2 Ashling Meadows AdditionCITY OF PC DATE: 2/20/01 CC DATE: 3/12/01 Review Deadline: 4/14/0 I CASE #: 00-15 SUB REZ 00-5 WET 00-5 By: A1-Jaff:v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Rezoning of approximately' 40' acres oI property zonetl RR, Ku, dl Residential, to RSF, Residential Single Family Preliminary Plat to Subdivide 40 Acres into 53 single family lots and 4-. outlots, Ashling Meadows Wetland Alteration Permit to fill 3,360 square feet of wetland LOCATION: East of Galpin Boulevard and South of Lake Lucy Road, Ashling Meadows, Lundgren Bros. APPLICANT: Lundgren Bros. Construction Inc. - Development Coordinator: David Hinners 935 E. Wayzata Boulevard Wayzata, MN 55391 (952)473-1231 W PRESENT ZONING: RR, Rural Residential District 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential-Low Density (Net Density 1.2 - 4.0 units per acre) ACREAGE: Approximately 40 acres DENSITY: 1.8 Units per Acre Net 1.3 Units per Acre Gross SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Subdivision of 40 acres into 53 single family lots and four outlots. Rezoning of approximately 40 acres of property zoned RR, Rural Residential to RSF, Residential Single Family. Wetland Alteration Permit to fill 3,360 square feet of wetland. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision.. ,, Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 2 The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving a rezoning because the City is acting in its legislative or policy making capacity. A rezoning must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is proposing to subdivide 40 acres into 53 single family lots and four outlots. The property is zoned RR, Rural Residential, and the proposal calls for rezoning it to RSF, Residential Single Family. The applicant is also proposing to fill 0.08 acres of wetland. The average lot size is 24,129 square feet with a resulting gross density of 1.3 units per acre and a net density of 1.8 units per acre. The site is located south of Lake Lucy Road and east of Galpin Boulevard. Access to the subdivision will be provided via Galpin Boulevard. All lots are proposed to be served via internal residential streets with the exception of Lot 53. This parcel is proposed to gain access via Lake Lucy Road. Staff has reservations with the validity of this lot due to the amount of fill, driveway grade, and access to utilities. This parcel is discussed in detail under the Miscellaneous Section of the report. Staff is recommending elimination of this lot. All of the proposed lots meet the minimum area, width, and depth requirements of the Zoning Ordinance with the exception of one lot however; the lot lines can be easily adjusted to meet ordinance requirements. There are four outlots shown on the plat. Outlots A and C Will contain wetlands and storn~ water ponds. Outlot B is intended to contain a park which may include a swimming pool, changing rooms, gazebo, and a tot lot. All these uses are permitted within the RSF district. The only issue is the fact that the ordinance does not allow structures to be constructed on outlots. Staff reconunends the parcel be replatted into a lot. Outlot D will contain a neighborhood identification sign. The site consists of four parcels being assembled into one tract of land, then subdivided. These parcels are owned by three individuals involved in a landscaping operation. Nursery stock trees exist on the site and are proposed to continue to be removed until early summer. There are three dwelling units and some outbuildings on the site. All these structures are proposed to be removed. Three wetlands occupy the site. The site has bluffs and a meandering topography. The site has some mature trees which the applicant is making an effort to preserve. There are some areas where grading limits extend into areas proposed to be preserved. In reviewing this plat, staff also had to look at access to the properties to the east and south. The property owner to the northeast (Mr. Randy Noecker) has expressed an interest in developing as soon as ut'ban services are available. Staff has ensured that the surrounding parcels are not landlocked. Emerald Lane will be stubbed to the eastern property line. When Mr. Noecker is ready Ashling Meado~vs January 16,2001 Page 3 to develop, the street will extend to the Noecker's property and eventually hook up with Lake Lucy Road. Topaz Drive and Ruby Lane will be stubbed to the south and east property lines to provide access to the property along the south and southeast comer of the site. Staff is unaware of any interest in developing that property at this time. In summm2¢, staff believes that the proposed subdivision is well designed. Minor revisions will be required. We are recommending that it be approved with conditions outlined in the staff report. REZONING The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R_R, Rural Residential, to RSF, Residential Single Family. The area to the north, east, northwest, and south is zoned Rural Residential. The area to the west is zoned Residential Single Family. All the sun'ounding property, with the exception of the area to the north of the subject site, is guided for Residential Low Density. The area to the north is guided Residential Large Lot. The 2020 Land Use Plan shows this 'area designated for development as Low Density Residential, 1.2 - 4.0 units per acre. Appropriate zoning for this land use is RSF, R4 or PUD-R. The applicant's proposal has a goss density of 1.3 units per acre and 1.8 units per acre net after the streets and wetlands are taken out. This area is in the MUSA area. Staff is recommending that this area be rezoned to RSF and finds that the rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. PRELIMINARY PLAT The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 40 acre site into 53 single family lots. The density of the proposed subdivision is 1.3 units per acre gross, and 1.8 units per acre net after removing the roads and wetlands. All the lots exceed the minimum 15,000 square feet of area, with an average lot size of 24,129 square feet. All of the proposed lots meet the minimum width, and depth requirements of the Zoning Ordinance with the exception of lot 46. This lot has an average depth of 123 feet. The ordinance requires a minimum depth of 125 feet. The lot lines can be easily adjusted to meet ordinance requirements. There are four outlots shown on the plat. Outlots A and C will contain wetlands and storm water ponds. Outlot B is intended to contain a park which may include a swimming pool, changing rooms, gazebo, and a tot lot. All these uses are permitted within the RSF district. The only issue is the fact that the ordinance does not allow structures to be constructed on outlots. Staff recommends the parcel be replatted into a lot. Outlot D will contain a neighborhood identification sign. Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 4 Lots 1 through 6 and 21 through 29 contain wetlands. The applicant is proposing to outlot portions of the wetlands. Staff is recommending the outlots be adjusted to include wetlands in their entirety. The ordinance requires all structures to maintain a 40 foot setback from the outside edge of a wetland buffer strip. The ordinance also requires a buffer zone (0-20. feet wide) with an average of 10 feet. The plans reflect a 10 foot buffer around all wetland and a 40 foot setback from the outside edge of the buffer strip, rendering a total setback of 50 feet from the edge of the wetland. Staff notes that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and generally consistent with the Zoning Ordinance. WETLANDS Three ag/urban wetlands exist on-site. Wetlands comprise approximately 4.78 acres of the 40.03-acre proposed development. Wetland 1 Wetland 1 is an ag/urban wetland located just east of Galpin Boulevard on the southwest side of- the prope~ty. The basin is dominated by reed canary grass and has willow shrubs scattered around its edge. The applicant has proposed 3,360 square feet (0.08 acres) of wetland impact in this basin to permit construction of the turning lane into the development. Wetland 2 Wetland 2 is an ag/urban wetland located just south of Lake Lucy Road and east of Wetland 3. The basin is dominated by reed canary grass and giant goldenrod. It receives runoff from surrounding hillsides and discharge from Wetland 3 in the northwest comer of the property. No wetland impact is proposed in this basin. Wetland 3 Wetland 3 is a small wetland basin in the northwest comer of the site (at the intersection of Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road). The wetland is dominated by willow, reed canary grass and silver maple. No wetland impact is proposed in this basin. Sequencing The applicant proposes 0.08 acres of wetland impact in Wetland 1 for a right mm lane from Galpin Boulevard onto Topaz Drive. The applicant has not provided wetland impact avoidance alternatives and sequencing; however, this wetland fill is related to the sideslopes of the proposed turn lane. Since avoidance of this wetland impact would result in a less safe roadway, staff considers the wetland impact unavoidable. Ashling Meadows January 16.2001 Page 5 Mitigation and BanMng Summary Recent changes in the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) have eliminated the "deductible" approach to the de minimis exemption. Therefore, projects with wetland impacts over the de minimis must incorporate 2:1 wetland replacement for each square f~)ot of impact. For this project, proposed wetland impacts exceed the 2,000 square foot de minimis. Therefore, 2:1 mitigation is required for all wetland impacts. The applicant has presented a site plan that proposes to fill 0.08 acres of wetland in Wetland 1. This wetland impact falls under the jurisdiction of WCA. Under WCA rules, the applicant must replace wetland impacts at a 2:1 ratio. New xvetland must be created to replace the impacted area at a 1:1 ratio. Remaining replacement may be accomplished through the use of public value credits, including upland buffers and stolTn water treatment ponds. The plans for the project show 0.16 acres of proposed new wetland creation in an upland area on the north side of the site. However, a wetland replacement plan has not been submitted. Wetland replacement should occur in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). The applicant should submit 8 copies of a wetland replacement plan to the City for review, comment and approval by the City and other agencies. The applicant should also provide a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. The City must approve a wetland replacement plan prior to any wetland impact occmTing. The wetland mitigation area should be constructed prior to wetland impact occurring and should meet the City's buffer strip and structure setback requirements. Additional Wetland Issues The preliminary utility plan shows a proposed pipe discharging directly from Lake Lucy Road into the proposed wetland mitigation area. Storm water should not be discharged into any wetland basin prior to pretreatment. Silt fence should be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer is to be preserved, at the delineated wetland edge. The applicant will be required to re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT seed mix 25 A, or a similar seed mix that is approved for wetland soil conditions. Lot lines should not extend into wetland basins. Drainage and utility easements should be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used for mitigation credit and storm water ponds. Wetland buffer areas should be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant should install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and will pay the City $20 per sign. Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 6 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLANT (SWMP) Water Quality Fees Because of the impervious surface associated with this development, the water quality fees for this proposed development are based on single-family residential development rates of $800/acre. Based on the proposed developed area of approximately 35.25 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project are $28,200. Water Quantity Fees The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average citywide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition, proposed SWMP culverts, open channels, and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage. Single- family residential developments have a connection charge of $1,980 per developable acre. This results in a water quantity fee of approximately $69,795 for the proposed development. SWMP Credits This project proposes the construction of three NURP ponds. The applicant will be credited for water quality where NURP basins are provided to treat runoff from the site. This will be determined upon review of the ponding and storm sewer calculations. Credits may also be applied to the applicant' s SWMP fees for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP or the provision of outlet structures. The applicant will not be assessed for areas that are dedicated outlots. No credit will be given for temporary pond areas. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of fmal plat recording, is $97,995. GRADING The existing 40-acres parcel is rolling in nature. The site elevations range from a high of 1030+ to a low of 964E. As with any site that contains this much change in elevation, there are some naturally occurring steep slopes on the property. The site also contains an existing bluff in the northeast comer that will need to be preserved in its natural state. There is a significant grove of various trees in and around the bluff area. The plans show saving all of these trees but staff believes that only those trees east of the common lot line of Lots 22 and 23 can be saved. Proposed grading and retaining walls on Lot 23 would prevent any of the trees on the lot from being saved. In addition, the site contains three houses that will have to be removed prior to any grading operations. The applicant should be aware that separate demolition permits are required through the Building Department for removal of the homes. The applicant has informed staff that this project will be completed in two phases, but the entire site will be graded initially. Overall, the grading plan appears to work. Staff would recommend, Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 7 however, that the proposed drainage swale in the backyard of Lot 44 be moved closer to the rear lot line. This would minimize the amount of drainage easement required. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes and traffic control plans. DRAINAGE There are three existing wetlands on the property. A large portion of the existing site drains to any of the three wetlands. Only the southeast comer of the property drains off site. Under the proposed drainage plan, the amount of area that drain off site has been decreased. The proposed drainage plan also includes three stormwater ponds. Each of the ponds should be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. Under proposed conditions, the stormwater runoff will be conveyed via storm sewer to the NURP ponds. The ponds will treat the water before discharging it to the adjacent wetlands. Staff recommends that the proposed drainage area in the southeast comer of the site be routed to the southwest pond and adjacent wetland instead of to the northerly pond. This would better follow the proposed drainage pattern shown in the City's Surface Water Management Plan. Pre- and post-development ponding calculations have been submitted for the site. Staff has reviewed the calculations and found that additional information and revisions are necessary. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to correct the calculations. Prior-to final platting, storm sewer design calculations will need to be submitted. The stmxn sewer will have to be designed for a 1 O-year, 24-hour stmTn event. Drainage and utilities easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100-year flood level. The minimum easement width shall be 20 feet wide. Emergency overflows from all stormwater ponds will also be required on the construction plans. EROSION CONTROL Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH). Staff recommends that the City's Type III erosion control fence, which is a heavy-duty silt fence, be used for the areas adjacent to the existing wetlands. The final grading plan shall incorporate erosion control fence around the perimeter of the grading limits. In addition, tree preservation fencing should be denoted on the grading and drainage plan as well. Erosion control matting or wood fiber blankets will be required for the steep, rear yard slopes of those lots in the north and southwesterly portions of the site. Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 8 UTILITIES Each of the existing homes on the site is served by a septic and well system. Prior to construction commencing, the wells and septic tanks will be required to be capped and/or removed per state health codes. Currently, there is no public sanitary sewer available to the site. The nearest sewer line is approximately 300 feet south of the site. The plans propose connecting to this sewer line and extending it to the north along the east side of Galpin Boulevard to service the site. This is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Sewer Plan. In addition, the Comprehensive Plan shows the proposed development and neighboring properties to the east as being serviced within the same sanitary sewer subdistrict. As such, staff is recommending that the sanitary sewer for this development be designed to serve the neighboring properties to the east. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to establish sufficient sewer depth to serve the neighboring properties. Municipal Water is available to the site from both Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road. The plans propose connecting to the watermain in Galpin Boulevard and extending it throughout the site. Typically, a looped watermain system is desired with every development. However, due to the existing wetlands along the north property line of the site, a loop with the Lake Lucy watmrnain is not recommended. Staff will perform a more detailed review of the utility layout at the time of final platting. Additional hydrants and/or water valves may be required at that time. The property has not been previously assessed for sewer and water hookup and connection charges. As per city ordinance, each newly created lot will be required to pay a sewer and water hookup charge of $1,322 and $1,723, respectively. In addition, since the property is within the Lake Ann Sewer District, a sewer interceptor charge of $1,011 and a sub-trunk charge of $828 will be due on each lot. The sewer and water lateral connection charges will be waived contingent on the developer installing the internal lateral utility lines. All of the above fees are due at the time of building permit issuance. Utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and to supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 9 STREETS The proposed access for the site is off of Galpin Boulevard. As a rule of thumb, staff would prefer a minimum of two access points to and from developments but due to the existing topography and the presence of wetlands along Lake Lucy Road, another access off of Lake Lucy Road is not feasible. Instead, the proposed stub street to the east, Emerald Lane, will be extended through to Lake Lucy Road when the neighboring property develops. Overall, the proposed street layout appears to work well. The entire street system is shown within a 60-foot wide public right-of-way with 31-foot wide streets in accordance with City design criteria. Each of the three permanent cul-de-sacs contains a landscaped "island" in the center. These islands will be encircled by curb and gutter and maintained by the development's homeowners association. The City has allowed similar islands in the past and staff would recommend only that the configuration be acceptable to the City's Fire Marshal. In addition, the applicant should be aware that the maximum allowable street grade is 7%. Areas with a street grade greater than 7% should be revised to meet the criteria. Cun'ently, Galpin Boulevard is a county road. As such, the proposed turn lane, street access, bituminous trail, and sewer extension will require Crux, er County review, approval, and permit issuance. Also, the existing driveway entrances to the site off of Galpin Boulevard shall be removed. MISCELLANEOUS The preliminary plat shows one proposed lot (Lot 53) off of Lake Lucy Road in the northeast corner of the site. Staff has reservations with the validity of this lot. First, the plans show filling approximately seven feet of material on the lot for a garage floor elevation of 979.0. This would give a driveway slope from the house to Lake Lucy Road of over 20%. The maximum allowable driveway slope in the city is 10%. Second, staff is unsure how the lot will be served with sanitary sewer. The proposed basement floor elevation of 970.00 is lower than the nearest sewer line in Ruby Lane. If the lot is planned to be served from Ruby Lane then a sewer pump would be needed. In addition, the sewer service would run under the existing wetland. With the above encumbrances, staff recommends that Lot 53 be deleted and Outlot C be expanded to include the northeast comer of the site. PARK DEDICATION COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The City's Comprehensive Park Plan identifies Pheasant Hill Park as the neighborhood park facility that will serve Ashling Meadows. Sugarbush Park, although slightly further away than Pheasant Hill Park, will also be accessed by residents of Ashling Meadows. Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 10 COMPRENHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: Ashling Meadows is served by the existing Galpin Boulevard off-street trail and the Lake Lucy Road on-street access to both these trails. A "connector trail" from the entrance to Ashling Meadows (Topaz Drive) north to the intersection of Lake Lucy Road and Galpin Boulevard should be constructed. The applicant concurred that this connector would be a desirable amenity. The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this item and recommended the following: 1. Full park fees be collected in lieu of land dedication. . The applicant provide the necessary trail easement or outlot and construct an 8 ft. wide bituminous trail connector from Topaz Drive north to the intersection of Lake Lucy Road and Galpin Boulevard. Trail fee credit shall be granted in consideration for this condition. o The City Engineer's office shall ensure that the 8 ft. Wide bituminous trail connector is located far enough away from Galpin Boulevard to ensure that a future turn-lane or widening of the road can be accommodated. TREE PRESERVATION/LANDSCAPING The applicant for the Ashling Meadows develOpment has submitted tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations. They are as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands) Baseline canopy coverage Minimum canopy coverage allowed Proposed tree preservation 35.2 ac. .03% or 1.22 ac. 25% or 8.8 ac. .02% or 0.82 ac. The applicant does not meet minimum canopy coverage allowed, therefore the difference between the baseline and proposed tree preservation is multiplied by 1.2 to calculate the required replacement plantings. Difference in canopy coverage Multiplier Total replacement Total number of trees to be planted 17,424 SF or .4 ac. 1.2 20,909 SF 19 trees In addition, the applicant must increase canopy coverage to meet the minimum twenty-five percent required. The calculations are follows: Total reforestation area (8.8- 1.22 ac.) 7.6 ac. or 331,056 SF Required canopy coverage 304 trees (one tree provides 1,089 SF of canopy) Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 11 The total number of trees required for the development is 323. The applicant has proposed a total of 315 trees. An additional 8 trees must be added to the landscape plan. All replacements must meet minimum size requirements. Staff is concerned about proposed tree preservation shown in submitted plans. On several lots, wooded areas are shown to be preserved, but in grading plans those same areas are shown to be altered. The two proposals are incompatible. In question are Lots 20-23 and Lots 27-28 where trees to be preserved are either within, extremely close to or surrounded by grading. According to plans, the applicant will be preserving all the trees in question. In order to ensure that, staff recommends that any trees removed on those lots in excess of proposed tree preservation plans be replaced at a ratio of 2:1 diameter inches. Buffer yard B* -North property line Buffer yard B* - West property line 21 overstory trees 32 understory trees 53 shrubs 27 overstory trees 41 understory trees 68 shrubs 21 overstory trees 10 understory trees 0 shrubs 27 overstory trees 20 understory trees 0 shrubs The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for buffer yard plantings. The landscape plan shall be revised to show the minimum number of plantings required. COMPLIANCE WITH ORDiNANCE - RSF DISTRICT Lot Lot Lot Home Area Width Depth Setback Ordinance 15,000 90' 125' 30' front/rear 10' sides BLOCK 1 Lot 1 19,006 145' 265' 30'/50'* 10' Lot 2 24,430 117' 305' 30'/50'* 10' Lot 3 26,600 117' 354.5' 30'/50'* 10' Lot 4 33,477 101' 387.5' 30'/50'* 10' Lot 5 38,635 114' 408' 30'/50'* Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 12 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 19 Lot 20 Lot 21 Lot 22 Lot 23 Lot 24 Lot 25 76,150 31,166 16,702 17,444 17,136 16,898 21,224 21,115 17,008 24,617 19,993 18,522 19,712 21,985 24,859 43,595 39,978 23,929 21,746 21,309 86' on curve 61' on curve 110' 100' 102' 96' 116' 185' comer lot 116' 185' comer lot 96' 116' 211' comer lot 96' 97' 121' 154' comer lot 108' 148' comer lot 90' 89' on curve 85' on curve 95' 100' 88' 367.5' 235.5' 170.5' 182' 171.5' 1765' 182' 182' 177' 211' 206.5' 192' 142' 162' 214.5' 308' 311' 245' 217' 194' 10' 30'/50'* 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' '10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/50'*/** 10' 30'/50'* 10' 30'/50'* 10' 30'/50'* 10' 30'/50'* 10' Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 13 Lot 26 Lot 27 Lot 28 Lot 29 Double Frontage Lot 30 Double Frontage Lot 31 Double Frontage Lot 32 Double Frontage Lot ' ' Double Frontage Lot 34 Double Frontage Lot 35 Lot 36 Lot 37 Lot 38 Lot 39 Lot 40 Lot 41 Lot 42 Lot 43 Lot 44 Lot 45 Lot 46 20,161 23,340 24,567 36,333 18,800 20.076 21,246 23,982 23,075 17,425 16,741 16,675 20,324 16,804 17,086 19,138 22,072 17,370 17,586 17,809 19,083 95' 120' comer lot 117' 79' on curve 60' on curve 158' 68' on curve 191' 129' 92' 147' 132' 59' on curve 73' on curve 69' on curve 113' 120' 112' 147' 109' corner lot 174' 1145' 126' 116' comer lot 144' 92' 97' 117' 116' corner lot 200' 186' 206' 222.5' 167.5' 188' 168.5' 207.5' 225' 176' 1'57' 173.5' 180' 175.5' 177.5' 156' 163' 154.5' 204.5' 162' 138' 165' 123'*** 30'/50'* 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/50'* 10' 30'/50'* 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' 10' 30'/30' Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 14 Lot 47 Lot 48 Lot 49 Lot 50 Lot 51 Lot 52 Lot 53 10' 17,496 102' 166.5' 30'/30' 10' 18,481 94' 187' 30'/30' 10' 19,134 94' 211.5' 30'/30' 10' 17,081 142'cornerlot 147.5' 30'/30' 117' 10' 19,590 118' 183.5' 30'/30' 10' 22,995 170' 238' 30'/30' 10' 77,207 452' 165' 30'/50'* 10' Outlot A 70,932 Outlot B 55,143 Outlot C 41,926 Outlot D 6,062 The 50 foot setback includes a 10 foot Wetland buffer in addition to a 40 foot structure setback. The 30 foot bluff setback includes a 20 foot bluff impact zone. The depth of Lot 46 must be adjusted to maintain an average of 125 feet. SUBDIVISION - FINDINGS 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; Finding: The subdivision meets all the requirements of the RSF, Residential Single Family District with the exception of Lot 46 which can easily be corrected. o The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; Finding: The proposed subdivision is consistent with the subdivision ordinance with the exception of Lot 53 which requires a driveway grade variance. Staffis recommending this lot be eliminated. Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 15 o The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; Finding: The proposed site is suitable for development subject to the conditions specified in this report , The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; Finding' The proposed subdivision is served by adequate urban infrastructure. 5. The proposed subdivision will not cause envirolm~ental damage; Finding: The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage subject to conditions of approved. The proposed subdivision contains adequate open areas to accommodate house pads. 6. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. Finding: The proposed subdivision xvill not conflict with existing easements, but rather will expand and provide all necessary easements. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: Lack of adequate storm water drainage. Lack of adequate roads. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. Finding: The proposed subdivision will have access to public utilities and streets. Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 16 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motions: REZONING "The Planning Commission recommends approval of Rezoning #00-5 to rezone 40 acres of property zoned RR, Rural Residential, to RSF, Residential Single Family, for Ashling Meadows as shown on the plans dated received December 15, 2000." PRELIMINARY PLAT "The Planning Commission recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Subdivision #00-15 for Ashling Meadows for 53 lots and four outlots as shown on the plans received December 15, 2000, subject to the following conditions: The applicant shall enter into a development contract Containing all of the conditions Of approval for this project and shall submit all required £mancial guarantees. The development contract shall be recorded against the property. 2. The applicant shall meet all conditions of Wetland Alteration Permit #00-5. o The proposed drainage swale in the backyard of Lot 44 shall be moved closer to the rear lot line. This will minimize the amount of drainage easement required. , If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul rOutes and traffic control plans. o Each of the ponds shall be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. ° The proposed drainage area in the southeast comer of the site shall be routed to the southwest pond and adjacent wetland instead of to the northerly pond. This will better follow the proposed drainage pattern shown in the City's Surface Water Management Plan. , Staff has reviewed the ponding calculations and found that additional information and revisions are necessary. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to correct the calculations. Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 17 Prior to final platting, storm sewer design calculations will need to be submitted. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 1 O-year, 24-hour storm event. Drainage and utilities easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100-year flood level. The minimum easement width shall be 20 feet wide. Emergency overflows from all stormwater ponds will also be required on the construction plans. , Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH). Staff recommends that the City's Type III erosion control fence, which is a heavy-duty silt fence, be used for the areas adjacent to the existing wetlands. The final grading plan shall incorporate erosion control fence around the perimeter of the grading limits. In addition, tree preservation fencing should be denoted on the grading and drainage plan as well. Erosion control matting or wood fiber blankets will be required for the steep, rear yard slopes of those lots in the north and southwesterly portions of the site. 10. Prior to construction commencing, each of the existing wells and septic tanks will be required to be capped and/or removed per state health codes. 11. Sanitary sewer for this development shall be designed to serve the neighboring properties to the east. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to establish a sufficient sewer depth to serve the neighboring properties. 12. The property has not been previously assessed for sewer and water hookup and connection charges. As per city ordinance, each newly created lot will be required to pay a sewer and xvater hookup charge of $1,322 and $1,723, respectively. In addition, since the property is within the Lake Ann sewer district, a sewer interceptor charge of $1,011 and a sub-trunk charge of $828 will be due on each lot. The sewer and water lateral connection charges will be waived contingent on the developer installing the internal lateral utility lines. All of the above fees are due at the time of building permit issuance. 13. Utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and to supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. 14. Landscaped median islands maybe permitted within the public streets contingent upon the developer entering into an encroachment agreement with the City and that the Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 18 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. configuration be acceptable to the City's Fire Marshal. The applicant should be aware that the maximum allowable street grade is 7%. Areas with a street grade greater than 7% should be revised to meet the criteria. Existing driveway entrances to the site off of Galpin Boulevard shall be removed. Lot 53 shall be deleted and Outlot C be expanded to include the northeast comer of the site. Increase the amount of platted right-of-way from the centerline of Galpin Boulevard to 50 feet in width. Likewise, increase the amount of right-of-way from the centerline of Lake Lucy Road to 40 feet in width Revise the preliminary utility plan to show the proposed sanitary sewer pipe size and ensure that all of the sewer manholes are a minimum of 10 feet deep. Also, add an additional sanitary manhole along Topaz Drive at Station ~ 00. Revise the preliminary grading plan to show the existing 18-inch culvert that enters the site in the northwest comer. Also, show all proposed easements and add a legend. Submit streets names to the Building Department for review prior to final plat approval. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e., Watershed District, Metropolitan Environmental Service Commission, Health Department, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Army Corp. of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and Carver County and comply with their conditions of approval. The applicant shall include a draintile system behind the curbs to convey sump pump discharge from homes not adjacent to ponds or wetlands. Storm water shall not be discharged into any wetland basin prior to pretreatment. Silt fence shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer is to be preserved, at the delineated wetland edge. Lot lines shall not extend into wetland basins. Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used for mitigation credit and storm water ponds. Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 19 28. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign. 29. Based on the proposed developed area of 35.25 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project are estimated at $28,200 and the water quantity fees associated with this project are estimated at $69,795. The applicant will be credited for water quality where NURP basins are provided to treat runoff from the site. This will be determined upon review of the ponding and storm sewer calculations. Credits may also be applied to the applicant's SWMP fees for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP or the provision of outlet structures. The applicant will not be assessed for areas that are dedicated outlots. No credit will be given for temporary pond areas. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $97,995. 30. Environmental Resource Specialist conditions: a. The applicant shall revise landscape plan to shov~r a minimum of 323 trees to be planted. Minimum requirements for buffer yard plantings shall be met. b. A minimum of two overstory trees shall be required in the front yard of each lot. c. The developer shall be responsible for installing all landscape materials proposed in buffer yard and rear yard areas. d. Tree preservation fence shall be install at the edge of the grading limits on lots 20- 23, 27-28, block 1 prior to any construction. e. According to tree preservation plans dated 11/30/00, all trees on Lot 23, block 1 shall be preserved by the developer/builder. f. Any trees removed on lots 20-23, 27-28 in excess of proposed tree preservation plans will be replaced at a ratio of 2:1 diameter inches. 31. Building Department conditions: a. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any existing structures. b. Final grading plans and soil reports must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued. 32. Fire Marshal conditions: a. An additional fire hydrant will be required. It is to be located on Topaz Drive approximately 150 feet east of the intersection of Galpin Blvd and Topaz Drive. Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 20 b. If any trees or shrubs are to be removed, they must either be chipped or hauled off site due to close proximity of neighboring homes. No burning permits will be issued. c. A ten-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, US West, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. d. The proposed street names meet approval with the Chanhassen Fire Department. e. Fire protection including fire apparatus access roads and water supplies for fire protection is required to be installed. This protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during time of construction. Pursuant to 1997 Uniform Fire Code Section 901.3. f. Submit radius tums and dimensions for the cul-de-sacs with center islands to the City Engineer and Fire Marshal to approve. If the cul-de-sacs are to have islands, "no parking in cul-de-sac" signs will be required. 33. Parl4 and Recreation conditions: a. Full park fees be collected in lieu of land dedication. b. The applicant provide the necessary trail easement or outlot and construct an 8 ft. wide bituminous trail connector from Topaz Drive north to the intersection of Lake Lucy Road and Galpin Boulevard. Trail fee credit shall be granted in consideration for this condition. c. The City Engineer's office shall ensure that the 8 ft. wide bituminous trail connector is located far enough away from Galpin Boulevard to ensure that a future mm-lane or widening of the road can be accommodated. 34. The lot depth for Lot 46 shall be adjusted to maintain 125 feet. 35. Outlot B shall be replatted as a lot prior to issuance of a building permit." WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT "The Planning Commission recommends approval of Wetland Alteration Permit #00-5 for Ashling Meadows as shown on the plans dated received December 15, 2000 and subject to the following conditions: Wetland replacement shall occur in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). Eight copies of a wetland replacement plan shall be submitted to the City for review, comment and approval by the City and other agencies prior to final plat approval. The applicant shall provide a Declaration of Restrictions and Ashling Meadows January 16, 2001 Page 21 Covenants for Replacement Wetland. The City shall approve a wetland replacement plan prior to any wetland impact occurring. , The wetland mitigation area shall be constructed prior-to .xvetland impact occurring and shall meet the City's buffer strip and structure setback requirements. . The applicant shall re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT seed mix 25 A, or a similar seed mix that is approved for wetland soil conditions. ATTACHMENTS o 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Memo from Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator dated January 9, 2001. Memo from Matt Saam, Project Engineer dated January 10, 2001. Memo from Steve Torell, Building Official dated December 28, 2000. Memo From Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal dated January 2, 2001. Application and Project Narrative dated December 15, 2000. Preliminary plat dated received December 15, 2000. g:'xpl an',sa~xashli ng meadows.pc.doc CITYOF C ItAS Ehl 6QO CiO, Ce,ret Drive, PO Box 147 Cha,/.,asse,. 3li,,esota 55317 Pho,e 612. 93.~ I900 Ge, e~d Fax 612. 93Z 5739 &~gi,ee~i,g Fax 612.937.9152 P,b//c S~O' ~a' 612. 93( 252~ It3b www. ci.c/,,mh,mc,.,m.~ts MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Sharmin A1-Jaff, Senior Planner Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator January 9, 2001 SUB J: Ashling Meadows Upon review of the wetland delineation prepared by Peterson Environmental Consulting, Inc. received November 20, 2000; 10/100-year Stonnwater Quality and Quantity Management Plan prepared by Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. dated December 1, 2000; the preliminary plat prepared by Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. dated December 12, 2000; and the preliminary utility plan, preliminary grading, drainage and erosion control plan and existing conditions plan dated November 30, 2000, I offer the following comments and recommendations: WETLANDS Three ag/urban wetlands exist on-site. Wetlands comprise approximately 4.78 acres of the 40.03-acre proposed development. Wetland 1 Wetland 1 is an ag/urban wetland located just east of Galpin Boulevard on the southwest side of the property. The basin is dominated by reed canary grass and has willow shrubs scattered around its edge. The applicant has proposed 3,360 square feet (0.08 acres) of wetland impact in this basin. Wetland 2 Wetland 2 is an ag/urban wetland located just south of Lake Lucy Road and east of Wetland 3. The basin is dominated by reed canary grass and giant goldenrod. It receives runoff from surrounding hillsides and discharge from Wetland 3 in the northwest comer of the property. No wetland impact is proposed in this basin. Wetland 3 Wetland 3 is a small wetland basin in the northwest comer of the site (at the intersection of Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road). The wetland is dominated by willow, reed canary grass and silver maple. No wetland impact is proposed in this basin. The CiO, of Cha.hasse.. A .growhtf to.mm.itl, with c/ea. Okes, aua/in, schooh, a cham~in.~ dow. tow., thrit,h~ bminesses, and beautiful oarks. A ~reat alace to li.e. work. Sharmin A1-Jaff January 9,2001 Page 2 Sequencing The applicant proposes 0.08 acres of wetland impact in Wetland 1 for a right turn lane from Galpin Boulevard onto Topaz Drive. The applicant has not provided wetland impact avoidance alternatives and sequencing; however, this wetland fill is related to the sideslopes of the proposed turn lane. Since avoidance of this wetland impact would result in a less safe roadway, staff considers the wetland impact unavoidable. Mitigation and Banking Summao, Recent changes in the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) have eliminated the "deductible" approach to the de minimis exemption. Therefore, projects with wetland impacts over the de minimis must incorporate 2:1 wetland replacement for each square foot of impact. For this project, proposed wetland impacts exceed the 2,000 square foot de minimis. Therefore, 2:1 mitigation is required for all wetland impacts. The applicant has presented a site plan that proposes to fill 0.08 acres of wetland in Wetland 1. This wetland impact falls under the jurisdiction of WCA. Under WCA rules, the applicant must replace wetland impacts at a 2:1 ratio. New wetland must be created to replace the impacted area at a 1:1 ratio. Remaining replacement may be accomplished through the use of public value credits, including upland buffers and storm water treatment ponds. The plans for the project show 0.16 acres of proposed new wetland creation in an upland area on the north side of the site. However, a wetland replacement plan has not been submitted. Wetland replacement should occur in a manner consistent with the Milmesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). The applicant should submit 8.copies of a wetland replacement plan to the City for review, comment and approval by the City and other agencies. The applicant should also provide a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. The City must approve a xvetland replacement plan prior to any wetland impact occurring. The wetland mitigation area should be constructed prior to wetland impact occurring and should meet the City's buffer strip and structure setback requirements. A dditio n a I I~e tla n d Iss u es The preliminary utility plan shows a proposed pipe discharging directly fi'om Lake Lucy Road into the proposed wetland mitigation area. Storm water should not be discharged into any wetland basin prior to pretreatment. Silt fence should be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer is to be preserved, at the delineated wetland edge. The applicant will be required to re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT seed mix 25 A, or a similar seed mix that is approved for wetland soil conditions. Lot lines should not extend into wetland basins. Drainage and utility easements should be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used for mitigation credit and storm water ponds. Wetland buffer areas should be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the Sharmin Al-Jarl January 9, 2001 Page 3 City's wetland ordinance. The applicant should install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and will pay the City $20 per sign. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLANT (SWMP) Water Quality Fees Because of the impervious surface associated with this development, the water quality fees for this proposed development are based on single-family residential development rates of $800/acre. Based on the proposed developed area of approximately 35.25 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project are $28,200. Water Quantity Fees The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average citywide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition, proposed SWMP culverts, open channels, and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage. Single-family residential developments have a connection charge of $1,980 per developable acre. This results in a water quantity fee of approximately $69,795 for the proposed development. SWMP Credits This project proposes the construction of three NURP ponds. The applicant will be credited for water quality where NURP basins are provided to treat runoff from the site. This will be determined upon review of the ponding and storm sewer calculations. Credits may also be applied to the applicant's SWMP fees for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP or the provision of outlet structures. The apPlicant will not be assessed for areas that are dedicated outlots. No credit will be given for temporary pond areas. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $97,995. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Wetland replacement shall occur in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). Eight copies of a wetland replacement plan shall be submitted to the City for review, comment and approval by the City and other agencies. The applicant shall provide a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. The City shall approve a wetland replacement plan prior to any wetland impact occurring. 2. The wetland mitigation area shall be constructed prior to wetland impact occurring and shall meet the City's buffer strip and structure setback requirements. 3. Stoma water shall not be discharged into any wetland basin prior to pretreatment. Sharmin A1-Jaff January 9, 2001 Page 4 4. Silt fence shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer is to be preserved, at the delineated wetland edge. 5. The applicant shall re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT seed mix 25 A, or a similar seed mix that is approved for wetland soil conditions. 6. Lot lines shall not extend into wetland basins. 7. Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used for mitigation credit and sto~Tn water ponds. . Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign. . Based on the proposed developed area of 35.25 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project are estimated at $28,200 and the water quantity fees associated with this project are estimated at $69,795. The applicant will be credited for water quality where NURP basins are provided to treat runoff from the site. This will be determined upon review of the ponding and storm sewer calculations. Credits may also be applied to the applicant's SWMP fees for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP or the provision of outlet structures. The applicant will not be assessed for areas that are dedicated outlots. No credit will be given for temporary pond areas. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $97,995. G:',ENG\LORILADMIN\PLANN1NG'~Ashling Meadows.doc CITYOF 690 G9' Ce,to' Drive, 190 Box 147 Cha,/,asse,. Mi,,esota 55317 Pho,e 612.937.1900 Ge,eral ~x 612937.5739 E, gi, eeri,g Fax 6I 2. 93 7. 9152 Pub& 5~0' ~.x' 612934.2524 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Shmwnin A1-Jaff, Senior Planner Matt Saam, Project Engineer DATE: January 10, 2001 SUB J: Preliminary Plat Review of Ashling Meadows Land Use Review File No. 01-03 Upon review of the plans prepared by Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. dated December 12, 2000, I offer the following comments and recommendations: GRADING The existing 40-acres parcel is rolling in nature. The site elevations range from a high of 1030+ to a lo~v of 964+. As with any site that contains this much change in elevation, there are some naturally occurring steep slopes on the property. The site also contains an existing bluff in the northeast comer that will need to be · preserved in its natural state. There is a significant grove of various trees in and around the bluff area. The plans show saving all of these trees but staff believes that only those trees east of the common lot line of Lots 22 and 23 can be saved. Proposed grading and retaining walls on Lot 23 would prevent any of the trees on the lot from being saved. In addition, the site contains three houses that will have to be removed prior to any grading operations. The applicant should be aware that separate demolition permits are required through the Building Department for removal of the homes. The applicant has informed staff that this project will be completed in two phases but the entire site will be graded initially. Overall, the grading plan appears to work. Staff would recommend, however, that the proposed drainage swale in the backyard of Lot 44 be moved closer to the rear lot line. This would minimize the amount of drainage easement required. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes and traffic control plans. DRAINAGE There are tln-ee existing wetlands on the property. A large portion of the existing site drains to any of the three wetlands. Only the southeast comer of the property drains offsite. Under the proposed drainage plan, the amount of area that drainages offsite has been decreased. The proposed drainage plan also includes The Otv ofiCha,hasse,. A growi,e communitl, with clea, /akes, aua/in, sd~ooh, a cham~i,¢ dow, tow,, thriving busi, esses, and beautifid oarks. A ~','e,zt ,/,ace to live. u,ork, and olay. Sham~in A1-Jaff January 10,2001 Page 2 stom~water ponds. Each of the ponds should be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NK;RP) standards. Under proposed conditions, the stormwater runoffwill be conveyed via storm sewer to the NK.rRP, ponds. The ponds will treat the water before discharging it to the adjacent wetlands, Staff recommends that the proposed drainage area in the southeast comer of the site be routed to the southwest pond and adjacent wetland instead of to the northerly pond. This would better follow the proposed drainage pattern shown in the City's Surface Water Management Plan. Pre- and post-development pending calculations have been submitted for the site. Staff has reviewed the calculations and found that additional information and revisions are necessary. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to correct the calculations. Prior to final platting, stol'n1 sewer design calculations will need to be submitted. The stom~ sewer will have to be designed for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event. Drainage and utilities easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100-year flood level. The minimum easement width shall be 20 feet wide. Emergency overflows from all stormwater ponds will also be required on the construction plans. EROSION CONTROL Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH). Staff recommends that the City's T~vpe III erosion control fence, which is a heavy-duty silt fence, be used for the areas adjacent to the existing wetlands. The final grading plan shall incorporate erosion control fence around the perimeter of the grading limits. In addition, tree preservation fencing should be denoted on the grading and drainage plan as well. Erosion control matting or wood fiber blankets will be required for the steep, rearyard slopes of those lots in the north and southwesterly portions of the site. UTILITIES Each of the existing homes on the site is served by a septic and well system. Prior to construction commencing, the wells and septic tanks will be required to be capped and/or removed per state health codes. Currently, there is no public sanitary sewer available to the site. The nearest sewer line is approxirnately 300 feet south of the site. The plans propose on com~ecting to this sewer line and extending it to the north along the east side of Galpin Boulevard to service the site. This is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Sewer Plan. In addition, the Comprehensive Plan shows the proposed development and neighboring properties to the east as being serviced Sharmin A1-Jaff January 10, 2001 Page 3 within the same sanitary sewer subdistrict. As such, staff is recommending that the sanitary sewer for this development be designed to serve the neighboring properties to the east. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to establish a sufficient sewer depth to serve the neighboring properties. Municipal water is available to the site from both Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road. The plans propose on connecting to the watermain in Galpin Boulevard and extending it throughout the site. Typically, a looped watermain system is desired with every development. However, due to the existing wetlands along the north property line of the site, a loop with the Lake Lucy watermain is not recommended. Staff will perform a more detailed review of the utility layout at the time of final platting. Additional hydrants and/or water valves may be required at that time. The property has not been previously assessed for sewer and water hookup and connection charges.' As per city ordinance, each newly created lot will be required to pay a server and ~vater hookup charge of $1,322 and $1,723, respectively. In addition, since the property is within the Lake Ann sewer district, a sewer interceptor charge of$1,011 and a sub-trunk charge of $828.will be due on each lot. The sewer and water lateral connection charges will be waived contingent on the developer installing the internal lateral utility lines. All of the above fees are due at the time Of building permit issuance. Utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and to supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. STREETS There is one proposed access for the site off of Galpin Boulevard. As a rule of thumb, staff would prefer a minimum of two access points to and from developments but due to the existing topography and the presence of wetlands along Lake Lucy Road, another access off of Lake Lucy Road is not feasible. Instead, the proposed stub street to the east, Emerald Lane, will be extended through to Lake Lucy Road when the neighboring property develops. Overall, the proposed street layout appears to work well. The entire street system is shown within a 60-foot wide public right-of-way with 31-foot wide streets in accordance with City design criteria. Each of the three permanent cul-de-sacs contains a landscaped "island" in the center. These islands will be encircled by Shannin A1-Jaff January 10, 2001 Page 4 curb and gutter and maintained by the development's homeowners association. The City has allowed similar islands in the past and staff would recommend only that the configuration be acceptable to the City's Fire. Marshal. In addition, the applicant should be aware that the maximum allowable street grade is 7%. Areas with a street gu'ade greater than 7% should be revised to meet the criteria. Currently, Galpin Boulevard is a county road. As such, the proposed turn lane, street access, bituminous trail, and sewer extension will require Carver County review, approval, and permit issuance. Also, the existing driveway entrances to the site off of Galpin Boulevard shall be removed. MISCELLANEOUS The preliminary plat shows one proposed lot (Lot 53) off of Lake Lucy Road in the northeast comer of the site. Staff has some reservations with the validity of this lot. First, the plans show filling approximately seven feet of material on the lot for a garage floor elevation of 979.0. This would give a driveway slope from the house to Lake Lucy Road of over 20%. The maximum allowable driveway slope in the city is 10%. Second, staff is unsure how the lot will be served with sanitary sewer. The proposed basement floor elevation of 970.00 is lower than the nearest sewer line in Ruby Lane. If the lot is planned to be served fi'om Ruby Lane then a sewer pump would be needed. In addition, the sewer service would run under the existing wetland. With the above encumbrances, staff recommends that Lot 53 be deleted and Outlot C be expanded to include the northeast corner of the site. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL . The applicant should be aware that separate demolition permits are required tln'ough the Building Department for removal of the existing homes. , , . The proposed drainage sxvale in the backyard of Lot 44 shall be moved closer to the rear lot line. This will minimize the amount of drainage easement required. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes and traffic control plans. Each of the ponds shall be desi~ed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. Sharmin A1-Jaff January 10, 2001 Page 5 o , , o , 10. 11. The proposed drainage area in the southeast corner of the site shall be routed to the southwest pond and adjacent wetland instead of to the northerly pond. This will better follow the proposed drainage pattern shown in the City's Surface Water Management Plan. Staff has reviewed the ponding calculations and found that additional information and revisions are necessary. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to correct the calculations. Prior to final platting, storm sewer design calculations will need to be submitted. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 1 O-year, 24- hour storm event. Drainage and utilities easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100-year flood level. The minimum easement width shall be 20 feet wide. Emergency overflows from all stormwater ponds will also be required on the construction plans. Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance xvith the City's Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH). Staff recommends that the City's Type 1/I erosion control fence, which is a heavy-duty silt fence, be used for the areas adjacent to the existing wetlands. The final grading plan shall incorporate erosion control fence around the perimeter of the grading limits. In addition, tree preservation fencing should be denoted on the grading and drainage plan as well. Erosion control matting or wood fiber blankets will be required for the steep, rearyard slopes of those lots in the north and southwesterly portions of the site. Prior to construction commencing, each of the existing wells and septic tanks will be required to be capped and/or removed per state health codes. Sanitary server for this development shall be designed to serve the neighboring properties to the east. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to establish a sufficient sewer depth to serve the neighboring properties. The property has not been previously assessed for sewer and water hookup and commction charges. As per city ordinance, each newly created lot will be required to pay a sewer and water hookup charge of $1,322 and $1,723, respectively. In addition, since the property is within the Lake Ann sewer district, a sewer interceptor charge of $1,011 and a sub-trunk charge of $828 will be due on each lot. The sewer and water lateral connection Shannin A1-Jaff January 10, 2001 Page 6 12. t3. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. charges will be waived contingent on the developer installing the internal lateral utility lines. All of the above fees are due at the time of building pel-mit issuance. Utility improvements xvill be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and to supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Landscaped median islands maybe permitted within the public streets contingent upon the developer entering into an encroachment agreement with the City and that the configuration be acceptable to the City's Fire Marshal. The applicant should be aware that the maximum allowable street grade is 7%. Areas with a street grade greater than 7% should be revised to meet the criteria. Existing driveway entrances to the site off of Galpin Boulevard shall be removed. Lot 53 shall be deleted and Outlot C be expanded to include the northeast corner of the site. h~crease the amount of platted right-of-way from the centerline of Galpin Boulevard to 50 feet in width. Likewise, increase the amount of right-of- way from the centerline of Lake Lucy Road to 40 feet in width Revise the preliminary utility plan to show the proposed sanitary sewer pipe size and ensure that all of the sexver manholes are a minimum of 10 feet deep. Also, add an additional sanitary manhole along Topaz Drive at Station 3+00. Revise the preliminary grading plan to show the existing 18-inch culvert that enters the site in the northwest corner. Also, show all proposed easements and add a legend. Submit streets names to the Building Department for review prior to final plat approval. Shamlin A1-Jaff January 10, 2001 Page 7 21. 22. jillS C~ The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e., Watershed District, Metropolitan Environmental Service Commission, Health Department, Milmesota Pollution Control Agency, Amly Corp. of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and Carver County and comply with their conditions of approval. The applicant shall include a draintile system behind the curbs to convey sump pump discharge from homes not adjacent to ponds or wetlands. Teresa Burgess, Director of Public Works/City Engineer g:\eng\projects\ashling\preliminary plat review.doc CITYOF CIO.' Ce;ne;' D;'i~,e, PO Box bi7 C/:,ha:e',, ~i;:mo~a 553] 7 p/,o,e 612.937.1900 Ge;:~:/ pa.v 612.93 7.5739 E,gi,eeri,g Fa.v 612.937. 9152 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM' DATE: Sharmin A1-Jaff, Senior Planner Steven Torell, Building Official December 28, 2000 SUBJ' Site Plan review for: Ashley Meadows Planning Case: 2000-15 Subdivision & 2000-5 Rezoning I have reviewed the plans for the for the above development and have the following conditions: 1. Demolition pe~rnits must be obtained before demolishing any existing structures. 2. Final grading plans and soil reports must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued. G/safety/sthnemos/plan/ashleymeadows The City o£ Chanhasse,. .4 ~, ;'ol:'i;: comm,,in' with cle,7, hTkes, m:a/io, schools, a ch,m;:,: daw,tow,, rZ,'h,i,,~ h,si;iesses, mid heamig;/ r,a;'ks. ? o;'ear z/ace to Ih,e. CITYOF 690 Cit), Cemer Ddve, PO Box 147 Ch~n/~msen, 3Iinmsota 55~ I 7 Phone 612.93~ 1900 Gemral Fax 612.937.5739 b~gimedng Fax 612.937.9152 P, blic Sq3O' E~x 612.934.2524 11% ~'~c~d.&,~hassc~.,m.,s MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmin Al-Jaff, Senior Planner FROM: Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal DATE: January 2, 2001 SUBJECT: Request for rezoning of approximately 40 acres of property zoned Rural Residential to Residential Single Family and preliminary plat request for 53 single family lots and four outlots and a wetland alteration permit to fill 3,360 square feet of wetland, located on the East side of Galpin Blvd just south of Lake Lucy Road, Lundgren Brothers, Ashley Meadows. Planning Case: 2000-l 5 Subdivision and 2000-5 Rezoning. I have reviewed the re-zoning plan for tl~e above project. In order to comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division I have the following fire code or city ordinance/policy requirements. The plan review is based on the available information submitted at this time. If additional plans or changes are submitted, the appropriate code or policy items will be addressed. 1. An additional fire hydrant will be required. It is to be located on Topaz Drive approximately 150 feet east of the intersection of Galpin Blvd and Topaz Drive. 2. If any trees or shrubs are to be removed, they must either be chipped or hauled off site due to close proximity of neighboring homes. No burning permits will be issued. . A ten-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, US West, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1. 4. The proposed street names meet approval with the Chanhassen Fire Department. o Fire protection including fire apparatus access roads and water supplies for fire protection is required to be installed. This protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during time of construction. Pursuant to 1997 Uniform Fire Code Section 901.3. . Submit radius turns and dimensions for the cul-de-sacs with center islands to the City Engineer and Fire Marshal to approve. If the cul-de-sacs are to have islands, "no parking in cul-de-sac" signs will be required. g:\safety~ml\plrev2000-15 The Gt¥ of Chanhassen. A e~vu,in.~ communin, with clean lakes, m~alit~, schooh, a chamd,v do~v,to~vn, tl,'ivina h,d,e~,er. ~nd he~mif,.l ~m'lec ,4 ~re, t t#,re t,/h,e, ri,orb. ,~nd ~b~t CITY OF CHANHASSEN 690 COULTER DRIVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (612) 937-1900 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION OCT 2. 6 2000 OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit interim Use Permit Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of ROW/Easements Variance Non-conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* · t.'/' Rezoning Wetland Aiteration Permit Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Notification Sign Site Plan Review* X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** ($50 CU P/SP R/VAC/VARANAP/Metes and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) Subdivision* TOTAL FEE $ A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be included with the application. material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. "Twenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 81/=" X 11" reduced copy of transparency for each plan sheet. Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract NOTE - When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. 'TOTAL ACREAGE ~/TETD~NDS PRESENT YES NO PRESENTZONING 'F~EQUESTED ZONING PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION :REQUESTED 1,AND USE DESIGNATION l.. ~.~.:,) 7%¥~. i~-,; %'?; -Fhis application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Depac. ment to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within ten business days of application submittal. A written ~otice Df application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within ten business days of application'. -l-h]~ is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that i am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This applicat, ion should be processed in my name and I am the party whom 'the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of. Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make ;this a. pplica~ion and the fee owner has also signed this application. :] ,MI1 keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information ! have submitted are true and correct to the best of my ~kn~wledge. The c'~y hereby notifies the applicant that development review cannot be completed within 60 days due to public hearing requirements and agency review. Therefore, the city is notifying the applicant that the city requires an automatic 60 day extension for development review. Development review shall be completed within 120 days unless additional review extensions are approved by the applicant. Signature of Applicant Date Sigr~ture of Fee Owner Date Application Received on Fee Paid Receipt No. The applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting. If not con~cted, a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address. -! .. L_ AS.- A Narrative for -. : NG MEADOWS Chanhassen, Minnesota 12/15/00 Prepared fori Planning Commission and -. City Council of the City of Chanhassen Submitted by: Lundgren Bros. Construction, Inc. 935 East Wayzata Boulevard" Wayzata, MN 55391 (952) 473-1231 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Development Team 2. Overview 3. Land Character 4. Attributes 5. City Benefits 6. Project Description 7. Staging and Utilities 8. HOA Recreation 9. Homeowners Association and Covenants 10. Conclusion 11. Appendix- Maps and Exhibits 1. DEVELOPMENT TEAM Developer- Development Team Coordinator- Project Manager- Project Civil Engineer- Project Surveyor- Wetland Biological Analysis- Market Anaylsis- Legal Advisors- Lundgren Bros. Construction, Inc. 935 East Wayzata Boulevard Wayzata, MN 55391 (952) 473-1231 Marc S. Anderson, Vice-President David A. Hinners Robert S. Molstad, P.E. Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. 150 South Broadway Wayzata, MN 55391 (952) 476-6000 Gary R. Germond, L.S. Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. 150 South Broadway Wayzata, MN 55391 (952) 476-6000 Ronald P. Peterson, M.S., J.D. Peterson Environmental Consulting, Inc. 1355 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 100 Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120 (651) 686-0151 Roger Conhaim Conhaim & Associates 2566 W. Lake of the Isles Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55405 (612) 374-9407 Paul W. Anderson Messerli & Kramer 1800 Fifth Street Towers Minneapolis, MN 55402-4218 Hugh H. Maynard Leonard, Street & Deinard 150 South Fifth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 335-1562 Soils Engineers- Environmental Advisors- Archeology Advisor- Gregg R. Jandro P.E., P.G. Braun Intertec Corporation 6801 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55439-1500 (952) 942-1766 Alicia Wagner Brown Braun Intertec Corporation 6875 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55439-1500 (952) 833-4778 Ms. Kim Breakey Hemisphere Field Services 2635 4th Street Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612) 623-0299 2. OVERVIEW "Ashling Meadows" is a 53 lot single family subdivision that has been brought about through the extensive efforts of the Lundgren Bros.' development team. A preliminary plat has been prepared which shows the general land use and road system coordinated with adjacent properties (see Exhibit 1-Preliminary Plat). This planning process is designed to help the City of Chanhassen understand the development potential of the area and how to address important issues such as sewer service, transportation, parks and environmentally sensitive areas. The developer has been working with the adjacent land owner in the area to coordinate efficient land use patterns while providing for the future location of the City's infrastructure. Lundgren Bros. has been providing environmentally sensitive neighborhoods with the philosophy of "good neighborhoods come through good design" for over 25 years. The best neighborhoods come about through understanding the site characteristics that people seek in choosing a home place and the balancing of environmental preservation with the development of special site amenities to support an active social framework for the neighborhood. These neighborhoods commonly have homeowner's associations with shared amenities preserved and maintained for the use of the residents. These special features make Lundgren Bros.' neighborhoods unique in the Twin Cities. The goal of this plan is to create distinct benefits not only to future residents within the proposed subdivision, but also for the City of Chanhassen. 1. The Plan addresses the needs of the City parks system by providing a portion of the trail system along Galpin Lake-Road. 2. The Plan consolidates open space of environmentally sensitive features so that the open space can be held in common ownership by the homeowner's association for preservation. 3. The Plan provides for the future development of adjacent properties by providing road access and utility "stubs" for future linking. 4. By addressing City environmental policies, special attention has been given to steep wooded slopes and wetlands so that the beauty and ecology of the area can be retained. 5. The Plan is developed to enhance the community character and identity. Entrance road features and road design along with maintaining perimeter buffers will contribute to the long term character of the development. 3. LAND CHARACTER Location "Ashling Meadows" is situated within the city limits of the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. Specifically, the project is located at the southeast intersection of Galpin Lake Road and Lake Lucy Road in the north central portion of the City of Chanhassen (see Exhibit 2-Location Map). Galpin Lake Road (County Road 117) a north-south running collector street forms the western boundary of the subdivision. Galpin Lake Road extends from the southern city limits to the northern city limits of Chanhassen, linking the City of Chaska with the City of Shorewood. Lake Lucy Road is an east-west running collector street that forms the northern boundary of the subdivision. Lake Lucy Road extends from just west of Lotus Lake west to its terminus with Hazeltine Boulevard (Highway 41). The land use north and northeast of"Ashling Meadows" is generally large lot residences. To the northwest is a traditional single family development. The land generally west is an undeveloped large residential estate as is the land immediately south and southeast of the site (see Exhibit 3-Vicinity Map). Existing Land Use "Ashling Meadows" is an assemblage consisting of four parcels of land owned by three land owners all of which have been involved in the landscaping business. Therefore, there are numerous nursery stock trees scattered over the site. By a prior agreement, the former owners have a right to continue to remove the nursery stock, as they desire to continue their businesses in other locations, until early summer when we plan to commence grading of the site. There are presently three dwellings and numerous outbuildings on the project site. None of these structures are planned to remain. The driveway access for these dwellings and outbuildings come from Galpin Lake Road. There is presently no driveway access from Lake Lucy Road. Project Acreage The northern most tract of land is approximately 13 acres in size. The center two parcels, which were owned by the same individual, consist of approximately 17 acres (10 acres for north parcel and 7 acres for the south parcel). The southern most parcel is approximately 10 acres in size. In total, "Ashling Meadows" consists of approximately 40 acres. Land Ownership The assembeled parcels that form "Ashling Meadows" are owned by Lundgren Bros. or are under option with development agreements with the underlying land owners. Lundgren Bros. has been a major participant in the residential development of the western suburbs for over 25 years and has never failed to perform on any of its commitments. Land Mass and Form Glacial erosion patterns have created strong topographic relief in the area that includes "Ashling Meadows". Over the years, many of the existing trees have been removed presumably for agricultural convenience. Some trees remain on the steeper slopes and those are intended for preservation. While not extensive, the wooded slopes are incorporated into the open space within the development. The topography of the site ranges some 66 feet from a high point of 1,030 feet mean sea level (MSL) in the south central portion of the property to a Iow of 964 MSL in the north east corner of the property. Woods and Trees The trees located on "Ashling Meadows" consist of both deciduous (oaks,.ash, maple, basswood, hickory and cherry) and coniferous (spruce, pine and arborvitae). The property has 103 identified existing significant trees on the site totaling 1,479 caliper inches and an existing total non-contiguous canopy coverage (less dead, dying or damaged trees) of 1.22 acres. This represents a "base line canopy coverage" of approximately 3%, placing the "minimum canopy coverage requirement" for the site at 25%. Based on the methodology provided in the City Code, the number of reforestation trees necessary to bring the net existing canopy up to the minimum canopy required is 315 trees. Exhibit 5 shows the calculations that were used to determine the number of reforestation trees. Due to the design sensitivity to the natural resources, only nine significant trees are planned to be removed. We have adjusted the street pattern so that the largest stand of trees are avoided. Instead, they will be preserved in the backyards of Lots 20 - 23. We have also adjusted lot lines so that "special" trees, such as the 33" ash on Lot 27 and the 33" oak at the rear of Lot 20 can be preserved. We also plan to save trees through the use of retaining walls, such as the basswoods "sandwiched" between the double retaing walls planned on Lot 23. The tree survey shows that there are "pockets" of trees over the site, generally located surrounding the existing homesteads, on the wooded slopes in the northeast portion of the property and along the site perimeter. Replacement trees will be planted throughout the site. The Reforestation Plan (See Exhibit 5-Reforestation Plan) shows the location of where we intend to plant these trees. Most of the trees will be planted in the rear yards to create a natural look and in areas of the site where minimal disturbance can be anticipated, such as between lot lines and areas that are distant from construction activity. These trees will be planted prior to the homes being built. The remaining trees will be planted as "front yard trees" after the homes have been constructed. We have found that front yard trees have a greater degree of survival if they are planted after the construction activities have subsided, that is, after the front yard final grade established and the homeowner is capable of caring for them. While City Code requires one front yard tree on every lot, we plan to plant two front yard trees on every lot in order to create a more wooded streetscape environment. Wetlands Three wetlands have been identified and delineated on "Ashling Meadows" by Peterson Environmental Consulting, Inc. The delineation and transit data have been surveyed in the locations indicated on the Existing Conditions Plan (See Exhibit 6-Existing Conditions Plan). The largest wetland (identified as Basin B) is located along Galpin Lake Road on the southwest corner of the site. The other two smaller wetlands (Basins A and Basin C) are located along the northern border just south and adjacent to Lake Lucy Road. Each of these wetlands have been classified as "Ag-Urban Wetlands" as they have been-strongly influenced by past agricultural or residential uses.- Wetland Basin B and C each have storm water pipes leading from or into them. These wetlands are being mostly avoided. It will be necessary to fill approximately 3,360 square feet of Basin B in order to provide a turning lane into "Ashling Meadows" from Galpin Lake Road. This wetland alteration will require a permit from the United States Corps of Engineers and a wetland alteration permit from the City of Chanhassen. Applications for this work will forthcoming. Mitigation for the wetland fill in Basin B will be accomplished by the creation of a 7,000 square foot created mitigated wetland. The planned mitigation exceeds the 2:1 ratio that would be normally required, but we are increasing the mitigation area in the event the turning lane needs to be extended. This mitigation area will be located along the northern border between Lake Lucy Road and Wetland Basin A. The existing wetlands and the mitigation.wetland will have a covenant placed over them restricting certain activities that would negatively affect them. In addition, a wetland buffer of at least 10' and a wetland setback of 40' from the wetland buffer edge will be established around each of these wetlands. We plan to place permanent monuments along the wetland buffer edge to indicate where the restricted activities begin. Grading The topography on "Ashling Meadows" ranges some 66 feet from a high point of 1,030 feet mean sea level (MSL) in the south central portion of the property to a Iow of 964 MSL in the north east corner of the property. Grading the site will require the "cutting" of soil in some areas and the "filling" in other areas. It is anticipated that the site will "balance", that is, there will be no need for soil to be imported or exported from the site. A grading permit will be required from the City of Chanhassen as well as a storm water permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to commencement of the grading. Approximately 31 acres of the site will be disturbed. The site will be graded in order to create streets and lots that comply with city standards. No portion of the graded site will have slopes that exceed a 3:1 slope (33%) once grading is complete. No grading will occur in the wooded bluff area in the northeast portion of the site. The "Bluff Impact Zone" will protected by silt fence. Proper construction sequencing and techniques for grading will be followed. Silt fence and the appropriate tree protection fencing will be installed prior to commencement of grading. The storm water quality ponds will next be constructed in order to collect sediments prior to a discharge of storm water into any wetland. Periodically it may be necessary to remove the collected sands and silts from the storm water quality ponds. Retaining Walls A boulder retaining wall is planned to be constructed at the rear of Lots 6 and 7 and a double boulder wall is planned at the rear of Lots 23 and 24 (See Exhibit 1- Preliminary Plat). Additionally, a retaining wall may be constructed at the entrance off Galpin Lake Road in order to provide a strong backdrop for the entrance monument. These retaining walls will be constructed of natural boulders and be approximately 4' in height. Should the height exceed 4', then a split rail safety fence would be constructed above the retaining wall. Storm Water Quality Ponds Three storm water quality ponds are planned to treat the storm water runoff prior to its discharge in to the wetlands. These ponds will be constructed and sized appropriately for the drainage areas within the site. Periodically it may be necessary to remove the collected sands and silts from the storm water quality ponds. Bluffs A bluff area has been identified in the wooded northeast portion of the site behind Lots 21 and 22 (See Exhibit 6-Existing Conditions Plan). The site design avoids any construction in this area. Protection fencing will be placed such that no construction activity will occur within the "Bluff Impact Zone". l0 4. ATTRIBUTES The single family proposal as submitted by Lundgren Bros. for "Ashling Meadows" is designed to address the physical constraints of the site and a portion of the housing needs within the City of Chanhassen. The housing types planned for "Ashling Meadows" will be from the "Traditional" series line from Lundgren Bros. These homes require a slightly larger lot than the "Heartland" series home, such as those found in "Springfield". Examples of the "Traditional" homes series can be found in "Longacres" or the "Summit at Near Mountain". The lots have been sized to allow for the flexibility of options the future homeowners might require. That is, the ability to construct a four season porch and perhaps an accessory building without jeopardizing the City Code on maximum lot coverage. The average lot size for the 53 lots in this development is 24,129. The smallest lot in "Ashling Meadows" is 16,675 square feet. The largest lot is Lot 53 at 77,207 square feet. This neighborhood will contain an Association park. Within the Association park, the proposed amenities are planned to include, in part, a swimming pool with a men's/women's changing and restroom, a children's play area, a gazebo for sitting and enjoyment and extensive landscaping throughout. As detailed plans evolve in the amenity area, more amenity features may be provided. Other improvements that will be owned and maintained by the homeowners association include an entrance monument and landscaped cul-de-sac islands. The maintenance of these improvements will be provided through funds derived from assessments paid by each lot owner in the subdivision. "Ashling Meadows" is consistent with the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan designation of Iow density (1.2 to 4 units per acre). Based on the net developable acreage of 35.2 acres and the proposed 53 units, the net density is 1.5 units per acre (gross acreage is 1.3 units per acre). "Ashling Meadows" is within the approved MUSA boundaries. 5. CITY BENEFITS The City benefits from the efficient use of land so that the City infrastructure is well utilized and the continuation of urban sprawl is slowed. This is done with careful attention to the environment and provides a much more desirable social living condition for the future residents of "Ashling Meadows". "Ashling Meaodws" not only preserves open spaces and wooded slopes, but also partially provides for the recreational needs of its residents that augment the City's park system. 6. PROJECT DESCRIPTION After defining the attributes and benefits of the design process for this particular property, we have put those goals and design criteria into the preliminary plan of "Ashling Meadows" that fulfills Lundgren Bros.' philosophy of creating unique neighborhoods that are environmentally responsible and desired places to live. The lots and streets are laid out to minimize the construction impact on the wetlands and the wooded slopes. The curvilinear road system not only adjusts to the topography of land, but also provides home settings naturally placed on the land and not a forced grid-like system. The road system is the strongest design element of a residential neighborhood. The street system's ability to carry traffic in a safe, smooth manner so that pedestrians and bicyclists feel comfortable using the streets is very important. The preservation of trees and planted front yard street trees add shading and provide a traffic calming effect for quiet residential streets. Cul-de-sacs are proposed to have landscaped islands that minimize the large expanse of asphalt while defining the turning movement around the island. A concrete sidewalk is proposed to link all areas of the project. This sidewalk, constructed on one side of each street, will be located adjacent to both sides of the Association park as well as the entrance on Galpin Lake Road. From this point, the sidewalk will connect with a trail to be constructed northward for access to an existing trail along Lake Lucy Road. To preserve trees within the development area, Lundgren Bros. uses construction techniques that include silt fencing to protect the root zone of trees. Also during construction, Lundgren Bros. enforces strict contractor responsibilities and maintains communication between the developer, builder and the City. These types of efforts must happen at all levels for successful tree preservation programs to be implemented. Lot 53 is located along Lake Lucy Road. This lot would require driveway access to Lake Lucy Road. This lot would remain undeveloped until sanitary sewer facilities are available or would it require a grinder pump lift station and forcemain. The forcemain could be directionally bored under the wetland and wooded tree area and be placed between Lots 22 and 23 where it would connect to the sanitary sewer to be constructed within the street right of way. 7. STAGING AND UTILITIES Sanitary Sewer. "Ashling Meadows" will be served by an existing 30" sanitary trunk line that runs south of the site. Our preliminary utility plan shows that a sanitary line will be extended south along the right-of-way of Galpin Lake Road from the main entrance to the project. This sanitary line will connect to an existing sanitary manhole located approximately 330' south of the southwest corner of the project site. A sanitary forcemain might be required for Lot 53. Water. Water will be provided by an extension from the existing water distribution system of the City of Chanhassen. Storm Sewer. Storm water runoff will be collected in a storm sewer system and routed to storm water quality ponds before discharge into wetlands. The water quality ponds and storm sewer system will be sized in accordance with City standards. Staging. It is proposed that ';Ashling Meadows" will be developed in two phases (See Exhibit 7-Proposed Phasing Plan). The first phase will involve grading the entire site and providing the streets and utilities to serve 30 lots, including the Association park. The second phase will develop the remaining 23 lots. 14 8. HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION RECREATION A homeowners association amenity area is proposed to be constructed on Outlot B (See Exhibit 1-Preliminary Plat). Planned amenities include a swimming pool, bathhouse with men's and women's changing rooms, a children's playground, a park gazebo, open space and extensive landscaping. Other amenities that might be included are basketball and perhaps tennis facilities. These proposed amenities will be owned and maintained through assessments levied on its homeowners. A building permit will probably be necessary for the construction of the gazebo, changing room and perhaps the swimming pool. Typically a building permit can not be issued for an outlot, therefore it may be necessary to change the designation of Outlot B to a lot and block, unless waived. Detailed plans of the Association park can be made available to City Staff when available. 9. HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AND COVENANTS The Lundgren Bros. development will have a homeowner's association for the maintenance of the common elements of the subdivision. These common elements include the entrance monument and landscaping, the amenity area and its improvements and the three landscaped cul-de-sac islands. Restrictive covenants will be placed upon all of the lots within the subdivision. The covenants will restrict certain activities from occurring within the front and side yards, minimum building standards and accessory structures. Other restrictions prohibit the alteration of the exterior of the houses without prior Architectural Control Committee approval. A copy of the covenants will be made available to the City. 10. CONCLUSION This preliminary plan for "Ashling Meadows" is being submitted to the City of Chanhassen for their review and concurrence in the many positive attributes portrayed in this overall residential plan. The plan matches the appropriate housing to the site characteristics and uses the open spaces to provide adequate buffering from adjacent existing and future land uses. ]'7 11. APPENDIX-MAPS AND EXHIBITS EXHIBIT 1- PRELIMINARY PLAT EXHIBIT 2- LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT 3- VICINITY MAP EXHIBIT 4- REFORESTATION CALCULATIONS EXHIBIT 5- REFORESTATION PLAN EXHIBIT 6- EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN EXHIBIT 7- PROPOSED PHASING PLAN 18 L. ,u3 SNOISU',3~.~ 3~L JO ~Nn ~$3M 3H.L NLU~ 'LTn¥~Nd 3Nil ¥ a~ ~v~v .~J U¥O~ .lO ':(I",\'[f:,',:'" t,,) i'l .'i'l\I s~opuol4t Jgu!lqsV , -~- 0 0 ~ _ 0 PROJECT: ASHLING MEADOWS LOCATION: CHANHASSEN, MN EXHIBIT 4-REFORESTATION CALCULATIONS PREPARED FOR: LUNDGREN BROS. CONSTRUCTION, INC. PREPARED BY · SATHRE-BERGQUIST DATE:NOVEMBER 17, 2000 SUBJECT: TREE SUMMARY P'NT NO. Type Diameter Remain Remove 1001 ASH 22 22 1002 HICKORY 25 25 1003 BASSWOOD 20 20 . 1004 BASSWOOD 26 26 1005 OAK 26 26 1006 OAK 16 16 1007 MAPLE 18 18 1008 OAK DAM. & BROKEN 21 21 1009 OAK DAM. & BROKEN 14 14 1010 OAK 22 22 1011 OAK 20 20 1012 OAK 23 23 1013 OAK 16 16 1014 OAK 2O 2O 1015 OAK 16 16 1016 MAPLE 14 14 1017 MAPLE 12 12 1018 MAPLE 14 14 1019 OAK' 17 17 1020 OAK 20 2O 1021 OAK 2O 2O 1022 OAK 20 2O 1023 OAK 13 13 1024 OAK 15 15- 1025 OAK 16 16 1026 OAK 17 17 1027 OAK 19 19 1031 OAK 30 30 1032 OAK 29 29 1033 OAK 15 15 1034 ASH 2O 2O 1036 OAK 14 14 1037' OAK .18 18 1038 OAK 17 17 1039 OAK 20 20 1040 OAK 19 19 1041 OAK 12 12 1042 BASSWOOD 13 13 1043 BASSWOOD 14 14 1044 ASH 18 18 · 1045 OAK DAM. & BROKEN 27 27 1046 OAK DAM.& DYING 14 14 1047 OAK DAM.& DYING 15 15 1048 ASH 16 16 1049 ASH 13 13 1050 ASH 17 17 1052 OAK 22 22 1053 OAK 22 22 Transplant PROJECT: ASHLING MEADOWS LOCATION' CHANHASSEN, MN PREPARED FOR: LUNDGREN BROS. CONSTRUCTION, INC. PREPARED BY' SATHRE-BERGQUIST DATE:NOVEMBER 17, 2000 SUBJECT: TREE SUMMARY PNT NO. Type Diameter Remain Remove 1054 OAK 14 14 1055 OAK 21 21 1056 ASH 16 16 1057 OAK 20 20 1058 CHERRY DAM.& BRO~ 16 16 1059 ASH 18 18 1060 MAPLE 19 19 1061 ASH 18 18 1062 SPRUCE 9 1063 PINE 14 1064 SPRUCE 13 1066 ASH 13 1067 PINE 11 1068 PINE 11 1069 MAPLE 17 1070 MAPLE 16 1071 SPRUCE 4 1073 SPRUCE 6 1074 SPRUCE 6 1075 SPRUCE 3 1076 SPRUCE 7 1077 SPRUCE 5 1078 SPRUCE 6 1079 ASH 33 33 1081 ASH 15 15 1082 ASH 15 15 1083 ASH 13 13 1084 SPRUCE 8 1085 SPRUCE 8 1086 SPRUCE 7 1087 PINE 7 1088 PINE 5 1089 SPRUCE 5 1091 MAPLE 16 1092 PINE 5 1093 SPRUCE 7 1094 SPRUCE 7 1096 SPRUCE 6 1097 SPRUCE 6 1098 SPRUCE 6 1099 SPRUCE 6 1100 SPRUCE 7 1101 ARBORVITAE 4 1102. ARBORVITAE 4 1103 ARBORVITAE 4 1104 ARBORVITAE 4 1105 ARBORVITAE 4 1106 BASSWOOD 14 14 9 14 13 13 11 11 17 16 4 6 6 3 7 5 6 8 8 7 7 5 5 16 5 7 7 6 6 6 6 7 4 4 4 4 4 Transplan. t PROJECT: ASHLING MEADOWS LOCATION: CHANHASSEN, MN PREPARED FOR: LUNDGREN BROS. CONSTRUCTION, INC. PREPARED BY: SATHRE-BERGQUIST DATE:NOVEMBER 17, 2000 SUBJECT: TREE SUMMARY PNT NO. Type Diameter Remain Remove 1107 BASSWOOD 15 15 1108 BASSWOOD 16 16 1109 BASSWOOD 17 17 1110 BASSWOOD 15 15 1111 BASSWOOD 14 14 1112 BASSWOOD 16 16 1113 OAK 33 33 CALIPER INCHES 1479 1212 267 147 % of Trees to Stay % of Trees to be Remove CANOPY COVERAGE- NORTHEAST- NORTHWEST CENTRAL SOUTHWEST 81.9% 18.1% 39,830.0 610.0 9,355.0 2,195.0 1,210.0 SQ.FT. SQ.FT. SQ.FT. SQ.FT. SQ.FT. Transplant TOTAL AREA 40.03 ACRES WETLAND AREA 4.78 ACRES TREE CANAPY AREA 1.22 ACRES UPLAND AREA 35.26 ACRES EXISTING CANOPY COVERAGE= 1.22/35.26= 3.05% Since our canopy coverage is less that 19%, are minimum required Canopy coverage is 25% for Low Density Residential. Minimum Required Canopy Coverage=25% Canopy Coverage Required 383,928.0 Canopy Coverage Remaining 41,650.0 Canopy Coverage Needed Tree Replacement= 342,278.0 1089 Replacement Trees Required 315 SQ. Ff' SQ. FT SQ. FT SQ. FT/Tree Trees. k, X8 S NOISIA3~J./ k. / gig :02LLk'~r¥'Ic{ S32[H.L 'I'Y,£O,L gO s~qo~s snuld 2Nlcl 'l.a:.o.to~cr~ucl, ~oluUVAl4~Uuua, d unulz'LL~l HSY l',iL, I~l~D -- Of; a$1u3u°Pt::'::'° mr',l°D A~H~IIL~IDYIt ~') O~ uuuo~mu v I Il.l, I'~L~I O[lq3'l (~ (I l,,I,q 93~I ~o~ ............................ ~ ' SB9'59'52"W ~' 1078 32~ I I~HFFFR STRIP /-'. ....... ~'x ,', ..- r'~ ~m- .. '; x... . TRACT A ~0 - 0 0 ~ACT D ~ [JN£ PARALLEl. WITH 'mi V~ST UN£ or 1HE /-REVISIONSBY % Ashling Meadows 3O 2~074, 255 28 EXHIBIT 7- PROPOSED PHASING PLAN i LAKE LUCY HIGHLANDS -10 FT. AV'D~AG~ W~"FL.AND . .' BU F'FD~ ~ :. ~ LUCY RC n. $Bg'sg'52"W % 07~.52 ~u~ :' ..' - ,.', ' :=:~= .'.-,~ .... i'~-~ Y LANF~ /~ 38 ~,~. t7,~. " : PHASE1- 3O LOTS '~',' " 40 ~,~ g4 ~ 49 4Z 102 49 ..... ~ ~. 42 ~ [8 ~ - . 48 182 18,~. ~r, ." ,.,' ......... 49 202 so ~ ~ ~ z J ~ 118 50 52 g6 25J 91 23 93 96 ? ~ 9 ~0 I ~ 1~7~ ~. 17,~ ~, I / W / L / / / ~S~UTH LINE x.. ~'x S89'$7'56"E 1378.04 ~"~--~$T UNE OF THE S~ 1/4 OF sEC, 3 ', "-----A LJNE PARALLEL Will-{ "-~: FT. ~ ~-::~LZ ;-~, :':, ,=,T -:;~:~-~:'.- THE $CK.ITH UNE OF THE ;'=?,:/ 'V4{ ':,Z-;,V~E 5.FT-:ZR SE t/4 ()F SEC. 3 / ~-~SDUTH LINE BF SW L/4 SEC, 3 A UNE PARALLID_ THE W~$T UNE 0¢ THE SE 1/4 OF SEC, 3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2001 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE PROPOSAL: Rezoning, Subdivision and a Wetland Alteration Permit APPLICANT: Lundgren Bros. LOCATION: East of Galpin Blvd. and south of Lake Lucy Road NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, Lundgren Bros., is requesting rezoning of approximately 40 acres of property zoned Rural Residential to Residential Single Family and preliminary plat request for 53 single family lots and 4 outlots and a wetland alteration permit to fill 3,360 sq. ft. of a wetland, located on the east side of Galpin Boulevard just south of Lake Lucy Road, Ashling Meadows. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. Dudng the meeting, the Chair will lead ff~e public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmin at 937-1900 ext. 120. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 8, 2001. sleqe'l ssaJpp¥ DONATO J & BEVERLY E MEZZENGA 6831 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MERLE W & DIANE M STEINKRAUS 1800 LAKE LUCY RD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 KATHLEEN M VANKREVELEN 2021 HIGHGATE CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 E JEROME & LINDA C CARLSON 6950 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 JUDITH A DIRKS 6 PHEASANT LAWN OLIVIA MN 56277 JEFFREY A JORGENSEN & HELENA B STAFKO 2028 HIGHGATE CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 REFNHOLD & LORRAINE GUTHMILLE 8290 UNION HILL BLVD BELLE PLAINE MN 56011 PRINCE R NELSON 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROGER D & PATRICIA WISCHNEWSKI 2040 HIGHGATE CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 PAISLEY PARK ENTERPRISES INC 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MARTIN C & BETH KUDER 6831 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MARK A FALKUM 6869 MANCHESTER DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN C & CARRIE M TIETZ 7011 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MARTiN C & BETH KUDER/., 6831 GALPIN BLVD~_~ EXCEL, SIO~ MN 55331 DAVID M KRAUSE 6857 MANCHESTER DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRADLEY D HIMLE 6681 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 LUNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION 935 WAYZATA BLVD E WAYZATA MN 55391 DOUGLAS A & LINDA R BEUTEL 6786 BRIARWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 RICHARD J & PEGGY M STITZINGER 6691 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 CHARLES C S & IRENE L Y SONG 7042 GALPIN BLVD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 CHARLES Z & SUSAN X DENG 6804 BRIARWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN' F & MARIELLEN WALDRON 1900 LAKE LUCY RD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 DAVID M & JULIE A FUECKER 6751 MANCHESTER DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GERALD L & CONNIE J BYRNES 6820 BRIARWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN W & MELANIE L GORCZYCA 1850 LAKE LUCY RD EXCELSIOR MN 55331 WILLIAM F & JEANNE A KKAKE 6739 MANCHESTER DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BRIAN & CHRISTINE KLINE 6836 BRIARWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ALAN K PETERSON 1831 LAKE LUCY LN EXCELSIOR MN 55331 MICHAEL A & CHERIE M WITYNSKI 2051 HIGHGATE CIR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 LANCE E & MARY P HOGLE 6852 BRIARWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ®09~5 aOS~l sl~q~'l sso~pp¥ ANTHONY J & TRACEY A SELINGER ~6791 BRIARWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TIMOTHY A & TERESA M VOEHL 6811 BRIARWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID A SENNER & SUSAN M HARTWIG 6829 BRIARWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN C & BRIDGET W DOW 6837 BRIARWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID S & LINDA S PETERS 6845 BRIARWOOD CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317