Commission ItemsPLANNING COMMISSIONERS 2001 SCHEDULE FOR ATTENDANCE AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Planning Commissioner will receive City Council packets as shown on the following schedule: Kind 2351 Lukewood Drive January 8 Blackowiak 8116 Erie Circle January 22 Sidney 2431 Bridle Creek Trail February 12 Burton 8190 Marsh Drive February 26 Conrad 6625 Horseshoe Curve March 12 Sacchet 7053 Highover Court S. March 26 April 9 Kind April 23 Blackowiak May 14 Sidney May 29 Burton June 11 Conrad June 25 Sacchet July 9 July 23 Kind August 13 Blackowiak August 27 Sidney September 10 Burton September 24 Conrad October 8 Sacchet October 22 November 12 Kind November 26 Blackow, iak ' December 10 PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY couNCIL 2001 MEETING DATES AND APPLICATION DEADLINES DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 1, 1999 JANUARY 2, 2001 JANUARY 22, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 15, 1999 JANUARY 16, 2001 FEBRUARY 12, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION ONork session on 2~6) CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 19, 2001 FEBRUARY 20, 2001 MARCH 12, 2001 DEADLINE FEBRUARY 2, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 6, 2001 CITY COUNCIL MARCH 26, 2001 DEADLINE FEBRUARY 16, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 20, 2001 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 9, 2001 DEADLINE MARCH 2, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 3, 2001 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 23, 2001 DEADLINE MARCH 16, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 17, 2001 CITY COUNCIL MAY 14, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL MARCH 30, 2001 MAY 1, 2001 MAY 29, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CiTY COUNCIL APRIL 13, 2001 MAY 15, 2001 JUNE 11,2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL MAY 4, 2001 JUNE 5, 2001 JUNE 25, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL MAY 18, 2001 JUNE 19, 2001 JULY 9, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION (No meeting on July 3, 2001) CITY COUNCIL JUNE 15, 2001 JULY 17, 2001 AuGusT 13, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL JULY 6, 2001 AUGUST 7, 2001 AUGUST 27, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL JULY 20, 2001 AUGUST 21, 2001 SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 3, 2001 SEPTEMBER 4, 2001 SEPTEMBER 24, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 17, 2001 SEPTEMBER 18, 2001 OCTOBER 8, 2001 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION (Work session 10/16) CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 31, 2001 OCTOBER 2, 2001 OCTOBER 22, 2001 DEADLINE OCTOBER 5, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 6, 2001 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 26, 2001 DEADLINE OCTOBER 19, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2001 CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 10, 2001 DEADLINE NOVEMBER 2, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 4, 2001 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 14, 2001 DF_..ADLINE DECEMBER 7, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 8, 2002 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 28, 2002 DEADLINE DECEMBER 7, 2001 PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 8, 2002 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 28, 2002 DEADLINE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 21,2001 JANUARY 22, 2002 FEBRUARY 11, 2002 Planning Commission Update Comprehensive Plan Rezoning and Land Use Changes This is the final step of the comprehensive plan implementation Glitch Ordinance This is a series of amendments clearing up ambiguity in the subdivision and zoning ordinance. Flag Lot Amendment During a work session this item will be further dischssed. Arboretum Village Pulte Homes rezoning of 120 acres 383 units. Nuisance Ordinance Staff has met with the city attorney regarding noise complaints. There are an increasing number of complaints that we are unable to resolve. While planning department does not enforce this chapter, noise is discussed in Chapter 20. The city attorney is drafting an ordinance. If the amendments are just to chapter 13 the amendment may go straight to the city council. Design Standards Staff has been working with the city council in trying to modify design standards. Several discussions have been held and there seems to be a consensus to a 50-75 percent brick or better requirement. It was left with the staff to take pictures of other community. When an ordinance is presented it will go the city council via the planning commission. Lakeshore Landscaping Consider an ordinance that would require landscaping on lakeshore lots. Existing Neighborhood Standards Consider an ordinance that would require an average lot size, and building height based on existing neighborhoods. Presbyterian Homes They are looking at possible 160 assisted and independent living rental units at villages on the ponds. The site is just west of the church. Fertilizer Ordinance Create an ordinance that limits or prohibits the use of phosphorous. Sept- Winter 2001 work session Feb 2001 Winter 2001 Winter 2001 Winter 2001 Ongoing Winter 2001 Spring 2001 Winter 2001 ? Winter 2001 Ongoing Issues Doug Hanson has prepared a draft design for a 30-36 unit apartment complex on Santa Vera next to his existing building and the city park Ashling Meadows Lundgren Subdivision at the intersection of Gal?in md Lake Lucy. Traditional RSF subdivision with 50 + lots. Jan 16, 2001 Code Enforcement Home occupations violations R & B Landscaping JB Landscaping Conditional use standards arraignment 1-8 arraignment 1-8 Project Management Lake Susan Apartments March Glen Subdivision Paisley Park- studio addition Mattson Property Industrial guided and property that is located south of Stone Creel and just west of the Bluff Creek and north of Lyman. The site is approx 80 acres. Part of the site is in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Winter or Spring 2001 g:\plan\ka\pc update.doc Comprehensive Planning Meeting and Hearing Schedule Item # Invitation Neighbor. Notice PC Hearing CC Hearing LUA1 1/13/01 1/23/01, Tue. 2/8/01 2/20/01 3/12/01 LUA2 1/13/01 1/23/01, Tue. 2/8/01 2/20/01 3/12/01 REZ1 1/13/01 1/23/01, Tue. 2/8/01 2/20/01 3/12/01 REZ1 2/2/01 Worksession REZ2 1/20/01 1/30/01, Tue. 2/22/01 3/6/01 3/26/01 REZ3 1/20/01 1/30/01, Tue. 2/22/01 3/6/01 3/26/01 LUA1 - John Hennessey amendment from Residential Low Density to Residential Medium Density. LUA2 - East side of Lake Minnewashta, Dogwood Rd., amendment from Residential Large Lot to Residential Low Density. REZ1 -Rezoning of three properties adjacent to Longacres from PUD-R to RSF. REZ2 - Rezoning of Schlenk property from RSF to R4 or RS. This may result alternatively in Land Use Amendment. REZ3 - Rezoning of three properties south of 169/212 from BF to A2.