Admin Site Bluff Creek ElementaAdministrative Section CITYOF Pho~:e 612.937, I900 Fax 612. 937. 5739 £,si,ecrh~S Fax 612.93Z9152 S~3' ~x 612.934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Scott A. Botcher, City Manager Robert Generous, Senior Planner DATE: January 2, 2001 SUB J: Administrative Site Plan Review - Bluff Creek Elementary PROPOSAL SUMMARY School District 112 is proposing an expansion to the Bluff Creek Elementary School cafeteria. This expansion encompasses approximately' 500 square feet which represents 0.5 percent of the existing floor area. In addition, School District 112 is proposing remodeling at Chanhassen Elementary School. This remodeling is within the existing footprint of the building. Area 1 remodeling reconfigures school administrative functions. Area 2 remodeling removes a locker room and creates a bathroom and storage area. Area 3 remodeling divides a narrow room into a bathroom and storage room for the art room. BACKGROUND On April 12, 1993, the Chanhassen City Council.approved the purchase of the 42 acres for the elementary school site and recreation and open space land. On January 5, i994, the Planning Commission recommended site plan, rezoning, and preliminary plat approval fbr the proposed school site. On January 24, 1994, the Chanhassen City Council approved the preliminary plat, wetland alteration permit and rezoning for Bluff Creek Elementary School and Chanhassen Recreation Center. On February 7, 1994, the Chanhassen City Council approved the site plan for the school. The school is approximately 81,000 square feet. On March 22, 1994, The Chanhassen City Council awarded the bid for the site grading. On April 11, 1994, the Chanhassen City Council approved the purchase agreement, joint powers agreement and lease agreement between the City of Chanhassen and Independent School District 112. The Ga, of Chauhasseu. A et'owiJ~.e cmmmmin, tv/dj cle~.J~ h~kes, m~alin, schooh, a cham~ine dmvnrowJ~, thrivi,(, h,sinesses, a,d beautihd t~arks. A ~reat o/ace to live, work. Scott Botcher Administrative Site Plan Review Bluff Creek Elementary School Page 2 On April 12, 1994, the school district closed on the purchase of the westerly 20 acres of the site. Since both resulting properties were 20 acres or larger, the conveyance of the property did not require subdivision approval. On June 29, 1994, the City of Chanhassen issued a foundation permit for Bluff Creek Elementary School and Chanhassen Recreation Center. On October 12, 1994, the City of Chanhassen issued a shell permit. On December 13, 1994, the City of Chanhassen issued a finish permit for Bluff Creek Elementary School and Chanhassen Recreation Center. On February 15, 1995, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Bluff Creek Addition subdivision. On March 13, 1995, the item was scheduled for Chanhassen City Council approval for the Final Plat for BluffCreek Addition creating two lots, two outlots, and right-of-way for Coulter Boulevard, Galpin Boulevard, and Highway 5. However, staff was unable to find minutes of the proceeding. On June 26, 2000, the City Council approved the final plat creating two lots, two outlots, and right-of-way for Coulter Boulevard, Galpin Boulevard, and Highway 5. DISCUSSION City Code, Section 20-113, Administrative approvals, states that minor site plan and building alterations which do not involve a variance, which are consistent with the intent of the approval relative to all aspects of the site and building plans and which are not accompanied by other matters requiring consideration by the planning commission or city council, may be approved by the director of planning. The director is not authorized to approve the principle construction of new buildings or alterations to existing buildings that would add more than ten (10) percent to the existing gross floor area. The proposed building is not more than ten percent of the area approved as part of the site plan. Ail other aspects of the site plan shall be developed in substantial conformance to the site plan that had been approved for the site. Unless there are objections to the administrative approval of the site plan and remodeling, staff will process the building permit for the cafeteria expansion and school remodeling. Attachments 1. Bluff Creek Elementary Cafeteria Expansion 2. 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