4Planning Commission Meeting - March 6, 2001
Aanenson: It will go to the City Council for the change. I don't believe it requires a public hearing but it
goes to them. I will let Matt go through the changes and then I'll handle the next one but this is
engineering initiated. So what you're acting on tonight ~vould just be the chapters that you would have
jurisdiction over but I just included that for your edification so you could see how the two meet together.
Burton: I'm a little lost.
Kind: Mr. Chair? I think Kate's talking about 2(d), number 2. Do you want to do 2(d) number 1 first?
Aanenson: I'm sorry. Jumping ahead. I'm sorry, okay. Okay, 2(d), number 1. I'I1 handle that one. 20-
94, grading and erosion control. This was something that we talked about a number of years ago
regarding topsoil replacement. Hoxv do we ensure growth is established and so comparing what other
cities are doing, under construction all disturbed areas, w,e want 4 inches of topsoil put back on and
that's, xve've talked about what can we do for preservation of water so we're not sprinkling as often and
ensuring good growth so the recommendation was to require 4 inches of topsoil to go in and that xvould
be something we'd be reviewing as far as inspections and then in the letter of credit to make sure that
that's in place. So with that then I'd also, in that same one, 18-62. It falls in two places. One, under
Chapter 20 and the other would be under design standards of subdivision regs so it falls in two places.
Burton: An5' questions for staff?.
Sacchet: Yeah two questions. Why 4 inches?
Aanenson: That was the recommendation. Looking at other cities fi'om engineering...Again we look at
this under an individual basis as projects come in. Some people are able, some developers are able to
spread good soil in a lot of circumstances and some of you may be aware of this. If you bulld a home or
know people that have, they end up with clay and end up hauling their own in. Or don't do it and they're,
just put sod on top and then they end up watering and watering and watering so we're trying to get away
from that and that's kind of exasperated the need for additional sprinkling so that's what we're trying to
Sacchet: And 4 inches seems to be.
Aanenson: That seems to be the recommendations, con'ect.
Sacchet: Okay. Topsoil. Is that specific enough? I mean I'm amazed sometimes when I see builders...
Saam: Mr. Chair, Planning Commissioners. I know where you're coming from. You ask for 4. You
might get 3 inches of black dirt. You might get 2. You knoxv they call topsoil basically anything on top
to spread a little black dirt around so.
Sacchet: Whatever's on top...
Saam: Yeah, exactly. What we mean is the black dirt. The nutrient rich soil to allow the grass, your
plantings to grow in.
Sacchet: So would it then be better to maybe even sa5, black dirt. I mean I'm trying.