2a Zoning Ordinance Amendments CITYOF
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Planning Commission
FROM: Planning Department
DATE: April 17, 2001
Zoning Ordinance Amendments
These items have appeared before the Planning Cormnission three times. The
first time (August 15th) there were unresolved issues including the wetland
setback for accessory structures, definitions of story and buildable area. At the
commission meeting on September 5th it was discussed that additional
information was needed including some research as to the intent of previous
ordinances to understand the context of the proposed amendments. Finally, on
September 27, 2000, these items were again tabled and staff was directed to bring
the amendments back as separate items for consideration.
Additional research was done with staff and using terms and definitions were
researched using other communities and "A Glossary of Zoning, Development
and Planning Terms" by Michael Davidson and Fay D°lnick APA/PAS Report
491/492 1999. Staff is recommending approval of the code amendments.
The intent of the addition of definitions for "body shop", "standing seam roof.'
and "story" is to provide clarity to the use of these terms for the city, property
owners and developers. These amendments are a result of ambiguous language
that may lead to diverse interpretations or uncertainty.
Body shop is an establishment primarily engaged in the repair of auto bodies,
automotive painting and refinishing.
Discussion: A body shop is a permitted use in some of the commercial districts
and needs a definition.
Standing Seam Roof is a deck roof consisting of flat metal joined by vertical or
overlapping seams.
Discussion: Standing seam metal roof is not def'med in the city code. There are
several applications of standing seam metal roofs in the city. The use of metal
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April 17, 2001
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siding is acceptable only as accents on buildings and is defined in the code (Sec 20-116 (b)).
This definition clarifies the application on standing seam metal on roofs.
Story means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface
of the floor next above it. Or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and
the ceiling next above it and including a basement used for the principal use. If the height (H) of
the basement is more than 12 feet at any point, or if the height (h) is-more than 6 feet for more
than 50 percent of the perimeter of the building than it is considered a story. This definition
refers to nonresidential properties only.
Discussion: This issue Surfaced when the American Legion proposed a building With a walkout
basement.. Staff made the interpretation that it was one story, based upon the Uniform Building
Code Definition. The proposed language should clarify the definition of a story.
Other communities were surveyed to determine whether staff's proposed definition of story is
appropriate. Our definition is consistent with others' with the exception of exclusion of
residential properties. For residential properties, the supplemental regulations, section 20-907,
height regulations, permit the walkout story on a residential dwelling without impacting the
permitted number of stories for a structure.
"Staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council the
following code amendments:
Section 20-1 Definitions, add:
Body shop is an establishment primarily engaged in the repair of auto bodies, automotive
painting and refinishing.
Standing Seam Roof is a deck roof consisting of flat metal joined by vertical or overlapping
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April 17, 2001
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Sto~y means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface
of the floor next above it. Or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and
the ceiling next above it and including a basement used for the principal use. If the height (H) of
the basement is more than 12 feet at any point, or if the height (h) is more than 6 feet for more
than 50 percent of the perimeter of the building than it is considered a story. This definition
refers to nonresidential properties only."
g:Xplan\bg'~.oa 4-17-01 definitions.doc
The City Council of the City of Chanhassen ordains:
Section 1. Section 20-1, Definitions, hereby amended by adding the following'
Body shop is an establishment primarily engaged in the repair of auto bodies, automotive
painting and refinishing.
Standing Seam Roof is a deck roof consisting of flat metal joined by vertical or overlapping
Sto~T means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface
of the floor next above it. Or if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and
the ceiling next above it and including a basement used for the principal use. If the height (H) of
the basement is more than 12 feet at any point, or if the height (h) is more than 6 feet for more
than 50 percent of the perimeter of the building than it is considered a story. This definition
refers to nonresidential properties only."
Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this ~ of
Scott A. Botcher, City Manager
Linda C. Jansen, Mayor
(Published in the Chanhassen Villager on )