3 SUB 8006 Erie AvennueCIT OF
690 CiO' Co, er D~ive
PO Box 147
Chanhassen. Mi, nesota 55317
Ge,eral Fax
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&dlding Department Fax
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www. ci. chanhassen, m,.~ts
Planning Comanission
Julie Hoium, Planner I
DATE: March 29, 2001
Paulsen Subdivision #2001-2
At the Plmming Commission meeting on March 20, 2001, the Planning
Commission tabled the request for a subdivision ora duplex at 8006 & 8004 Erie
Avenue so further information could be provided on two items.
1. Has a precedent been set by the approval of previous duplex
subdivisions; and
2. Is rezoning to a P!mmed Unit Development (PUD) a viable
1. Precedent
According to the city attorney, there is no such thug as a precedent that binds you
to a previous decision. The courts have n°t'upheld precedents. Each-proposal is
unique. The factors and circumstances that influenced a past decision may not
necessarily be the same in the present decision.
2. Planned Unit Developments
At the last Planning Conmfission meeting the question was raised: should the City,
consider rezoning the exiting twin homes to PUD, Planned Unit Development?
After several in-house discussions between staff and opinions from the city
attorney, the following options were identified and will be further clarified below.
1. Leave the subdivision as is.
2. Rezone the five twin home lots to R-8, Mixed Medium Density
Residential with a land use amendment to Residential-Medium
3. Rezone the five twin home lots to -PUD with a land use amendment
to Residential-Medium Density.-
4. Rezone Chanhassen Estates subdivision to PUD, and provide a
land use amendment to the 5 twin homes.
5. PUD ordinance amendment.
The Cit3, of Chanhassen. A .~vu,i,.~ co,,,u,in: tt,it/.~ cica, lakes, a,alitn, schools, a cham~in.~ dou,,town, thrivin.~ /msinesses. a,d heautifid n,~.l,~ ,4 ,~,,t ~/,~ ,0 l; ......... t. ,..; ~,..