2. Consider accepting donation of double batting cage for Lake Susan ParkCITY OF
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
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Park & Recreation
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TO: Park & Recreation Commission
FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
DATE: October 25, 2011
SUBJ: Consider Accepting Donation of Double Batting Cage for Lake
Susan Park — Chanhassen Athletic Association
- mo
The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council accept
the donation of two 12'x 12 'x 70' mesh batting cages /nets for installation and
public use at Lake Susan Park.
The Chanhassen Athletic Association would like to purchase, install and donate
two mesh net -style batting cages and their associated metal support posts to the
city. All donations exceeding $500 must be approved by the City Council.
Recreation Center
The Chanhassen Athletic Association (CAA) is a parent/adult -led organization
2310 Coulter Boulevard
that has successfully administered youth sports programs within the community
Phone: 952.227.1400
for over 40 years. The association has partnered with the city on many
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occasions to work towards improving local athletic facilities. The CAA in
Planning &
consultation with area coaches has identified the need for a new batting cage
Natural Resources
structure at Lake Susan Park. Approximately 15 years ago the original Lake
Phone: 952.227.1130
Susan Park batting cage sustained wind damage from a storm and was damaged
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beyond repair.
Public Works Again this fall or next spring, the CAA would like to partner with the city to re-
7901 Park Place install a batting cage at the park. The association would provide and pay for all
Phone: 952.227.1300 materials and supplies associated with the project, with the exception of a 30' x
Fax: 952.227.1310 80' aggregate area for the posts and nets to reside. They are requesting that the
Senior Center city be responsible for the purchase and installation of the aggregate base
Phone: 952.227.1125 material. This work would include the excavation and disposal of the soils from
Fax: 952.227.1110 the 30'x 80' base area. An aerial photograph depicting the proposed location of
the batting cages is attached.
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Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Park & Recreation Commission
October 25, 2011
Page 2
It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that
the City Council accept this generous contribution of two batting cages /nets
from the Chanhassen Athletic Association for installation at Lake Susan Park.
1. Memorandum from Todd Neils, Chanhassen Athletic Association dated
October 11, 2011
2. Project location map
g: \park \th \caa batting cage donation.doc
TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
FROM: Todd Neils, Chanhassen Athletic Association
DATE: October 11, 2011
SUBJ: Lake Susan Batting Cage Proposal
The Chanhassen Athletic Association would like to hire a contractor for the installation of 2 free-
standing batting cages at Lake Susan Park. The contractor would install twenty -four 3" o.d.
posts cemented 4' in the ground. The Association would purchase two 12'x 12'x70' batting
cages. The cages would be suspended from the posts similar to those at Lake Ann Park. The
hardware for suspension would be supplied by the Association. The Association will also supply
unfired clay bricks for installation at the batter's box. The Dugout Club will work with the City
to add expertise as to the installation of the bricks to be most effective in high -wear areas.
Additionally, the Association would hire K2 Electric to run electricity from the northwest corner
of the backstop to the batting cage to accommodate JUGS pitching machines or lighting.
The City would be responsible for clearing a 30'x 80' area and supply the aggregate for the base
of the cage. The Association would hang the batting cages each spring after delivery to the park
by the City, and the City would be responsible for taking down the cage and storage each fall.
Proposed Batting Cage
Lake Susan Park