1 Rezone 1916 Crestview CircleCITYOF ~90 CiO, Ce, re;' Drive, PO Box 147 Cha,hasse,, Mimmota 55317 : ~ Pho,e 612.937.1900 ! Ge,eralFax 612. Y37.5739 13~gi, eeri,g Fa.r 612.937.9152 h~blic S,,.feO, ~.~' 612.934.2524 II:~.b u.u ,w. ci. cha,hasse,. ,m. ,s MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commissioners FROM: Julie Hoium, Planner I DATE: January 16, 2001 Rezoning of 1916 CresWiew Circle UPDATE On January 2, 2001, the Planning Commission tabled a request to rezone the property at 1916 Crestview Circle from Rural Residential (RR) to Residential Single Family (RSF) until more information could be provided on the site characteristics. In addition, staff was directed to provide additional information on the possibility of a future subdivision of this site. The purpose of this memo is to present the information as requested. The rezoning is scheduled tbr the January 22nd City Council meeting. STAFF FINDINGS The property is currently zoned RR. It is approximately 41,270 square feet or. 95 acres in size. The topography of the site slopes from a high of elevation 1018 at the front (western) property line to a low of 994 at the southeastern property line Upon preliminary inspection there appears to be a small portion of a larger wetland basin in the southeast comer of the property. There is also a drainage way in the northwest comer of the property that flows southeast into the wetland. A 24 inch drainage pipe located underneath Galpin Boulevard feeds this drainage channel. While researching the site characteristics, staff considered three different scenarios that could be applied to this property. The 3 scenarios include: 1. Rezone the property to RSF, and construct one single family home 2. Rezone the property to RSF and subdivide the property 3. Leave property zoned as RR and grant variances to make the property buildable The following paragraphs give a description of each scenario along with an explaination of the resulting outcome. he Citl, of Cha,hasse,. A x~'owinz communit3, with dean lakes, qua/&, schools, a cham~in~ downtown, thriving, businesses, and beautiful oarks. A ~reat /)/ace to live, work. and January 16, 2001 Page 2 REZONED TO RSF & BUILD ONE SINGLE FAMILY HOME Rezoning this property to Residential Single Family (RSF) would bring the zoning into compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. If this property were rezoned to Residential Single Family (RSF) and the property owner decided to build one single family home, staff would still have some control in how and where the home would be built. The property owner would be required to submit site plans and specifications as required under Section 7-19 of the city ordinance (Attachment 1). A wetland delineation would be required to show the exact wetland boundary. A storm water plan would also be required. A 0-20 foot buffer with a minimum average width of 10 feet and a 40 foot setback would have to be maintained from any wetland. In addition, any proposal cannot alter drainage patterns off site. As stated in Section 7-20 (Attachment 1), the city could deny a building permit if the dwelling is on ground too low for adequate surface water drainage. The permit can also be denied if it appears that the construction would cause a change in the existing drainage of surface water. REZONED TO RSF & PROPERTY SUBDIVIDED If this property were rezoned to RSF, the property owner could apply to subdivide this parcel into two separate parcels. Some of the same standards and regulations that applied to the previous scenario would apply to this scenario. The owner would be required to submit site plans and specifications. A wetland delineation would be required along with a storm water plan to show that existing drainage patterns would be maintained. As stated above, a 0-20 foot buffer with a minimum average width of 10 feet and a 40 foot setback must be maintained from a wetland. In this situation, additional requirements would be applied. The city could require an easement be dedicated over the drainage way that runs from the northwest comer to the wetland. This would allow the city to access the drainage way for emergency or maintenance purposes. As stated in Section 18-76 (Attachment 2), the easement would have to be sufficient width to provide proper maintenance and protection. The owner would not be allowed to build over this easement. If the owner wanted to reroute the drainage channel so that it followed the property boundary instead of traveling through the property, they would have to hire an engineer to design the channel. Storm water calculations would also be required. This can be a very expensive course of action. The city would also require the applicant to pay SWMP fees to cover water quality and water quantity related maintenance and improvements. A tree survey would be required and would have to be prepared by a registered landscape architect or forester. As required by the ordinance, a minimum amount of canopy January 16, 2001 Page 3 coverage must be maintained on site. The homes would be required to hook up to the city's water and sanitary sewer systems. The only place to hook up to the sewer system is along Crestview Circle, however based on the elevations in the area this would require an ejector pump to be installed in the new home. As stated in the previous section, the city could deny a permit if it appears that the surface water drainage would be adversely affected. The applicant would also have to meet all required setbacks from the property lines, and the wetland. Based on the preliminary inspection by staff, it appears that it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to subdivide the property and meet all the setbacks and additional criteria. Attached is a map (Attachment 3) that shows there is very little room on this site to divide the property. A 50 foot setback would have to be maintained from the wetland. A drainage channel would have to be maintained on the western portion of the property. Access to this property would most likely be along County Road 117 (Galpin Blvd.), which is under Carver County jurisdiction. The only way to subdivide this lot would be via a private drive or a flag lot. If the property was divided there does not appear to be a 60 x 60 foot building pad on the western half of the property. It is the opinion of staff at this time that the property cannot be subdivided. LEAVE AS RR & GRANT A VARIANCE Should this property be left as Rural Residential the owner would not be allowed to subdivide. To make this a buildable lot, the city would have to grant variances from the RR lot requirements and setbacks. Some of these include a variance from the minimum lot area, lot frontage, and driveway separation. As with the two previous scenarios, the owner would have to provide a site plan and specifications to show storm water drainage. A wetland delineation would also be required. The city could also deny any permit if the ground is too low for adequate drainage or a change in existing drainage occurred. If this property was left as zoned as RR, there are some additional factors that should be noted. One is that if the owner met the setbacks (front, rear and side) after the initial variances were granted, no additional variances would be needed in the future. Two, in a RR district agricultural uses are allowed, meaning the property owner could build a barn or raise livestock or poultry. Three, in RR districts accessory structures could be as large as 30% of any rear yard. Finally, height limitations do not apply to barns, silos, or farm buildings, which are allowed in RR districts. January 16, 2001 Page 4 ADDITIONAL POINTS OF INTEREST In the immediate vicinity of this parcel there are several lots zoned as RSF that are as large or larger than this lot. These lots, as shown on Attachment 4, could be subdivided if all the ordinance requirements were met. The map (Attachment 4) also shows two lots on the north side of Crestview Circle. These lots are the result of a subdivision that occurred in 1993. Rezoning this parcel to RSF therefore would not create a unique circumstance that would provide an oppo~mnity for one large lot to be further subdivided. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is staff's conclusion that this property could not be subdivided. Considering the physical features on this property there is not enough room to create two lots that meet all the ordinance requirements and provide for two 60 x 60 foot building pads. Even if this property were rezoned to RSF, a site plan and wetland delineation would be required before any building permit could be approved. Therefore, staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the folloWing motion: "The Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning (#2000-3) of Mr. Walton's property located at 1916 Crestview Circle, from Rural Residential, RR to Residential Single Family, RSF." ATTACHMENT 1. Section 7-19 & 7-20 of the city ordinance 2. Section 18-76 of the city ordinance 3. Site map 4. Map of subdividable RSF lots 5. Elevation map g:\plan\jh\projects\rezone\waltonmemo.doc § 7-18 ATTACHMENT 1 Ordinance, Section 7-19, Building Plans and Specifications CHANHASSEN CITY CODE Sec. 7-18. Fees. (a) The fees to be paid to the city for building permits and inspections shall be as established by resolution. The value of construction shall be determined by the building official. (b) Upon return of a building permit to the city by the holder thereof, with proof satisfactory to the building official that no construction was undertaken pursuant hereto, he shall refund to the holder the building permit fee pa.id by him, except that twenty (20) percent of the fee paid or twenty-five dollars ($25.00), whichever is greater, shall be retained by the city. A similar refund shall be made of any plan-checking fee pa/d except that no refund shall be made if the city has caused the plans to be checked. (c) In addition to the permit fee required by subsection (a), above, the applicant shall pay a surcharge to be remitted to the Minnesota Department of Administration as required by Minnesota Statutes 1990, § 16B.70. (Ord. No. 23-B, § 5, 2-23-81; Ord. No. 84, § 2, 3-14-88; Ord. No. 167, § 4, 4-27-92) Sec. 7-19. Plans and specifications. The building official may require that plans and specifications, required under Section 302(b) of the Unifc~rm Building Code, include a survey of the lot upon which the proposed building or construction is to be done, prepared and attested by a registered surveyor. An ori~inM si~ature is required on the certificate of survey. The survey shM1 provide the following information unless other~wise approved by the administrative authority: (1)_ Scale of drawing mud north arrow; (2) Legal description of property;_ (3) Dimensions and beating of front, rear, and side property lines;- (4) Front, rear, and side yard setback dimensions of all proposed structures; (5) Location of all existing structures on the property, including but not limited to sanitary and storm manholes, hydrants, catch basins, power poles, phone boxes, fences, and any encroachments; (6) Outside dimensions of proposed structure(s) including decks, porches, retaining wails (include elevations at bottom of footing and top of wall), stoops, stairs, cantilevers, fireplaces, bay and bow windows, egress window wells; (7) Location of a benchmark stake established by the surveyor at the front setback line within twenty (20) feet of the proposed structure. Maintenance of the benchmark stake once established by the surveyor shall be the responsibility of the permit applicant; (8) Location of stakes established by the surveyor on side property lines at: a. Front setback line. b. Front building line. Supp. No. 8 386 BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS § 7-21 c. Rear building line. The maintenance of these stakes once established by the surveyor shall be the responsibility of the permit applicant; (9) Location of first floor elevation of buildings on adjacent lots. Vacant adjacent lots shall be labelled as such; (10) Location of all easements of record; (11) E.,dsting and proposed elevations at the following locations; a. Each lot comer. b. Top of curb or centerline of street at each lot line extension. c. Center of proposed driveway at curb. d. Grade at corners of proposed structure. e. Lowest floor level, top of block, garage slab. (12) Indication of direction of surface water drainage by arrows; (13) Erosion control and grading plan if required by Chapter 20 or development contract; (14) Wetland boumdaries with ordinary high water level and 100-year flood elevation if applicable; (15) Drix'eway grade (minimum--0.50~, ma.-dmum--10%; (16) .MI trees in excess of six (6) inches in diameter (diameter measured at four (4) feet above grade). (Ord. No. 23-B, § 6.01, 2-23-S1; Ord. No. 167, § 5, 4-27-92) Cross references--Report of enlargement of establishment selling nonintoxicatkng malt liquor at time of application for building permit, § 10-36; report of alteration to alcoholic beverage establishment to be made at time of application for buildin~ permit, § 10-87. Sec. 7-20. Denial of permit, The building official shall deny a permit for construction or enlargement of a dwelling on ground which is too low for adequate drainage of surface waters. He shall also deny a permit for construction or enlargement of any building when it appears that the proposed elevations of the lot for which the permit is to be issued, in relation to the established or proposed grades of adjoining or nearby streets, will probably cause a change in the e.,aisting drainage of surface waters which will result in substantial hazard or inconvenience to persons residing in the city or traveling on its streets. (Ord. No. 23-B, § 6.02, 2-23-81) Sec. '7-21. Certificate of occupancy. No building or structure except group .U occupancies shall be used or occupied, until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy. (Ord. No. 118, ~ 1, 1-22-90; Ord. No. 237, § 2, 4-10-95) Supp. No. 8 387 ATTACHMENT 2 Ordinance, Section 18-76, Easements SUBDIVISION § 18-77 storm water improvement which has been oversized to serve property outside the subdivision. The charge for lots oversized due to individual onsite sewage disposal and water Systems will be reduced to the charge that would be imposed on a one-half acre lot. An additional charge will then be imposed if the lot is further subdivided less a credit for the charge previously paid. The charge shall be paid in cash before the subdivision is approved by the city unless the city and subdivider agree that the charge may be assessed against the property. Property being subdivided shall be exempt from the water qualit~ and water quantity connection charges imposed by this section if the charges were paid or assessed in conjunction with a previous subdivision of the property and if the property is not being zoned to a classification with a higher charge. (c) Within the Bluff Creek Overlay (BCO) District, meet the additional purpose, intent and standards of the BCO District. (Ord. No. 33-D, § 6.8, 2-25-85; Ord. No. 225, § 1, 10-24-94; Ord. No. 286, § 2, 12-14-98) Secs. 18-64--18-75. Reserved. ARTICLE IV. EASEMENTS, DEDICATION OF LAND OR CASH CONTRIBUTION FOR PUBLIC PURPOSE AND REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS Sec. 18-76. Easements. (a) All easements shall be dedicated by appropriate language on the final plat in accordance with this section. (b) Easements at least ten (10) feet wide along all street right-of-way lines, five (5) feet along both sides of rear and side lot lines, shall be provided for utilities where necessary. If appropriate, easements of lesser or greater width may be required by the city. All utility easements shall have continuity of alignment from block to block. (c) Easements shall be provided along each side of the centerline of any water course or drainage channel, to a width sufficient to provide proper maintenance and protection and to provide for storm water run-off from a one-hundred-year storm of twenty-four (24) hours' duration. Where necessary, drainage easements corresponding to lot lines shall be provided. Such easements for drainage purposes shall not be less than twenty (20) feet in width. (Ord. No. 33-D, § 7, 2-25-85) Sec. 18-77. Dedication of land or contribution in cash for public purposes. in every plat or subdivision the developer may be required to dedicate to the public streets, easements for sewers, electric, gas, water facilities, storm water drainage, holding ponds and similar utilities and improvements. (Ord. No. 33-D, § 8, 2-25-85; Ord. No. 85, § 1, 3-14-88) Supp. No.' 11 1014.5 SITE MAP ATTACHMENT 3 Site Map / LE'3END Drainage Pipe Drainage Chanr, el Wetland Buffer io% %'1 ! ATTACHMENT 4 Map of RSF zoned property large enough to subdivide 'Vleiod.~ F ill V~'. 65th St. ~r Crest~ Lots that have been subdivided Lots that can be subdivided N CITY OF PC DATE: Jan. 2, 2001 CC DATE: Jan. 22, 2001 REVIEW DEADLINE: 01/30/01 CASE #: REZ 2000-03 Bv: JH STAFF REPON i PROPOSAL: Rezoning of property from Rural Residential (RR) to Single Family Residential (RSF). -. LOCATION: 1916 Crestview Circle APPLICANT: Tory Gene Walton 1961 Crestview Circle Excelsior, MN 55331 PRESENT ZONING: 2020 LAND USE PLAN: ACREAGE: RR, Rural Residential ' Residential-Low Density .947 acres, 41271.547 square feet DENSITY: NA SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting the rezoning of the property from RR, Rural Residential District, to RSF, Single Family Residential. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezoning, PUD's, and amendments to PUD's because the City is acting in its legislative or policy making capacity. A rezoning or PUD, and amendment thereto, must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. .~oOd Lake LucY Walton Rezoning January 2, 2001 Page 2 PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant would like to be able to build on this property. Under the current zoning, Rural Residential (RR), a minimum lot size of 2½ acres is required. The existing lot is non-conforming with the RR district regulations. The applicant is requesting to rezone this property to Residential Single Family, RSF, which requires a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet. This property is guided for Residential-Low Density. Rezoning of the property to RSF is consistent with the comprehensive plan land use designation. The applicant owns the. parcel directly to the north of this property, which is part of the single family residential subdivision known as Rolling Hills. To the south of this property is a RR, rural residential large lot subdivision, Lake Lucy Highlands that was subdivided in 1985. As required by the 1995 amendment to the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, land use and zoning must be consistent with the comprehensive plan. The proposal to rezone Mr. Walton's residential property to Residential Single Family, RSF, from Rural Residential, RR, reinforces a pattern of development that is consistent with the comprehensive plan, BACKGROUND This parcel was platted in 1967. In 1972, this property was zoned RI-A, Agricultural Residential, that requires a minimum lot size of 2½ acres. By 1986, the zoning changed to RSF, Single Family Residential. This zoning continued through 1990. On the zoning map revised in 1994 this property is covered by the boundary line separating the RSF, Single Family Residential district from a RR, Rural Residential district (see Attachment 4). It is thought that at this time the zoning was inadvertently changed to RR, Rural Residential. However, staff is unable to ascertain when the zoning changed. An error was made at some point in the zoning of this property. Staff wants to follow the appropriate process to make certain the zoning is in compliance with the ordinance. REZONING Rezoning of the property from RR to RSF is consistent with the City's adopted comprehensive plan land use designation of Residential-Low Density and would be compatible with the property to the north. The rezoning would also bring the lot into compliance with the single family district regulations. DISCUSSION This property has been guided for Residential-Low Density since the adoption of the 1990 Comprehensive plan. At one time this parcel was zoned as RSF, but for unknown reasons, was changed to RR on the zoning maps. The 2020 Land Use Plan depicts this property as Residential-Low Density. Approval of the rezoning of the property from Rural Residential to Single Family Residential will bring the zoning and use into compliance with the land use plan. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: Walton Rezoning January 2, 2001 Page 3 "The Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezoning (#2000-3) of Mr. Walton's property located at 1916 Crestview Circle, from Rural Residential, RR, to Single Family Residential, RSF." ATTACHMENT 1. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List 2. 1986 Zoning Map 3. 1990 Zoning Maps 4. Zoning Map, Revised 1994 Walton Rezoning January 2, 2001 Page 4 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION Application of Tory Walton Rezoning On January 2, 2001, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly schedule meeting to consider the application of Tory Walton for rezoning property from Rural Residential, RR, to Single Family Residential, RSF. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed rezoning preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT lo The property is currently zoned Rural Residential, RR. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential-Low Density. The legal description of the property is Registered Land Survey No 31 described as follows: All that part of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter(SW ¼ of the NE ¼) of Section 3, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principle Meridian lying Southerly of the plat of the Lot 4, Block 1, Rolling Hills, thence Southerly on the Southerly extension of the East line of said Lot 4 to the South line of said Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter; thence continuing southerly along said extension a distance of 115.00 feet; thence westerly parallel with the South line of said Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter a distance of 230.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along a line, which if extended would intersect the most Westerly comer of said Lot 4, to the south line of said Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter and the actual point of beginning of line to be described; thence Walton Rezoning January 2, 2001 Page 5 continuing along the extension of the last described line to its intersection with the most westerly comer of said Lot 4 and there terminating. , a) The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. b) The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c) The proposed use conforms with all performance standards-contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d) e) The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. , The planning report #2000-3 dated danuaty 2, 2001, prepared by dulie Hoiurn is incorporated herein. Walton Rezoning January 2, 2001 Page 6 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the rezoning. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this ! 6nd day of January, 200!. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman ATTEST: Secretary g: lplanlj'h lprojeetslrezone hvalton rezone, doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION OiTY OF CHANHASSEN R~P. EIVED APPLICANT: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE (Day time) Tory Gwne Walton 1961CrPs~view Or, mx~,}lsior ~[N 55331 952-889-6207 OWNER: Tory Genc Walton ADDRESS: 1961C~¢~rv~¢w Cr. MN 55331 Excelsior 952-470-6398 TELEPHONE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Conditional Use Permit Vacation of ROW/Easements Interim Use Permit Non-conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* X Rezoning Variance Wetland Alteration Permit Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits __ Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review* X Notification Sign Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** ($50 CU P/SPR/VAC/VARNVAP/Metes and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) Subdivision* TOTAL FEE $ .500.00 A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be included with the application. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. *Twenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, Including an 81/2'' X 11" reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet. ** Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract NOTE - When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. =ROJECT NAME Walton Rezonin~ LOCATION 1916 Crestview Cr. Excelsior }fN 55~31 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LAnd survey ¢/31 t-r~c,t-'.~ A ,t. ~ 1.02 TOTAL ACREAGE WETLANDS PRESENT PRESENT ZONING RRF REQUESTED ZONING RSF PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION REASON FOR THIS REQUEST YES ~ NO Residential' low density Residential' ]ow d~n.q~y Applicant wo,,~ l~ke-a'bility to build on property. This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be-accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within ten business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within ten business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with ~all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom ~the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either .copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make 'this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. i will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further Understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any iauthorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. The city hereby notifies the applicant that development review cannot be completed within 60 days due to public hearing requirements and agency review. Therefore, the city is notifying the applicant that the city requires an automatic 60 day ~xtension for development review. Development review shall be completed within 120 days unless additional review !extensions are approved by the app~lic/a)nt. IIII Signature o[~~~~ Signature of Fee Owner Application Received on Date Fee Paid Date Receipt No. -7~ ~ .~'~ The applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting. if not contacted, a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address. * * ADDRESS CORRECTION * * NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2001 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE PROPOSAL: Rezone Property from RR APPLICANT: Tory Walton to RSF LOCATION: 1916 Crestview Circle NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, Tory Walton, is requesting rezoning of property from RR, Rural Residential to RSF, Single Family Residential for property located at 1916 Crestview Circle. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public headng is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. Dudng the meeting, the Chair will lead the public headng through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public heating is closed and the Commission discusses the project. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall dudng office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Fdday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Julie at 937-1900 ext. 117. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public heating has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 21, 2000. ,Smooth Feed SheetsTM l.~e template for 5160® ISTEN A STRUYK [1 CRESTVIEW CIR CELSIOR MN 55331 WILLIAM C & JUDITH J ASHENBACH 2041 65TH ST W EXCELSIOR MN 55331 SHAWN & CHERRI ENGSTROM 1950 CRESTVIEW CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 )RIS LILLIAN NIKOLAI 70 GALPIN BLVD iCELSIOR MN 55331 JAMES M & DEBRA I RONNING 6640 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 STEVEN & SHARON T HERRON 1941 WHITETAIL RIDGE CT EXCELSIOR MN 55331 ~UCE A & JEAN A MATTSON 20 CRESTVIEW DR 2CELSIOR MN 55331 NANCY K MANCINO 6620 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 CLARENCE E & LIEVA H SCHMIDT 1930 CRESTVIEW CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 rUL S TUNGSETH 31 CRESTVIEW DR [CELSIOR MN 55331 JEFFERY W & BARBARA A PESHEK 6480 WHITE DOVE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MARY TRIPPLER 1931 CRESTVIEW CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MOTHY P EIDEM 50 CRESTVIEW DR I, CELSIOR MN 55331 RANDAL J & JOAN M MEYER 6470 WHITE DOVE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 KRISTEN A STRUYK / 1941 CRESTVIEW~.Ia~ E~ MN 55331 'rECK 0 & MARLIESE JOHNSON 11 GALPIN BLVD iCELSIOR MN 55331 DUANE D & KAREN K MALMSTROM 6460 WHITE DOVE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 55331 EVEN W & WENDY LAM BURESH 51 GALPIN BLVD :CELSIOR MN 55331 ERIK A & cHRISTINE M TAMMEARU 6450 WHITE DOVE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 PETER R & BARBARA MEYER 6441 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 RISTIAN P & ELIZABETH PREUS LAKE I~.UCY LN iCELSIOR MN 55331 dOTHY J & DEBRA R HAGELE 65TH ST W iCELSIOR MN 55331 GALPIN BLVD CELSIOR MN 55331 RICHARD J & SALLY A OESTREICH 6440 WHITE DOVE DR '" EXCELSIOR MN 55331 JAMES E & AMBER F BULLINGTON 6430 WHITE DOVE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 TORY G WALTON & CAMILLE S RAICHE 1961 CRESTVIEW CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331 DUSTiN A & KELLY A BRAKEMEIER 7386 KOCHIA LN VICTORIA MN 55386 PATRICIA HELENE HAUGEN 1960 WHITETAIL RIDGE CT EXCELSIOR MN 55331 KENNETH W & NANCY C EATO 1950 WHITETAIL RIDGE CT EXCELSIOR MN 55331 GENE D DEWEESE & JULIE A THORNDYCRAFT 1940 WHITETAIL RIDGE CT EXCELSIOR MN 55331 JAMES H & ALICE M BERQUAM 1930 WHITETAIL RIDGE CT EXCELSIOR MN 55331 FHOMAS S KASPRZAK 1920 WHITETAIL RIDGE CT EXCELSIOR MN 55331 lAY P & JAMIE S KARLOVICH 1910 WHITETAIL RIDGE CT EXCELSIOR MN 553..31 1990 Zoning Map PREPARED BY: / ,~/ -"' CHANHASSEN ENGINEERING DEPT. '"-J ., /_,"m REVISED JAN.,1990 -'--~ 'ID R ' .... ~ LEGEND AGRICUbTURAL PRESERVATION DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ESTATE DISTRICT RURAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT NIXED LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ;, 1 A2 R8 BN CBD BG OI lOP PUD NE RD MIXED MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT HIGHWAY AND BUSINESS SERVICES DISTRICT CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT FRINGE BUSINESS DISTRICT OFFICE & INSTITUTIONAL DISTRICT INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK DISTRICT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NATURAL ENVIRONMENT LAKES RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LAKES ~LAK~ i [ I,