Administrative SectionADMINISTRATIVE SECTION Bluebird Report corm Tear: - u Mail to: Bluebird Recovery Program - c/o Wally Swanson - 128 S. Buchanan, Waterville, MN 56096 Note: If you had boxes in mo than one County, plea submit a se crate re port for each Count Monitor's Name: 1-�-. � cc_. � u� Trail Location Name: / �,(�iyvrt ,u1,�', Box Location, County: �,,.. BoxL catign, State: V , , , u�v ) Monitor's Address: q ty- j�dJ�S• State: v Zip: �� J a t i�1�iJ ,1� Telephone: — ,��/ / q -� Jai U E- Mail Address: (,( Are you a member of the Bluebird Recover y Program? 1 How often do you check your trail? (Weekly checking is recommended) �- 2 How many single boxes do you have? 3 How many pairs of nestboxes? (Two boxes 10 -15' apart = 1 pair) -° 4 (This line for BBRP use only) What is the average distance from one pair to another pair? (500' minimum - 5 recommended)0 0 6 How many nestboxes did Bluebirds occupy? (Where one or more eggs were laid) How many Bluebird broods were successful? (Where one or more bluebirds �lo 7 fled ed 8 How many Bluebird eggs were laid? 9 How many Bluebird eggs hatched? (Cannot be greater than # 8) 70, 10 How many Bluebird chicks fledged? (Cannot be greater than # 9) ` How many nestboxes did House Wrens How many occupied 11 try to occu ? successfully? How many nestboxes did House How many occupied 12 Sparrows try to occupy? U successfully? How many nestboxes did Tree How many occupied 13 Swallows try to OCCUPY? success fully? f How many nestboxes did Chickadees How many occupied 14 try to occupy? �_ successfully? What methods were used to discourage House Wrens? (i.e. nestboxes plac d 300' from trees) 15 No lere n/ a . 7 � 1 /) tf.f � b 6- Please indicate what your nestboxes are mounted on. Circle Ge or more. OBBRP recommended conduit assembly CP Smooth metal pipe 16 C. Metal T - Post D. Wooden Post E. Trees Do you need help from your county coordinator? Circle one, Yes 1 Please Inaicare Lne quanxity ur esacn tow—w- yt -- ..— ... - -. - --- —� — _ -- - -- f Peterson Gilbertson- PYQ.,/,4,u,Gilwood NABS Other stalled #Used #Instal led #U #In d #Used #Installed #Used #Instatlea #Used Please fill out this form and submit to the above address no later than October 15 If you are NOT a member of BBRP and wish to receive a copy of this year's Bluebird Directory, please enclose $3.00 with your report form to cover printing and mailing expenses. Thank Youll Please use this page for any additional comments and or questions: - Please use this form to renew your membership or to join the BBRP.- Enrollment includes: Initial packet containing plans for the Peterson nest box, the Noel predator guard, the Gilbertson PVC box, the Gilwood box; a nesting occupant guide, predator identification, monitoring notebook, the BBRP brochure, and a quarterly newsletter, also a source of discounted mail -order items including, the BBRP book "Bluebird Trails - A Guide To Success ". There is an annual spring conference. Consultation and advice is available by telephone, correspondence, e -mail, or in the field. Membership rates: $12.00 + one year; $23.00 + two years; $55.00 + five years; $150.00 Lifetime Membership Your membership is a tax - deductible donation. 1.)__ New member - Please send information packet. Enclosed__ _years. 2.) ___ _Renewal membership: Enc {osed__years. 3.)___,Gift Membership - indicate amount and period of gift and recipients name and address below. Gift membership amount $ Membership Period If giving a membership gift, please provide your name here Name _ _E -mail M Address City_ _State _,,,Zip + 4 _ T _ Mail to: Bluebird Recovery Program - c/o Wally Swanson - 128 S. Buchanan, Waterville, MN 56096 PRESS RELEASE September 26, 2011 The Voice of the People Awards are announced each year by the International City /County Management Association (ICMA) and National Research Center, Inc. (NRC) to the jurisdictions with the highest rated services according to a representative sample of their own residents. Winners are identified among all the jurisdictions that conducted The National Citizen SurveyTM in 2010. To win for excellence, the rating for service quality must be one of the top three among all eligible jurisdictions in 2010 and must reside in the top 10% among over 500 jurisdictions in the National Research Center database of citizen surveys, used to provide benchmark comparisons in the report. The City of Chanhassen was pleased to receive the Voice of the People Award for Excellence in two categories - City Parks and Recreation Programs and Classes. The quality and number of recreational facilities in a community directly contributes to our quality of life. For this reason, the City of Chanhassen has long placed a strong emphasis on parks, open space, trails and recreation. City Manager Todd Gerhardt said, "The City's Park and Trail system play a vital role in economic development, bring the community & neighborhoods together, and are a great place to relax and enjoy the outdoors." The Voice of the People Awards are announced each year by the International City /County Management Association (ICMA) and National Research Center, Inc. (NRC) to the jurisdictions with the highest rated services according to a representative sample of their own residents. Winners are identified among all the jurisdictions that conducted The National Citizen SurveyTM in 2010. To win the Transformation Award, the improvement in service quality rating must be significantly higher than the rating from the most recent prior survey conducted in that jurisdiction and larger than improvement shown in all other eligible jurisdictions in 2010. The City of Chanhassen received the 2011 Voice of the People Award for Transformation for Fire services. In 2007, 92% of respondents rated Fire Services as good or excellent. In 2010, 96% rated Fire Services as good or excellent. In addition to their duties in responding to fires, alarms, and medical emergencies, the Fire Department is very active in community events. Volunteers from the Chanhassen Fire Department participate in the Fourth of July parade, host Fire Prevention Week activities for elementary school kids at the Fire Station, visit neighborhoods during National Night Out, and much more. Contact: Laurie Hokkanen, Assistant City Manager 952 - 227 -1118 Ihokkanen(a�ci. Chanhassen. mn. us Damema Mann damema(on- r -c. com (303) 226 -6983 Grab some blue prints, frosting, and gumdrops; it's time to makge some gingerbread! Here's a chance to bring the whole family together, spend quality time in the kritchen and let your imagination takre over! All ages welcome! N V • $5 Entry Fee � • Submittal deadline: Tuesday, November 29, 3 pm. • Winners will be selected In two categories: Most Difficult and Most Creative! • All houses will be available for viewing, Nov. 30 -Dec. 3, in the Chanhassen Senior Center. Winners will be announced after the Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 3. • Winner prize paclgs valued at approximately $150. Drop off this registration form with your display at: City Hall or the Chanhassen Senior Center, 7700 Market Blvd. For more information, please call John Stutzman at 952- 227 -1122, Gingerbread House Contest Entry Form -- -- -- -- -- — Participant's Name Address Home Phone e -mail Address Date of Birth City, State & Zip t. Phone (cell, work, etc. I, the participant, do hereby agree to participate In the above mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned Individual(s) arising out of, or In any way with, his /her participation in this activity. do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the individual(s) named herein in uty Informational bulletins released to f Data Privacy Policy: 7he rmano requested n o theere date MrationE'fo m sig ned below, g p year y y q g form will be used to verify eligibility and determine tall facility, and equipment needs. You /your child 's name, sex, blrthdate, address, phone number and health information will be provided to city staff, volunteers, the city attor ney, insurer, and auditor, Although you are not legally required to disclose this information, failure to do so will prevent you f turn pai tiapating m the program Payment - Cash El Check F Visa F MasterCard F AmEx [_1 Total Charge Card # Exp. Date Participant Signature:_ __ _ __ _Date: N 3 mc Q V . Q us wo co i t O a O tw f� O E s- _O O '- O O E -0 O s V ' m s.. O > N N � a ., s • V � E— V M M M LA cn Y v v 0 v v -a a c 0 a U � >,QD a V;m� a � o LL 0 o O U v Q3 V) � � v Ln 0 2 S V � � O i V C) tA .fl n a 0 � a � � o u � a