3 SUB 6735 Lakeway DriveCiTY OF
PC DATE: 2/20/01
CC DATE: 3/12/01
Review Deadline: 4/14/01
CASE#: 00-16 SUB
By: A1-Jaff:v
Preliminary Plat to Subdivide 2.35 Acres into' 2 single family lots with a
lakeshore setback variance, Whitetail Cove 2nd Addition
Southeast of Lakeway Drive and north of Lake Lucy, Lot 6, Block '2,
Whitetail Cove.
Brian and Nancy Tichy
6240 Cypress Drive
Excelsior, MN 55331
(952) 831-4171
(952) 975-8176
, , ,
RSF, Residential Single Family District
2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential-Low Density (Net Density 1.2 - 4.0 units per acre)
ACREAGE: Approximately 2.35 acres
DENSITY: 0.8 Units per Acre Net
1.9 Units per Acre Gross
Subdivision of 2.35 acres into 2 single family lots with a lakeshore setback variance. Notice of
this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet.
The City' s discretion in approving or dewing a preliminary plat'is limited to whether or not the
proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning
Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a
quasi-judicial decision.
The City's discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the propOsed
project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for variance. The City has a relatively high
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level of discretion with a variance because of the burden of proof is on the applicant to show that
they meet the standards in the ordinance.
The applicant is proposing to subdivide 2.35 acres into 2 single family lots. The prope~%~ is zoned
RSF, Residential Single Family.
The average lot size is 51,188 square feet with a resulting gross density of 0.8 units per acre and a
net density of 1.9 units per acre. The site is located southeast of Lakeway Drive and north of Lake
Lucy. Access to the lots will be provided via an existing private street off of Lakeway Drive.
Both of the proposed lots meet the minimum area, width, and depth requirements of the Zoning
Ordinance however; Section 20-481 (a) requires that all structures be setback seventy-five (75) feet
from recreational development lakes. In addition, when a structure exists on a lot on either side of
the prope~1y, the setback of a proposed structure shall be the greater of the distance of the 75 foot
structure setback or the setback of the neighboring existing structure. The property located to the
east of the subject site contains a single family home with a lakeshore setback that exceeds 1,000
feet. The intent of the ordinance is to protect lake view sight lines. The ordinance does not provide
a way to account for excessive setbacks. Furthermore, it would restrict the entire Whitetail Cove
subdMsion fi'om developing. The single family home (cun'ently under construction) located west
of the subject site, is set back approximately 245 feet from the OHW. Maintaining this setback
would make development of this lot impossible. Therefore, the applicant has requested variances
from the 245-foot lakeshore setback. The proposed lots will not intrude upon the sightlines of the
neighboring prope~1y due to the orientation of the home. The intent of the ordinance is being
In summary, staff believes that the proposed subdivision is well designed. Minor revisions will be
required. We are recommending that it be approved with conditions outlined in the staff report.
The applicant is proposing to subdivide 2.35 acres into 2 single family lots. The property is zoned
RSF, Residential Single Family.
The average lot size is 51,188 square feet with a resulting gross density of 0.8 units per acre and a
net density of 1.9 units per acre. The site is located southeast of Lakeway Drive and north of Lake
Lucy. Access to the lots will be provided via an existing private street of off Lakeway Drive.
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Both lots exceed the minimum 20.000 square feet of area (Lot 1 has an area of 58.420 sq. ft. and
Lot 2 has an area of 43,956 sq. ft.).
Both proposed lots meet the minimum width, and depth requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
Staff notes that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and generally consistent
with the Zoning Ordinance.
Two natural wetlands exist on-site. Wetlands comprise approximately half of the 2.33-acre
proposed development.
Basin 1
Basin 1 is a natural wetland located along the no~1hern side of the property. The basin is
dominated by cattail, duckweed and sedges. Surface water flov,;s from this basin into the
wetlands adjacent to Lake Lucy. No wetland impact is proposed in this basin. The applicant has
proposed a 3 O-foot buffer with a 40-foot setback fi'om the wetland buffer edge for this basin.
The buffer strip must maintain a width of at least 30 feet because the width allowed the
developer to decrease buffer strip widths in other areas of Whitetail Cove 1 ~t Addition.
The preliminary plat shows that the proposed driveway encroaches into the required buffer for
Basin 1. The driveway should be realigned to preserve the 30-foot buffer. In addition, the
proposed 60'x 60' building pads on both Lots 1 and 2 encroach into the 40-foot wetland buffer
setback. The proposed building pads should be revised to maintain the 40-foot setback so an
additional variance is not necessary.
During an on-site inspection, City staff noticed that a retaining ,,,',.'all was installed along a portion
of the southwest side of Basin 1. The applicant should be advised that if a retaining wall needs to
be extended or added on the north side of the proposed driveway, it must not be located v¢ithin
the wetland buffer.
Basin 2
Basin 2 is a natural wetland located adjacent to Lake Lucy on the south side of the property. The
basin is dominated by cattail, with an abundance of box elder and red osier dogwood. No
wetland impact is proposed in this basin. The applicant has proposed a 30-foot buffer with a 40-
foot setback from the wetland buffer edge for this basin. The buffer strip must maintain a width
of at least 30 feet because the width allowed the developer to decrease buffer strip widths in other
areas of Whitetail Cove 1 st Addition.
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Other Wetland Issues
Silt fence should be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer. The applicant will
be required to re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT see. d mix 25 A, or a similar seed
mix which is approved for wetland soil conditions. Existing vegetation within the wetland buffer
must be left undisturbed unless otherwise approved. Because both wetland basins are classified
as "Natural" in the City's Surface Water Management Plan, if the replanting of buffers is
necessary, native vegetation must be planted.
Drainage and utility easements should be provided over all existing wetlands. Wetland buffer
areas should be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The
applicant will install xvetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction
begins and will pay the City $20 per sign.
Lake Lucy
The proposed project is adjacent to Lake Lucy; therefore, each principle structure must maintain a
setback fi'om the ordinary high water level (OHW). The standard setback for structures on sewered
lots on recreational development lakes is seventy-five (75) feet. However, Chanhassen City Code
Section 20-481 states: "When a structure exists on a lot on either side, the setback ora proposed
structure shall be the greater of [75 feet] or the setback of the existing structure." In this case, a
structure exists on the lot to the west of the proposed lot split. This structure is set back
approximately 245 feet from the OHW. Maintaining this setback would make development of this
lot impossible. Therefore, the applicant has requested variances from the 245-foot iakeshore
setback. The proposed setbacks are listed below:
Lot Setback from OHW
Lot 1, Block 1 160+feet
Lot 2, Block 1 110+feet
The proposed setbacks are consistent with the setbacks approved as part of the Whitetail Cove
(Lake Lucy Estates) subdivision. In addition, the proposed setbacks are the minimum required to
meet the wetland buffer and setback requirements on the north side of the parcel.
Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP)
According to Section 18-63 of Chanhassen's City Code, "Property being subdivided shall be
exempt from the water quality and water quantity connection charges imposed by this section if the
charges were paid or assessed in conjunction with a previous subdivision of the property and if the
prope~ty is not being zoned to a classification with a higher charge." Since connection charges for
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this parcel were paid together with the Whitetail Cove subdivision, this project is exempt from
connection charges.
When initially platted with the Whitetail Cove plat, this site was designated as a custom graded
lot. As such. a large amount of the original tree coverage still remains. Care should be taken by
the developer to protect as many of the existing trees as possible, especially those on the south
half of the site a4jacent to Lake Lucy.
The plans propose on filling up to approximately ten feet for the two house pads and private
drive areas. Fill will also be necessary to provide adequate cover over the sanitary sewer service
for each lot. While some fill is required to create walkout-type dwellings, staff recommends that
the applicant's engineer look at lowering the rear walkout elevations to approximately 964.5+.
Staff' believes this would better match the existing topography and help minimize the amount of
fill, grading, and tree toss in the rear yard area. With the amount of fill proposed, it is anticipated
that import material will be required. If fill is imported, the applicant will need to supply the
City with a haul route and t,'affic control plan fox' review and approval prior to the site grading
commencing. The applicant should also be aware that if retaining walls are needed, a separate
building permit will be required for any wall over four feet in height.
A soils report was previously prepared by Braun Intertec. A surnnlary of the results of the soils
evaluation indicated soil borings typically encountered a one to four foot layer of topsoil at the
surface. Below the topsoil, most of the borings encountered glacially deposited soils. Layers of
alluvial deposits were encountered above the glacial till into the boring. The soil report also
supplied recommendations which indicated the topsoil, the alluvial soil, and some soft glacial
soils found in the borings are considered unsuitable fbr supporting loads due to high organic
content and/or associated compressibility under fill and building loads. To prepare for
construction, the report recommended removal of these soils in the building area. The
excavations would then be backfilled with engineered fill as needed to achieve the building
and/or street subgrade elevation. The report also indicated that the natural clays on the site will
be suitable for reuse as fill but will require drying to achieve compaction requirements.
The plan shows some proposed offsite grading. The applicant should be aware that any grading
outside the property would require temporary grading easements.
Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance with the City's
Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH). Staff recommends that the City's Type III
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erosion control fence, which is a heavy-duty silt fence, be used for the areas adjacent to the
wetlands and Lake Lucy. The final grading plan shall incorporate erosion control fence around
the perimeter of the grading limits. In addition, tree preservation fencing should be denoted on
the grading and drainage plan as well.
No storm drainage improvements have been proposed with this plat. There is an existing storm
pond in the northwest corner of the site which was constructed with the Whitetail Cove plat.
However, none of the stormwater runoff from the proposed development will reach the pond.
Runoff fi'om the front of the lots will drain to the northerly wetland and runoff from the rear of
the lots will drain south to Lake Lucy. The additional impervious surface from this proposed lot
split will result in a minimal increase of stormwater runoff fi'om the site.
No public utility lines have been proposed with this project. Each of the lots will be serviced
with a private sewer and water line from the existing public sanitary sewer and water mains on
the westerly property line of the site. Due to the existing sanitary sewer elevation, each lot will
require a grinder pump to service the basement level of the homes. This is typically avoided
whenever possible; however, there are no other options in this case. A private utility easement
will be required for the service lines of Lot 2 which are installed over Lot 1.
Detailed utility construction plans and specifications will be required in conjunction with final
plat approval. The construction plans and specifications shall be prepared in accordance with the
City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Final construction plans and
specifications will need to be submitted to the City a minimum of three weeks prior to final plat
consideration for staff review and City Council approval. As a part of final plat and construction
plan approval, the applicant will be required to enter into a development contract and provide the
City with financial securities to guarantee the final plat conditions of approval and installation of
the public improvements.
The plans are proposing to access each lot via a private drive off of the existing private drive just
west of the site. City ordinance allows up to four homes to be serviced by a private driveway.
With this proposed lot split, there would be a total of three lots accessing the private drive. The
private drive shown on the plans is only ten feet wide. As per ordinance, the private driveway'
shall be increased to 20 feet in width and designed to a 7-ton per axle requirement. In addition, a
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turnaround acceptable to the City's Fire Marshal will have to be provided along with a 30-foot
wide private maintenance and access easement over the shared portion of the private drive.
Full park and trail fees be collected in lieu of land dedication.
Tree removal calculations for this lot were done as part of the original development proposal for
whitetail Cove. A total of thirteen trees are required on this lot. However, that calculation was
based on tree removal for one home. The proposed lot split doubles the removal and therefore
increases the number of replacement plantings.
Tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations for Whitetail Cove development are as
Total upland area
Total canopy area (excluding wetlands)
Baseline canopy coverage
Minimum canopy coverage allowed
Proposed tree removal
Proposed tree preservation
11.17 ac or 486,565 SF
9.51 ac or 414,256 SF
55% or 6.14 ac/267,610 SF
42% or 4.67 ac/203,425 SF
43% or 4.84 ac/210,830 SF
The applicant does not meet minimum canopy coverage allowed, therefore the difference is
multiplied by 1.2 to calculate the required replacement plantings.
Difference in canopy coverage 56,780 SF
Multiplier 1.2
Total replacement 68,136 SF
Total number of trees to be planted 63 trees
A replacement planting plan lnUSt be submitted to the city for approval. Included in the plan
shall be location, species and size of replacements. All replacements must meet minimum size
requirements. The applicant has requested that replacement plantings vary in size, fi'om seedling
to the 2½ minimmn required by ordinance. Staff supports the request for trees planted in excess
of the 63 required. Of the 63 trees required, staff recolnmends the minimum required size is
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Lot 1
Lot Lot Lot Home
Area Width Depth Setback
Lot 2
20,000 100' 125' 70' front/75'rear
10' sides
58,420 103' 415.55' 70'*/160'*
43,956 103' 305' 30'/110'*
The 70 foot setback includes a 30 foot wetland buffer in addition to a 40 foot
structure setback.
The setback fi'om Lake Lucy's OHW and the natural wetland located on the south side of
the site, overlap.
1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance;
Findin.~: The subdivision meets ali the requirements of the RSF, Residential
Single Family District.
The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans
including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan;
Finding: The proposed subdivision is consistent with the subdivision ordinance.
The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils,
vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm
water drainage are suitable for the proposed development;
Finding: The proposed site is suitable for development subject to the conditions
specified in this report
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The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage,
sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this
Finding: The proposed subdivision is served by adequate urban infrastructure.
5. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage;
Finding: The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage subject
to conditions of approved. The proposed subdivision contains adequate open areas
to accommodate house pads.
6. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record.
Finding: The proposed subdivision will not conflict with existing easements, but
rather will expand and provide all necessary easements.
The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the
~bllowing exists:
Lack of adequate storm water drainage.
Lack of adequate roads.
Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems.
Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems.
Finding: The proposed subdivision will have access to public utilities and and
existing private driveway.
As part of this plat approval, a variance to allow the proposed structures to maintain a 160 foot
and 110 foot setbacks from the OHW of Lake Lucy is being requested. Sec. 18-22 of the City
Code states. "The City Council may grant a variance from the regulations contained in the
subdivision chapter as part of a plat approval process following a finding that all of the following
conditions exist:
1. The hardship is not a mere inconvenience.
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The hardship is caused by the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical
conditions of the land.
The condition or conditions upon which the request is based.are unique and not generally
applicable to other property.
The granting of a variance will not be substantially detrimental to the public welfare and is
in accord with the purpose and intent of this chapter, the zoning ordinance and
comprehensive plan.
This setback was created to protect lake view sight lines. Granting this variance
will uphold the intent of the ordinance. The proposed homes will not be within the
sight line of the adjacent homes.
As part of this subdivision, the applicant is requesting the use of private streets to service the site.
The subdivision ordinance allows up to four lots to be served by a private street if the city finds
the following conditions to exist:
The prevailing development pattern makes .it not feasible or inappropriate to construct a
public street. In making this deten-nination, the city may consider the location of existing
property lines and homes, local or geographic conditions and existence of wetlands.
After reviewing the surrounding area it is concluded that an extension of the public street
system is not required to serve other parcels in the area, improve access, or to provide a
street system consistent with the comprehensive plan.
3. The use of a private street will pe~rnit enhanced protection of wetlands and mature trees.
The applicant is utilizing an existing private street that will be extended. There is
no public benefit nor do we believe it is appropriate to construct a public street to
serve one lot. The private street will minimize impact on the vegetation and
preserve site grades.
Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motions:
"The Planning Conm~ission recommends approval of the preliminary plat for Subdivision #00-16 for
Whitetail Cove 2nd Addition for 2 lots and a lakeshore setback variance as shown on the plans
received December 15, 2000, subject to the following conditions:
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February 20. 2001
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While some fill is required to create walkout-type dwellings, staff recommends that the
applicant's engineer look at lowering the rear walkout elevations to approximately
If fill is impo~ted, the applicant will need to supply the City with a haul route and traffic
control plan tbr review and approval prior to the site grading commencing.
The applicant should be aware that if retaining walls are needed, a separate building
permit ,,,,-ill be required lbr any wall over four feet in height.
The plan shows some proposed offsite grading. The applicant should be aware that any
grading outside the property will require temporary grading easements.
Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance with the
City's Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH).
A private utility easement ,,,,,ill be required for the service lines of Lot 2 which are
installed over Lot 1.
Detailed utility construction plans and specifications will be required in conjunction with
final plat approval. The construction plans and specifications shall be prepared in
accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates.
Final construction plans and specifications ,,,,,ill need to be submitted to the City a
mininmm of tb2'ee weeks prior to final plat consideration for staff review and City
Council approval. As a part of final plat and construction plan approval, the applicant
will be required to enter into a development contract and provide the City with financial
securities to guarantee the final plat conditions of approval and installation of the public
As per ordinance, the private driveway shall be increased to 20 feet in width and designed
to a 7-ton per axle requirement.
A turnaround acceptable to the City's Fire Marshal will have to be provided along with a
30-foot wide private maintenance and access easement over the shared portion of the
private drive.
The proposed driveway shall avoid impact to the required 30-foot buffer around Basin 1.
11. The proposed building pads shall maintain 40-foot wetland buffer setbacks.
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Silt fence shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer.
The applicant shall re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT seed mix 25 A, or a
similar seed mix which is approved for wetland soil conditions.
Existing vegetation within the wetland buffer shall be left undisturbed unless otherwise
approved. Because both wetland basins are classified as "Natural" in the City's Surface
Water Management Plan, if the replanting of buffers is necessary, native vegetation shall
be planted.
Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands.
Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland
ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under.the direction of City
staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign.
Each proposed building pad shall maintain the required setbacks from the ordinau~ high
water level (OHW) listed below:
Lot Minimum Setback from OHW
Lot 1, Block 1 160 feet
Lot 2, Block 1 110 feet
Building Official conditions:
1. If any soil con'ections are done on the property a final grading plan and soil report
must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits will be issued.
2. Address numbers must be posted at the driveway entrance on Lakeway Drive and
on each dwelling.
3. Each property must be served by independent sewer and water services. It may be
possible to provide an easement for a joint service, however a manhole structure
would be required at the service split.
Fire Marshal conditions:
a. Before any building permits are issued additional address signs will be required at
the driveway entrance with the two address numbers on it. Contact Chanhassen
Fire Marshal and Chanhassen Building Official for proposed additional signs for
review and approval. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention
Division Policy #29-1992. Copy enclosed.
20. Park and trail fees shall be paid per ordinance requirements."
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Memo from Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator dated February 2, 2001.
Memo from Matt Saaln, Project Engineer dated January 5,2001.
Memo from Steve Torell. Building Official dated January 5,2001.
Memo From Mark Littfin. Fire Marshal dated January 2.2001.
Application dated December 11,2000.
Letter dated January 25. 2001 to Brian and Nancy Tichy.
Public hearing notice and property owners list.
Survey of property located to the west of the subject site.
Preliminary plat dated received December 28, 2000.
g:",ptamsd,Whitetail Cove 2nd.doc
690 G9, Ce, ret D~ive
PO Ba' I47
C/Ja,h,~sse,. Mi,,esota 55317
952. 93~ I 900
Ge,erd S~x
E, gi, eeri,g D~partme, t Fax
Bui/di,g Depar,,e,t
ltFb Site
Sharmin AI-Jaff, Senior Planner
Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator~
February 7, 2001
Whitetail Cove 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat
Upon review of the preliminary plat prepared by Schoell & Madson, Inc.
dated December 6, 2000, I offer the folloxving comments and
Two natural wetlands exist on-site. Wetlands comprise approximately half of
the 2.33-acre proposed development.
Basin 1
Basin 1 is a natural wetland located along the northern side of the property.
The basin is dominated by cattail, duckweed and sedges. Surface water flows
from this basin into the wetlands adjacent to Lake Lucy. No wetland impact
is proposed in this basin. The applicant has proposed a 30-foot buffer with a
40-foot setback from the wetland buffer edge for this basin. The buffer strip
must maintain a width of at least 30 feet because the width allowed the
developer to decrease buffer strip widths in other areas of Whitetail Cove 1 st
The preliminary plat shows that the proposed driveway encroaches into the
required buffer for Basin 1. The driveway should be realigned to preserve the
30-foot buffer. In addition, the proposed 60x60 building pads on both Lots 1
and 2 encroach into the 40-foot wetland buffer setback. The proposed
building pads should be revised to maintain the 40-foot setback so an
additional variance is not necessary.
During an on-site inspection, City staff noticed that a retaining wall was
installed along a portion of the southwest side of Basin 1. The applicant
should be advised that if a retaining wall needs to be extended or added on the
north side of the proposed driveway, it must not be located within the wetland
The Otv o/'C/m.hasse,.
Sharmin A1-Jaff
Page 2
Basin 2
Basin 2 is a natural wetland located adjacent to Lake Lucy on the south side of the
property. The basin is dominated by cattail, with an abundance of box elder and red osier
dogwood. No wetland impact is proposed in this basin. The applicant has proposed a 30-
foot buffer with a 40-foot setback from the wetland buffer edge for this basin. The buffer
strip must maintain a width of at least 30 feet because the width hllowed the developer to
decrease buffer strip widths in other areas of Whitetail Cove 1 st Addition.
Other Wetland Issues
Silt fence should be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer. The
applicant will be required to re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT seed mix
25 A, or a similar seed mix which is approved for wetland soil conditions. Existing
vegetation within the wetland buffer must be left undisturbed unless othetwvise approved.
Because both wetland basins are classified as "Natural" in the City's Surface Water
Management Plan, if the replanting of buffers is necessary, native vegetation must be
Drainage and utility easements should be provided over all existing wetlands. Wetland
buffer areas should be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance.
The applicant will install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before
construction begins and will pay the City $20 per sign.
Lake Lucy
The proposed project is adjacent to Lake Lucy; therefore, each principle structure must
maintain a setback from the ordinary high water level (OHW). The standard setback for
structures on sewered lots on recreational development lakes is seventy-five (75) feet.
However, Chanhassen City Code Section 20-481 states: "When a structure exists on a lot
on either side, the setback of a proposed structure shall be the greater of [75 feet] or the
setback of the existing structure." In this case, a structure exists on the lot to the west of the
proposed lot split. This structure is set back approximately 245 feet from the OHW.
Maintaining this setback would make development of this lot impossible. Therefore, the
applicant has requested variances from the 245-foot lakeshore setback. The proposed
setbacks are listed below:
Lot Setback from OHW
Lot 1, Block 1 160 feet
Lot 2, Block 1 94 feet
The proposed setbacks are consistent with the setbacks approved as part of the Whitetail
Cove (Lake Lucy Estates) subdivision. In addition, the proposed setbacks are the
minimum required to meet the wetland buffer and setback requirements on the north side
of the parcel.
Sharmin A1-Jaff
Page 3
Surface Water Manaeement Plan (SWMP)
According to Section 18-63 of Chanhassen's City Code, "Property being subdivided shall be
exempt from the water quality and water quantity connection charges imposed by this
section if the charges were paid or assessed in conjunction with a previous subdivision of
the property and if the property is not being zoned to a classification with a higher charge."
Since connection charges for this parcel were paid together with the Whitetail Cove
subdivision, this project is exempt from connection charges.
1. The proposed driveway shall avoid impact to the required 30-foot buffer around
Basin 1.
2. The proposed building pads shall maintain 40-foot wetland buffer setbacks.
3. Silt fence shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer.
4. The applicant shall re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT seed mix 25 A,
or a similar seed mix which is approved for wetland soil conditions.
Existing vegetation within the wetland buffer shall be left undisturbed unless
otherwise approved. Because both wetland basins are classified as 'Natural" in the
City's Surface Water Management Plan, if the replanting of buffers is necessary,
native vegetation shall be planted.
6. Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands.
Wetland buffer areas shall be surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland
ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of
City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign.
Each proposed building pad shall maintain the required setbacks from the ordinary high
water level (OHW) listed below:
Minimum Setback
Lot from OHW
Lot 1, Block 1 160 feet
Lot 2, Block 1 94 feet
690 Gr.3' Ceme'r Drive, PO Box i47
Cha,l,asse,, 3limmota 55317
Pho,e 02,937.1900
Ge~e~d ~x 612 F3 2 573~
[~i,e~¥'i,& Fax 612. Q329152
6L.Q:q .... ~
Shannin A1-Jaff, Planner II
Matt Saam, Project Engineer ~ ~
January 5, 2001
Review of Preliminary Plat for Whitetail Cove 2~d Addition
Land Use Review No. 01-02
Upon review of the site survey prepared by $choell & Madson, Inc., dated
Decelnber 27, 2000, I offer the following comments and recommendations:
When initially platted with the Whitetail Cove plat, this site was designated as a
custom graded lot. As such, a large amount of the original tree coverage still
rernains. Care should be taken by the developer to protect as many of the existing
trees as possible, especially those on the south half of the site adjacent to Lake
The plans propose on filling up to approximately ten feet for the tWo house pads
and private drive areas. Fill will also be necessary to provide adequate cover over
the sanitary sewer service for each lot.' While some fill is required to create
walkout-type dwellings, staff recommends that the applicant's engineer look at
lowering the rear walkout elevations to approximately 964.5_+. Staffbelieves this
would better match the existing topography and help minimize the amount of fill,
grading, and tree loss in the rearyard area. With the amount of fill proposed, it is
anticipated that import material will be required. If fill is imported, the applicant
will need to supply the City with a haul route and traffic control plan for review
and approval prior to the site grading commencing. The applicant should also be
aware that if retaining walls are needed, a separate building pen-nit will be
required for any wall over four feet in height.
A soils report was previously prepared by Braun Intertec. A summary of the
results of the soils evaluation indicated soil borings typically encountered a one-
to four-foot layer of topsoil at the surface. Below the topsoil, most of the borings
encountered glacially deposited soils. Layers of alluvial deposits were
encountered above the glacial till into the boring. The soil report also supplied
recommendations which indicated the topsoil, the alluvial soil, and some soft
glacial soils found in the borings are considered unsuitable for supporting loads
due to high organic content and/or associated compressibility under fill and
building loads. To prepare for construction, the report recommended removal of
these soils in the building area. The excavations would then be backfilled with
engineered fill as needed to achieve the building and/or street subgrade elevation.
Thc Citi' o/'(,7~,:;zha, sse,. ,~I g;'oi:'i,~ com,;i:,iti' x'irh c/e,;.;',/ake:, o,,.~fln' schooh. ,.~ c/,,.;;v,'/,,? doz,~'moto,, r/;;'i'H,~, hz:simvses~ ,~.,J /;('az:tiEd /~a;~,.v. ,4 o;'e, Tt /~/..~,'r to/i,e, mo;'k, a,d day :
Sharmin A1-Jaff
Whitetail Cove 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat Review
January 5,2001
Page 2
The report also indicated that the natural clays on the site will be suitable for reuse
as fill but will require drying to achieve compaction requirements.
The plan shows some proposed offsite grading. The applicant should be aware
that any grading outside the property would require t~mporary grading easements.
Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance
with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH). Staff recommends
that the City's Type III erosion control fence, which is a heavy-duty silt fence, be
used for the areas adjacent to the wetlands and Lake Lucy. The final grading plan
shall incorporate erosion control fence around the perimeter of the grading limits.
In addition, tree preservation fencing should be denoted on the grading and
drainage plan as well.
No storm drainage improvements have been proposed with this plat.- There is an
existing storm pond in the northwest corner of the site which was constructed with
the Whitetail Cove plat. Hoxvever, none of the stormwater runoff from the
proposed development will reach the pond. Runoff from the front of the lots will
drain to the northerly wetland and runoff from the rear of the lots will drain south
to Lake Lucy. The additional impervious surface from this proposed lot split will
result in a minimal increase of storm~vater runoff from the site.
No public utility lines have been proposed with this project. Each of the lots will
be serviced with a private sewer and water line from the existing public sanitary
sexver and water mains on the westerly property line of the site. Due to the
existing sanitary sewer elevation, each lot will require a grinder pump to service
the basement level of the homes. This is typically avoided whenever possible;
however, there are no other options in this case. A private utility easement will be
required for the service lines of Lot 2 which are installed over Lot 1.
Detailed utility construction plans and specifications will be required in
conjunction with final plat approval. The construction plans and specifications
shall be prepared in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard
Specifications and Detail Plates. Final construction plans and specifications will
need to be submitted to the City a minimum of three weeks prior to final plat
consideration for staff review and City Council approval. As a part of final plat
and construction plan approval, the applicant will be required to enter into a
Shannin A1-Jaff
Whitetail Cove 2nd Addition Preliminm79 Plat Review
January 5,2001
Page 3
development contract and provide the City with financial securities to guarantee
the final plat conditions of approval and installation of the public improvements.
The plans are proposing to access each lot via a private drive off of the existing
private drive just west of the site. City ordinance allows up to four homes to be
serviced by a private driveway. With this proposed lot split, there would be a total
of tln'ee lots accessing the private drive. The private drive shown on the plans is
only ten feet wide. As per ordinance, the private driveway shall be increased to 20
feet in width and designed to a 7-ton per axle requirement, h~ addition, a
turnaround acceptable to the City's Fire Marshal will have to be provided along
with a 30-foot wide private maintenance and access easement over the shared
portion of the private drive.
While some fill is required to create walkout-type dwellings, staff
recommends that the applicant's engineer look at lowering the rear walkout
elevations to approxirnately 964.5+.
If fill is imported, the applicant will need to supply the City with a haul
route and traffic control plan for review and approval prior to the site
grading commencing.
The applicant should be aware that if retaining xvalls are needed, a separate
building permit will be required for any wall over four feet in height.
The plan shows some proposed offsite grading. The applicant should be
aware that any grading outside the property will require temporary gn'ading
Erosion control n*teasures and site restoration shall be developed in
accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH).
A private utility easement will be required for the service lines of Lot 2
which are installed over Lot 1.
Detailed utility construction plans and specifications will be required in
conjunction with final plat approval. The construction plans and
specifications shall be prepared in accordance with the City's latest edition
of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Final construction plans and
specifications will need to be submitted to the City a minil*num of tin-ce
weeks prior to final plat consideration for staff review and City Council
Sharmin A1-Jaff
Whitetail Cove 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat Review
January 5,2001
Page 4
weeks prior to final plat consideration for staff review and City Council
approval. As a part of final plat and construction plan approval, the
applicant will be required to enter into a development contract and provide
the City with financial securities to guarantee the final plat conditions of
approval and installation of the public improx;ements.
As per ordinance, the private driveway shall be increased to 20 feet in
width and designed to a 7-ton per axle requirement.
A turnaround acceptable to the City's Fire Marshal will have to be
provided along with a 30-foot wide private maintenance and access
easement over the shared portion of the private drive.
g:\eng\projects\whitetail cove 2nd\preliminary plat review.doc
Ge.end F,~x
Public S,?y F,:.v 612.734.2524
Sharmin Al-Jarl, Senior Planner
Steven Torell, Building Official
DATE: January 5,2001
Review of request for preliminary plat approval to subdivide Lot 6,
Block 2, Whitetail Cove.
Plam~ing Case: 2000-16 Subdivision
I have reviewed the preliminar5, plat for the above request for, and offer the
following comments which should be included in the conditions of approval.
1. If any soil corrections are done on the property a final grading plan and soil
report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before pem~its will be
2. Address numbers must be posted at the driveway entrance on Lakeway
Drive and on each dwelling.
3. Each property must be served by independent sewer and water services. It
may be possible to provide an easement for ajoint sen, ice, however a
manhole structure would be required at the service split.
6QO G9, Ce, ter D'~ive. PO Box 147
Cha,hasse,, Mi,,esom 55317
Pt~o ,e 612. ~3 7.1900
Ge,e~Td Fax 612. 93 7. 5739
E, gi, ee~q,g Fax 612.937.9152
P~blic S,~O, Fax 612.934.2524
Sharmin A1-Jaff, Senior Planner
Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal
January 2, 2001
Request for preliminary plat approval to subdivide Lot 6, Block 2, Whitetail
Cove into two single-family lots of 58,420 square feet and 43,956 square
feet on property zoned RSF, Residential Single Family and located at 6735
Lakeway Drive, Brian Tichy, Whitetail Cove Second Addition
Planning Case: 2000-16 Subdivision
I have reviewed the subdivision request for the above project. In order to comply with the
Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division I have the following fire code or city
ordinance policy requirements. The plan review is based on available information submitted at
this time. If additional plans or changes are submitted, the appropriate code or policy items
xvill be addressed.
Before any building permits are issued additional address signs will be required at the
driveway entrance with the two address numbers on it. Contact Chanhassen Fire
Marshal and Chanhassen Building Official for proposed additional signs for review
and approval. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division
Policy #29-1992. Copy enclosed.
The Cit~, of Cha,hasse,. A zrowi,¢ co,mm,ia, with c/ca, lakes, m~afin, schooh, a cham~i,¢ dow,tow,, thrh, i,v husi, esses, and heautifu/ a,rhc A a,'e,t ,/,re to fi,e. ,,orb. ,,d ~/~,
O0 CiO, Center D~ive, PO Box 147
Chanhasse~2, Mbmesota 55317
Phone 612,937, I900
General ]ax 6J2,937,5739
E~gineering ]vax' 612,937,9152
P~:blic Safco, Fax 612,)34,2524
Web w~vw, ci, chanhasse;~,
Numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position
as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said
numbers shall contrast with their background. Size and location of numbers shall be
approved by one of the following- Fire Marshal, Fire Inspector, Building Official,
Building Inspector.
Requirements are for new construction and existing buildings where no address numbers
are posted.
Other Requirements - General
1. Numbers shall be a contrasting color from the background.
2. Numbers shall not be in script.
If a structure is not visible from the street, additional numbers are required at the driveway entrance.
Size and location must be approved.
Numbers on mail box at driveway entrance may be a minimum of 4". However, requirement #3 must still
be met.
5. Administrative authority may require additional numbers if deemed necessary.
Residential Requirements (2 or less dwelling .nit)
1. Minimum height shall be 5 inches.
2. Building permits will not be finaled unless numbers are posted and approved by the Building Department.
Commercial Req,irements
1. Minimum height shall be 12".
Multi-Tenant Buildings
a. Building address range, minimum height of 12 inches.
b. Address numbers required on all tenant doors. Minimum height of 6 inches.
If address numbers are located on a directoD' entry sign, additional numbers will be required on the
buildings main entrance.
4. Signage on overhead/delivery doors will also be required.
Chanhassen Fire Department
Fire Prevention
Policy #29-1992
Date: 06/15/92
Revised: 4/12/00
Ap e Marshal Page 1 of 1
The Oty of Cha~dJmse~z, A growing communiO, with cleaj2 lakes, qt~ality schools, a charmi~g dowmow~, thriving busi~esses, and beaurifu/ pa;'ks, A ~,reat p/ace to live, work,
(612) 937-1900
__ Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Conditional Use Permit
Interim Use Permit
__ Non-conforming Use Permit
Planned Unit Development*
Temporary Sales Permit
Vacation of ROW/Easements
Wetland Alteration Permit
Zoning Appeal
Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Sign Permits
Sign Plan Review
,~. Notification Sign
Site PJan Review*
: /~, Subdivision'
Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost**
and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB)
TOTAL FEE $ ,/-7/d~(~e~--''
A list of all property owners within 500 feet of the boundaries of the propertY must be included with the
Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews.
*Twenty-six full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 81/2.. X 11" reduced copy of
transparency for each plan sheet.
Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract
NOTE -When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application.
-This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information
and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning
De,Damment to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application.
A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within ten business days of application submittal. A written
notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within ten business days of application.
'Thi~ is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for comPlying with
all City requirements with regard to this request. This applica!ion should be processed in my name and I am the party whom
the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either
copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of. Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make
:this application and the fee owner has also signed this application.
~J w~ keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further
understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any
authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of
~ny knowledge.
The c'rty hereby notifies the applicant that development review cannot be completed within 60 days due to public hearing
~'equirements and agency review. Therefore, the city is notifying the applicant that the city requires an automatic 60 day
,extension for development review. Development review shall be completed within 120 days unless additional review
exterzsions are approved by the applicant.
Si_qnatur~e of Applicant
Sigrza~re ~f Fe~wner ~'~'~ '
Application Received on
FeePaid ReceiptNo. ~// C_~-}~
'J'he applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be available on Friday prior to the meeting.
If nc)t contacted, a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address.
690 O.ty Ce,ter Drive, PO Box 147
C/_,a,hasse,. Mi,,esota 55317
&o,e 612.937.1900
Ge, em/Fax 612. 937. 5739
E',~gi, eer/,g Fax 612.93Z9152
Public SafeO' Fax 612.93(252./
It% u'~'w, cl. d,,mham,. ,m. ,s
January 25,2001
Brian and Nancy Tichy
6240 Cypress Drive
Excelsior, MN 55331
Re: Subdivision #2000-16, Whitetail Cove 2nd Addition
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tichy:
Due to incomplete data on your original plan, staff did not schedule your
application for the January 22, 2001, Planning Commission meeting. Thus the
city will be unable to meet the 60 day review deadline of the original submittal
(December 15, 2000). This letter is to formally notify you that the City is taking
the additional 60 day extension to process this request as permitted under MN
STAT. 15.99.
This application has been scheduled to be reviewed again by the Planning
Commission on February 20, 2001. Should you have any questions, please feel
free to contact me at 952-937-1900, ext. 120.
Sharmin A1-Jaff
Senior Planner
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2001 AT 7:00 P.M.
PROPOSAL: Subdivide Lot 6, Block 1,
Whitetail Cove into Two
Single Family Lots
APPLICANT: Brian Tichy
LOCATION' 6735 Lakeway Ddve
NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public headng about a proposal in your area. The applicant,
Brian Tichy, is requesting preliminary plat approval to subdivide Lot 6, Block 2, Whitetail Cove into two
single family lots of 58,420 ft. and 43,956 sq. ft. with lakeshore vadance on property zoned RSF,
Residential Single Family and located at 6735 Lakeway Drive, Whitetail Cove 2nd Addition.
What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public headng is to inform you about the applicant's
request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. Dudng the meeting, the Chair will lead
the public hearing through the following steps:
1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project.
2. The applicant will present plans on the project.
3. Comments are received from the public.
4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project.
Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during
office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Fdday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project,
please contact Sharmin at 937-1900 ex't. 120. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one
copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission.
Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 8, 2001.
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