution that would re-site the garage to improve safety and reduce hardcover. We propose a structure that moves the garage to the south and allows 16-18' of parking in front of the garage doors. This allows the owners to safely back out of the garage. This also allows the owners to use the structure of the garage for some retaining, eliminating retaining wall hard cover, by eliminating most retaining walls and using the longer grade on the north side of the lot for a reasonably sloped yard. We also are proposing to use permeable pavers to help hardcover. The result would be a safer garage, more off street parking and reduced hardcover. '020582 1/116/23 KVILHAUG, JUDY AD VANCE ' SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 5300 S. Hwy. No. 101 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone (952) 474 7964 Fax (952) 474 8267 suRvE¥ ~oP~ JUDY KVILHA UG SURVEYED: Sunn, 2002 DRAFTED: June 10,2002 REVISED: June 13, 2002 to show corrections on house and add trees. LF~AL DESCRIPTION: The North Half of Lot 30, Pleasantview, Carver County, Minnesota. SCOPE OF WORK: I. Showing tho length and dinmfion of boundary lines of the above legal description. The Scol~ of our mrvices do~8 not includ~ d~'xmining what you own, which is a legal matter. Plea.~ ch~ckflm kgal description with your records or comoit with com~t~nt legal counsel, if necessary, to make sum that it is correct, and tl~ any matte~ of record, such as esscmants, that you wish &own on the ~urvey, have been shown 2. Showin8 the location of existing improvements wc deemed important. 3. Se~ing n~w monum~mts or verifying old monumea~ to mink the come~ of thc property. 4. Showi~ and tabulating hard covet and area of tho lot for your revi~ and for thc review of such governmental agencies as may have jurisdiction over hard cover requirements. STANDARD SYMBOLS & CONVENTIONS: # ·" Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug bea~ing Statc License Number 9235, set, unless otherwise aoted. I hereby certify that this plan, specification, report or survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a licensed Professional Engineer and Professional sUrVeyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Parker P.E. & P.S. No. 9235 HARD COVER TABULATION: EXISTING HARDCOVER House 1,217 Sq. Ft Existing Vo:k 2t Sq. F~ ~,~ / Stone Patio 356 Sq. Ft. Bituminous Driveway 512 Sq. Ft. Coucme 231 Sq. Fc / All Ret. Walls 289 Sq. Ft Stone Path and Stone area by Shed 207 Sq. Ft Garage 547 Sq. Ft. TOTAL EXISTING HARDCOVER 3,496 Sq. Ft AREA OF LOT TO 896.3 Contour 11,163 Sq. Ft. % HARDCOVER 31% GRAPHIC SCALE I~ I I I (m ~T) 1 inch - Z0 ~t. <$9Z0 xgI&o X919.9 X922.1 92.2.0 921.6 ;t9.5 Lo~e Floor ;29.2 / / I I I / D~g. No. 939.2 020582 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7700 MARKET BLVD. PROPOSAL: Variance for the Construction of a Garage APPLICANT: Jeff & Judy Kvilhaug LOCATION' 6681 Horseshoe Curve NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicants, Jeff & Judy Kvilhaug, are requesting a setback variance for the reconstruction of a detached garage on a lot of record zoned Residential Single Family and located at 6681 Horseshoe Curve. What Happens at the Meeting' The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Jason at 227-1132. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 18, 2002. Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® 'JOHN P & JANE THIELEN 665 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KEITH M & MARY BETH HOFFMAN 6470 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DOUGLAS J & LANA HABERMAN 520 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN P & JAN-Ffl~q~-LEN 665 PLEAS.~,:WF VIEW RD CHAN/H'A'S SEN MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN C/O BRUCE DEJONG 7700 MARKET BLVIt~O BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TODD L & PATRICIA A FROSTAD 6728 LOTUS TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS A & JUDY R MEIER 695 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ALAN & LINDA K KRAMER 531 INDIAN HILL RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TERRY D & DEBRA L VOGT 732 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 NEAR MOUNTAIN LAKE ASSN INC 610 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHARLES R & JUDY L PETERSON 708 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 HARVEY W & KAREN E ROBIDEAU 540 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID B SANFORD & NIARIANNE M ~XlCCORD 6440 FOX PATt t CHANHASSEN NIN 55317 JOHN E NICOLAY JR 608 PLEAS...AN2~ VIEW RD CHA~,H.A'S SEN MN 55317 EMILY H JOHNSON 335 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN E NICOLAY JR 608 PLEASANT \:IEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS M & NANCY S SEIFERT 600 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANH/ASSEN MN 55317 JOHN R & KATHLEEN A VONWVALTER 510 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TIIOMAS NI & NANCY S SEIFERT 600 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DENNIS ZHU & ZUO ZHI 716 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 E T KELLY, TRUSTEE OF TRUST C/O TODD ELFTMANN & S ERICKSON 740 LAKE POINT RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS M & SUSAN J HLIBERTY 6450 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS M & NANCY S-SEIFERT 600 PLEASAN/T/VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CURTIS G & CHERI L ANDERSON 500 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN T & RUTH E SCHEVENIUS 570 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN T & RUTH E SCHEVENIUS 570 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 j' DOUGLAS J & Lzk~N'A~'~HABERMAN 520 PLEAS/~VIEW RD CHAI?~SSEN MIX' 55317 MICHAEL & DEBRA HAYDOCK 6460 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL A & JANET A STANZAK 724 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 531 I~d~ HILL RD CH~'4'HASSEN MN 55317 Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® ROBERT L & SANDRA J POST 489 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RANDY R & RAYMA LEE SMITH 429 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 HELEN R HARTMANN 6687 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 B ARB ARA L HEDLUND 748 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT & LINDA SATHRE 365 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN & BEVERLY RYAN 6685 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN R & KATHLEEN A VONhVALTER 510 PLEAS ~ANT VIEW RD CHANHA-SSEN MN 55317 CURTIS G & CHERI L ANDERSON 500 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 Ai_AN W & CAROL LENHART (',575 PI_EASANT VIEW (.']I:\Nlt:\SSEN XIN 5531 ANDREW H & KATRINA E CLEMENS 6691 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN R & CAROL W HAMMETT 6697 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CI]ARLES C & JANET C HURD 6(095 HORSESHOE CRV CttANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT L & ELVA HANSEN 6620 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN D & ANN M DANIELSON 6607 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JEFFORIE A KVILHAUG & JUDILYN W KVILHAUG 6681 HORSESHOE CRV' CHANtIASSEN MN 55317 .~IiCtlAEL & KATI IICfN SCtt\VARTZ 469 PLEASANT VIE\V RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BARBARA L ItEDLUND 74~ i.AKE PT CtlANilASSEN *tN 55317 KENTON D KELLY 6539 GRAY FOX CRV CItANHASSEN MN 55317 ANDREW tt & KATRIN,~'~ CLEMENS 6691 ttORSES~OE ~CRV CI IANH,~SSEN MN 55317 RICHARD R & KATHLEEN E PECK 6690 HORSESHOE LN CttA~N...HAS SEN MN 55317 DORIS A ROCKWELL 6677 ttORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 J:\NiCE k ANDRUS 449 PLEASANT VIE\V RD CHANHASSEN bin 55317 RONALD E & LEANNE HARVIEUX TRUSTEES OF TRUST 6605 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID W & BEVERLY J KOPISCHKE TRUSTEES OF TRUST 6675 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BETTY O KENYON C/O AMY EKGREN-HERSTEN 2389 23 3/4 AVE RICE LAKE \VI 54868 CARVER BEACH PROPERTIES C/O ADRIAN JOttNSON ~ ~z 2ND ST ]EXCELSIOR MN 55331 DAVID W SANTANA & DEBRA C SCHULTZ 6614 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RICHARD R & KATHLEEN E PECK 6690 HORSESHOE LN CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RAYMOND P & ALICIA L BROZOVICH 6609 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 NICItOLAS J VASSALLO & CHRISTA M VASSALLO 6669 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® 'JOSEPH M & MARGERY M PFANKUCH 6611 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 EVELYN ALBINSON 6655 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MARK C & NANCY A ENGASSER 7000 DAKOTA AVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL J & SHERRY WEIS 6660 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 HAROLD G & KATHRYN M DAHL 6631 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT IAN AMICK 581 FOX HILL DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CYNTHIA ANN BRICTSON 6613 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FRANK A & DONNA M KUZMA 6651 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRIAN H & JEANNE M BATZLI 100 SANDY HOOK RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN M & SANDRA L CUNNINGHAM 6665 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 PHILIP O & LUDMILLA J ISAACSON 6633 HORSESHOE CRV CI-IANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS V & DARLEEN TURCOTTE 108 SANDY HOOK RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 .XlICHAEL E & GLORIA LYNCtt 6630 HORSESHOE CRV CitANttASSEN MN 55317 DOUGLAS J & ELIZABETH K BITNEY 6645 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 PETER A MOSCATELLI 102 SANDY HOOK RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES E & ELEANOR KEIPER 6615 HORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN bin 55317 STATE OF MINNESOTA-DNR TAX SPEC. - BUREAU OF R E MGlX4T 500 LAFAYETTE RD ST PAUL MN 55155 CONSTANCE M CERVILLA 650 CARVER BEACH RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 PAUL F & LISA T t lUBER 6663 HORSESHOE CRV CttANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT B & SUE MIDNESS 112 SANDY HOOK RD CItANHASSEN MN 55317 SCOTT D NELSON & CATHY HULL NELSON 106 SANDY HOOK RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 J.&MES K MCCLEARY 6661 HORSESttOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LOTUS LAKE BETTERMENT ASSN 105 SANDY HOOK RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DANIEL A & MARILYN BOECKERMAN1 104 SANDY HOOK RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LADD R & SUSAN M CONRAD 6625 HORSESHOE CRV CH:~ItASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS & MARILYN PALMBY 114 SANDY HOOK RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 WILLIAM & MARJORIE SPLIETHOFF 4041 GULFSHORE BtLMD N NAPLES FL 34103 SCOTT A GAMBLE 6640 ttORSESHOE CRV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAY H & SHELLEY H STROHMAIER 80 SANDY HOOK RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JON ALAN LANG 640 CARVER BEACH RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® ROBERT B & SUE MIDNESS 112 SANDY HOOK RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 HENRY & SANDRA NEILS 7012 DAKOTA AVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEVEN T MESTITZ & PEGGY L NAAS 7200 WILLOW VIEW CV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT J & LYNELL J AHLSTROM 109 SANDY HOOK RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FRANK W JR & MARGARET M HETMAI' 7014 DAKOTA AVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 PATRICK F & KATHRYN A PAVELKO 7203 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 PAUL T EIDSNESS & ANDREA S JOHNSON 630 CARVER BEACH RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LARRY A & JULIE M KOCH 471 BIGHORN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FRANKLIN J & MYRNA A KURVERS TRUSTEES OF TRUST 7220 KURVERS POINT RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 NANCY A ENGASSER 7000 DAKOTA AVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DENNIS J & TONIE FLAHERTY 7004 DAKOTA TRL CHANHASSEN NiN 55317 EVAN M NIEFELD 7016 DAKOTA CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MARTIN IMMERMAN & ANN HOGAN 481 BIGHORN DR CItANHASSEN MN 55317 SUNRISE HILLS C/O CHARLES ROBBINS 7340 LONGVIEW CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MELVIN & JACQUELIN~E D KURVERS 7240 KURVERS POINT RD CttANHASSEN MN 55317 C/xaROLYN BLOOMBERG 7008 DAKOTA AVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LEONARD P & NANCY M KISKIS 491 BIGHORN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ,'&LAN & ANNABEL FOX 7300 LAREDO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DEAN T & SUSAN L STANTON 510 BIGttORN DR Ci-IANHASSEN MN 55317 DONALD N & CAROL J MEItL 490 BIGHORN DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHRISTOPHER K L,~URUS & HEIDI M GARCIA 7018 DAKOTA CIR CttANHASSEN MN 55317 MARK O & SUZANNE SENN 7160 WILLOW VIEW CV CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DOUGLAS R & JEANNE E MACLEAN 7280 KURVERS POINT RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN C/O BRUCE DE.~JONG 7700 MAR/IsfaET BLVIlPO BOX 147 CHANJffYASSEN MN 55317 ANNE F JOlXrES 480 BIGHORN DR CHANttASSEN MN 55317 JEFFREY W & MARY L B ORNS 7199 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RICHARD J & EUNICE M PETERS 7301 LAREDO DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEVEN M & MONICA M POSNICK 7010 DAKOTA AVE CHA~NHASSEN MN 55317 ROLF G ENGSTROM & LAWRENCE P LEEBENS 720 ! FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DANNY J & BRENDA L VATLAND 7290 KURVERS POINT RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 Smooth Feed SheetsTM 'KURVERS POINT HOMEOWNER ASSN C/O MELVIN KURVERS 7240 CHANHASSEN RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GEORGE J & DIANNE H PRIEDITIS 7401 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 Use template for 5160® PAUL J & KARl J ROMPORTL 7417 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SHIRLEY ANN NAVRATIL 7337 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHARLES ALLEN APPLEGATE & SUSAN R APPLEGATE 1484 GORMICAN LN NAPLES FL 34110 PETER J & KATHERINE S DAHL 220 FRONTIER CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ARLIS A BOVY 7339 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SEYMOUR S RESNIK 7370 KURVERS POINT RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FREDERIC OELSCHLAGER ETAL 7410 CHANHASSEN RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 NTIL & BARBARA GOODWIN 7801 96TH ST W BLOOMINGTON MN 55438 LORNA G TARNOWSKI 7405 FRONTIER TRIPO BOX 382 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GREGORY DEAN CRAY 200 FRONTIER CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CARMELA V RICI'tARDS 7320 KURVERS POINT RI) CttANHASSEN MN 55317 BLAIR PETER ENTENMANN & NANCY ENTENMANN 7407 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 WILLIAM & IVY KIRKVOLD 201 FRONTIER CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ALFRED A & SUSAN K HENDERSON 7330 KURVERS POINT RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT M & LILLIAN H SOMERS 7409 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FRONTIER TRAIL ASSN C/O WILLIAM KIRKVOLD 201 FRONTIER CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT H GREELEY 7341 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS W HAROLD 7411 FRONTIER TRL SW CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID E & CAROLYN M WETTERLIN 7420 CHANHASSEN RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT H & SALLY S ItORSTMAN 7343 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 PAT H FITZSIMMONS & PATRICIA L FITZSIMMONS 7400 CHANHASSEN RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 IRVING RAYMOND 7440 CHANHASSEN RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RONALD C & SHAWN P HAINES 7340 KURVERS POINT RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROGER & MARJORIE L KARJALAHTI 7413 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JACQUELINE SUE HAMMETT 7506 ERIE AVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHARLES ALLEN APPLEGATE & SUSAN R APPLEGATE 1484 GORMICAN LN NAPLES FL 34110 RICHARD J GILLESPIE & MICHELE M KOPFMANN 7415 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TIMOTHY J & DIANE A MCHUGH 7450 CHANHASSEN RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® CATHERINE S HISCOX 7500 ERIE AVE CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LARRY P MON & FELIX MON MINNrEAPOLIS PO BOX 390553 MN 55439 ROBERT FLYNN & VALERIE FLYNN 40 HILL ST CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS W & PAMELA C DEVINE PO BOX 714 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DENNIS C & JAzNIS I FISHER 7501 ERIE AVE CH./UNHASSEN MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHAS'~EN C/O BRUCE_.DE~ONG 7700 M/.AR'~]ET BLV]3'O BOX 147 CH;SNTIASSEN MN 55317 HARVEY L JR & C;M-~OL PARKER 7480 CHANHASSEN RD Ct-IANHASSEN MN 55317 CI t.-\l) ,~M_AN KOEIILER 7490 CttANttASSEN RD CItANH:\SSEN DIN 55317 STEVEN A & CAROL K DONEN 7636 SOUTH SHORE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LINDA ",VILKES 7632 SOUTH SHORE DR Ct t:\NHASSEN MN 55317 *'IARY C MAURICE & S.,\NDRA M SEDO 7644 SOUTtt StiORE DR CtI,-\NHASSEN N'IN >>o17 LOUIS S TESLER 7500 CI tANHASSEN RD C'HANttASSEN MN 55317 GREGORY J LINDSLEY & MARIA J STOFFEL 10 HILL ST CHANHASSEN :N4N 55317 STEVEN A & BETH A MCAULEY 20 HILL ST CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN F & DONNELL,-\ R SEGNER TRUSTEES OF TRUST 30 HILL ST C!tANHASSEN MN 55317