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3. Walmart Concept PUD
4 CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE: November 1, 2011 CC DATE: November 28, 2011 REVIEW DEADLINE: January 27, 2012 CASE # 2011 -11 BY: AF, KA, TJ, JS PROPOSED MOTION: "City Council direct staff to prepare Findings of Fact for Denial of the Concept Planned Unit Development." APPLICANT: Walmart c/o Kimley -Horn & Associates 2550 University Ave. W. Ste 238N St. Paul, MN 55114 William D. Matzek 651- 643 -0497 Will.MatzekAkimley- horn.com PRESENT ZONING: Industrial Office Park (IOP) iStar Minnesota, LLC c/o iStar Financial, Inc. 1114 Avenue of the Americas, 27 Floor New York, NY 10036 2030 LAND USE PLAN: Office Industrial and Commercial ACREAGE: Approximately 14 acres SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is requesting a rezoning to permit commercial development on land currently guided for industrial office and community commercial use. In conjunction with the request, the applicant is requesting approval for a general concept plan for a PUD for a 120,000 square -foot Walmart. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving or denying a rezoning because the City is acting in its legislative or policy making capacity. A PUD must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. PROPOSAL /SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a general concept plan for a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The site is currently zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP). With the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in 2008, the City Council guided the property for office industrial and commercial land use. In 2009, the city adopted the Community Commercial (CC) zoning district in order to implement the community commercial land use vision. The request for a Planned Unit Development concept plan allows the applicant to seek a unique zoning district. The closest conventional zoning district is Community Commercial (see Attachment #1). Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 2 of 20 Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site. The use of the PUD zoning also allows for a greater variety of uses, internal transfer of density, construction phasing and a potential for lower development costs. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the development plan must result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other, more standard zoning districts. It is the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate that the City's expectations are to be realized as evaluated against the intent of the PUD and nine specific standards. PLANNING COMMISSION UPDATE The Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 1, 2011. The Planning Commission voted 7 to 0 to recommend denial of the Concept Planned Unit Development based on the findings that the intent and specific standards of the Planned Unit Development were not met. The verbatim minutes are found in item 1 a. of the City Council packet. Since the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant has submitted revisions to the plans. They include the following: • Architecture • Landscaping signage • Parking • Relocation of the retaining wall out of the wetland buffer. In addition, Walmart has agreed to finance the costs of all of the recommended off -site traffic improvements that were listed in the November 1 St staff report (see attached response to PUD letter dated 11- 21 -11). BACKGROUND Concept PUD - What is required? The intent of the concept plan is to get direction from the Planning Commission and City Council without incurring a lot of expense. There will be a greater level of detail required through the city code and the recommendations and direction in this report. Following are the requirements for conceptual PUD approval. Chanhassen City Code, Section 20 -517 General concept plan. (a) The general concept plan for a PUD provides an opportunity for the applicant to submit a plan to the city showing the basic intent and the general nature of the entire development without incurring substantial cost. The plan shall include the following: (1) Overall gross and net density. (2) Identification of each lot size and lot width. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 3 of 20 (3) General location of major streets and pedestrian ways. (4) General location and extent of public and common open space. (5) General location and type of land uses and intensities of development. (6) Staging and time schedule for development. (b) The tentative written consent of all property owners within the proposed PUD shall be filed with the city before the staff commences review. Approval of the concept statement shall not obligate the city to approve the final plan or any part thereof or to rezone the property to a planned unit development district. (c) The final acceptance of land uses is subject to the following procedures: (1) The developer meets with the city staff to discuss the proposed developments. (2) The applicant shall file the concept stage application and concept plan, together with all supporting data. (3) The planning commission shall conduct a hearing and report its findings and make recommendations to the city council. Notice of the hearing shall consist of a legal property description, description of request, and be published in the official newspaper at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing, written notification of the hearing shall be mailed at least ten (10) days prior thereto to owners of land within five hundred (500) feet of the boundary of the property and an on -site notification sign erected. (4) Following the receipt of the report and recommendations from the planning commission, the city council shall consider the proposal. If the planning commission fails to make a report within 60 days after receipt of the application, then the city council may proceed without the report. The council may approve the concept plan and attach such conditions as it deems reasonable. Approval shall require a simple majority vote of city council, except for proposals requiring comprehensive plan changes which shall require a four -fifths vote of the entire city council. EXISTING CONDITIONS The 14 -acre site contains an existing building with a footprint of 140,020 square feet. There is a mezzanine section in the building creating a total area of 154,674 square feet. The original building was occupied by Victory Envelope. The building has been vacant for several years. With this development proposal, the current building is proposed to be torn down. Attachment 42 shows a market value comparison between industrial and commercial use for this site. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 4 of 20 The site is bordered by TH 5 on the north, Powers Boulevard on the east, a wetland with a stream running through it on the west and Park Road on the south. Access to the site is gained via Park Road. The elevation of the site changes 40 feet from the creek on the western portion of the property to the intersection of Powers Boulevard and TH 5. IN fe Oo 88ft � a ,. T APPLICABLE REGUATIONS Chapter 20, • Article VIII, Planned Unit Development District, • Article VI, Wetland Protection, • Article VII, Shoreland Management district, • Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office Development District, • Article II, Division 6 of Site Plan Review COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Following is the section of the comprehensive plan regarding community commercial. 2.7.3 Community and General Commercial Definition/Vision: A large -scale commercial and office district with a need for high visibility along Arterial roads. This type of development has a moderate impact on the surrounding environment, including but not limited to lighting, noise and traffic. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 5 of 20 Location criteria for Community Commercial uses are: access to arterial streets, preferably at intersections with collector and arterial streets; moderate to large -sized sites; public water and sewer service; environmental features such as soils and topography suitable for compact development; and adequate buffering by physical features or adjacent uses to protect nearby residential development. Goods and Services Examples • Furniture and Home Furnishings • Electronics and Appliance Stores • Building Material and Garden Supplies • Auto Parts and Accessories • Sporting Goods A new zoning district CC (Community Commercial) will be created in the City Code to implement this land use. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT INTENT Sec. 20 -501. Intent. "Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. The use of the PUD zoning also allows for a greater variety of uses, internal transfer of density, construction phasing and a potential for lower development costs. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the city has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other, more standard zoning districts. It will be the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate that the City's expectations are to be realized as evaluated against the following criteria. Planned unit developments are to encourage the following: Preservation of desirable site characteristics and open space and protection of sensitive environmental features, including steep slopes, mature trees, creeks, wetlands, lakes and scenic views. Analysis This plan has not been designed with greater preservation sensitivity than would be required for a more standard zoning district. The proposal meets the minimum requirement for preservation which is required in any district. The site plan includes extensive grading resulting in the elimination of the existing trees canopy except for the area within the protected wetland and upland preservation area. The retaining wall on the west side of the site has been moved to the minimum required setback which does not provide greater protection of the natural resources one would expect of a PUD. 2. More efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses and assembly and development of land in larger parcels. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 6 of 20 Analysis This plan has not been designed with greater sensitivity than would be required for a more standard zoning district. The proposal meets only the minimum requirements of development which is required in any district. 3. High quality design and design compatibility with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. Site planning, landscaping and building architecture should reflect higher quality design than is found elsewhere in the community. Analysis The site plan and the design of the building does not meet the standards of Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office Development District. The PUD calls for a higher standard than is found elsewhere in the community. The site plan is deficient in the following ways: • The architecture does not meet the 50 percent favade transparency requirement. • The proposed development meets the minimum requirements for interior landscaping but does not provide t adequate distribution of green space. • The net effect of this proposed plan, including the use of compact stalls and using a reduced parking ratio, will have an effective parking standard of 3.17 spaces per thousand square feet. This is ten percent below city ordinance requirement of 5 spaces per thousand square feet or 586 parking stalls. • The design of the loading berths does not comply with the city code in the following ways: 1. Location. The berths are not separated from alls used for off street parking. 2. Access. The loading berths interfere with vehicular access because truck maneuvering encroaches into required parking drive aisles 3. Design. Truck circulation encroaches and blocks required parking, drive isles and pedestrian access. 4. Sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant corridors within the city will be encouraged. Analysis This plan has not been designed with greater sensitivity than would be required for a more standard zoning district. The proposal meets the minimum requirements of development which is required in any district. 5. Development which is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Analysis The subject site is guided Office Industrial and Commercial. The development is consistent with the comprehensive plan for commercial use. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 7 of 20 6. Parks and open space. The creation of public open space may be required by the city. Such park and open space shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Park Plan and overall trail plan. Analysis An additional level ofprotection and preservation of the environmentally sensitive areas and natural resources has not been provided. 7. Provision of housing affordable to all income groups if appropriate with the PUD. Analysis Not applicable to this proposal. 8. Energy conservation through the use of more efficient building designs and siting and the clustering of buildings and land uses. Analysis Sustainability elements Walmart implements in their building construction are: • Central Energy Management System, to monitor and control heating, air conditioning, refrigeration and lighting; • Daylight Harvesting, reducing the electric lighting energy consumption up to 75 %; • LED Technology, providing up to 52% more efficiency than traditional fluorescent illumination; • White Roofs, reducing the heat island effect with higher reflectivity and emissivity factors; • Non -Ozone Depleting Refrigerants; Heat Reclamation, utilizing the waste heat from on -site refrigeration to supply hot water needs; • High - Efficiency Faucets and Urinals, yielding a 75% reduction in water usage; • Recycled Content Requirements, specifying construction materials containing waste products; • Low - Emitting Materials, specifying interior adhesives, sealants, paints and carpet systems with low -VOC content; • Waste Management Procedures, seeking to recycle, reuse, or salvage non - hazardous waste generated by the Work and to eliminate or minimize the amount of waste going to landfills. 9. Use of traffic management and design techniques to reduce the potential for traffic conflicts. Improvements to area roads and intersections may be required as appropriate. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 8 of 20 Analysis Walmart has agreed to finance the costs of all of the recommended off -site traffic improvements that were listed in the November I st staff report. • An additional left turn lane for westbound Highway S to southbound Powers Boulevard needs to be constructed • The existing left turn signal on Highway S needs to be re -timed for westbound Highway S to southbound Powers Boulevard • An additional left turn lane for northbound Powers Boulevard to westbound Highway S needs to be constructed • Installation of a traffic control signal at the intersection of Powers Boulevard and Park Road • Increase the length of the left turn on northbound Powers Boulevard to westbound Highway S • Installation of turn lanes and a raised median within Park Road However, traffic management and potential for traffic conflict still exists on the site which includes: • The traffic turning movement and traffic counts for the developer's traffic impact report were taken in February 2011. Staff does not feel these counts are a good representation of the traffic counts in the area and are estimated to be 28% low. • Potential high U- turning movements. Many vehicles using the "right -out" at the eastern access will want to go to Powers Boulevard. • Potential weaving issue between vehicles making a right turn out of the east access and vehicles making the right turn into the west access. • The proposed site plan has essentially only I % access points since the east access is only a right in/right out which is minimal for the size of retail facility being proposed. Truck delivery access is proposed to use the same accesses as the shoppers • The truck turning movements in the parking lot are minimal and could be a problem, especially during higher shopping times during the year and during the winter when some parking spaces are reduced with snow. • Proposed turn lane taper is too close to Powers Boulevard. • Stacking concern — Each turn lane could accommodate one vehicle. Beyond the turn lane there is only stacking for two additional vehicles" Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 9 of 20 PUD Standards Sec. 20 -504. - Coordination with other zoning regulations. The development must comply with Article II, Division 6 of Chapter 20 addressing Site Plan Review as well as Articles V, VI and VII (Floodplain, Wetland and Shoreland District). Sec. 20 -505. - Required general standards. • Standards and purposes of the comprehensive land use plan to coordinate between the proposed development and the surrounding use. • Location of buildings, compatibility, parking areas and other features with response to the topography of the area and existing natural features; the efficiency, adequacy and safety of the proposed layout of streets; the adequacy and location of green areas; the adequacy, location and screening of non - compatible land uses and parking areas. The applicant shall demonstrate that the PUD plan offers the city higher quality architectural and site design, landscaping, protection of wetlands, creeks and mature trees and buffering for adjoining properties that represent improvements over normal ordinance standards. • Hard surface coverage shall be limited as follows: commercial or industrial is 70 percent. • Building and parking setbacks from public streets shall be determined by the city based on characteristics of the specific PUD. Parking lots and driving lanes shall be set back at least 20 feet from all exterior lot lines of a PUD. • PUDs must be developed in compliance with buffer yard requirements established by the Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 20, Article XXV, of the Chanhassen City Code. • Signs shall be restricted to those which are permitted in the sign plan approved by the city and shall be regulated by permanent covenants or design standards established in the PUD development contract. • The requirements contained in articles XXIII (Supplementary Regulations- Design Standards) and XXV (Landscaping and Tree Removal) of this chapter may be applied by the city as it deems appropriate. • The uniqueness of each PUD required that specifications and standards for streets, utilities, public facilities and subdivisions may be subject to modification from the city ordinances ordinarily governing them. The city council may therefore approve streets, utilities, public facilities and land subdivisions which are not in compliance with usual specifications or ordinance requirements if it finds that strict adherence to such standards or requirements is not required to meet the intent of this [article] or to protect the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the PUD, the surrounding area or the city as a whole. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 10 of 20 ANALYSIS OF PUD STANDARDS Architectural Compliance City code requires that developments comply with certain minimum requirements. These requirements are outlined below. Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office Development District Size, Portion and Placement Entries: The entire front fagade has received additional architectural treatment. The building has a pronounced entrance with a canopy over the front the entrance. The main canopy has been extended over other sections of the building. There are recesses and projections surrounding the front entrance and display windows. The front fagade windows have awnings. Articulation: Facades on the remaining three sides have been revised to incorporate elements such as canopies /awnings, and brick columns. These revisions meet the minimum requirements of the city design criteria. Signs: The sign in the north east corner has been replaced with a monument sign. No details have been provided. Material and Detail The materials on the building include EFIS and precast panels. Tilt -up panels that are grid or brick -like in appearance are required. EFIS can only be used as accent material and may occupy up to 15 percent of the buildings facades. Additional brick has been added. These revisions meet the minimum requirements of the city design criteria. Color The building color is tan and browns consistent with the requirements of the ordinance. Height and Roof Design The tallest part of the building is the front entry which is 35 feet. The building meets the height requirement. All rooftop equipment must be screened. It appears that there is a parapet wall but there is not enough information to determine screening compliance, especially since Highway 5 has a higher elevation than the building. Facade Transparency All facades viewed by the public must contain 50 percent windows and doors. All facades that have visibility from the public must meet this requirement. The front or the southern side meets the transparency requirements. Spandrel glass windows have been added to the most southerly Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 11 of 20 portion on the west side of the building. The view from Highway 5 and Powers Boulevard however still does not meet the 50 percent transparency requirement. The building design does not meet the requirement. Loadiniz Areas, Refuse Areas, etc. Refuse is located in the rear of the building with screening. In addition there is a recycling area that is adjacent to the northern retaining wall. There are three loading berths found in two truck wells. These loading berths are found on the north side of the building. The design of the loading berths does not comply with the city code in the following ways: 1. Location. All berths beyond one shall be separate from areas used for off - street parking. The berths are not separated from alls used for off street parking. 2. Access. Each required off - street parking berth shall be so designed as to avoid interference with other vehicular, pedestrian or rail access or use of public street alleys, or other public transportation systems. The loading berths interfere with vehicular access because truck maneuvering encroaches into required parking drive aisles. 3. Design. All loading areas shall consist of a maneuvering area in addition to the berth and shall not use any of that portion of the site containing parking stalls. Maneuvering areas shall be of such size to permit the backing of truck tractors and coupled trailers into a berth without blocking the use of other berths, drives, maneuvering areas or public right - of -way. Truck circulation encroaches and blocks required parking, drive isles and pedestrian access. Parkins The 528 parking spaces provided do not meet the city code for ratio of required 5 stalls per 1,000 square feet of building. Based on an 117,278 square -foot building, 586 stalls are required. The applicant has provided a parking study that they believe demonstrates that Walmart needs only 4.5 stalls per 1,000. However, their recommended ratio excludes the factor of snow storage and effective parking supply. The study defines effective parking supply as the number of occupied spaces at optimum operating efficiency. "Parking lots are typically perceived as full at less than the actual total capacity." (Kimley -Horn Study dated March 32, 2011). The study also states that snow storage may have a significant effect on usable parking supply for three to five months out of the year. The parking ratio recommended in the study does not accommodate snow storage or effective parking. The net effect of this proposed plan, including the use of compact stalls and using a reduced parking ratio, will have an effective parking standard of 3.17 spaces per thousand. This is well below city ordinance. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 12 of 20 The parking provided takes advantage of 19 percent compact parking stalls. City code allows up to 25 percent compact parking; however, these compact stalls are not permitted for high - turnover parking lots. Retail use is a high turnover parking operation. In addition, compact stalls are partially located within the loading and maneuvering area which is prohibited by city code. SITE PLAN REVIEW Roadways The property lies south of Highway 5, west of Powers Boulevard and north of Park Road. Highway 5 and Powers Boulevard are classified as Minor Arterials in the City's Transportation Plan and are under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Department of Transportation and Carver County, respectively. Park Road is a city street and is classified as a Major Collector roadway. The developer performed a Traffic Impact Analysis to estimate the impact the proposed Walmart store would have on the roadway system. The analysis assumes that trips to the site will distributed as shown in Figure 1. 1� W 76TF TRtET- HIGHWAY S 0 O� 5e� y PARK ROAD a 3 0 a Figure 1: Anticipated traffic distribution to the proposed development Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 13 of 20 The analysis included the existing traffic volumes and estimated growth to the year 2030 due to residential, commercial and industrial growth within the area. The analysis focused on the peak PM volumes since this will likely be time that has the highest impact to traffic. The additional PM trips generated each hour to the proposed store are shown in Figure 2. _ T T 8TREET 30 142 PARK ROAD � 43 O J m of Figure 2: Additional PM peak hour trips generated by the proposed development. The peak PM hour traffic to the site will include "pass -by" trips, meaning vehicles that are already travelling in a particular direction will stop at the site, then continue to their ultimate destination. Figure 3 shows the projected peak PM hour traffic volumes to the site for years 2013/2030. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 14 of 20 ST 71 ITI I STREET HI GHWAYS 225!328 <rl 2441374 SEa r � 2781324 PARK ROAD 118H31 m a Figure 3: Anticipated peak PM hour traffic volumes to the site (2013/2030) The developer's engineer estimates that the proposed Walmart will generate 5,300 trips to the site, which is broken down as follows: Powers Boulevard, north of Park Road: 3,869 Powers Boulevard, south of Park Road: 1,431 Park Road, east of store entrance: 5,035 Park Road, west of store entrance: 265 The traffic turning movement and traffic counts for the developer's traffic impact report were taken in February 2011. Staff does not feel these counts are a good representation of the traffic counts in the area and are estimated to be 28% low. However, staff has made some assumptions on traffic counts and included this information with the 2030 estimated traffic based on the Carver County traffic model. The following roadway improvements have been recommended based on the projected traffic volumes identified in the Traffic Impact Analysis, and Carver County and MnDOT reviews: An additional left turn lane for west -bound Highway 5 to south -bound Powers Boulevard needs to be constructed, 2. The existing left turn signal on Highway 5 needs to be retimed for west -bound Highway 5 to south -bound Powers Boulevard, Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 15 of 20 3. An additional left turn lane for north -bound Powers Boulevard to west -bound Highway 5 needs to be constructed, 4. Installation of a traffic control signal at the intersection of Powers Boulevard and Park Road, 5. Increase the length of the left turn on north -bound Powers Boulevard to west -bound Highway 5, and 6. Installation of turn lanes and a raised median within Park Road. These improvements are not identified in MnDOT's, Carver County's or the City's 5 -Year Capital Improvement Plan; therefore, the developer should make these improvements if the development is approved. Based on the developer's preliminary drawings, these improvements can be constructed within the existing right -of -ways. These improvements are based on traffic modeling assumptions added to the developer's traffic impact study. The traffic impact study should be updated to identify the true turning movements in the area during a better representative time period, preferably during the summer months. Site Access The site currently has two access points on Park Road. The proposed access points are shown in yellow in Figure 4. A comparison of the existing and proposed access points as compared to the City Code requirements is shown in Table 1. 'G IM 42 27_W Figure 4: Existing and proposed accesses. Dimensions to existing conditions shown in white. Proposcd condition shown in yellow. Table 1: Access Spacing Comparisons PA AK ` _ ROAD Proposed Minimum Required per Condition Condition Comprehensive Plan Distance from Eastern Figure 4: Existing and proposed accesses. Dimensions to existing conditions shown in white. Proposcd condition shown in yellow. Table 1: Access Spacing Comparisons Existing Proposed Minimum Required per Condition Condition Comprehensive Plan Distance from Eastern 170 ft 230 ft 220 ft Access to Powers Boulevard Distance Between Eastern and Western Access 290 ft 200 ft 200 ft Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 16 of 20 Access spacing from an adjacent street- in this instance, Powers Boulevard- is intended to provide drivers sufficient distance to travel past an intersection before making a turn, and to provided sufficient stacking distance for vehicles turning in to the access. Adequate distance between access points is required for similar reasons. Access spacing requirements consider the classification of streets and the land use of the property: spacing for a commercial property along a high volume road is greater than that for a private residence on a low volume road. Figure 5 illustrates Staffs concerns with the proposed access points and associated roadway modifications. Figure 5: Staff concerns with accesses and proposed modifications to Park Road The proposed site plan has essentially only 1' /2 access points since the east access is only a right in/right out which is minimal for the size of retail facility being proposed. Truck delivery access is proposed to use the same accesses as the shoppers. Normally delivery trucks should have a separate access point or, at a minimum, restrict parking as much as possible in the delivery truck driving areas. This is the case with the Chanhassen Target and Byerly's stores. The proposed delivery truck route is to have the delivery trucks come into the site at the west access point, travel around the store on the north side and exit through the parking lot on the east side. The truck turning movements in the parking lot are minimal and could be a problem especially during Potential high u- turning movements. Many i .�. /�• vehicles using the Potential weaving "right -out" at the issue between eastern access will _ * ¢' " vehicles making a want to go to Powers _ -.y - r - -a right turn out of Boulevard. A 1 the east access and vehicles making the right turn into the west access. !. —, I r ' ------ PARK ROAD _ l ei_ 1 Figure 5: Staff concerns with accesses and proposed modifications to Park Road The proposed site plan has essentially only 1' /2 access points since the east access is only a right in/right out which is minimal for the size of retail facility being proposed. Truck delivery access is proposed to use the same accesses as the shoppers. Normally delivery trucks should have a separate access point or, at a minimum, restrict parking as much as possible in the delivery truck driving areas. This is the case with the Chanhassen Target and Byerly's stores. The proposed delivery truck route is to have the delivery trucks come into the site at the west access point, travel around the store on the north side and exit through the parking lot on the east side. The truck turning movements in the parking lot are minimal and could be a problem especially during Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 17 of 20 higher shopping times during the year and during the winter when some parking spaces are reduced with snow. Some of these potential delivery truck/vehicle parking conflicts can be minimized with late delivery hours; however, this facility is proposed to be open 24 hours. Staff looked at aerials of more than 60 big box retail sites in the metro area. Staff found two sites that have only two access points; the remaining sites had three or more accesses. There is approximately 310 feet between the accesses on "Site A" where both accesses are on the same street. Neither access to "Site A" are close to an intersecting street. The accesses to "Site B" are on different streets; neither are close to an intersecting street. At this point staff has not found a big box retail site within the metro that has similar access issues as the concept plan submitted to the city. 74 IY 1 ) 1 1 1 � .r. j' • � jtv" �� Vii ,. :.`,�1 `.,�n _� ire, � 'i IL�. {.e�.� .• �.. .�CIM•MtN1Y Parking is currently restricted on the north side of Park Road. The proposed modifications to Park Road would require that the south side of Park Road be a "No Parking" area as well. Employees of the IWCO property currently park on the south side of Park Road. The developer's engineer has discussed the proposed median on Park Road and the potential on- street parking restriction with the owners of the IWCO property. Some of the vegetation on the west side of the site would have to be trimmed or removed in order to ensure adequate sight distance at the west access. Grading The concept plan identifies the proposed finished floor elevation of the store to be 931', which is approximately nine feet lower than the ground elevation on the east side of the building. The concept plan includes retaining walls on the west, north and east sides of the property. The developer's engineer has indicated that the maximum height of the retaining walls are approximately 12 feet on the west side, 16.5 feet on the north side and 16.5 feet on the east side. Figure 6. Big box retail "Site A" with two accesses on the same street. Figure 7. Big box retail "Site B" with two accesses on two different streets. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 18 of 20 Portions of the proposed wall encroach into the existing drainage and utility easement. Utilities Public water and sanitary sewer is available to the property. If the project proceeds, a utility plan must be submitted showing the existing and proposed services to the property. NATURAL RESOURCES Shoreland Management Rules This site lies within the Shoreline Management District for Riley Creek; a known impaired water. Riley Creek flows through the western portion of the subject property. Minnesota Rules Chapter 6120 describes how land can be developed within a Shoreland District as well as specific criteria applicable to a Planned Unit Development. The applicant will need to meet these criteria and provide evidence that they are met. It cannot be determined if these are met based upon the information provided. Water Quality This site is tributary to two surface waters that are included on the Federal Clean Water Act 303d list. Riley Creek is impaired for aquatic habitat with turbidity the identified pollutant. Lake Susan is impaired for aquatic recreation with nutrients as the identified pollutant. Because of these impairments, both waters are considered Improve -1 Surface Waters per Chanhassen's Second Generation Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP). The stated goal of Improve -1 waters is to improve the existing water quality trend. To this end, water must be treated to greater than NURP standards and must assure that rates to and within Riley Creek do not increase. The applicant will need to comply with the requirements of the MPCA Permit No. MN R 10000 1 - General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination (NPDES Construction Permit) and, in particular, Appendix A. Upon review of the memo, they do not meet the requirement that one- half inch of water quality volume from new impervious surface is infiltrated in that they are using filtration exclusively. While this is allowed if conditions do not allow for infiltration, the soil survey shows that a considerable portion of the site is dominated by Lester - Kilkenny, which is a well- drained soil in the hydrologic soil group B, and all of the site to be improved is of the hydrologic soil group C or B. The only time when infiltration is expressly not required under Appendix A of the permit is when the soils are hydrologic soil group D, contaminated or with less than three feet of separation to groundwater. The site is proposed to have a significant increase in hardcover with a corresponding loss in vegetative cover, including mature shade trees. Stormwater treatment would need to occur underneath the parking lot. This system would need to be under private management, since this is a system that the city does not maintain. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 19 of 20 Riley Creek is located on the property and Lake Susan is within one -half mile of the subject property. The close proximity of these two waters severely limits other opportunities to achieve the water quality goals. Wetlands and Buffer Areas There exists a large riparian wetland on the property. This wetland is currently classified as Manage 2 in the SWMP. A Manage 2 wetland requires 20 -foot buffers and a 30 -foot setback from this buffer. A retaining wall is located right at the minimum of the required wetland and buffer setback. Given that this is a planned unit development, the City should expect an additional level of protection and preservation of environmentally sensitive areas and natural resources. This wall will limit the functions and values of the wetland as an ecological feature for both plant and animal habitat. Edge features often promote the establishment of invasive plant species at the expense of a diversity of native plants. Further, this wall will act to fragment the area from the east and eliminate any associated upland habitat. Landscaping The proposed development plan meets the minimum required interior landscape area (20,238 square feet required, 22,076 square feet provided) and minimum required number of islands and peninsulas (42 required, 44 provided). A shift in the locations of the islands and peninsulas may be required to provide adequate distribution of green space throughout the vehicular use area. The islands and peninsulas shown will need to meet minimum requirements for interior width. The quantity of trees required is based on the amount of vehicular use required landscape area and the minimum number required will be 81 trees in addition to the bufferyard plantings. The applicant has submitted a revised landscaping plan. Additional issues for the development include incorporating foundation landscaping in the form of planters, trees, and green space along store perimeter; locating bufferyard plantings around the north, east and south sides of the property; using native landscaping along the west side of the property in order to restore and enhance the native vegetation; and considering pervious hard surfaces in lesser used parking lot areas. Building Review 1. Structure must comply with Minnesota State Building Code. 2. The structure is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 3. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 4. Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. Walmart Concept Planned Unit Development November 28, 2011 Page 20 of 20 5. Detailed occupancy- related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 6. The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. RECOMMENDATION The request to rezone to PUD does not meet the intent or general standards for a PUD; therefore, staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to prepare Findings of Fact for Denial of the Concept Planned Unit Development. ATTACHMENTS 1. Chanhassen City Code, Chapter 20 — Zoning, Article XVIII -A. — "CC" Community Commercial District. 2. Industrial /Commercial Comparison. 3. Development Review Application. 4. Response letter for Concept Staff Report dated 11/21/11. 5. Revised Preliminary Site Plan (2) dated 11/18/11. 6. Revised Building Elevations and Perspectives dated 11/21/11. 7. Natural Resources and Wetland and Upland Preservation Area. 8. Letter from Tod Sherman of MnDOT dated 8/11/11. 9. Letter from Kate Miner of Carver County Public Works dated 8/19/11. 10. Parking Study prepared by Kimley -Horn and Assoc. dated 3 -2 -11. 11. Improvement Exhibits — Park Road and Highway 5 and County Road 17. 12. Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Kimley -Horn and Assoc. dated 5 -20 -2011. 13. Preliminary Drainage Analysis dated 11/21/11. 14. Affidavit of Mailing Notice of Public Hearing. 15. Letter from IWCO dated 11/21/11. 16. Emails from residents. 17. Resident Petition submitted at Planning Commission Meeting 11/1/11. gAplan\2011 planning cases \11 -11 walmart store concept pud \cc staff report. I doc Municode Page 1 of 2 Attachment #I Chanhassen, Minnesota, Code of Ordinances >> - CITY CODE >> Chapter 20 - ZONING >> ARTICLE XVIII -A. - "CC" COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT >> I ARTICLE XVIII -A. - "CC" COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Sec. 20 -741. - Intent. Sec. 20 -742. - Permitted uses. Sec. 20 -743. - Permitted accessory uses. Sec. 20 -744. - Conditional use. Sec. 20 -745. - Lot requirements and setbacks. Secs. 20- 746 -20 -750. - Reserved. Sec. 20 -741.- Intent. (a) The intent of the community commercial district is to provide for moderate to large sized commercial development. These large -scale commercial and office users need high visibility along arterial roads. While smaller scale ancillary commercial uses may be permitted integral to the principal use, the primary use of a building shall be medium to large type users with a minimum tenant space of 15,000 square feet. The intent of the district is to accommodate larger uses. The creation of multi- tenant, small user, strip centers is prohibited. (b) Location criteria for community commercial uses are: Access to arterial and collector streets, preferably at intersections with collector and arterial streets; moderate to large -sized sites; public water and sewer service; environmental features such as soils and topography suitable for compact development; and adequate buffering by physical features or adjacent uses to protect nearby residential development. (c) The total building area on a single level or floor for an individual use shall be no more than 65,000 square feet. (Ord. No. 487, § 1, 11- 23 -09) Sec. 20 -742.- Permitted uses. Arts and crafts supply store. Automotive parts and accessories. Book store. Building supply center. Consumer electronics and appliance store. Drugstore. Furniture and home furnishings. Garden center. Grocery store. Health and dental clinics. Hobby, toy and game stores. Office. Office equipment and supply. Personal services. Sewing and fabric store. Sporting goods. (Ord. No. 487, § 1, 11- 23 -09) Sec. 20 -743.- Permitted accessory uses. Antennas. Automatic teller machines (ATMs). http: / /library.municode.com/ print. aspx ?chentID = 14048 &HTMRequest= http %3 a %2f" /o2fl... 10/24/2011 Municode Parking lots and ramps. Signs. Utility services. (Ord. No. 487, § 1, 11- 23 -09) Sec. 20 -744.- Conditional use. Screened outdoor storage. (Ord. No. 487, § 1, 11- 23 -09) Sec. 20 -745.- Lot requirements and setbacks. Minimum lot area: One acre. Minimum lot depth: 100 feet. Minimum lot frontage: 100 feet. Maximum lot coverage: 70 percent. Maximum building height: Four stories; 50 feet. Setbacks: Building /parking: Front: 25 feet. Side: 10 feet. Rear: 10 feet. Parking setback exemptions: Page 2 of 2 There is no minimum setback when it abuts, without being separated by a street, another off - street parking area. Parking setbacks may be reduced to ten feet along public streets if the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the city that 100 percent screening is provided at least five feet above the adjacent parking lot. (Ord. No. 487, § 1, 11- 23 -09) Secs. 20- 746-20 -750.- Reserved. http : / /library.municode.comlprint. aspx ?clientID= 14048 &HTMRequest= http %3 a %2fti /o2fl... 10/24/2011 Attachment #2 Industrial / Commercial Comparison Target ISTAR MN LLC Acerage gross 10.08 14.1 Building sq. ft 130,110 154,674 2011 Total Market Value $10,095,600 $5,167,000 2011 Total Tax $350,044 $208,394 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227 -1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION SE.P 3 0 2011 CHANHASSFN PI ACNING nFV PLLASk PRINT Applicant Name and Address: Walmart c/o Kimley -Horn and Assoc. 2550 University Ave W. Suite 238N St. Paul, MN 55114 Contact William D. Matzek Phone: 643 -0497 Fax: -645 -4197 Email: Will.Matzek @Ki.mleY-Horn.com Property Owner Name and Address: iStar Minnesota LLC c/o iStar Financial I 1114 Av enue of the Americas, 27th Floor New York, New York 10036 Contact: Phone: Fax: Email: NOTE Consultation with City staff is reauired prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Non - conforming Use Permit X Planned Unit Development" — 750 Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review (SPR)' Subdivision' Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right -of- Way /Easements (VAC) (Additional recording fees may apply) Variance (VAR) Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Notification Sign $200 (City to install and remove) An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Five (5) full -size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8 %" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF -Group 4 ( *.tif) format. * *Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. X Escrow for Filing Fees /Attorney Cost *" - $50 CUP /SPRNACNAR/WAP /Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB ICS »�tey - Norn TOTAL FEE $ .95Q. 00 CK_A �ltt3a� Planning Case No. .::?,() I I — I II CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED PROJECT NAME _ Wglmart Store #5949 - 00 LOCATION: 1000 Park Road, Chanhassen, MN 55317 LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: Lot 1, Block 1, of the Park Two 2nd Addition Plat. PIN: 255660010 TOTAL ACREAGE: 14.10 ACRES WETLANDS PRESENT: X YES NO PRESENT ZONING: IOP - industrial Office Park District REQUESTED ZONING: PUD - Planned Unit Development PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: Industrial office/ Community .Cnmme &.c1al REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: Commercial REASON FOR REQUEST: The ?t�pose - this 4pplicatio, , s to request A PUD in order to �S= develop . an. -.a=rgAp0ply 120,000 SF retail building on said property. The proposed development has been prepared in accordance with the City of Cttenh s Code of Ordinances. FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW. Include number of existiM employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before tiling this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be matted to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that f am making application for the described action by the City and that t am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Tide or purchase agreement), or f am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. 1 will keep myself Informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc, with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information 1 have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. r Signature of Applicant Date Z:�7. C pz!z —.0gs" rALLA ..z42`_ d// Si7re of Fee Owner Date g:yden�rnntaklcvelopnxnl ttvk%v RMication.doc November 21, 2011 Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Response Letter for Conceptual PUD Staff Report Proposed Walmart, 1000 Park Road Dear Ms. Aanenson, ■ Suite 238N 2550 University Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 In response to the November 1, 2011 Staff Report, recommendations from the Planning Commission and from residents, the Walmart development team has revised our proposed Site and Building Plans. In the pages that follow, we respond to concerns raised by the community and in the Staff Report and also offer a brief explanation of our revisions. The Site is currently a vacant industrial building. Retail development at the Site is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Site's unique features present challenges that would be best addressed through the flexibility afforded through a Planned Unit Development ( "PUD "). We understand that in exchange for the development flexibility available through a PUD, the City expects that the development will be of higher quality. We believe that our revised development meets that goal: • Walmart has agreed to finance the costs of all of the recommended off -site traffic improvements that were listed in the November 1" staff report. These traffic improvements will not only relieve traffic concerns related to Walmart, but will also serve the anticipated future growth of Chanhassen through 2030. • The building's fagade not only exceeds code requirements but has been considerably upgraded. The building is smaller than the most common layout of new Walmart stores. Drive - throughs and the garden center have been eliminated. o Landscaping, pedestrian and Site amenities have been enhanced — the typical pylon sign along Highway 5 has been replaced with a decorative monument sign; planters and benches have been added to soften the building's front entrances; proposed interior landscaping exceeds City requirements and the addition of over 180 new trees on Site will increase the tree canopy from 14% in the existing condition to 39% for the proposed Site. A new sidewalk along Powers Boulevard is proposed together with a pedestrian staircase at Powers and Highway 5. o The redevelopment will exceed storm water treatment requirements and will increase the quality of the water discharged into adjacent creeks and wetlands. o To further protect the wetlands and creek on Site, Walmart proposes that these areas (approximately one - quarter of the Site) be protected for the future with a permanent conservation easement. Walmart proposes eradicating invasive plant species from the wetland buffer areas. The buffer areas have been increased. o To help achieve some of the benefits described above, Walmart proposes to shrink the size of its parking lot. First, the width of the stalls has been narrowed to 9 feet to match City ordinances. Secondly, there aren't as many stalls. Although the parking ratio is less than the City requires in a typical non -PUD development, our parking study shows that even on "Black Friday," the busiest shopping day of the year, there will be 79 extra parking stalls at the Site. o Walmart's building will use the latest "green" technology — skylights will be interlocked with the interior building lighting system, super high energy efficient HVAC units will be installed together with Central Energy Management, heat reclaimed from refrigeration systems will be used to heat the water used in the store, and LED lighting will be used in the parking lot, for signs and in the refrigeration cases. Walmart has an aggressive recycling program that is used not only after the store is open but also during construction. There are many more items that will be included in this store that will make it one of the most up to date buildings in the State of Minnesota as far as "green" technology. The Walmart team appreciates the opportunity to work with the City of Chanhassen on the proposed development and we ask that the City Council approve the conceptual PUD. With conceptual PUD approval in hand, we will next work on preparing final PUD plans and look forward to refining our plans to meet the City's requirements and goals. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions or would like further information. Sincerely, L&(" I �, William D. Matzek, PE, CPESC Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. Chanhassen Walmart Concept PUD 2 Walmart, Chanhassen, MN Concept Planned Unit Development Revised Plans, November 21, 2011 ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE The November 1S Staff Report describes the extent to which the original design met standards for commercial, industrial, and office developments under the City Code. In response, SAIC has proposed new elevations for the proposed building. The new elevations show planters and benches for seating have been added across the front of the building. Material changes have also been made to the front of the building to provide a more significant upgrade. Additional exterior building features such as canopies, window groupings, changes in color, and changes in parapet height have been added to meet the zoning code's requirement that building expanses of more than 40 feet in width be divided into smaller increments with either fayade modulation, vertical divisions using different materials or variation in the roof line. The pylon sign has been redesigned to a monument sign offering more architectural interest. The sign area will not exceed 80 square feet. Materials for the monument sign will match those being used on the building. In addition, a decorative feature has been added that mirrors the City of Chanhassen's signature decorative maple leaf. The building's pre -cast panels will be integrally colored and will have a grid system as well as a pebble texture. The use of EIFS has been limited to accent areas only — mostly on the front of the building. The large EIFS area on the rear of the building shown in the original plans has been replaced with TRESPA panels similar to the front signage area. In addition, the integral colored split -face block has been replaced with Quik Brik in several earthtone colors to provide a more significant upgrade. We have added additional spandrel glass window areas and areas with suspended awnings to meet the requirement for a significant architectural upgrade to the building. The building's parapets have been raised to provide additional screening of rooftop equipment from adjacent sidewalks. The Code requires that all facades viewed by the public must contain 50 percent windows and /or doors. The revised plans show that additional architectural detailing has been added to the sides and rear of the building. SAIC has added spandrel glass window areas to the west side of the building along with suspended canopies on all three sides. The front entrance canopy has been extended to provide more customer shelter along the front of the building. Additional articulation has been added to the sides and rear of the building through the use of extended parapets, color and material changes, and changes in plane. Screening materials for the loading areas and refuse areas will be the same as those used on the building. TRAFFIC We understand that the community is concerned about traffic generated by the new Walmart as well as traffic that will be generated as Chanhassen continues to grow. Walmart wants safe roads around its Site and will pay for the following off -site traffic improvements that were identified by the Traffic Impact Analysis and reviewed by the City, Carver County, and the Chanhassen Walmart Concept PUD Minnesota Department of Transportation. These improvements are all based on the projected traffic volumes that were identified in a Traffic Impact Analysis and included within the November 1 Staff Report: 1. Construct an additional left turn lane for westbound Highway 5 to southbound Powers Boulevard. 2. Re -time the existing left turn signal on Highway 5 for westbound Highway 5 to southbound Powers Boulevard. 3. Construct an additional left turn lane for northbound Powers Boulevard to westbound Highway 5. 4. Install a traffic control signal at the intersection of Powers Boulevard and Park Road. 5. Increase the length of the left turn on northbound Powers Boulevard to westbound Highway 5. 6. Install turn lanes and a raised median within Park Road. We understand that none of the above improvements are included in the City's Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan and Walmart has agreed to make these improvements at its cost if the development is approved. PARKING Walmart prefers to build only the number of parking stalls needed for a store and has been looking for ways to shrink its parking lots, in part in recognition of the environmental impacts from large parking lots. Prior to our original submittal, we prepared a parking study for this Site based upon other area Walmarts and determined that the Store would need 528 parking stalls. This will result in a 4.5 parking ratio, which will fall short of the City Code's requirement of 5.0 stalls per 1,000 square feet of building area. The proposed 528 stalls includes a 15% contingency factor such that even on the busiest shopping day of the year, "Black Friday," it is anticipated that there will still be an excess of 79 stalls in the parking field. The revised Site Plan provides the number of stalls required by the parking study and the revised Site Plan reduces the number of compact stalls from 25% to 18.6 %. We ask that the smaller parking lot be approved as part of the concept PUD approval. SITE ACCESS The Site has two access points on Park Road. The revised Site Plan shows that the eastern access drive has been shifted 50 feet to the west and now exceeds City spacing requirements. In addition, the turn lane taper has been moved west, and the curb radius entering the Site has been increased from 12 feet to 30 feet. To address potential stacking concerns, the west access has been revised to allow for approximately 150 feet of stacking, 20 feet greater than the stacking distance recommended in the Traffic Impact Assessment. Additional stacking has also been provided at the east access that also exceeds the required stacking that the Traffic Impact Assessment recommended. Staff was concerned about potential U -turn movements - many vehicles using the "right -out" at the eastern access may want to go to Powers Boulevard. The Traffic Impact Assessment projects that only 4 vehicles per hour are anticipated to use the "right -out" at the eastern access. To mitigate the potential for U- turns, the median on Park Road will include "No U- turn" signs. The Chanhassen Walmart Concept PUD 4 median and lane configurations for the proposed Site also appear to be similar in nature to the intersection of County Road 117 and West 78th Street, which is also located in a commercial area. The Staff Report identified a potential weaving issue between vehicles making a right turn out of the east access and vehicles making the right turn in to the west access. Due to the low volume of drivers projected to make the right turn movements (4 vehicles per hour), weaving is not anticipated to be an issue for this Site. Staff looked at aerials of more than 60 big box retail sites in the metro area and found two sites that have only two access points; the remaining sites had three or more accesses. Every retail Site is different based upon the proposed retail use, size, property configuration and natural features, surrounding streets and corresponding traffic. In the case of Chanhassen, the Traffic Impact Assessment found that the proposed access configuration operates acceptably. There are many "big boxes" in the Twin Cities metro area as well as around the country with one or two access points. Some examples in the Metro include: Costco in Eden Prairie, Best Buy in Eden Prairie, Target in Vadnais Heights, Super Target in St. Louis Park, Sam's Club in Bloomington, Home Depot in Bloomington, Gander Mountain in Woodbury, Fleet Farm in Oakdale, and the Target in Chaska. Additionally, we used the vehicle modeling program, Auto -Turn, to model the proposed truck route and found that truck traffic will not impede proposed vehicular parking areas. The Staff Report notes that parking is currently restricted on the north side of Park Road. The proposed modifications to Park Road will require that the south side of Park Road be a "No Parking" area as well. Employees of the IWCO property currently park on the south side of Park Road. We have discussed the proposed median on Park Road and the potential on- street parking restriction with the owners of IWCO and believe that IWCO supports the project, including the impacts to parking on Park Road. Finally, as to concerns about the west access drive's possible impacts to the vegetation on the western portions of the Site, please note that the proposed access location matches existing conditions. To improve sight distance, some of the existing sumac bushes will require removal or trimming, but no significant trees are anticipated to require removal to improve sight lines. GRADING The updated Site Plan increases the finish floor elevation to 932 feet and reduces the retaining wall heights on the west side of the Site to a maximum height of approximately 12 feet rather than 21.5 feet, which was proposed in the original plans. Note that the proposed retaining walls are all outside of the existing drainage and utility easement. WATER QUALITY; STORM WATER Under existing conditions, 5.3 acres of impervious surfaces discharge storm water to the adjacent wetlands without any treatment. The proposed plan will add approximately 3.4 acres of impervious surfaces, but will incorporate storm water treatment techniques such as rain gardens and underground storm water treatment, all of which will improve the quality of the water discharging from the Site and will exceed City requirements. We are enclosing a Preliminary Drainage Analysis for additional information. Chanhassen Walmart Concept PUD CONSERVATION AREAS -- WETLANDS AND BUFFER AREAS The westerly portion of the Site will not be affected by the development. This area, approximately 3.75 acres, includes Riley Creek, wetlands, trees and natural vegetation. Walmart is willing to place the westerly portion of the Site into a permanent conservation easement to assure that these natural features are preserved. The Staff Report raised concerns about encroachments into the required wetland buffer areas. We are grateful for the feedback and have revised the plans accordingly. The revised Site Plan now meets or exceeds the City's buffer requirements. The existing wetland buffers at the Site will be increased if the proposed development is allowed to proceed. The proposed retaining walls have been moved further to the east and are now shorter. Based upon a field investigation as part of the wetland delineation performed onsite and approved by the City Staff, the existing upland buffer adjacent to the existing parking lot contains a significant population of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), a non - native noxious weed species, that is an ecological threat to native habitats. As part of the proposed project, Walmart will remove the invasive species and plant new native species that will improve the function of the wetland buffer. As mentioned above, the proposed westerly access drive matches existing conditions. In order to improve sight distance, some of the existing sumac bushes will require removal or trimming, but no significant trees are anticipated to require removal. Additionally, no trees shading Riley Creek will be removed as part of the project and these trees will be preserved. LANDSCAPING The revised address the Staff Report's comments on landscaping in the following ways: • Parking Lot Landscaping: City Ordinances requires 8% interior landscaping in the vehicle use area. For this project, 20,238 square feet of interior landscaping is required. The revised plan included within this submittal provides 22,230 square feet of interior landscaping which exceeds City ordinances. • Foundation Landscaping: Planters have been added to the front of the store and landscaping has been added to the green space along store's perimeter. • Bufferyard Requirements: The proposed Site Plan has been updated to provide a minimum of 20 foot parking setback along the side and rear of the Site while maintaining 100% screening. The front yard setback also exceeds the City's requirement of 25 feet by providing a setback of at least 35 feet. • Native Landscaping: The revised plans do not impact the wetland area or wetland buffers. Walmart will remove the noxious weeds in the upland buffer and plant native vegetation to improve the buffers' functions. • Pervious hard surfaces in parking lot: The Site is comprised largely of clay and fine soils that are not suitable for infiltration. Pervious pavements are not effective under these conditions. There are many methods to treat storm water runoff and the revised plan incorporates such storm water treatment techniques as rain gardens and underground treatment. Please see the Preliminary Drainage Analysis for additional information. Chanhassen Walmart Concept PUD NORTH RHpyT ExcEPrloN Mae 77 7. Ing - art 0 .0 :7N r VA' gfE A Z CT13N - 4. 116N. RA C' ;3W h a, SITE PLAN NOTES STORE05m-w N C-LI. - OR-NOR 117.278SF* - it 1-1- 1 :1 TI: —I- tz A 111 1. SITE DATA LEGEND I OKI I fl— I ll r - --- ---- --- - PA NX A F-1 .1 1 A I � � - - � , wa. . - „r, GOPHERSTATE CALL ONE A LERT TO CONTRACTOR: Z LU Cf) LU X CL z LLI rn C3 uj Ix 6040 `Y C C C Gig 1. -V C � 1 GC \1 �0 l C 1 -1:7 !I C tl C I .. C 0C \ -\ ' WETLAND DELINEATION ^ I �I 15 WETLAND SETBACK llllC��iJJ+ n M WETLAND BUFFER 1 C /+ TRUCK ROUTE `TYP) I CC ^ R FENC W TYP, \l 1 C 1 I •25 FRONT BUFFER YARD yI RECVCLINGAREA 70' MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK 150' MAXIMUM BUILDING SETBACK COMPACT PARKING STALLS ITVP) C �A - - l Walmart STORE * 5949 -00 C -1_120 -NOR -NOR 117,278 SF ! F FC. - - JOt r� -1 7 PYLON SIG N_ T !lam 1/ C e °x 1� 1 NT FROPOSEO FULL--// ACCESS SIGHT TRIANGLE / / / / PEDESTR IAN ACCESS " 10' BUFFER 100 MAXIMUM BUILDING SETBACK o / 50' MINIMUM PARK ROAD — PROPOSED RIGHT INI— j' �_ RIGHTOUTACCESS _ — ' I I I , 1 , I , I , 1: 11 1 I ii' I I r PEDESTRIANACCESS -� / LEGEND ® OVERSTORVTREE EVERGREENTREE ® SMALL DECIDUOUS TREE ORNAMENTALTREE SHRUSS/PERENNIALS NATWEANET MIX TURF C EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN K tY1Y w• IL �MtK. �}. xW i.M- Y /'C00 Ss Walmart SITE PLAN CHANHASSEN, MN NOVEMBER 2011 0 35® MQ P h l b " . I, Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. Front Elevation Right Elevation Left Elevation Walmart From S- (0 SMbms November 21, 2011 Sign 1hy Hei ght Iq,It Totals .Ft Imart 2 5 1 -6 1 rk 2 8' .0" 298.00 596.00 mar ket & Ph armacy 1 1 2'-6 102.58 102.58 T.t.1; 698.58 Rear t:ieva, E7rJ r I IF ko Walmart ;f�o November 21, 2011 From Science to Sd,.N Chanhassen, MN 5949 -00 Perspective Walmart 7.E-- November 21, 2011 Chanhassen, MN 5949-00 Perspective 1 3 Walmart i - om science to sections November 21, 2011 1 Chanhassen, MN 5949 -00 Perspective 4 I Walmart �:�m November 21, 2011 Chanhassen, NIN D -00 From S.— fo Saliflon5 — -- F'Cf ���ElIiV E' Walmart:;: �:��r,m November 21, 2011 From Samoa to So/U —s Chanhassen, MN 5949 -00 Perspective R Legend ,4 ry Site Boundary Wetland Area Tree Canopy to Remain Impacted Tree Canopy � =� NORTH NATURAL RESOURCES Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 0 75 150 Feet S ... .< t �. 1 N. ill.• 01`!�� E� •� � "' ''�' � PARK ROAD s t E '• - T• 1 ;S•f f t }' 1 Acres %of Site , z r Site 14.1 r Existing Tree Canopy' 1.93 14% •; r Existing Tree Canopy to Remain 0.96 7% Proposed Tree Canopy Replacement' 4.5 32% - t Re uired Tree Canopy per City Code 1 1.41 1 10% i Total Onsite Tree Canopy 5.46 39% ' ' -Tree Canopy excludes wetland area per City Code ' e + - Approximately 180 trees x 1,089 sfper City Code p ' �,' �y. •' - - ' -Tree Canopyto Remain +Proposed Tree Canopy Replacement � =� NORTH NATURAL RESOURCES Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 0 75 150 Feet R'r c r . Legend Property Boundary (14.1 acres) Wetland Preservation Area (2.33 acres) O ® Upland Preservation Area (1.63 acres) J f W ti 3t� w c's 19 R� ¢+b Em" N - WETLAND AND UPLAND Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. 0 75 150 PRESERVATION AREAS Feet %Aofto4 Minnesota Department of Transportation v y° Metropolitan District _ Q o m Waters Edge ti�' 1500 West County Road B -2 Roseville, MN 55113 -3174 August 11, 2011 Robert Generous, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: Wal -Mart, Mn/DOT Review # Sll -036 SW Quad of TH 5 (Arboretum Blvd.) and Powers Blvd. City of Chanhassen/Carver County Control Section 1002 Dear Mr. Generous: Thank you for the opportunity to review the Wal -Mart Traffic Impact Analysis MA). Because of the general nature of this plan Mn/DOT is not able to provide comments concerning issues such as drainage or design. As plans are developed, we would like the opportunity to meet with our partners and to review the updated information. Mn/DOT's staff has reviewed the document and has the following comment: Ttaffzc: The traffic impact analysis only examines the PM peak period. The AM peals period is more critical for this location since there is a heavy westbound left turning movement opposing a high eastbound volume heading inbound in the morning. Additionally, congestion in the AM peals period may become more significant when Wal -Mart begins operating 24 hours per day. Mn/DOT conducted turning movement counts at TH 5/Powers Blvd. on 9/25/08. The turning movement counts completed for this traffic impact analysis have a date of 2/8/11. Mn/DOT's counts were significantly higher, especially the PM eastbound turning movement - 916 vehicles versus 715. This can likely be attributed to the time of year in which the counts were taken. In the 2030 build options the intersection falls into an unacceptable LOS E. Indeed, queues for motorists turning left, block both the northbound and westbound approaches. The TIA recommended monitoring the surrounding growth in the long term in consideration of a dual left for both eastbound and westbound traffic. As stated previously, our concern is for westbound motorists turning left. Based on our 9/25/11 turning movement counts, this problem should be addressed in the short term.. Mn /DOT would like to meet with the City of Chanhassen to discuss possible funding options for the needed improvements. An equal opportunity employer Mn/DOT agrees with the TIA recommendation of installing a signal at Powers Blvd and Park Rd (when it is warranted). Along with the signal installation at Park Rd. the three signals on Powers (at Park Rd, TH 5 and W 78 "' St.) should be interconnected and have cross coordination plans implemented with the current TH 5 system. For questions concerning these comments, please contact David Sheen (651 -234 -7824) of Mn/DOT Metro's Traffic Section. Permits: Any use of or work within or affecting Mn/DOT right of way requires a permit. Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility website at htip: / /www.dot.state.mn.us /utility/ Please include one 11 x 17 plan set and one full size plan set with each permit application. Please direct any questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig (651- 234 -7911) of MnDOT's Metro Permits Section. Standard Submittal Statement: As a reminder, there are four submittal options. Please submit either: 1. One (1) electronic pdf. version of the plans. Mn/DOT can accept the plans via e -mail at metrodevreviews.dot a,state.mn.us provided that each separate e- mail is less than 20 megabytes. 2. Three (3) sets of full size plans. Although submitting seven sets of full size plans will expedite the review process. Plans can be sent to: Mn/DOT — Metro District Planning Section Development Reviews Coordinator 1500 West County Road B -2 Roseville, MN 55113 3. One (1) compact disk. 4. Plans to Mn/DOT's external FTP Site. Please send pdf. files to: ftp: / /ftp2.dot.state.mti.us/ pub / incoming /MetroWatersEdge/Plarrning Internet Explorer doesn't work using ftp so please use an FTP Client or your Windows Explorer (My Computer). Also, please send a note to metrodevreviews.dot@state.mn.us indicating that the plans have been submitted on the FTP site. If you have any questions concerning this review please feel free to contact me at (651) 234 -7794. Sincere, Tod She he Planning Supervisor Copy sent via E -Mail: Arash Moin, Water Resources Buck Craig, Permits Nancy Jacobson, Design Nicole Peterson, Area Engineer David Sheen, Traffic Ann Braden / Metropolitan Council Paul Oehme, City of Chanhassen - poehme@ci.chanhassen.mmus Carver County ft6Cic Works 11360YCWhway 212 Suite 1 Cofogne, 9�1N 55322 -8016 Pion (952) 466 -5200 EEax(952) 466 -5223 ,Administration Parks Engineering 3figfrway ryfaintenance Equiprne nt Waintenance Sun tying d,, Wapping August 19, 2011 Paul Oehme, City Engineer City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MIN 55317 RE: Walmart TIA Dear Mr. Oehme: After reviewing the Walmart Traffic Impact Analysis we offer the following comments. • We agree that a signal should be installed at CSAH 17 and Park Road. The County would require a full build out of turn lanes on Park Road, requiring right and left turn lanes both eastbound and westbound. We would not allow a split - phasing as shown in the analysis in place of a full build out. • We have requested in the past that the modeling include the signal at 78 Street to further understand any queuing impacts along CSAH 17. This analysis still does not include that intersection, and it is recommended with a build condition that the signals along CSAH 17 are interconnected and include a cross coordination pattern with TH 5. Due to the large volumes at the intersection at TH 5 and CSAH 17 and the analysis showing that the queues in the 2013 build condition would negatively impact the safety of CSAH 17 and TH 5 by reducing deceleration lengths within the turn lanes, the County recommends that in the build year the full recommended geometric improvements at the intersection of TH 5 and CSAH 17 be constructed. This would include dual left turns on all approaches at the intersection of TH 5 and CSAH 17. As you know, we are in the process of finalizing our development review process and want to thank you for the opportunity to review this project early in the process. We will require further review as the project moves along and look forward to working with you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions, 952 - 466 -5208. Sincerely, Kate Miner, PE Carver County Traffic Engineer E M" Kimley-Horn IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN and Associates, Inc Memorandum March 23, 2011 ■ Suite 236N To: David Cox, AIA 2550 UnNer*Avenue West Walmart Stores, Inc. st Paul, rvrr,nesota 55114 From: Brian Smalkoski, P.E., AICP, PTP, PTOE William Matzek, P.E., CPESC, LEED AP Date: March 23, 2011 Subject: Walmart 5949 -00 Chanhassen, MN INTRODUCTION Walmart Supercenters follow a variety of design variations, typically ranging from approximately 90,000 to 220,000 square feet. At around 120,000 square feet, the proposed Chanhassen Supercenter represents a relatively compact footprint for a discount store that includes a full- service grocery department. Classified as free - standing discount superstores (Land Use 813) by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Walmart Supercenters typically utilize independent trip and parking generation rates from the more general free- standing discount store classification (Land Use 815), which do not include full - service grocery departments. Parking Generation, 4` Edition`, published in 2010 by ITE, includes only a single parking generation study of a discount superstore. Carried out on a Wednesday in mid - April, the observed peak parking demand ratio for the 220,000 square -foot site was found to be 1.85 vehicles per 1,000 square feet gross floor area (GFA). Due to the lack of available data for Saturday parking generation rates at compact discount superstores, it was necessary to conduct counts at local sites in order to establish reasonable parking generation rates for a typical Saturday in December at the proposed Chanhassen, MN Walmart Supercenter. PARKING STUDY A total of three sites located in the Minneapolis -Saint Paul metropolitan area were selected for analysis. Each site, located in Apple Valley, Bloomington, and Eden Prairie, respectively, was originally constructed as a standard Walmart store, and underwent expansion during 2009 -2010 to allow for the inclusion of a full- service grocery department. With an average size of 142,000 square feet, the three sites studied were 118,000, 121,000, and 188,000 square -foot Supercenters, post - expansion. Parking supply at each site was calculated at 5.0, 5.0, and 4.4 spaces per 1,000 square feet GFA, respectively, for a weighted average of 4.7 spaces per 1,000 square feet GFA. Ten hourly independent field counts were ■ TEL 651 645 4197 FAX 651 645 5116 SCANNED C=F) Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc Average Peak Period Parking Demand vs. 1,000 sq. ft. GFA On a: Saturday (Non- December) conducted on Saturday, February 19, 2011, at each of the three sites between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Although demand never exceeded the effective supply of parking, snow storage reduced the observed February parking supply at each site by 30 %, 32 %, and 10 %, respectively. The peak hour of demand was unique at each site, with the average peak hour falling between 2 and 3 p.m. The final results of the parking study documented Saturday maximum demand ratios of 2.54, 2.83 and 2.37 vehicles per 1,000 square feet GFA. This represents an average ratio of 2.58 vehicles per 1,000 square feet GFA with a standard deviation of 0.23. Final results of the parking study, formatted to represent standard ITE documentation, are provided in Figure 1. Land Use: 813 Free - Standing Discount Superstore Statistic Peak Period Demand Peak Period 100 -200 .m; 2:00 -3:00 .m; 400 -500 p.rrL Number ofStudy Sites 3 Average Size ofStudy Sites 142000 sq. ft. GFA Average Peak Period Parking Demand 2.58 vehicles per 1,000 sq. ft GFA Standard Deviation 0.23 Coefficient of Variation 9% Range 2.37 -2.83 vehicles per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA 85th Percentile 1 2.74 vehicles per 1,000 sq. ft. GFA 33rd Percentile 1 2.48 vehicles per 1,000 sq. fL GFA Saturday Non - December Peak Period Parking Demand 600 500 400 L 7 w 300 Y A e 200 6 100 e 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 x= 1,000 sq. ft. GFA ♦ Actual Data Points 0 March 23, 2011 0 Figure 1 - Parking Study Results W7 = Kimley -Horn �; = F1 and Associates, Inc March 23, 2011 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The parking study conducted in February represents a snapshot of potential parking demand for a new site, and it is necessary to take into account additional correction factors, depending on the planning objectives for the site: • Seasonal Variation — Consumer spending fluctuates throughout the year, and much like a shopping center, free - standing discount superstores exhibit changing trip generation rates month -to- month. Figure 2, which represents changing trip generation rates by month for shopping centers in the United States, demonstrates that parking lot design is heavily dependent upon the design month of interest. This is typically either an "average" month, the non - December peak month, or December, the month with peak demand. 150% 130% Monthly Variation in Shopping Center Parking Demand 140% 0 120% F 110% r 100% 0 w 90% c • 80% s 70% 50% 60% F Month P S eQ� S ao p� Figure 2 - Monthly Variation in Shopping Center Traffie • Effective Parldng Supply — The Urban Land Institute defines effective parking supply as the number of occupied spaces at optimum operating efficiency "'. Parking lots are typically perceived as full at less than the actual total capacity, generally around 85 -95 percent occupancy. To prevent driver frustration and reduce time spent searching for open spaces, it may be necessary to take this factor into account during parking lot design. • Snow Storage — Depending on site location, snowfall may have a significant effect on usable parking supply for three to five months out of the year. It is often necessary to take this into account in the design stage, or develop contingency plans such as contracted snow removal services. C' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN F, Kimley -Horn IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN and Associates, Inc March 23, 2011 • Shared Parking — Some sites have the potential to utilize shared parking, particular if the peak hours of demand for each of the land uses have no overlap. Schools and churches, for example, are often compatible for shared parking reductions, and certain retail and restaurant uses may exhibit offset peak hours. All of these factors potentially play a role in the ultimate parking demand for the site, and adjustments to average observed parking demand ratios must follow from specific design objectives for the site and context sensitivity to the surrounding communities. The Chanhassen Supercenter will be located in a suburban industrial setting with no nearby street parking. As such, it may be necessary to plan for peak seasonal demand to prevent yearly parking spillover problems during the holiday shopping season. By planning for absolute peak demand, however, there will be an oversupply of parking for the remaining 11 months out of the year, making the application of additional factors such as snow storage or effective parking supply impractical. In such a case, it is reasonable to take the calculated average observed parking demand ratio, and correct for seasonal variation to obtain a design ratio for a December peak month: Parking Supply Ratio = Observed Demand / Seasonal Factor Seasonal Factor = 0.85/1.49 = 0.57 (February to December Peak) = 2.58 / 0.57 = 4.5 In the calculation, a seasonal variation factor of 0.57 is used to account for the time of year in which the parking study was conducted (February) relative to parking demand during the peak month of December. Parking generation rates at shopping centers in February represent about 85% of the demand during a typical month, and 57% of the demand during December. December demand is typically around 149% of the demand for a typical month. These seasonal adjustment factors, when taken together, allow for a final recommendation of a supply ratio of 4.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet GFA, which will provide adequate parking for the peak month during the year, December. KA TWC_ LDEV \WALMART\70419- 0 \DOCS\PARKING STUDY \Walmart Parking Study Memo Chanhassen Final.docx ' Parking Generation, Fourth Edition. Washington, DC: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2010. " Smith, Mary S. Shared Parking, Second Edition. Washington, D.C.: ULI -the Urban Land Institute and the International Council of Shopping Centers, 2005. Page 14. Smith, Mary S. Shared Parking, Second Edition. Washington, D.C.: ULI -the Urban Land Institute and the International Council of Shopping Centers, 2005. Page 3. 4' | / � / / | / --- / | (_\ -- / / '~ , 777- - ,7A4� o 1000 PARK ROAD PARK ROAD STORE #5949-00 CARVER MINNESOTA IMPROVEMENT EXHIBIT N-9 namw K: \TWC IDEV\W"U T\70119 -0 \CARD\E% lI& \OF.. \5llq- Uannaa.. -Ney 5 4 CR i) ImO.ewmenta.Etq 0 -2 WF X 11 (2—) Nov 18, 2011 3:15— Ey lb—d .N memnt �a°w°w ww a aamwb ma awwe wa�..a nw.M m a narunn� a rwn b w..wr.a> a a s M� aw rn a ,wan n w wsvro gang a ae aro.w rane. a pub w,e.n.n wln.n wm.� .,ewawb, w Womb M anrwn mn mm�aue wo M » anon °rM >.e Iwrwn w e.aewaw lus 11111 �_ -- ----- - - - - -_ —�,, /; ' o / v / � m 61 o i 9 e CHANHASSEN 0 m m> 1000 PARK ROAD HWY 5 & CR 17 °B CD °n qaq uK a as STORE #5949-00 IMPROVEMENT EXHIBIT °""" °" oo Mq mt WLLIAMwD. MAiR EK e.0 .� ww 9 CARVER MINNESOTA °® °T x9N ° r 15780 gEV19dN5 OAiE FlY Traffic Impact Analysis Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared for: Walmart Stores, Inc. Bentonville, Arkansas Prepared by: Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota ©Kimley -Hom and Associates, Inc. May 2011 116199062 CITY O zrrIANNASSEN MNf 2 6 2011 ENGINES NG DEPT. C � � Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. Traffic Impact Analysis Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared for: Walmart Stores, Inc. Bentonville, Arkansas Prepared by: Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. St. Paul, Minnesota I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my r r( ofess ' ect supervision, and that I am a duly Licensed ional Engineer under the laws of the State Minnesota. By. Brian R. Smalk ci, P.E. License No. 47531 Date: S 7- L Kimley -Horn Walmart (store #5949 -00) Traffic Impact Analysis and Associates, Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota I Introduction May 2011 1 Walmart Stores, Inc. is proposing the construction of a new store, number 5949 -00, near the southwest quadrant of the Arboretum Boulevard (Trunk Highway 5) and Powers Boulevard (CSAH 17) intersection in Chanhassen, Minnesota (see Figure 1). The project ' is anticipated to be completed by the year 2013, and will include retail and grocery land uses on a vacant industrial parcel. The proposed development site plan is shown in Figure 2. The purpose of this report is to document the anticipated traffic impacts that the change in land use at the proposed Walmart site will have on the surrounding roadway network intersections. ' This traffic impact analysis (TIA) represents a review of traffic impacts of the project, based on land use and site plan information, and is intended to identify the key traffic ' issues associated with the project. This TIA documents the existing traffic conditions in the vicinity of the site, estimates the traffic anticipated to be generated by the project, distributes and assigns these trips to the adjacent roadway system, and evaluates the traffic operations of key intersections near the site and those providing access to and from the site. In order to have a basis of comparison, a "no- build" analysis was completed for ' each future scenario that includes the general background growth on the adjacent roadways as well as traffic generated by other possible development adjacent to the project. ' Based on the analysis, the TIA evaluates roadway and/or traffic control mitigation measures to accommodate future traffic levels in the system and whether these mitigation ' measures are triggered by background growth or the proposed project. May 2011 1 jjv x j; ' 7 A, % Up, JN L ca, % Walmart Store Vi At WAV Ivy N� J ; - 00 'n N FIGURE 1: Site Location 0 100 200 400 Feet I I 1 7 Kimley-Horn I / and Associates, Inc. I , o t ° } I. Walmart t � Store O � 0 o 0 0 0 0 r N FIGURE 2: Site Plan ` o so 100 200 PP M n Kimley -Horn Feet \ = and Associates, Inc. Kimle -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Y Traffic Impact Analysis and Associates, In c. Chanhassen, Minnesota Study Area The project site is bounded by Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5) on the north, Powers Boulevard on the east, and Park Road on the south. The proposed development will include an up to 120,209 square -foot Walmart store. Current nearby land uses are a mix of office and industrial. Access to the site will be provided via the two existing driveways on Park Road, with a southbound turn lane constructed on the west driveway. The segment of Park Road between Powers Boulevard and the west driveway will be reconfigured to accommodate westbound right turn lanes at the driveways as well as an eastbound left turn lane at the intersection of Park Road and Powers Boulevard and a westbound left turn lane at the west driveway. A center median will divide the two directions of travel. Data Collection PM peak hour turning movement counts were collected on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 and Wednesday, February 9, 2011 for the following study intersections: • Arboretum Boulevard (TH 5) & Powers Boulevard • Park Road & Powers Boulevard (12 -hour count) • Park Road & East Driveway • Park Road & West Driveway Figure 3 displays the existing lane geometry and traffic control for the intersections in the study area. Figure 4 summarizes the existing turning movement volumes for the PM peak hour conditions; volumes were balanced among the four intersections. See Appendix A for the raw turning movement count data. E May 2011 4 7 Arboretum - _ Park boulevard „v � f v 1 � Roa 4 b m t N T a{f�lt:�ta .� !. SITE r rf �� 4 4 . Park _ J - - Park Road Road r �� t. i N FIGURE 3: Existing Lane Geometry 0 120 240 380 OPP" KimleyHorn Feet \ ® and Associates, Inc. 269 \ Vii. �68 o .' 1242 t'1..- l: + - . •_. o _ 6 ~ 141 ;: er 36 Pa Arboretum Road Boulevard M _� „� ;�; t n ' �7 r 220 715 _ - i ` T .. 4 7S 14 etAll AkA OF J {. SITEt 3 31 V t .:�'h• 'far:. `,y ��� , � ,y � : t ,. r . . J' I g ' -' � _-, 0 107 32 Park p .. i 3 d@ , �; Q� Park p ��� — Road a� '!r ! Road � 116w# ^' s7 7 / A7 N FIGURE 4: 2011 Existing Turning Movement Counts 0 loo 200 400 Oi"' -mj Kimley -Hom f { 1• and Associates Inc. Feet xx PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes f Kimley -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) ' Traffic Impact Analysis and Associates, Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota I Trip Generation The Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation, 8` Edition, was used to calculate the anticipated net new external project trips for the proposed development. A 120,209 square -foot free - standing discount superstore (land use code 813) was used to ' determine the total number of trips generated by the site. Total pass -by trip reduction was determined to be 28 %. Of the total calculated pass -by trips, 70 percent, 20 percent, and 10 percent were assumed to originate on Arboretum Boulevard, Powers Boulevard, and Park Road, respectively. Existing non - vehicular travel was examined in the TMCs and determined to be negligible; therefore, no reductions were made for transit use or pedestrian travel. The trip generation for the proposed project with adjustments for pass -by trips is shown in Table 1. The proposed site is anticipated to generate 554 trips (271 entering, 283 exiting) for the PM peak hour. i May 2011 7 0 t _J Table 1 Trip Generation PM Peak Hour Land Use # Land Use T Size Units Formula Total Trips Enter Exit Pass-by Net New External Tri Pass -by Total Pass -by Trips Pass -by Trips Eder Pass -by Trips Exit Total Faster Exit 813 1 Free-Standing Discount Superstore 1 120.209 1 KSF T= 4.61(X ) 554 271 1 283 1 28.0% 155 76 1 79 1 399 195 204 , v � 1 n,CD v � n � � w # D c > > A D d (D n v N v Kimley -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) t Traffic Impact Analysis and Associates, Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota Future Traffic Projections ' Project buildout is expected to be in 2013. Linear growth of 1.8 percent per year was applied to the counts to obtain background traffic for the year 2013. This growth is based on historical annual average daily traffic (AADT) on Powers Boulevard and Arboretum ' Boulevard since 2001. The 2013 no build peak hour traffic volumes are shown in Figure 5. To obtain background traffic estimates for 2030, however, it was determined that 1.8 percent linear growth per year was an unreasonable estimate over a 17 year period. Instead, average annual growth on Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard was obtained from the Carver County Travel Demand Model over the 30 year period from 2000 to 2030 due to its basis in census data, local comprehensive plans, and established estimates. A linear growth of 0.5 percent per year was determined and then applied to the balanced 2013 estimates to establish a baseline estimate for 2030. Growth from demand model largely represents long term regional trends, however, and does not provide reliable estimates for traffic growth at individual intersections due to the development of specific parcels. Based on discussions with the City of Chanhassen, it was determined that traffic from five nearby parcels, using square- footage and development type estimates, would be added to the 2030 baseline estimate to establish a final estimate for 2030 background traffic. One development, located near the Powers Boulevard / TH 212 interchange, represents a revision to the original estimates used within the Carver County Travel Demand Model. The assumed PM peak period trips based on single family residential were subtracted from the total trips calculated based on the revised land use scenario (commercial and office), to represent a land use change from the regional demand model rather than an entirely new development. Peak trip generation estimates for each parcel is provided in Table 2, with the location of each site shown in Figure 6. The net trips anticipated to be generated in the PM peak hour by the surrounding development were calculated and distributed onto the roadway network (discussed below), and added to the 0.5% per year background growth from 2013 to 2030. The resultant total background growth in the study area therefore varies by intersection, ranging from 1.6 percent per year linearly on Arboretum Boulevard up to 4.1 percent per year linearly on Powers Boulevard. Total off -site trips are shown in Figure 7. The 2030 no build peak hour traffic volumes are shown in Figure 8. May 2011 0 8 Table 2 Off -Site Trip Generation PM Peak Hour Pass-by Net New % Total Pass -try Pass -by External Total Pass -by Pass -by Trips Trips Trips Total Enter Exit Land Use T Size Units Formula Trips Enter Exit Trips Enter Exit F63 Specialty Retail Center 22.350 KSF T = 2.40(X) + 21.48 75 33 42 0% 0 0 0 75 33 42 Specialty Retail Center 32.800 KSF T = 2.40(X) + 21.48 100 44 56 0% 0 0 0 100 44 56 General Light Industrial 221.000 KSF T = 0.97(X) 214 26 188 0% 0 0 0 214 26 188 Clinic 28.980 KSF T= 5.18(X)' 150 62 88 0% 0 0 0 150 62 88 GeneralOf2ice 948.000 KSF T= 1.12(X) +78.81 1,141 194 947 0% 0 0 0 1,141 194 947 Shopping Center 406.000 KSF Ln(T)= 0.67Ln(X)+3.37 1,627 797 830 0 0 0 0 1,627 797 830 210 Single- arnil Detached Housing 132.000 Acres T= 2.74(X) 36 _1 123 0% 0 0 0 362 239 123 'Using directional distribution from trips ends vs. employees PM peak rate 2,945 917 2,028 0% 0 0 0 2,945 917 2,028 p x `c P C7 m � m v ID W m cn <D A (D tU (D 0 y. O d N v y/ 1� 1237 ^ w 6 146 Arboretum �• r ' m Park Boulevard 228 rr I t ,. �• -, ,i t s - 63 I! � , / _, p 5 { 741 m � ry ., � � 'r 4 a :o / - r•�S L - m y c ti _i ` ?T 1 _Si' ' . � - :� .wars: I ��_ � s s.�.��t yc "y+ - - .' ��'i�! <� :£�r _ ;liver � � � - ° K• >. w Ar ti..,. 4 _ ra >a R f - 1 }; _ . S.. �,, 1}.. ( mil '�-•� ti� w r �t .1� r `1! - SITE'' _ " ''� ` ., •' }•�. * ,. W'� t C, dirt' •^t i,�f�Ei..syi,*r �Cl i ' f yy' - • .. L Bl j; Park I Poad , � � � t �•� i:, f . A 4 / +� Road � N y '� Y 4 ,• ' - '� � ' 'F .F_•F 1200 ^� • � ! a C S. cep � }5 `r ` . q "F� `I FIGURE 5: 2013 No Build Turning Movement Counts o 100 200 400 PP"' Kimley -Horn Feet xx PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes and Associates, Inc. d 6 Y •� <` ;nom �,. ; � _.__. �`� _ �• �+�' LU 814 22,350 sq. ft. :,►,- -, LU 630 \ 28,0 Sca ft s ;r• 32,800 sq ft. x LU 110 f 221,000 sq. t. 1 �, ri it Ap WE �\ t, d ICS' i• . � i.� \,,. g � g . - � �..,' _ � j° � �+r1 sA T' .ee'P` J '�` .'4• F..:.. �� t,� ... t L , .7, r + "` -0�iR ,,�r.��., / w;f .�� r��w 5 ���`i•'��D ��•. � Mks. � ) ;mAl i FA LU 710 Y_ 948,000 sq. ft REMOVED. (LU 210) r (132 Acres) r LU 220 ' 406,000 sq. ft. 0 :66 4111. 0 j • 118 1 f. Arboretum * Park Boulevard 8 /1 ' _ 49 r t Road 15 � .A ry / Yr m � ! .... c � F x p 17 22 ,V, I.� j 4 x� 10— fN ' SITE' �'��`, 1 �" y I ♦fin j _ .- � , - '_. < <^t. 1 " '• t$a9Y s`7' e _'!' -cam � �J-7• .i f Y f •_/ �'G` >:iv P1k - 1 Y S Y r -f -i •q i r yl I \ •6 r 4 t � 0 4 O O O 4M 59 q t Park irr+S Road 0 Road 1 71 R1 . y I 71 y o 0 1 j F N FIGURE 7: 2030 Off -Site Development Trips 0 112.5 225 aso / KimleyHom Feel xx PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes ` and Associates Inc. • y 303 142 In� 1396 _ - • "' v $ 7 27., 62 Arboretum V y Park Boulevard Q Ca 117 4 4? Road �. 255 �7 ✓Y � 313 _ � r'%3v a, a r "t t 2 J . x + t SITE tit o , ' s + 180 t Park 36 P,rk Road -� - =, 'r fi � � 201 N FIGURE 8: 2030 No Build Turning Movement Counts 0 100 400 PP KimleyHorn f} 1`r - -� Feet xx PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes b _ and Associates Inc. L I Kimley -Horn Walmart (Store #5949.00) Traffic Impact Analysis and Associates. Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota Project Trip Distribution The project trip distribution is based on selected zone analysis from the Carver County Travel Demand Model, which represents a refined version of the Metropolitan Council's demand model for the Twin Cities region. I t As shown in Figure 9, the proposed site is located in TAZ 142.3, which includes a region bounded by Hazeltine Boulevard on the west, Arboretum Boulevard on the north, and Powers Boulevard on the east. After assigning trips to the network, vehicles originating from or heading to the TAZ on each of the 10 roadways (or centroid connectors) shown in the figure were measured to calculate a daily distribution for both the 2000 and 2030 analysis years. Results were then interpolated between the two base years to estimate distribution for the 2013 analysis year. By adding trips to and from the north (lines 1, 2, 9, and 10), to and from the east (line 3), to and from the south (lines 4, 5, and 6), and to and from the west (lines 7 and 8), the final directional distribution was established for the site. Figure 10 shows the final assumed trip distribution for the project, with 35 percent to the east, 20 percent to the north, 20 percent to the west, and 25 percent to the south. 10 percent of the trips to the west and 10 percent of the trips to the south were assumed to use Park Road west of the site. Trip distribution for the four surrounding off -site parcels contained within TAZ 142.3 was assumed the same as for the Walmart site, with slight assignment modifications based on location. For the modified parcel located near TH 212, trip distribution was analyzed for TAZ 146, which contains the proposed development, showing that approximately 11% of the trips to and from the development utilized Powers Boulevard. Estimated project trips, shown in Figure 11, were then added to 2013 and 2030 no build traffic conditions, along with corrections for pass -by trips, as shown in Figure 12. The final traffic estimates for the build condition are shown in Figures 13 and 14 for 2013 and 2030, respectively. Vl 2') 15 z r � r r f 41 t 10 + • II 142.3 142.1 142.E r I I Ile / r 1 N 0 500 1,000 2,000 Feet mI FIGURE 9: Selected Zone Analysis -� - -- raz Boundary � ! � Kimley�Horn -- Centroid Connector and Associates Inc. � I • t Walmart Store t�' Y J . \ J ... Park Road 1 i T > > C FIGURE 10: Site Trip Distribution o 100 200 400 PP M " Kimley -Horn ' ti Feet xx Trip Distribution Percentage ` and Associates Inc. ._Arboretum Boulevard o ; v - .. J. . rr 1 Yi � I • t Walmart Store t�' Y J . \ J ... Park Road 1 i T > > C FIGURE 10: Site Trip Distribution o 100 200 400 PP M " Kimley -Horn ' ti Feet xx Trip Distribution Percentage ` and Associates Inc. t� FIGURE 11: Project Trips xx PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Road i 194 M# o� F i Klmley -Horn tii� and Associates, Inc. 0 L 0 0 0 0 -30 0 Arboretum j r 30 0 - 11 (I Boulevard O J i . �""'. G �}• 9 11 rto r!�.' -23 l WStore a h - store _ j • t P g t il � ro ,y W4 WO \ f . 24 - - _ - - 48 0 Park t S e f<; - d 0 Park Road ^v'" K - ' Road o 4 71 mc*, 0 0 0 a' t 0 v it r; FIGURE 12: Pass - Trips 0 100 200 400 C = n Kimley -Horn Feet xx PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes and Associates InC. I 279 - i � 70 ry v' r 1257 ry 6 pp 37 ■ ~ 21» Park ' Arboretum r * * Road. Boulevard 228 a/ a '�'" *t+, 275 ■ 718 m ;v ` „-; r 4 1111111110 .-� m '. 89. \ 131 o i d w o r`s _ .J xV it Jed �'Vc�3'� - • Walmart ��• rGrt � � ,� i I Store f i R�M1{.' •,'I �~ �'_ .t. t a _ r 7 , ,sk 171 227 :i .1 Park q p I� 0 Park Road p T` Road tl 93� } `y 385 N FIGURE 13: 2013 Build Turning Movement Counts ` 0 100 200 400 PP = Kimley -Horn t Feet xx PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes and Associates, Inc. / `303 •,fir -- 142 1,366 7 ? _ 374 J r 62 arboretum Park Boulevard 379 t Road V- �. _ `3 t r � .. r� 160, 3 ,s Nt . as o o r ' _ .+ I , Walmart Store l •"`� Al 86 K mow. . _ -- _ 171 0 o n 144 r i 73 yy 0 299 p Park Park Road 14 o t t � t Road � -qr 172 ^ - ^, 466b 4+ i r rz r FIGURE 14: 2030 Build Turning Movement Counts f 0 100 200 400 P Kimley -Horn t Feet xx PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes `� and Associates, Inc. Kimle -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) y Traffic Impact Analysis and Associates, Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota Level of Service Analyses Intersection level of service (LOS) analyses were performed for each of the intersections within the study area using the signalized analysis methodology found in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM and Trafficware's Synchro /SimTraffic version 7. Each intersection was analyzed for PM peak hours for the following scenarios: • 2011 existing traffic conditions, • 2013 no build (without project trips) conditions, • 2013 build (with project trips added) conditions, • 2030 no build (without project trips) conditions, and • 2030 build (with project trips added) conditions. One of the primary measures of effectiveness used to evaluate intersection traffic operations, as defined in the HCM, is level of service (LOS) --a qualitative letter grade (A through F) based on seconds of vehicle delay due to the traffic control device at an intersection. By definition, LOS A conditions represent high- quality operations (i.e., motorists experience very little delay or interference) and LOS F conditions represent very poor operations (i.e., extreme delay or severe congestion). This study used the LOS D/E boundary as an indicator of satisfactory traffic operations. Figure 15 displays the LOS thresholds for signalized and unsignalized intersections. Figure IS. Highway Capacity Manual Level of Service Criteria. 100 90 80 d 70 t m v 60 R O u 50 T d 40 d A > 30 Q 20 10 0 ■ May 2011 22 Si gnalized Unsig nalized Klmley -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Traffic Impact Analysis t and Associates. Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota It was assumed that for the future scenarios an intersection with unsatisfactory operations should be addressed through signal timing modifications, or if that was not possible, through implementation of an intersection or roadway improvement. In order to determine the impacts of the project on the transportation network, a traffic operations analysis was performed on the internal and surrounding roadway network. The analysis process included determining level of service and queue lengths at each of the study intersections for existing, no build and build conditions. Supporting SimTraffic reports are included in Appendix C. For each scenario, five one -hour simulations were conducted in SimTraffic. ' In each of the following sections, a description of potentially unsatisfactory operational characteristics is summarized for each scenario modeled. For each scenario a table is included where the intersection level of service and delay is summarized. The SimTraffic ' reports were reviewed to identify individual movements that experience unsatisfactory level of service and delay or queue lengths that are anticipated to extend beyond available ' storage lengths. Only in instances where an individual movement experiences an unsatisfactory the information be measure of effectiveness will movement summarized. 1 it t it 1 2011 Existing Operations Table 3 provides 2011 level of service (LOS) results for the existing conditions. All intersections within the study area operate at LOS D or better during the PM peak period, with the three unsignalized intersections operating at LOS A. A total of six movements operate at LOS E, with average delays per vehicle summarized as follows: • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 63 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard westbound left: 75 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound left: 74 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound through: 68 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound left: 73 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound through: 66 seconds At the Arboretum Boulevard intersection, the signal is timed such that the through movements on Arboretum Boulevard are maintained at LOS C, with lower LOS on Powers Boulevard, the lower volume side street. All left turn queues are contained within the available storage lengths and no blocking by queues in adjacent lanes is expected. The delays associated with the LOS E or F movements are not associated wit operational problems at the signal, but are due to relatively low demand and long cycle lengths. May 2011 23 " :J Y'A Kimley -Horn =3 and Associates, Inc. Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Traffic Impact Analysis Chanhassen, Minnesota Table 3 - 2011 Existing Conditions 2011 PM Peak Hour Lek Turn Operations by Movement Approach Overall Intersection Left Through Right Queues Intersection Control Approach 95th Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Percentile (sec/-h) LOS (sec/veh) LOS (sec/veh) LOS (sec /veh) LOS (sec/veh) LOS EB 310' 63.0 21.9 C 4.4 A 30.2 C Arboretum Wa 225' 75.0 34.8 C 3.9 A 33.0 C 36.0 D Blvd & Signal NB 130' 73,8 68.1 3.2 A 50.4 D Powers Blvd 58 100' 1 73.1 66.3 249 A 41.6 D EB 0' 1 9.8 A 11.5 B 541 A 7.2 A Park Rd& WB 0' 1 10.4 B 13.1 B 5.1 A 7.3 A 37 A Powers Blvd TWSC NB 40' 7.5 A 009 A 5.1 A 1.9 A 4.6 A 3.1 A 3.6 A 3.3 A - - 0.6 A 0.1 A 0.6 A Park Rd & 1.6 A 0.4 A - 0.7 A 0.9 A East TWSC 5.7 A 30 A 3.3 A Driveway F - - - - - - 0.2 A 0.3 A 0.2 A Park Rd & 2.0 A 0.5 A - - 0.9 A 1.0 A West TWSC 5.5 A 7.9 A 2.6 A 3.4 A Driveway 7.1 A 71 A 2013 No Build Operations Table 4 provides 2013 level of service (LOS) results for the 2013 no build scenario, using background linear growth from 2011 to 2013 of 1.8 percent per year. The simulation assumes the same signal timing plan at the intersection of Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard as under existing conditions. All intersections within the study area are anticipated to operate at LOS D or better during PM peak period, with the three unsignalized intersections operating at LOS A. A total of six movements are expected to operate at LOS E, with average delays per vehicle summarized as follows: • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 65 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard westbound left: 76 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound left: 74 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound through: 68 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound left: 74 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound through: 70 seconds At the Arboretum Boulevard intersection, the through movements on Arboretum Boulevard are maintained at LOS D or C, with lower LOS on Powers Boulevard, the lower volume side street. All left turn queues are accommodated within the available storage lengths and no blocking by queues in adjacent lanes is expected. The delays associated with the LOS E movements are not representative of operational problems the signal, but are due to relatively low demand and long cycle lengths. May 2011 24 t r --. Kimley -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Traffic Impact Analysis and Associates, Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota Table 4 - 2013 No Build 2013 No Build - PM Peak Hour • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 66 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound through: 74 seconds Lek Turn Operations by Movement ' • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound left: 75 seconds Intersection Control Approach Queues Approach Overall Intersection Lek • Park Road & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 55 seconds Throu h Ri ht 95th Delay 2013 no build levels, with increased delay to the westbound left and northbound left Delay movements. The northbound left turn queue is anticipated to extend beyond the 230 foot Delay Delay Delay 2011 25 Percentile (sec/veh) LOS (sec /veh) LOS (s LOS LOS (sec/veh) LOS (sec /veh) LOS EB 305' 6405 22.4 C 4.6 A 31.5 C Arboretum WB 265' 75.8 37.8 D 4.1 A 35.5 D Blvd& Signal 37.5 D Powers Blvd NB 145' 74.2 68.1 3.3 q 488 D SB 120' 73.6 69.8 3.0 A 42.9 D EB 0' 11.0 B 10.0 A 502 A 7.9 A Park Rd& WB 0' 9.7 A 11.5 B 5.3 A 7.1 A Powers Blvd TWSC NB 35' 73 A 1.0 A 5.5 A 2.0 A 3.7 A SB 30' S.4 A 32 A 3.6 A 3.4 A EB 0' - 0.6 A 0.1 A 0.6 A Park Rd & WB 0' 1.7 A 0.5 A - - 0.8 A East TWSC NB 0' 6.7 A 3.0 A 3.5 A 1.0 A Driveway 58 0' - - EB 0' - 0.3 A - - 0.3 A Park Rd & WB 0' 2.2 A 0.4 A - 0.9 A West TWSC NB 0' 5.2 A 6.7 A 2.7 A 3.2 A 0.9 A Drivew ay SB 0' 1 4.9 A 4.9 A 2013 Build Operations Table 5 provides 2013 LOS results for the 2013 build scenario, based on background traffic plus trips associated with the Walmart parcel. The simulation assumes the same signal timing plan at the intersection of Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard as under existing conditions. All intersections within the study area are anticipated to operate at LOS D or better during the PM peak period, with the three unsignalized intersections operating at LOS C or better. A total of eight movements are expected to operate at LOS E or F, with average delays for the LOS E movements summarized as follows: • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 66 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound through: 74 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound left: 75 seconds ' • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound left: 75 seconds The following movements are expected to operate at LOS F under the 2013 build scenario: ' • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard westbound left: 174 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound left: 260 seconds • Park Road & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 55 seconds ' • Park Road & East Driveway northbound right: 494 seconds Operations at the Arboretum Boulevard intersection are expected to remain around the 2013 no build levels, with increased delay to the westbound left and northbound left movements. The northbound left turn queue is anticipated to extend beyond the 230 foot t May 2011 25 Kimle -Horn Wa art (Store Traffic t Analysis y Trfic Impact Malysis and Associates Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota left turn lane, with a 95` percentile queue of 396 feet. The adjacent through lane will also block access to the left turn lane, with a 95` percentile queue of 563 feet. The westbound left turn queue is expected to fit within the turn lane; however, with a 95 percentile queue of 598 feet and 630 feet of storage length, and a posted speed of 55 mph, left turning vehicles will need to begin decelerating in the adjacent through lane, delaying vehicles making the westbound through movement. At the intersection of Park Road and Powers Boulevard, the eastbound left turn movement is expected to operate at LOS F, due to increased volumes during the PM peak hour. Queuing from this movement is expected to block vehicles exiting the east driveway from the south, leading to LOS F on the northbound approach. As a low volume side street approach, it is likely that most vehicles will reroute and utilize the west driveway during the PM peak hour. No turn lane spillback or lane blocking is anticipated from any of the left turn lanes at the intersection. Table 5 - 2013 Build 2013 Build - PM Peak Hour Lek Turn Operations by Movement Approach Overall Intersection Lek Through Right Queues Intersection Control Approach 95th Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Percentile (sec/veh) LOS (sec/veh) LOS (sec /veh) LOS (sec/veh) LOS (sec/veh) LOS EB 320' 65.6 25.5 C 5.0 A 3109 C Arboretum W 600' 174.4 37.1 D 4.0 A 49.3 D Blvd & Signal NB 395' 260.1 73.6 3.8 A 85.5 51.4 D Powers Blvd SB 105' 74.7 74.9 3.2 A 48.4 D EB 220' 55.3 16.5 C 4.2 A 39.0 WB 0' 20.4 C 22.7 C Park Rd& 11.0 B 14.4 B 13.4 B Powers Blvd TWSC NB 65' 11.0 B 1.5 A 5.3 A 3.8 A 58 40' 7.0 A 3.6 A 5.3 A 4.6 A EB 0' 23.5 C 1.3 A 23.4 C Park Rd & W 0' 0.6 A A 0.7 A East TWSC NB 0' 493.93. 5 493.5 24.6 C Driveway q7 A 47 A SB 0' EB 0' 3.2 A 2.7 A 1.9 A 2.7 A Park Rd& W 25' 2.1 A 0.2 A 0.5 A 8.6 A Wes[ TWSC NB 0' 6.1 A 8.9 A 6.4 A 6.4 A _J Driveway SB 200' 18.9 C 3.4 A 1 18.4 C 2013 Build Operations with Signal Installation and Optimization Table 6 provides LOS results for the 2013 build scenario, assuming the installation of a signal at the intersection of Park Road and Powers Boulevard, as well as optimization of splits at the intersection of Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard. The simulation assumes an optimized timing plan Park Road and Powers Boulevard, with the signal operating with an 80- second cycle length, half that of the 160 - second cycle at Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard, to allow for coordination with the optimized splits at the major intersection. Although signal optimization removes approximately 6 seconds from the major street approaches, the signal remains coordinated along the TH 5 corridor, with minimal increases in delay. May 2011 26 1 �I I t t PP P- Kimley -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Traffic Impact Analysis r and Associates. Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota All intersections within the study area are anticipated to operate at LOS D or better during PM peak period, with the two unsignalized intersections on Park Road operating at LOS A. Similar to the no build scenario, a total of six movements are expected to operate at LOS E or F, with average delays for the LOS E intersections summarized as follows: • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 71 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard westbound left: 71 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound left: 69 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound through: 62 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound left: 71 seconds The following movement is expected to operate at LOS F under the 2013 build scenario with signal installation: • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound through: 87 seconds Operations at the Arboretum Boulevard intersection are expected to remain around the 2013 no build levels, with increased delay to the southbound through movement. With the signal timing modified, queuing and blocking issues are eliminated. The 95`" percentile queue for both the northbound left turn and through movements is reduced to 232 feet, which is easily accommodated within the taper of the 230 foot storage length. The 95` percentile westbound left turn queue is reduced to 340 feet, which leaves nearly 300 feet in the turn lane for vehicles to decelerate. At the signalized intersection of Park Road and Powers Boulevard, all movements are anticipated to operate at LOS D or better. With the signal in place, queues are anticipated to clear during most cycles, allowing the northbound right -turn movement at the east driveway to operate at LOS A. The delays associated with the LOS E or F movements are not associated with operational problems at the signal, but are due to relatively low demand and long cycl lengths. No geometric improvements are recommended, and the cycle length at Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard is expected to remain at 160 seconds to maximize the coordinated westbound and eastbound through movements. May 2011 27 Kimle -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) y Traffic Impact Analysis _ d and Associates, Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota Table 6 - 2013 Build with Imorovements 2013 Build with Signal • PM Peak Hour Lek Turn Queues Operations by Movement Approach Overall Intersection Lek Through Right Intersection Control Approach 95th Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Percentile (sec /veh) LOS (sec /veh) LOS (sec/veh) LOS (sec/veh) LOS (sec/veh) LOS EB 315' 70.8 30.6 C 5.1 A 36.4 D Arboretum WEI 340' 71.3 41.4 D 4.1 A 39.2 D Blvd & Signal NB 230' 68.7 62.1 4.4 A 43.2 D 41.2 0 Powers Blvd 58 105' 71.0 87.1 3.3 A 52.8 D EB 195' 27.3 C 27.3 C 3.7 A 2000 B Park Rd& WB 0' 40.2 D 3704 D 12.2 8 21.2 C 13,2 B NB 115' 27.0 C 9.6 A 6.0 A 13.4 8 Powers Blvd Signal SB 50' 133 B 6.8 A 6.0 A 6.8 A EB 0' - 2.3 A 0.5 A 2.3 A Park Rd& W 0 - 0.6 A 0.6 A 006 A 1.7 A East TWSC NB 0' - - 8.6 A 8.6 A Driveway 58 0' 2.3 A 2.3 A EB 0' 2.9 A 0.6 A 0.2 A 0.9 A Park Rd & WB 25' 2.1 A 0.2 A 0.6 A 0.9 A 4.1 A West TWSC NB 0' 5 .9 A 7.4 A 3.9 A 4.7 A Driveway SB 1 95' 8.5 A 2.5 A 8.3 A Improsement A: Optimization or Signal Splits CO Amorelum and rowers Improvement B Signal Installation @ Park and P-rs 2030 No Build Operations Split optimization was assumed under the 2030 no build scenario due to the significant increase in volume from surrounding off -site development, although the cycle length was assumed to remain at 160 seconds. Without split optimization, the intersection of Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard is anticipated to operate at LOS F, with queues propagating throughout the network. Table 7 provides 2030 LOS results for the no build scenario, using background linear growth from 2013 to 2030 of 0.5 percent per year, plus additional traffic associated with five parcels within the study area. All intersections within the study area are anticipated to operate at LOS D or better during the PM peak period, with the three unsignalized intersections operating at LOS C or better. A total of 13 movements are expected to operate at LOS E or F, with average delays per vehicle for the LOS E movements summarized as follows: • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard westbound left: 66 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound through: 71 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound left: 76 seconds • Park Road & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 43 seconds • Park Road & Powers Boulevard eastbound through: 37 seconds • Park Road & Powers Boulevard westbound left: 48 seconds • Park Road & Powers Boulevard westbound right: 41 seconds The following movements are expected to operate at LOS F under the 2030 no build scenario: May 2011 28 1 Kimley -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) ' Traffic Impact Analysis and Associates. Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota r� _J f At the Arboretum Boulevard intersection, the through movements on Arboretum Boulevard are maintained at LOS D or C, with lower LOS on Powers Boulevard, the lower volume side street. The northbound left turn queue is anticipated to spillback from the 230' left turn lane with a 95" percentile queue of 332 feet. Access to the left turn lane is also anticipated to be blocked, with a 95 percentile queue of 394 feet in the adjacent through lane. Lane blocking may also occur on the westbound approach, with a 630 foot left turn lane and a 673 foot 95"' percentile queue in the adjacent through lane. The 95` percentile queue for the eastbound left turn is 470 feet, compared to a storage length of 550 feet. While the 95'" percentile queue is contained within the storage length, there is little length remaining in which vehicles can decelerate. This results in left turning vehicles decelerating in the adjacent through lane, causing additional delay. Table 7 - 2030 No Build 2030 No Build - PM Peak Hour • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 96 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound left: 116 seconds ' • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound through: 96 seconds • Park Road & Powers Boulevard westbound through: 61 seconds • Park Road & East Driveway northbound left: 115 seconds • Park Road & East Driveway northbound through: 102 seconds ' • Park Road & East Driveway northbound right: 100 seconds r� _J f At the Arboretum Boulevard intersection, the through movements on Arboretum Boulevard are maintained at LOS D or C, with lower LOS on Powers Boulevard, the lower volume side street. The northbound left turn queue is anticipated to spillback from the 230' left turn lane with a 95" percentile queue of 332 feet. Access to the left turn lane is also anticipated to be blocked, with a 95 percentile queue of 394 feet in the adjacent through lane. Lane blocking may also occur on the westbound approach, with a 630 foot left turn lane and a 673 foot 95"' percentile queue in the adjacent through lane. The 95` percentile queue for the eastbound left turn is 470 feet, compared to a storage length of 550 feet. While the 95'" percentile queue is contained within the storage length, there is little length remaining in which vehicles can decelerate. This results in left turning vehicles decelerating in the adjacent through lane, causing additional delay. Table 7 - 2030 No Build 2030 No Build - PM Peak Hour Lek Turn Operations by Movement Queues Approach Overall Intersection Lek Through Ril ht Intersection Control Approach 95th Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Percentile sec veh ( / ) LOS (sec /veh) LOS (sec /veh) LOS (sec /veh) LOS (sec /veh) LOS EB 470' 95.6 35.9 D 4.9 A 48.5 D Arboretum WB 370' 65.9 44.1 D 4.4 A 41.1 D Blvd & Signal 47.4 0 Powers Blvd NB 330' 115.7 71.0 4.6 A 50.7 D SB 120' 76.3 95.5 3.4 A 58.8 EB 0' 42.6 36.8 30.6 D 36.8 Park Rd& WB 0' 47.7 60.5 40.5 43.1 Powers Blvd TWSC TSC NB 45' 8.6 A 1.9 A 5.2 A 2.7 A 11.6 8 SB 60' 8.4 A 3.3 A 3.7 A 4.1 A EB 0' - - 2505 D 161 C 25.3 D Park Rd & W8 0' 1.9 A 0.5 A . - 0.7 A East TWSC NB 0' 115.4 - - 102.0 100.3 18.6 C Driveway SB 0' - Park Rd & EB 0' - - 2.6 A - - 2.6 A West TWSC WB 0' 2.6 A 0.5 A - - 0.9 A NB 0' 6.4 A 3.5 A 7.2 A 6.9 A Driveway SB 0' 6.2 A 6.2 A -provem -, vpum.zan.n or >,gnar �pnrs Los Hm orerum ano -xe 2030 Build Operations Table 8 provides 2030 LOS results for the build scenario, using the previously calculated 2030 background traffic volumes plus trips associated with the Walmart site. As with the 2030 no build scenario, split optimization was assumed at the intersection of Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard, with coordination maintained using a 160 - second cycle. 3 May 2011 29 PPP' Kimley -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Traffic Impact Analysis and Associates, Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota While the intersection of Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard is anticipated to operate at LOS D, as under the 2030 no build scenario, both of the driveways on Park Road are expected to operate at LOS F. This is the result of queuing on the eastbound approach at the intersection of Park Road and Powers Boulevard, as in the 2013 build scenario. With the increase in traffic volumes between 2013 and 2030, the eastbound Park Road queue at Powers Boulevard is anticipated to block both the east and west driveways on Park Road. At the Arboretum Boulevard intersection, LOS is maintained at a similar level to the 2030 no build scenario, but the travel demand at this intersection is, in effect, metered by the intersection of Park Road and Powers Boulevard. A total of 20 movements are expected to operate at LOS E or F. Table 8 - 2030 Build 2030 Build - PM Peak Hour Lek Turn Operations by Movement Approach Overall Intersection Lek Throu h R ht Queues Intersection Control Approach 95th Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Percentile (sec/veh) LOS ( sec/veh) LOS ( sec/veh) LOS LOS ( sec/veh) ( sec/veh) LOS ER 490' 105.0 47.1 D 5.5 A 55.6 Arboretum WB 635' 75.6 56.3 5.0 A 52.3 D Blvd & Signal NO 325' 86.0 59.0 4.5 A 40.8 D 51.4 D Powers Blvd 58 115' 76.6 91.4 3.5 A 57.7 ES 190' 191.3 26.5 D 9.4 A 127.9 Park Rd& W8 0' 155.1 173.1 129.6 138.4 29.3 D Powers Blvd TWSC NB 80' 12.7 B 2.4 A 5.5 A 4.0 A 5B 70' 10.1 B 3.4 A 5.2 A 4.8 A EB 0' - 186.2 40.5 185.5 Park Rd & W8 0. 0.6 A 1.1 A 0.7 A 125.7 Ea TWSC NO 0' 5729.1 _ 5092.5 Driveway 5B 0' - 9.2 n 9.2 A Ell 0' 283.7 253.9 298.9 - i 255.1 Park Rd & WB 20' 2.2 A 0.2 A 0.S A 0.8 A 251.2 West TWSC NB 0' 677.3 965.0 899.1 Driveway SB 500' 1468.9 ; - - 2.0 A 1436.3 Impmusmenl A: Optimization of Signal Splits @ Arboretum and Powers 2030 Build Operations with Signal Installation Table 9 provides 2030 LOS results for the build scenario, assuming the installation of a signal at the intersection of Park Road and Powers Boulevard. The simulation assumes an optimized timing plan at Park Road and Powers Boulevard, with the signal operating with an 80- second cycle length, half that of the 160 - second cycle at Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard, to allow for coordination with the optimized splits at the major intersection. All intersections within the study area are anticipated to operate at LOS D or better during PM peak period, with the two unsignalized intersections on Park Road operating at LOS A. Similar to the 2030 no build scenario, a total of six movements are expected to operate at LOS E or F, with average delays per vehicle for the LOS E intersections summarized as follows: May 2011 30 J Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Traffic Impact Analysis Chanhassen, Minnesota • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard westbound left: 72 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound through: 65 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound left: 79 seconds The following movements are expected to operate at LOS F under the 2030 build scenario with signal installation: • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 104 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound left: 122 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound through: 113 seconds As with the 2030 build scenario, operations at the Arboretum Boulevard intersection are expected to remain around the 2030 no build levels. Left turn lane spillback is anticipated on the northbound approach, where the 95` percentile queue is 395 feet. The left turn lane will also be blocked by the 479 foot queue in the adjacent northbound through lane. Some blocking will also occur on the westbound approach, which has a 630 -foot left turn lane but the 95 percentile queue in the adjacent lane is 795 feet. Also, there is little space for deceleration in the eastbound and westbound left turn lanes. The 95 1t ' percentile queues for the westbound and eastbound left turns are 605 feet and 465 feet, respectively, compared to storage lengths of 630 feet and 550 feet, respectively. At the signalized intersection of Park Road and Powers Boulevard, all movements are anticipated to operate at LOS D or better. With the signal in place, queues are anticipated to clear during most cycles, allowing the northbound right -turn movement at the east driveway to operate at LOS A. Table 9 - 2030 Build 2030 Build with Signal • PM Peak Hour Lek Turn Operations by Movement Intersection Control Approach Queues Approach Overall Intersection LeIt Through Ril ht 95th Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Percentile (sec/-h) LOS LOS LOS (sec veh) LOS (sec /veh) LOS (sec /veh) LOS EB 465' 1040 48.0 D 5.5 A 55.7 Arboretum WB 605' 72.0 52.6 D 4.9 A 49.0 D Blvd Bl Signal NO 395' 122.1 64.5 6.6 A 50.2 D 53.3 D Powers Blvd SB 120' 78.5 112.9 5.0 A 68.3 EB 200' 30.6 C 19.2 B 4.2 A 21.2 C Park Rd & WB 0' 45.0 D 50.8 D 26.4 C 32.6 C Powers Blvd Signal NO 140' 35.2 D 15.7 B 6.5 A 1802 B 17.2 8 SB 100' 29.0 C 7.3 A 6.5 A 93 A EB 0' 2.6 A 0.9 A 2.6 A Park Rd & WB 0' 0.7 A 0.6 A 0.6 A Ea TWSC NB 0' 18.1 C 18.1 C 2.1 A Driveway SB D' - - - - 5.0 A 5.0 A EB 0' 2.7 A 0.7 A 1.4 A 0.9 A Park Rd& WB 40' 2.5 A 0.3 A 0.5 A 0.9 A Wes[ TWSC NB 0' 7.2 A 6.5 A 5.0 A 5.8 A 5.1 A Dri vewa y 58 145' 12.8 8 3.0 A 12.4 B Improvement A: Optimization of Signal Splits @ Arboretum and Pursers Improvement B. Signal Installation @ Park and Po-s May 2011 31 �P' ; Kimley -Horn and Associates. Inc. Walmart (Store #5949.00) Traffic Impact Analysis Chanhassen, Minnesota 2030 Build Operations with Signal Installation and Dual Left Turn Lanes Table 10 provides 2030 LOS results for the build scenario, assuming the signal installation, split optimization, and the construction of double left turn lanes on both the eastbound and westbound approaches on Arboretum Boulevard. All intersections within the study area are anticipated to operate at LOS D or better during PM peak period, with the two unsignalized intersections on Park Road operating at LOS A. Similar to existing conditions, a total of six movements are expected to operate at LOS E, with average delays per vehicle for the LOS E intersections summarized as follows: • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard eastbound left: 80 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard westbound left: 67 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound left: 77 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard northbound through: 57 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound left: 76 seconds • Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard southbound through: 76 seconds As with the 2030 build scenario, operations at the Arboretum Boulevard intersection are expected to remain around the 2030 no build levels. Left turn lane spillback and blocking is still anticipated on the northbound approach, with a 95`" percentile queue of 347 feet for the left turn movement and 333 feet for the through movement. The left turn lane is 230 feet long and could not be lengthened without shortening the southbound left turn lane at the Park Road and Powers Boulevard intersection. Lane blocking is also anticipated on the westbound approach where the left turn lane is 630 feet long and the 95`" percentile queue in the adjacent through lane is 709 feet. With the addition of the turn lanes, approximately 300 feet of storage length is available for deceleration in the eastbound and westbound left turn lanes. 1 May 2011 3 ": Kimley -Horn ( and Associates, Inc. Table 10 - 2030 Build with Improvements Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Traffic Impact Analysis Chanhassen, Minnesota 2030 Build with Signal • PM Peak Hour Left Turn Operations by Movement Intersection Control Approach Queues Approach Overall Intersection Left Throu h Rl ht 95th Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay Percentile ( sec /veh) LOS (sec /veh LOS (sec /veh LOS (sec veh) LOS (se4veh) LOS EB 190' 79.5 39.8 D 5.4 A 45.0 D Arboretum WB 340' 66.7 43.8 D 4.6 A 42.1 D Blvd & Powers Blvd Signal NB 345' 76.7 57.2 6.4 A 38.9 D 43.0 D 58 120' 76.2 76.4 3.3 A 50.4 D EB 200' 31.1 C 18.7 B 4.1 A 21.6 C Park Rd& WB 0' 43.6 D 49.5 D 25.1 C 31.3 C Powers Btvd Signal NB 135' 34.8 C 16.0 B 6.6 A 184 8 17.3 8 SB 105' 27.6 C 7.6 A 7.3 A 9.7 A EB 0' - 2.8 A 1.1 A 2.8 A Park Rd & WB 0' - - 0.7 A 0.6 A 007 A East TWSC NB 0' 21.9 C 21.9 C 2.2 A Driveway SB 0' - 4.3 A 4.3 A EB 0' 2.9 A 0.7 A 0.5 A 0.9 A ParkRd& WB 35' 1 2.4 A 0.3 A 0.6 A 0.9 A West TWSC NB 0' 6.6 A 7.2 A 5.0 A 5.6 A 47 A Driveway SB 130' 11.4 B 2.6 A 11.1 B Improvement A: Optimization of Signal Splits @ Arboretum and Powers Improvement B Signal Installation @ Park and Powers Improvement C Eastbound Double Left @ Arboretum and Powers Improvement D: Westbound Double Left @ Arboretum and Powers 33 �- 7 1 Kimle Y -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) ' Traffic Impact Analysis .�.�' ✓ and Associates Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota Signal Warrant Analysis As demonstrated in the previous section, signal installation has the potential to significantly improve operations on Park Road, and the following section discusses signal warrant analysis methodology using the 13 -hour count conducted at Park Road and Powers Boulevard. Under the 2013 build scenario, which includes background traffic plus Walmart trips, a total of six hours are met for Warrant I and two hours are met for Warrant 1B. Additionally, two analysis hours are within 20 vehicles of satisfying Warrant IA. In all cases, the heaviest side street approach is the eastbound approach to the intersection, excluding right- turning vehicles. Table 11 presents the results for Warrants I and 1B. Table 11— 2013 Sianal Warrant Analysis Time Period Powers Blvd NB * S11 Traffic (Major Approach. s) Park Road ® Traffic (Minor Approach) Warrant t Warren l2 Warrant 3 1A 18 Major Vol. I Minor Vol. Met? Major Vol. Minor Vol. Met? Minor Vol. Met? Minor Vol. Met? 600-700 400 81 600 1 200 900 100 517 - 7:00 - 8:00 869 59 600 1 200 900 100 274 482 8:00 - 9:00 761 84 600 200 900 100 326 540 900-10:00 526 98 600 200 900 100 447 - 1000-11,00 496 157 600 200 900 100 - 11:00 - 12:00 1 631 222 600 200 YES 900 100 604 12:00 - 13:00 804 218 600 200 YES 900 100 274 482 1300 649 160 600 200 900 100 604 14:00 - 15:00 682 180 600 200 900 100 604 15.00-1600 882 230 600 200 YF$ 900 100 - 482 16:00 - 17:00 916 258 600 200 YE5 900 100 YES - 427 17:00 -18:00 1107 273 600 1 200 1 YES 900 100 YES 332 18:00 - 19:00 654 235 500 1 200 1 YES 900 1 100 - 604 Hours Met Hours Required Condition Met? 6 2 0 0 8 8 4 4 NO NO NO NO In order to add in the additional trips associated with the surrounding parcels, daily trip generation values were calculated based on each site's anticipated ITE Land Use code, as shown in Table 12. Hourly distribution assumptions were then applied to each rate, and the calculated trips were then added to the appropriate approach at the Park Road and Powers Boulevard intersection based on the trip distribution values previously discussed. By 2030, including all background traffic associated with general regional growth as well as the five parcels identified, both Warrants IA and 1 B are anticipated to be met, as shown in Table 13. May 2011 34 1 r t M M M M M M M M M M s M M M M M M M M 0 Ul Table 12 Off -Site Trip Generation Daily Pass-by Net New Total Pass -by Pass -by External Land Total Pass -by Pass -by Trips Trips Tri Use # Land Ilse T Size Units Formula Trig Falter Fait Trilis Enter Exit --- Total 7 Enter Exit 813 Frec- Standing Discount Superstore 120.209 KSF Ln(T) =1.35 Ln(X) +2.11 5,300 2,650 2,650 N/A 0 0 0 5,300 2,650 2,650 814 Specialty Retail Center 22.350 KSF T = 44.32(X) 991 496 495 N/A 0 0 0 991 496 495 814 Specialty Retail Center 32.800 KSF T= 44.32(X) 1,454 727 727 N/A 0 0 0 1,454 727 727 110 General Light Industrial 221.000 KSF T = 7.47(X) - 101.92 1,549 775 774 N/A 0 0 0 1,549 775 774 630 Clinic 28.980 KSF T = 31.45(X) 911 456 455 N/A 0 0 0 911 456 455 710 General Office 948.000 KSF Ln(T) = 0.77 Ln(X) +3.65 7,539 3,770 3,769 0% 0 0 0 7,539 3,770 3,769 820 Shopping Center 406.000 KSF Ln(T) = 0.65 Ln(X) +5.83 16,884 8,442 8,442 0 0 0 0 16,884 8,442 8,442 210 Single-Farnily Single-Family Detached Housing 132.000 Acres T= 26.04( 3,437 1,719 1.718 1 0% 1 0 0 1 0 1 3,437 1 1,719 1,718 31,191 15,597 15,594 N/A 0 0 0 31,191 15,597 15,594 ,4 � 2 D CD n n = v � U n J 7 3 @ W J @ } � n � m ' ^ yyy �ii D 4A Cp J y O J (p v ";P d `� Kimle "'; I -Horn W a lm art (Store t Analysis °-�•` � Y TrafficlmpactAnalysis and Associates Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota Table 13 — 2030 Signal Warrant Analysis Time Period Powers Blvd NB + SB Traffic (Major Approaches) Park Road EB Traffic (Minor Approach) Warrant 1 1A 1B Major Vol. Minor Vol. Met? Major Vol. Minor Vol. Met? 6:00 - 7:00 480 93 600 200 Met? 900 100 89 7:00 - 8:00 1090 73 600 200 900 100 8:00 - 9:00 1176 105 600 200 200 900 100 YES 9:00 - 10:00 841 126 600 200 8:00 - 9:00 900 100 600 10:00 - 11:00 856 198 600 1 200 900 100 11:00 - 12:00 1060 279 600 200 YES 900 100 1 YES 12:00 - 13:00 1309 273 600 200 YES 900 100 1 YES 13:00 - 14:00 1129 229 600 200 YES 900 100 YES 14:00 - 15:00 1098 231 600 200 YES 900 100 YES 15:00 - 16:00 1322 292 600 200 YES 900 100 YES 16:00 - 17:00 1353 327 600 200 YES 900 100 YES 17:00 - 18:00 1672 1 345 600 1 200 YES 900 100 YES 18:00 - 19:00 1034 1 291 600 1 200 YES 900 100 YES Hours Met Hours Required Condition Met? 8 9 8 8 YES YES In order to identify the sensitivity of the signal warrants to the timeline of surrounding development, a 2015 analysis was conducted including all traffic associated with the two additional parcels on Park Road (Land Use Code 814). By adding the trips associated with these parcels to the trips generated by the Walmart site and general background growth of 0.5 percent between 2013 and 2015, it is anticipated that Warrant IA will be met, as shown in Table 14. Table 14 — 2015 Signal Warrant Analysis Time Period Powers BWd NB+ SB Traffic Major Approaches) Park Road EB Traffic Minor Approach) Warrant 1 Warrant 2 Warrant 3 1A I 18 Major Vol. Minor Vol. Met? Major Vol. Minor Vol. Met? Minor Vol. Met? I Minor Vol. Met? 6.00 - 7:00 415 89 600 200 900 100 7:00 - 8:00 902 72 600 200 900 100 8:00 - 9:00 804 104 600 200 900 100 9:00 - 10:00 578 125 600 200 900 100 10:00 - 11:00 570 196 600 200 900 100 11.00-1200 706 275 600 200 YES 900 100 12:00 - 13+00 881 269 600 200 YES 900 100 1300-1400 718 226 600 200 1 YES 900 1 100 14,00- 1500 770 228 600 200 YES 900 100 15:00 - 16:00 977 288 600 200 YES 900 100 YES 16:00 - 17:00 1013 323 600 200 YES 900 100 YES 17:00 - 18:00 1213 341 600 200 YES 900 100 YES 18:00 - 1900 728 286 600 200 YES 900 100 Hours Met Hours Required Condition Met? 8 3 8 8 4 4 YES NO Given that trips associated with the Walmart site will nearly satisfy Warrant I in 2013, that additional development on Park Road will likely generate sufficient traffic to satisfy Warrant IA in the short term, and that a signal at the intersection of Park Road and Powers Boulevard will significantly improve local operations with additional traffic on Park Road, signal installation is recommended as part of the development of the Walmart site. May 2011 36 1 t I Klmley -Horn Walmart (Store #5949 -00) Traffic Impact Analysis ,... i and Associates. Inc. Chanhassen, Minnesota RECOMMENDATIONS With the construction of Walmart Store #5949 -00 near the southwest quadrant of the Arboretum Boulevard (Trunk Highway 5) /Powers Boulevard (CSAH 17) intersection in Chanhassen, Minnesota, it is recommended that the intersection of Park Road and Powers Boulevard be converted from side street stop control to signal control. Without stopping the northbound and southbound traffic on Powers Boulevard, there will not be enough gaps for the eastbound traffic on Park Road to enter the intersection. Queues on Park Road will, in turn, prevent vehicles from exiting from the east driveway onto Park Road. In addition, the splits at the signal for the Arboretum Boulevard and Powers Boulevard intersection should be retimed to efficiently serve the new turning movement distribution. By incorporating the recommended modifications, the street network will operate at similar levels to existing conditions. In the long term, the City should monitor the growth of the surrounding area. If the area develops as anticipated by the City, consideration should be given to adding a second left turn lane on the eastbound and westbound Arboretum Boulevard approaches to Powers Boulevard. Queues for these movements are not expected to spill out of the turn lane, but with the forecasted growth and development, would result in left turning drivers decelerating in the adjacent through lane and causing delays for through movements. Dual left turn lanes would shorten queues as well as delays. �,Iay 2 J 1 1 37 t t APPENDIX t t Appendix A Raw Turning Movement Volume Counts TRAFFIC DATA INC. Arboretum Blvd & Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 (',rni inc Prin4orl_ ('.lacc 1 _ Himnviv \ /ohirlac File Name : 1241131 Arboretum & Powers Site Code : 1241131 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 1 05:00 PM 59 Powers Blvd 28 0 143 Arboretum Blvd 286 31 Powers Blvd 395 55 79 Arboretum Blvd 0 158 9 218 Southbound 0 299 995 Westbound 63 45 25 Northbound 133 60 319 29 Eastbound 408 36 60 Start Time Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Reds App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 110 1.0 173 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 05:45 PM 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 29 44 04:00 PM 53 45 16 0 114 52 256 21 0 329 41 69 12 0 122 7 191 43 0 241 806 04:15 PM 60 39 22 0 121 54 253 27 0 334 28 64 13 0 105 2 166 46 0 214 774 04:30 PM 52 39 19 0 110 57 285 24 0 366 41 51 12 0 104 6 184 29 0 219 799 04:45 PM 1 48 43 21 0 112 1 67 293 31 0 391 1 30 69 18 0 117 6 146 41 0 193 1 813 Total 1 213 166 78 0 457 1 230 1087 103 0 1420 1 140 253 55 0 448 21 687 159 0 867 1 3192 05:00 PM 59 56 28 0 143 78 286 31 0 395 55 79 24 0 158 9 218 72 0 299 995 05:15 PM 63 45 25 0 133 60 319 29 0 408 36 60 15 0 111 9 178 55 0 242 894 05:30 PM 44 59 37 0 140 64 344 46 0 454 29 65 16 0 110 5 173 52 0 230 934 05:45 PM 54 45 30 0 129 82 298 27 0 407 29 44 14 0 87 8 160 38 0 206 829 Total 220 205 120 0 545 284 1247 133 0 1664 149 248 69 0 466 31 729 217 0 977 3652 Grand Total 433 371 198 0 1002 514 2334 236 0 3084 289 501 124 0 914 52 1416 376 0 1844 6844 Apprch % 43.2 37 19.8 0 16.7 75.7 7.7 0 31.6 54.8 13.6 0 2.8 76.8 20.4 0 Total % 6.3 5.4 2.9 0 14.6 7.5 34.1 3.4 0 45.1 4.2 7.3 1.8 0 13.4 0.8 20.7 5.5 0 26.9 Class 1 430 364 195 0 989 511 2304 230 0 3045 278 496 123 0 897 50 1378 372 0 1800 6731 % Class 1 99.3 98.1 98.5 0 98.7 99.4 98.7 97.5 0 98.7 96.2 99 99.2 0 98.1 96.2 97.3 98.9 0 97.6 98.3 Heavy Vehicles Heavy Vehicles 0.7 1.9 1.5 0 1.3 0.6 1.3 2.5 0 1.3 3.8 1 0.8 0 1.9 3.8 2.7 1.1 0 2.4 1.7 TRAFFIC DATA INC. Arboretum Blvd & Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1241131 Arboretum & Powers Powers Blvd : 1241131 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No Out In Total 989 2368 12 13 25 P 1 1379 391 2393 430 364 195 0 3 7 3 0 4331 3711 1981 0 Rght T Left Peds ju F C" � CO M M J » Q (�11 .C. North E F §:: n Cl)i C 2 F� 2/8/2011 04:00 PM W w ~ -2 o o a o m m O N N 2/8/2011 05:45 PM o 3 in in L r A Cn a Class 1 r Heavy Vehicles O N ro 0 0 o N Z m D aom�nn T r Left Thru R ht Peds 123 496 278 0 1 5 11 0 1241 5011 89 0 659 914 1573 Out In Total File Name : 1241131 Arboretum & Powers Site Code : 1241131 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No :2 I_ Traffic Data Inc. TRAFFIC D A T A i N c. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 Arboretum Blvd & Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN File Name : 1241131 Arboretum & Powers Site Code : 1241131 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 3 Powers Blvd Arboretum Blvd Powers Blvd Arboretum Blvd Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 59 56 28 0 143 78 286 31 0 395 55 79 24 0 158 9 218 72 0 299 995 05:15 PM 63 45 25 0 133 60 319 29 0 408 36 60 15 0 111 9 178 55 0 242 894 05:30 PM 44 59 37 0 140 64 344 46 0 454 29 65 16 0 110 5 173 52 0 230 934 05:45 PM 54 45 30 0 129 82 298 27 0 407 29 44 14 0 87 8 160 38 0 206 829 Total Volume 220 205 120 0 545 284 1247 133 0 1664 149 248 69 0 466 31 729 217 0 977 3652 Y TRAFFIC DATA INC. Arboretum & Powers (Heavy Vehicles) Chanhassen, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 (_rni me Drin4orl_ I-lowv \ /ohirloc File Name : 1241131 Arboretum & Powers Site Code : 1241131 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 1 05:00 PM 1 Powers Blvd 0 0 1 Arboretum Blvd 3 1 Powers Blvd 4 1 0 Arboretum Blvd 0 1 0 5 Southbound 0 5 Westbound 05:15 PM 0 1 Northbound 0 1 1 3 Eastbound 0 5 3 Start Time Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left 5 Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left 1 Peds App. 7otai Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 1.0 5 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 3 1.0 0 0 04:00 PM 1 3 1 0 5 0 7 0 0 7 1 1 0 0 2 0 8 2 0 10 24 04:15 PM 1 1 2 0 4 1 4 1 0 6 1 1 1 0 3 0 7 1 0 8 21 04:30 PM 0 2 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 5 13 04:45 PM 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 2 0 7 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 1 10 Total 1 2 6 3 0 11 1 2 18 3 0 23 1 5 3 1 0 9 1 0 22 3 0 25 1 68 05:00 PM 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 5 11 05:15 PM 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 5 3 0 0 0 3 2 3 0 0 5 14 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 4 1 2 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 5 12 05:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 4 8 Total 1 1 0 0 2 1 12 3 0 16 6 2 0 0 8 2 16 1 0 19 45 Grand Total 3 7 3 0 13 3 30 6 0 39 11 5 1 0 17 2 38 4 0 44 113 Apprch % l 23.1 53.8 23.1 0 7.7 76.9 15.4 0 64.7 29.4 5.9 0 4.5 86.4 9.1 0 I Total /0 2.7 6.2 2.7 0 11.5 2.7 26.5 5.3 0 34.5 9.7 4.4 0.9 0 15 1.8 33.6 3.5 0 38.9 M M M it M M M M M M M M= M= M M ■■■ = TRAFFIC DATA INC. Arboretum & Powers (Heavy Vehicles) Chanhassen, MN File Name : 1241131 Arboretum & Powers Site Code : 1241131 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 2 Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 Powers Blvd Out In Total 12 13 25 31 7 3 0 Rght Thru Le� Peds m a North ^' D CD 7 E C L F / —= 2 p O D 2/8/2011 04:00 PM 3 2/8/20 11 05:45 PM r � w m a M N Heavv Vehicles CD < o a - °' o _ �d I F+ Left Thru R ht Peds 1 5 11 0 15 17 32 Out In Total Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 TRAFFIC DATA JNC. Arboretum & Powers (Heavy Vehicles) Chanhassen, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1241131 Arboretum & Powers Site Code : 1241131 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 3 NeaK Flour Analysis From u4:uu NM to uo:4o F'm - veaK l oT 1 Powers Blvd Southbound Arboretum Blvd Westbound Powers Blvd Northbound Arboretum Blvd Eastbound Start Time Rght I Thru I Left I Peds I App. Total Rght I Thru I Left I Peds I App, Total Rght I Thru I Left I Pads I App. Total Rght Thru I Left I Peds I App. Total NeaK Flour Analysis From u4:uu NM to uo:4o F'm - veaK l oT 1 Peak Hour for Entire 0 Intersection Begins at 04:00 PM 04:00 PM 1 1 3 1 0 5 04:15 PM 0 1 1 2 0 4 04:30 PM 0 0 2 0 0 2 04:45 PM 2 0 0 0 0 0 Total Volume 2 2 6 3 0 11 0 7 0 0 7 1 1 0 0 1 4 1 0 6 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 1 4 2 0 7 1 0 0 0 2 18 3 0 23 5 3 1 0 7 78.3 13 0 55.6 33.3 11.1 0 0 .643 .375 .000 .821 .625 .750 .250 .000 2 0 8 2 0 3 0 7 1 0 3 0 5 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 9 0 22 3 0 Int. Total 10 24 8 21 5 13 2 10 25 68 '°'� Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South ruaffrc nara �N�. St Louis Park. MN 55416 Park Rd & Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN (',rniinc PrintArl_ (`lacc 1 File Name : 1241132 Park & Powers Site Code : 1241132 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 1 07:00 AM 17 Powers Blvd 9 0 70 0 Park Rd 1 0 2 Powers Blvd 55 13 0 74 Park Rd 0 1 0 3 149 Southbound 14 56 5 Westbound 75 2 0 Northbound 0 3 4 74 Eastbound 1 100 4 Start Time Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left 6 Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 6 1.0 07:45 AM 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 1.0 67 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 5 06:00 AM 2 30 0 0 32 23 0 15 1 39 1 10 4 0 15 15 2 35 0 52 138 06:15 AM 4 27 4 0 35 4 0 7 0 11 3 32 9 0 44 4 1 13 0 18 108 06:30 AM 8 33 4 0 45 2 0 0 0 2 5 26 9 1 41 2 0 2 0 4 92 06:45 AM 1 13 54 5 0 72 1 2 1 2 0 5 1 10 40 22 0 72 2 0 5 0 7 1 156 Total 1 27 144 13 0 184 1 31 1 24 1 57 1 19 108 44 1 172 23 3 55 0 81 1 494 07:00 AM 17 44 9 0 70 0 1 1 0 2 6 55 13 0 74 2 0 1 0 3 149 07:15 AM 14 56 5 0 75 2 0 1 0 3 4 74 21 1 100 4 0 6 0 10 188 07:30 AM 17 56 6 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 7 85 18 1 111 3 0 3 0 6 196 07:45 AM 20 121 18 0 159 2 0 1 0 3 13 67 32 3 115 7 0 5 0 12 289 Total 68 277 38 0 383 4 1 3 0 8 30 281 84 5 400 16 0 15 0 31 822 08:00 AM 13 81 17 0 111 3 1 0 0 4 13 55 24 0 92 8 0 6 0 14 221 08:15 AM 16 70 12 0 98 5 0 2 0 7 5 50 24 2 81 2 0 2 0 4 190 08:30 AM 15 49 9 0 73 4 1 2 0 7 7 29 12 2 50 2 2 6 0 10 140 08:45 AM 8 43 9 0 60 4 1 2 6 13 6 56 17 3 82 3 1 2 0 6 161 Total 52 243 47 0. 342 16 3 6 6 31 31 190 77 7 305 15 3 16 0 34 712 09:00 AM 26 28 9 0 63 5 0 1 0 6 2 35 10 1 48 1 1 4 0 6 123 09:15 AM 10 34 5 0 49 5 0 1 0 6 1 29 11 5 46 2 1 0 0 3 104 09:30 AM 9 26 3 0 38 8 3 0 0 11 4 51 6 1 62 3 0 3 0 6 117 09:45 AM 12 18 8 0 38 7 0 1 0 8 3 39 5 2 49 1 1 3 0 5 100 Total 57 106 25 0 188 25 3 3 0 31 10 154 32 9 205 7 3 10 0 20 444 10:00 AM 6 21 5 0 32 7 3 0 7 17 2 33 4 0 39 2 2 6 0 10 98 10:15 AM 6 30 8 0 44 6 0 3 1 10 0 17 5 3 25 0 0 4 0 4 83 10:30 AM 9 26 5 0 40 6 1 1 2 10 3 25 1 0 29 4 0 7 1 12 91 10:45 AM 11 29 3 3 46 7 3 2 0 12 7 32 6 4 49 3 3 8 0 14 121 Total 32 106 21 3 162 26 7 6 10 49 12 107 16 7 142 9 5 25 1 40 393 11:00 AM 9 25 2 5 41 4 1 2 0 7 1 36 9 6 52 3 0 6 0 9 109 11:15 AM 6 25 3 3 37 4 1 3 0 8 1 59 2 1 63 7 0 20 0 27 135 11:30 AM 11 38 4 0 53 10 0 6 0 16 2 62 0 3 67 12 1 15 0 28 164 11:45 AM 9 36 10 0 55 13 0 2 0 15 3 67 5 2 77 11 2 14 0 27 174 Total 35 124 19 8 186 31 2 13 0 46 7 224 16 12 259 33 3 55 0 91 582 12:00 PM 21 49 2 0 72 15 1 9 0 25 5 67 1 3 76 4 1 20 0 25 198 12:15 PM 15 69 5 0 89 5 0 1 0 6 3 53 5 1 62 5 1 8 0 14 171 12:30 PM 23 65 8 0 96 5 5 2 0 12 2 56 10 1 69 6 2 17 1 26 203 12:45 PM 19 50 7 0 76 6 3 4 0 13 5 41 10 2 58 8 3 5 0 16 163 Total 78 233 22 0 333 31 9 16 0 56 15 217 26 7 265 23 7 50 1 81 735 TRAFFIC DATA INC. Park Rd & Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 (--, - Print.rl_ Cl- 1 File Name : 1241132 Park & Powers Site Code : 1241132 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No :2 02:00 PM 6 Powers Blvd 6 0 60 5 Park Rd 3 0 9 Powers Blvd 41 2 1 48 Park Rd 1 4 0 9 126 Southbound 6 46 5 Westbound 57 5 1 Northbound 0 9 1 Eastbound 4 0 47 Start Time Rght Thru Left Peds 125 App. Total Rght Thru Left 0 Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left 8 Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left 4 Peds App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 55 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 1.0 12 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 1.0 Total 26 01:00 PM 17 61 11 0 89 4 2 1 0 7 3 49 4 3 59 5 1 13 1 20 175 01:15 PM 9 41 5 0 55 1 1 1 1 4 3 43 10 4 60 5 3 3 0 11 130 01:30 PM 15 50 10 0 75 2 2 2 0 6 1 36 8 2 47 4 0 5 0 9 137 01:45 PM 1 4 35 6 0 45 1 2 2 0 0 4 1 2 32 3 1 38 2 1 8 0 11 1 98 Total 1 45 187 32 0 264 1 9 7 4 1 21 1 9 160 25 10 204 16 5 29 1 51 1 540 02:00 PM 6 48 6 0 60 5 1 3 0 9 4 41 2 1 48 4 1 4 0 9 126 02:15 PM 6 46 5 0 57 5 1 3 0 9 1 42 4 0 47 6 4 2 0 12 125 02:30 PM 4 56 2 0 62 6 1 0 1 8 1 47 5 3 56 4 3 8 0 15 141 02:45 PM 10 55 8 0 73 6 4 2 0 12 1 34 5 2 42 1 1 5 0 7 134 Total 26 205 21 0 252 22 7 8 1 38 7 164 16 6 193 15 9 19 0 43 526 03:00 PM 6 48 3 0 57 4 0 0 0 4 1 101 6 1 109 14 2 14 0 30 200 03:15 PM 11 54 5 0 70 7 1 4 0 12 3 72 3 0 78 7 1 5 0 13 173 03:30 PM 4 56 4 0 64 6 1 1 0 8 1 83 10 0 94 8 1 9 0 18 184 03:45 PM 2 55 7 0 64 3 0 5 0 8 2 77 3 3 85 8 4 9 0 21 178 Total 23 213 19 0 255 20 2 10 0 32 7 333 22 4 366 37 8 37 0 82 735 04:00 PM 10 52 6 0 68 7 1 8 0 16 4 78 5 2 89 13 0 17 0 30 203 04:15 PM 3 58 3 0 64 4 1 4 0 9 2 68 6 0 76 13 1 9 0 23 172 04:30 PM 8 55 5 0 68 5 2 5 0 12 2 95 7 0 104 17 0 13 0 30 214 04:45 PM 17 65 3 0 85 18 1 5 0 24 1 88 8 2 99 16 1 14 0 31 239 Total 38 230 17 0 285 34 5 22 0 61 9 329 26 4 368 59 2 53 0 114 828 05:00 PM 15 73 6 0 94 27 2 8 0 37 2 115 14 0 131 24 1 17 0 42 304 05:15 PM 9 64 14 0 87 15 3 16 0 34 4 88 11 0 103 15 1 18 0 34 258 05:30 PM 27 73 11 0 111 8 0 7 0 15 6 93 29 1 129 17 1 10 0 28 283 05:45 PM 16 50 4 0 70 8 1 7 0 16 4 76 16 0 96 14 1 9 0 24 206 Total 67 260 35 0 362 58 6 38 0 102 16 372 70 1 459 70 4 54 0 128 1051 06:00 PM 4 42 6 0 52 31 1 20 0 52 0 69 2 0 71 33 2 46 0 81 256 06:15 PM 3 43 1 0 47 9 1 6 0 16 2 53 2 0 57 13 0 12 0 25 145 06:30 PM 2 46 1 0 49 3 0 3 0 6 1 45 7 1 54 11 1 4 0 16 125 06:45 PM 11 49 0 0 60 2 0 1 0 3 1 52 10 0 63 4 0 7 0 11 137 Total 20 180 8 0 208 45 2 30 0 77 4 219 21 1 245 61 3 69 0 133 663 Grand Total 568 2508 317 11 3404 352 55 183 19 609 176 2858 475 74 3583 384 55 487 3 929 8525 Apprch % 16.7 73.7 9.3 0.3 57.8 9 30 3.1 4.9 79.8 13.3 2.1 41.3 5.9 52.4 0.3 Total % 6.7 29.4 3.7 0.1 39.9 4.1 0.6 2.1 0.2 7.1 2.1 33.5 5.6 0.9 42 4.5 0.6 5.7 0 10.9 TRAFFIC DATA JNC. Park Rd & Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1241132 Park & Powers Site Code : 1241132 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 3 Powers Blvd Out In Total 3697 F 34041 F 7101 5681 2508 317 11 Rght Thru Left Peds r F O - N J J ♦ I -., .�. Cl) N O �~ North K c H —� f - N m y 2/8/2011 06:00 AM o F d v t 2!8/2011 06:45 PM a t%] o H Class 1 o d m +i T r Left Thru R ht Peds 475 2858 176 74 3075 735873 76658 Out In Total � Ar x 'N &0I TRAFFIC DATA JNC. Park Rd & Powers Blvd Chanhassen, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1241132 Park & Powers Site Code : 1241132 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 4 Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis 1-rom U(i:UU AM to U /:4b AM - FIealc 1 OT "I Powers Blvd Southbound Park Rd Westbound Powers Blvd Northbound Park Rd Eastbound Start Time Rght I Thru I Left I Peds I App. Total Rght Thru I Left I Peds I App. Total Rght I Thru I Left I Peds I App. Total Rght Thru I Left I Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis 1-rom U(i:UU AM to U /:4b AM - FIealc 1 OT "I Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:00 AM 07:00 AM 17 44 9 0 70 0 1 1 0 2 6 55 13 0 74 2 0 1 0 3 149 07:15 AM 14 56 5 0 75 2 0 1 0 3 4 74 21 1 100 4 0 6 0 10 188 07:30 AM 17 56 6 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 7 85 18 1 111 3 0 3 0 6 196 07:45 AM 20 121 18 0 159 2 0 1 0 3 13 67 32 3 115 7 0 5 0 12 289 Total Volume 68 277 38 0 383 4 1 3 0 8 30 281 84 5 400 16 0 15 0 31 822 � " YI TRAFFIC DATA INC. Park Rd & 1001 Park Rd, East Driveway Chanhassen, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 r;rnuns Printed- r.lacc 1 File Name : 1241133 Park & East Driveway Site Code : 1241133 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 1 Park Rd East Driveway Park Rd Southbound Westbound Northbound Eastbound Start Time Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 04:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 1 0 19 4 0 1 1 6 0 25 0 0 25 50 04:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 5 0 0 0 5 1 18 0 0 19 34 04:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 3 0 16 3 0 0 0 3 0 26 0 0 26 45 04:45 PM 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 26 3 0 29 1 6 0 1 2 9 1 1 29 0 1 31 1 69 Total 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 67 7 0 74 18 0 2 3 23 1 2 98 0 1 101 1 198 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 2 0 30 9 0 1 0 10 0 36 0 0 36 76 05:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 9 0 23 5 0 1 0 6 0 25 0 0 25 54 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 18 0 57 4 0 1 0 5 0 26 0 0 26 88 05:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 9 0 32 7 0 1 0 8 1 18 0 0 19 59 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 38 0 142 25 0 4 0 29 1 105 0 0 106 277 Grand Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 171 45 0 216 43 0 6 3 52 3 203 0 1 207 475 Apprch % 0 0 0 0 0 79.2 20.8 0 82.7 0 11.5 5.8 1.4 98.1 0 0.5 To % 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 9.5 0 45 .5 9.1 0 1.3 0.6 10.9 0.6 42.7 0 0.2 43.6 TRAFFIC DATA INC. Park Rd & 1001 Park Rd, East Driveway Chanhassen, MN File Name : 1241133 Park & East Driveway Site Code : 1241133 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 2 Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 Out In Total 0 0 o 01 0 0 0 Rght Thru Left Peds M O J t O A Cl) North +-2 c ° _ N H 2/8/2011 04:00 PM m m a r � 2/8/2011 05:45 PM �x °' a O N Class 1 a a a yo m m ro— I F Left Thru R ht Peds 61 01 3 3 48 52 100 Out In Total Fast nrivpwav Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 Traffic Data Inc. TRAFFIC DATA rN(. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 Park Rd & 1001 Park Rd, East Driveway Chanhassen, MN File Name : 1241133 Park & East Driveway Site Code : 1241133 Start Date : 2/8/2011 Page No : 3 F'eaK Hour Analysis From 04:00 FM to 05:45 Fm - F eaK 1 of 1 Southbound Park Rd Westbound East Driveway Northbound Park Rd Eastbound Start Time Rght I Thru I Left I Peds I App. Total Rght I Thru I Left I Peds I App. Total Rght I Thru I Left I Peds I App. Total Rght I Thru I Left I Peds I App. Total F'eaK Hour Analysis From 04:00 FM to 05:45 Fm - F eaK 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 3 0 29 6 0 1 2 9 1 29 0 1 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 2 0 30 9 0 1 0 10 0 36 0 0 05:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 9 0 23 5 0 1 0 6 0 25 0 0 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 18 0 57 4 0 1 0 5 0 26 0 0 Total Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 32 0 139 24 0 4 2 30 1 116 0 1 Int. Total 31 69 36 76 25 54 26 88 18 1 287 TRAFFIC DATA INC. Park Rd & 1001 Park Rd, West Driveway Chanhassen, MN File Name : 1241134 Park & West Driveway Site Code : 1241134 Start Date : 2/9/2011 Page No : 1 Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 Park Rd 23 6 0 West Driveway 4 1 3 Park Rd 8 0 20 0 0 Southbound 57 05:15 PM Westbound 0 0 1 Northbound 1 0 17 Eastbound 0 27 4 Start Time Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Th. Left Peds App. Total Rght I Th. Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left 0 Peds App. Total Int. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 1 12 04:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 13 1 0 2 0 3 0 25 0 0 25 41 04:15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 13 3 0 1 0 4 1 14 0 0 15 32 04:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 4 0 14 2 0 0 0 2 0 31 0 0 31 47 04:45 PM 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 15 4 0 19 1 5 0 0 0 5 1 1 18 0 0 191 43 Total 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 51 8 0 59 1 11 0 3 0 14 1 2 88 0 0 90 1 163 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 6 0 29 4 1 3 0 8 0 20 0 0 20 57 05:15 PM 0 0 1 0 1 0 17 10 0 27 4 0 1 0 5 0 21 0 0 21 54 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 12 0 34 5 0 2 0 7 3 18 0 0 21 62 05:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 2 0 15 2 0 0 0 2 0 10 0 0 10 27 Total 0 0 1 0 1 1 74 30 0 105 15 1 6 0 22 3 69 0 0 72 200 Grand Total 0 0 1 0 1 1 125 38 0 164 26 1 9 0 36 5 157 0 0 162 363 Apprch % 0 0 100 0 0.6 76.2 23.2 0 I 72.2 2.8 25 0 3.1 96.9 0 0 I Total % 0 0 0.3 0 0.3 0.3 34.4 10.5 0 45.2 7.2 0.3 2.5 0 9.9 1.4 43.3 0 0 44.6 M M M M = M M M M M M M ! M M M M M i TRAFFIC DATA INC. Park Rd & 1001 Park Rd, West Driveway Chanhassen, MN File Name : 1241134 Park & West Driveway Site Code : 1241134 Start Date : 2/9/2011 Page No :2 Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 Out In Total 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 Rght Thr u Left Peds N J� i ~ W e H 2/9/2011 04:00 PM 2 m F a L 2/9/2011 05:45 PM a a Class 1 ao am EL a— 41 T F Left Thru R ht Peds 91 11 261 0 43 36 79 Out In Total Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 TRAFFIC DATA INC. Park Rd & 1001 Park Rd, West Driveway Chanhassen, MN Traffic Data Inc. 3268 Xenwood Avenue South St Louis Park, MN 55416 File Name : 1241134 Park & West Driveway Site Code : 1241134 Start Date : 2/9/2011 Page No :3 Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis Southbound Park Rd Westbound West Driveway Northbound Park Rd Eastbound Start Time Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Rght Thru Left Pads App. Total Rght Thru Left Peds App. Total Int. Total Peak Hour Analysis From 04:017 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 4 0 19 5 0 0 0 5 1 18 0 0 19 43 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 6 0 29 4 1 3 0 8 0 20 0 0 20 57 05:15 PM 0 0 1 0 1 0 17 10 0 27 4 0 1 0 5 0 21 0 0 21 54 05:30 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 12 0 34 5 0 2 0 7 3 18 0 0 21 62 Total Volume 0 0 1 0 1 0 77 32 0 109 18 1 6 0 25 4 77 0 0 81 216 % App. Total 0 0 100 0 0 70.6 29.4 0 72 4 24 0 4.9 95.1 0 0 PHF 1 .000 .000 .250 .000 .250 1 .000 .837 .667 .000 .801 .900 .250 .500 .000 .781 .333 .917 .000 .000 .964 .871 M M M M r M M M M r M M M M M r M M M t Appendix B Volume Development Sheets m= m m m m r m= m m m m m m m SUMMARY OF TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMES Arilomtum Blvd & Powers Blvd 2013 Build Conditions Northbound Southbound Fm tband Westbound NB1, NBT NBR NBII SBL SBT SBR SBU EBL EBT EBR EBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 2011 Turning Mmenuent Count 76 282 155 0 111 208 214 0 220 715 30 0 141 1242 269 0 Initial Back round Growth Rate 0.02 0.02 0,02 002 0.02 002 002 002 072 002 0.02 002 0.02 002 002 002 Years of Growth to Fxo;ting 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Traffic Total 79 292 161 0 115 2i a 222 II 228 741 31 0 146 1287 279 0 Future Background Growth Rate oon 041 0.00 000 000 Orin 1) 11(1 01x1 nn0 0.00 0(N) 000 000 000 1)00 0.00 Years ofCrowth to Build-out 0 () I 0 () I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELture Back round Traffic Total 79 292 161 1) 115 216 222 0 221 741 31 0 146 1287 279 0 Pro Distribution n 22(1 20 710% 18°% 35% Project Assi nnent 0 n n 0 0 39 0 0 n 0 qs 0 68 0 0 n Project Distnbuhon Out 18 _(ra 35 73.0% 22.0% Project Ass i nment (Out) 37 41 71 0 0 0 n 0 n 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ProjectTrips 37 41 71 0 0 39 0 0 0 0 35 0 68 0 0 0 Pass-by Distribution n ) 10% 1 (r/. -10% 1 80% -30% 3(1% 40% 40% Pass-By Assignment n 8 0 0 0 0 n n n n -23 23 0 30 -30 0 0 Pass-By Distribution Out 30:6 80o/ loo /o Pass-By Ass i nment Out F31 n 24 0 0 0 n n n 0 0 n n n 0 n Pass -B Tri 8 0 24 0 0 0 0 u 0 -23 23 0 30 -30 0 n Diverted Trips , Proposed Redistribution ELnrre TraTc Total 147 33J 256 a 115 255 222 0 22N 718 89 0 1 244 1257 1 279 1 0 St NuLtRYOFTURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMES Paris Rd & Powers Blvd 2013 Build Conditions Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound NBL NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SBR SBIT EBL EBT EBR EBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 2011 Turning Mm rnent Count 63 384 13 0 34 275 70 0 61 4 75 0 36 6 68 0 Initial Background Growth Rate 0.02 002 002 0.02 002 002 002 002 002 002 0.02 0.02 002 002 002 0.02 Years of Growth to Existing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Traffic Total 65 399 13 0 35 285 73 0 63 a 78 0 37 6 70 0 Future Background Growth Rate 0.00 000 0n0 nlxl 0(x1 000 000 000 000 01r) 000 000 000 000 000 000 Years of Growth to Build-out 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ELmre Back round Traffic Total 65 31 13 0 35 285 73 0 63 4 78 0 37 6 70 0 Pro ect Distribution n 22(1 710% Project Assi omen[ 4� 0 0 0 0 0 142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Project Distribution Out 73.0% 22.0% Project Assignment Out 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 149 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 Pro Tri 43 0 0 0 0 0 142 0 149 0 45 0 1 0 0 0 0 Pass-by Distribution n 10% 1 (r/. -10% 1 80% Pass-13v Ass i nnpent fln) 8 -8 0 0 0 -8 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pass-By Distribution Out 80o/ loo /o Pass-By Ass i nntent Out 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 0 8 0 0 0 n 0 Pass -B Tri 8 -8 0 0 0 -8 61 0 63 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 Diverted Trips Proposed Redistribution Plnure Trams Total 116 391 13 0 35 277 276 U 275 4 131 11 1 f 70 (I m m SUMMARYOF TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMES Pack Rd & East D riveway 2013 Build Conditions Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound NBL NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SBR SBU FBL EBT EBR EBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 2011 Turning Motement Count 4 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 1 0 32 107 0 0 Initial Back round Growth Rate 002 0,02 0.02 002 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 002 0.02 002 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Years of Growth to Existing - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Traffic Total 4 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 1211 1 0 33 111 0 0 Future Back round Growth Rate 0.00 0.00 1) (x) O ," 0.00 n C 0 00 0 00 000 n tx 000 000 0 W n rs11 0 nu 000 Years of Growth to Build-out 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 Future Back round Tragic Total 4 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 1 0 .13 III 0 0 Project Distribution n 5.0% 32.0 61 fP; Project Ass igntuent n n D 0 0 0 0 n n 0 0 n 0 62 121 0 Project Distribution Out 95.0% 20°/ 95.0°/ 10% Project Ass i nntent Out n n 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 194 0 0 0 n 0 0 Pro Tri n 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 194 0 0 0 62 123 0 Pass-by Distribution n 5% -5% 27'o 63% Pass-B Ass i nment n n 0 0 rl 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 21 48 n Pass-By Distribution Out 95% 5 9 0% Pass-By Ass i nnxnt Out n n 0 0 0 n n n n 71 0 n 0 0 0 n Pms-ByTripa 0 0 0 0 0 1) 0 1) 0 71 0 0 11 21 4N 0 Diverted Trips Proposed Red6 tnbuuon -4 31 -0 FLture Traffic Total 0 1 0 25 1) 1 0 0 4 1 II 1 0 385 1 11 U 227 1' I o SUM INLIRY OF TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMES Park Rd & West Driveway 2013 Build Conditions Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound NBL NBT I NBR NBIJ SBL SBT SBR SBIJ EBL EBT IBR BBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 2011 Turning Moment Count 6 1 22 Il 1 0 0 0 0 94 4 0 33 78 0 0 Initial Back round Growth Rate 0.02 002 0.02 002 n 02 0.02 i 02 002 002 002 002 0.02 0.02 002 0.02 002 Years of Caowth to Emstin 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 Traffic Total o 1 23 Il 1 0 II a 11 97 4 0 34 i 81 0 0 Future Back round Growth Rate 000 f 110 000 n 00 ;; 00 0 00 000 0 00 Ono 0 fK" 0 00 000 0.00 Years ofCfowth to Build-out 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Future Background Tragic Total 6 I 23 U 1 1) 0 Il 0 97 4 0 34 81 0 0 Pm Distribution In 5.0% 32.0% Pmject Assi gnm in n 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 62 0 Pm ect Distribution Out 95.0% 3 0% 10% Pmject Assignment Out n 0 0 0 194 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 n 4 0 0 PrdectTri 11 II 0 n 194 0 6 0 10 0 0 0 0 4 62 0 Pus-By Distribution 5% -5% 1 -5% 32% Pass-By Assignment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -4 0 0 0 24 0 Pass-By Distribution Out 95% 5 Pass-By Assignment Out n D 1 0 0 75 0 4 0 0 0 0 n n 0 0 0 Pats -B Tri 0 1) 0 0 75 0 4 0 4 4 0 0 0 -3 24 0 Diverted Trips Pm posed Redistribution 4 31 -0 FStture Traffic Total 11) 1 11 0 2111 1 I) to 11 14 91 4 0 0 78 Mb II M M M M M = M = M� M! M == M M = SUMMARY OF TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMES Arboretum Blvd & Powers Blvd 2030 Build Conditions Northbound Southbound Fm tbonnl Westbound Westbound SQL NBT NEIL NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SBR SBU ERL EBT EBR EBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 1011 Turning Mownient Count 76 282 155 0 111 208 214 0 220 715 30 0 141 1242 269 0 Initial Background Growth Rate 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 002 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 002 002 0.02 002 002 0.02 0.02 Years of Gowrth to basting 2 2 2 2 2 ` 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Traffic Total 79 292 161 0 ]is 2 u 222 II 228 741 31 0 146 1287 279 0 Future Background Growth Rate 0,01 0.01 0.01 001 1,,,1 001 001 (1 0.01 001 0.01 0.01 001 001 001 001 Years ofGowth to Budd-out 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Off-Site Trips 74 118 246 0 0 55 0 0 8 15 17 0 118 0 0 n Future Background'[, atic l al,d 160 435 421 0 125 289 241 11 255 819 51 0 276 1396 303 1 0 Pro Distribut 730"/0 18% 35% Project Assignment n 43 Pro Assi nnxnt n ) 0 0 0 D 0 39 0 0 0 0 35 0 68 0 0 0 Pro Distribution Out 18% 20"/0 35% 730°/ .22.0"/ Project Assi nnnent Out 0 Project Assi nroent Out 37 41 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pro Trips 37 41 71 0 0 1 39 0 0 0 0 35 0 68 0 0 0 Pass-by Distribution In - 10% 80° /a -30;6 30% 40% 40% Pass-By Assignment 8 Pass-By Assignment In 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -23 23 0 30 -30 0 0 Pass-By Distribution Out 40% 30% 80% Assi nent Out Pass-By m 0 Pass-By Assi nnnent Out 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n tl Pass-ByTrip 31 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 -23 23 0 30 -30 0 0 Pro osed Redistnbution Future Traffic Total 139 Future Traffic Total 228 476 516 0 125 1 328 241 0 255 796 109 0 374 1366 303 0 SUMMARY OF TURNIN G MOVEMENT VOLUM ES Park Rd & Powers Blvd 2030 Build Conditions Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound SQL NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SBR SBU EBL EBT EBR EBU WBL WBT WBR WBU 2011 Turning Mownaent Count or 63 384 13 0 34 275 70 0 61 4 75 0 36 6 68 0 Initial Background Gowth Rate 002 002 002 002 002 002 0.02 002 002 0.02 0.02 0.02 002 0.02 002 0.02 Years of Crowth to Eosun g 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Traffic Total 65 390 13 0 35 285 73 n 63 4 78 0 37 6 70 0 Future Back mund Gowth Rate 0.01 001 0.01 001 001 nol 001 0.01 n01 A01 001 001 001 001 001 0.01 Years of Goweh to Build-out 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Off -Site Tn s 17 323 I6 0 46 102 42 0 49 0 22 0 0 66 0 Flrture Background Trafrc Total 88 30 0 84 411 121 0 117 4 107 0 62 7 142 11 Pro Distribution In 22.0 730"/0 Project Assignment n 43 0 0 0 0 0 142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 n Pro Distribution (Out) 730°/ .22.0"/ Project Assi nnnent Out 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 149 0 45 0 0 0 0 n Project Trips 43 0 0 0 0 0 1 142 0 149 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 Pass- Distribution In 10 - 10% - 10% 80° /a Pass-By Assignment 8 -8 0 0 0 -8 61 0 0 0 0 n 0 Pass -B Distribution Out 80% Assi nent Out Pass-By m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 0 U0,, 0 0 0 Pass -B Tri 8 .8 0 0 0 41 61 0 63 0 0 0 0 Proposed Redistnbution Future Traffic Total 139 749 30 0 84 403 324 11 320 4 142 11 SUM MARY OF TURNIN G MOVENI ENT VOLUM ES Park Rd & East Driveway 2030 Build Conditions Northbound Soulhlaund Eastbound VI'esibound NBL NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SBR SBU FBL EBT ERR FBU WBI, WB7' WBR WBII 2011 Turning Mopement Count ... 4 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 1 0 32 107 0 0 Inuial Background C—Ah Rmt 002 002 002 0.02 0.02 0.02 002 0.02 002 002 002 002 0.02 002 002 0.02 Ycars of G—Ah to Ewan g 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Traffic Tot al 4 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 1 U 33 III 0 0 Puture Backgmund Gormh Rate 0.01 001 001 001 001 0.01 001 001 001 0.01 001 001 001 001 001 001 Years of Crowh to BUlld —t 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Off -Site T. p, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 0 59 0 0 Fm pre Back round•1'ramc "total 4 0 27 U 0 0 0 0 0 201 1 0 36 ISn 0 0 Pmject Distribution In 5 (Pio 320 61(m Pmject Assi nimnt n ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 123 0 Project Distribution Om) 95.0 20 950% 20% Project Assi content Our 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 194 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prdect Trips 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 194 1 0 1 0 1 62 123 0 Pass-by Distribution In S% -5% 27% 63% Pass -By Assinment (In) 0 0 0 0 n 0 fl 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 48 0 Pass-By Distribution Out 95% 5 9(P /o Pass -B ) Assi nn—t Out 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pm s - By Tri 1z 0 0 0 I) 0 D U 0 0 71 0 0 0 21 48 0 Pm posed Redistribution 4 -36 36 Fn«u•c Traffic Total 1 I) 0 27 0 U 0 4 1 0 n 1 466 1 0 U 299 171 (1 SUMMARY OF TURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMES Park Rd & West Driveway 2030 Build Conditions Northbound Southim, d Fastbound Wes (bound NBI, NBT NBR NBU SBL SBT SRR SBU EBL EBT EBR EBU N \'BL WBT WBR WBII 2011 Turning Mownlent Cown to 6 1 22 0 1 0 0 0 0 94 4 0 33 78 0 0 Initial Background G.mh Ratc 002 002 002 002 002 0.02 002 0.02 002 002 002 002 0.02 002 002 0.02 Years of Ctopmh to EVStln � 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 TrAk Total 6 1 23 0 1 0 0 n 0 97 4 0 34 81 0 (1 Future Backgmund Co Al, Rate 0.01 001 001 001 001 0.01 001 001 001 001 001 0.01 001 001 001 0.01 Years of Gopmh to Buildow 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 I7 17 17 17 Off -Site Tn s 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 () 1 59 0 0 Future Background Traffic Total 7 1 25 0 1 U 0 0 0 176 4 0 37 147 0 0 Pmject Distribution In 5 (Pio 32.0 Pro ccl Assnnpent n ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 62 0 Project Distribution (Out) 95.0 3.0 20% Pmject Assi mment (0,,o 0 0 0 0 194 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 P-j-t n•i rs 0 0 0 0 194 U 1 6 0 1 10 U U 0 0 4 62 0 Pass-By Distribution 1n S% -5% -5% 32% Pass-By Assi gnntent (In) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 -4 0 0 0 24 0 Pass -B Distnbutron Out 95% 5 Pass -B , Assignment Out 0 0 0 0 75 0 4 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pass -6 Tri 0 0 0 0 75 0 4 0 4 4 U 0 0 -3 24 U Pro posed Redistnbuuon 4 36 -4 Furore Traffic Total I I 1 25 0 270 0 10 0 14 172 4 U 73 144 86 0 m m m m m m m m m m! m i S m m m m m 1 �I t Appendix C Sim Traffic Reports SimTraffic Performance Report Delay / Veh (s) 3.7 Vehicles Entered 1101 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement I SimTraffic Report Page 1 I Delay / Veh (s) 63.0 21.9 4.4 75.0 34.8 3.9 73.8 68.0 3.2 73.1 66.3 2.9 Vehicles Entered 209 730 30 135 1225 274 74 293 148 106 210 223 ' Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement 1 .n 'f ? - . t Yi�£R 1, ➢� l- overnent I . ;: r .. . ,, . a n ... f ""Wi1%5 Delay / Veh (s) 36.0 Vehicles Entered 3657 Denied Entry Before 0 I Park Road & West Driveway Performance by movement ' `= IUloyerne"6 EBT : ' EWR , : 1�1tb,L` ` WBT NBI NbT ' NBR. SBI . Delay / Veh (s) 0.2 0.3 2.0 0.5 5.5 7.9 2.6 7.1 1.0 Vehicles Entered 96 4 33 81 7 1 24 2 248 ' Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement , .EBR�WBL,� `NBR Iovernett WBT ` 1kt1 -BT _�, Delay 1 Veh (s) 0.6 0.1 1.6 0.4 5.7 3.0 0.9 ' Vehicles Entered 122 1 34 112 3 21 293 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I SimTraffic Report Page 1 I SimTraffic Performance Report 2011 Existing - PM 4/6/201 Total Network Performance SirnTraffic Report Page 2 Delay / Veh (s) Vehicles Entered Denied Entry Before 44.5 3884 0 SirnTraffic Report Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2011 Existing - PM 4/6/2011 Intersection: 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Directions Served LTR LTR L T L T R Maximum Queue (ft) 86 83 48 4 39 3 23 Average Queue (ft) 35 35 13 0 7 0 1 95th Queue (ft) 67 65 38 3 26 2 9 Link Distance (ft) 99 166 340 1152 2 674 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 0 48 60 95th Queue (ft) 309 220 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 492 512 33 130 187 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 90 102 350 225 225 Storage Blk Time ( %) 871 871 674 674 Queuing Penalty (veh) Upstream Bilk Time ( %) Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Directions Served L T T L T T R L T T L L Maximum Queue (ft) 337 270 296 274 550 578 36 160 201 217 112 119 Average Queue (ft) 183 129 156 128 340 358 2 69 127 139 48 60 95th Queue (ft) 309 220 253 225 492 512 33 130 187 209 90 102 Link Distance (ft) 2014 2014 871 871 674 674 Upstream Bilk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 550 630 600 230 250 250 Storage Blk Time ( %) 0 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard SimTraffic Report Page 3 W Directions Served T T Maximum Queue' (ft) 198 183 Average Queue (ft) 88 104 95th Queue (ft) 149 158 Link Distance (ft) 473 473 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) SimTraffic Report Page 3 Queuing and Blocking Report 2011 Existing - PM 4/6/2011 Intersection: 3: Park Road & West Drivewa Movement TYB NB $6 Directions Served LTR LTR LR Maximum Queue (ft) 29 39 30 Average Queue (ft) 2 19 2 95th Queue (ft) 14 43 15 Link Distance (ft) 292 412 357 Upstream Bilk Time ( %) Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 9: Park Road & East Drivewa Movement B NB Directions Served LTR LR Maximum Queue (ft) 49 45 Average Queue (ft) 5 19 95th Queue (ft) 26 45 Link Distance (ft) 99 387 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 1 t SimTraffic Report I Page 4 t SimTraffic Performance Report 2013 No Build - PM 4/6/2011 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL _ NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Delay / Veh (s) 11.0 10.0 5.2 9.7 11.5 5.2 7.3 1.0 5.5 5.5 3.2 3.6 Vehicles Entered 57 4 76 36 8 73 66 413 14 28 288 79 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Movement All :.,EBR ._ Delay / Veh (s) 3.7 'NBT Vehicles Entered 1142 Delay / Veh (s) Denied Entry Before 0 2.2 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement 5.2 M veiiie ,EBL,, ' EBT EBR ., WBt_:. 1 IBT .:M�BR .`' NBL. , NBT :' NBR'.. ' SB Si3R Delay / Veh (s) 64.5 22.4 4.6 75.9 37.8 4.1 74.2 68.4 3.3 73.6 69.5 3.0 Vehicles Entered 226 740 28 138 1298 273 79 295 171 112 221 239 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement 0 Movement All 0 Delay / Veh (s) 37.5 0 0 Vehicles Entered 3820 Denied Entry Before 0 I Park Road & West Driveway Performance by movement 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement IVlvveierif .. ��.,,� ':EBT. EBT :.,EBR ._ WBL ". VUBT AIBI "` . 'NBT NBR SBL All Delay / Veh (s) 0.3 0.0 2.2 0.4 5.2 6.7 2.7 4.9 0.9 Vehicles Entered 91 4 32 88 4 1 24 1 245 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement IVlvveierif .. ��.,,� ':EBT. NBR = WBt_ . `INBT' NBL NBR All Delay / Veh (s) 0.6 0.1 1.7 0.5 6.7 3.0 1.0 Vehicles Entered 114 2 37 117 4 22 296 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SimTraffic Report Page 1 SimTraffic Performance Report 2013 No Build - PM 4 /6/201 1 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s) 46.6 Vehicles Entered 4050 Denied Entry Before 0 SimTraffic Report Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2013 No Build - PM 4/6/2011 Intersection 1 Park Road & Powers Boulevard 45 „Mfl 4 L�t�e':'WF: , a�✓ wx A,,,Y, - - „ra, r dr Directions Served LTR LTR L T L R Maximum Queue (ft) 101 94 48 4 50` ` 12 Average Queue (ft) 38 34 11 0 7 1 95th Queue (ft) 71 64 37 4 29 5 Link Distance (ft) 99 166 1152 314 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 0 672 686 - Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 156 225 235 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 193 145 350 225 225 Storage Blk Time ( %) 393 14 1 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 132 139 95th Queue (ft) 307 Intersection: 2: Arboretum 268 Boulevard & Powers Boulevard M E B,....' ;wB = wBiB <. -. B4' ; B4 L L E3 Directions Served L T T L T T R T T L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 345 314 330 347 672 686 209 16 34 156 225 235 Average Queue (ft) 193 145 171 132 368 393 14 1 1 77 132 139 95th Queue (ft) 307 242 268 264 598 624, 184 11 25 143 207 207 Link Distance (ft) 2014 2014 871 871 2220 2220 674 674 Upstream Blk Time ( % °) 0 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 550 630 600 230 Storage Blk Time ( %) 1 1 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 3 0 Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard M ,v6 SB . 513 .. ' SB Directions Served L L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 123 142 186 199 Average Queue (ft) 52 65 95 111 95th Queue (ft) 108 118 160 174 Link Distance (ft) 473 473 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 250 250 Storage Blk Time ( %) 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 SimTraffic Report Page 3 Queuing and Blocking Report 1 2013 No Build - PM 4/6/2011 Intersection: I Park Road & West Drivewa Directions Served LTR LTR LR Maximum Queue (ft) 30 35 12 Average Queue (ft) 3 19 1 95th Queue (ft) 17 43 9 Link Distance (ft) 292 412 357 Upstream Blk Time �m Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) " Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 9: Park Road & East Drivew Movement " I I WB NB =' Directions Served LTR LR Maximum Queue (ft) 62 36 Average Queue (ft) 7 17 95th Queue (ft) 34 42 Link Distance (ft) 99 387 Upstream Bilk Time ( %)� Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) �u Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh)s' Network Summa Network wide Queuing Penalty: 4 1 n SimTraffic Report Page 4 SimTraffic Performance Report 2013 Build - PM 4/6/2011 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement 9iYiG if31 I 3' ^ EO � i :E131" ) 1 " ;. YVB Delay / Veh (s) 13.4 Vehicles Entered Delay/ Veh (s) 55.3 16.5 4.2 20.4 22.7 11.0 11.0 1.5 5.3 7.0 3.6 5.3 Vehicles Entered 276 5 125 31 7 77 121 406 17 34 285 282 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s) 13.4 Vehicles Entered 1666 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Movement . °' EBt " EBT "' EBR VYBt titST VtIBR ' .:I BL 1VBT .; ,.,', - NW SBL" : :SST=-:. ° SBR Delay / Veh (s) 65.6 25.5 5.0 174.4 37.1 4.0 260.1 73.6 3.8 74.7 74.9 3.2 Vehicles Entered 214 715 100 227 1275 287 149 343 263 108 265 222 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s) 51 4 Vehicles Entered 4168 Denied Entry Before 0 Performance by movement 1.9 2.1 0.2 0.5 6.1 6 65 85 88 12 0 0 0 0 0 8.9 6.4 18.9 3.4 8.6 1 22 267 10 674 0 0 0 0 0 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement Moverl�nt.. EBT .. ;" rBR" ,. UUBT.. : VtSR.... SBR All Delay/ Veh (s) 23.5 1.3 0.6 0.8 493.5 4.7 24.6 Vehicles Entered 389 1 234 175 24 2 825 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SimTraffic Report Page 1 SimTraffic Performance Report 2013 Build - PM 4/6/2011 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s) 67.7 Vehicles Entered 4538 Denied Entry Before 0 SimTraffic Report Page 2 � I � I Queuing and Blocking Report 2013 Build - PM 4/6/ Intersection: 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Directions Served L TR LTR L T T R Maximum Queue (ft) 189 94 103 92 _ 6 25 4 Average Queue (ft) 144 33 44 30 0 1 0 95th Queue (ft) 218 62 88 64 4 7 3 Link Distance (ft) 104 104 166 260 1147 1147 226 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 55 0 0 533 541 20 152 Queuing Penalty (veh) 112 0 0 Link Distance (ft) 0 2014 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 871 871 1035 350 350 Storage Blk Time ( %) Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 1 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard L T R 56 4 46 12 0 3 41 3 24 T 669 345 225 225 ,wB �. , B B1 R AN 41, Directions Served L T T L T T R T T L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 345 266 296 593 596 601 27 208 207 336 507 452 Average Queue (ft) 187 155 179 367 360 377 1 7 7 260 272 226 95th Queue (ft) 318 248 275 598 533 541 20 152 151 396 563 456 Link Distance (ft) 0 2014 2014 871 871 1035 1035 669 669 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 0' 0 1 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 2 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 550 630 600 230 Storage Blk Time ( %) 1 0 0 40 1 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 8 0 0 66 2 0 Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard M Yir3I�54 .� 3 Directions Served L L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 114 123 187 262 Average Queue (ft) 50 61 98 151 95th Queue (ft) 93 103 164 229 Link Distance (ft) 473 473 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 250 250 Storage Blk Time ( %) 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 1 I SimTraffic Report Page 3 Queuing and Blocking Report 2013 Build - PM 4/6/2011 Intersection: 3: Park Road & West Drivewa Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 9: Park Road & East Driveway € ovement EB EB WB WB NB Directions Served T TR T TR R R Directions Served LTR L R LTR LT R T T 2 Maximum Queue (ft) 73 30 8 55 219 88 26 26s' '^ Average Queue (ft) 8 7 0 21 82 10 3 2 95th Queue (ft) 42 27 4 48 202 75 34 27 Queuing Penalty Link Distance (ft) 883 291 406 339 339 116 116 Upstream Blk Time 3 0 1 0 P Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 100 Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 9: Park Road & East Driveway € ovement EB EB WB WB NB Directions Served T TR T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft) 140 227 27 56 232 30 Average Queue (ft) 65 71 1 4 82 2 95th Queue (ft) 176 271 14 32 247 14 Link Distance (ft) 291 104 104 376 339 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 5 0 2 Queuing Penalty (veh) 19 1 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 75 �Y ...e ., WNW o, xC ° . - :. 0 . 201 "'I� r. O Storage Blk Time ( %) 29 Queuing Penalty 55 (veh) Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 267 e SimTraffc Report ' Page 4 SimTraffic Performance Report 2013 Build (Improvements A -B) - PM 5/6/2011 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement SimTraffic Report Page 1 fovea ent NBT NBR` #t 4. SBT .'„i S)3R ' Delay / Veh (s) 27.3 27.3 3.7 40.2 37.4 12.2 27.0 9.6 6.0 13.3 6.8 6.0 Vehicles Entered 279 5 129 30 7 77 121 406 17 34 280 277 r 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Movement Delay / Veh (s) 13.2 Vehicles Entered 1662 2 Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement ' Delay / Veh (s) 70.8 30.6 5.1 71.3 41.4 4.1 68.7 62.1 4.4 Vehicles Entered 215 713 99 224 1265 287 150 344 265 71.0 87.1 3.3 107 269 223 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s) 41.2 Vehicles Entered 4161 3: Park Road & West Driveway Performance by movement ' Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBR All Delay / Veh (s) 2.9 0.6 0.2 2.1 0.2 0.6 5.9 7.4 3.9 8.5 2.5 4.1 ' Vehicles Entered 13 105 5 63 85 91 11 1 22 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement 266 10 672 Movement .: EBT Ebg ,; WBT WBR NBR SBR All Delay / Veh (s) 2.3 0.5 0.6 0.6 8.6 2.3 1.7 Vehicles Entered 391 1 235 175 23 3 828 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s) 53.7 Vehicles Entered 4522 SimTraffic Report Page 1 Queuing and Blocking Report 2013 Build (Improvements A -B) - PM i S$. B Directions Served L 5/6/2011 L T Intersection: 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard L T T L L T Maximum Queue (ft) 376 304 318 387 689 700 263 257 268 106 123 197 Directions Served L TR LTR L T T R L T T R 63 Maximum Queue (ft) 185 105 136 134 98 136 28 66 90 95 75 97 Average Queue (ft) 129 32 53 57 43 62 4 17 16 26 35 669 95th Queue (ft) 195 68 103 114 85 115 21 48 55 68 69 Link Distance (ft) 104 104 166 1147 1147 Queuing Penalty (veh) 669 669 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 18 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 550 630 Queuing Penalty (veh) 38 1 0 230 250 250 Storage Blk Time ( %) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 350 2 1 350 225 225 ' Storage Blk Time ( %) 1 2 3 1 0 Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Queuing Penalty (veh) r,. fo3rmen SB, aY F , Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard T SimTraffic Report ' Page 2 i S$. B Directions Served L T T L T T L T T L L T Maximum Queue (ft) 376 304 318 387 689 700 263 257 268 106 123 197 Average Queue (ft) 185 173 192 208 404 423 140 149 155 50 63 104 95th Queue (ft) 313 270 292 340 590 602 232 232 239 97 106 176 Link Distance (ft) 2014 2014 871 871 669 669 473 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 550 630 230 250 250 Storage Blk Time ( %) 0 1 2 1 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 2 3 1 0 Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard r,. fo3rmen SB, aY F Directions Served T Maximum Queue (ft) 288 Average Queue (ft) 166 95th Queue (ft) 248 Link Distance (ft) 473 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time ( %) 2 Queuing Penalty (veh) 5 SimTraffic Report ' Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2013 Build (Improvements A -B) - PM 51612011 Intersection: 3: Park Road & West Driveway • � �q.`a�;fr �¢; 'us�..�t$�r:� •.?... ��'�., ^�?' x ''� ..� ";. � %..F � s 1 ` �, _x �czfi: YC.�.3:.:��,. ., `�'',�- .a.x�^s x Directions Served LTR L R LTR LT R Maximum Queue (ft) 26 37 7 51 118 22 -, Average Queue (ft) 2 5 0 21 58 6 95th Queue (ft) 14 25 4 47 97 22 Link Distance (ft) 883 291 406 339 339 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 104 104 376 339 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 100 Storage Blk Time ( %) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 75 Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Blk Time ( %) 1 Intersection: 9: Park Road & East Driveway Directions Served T TR T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft) 103 42 14 39 52 30 Average Queue (ft) 12 2 1 2 18 2 95th Queue (ft) 55 28 11 18 45 15 Link Distance (ft) 291 104 104 376 339 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 75 Storage Blk Time ( %) 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 51 I SimTraffic Report Page 3 SimTraffic Performance Report L� 2030 No Build (Improvement A) - PM 5/4/2011 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement I 0 w n $' � S Delay / Veh (s) 42.6 36.8 30.6 47.7 60.5 40.5 8.6 1.9 5.2 8.4 3.3 3.7 Vehicles Entered 113 5 105 64 6 151 87 767 30 86 415 122 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Delay / Veh (s) 11.6 Vehicles Entered 1951 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement PS Delay I Veh (s) 47.4 Vehicles Entered 4742 Denied Entry Before 0 3: Park Road & West Driveway Performance by movement ,Bl tB Bt ' °.` All Delay / Veh (s) 2.6 0.0 2.6 0.5 6.4 3.5 7.2 6.2 Delay / Veh (s) 95.6 35.9 4.9 65.9 44.1 4.4 115.7 71.0 4.6 76.3 95.5 3.4 Vehicles Entered 261 803 51 267 1390 292 164 437 427 120 294 236 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement PS Delay I Veh (s) 47.4 Vehicles Entered 4742 Denied Entry Before 0 3: Park Road & West Driveway Performance by movement 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement Itsle 6ment ,Bl tB Bt ' °.` All Delay / Veh (s) 2.6 0.0 2.6 0.5 6.4 3.5 7.2 6.2 2.2 Vehicles Entered 171 4 36 147 7 1 25 2 393 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement Itsle 6ment EBT EBR WBL WBT ` NBL NBR... ! All Delay / Veh (s) 25.5 16.2 1.9 0.5 115.4 102.0 18.6 Vehicles Entered 198 1 34 178 4 25 440 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SirnTraffic Report ' Page 1 SimTraffic Performance Report 2030 No Build (Improvement A) - PM 5/4/2011 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s) 61.7 Vehicles Entered 5065 Denied Entry Before 0 SirnTraffic Report Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2030 No Build (Improvement A) - PM 5/4/2011 Intersection: 1: Park Road & Powers Boul >., 3 3a p �7' n � ■Y ��, g ,, � R E �py - � _- (y'�� 5'.,�'�.r !�!Yy �.�'� p ° � Y}!{ ,�.0 'a*€'s�� � ,� �+,7 �3 - ��ry\ ,. Directions Served LTR LTR T L T R L R Maximum Queue (ft) 119 237 54 57 20 14 69 22 Average Queue (ft) 90 116 3 18 1 0 28 3 95th Queue (ft) 135 218 23 43 7 8 62 14 Link Distance (ft) 99 166 223 1152 726 728 209 Upstream Blk Time 27 10 408 402 Average Queue (ft) 279 215 Queuing Penalty (veh) 63 0 467 21 4 5 187 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 226 95th Queue (ft) 469 350 350 225 225 Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Pow Boulevard r Billetlt Directions Served L z wB B . WBFi'' ?VB , * " 4' Maximum Queue (ft) 130 135 282 301 Average Queue (ft) 61 69 152 , 95th Queue (ft) 111 119 247 Directions Served L T T L T T R T T L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 498 369 409 412 726 728 209 81 94 320 408 402 Average Queue (ft) 279 215 239 238 442 467 21 4 5 187 234 226 95th Queue (ft) 469 335 358 370 673 697 228 61 72 332 394 350 Link Distance (ft) 2014 2014 871 871 2220 2220 674 674 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 0 0 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 550 630 600 230 Storage Blk Time ( %) 0 2 2 14 4 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 1 4` 7 30 7 3 Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Pow Boulevard r Billetlt Directions Served L L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 130 135 282 301 Average Queue (ft) 61 69 152 170 95th Queue (ft) 111 119 247 265 Link Distance (ft) 473 473 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 250 250 Storage Blk Time ( %) 2 3 Queuing Penalty (veh) 2 8 I 1 1 SimTraffic Report Page 3 1 t 1 Queuing and Blocking Report 2030 No Build (Improvement A) - PM 5/4/2011 Intersection: 3: Park Road & West Driveway 4 C , £ d ..e„ � L3l�lir� �� >..+,st .. ,,§ r� � .;.. : .. ,.. �. Directions Served LTR LTR LTR LR Maximum Queue (ft) 60- 47 49 31 Average Queue (ft) 7 7 21 2 95th Queue (ft) 54 31 46 14 Link Distance (ft) 894 292 412 357 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 387 Upstream Blk Time ( %} 4 Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 9: Park Road & East Dri Mc�rnett rX Directions Served LTR LTR LR Maximum Queue (ft) 217 63 136 Average Queue (ft) 63 7 39 95th Queue (ft) 212 37 117 Link Distance (ft) 292 99 387 Upstream Blk Time ( %} 4 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 8 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Network Summa Network wide Queuing Penalty: 133 SimTraffic Report Page 4 I SimTraffic Performance Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A) - PM EBT� BR tBt .u:..:M 5/5/2011 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement .: Denied Entry Before N 40.5 0.6 Delay / Veh (s) 191.3 26.5 9.4 155.1 173.1 129.6 12.7 2.4 5.5 10.1 3.4 5.2 Vehicles Entered 144 4 74 56 8 136 137 764 33 84 403 318 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement e 1 r EBT� BR tBt .u:..:M [ - NBT I BR � 56t= F3 SCR .: Denied Entry Before Delay / Veh (s) 29.3 40.5 0.6 1.1 5729 1 9.2 Vehicles Entered 2161 Delay 1 Veh (s) 105.0 47.1 5.5 75.6 Denied Entry Before 0 86.0 59.0 4.5 76.6 91.4 3.5 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement e 1 X 1 2 EBT� BR tBt .u:..:M [ - NBT I BR � 56t= F3 SCR .: Denied Entry Before 0 40.5 0.6 1.1 5729 1 9.2 125.7 Delay 1 Veh (s) 105.0 47.1 5.5 75.6 56.3 5.0 86.0 59.0 4.5 76.6 91.4 3.5 Vehicles Entered 246 782 108 378 1395 304 192 405 444 121 307 235 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Movement All Delay / Veh (s) 51.4 Vehicles Entered 4917 Denied Entry Before 0 3: Park Road & West Driveway Performance by movement 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement Movement EBT EBR WBT WBR NBR SBR All Delay / Veh (s) 186.2 40.5 0.6 1.1 5729 1 9.2 125.7 Vehicles Entered 222 Delay / Veh (s) 283.7 253.9 298.9 2.2 0.2 0.5 677.3 965.0 1468.9 2.0 251.2 Vehicles Entered 11 167 3 73 136 88 13 1 24 47 1 564 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement Movement EBT EBR WBT WBR NBR SBR All Delay / Veh (s) 186.2 40.5 0.6 1.1 5729 1 9.2 125.7 Vehicles Entered 222 1 295 166 17 3 704 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 SimTraffic Report Page 1 J SimTraffic Performance Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A) - PM 5/5/2011 Total Network Performance Delay / Veh (s) 199.1 Vehicles Entered 5317 Denied Entry Before 4 SirnTraffic Report Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A) - PM 5/5/2011 Intersection: 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard EB,t Directions Served L TR LTR T L T R L T R Maximum Queue (ft) 206 115 253 225 107 8 13 91 4 57 Average Queue (ft) 178 38 207 119 36 0 1 35 0 5 95th Queue (ft) 190 89 304 295 81 4 7 71 3 30 Link Distance (ft) 104 104 166 223 832 1147 430 174 669 323 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 99 1 69 30 2014 15 871 871 2220 Queuing Penalty (veh) 244 1 0 0 1 2 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 350 Queuing Penalty (veh) 350 225 225 Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard EB,t Directions Served L Directions Served L T T L T T R T T L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 486 405 419 779 864 874 690 312 342 330 347 363 Average Queue (ft) 280 255 277 374 530 550 64 20 27 195 180 185 95th Queue (ft) 488 370 390 635 832 852 430 174 226 323 316 310 Link Distance (ft) 2014 2014 15 871 871 2220 2220 669 669 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 1 2 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 550 630 600 230 Storage Blk Time ( %) 1 0 1 5 7 10 2 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 4 0 7 19 21 23 4 3 Intersection: 2: Arboretum Bouleva & Powers Boulevard Cl 1 1 C] t SimTraffic Report ' Page 3 Directions Served L L T T R Maximum Queue (ft) 124 138 260 308 219 Average Queue (ft) 57 67 141 188 16 95th Queue (ft) 107 117 234 299 137 Link Distance (ft) 473 473 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 250 250 250 Storage Blk Time ( %) 1 6 Queuing Penalty (veh) 2 15 Cl 1 1 C] t SimTraffic Report ' Page 3 ' Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 914 1 SimTraffic Report Page 4 Queuing and Blocking Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A) - PM 5/5/2011 Intersection: 3: Park Road & West Driveway ' Directions Served LTR T L R LTR T LT R T T Maximum Queue (ft) 592 54 35 9 359 58 420 82 136 131 Average Queue (ft) 355 95th Queue (ft) 862 26 149 5 22 0 6 190 424 17 119 389 500 19 149 117 168 91 181 Link Distance (ft) 883 257 291 406 277 339 339 116 116 Upstream Blk Time ( ° 10) 12 6 10 4 94 0 93 63 ' Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 100 Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 4: Bend Nloveraent . Directions Served T Maximum Queue (ft) 370 ' Average Queue (ft) 13 95th Queue (ft) 194 Link Distance ft 871 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 0 ' Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 1 Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 9: Park Road & East Driveway °ES, . EB .;. IVB :BNB N87 " .'. , 61£}..." 6! Directions Served T TR T TR R T R ' Maximum Queue (ft) 150 Average Queue (ft) 149 307 290 12 0 75 4 447 293 180 34 30 2 95th Queue (ft) 154 363 6 30 526 138 15' Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time ( %) 291 74 104 104 0 376 45 257 0 339 Queuing Penalty (veh) 344 1 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 75 ' Storage Blk Time ( %) 97 Queuing Penalty (veh) 226 ' Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 914 1 SimTraffic Report Page 4 SimTraffic Performance Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A -B) - PM r,)3 �L �.SB _ All Delay I Veh (s) 2.7 SBA BIR 5/5/2011 104.0 48.0 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement 52.6 4.9 122.1 64.5 6.6 r 112.9 5.0 t ..S T, S a 243 787 Delay / Veh (s) 30.6 19.2 4.2 45.0 50.8 26.4 35.2 15.7 6.5 29.0 7.3 6.5 ' Vehicles Entered 310 5 168 63 8 146 136 769 32 85 399 314 0 0 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Delay / Veh (s) 17.2 Vehicles Entered 2435 Denied Entry Before 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Delay I Veh (s) 53.3 Vehicles Entered 5101 Denied Entry Before 0 3: Park Road & West Driveway Performance by movement N.�. _ NIBT r,)3 �L �.SB _ All Delay I Veh (s) 2.7 SBA BIR Delay / Veh (s) 104.0 48.0 5.5 72.0 52.6 4.9 122.1 64.5 6.6 78.5 112.9 5.0 Vehicles Entered 243 787 108 372 1385 311 224 476 526 119 312 238 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Delay I Veh (s) 53.3 Vehicles Entered 5101 Denied Entry Before 0 3: Park Road & West Driveway Performance by movement 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement MMment ,.:' N.�. _ NIBT r,)3 �L �.SB _ All Delay I Veh (s) 2.7 0.7 1.4 2.5 0.3 0.5 7.2 6.5 5.0 12.8 3.0 5.1 Vehicles Entered 11 169 3 73 138 88 12 1 26 267 10 798 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement MMment ,.:' B .. EBR , : ""UVBT : "WBR NBR .. 4 ". ,... 3..... dA _ :... IMIM Delay / Veh (s) 2.6 0.9 0.7 0.6 18.1 5.0 2.1 Vehicles Entered 459 2 297 165 24 2 949 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L Ci SirnTraffic Report Page 1 ' SimTraffic Performance Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A -B) - PM 5/5/2011 Total Network Performance t J 11 SirnTraffic Report Page 2 3 .�� , �aw!�_ .. ��; e - 24� -ae� -= n _ Z_• 4.� .aka_ . L..9 a : mss,° � c,bs "�-a� _ € i Delay / Veh (s) 69.3 Vehicles Entered 5551 Denied Entry Before 0 t J 11 SirnTraffic Report Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A -B) - PM 5/5/2011 Intersection: 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Directions Served L TR LTR T L T T R L T T R Maximum Queue (ft) 182 92 225 25 158 190 273 45 134 314 78 107 Average Queue (ft) 143 38 109 1 72 90 140 11 52 25 30 52 95th' Queue (ft) 199 71 196 13 142 162 223" 35 101 164 66 93 Link Distance (ft) 104 104 166 223 1147 1147 0 0 669 669 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 26 0 3 250 250 0 Storage Blk Time ( %) Penalty Queuing Penalty (veh) 65 0 0 ' Queuing (veh) 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 350 350 225 225 Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: Arboretum Bou & Powers B 1 o �y ulev yy{} a ar� rd Directions Served L T T L T T R T T L T T Maximum Queue (ft) 500 398 420 758 873 882 423 84 132 350 522 492 Average Queue (ft) 267 255 277 368 518 545 22 3 7 265 268 250 95th Queue (ft) 463 360 382 605 795 832 229 37 62 395 479 435 Link Distance (ft) 2014 2014 871 871 2220 2220 669 669 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 0 1 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 550 630 600 230 Storage Blk Time ( %) 0 4 6 30 4 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 2 15 18 72 10 6 Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard fi� , 38..... SB ..: SB .. SB , , ". B6 66 `1 Directions Served R L L T T R T T Maximum Queue (ft) Average Queue (ft) 82 3 123 57 148 66 355 170 382 222 148 24 39 1 64 3 , 95th Queue (ft) 60 107 119 31,1 369 172 16 40 Link Distance (ft) 473 473 1834 1834 Upstream Blk Time ( %) 1 1 ' Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 300 250 250 250 Storage Blk Time ( %) Penalty 3 3 13 32 ' Queuing (veh) I � I � I i SimTraffic Report , Page 3 A ' Queuing and Blocking Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A -B) - PM 5/5/2011 1 Intersection: 3: Park Road & West Driveway Directions Served LTR L R LTR LT R Maximum Queue (ft) 32 34 9 54 195 22 Average Queue (ft) 2 95th Queue (ft) 16 13 38 0 24 6 50 75 146 6 21 Link Distance (ft) 883 291 406 339 339 Upstream Blk Time ( %) ' Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 100 Storage Blk Time ( %) 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 4: Bend ' Movement %.: EB Directions Served T Maximum Queue (ft) 372 ' Average Queue (ft) 13 95th Queue (ft) 195 Link Distance (ft) 871 ' Upstream Blk Time ( %) 0 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) ' Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 9: Park Road & East Driveway Movemenf d Directions Served T T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft) 110 Average Queue (ft) 17 10 1 22 63 1 20 30 2 95th Queue (ft) 71 9 9 51 16 ' Link Distance (ft) Upstream Blk Time ( %) 104 104 376 339 Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 75 Storage Blk Time ( %) 1 ' Queuing Penalty (veh) 3 Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 225 I SimTraffic Report Page 4 1 SimTraffic Performance Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A -D) - PM ,,.w EBB u it R Delay / Veh (s) 79.5 39.8 5/5/2011 43.8 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement 76.7 57.2 6.4 76.2 ' Vehicles Entered 244 :1NBL WBT WBR' NBT NBR SBL' SB'T SBR 120 , Delay / Veh (s) 31.1 18.7 4.1 43.6 49.5 25.1 34.8 16.0 6.6 27.6 7.6 7.3 ' Vehicles Entered , 308 5 167 62 9 146 138 765 32 86 397 315 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement Sj@ EO&A NM 13 t�� F .. .E3, a YY,$__.��,, ,,.w EBB u it R Delay / Veh (s) 79.5 39.8 5.4 66.7 43.8 4.6 76.7 57.2 6.4 76.2 76.4 3.3 Vehicles Entered 244 787 106 373 1385 311 223 471 525 120 , 312 235 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Performance by movement .� :a. Delay / Veh (s) 43.0 Vehicles Entered 5092 Denied Entry Before 0 3: Park Road & West Driveway Performance by movement laysriiei�t EL ,,.w EBB BR TiyBF' IB! r JBT ' rW Et. ,SBA. SB12 ,4�I Delay / Veh (s) 2.9 0.7 0.5 2.4 0.3 0.6 6.6 7.2 5.0 11.4 2.6 4.7 Vehicles Entered 11 167 3 74 137 88 12 1 26 266 10 795 Denied Entry Before 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9: Park Road & East Driveway Performance by movement Movement EBT Delay 1 Veh (s) 2.8 Vehicles Entered 456 Denied Entry Before 0 i 1.1 0.7 0.6 21.9 4.3 2 297 166 24 2 0 0 0 0 0 All 2.2 947 0 1 t SimTraffic Report , Page 1 SimTraffic Performance Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A -D) - PM 5/5/2011 Total Network Performance 1 u SirnTraffic Report Page 2 Delay / Veh (s) 59.6 Vehicles Entered 5542 Denied Entry Before 0 1 u SirnTraffic Report Page 2 Queuing and Blocking Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A -D) - PM 5/5/2011 Intersection: 1: Park Road & Powers Boulevard Directions Served L TR LTR T L T T R L T T SB R Maximum Queue (ft) 187 86 223 17 157 212 274 44 124 78 112 109 Average Queue (ft) 147 37 106 0 71 94 144 11 53 17 32 47 95th Queue (ft) 198 69 193 6 133 174 233 35 104 56 77 93 Link Distance (ft) 104 104 166 223 1147 1147 29 1 669 669 95th Queue (ft) Upstream Blk Time ( %) 27 0 3 338 709 744 269 16 19 Queuing Penalty (veh) 67 0 0 2014 250 870 870 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 2220 Storage Blk Time ( %°) Upstream Blk Time ( %) 350 350 225 0 225 Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Directions Served T T L L T T R Maximum Queue (ft) 397 Directions Served L L T T L L T T R T T L Maximum Queue (ft) 201 220 359 383 257 500 775 835 728 22 27 349 Average Queue (ft) 115 118 234 259 148 194 457 482 29 1 1 218 95th Queue (ft) 183 192 337 356 226 338 709 744 269 16 19 347 Link Distance (ft) 2014 2014 250 870 870 2220 2220 Storage Blk Time ( %°) Upstream Blk Time ( %) 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 Queuing Penalty (veh) 0 7 0 0 0 Storage Bay Dist (ft) 550 550 630 630 600 230 Storage Blk Time ( %) 2 3 10 Queuing Penalty (veh) 7 9 24 Intersection: 2: Arboretum Boulevard & Powers Boulevard Directions Served T T L L T T R Maximum Queue (ft) 397 374 126 139 241 307 143 Average Queue (ft) 202 202 59 70 128 175 5 95th Queue (ft) 333 317 113 119 207 270 75 Link Distance (ft) 669 669 473 473 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 250 250 250 Storage Blk Time ( %°) 3 0 0 3 Queuing Penalty (veh) 7 2 0 7 t SimTraffic Report ' Page 3 1 Queuing and Blocking Report 2030 Build (Mitigation A -D) - PM 5/5/2011 Intersection: 3: Park Road & West Drivewa Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 4: Bend Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 9: Park Road & East Driveway Directions Served T TR T TR R Directions Served LTR L R LTR LT R Maximum Queue (ft) 27 34 4 61 166 22 Average Queue (ft) 2 10 0 24 70 6 95th Queue (ft) 13 34 3 51 130 21 Link Distance (ft) 883 1 291 406 339 339 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 100 Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 4: Bend Storage Bay Dist (ft) Storage Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Intersection: 9: Park Road & East Driveway Directions Served T TR T TR R R Maximum Queue (ft) 124 35 23 42 75 30 Average Queue (ft) 20 1 1 1 21 2 95th Queue (ft) 81 26 9 16 55 16 Link Distance (ft) 291 104 104 376 339 Upstream Blk Time ( %) Queuing Penalty (veh) Storage Bay Dist (ft) 75 Storage Blk Time ( %) 1 Queuing Penalty (veh) 3 Network Summary Network wide Queuing Penalty: 127 SimTraffic Report Page 4 r] =FJ Kanley-Hom and Associates, Inc, Walmart Store #5949 -00 Technical Memorandum To: Paul Oehme, City of Chanhassen From: Lucas C. Payne, PE (MN), Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. William D. Matzek, PE (MN), Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. ■ 2550 University Avenue W. Date: November 21, 2011 Suite 238N St Paul, MN 55114 Subj: Walmart Store #5949 -00 Preliminary Drainage Analysis The existing Site is located at the southwest quadrant of Powers Boulevard and MN Highway 5 in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. Walmart Stores, Inc. is proposing to build a 117,278 square foot retail store, proposed paved parking lot, stormwater management infrastructure, and utilities. Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) has analyzed the existing and proposed drainage conditions of the Site. The analysis of the existing and proposed drainage systems was completed with the assistance of HydroCAD, Version 8.00. Existing Drainage The existing Site is approximately 14.11 acres and 5.31 acres are covered with impervious surfaces. The Site currently has a vacant building that is approximately 154,674 square feet. The existing Site utilizes overland flow into multiple pipe networks around the Site. There are four outfalls from the Site where untreated stormwater is discharged. Outfall 1 takes drainage from the existing parking lot and building and discharges directly into an existing wetland west of the Site through two existing stormwater pipes. Outfall2 drains into an existing drainage swale at the northeast corner of the Site. The water then flows over land into an existing 18" RCP which eventually discharges into the aforementioned wetland. Outfall3 takes drainage from the east side of the Site and sheet flows into an existing 15" RCP at the southeast corner of the Site. The stormwater discharges into an existing stormwater system beneath Powers Boulevard. Outfall 4 takes runoff from the south edge of the property. Stormwater sheetflows in the Park Road Right -of -Way and eventually into an existing storm sewer system. Proposed Drainage The proposed Site will consist of a 117,278 square foot building and a paved parking lot. The proposed Site will contain 8.73 acres of impervious surfaces. The proposed drainage system will consist of the construction of a new storm sewer system, two underground stormwater management systems, and four rain gardens. The proposed Site will discharge the majority of the treated stormwater into the wetland west of the Site. Outfall 3 will convey sheet flow from offsite and the easterly edge of the Site into an existing 15" RCP at the southeast corner of the Site. The stormwater discharges into an existing stormwater system beneath Powers Boulevard. Outfall 4 takes runoff from the south edge of the property. Stormwater sheetflows in the Park Road Right - of -Way and eventually into an existing storm sewer system. The amount of dishcharge into the Walmart #5949 -00 Technical Memorandum Park Road Right -of -Way decreases from the existing condition in the 2 -, 10 -, and 100 -year storms. The Site will comply with all applicable Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, City of Chanhassen, and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency applicable standards. Rate Attenuation Summary The proposed Site will increase impervious area by 3.42 acres. The stormwater management system will provide rate attenuation for the 2 -, 10 -, and 100 -year storms. The following table summarizes the existing and proposed discharge rates from the Site. EXISTING RUNOFF RATES 2 -Year (cfs) 10 -Year (cfs) 100 -Year (cfs) Outfall1 17.92 28.65 33.85 Outfall2 0.82 1.93 3.55 Outfall3 5.29 9.54 15.10 Outfall4 1.73 3.65 6.34 Total Site Discharge 25.76 43.77 58.84 PROPOSED RUNOFF RATES Outfalll /Outfall2 14.55 21.87 37.34 Outfall3 0.50 1.13 2.04 Outfall4 0.49 0.74 1.06 Total Site Discharge 15.54 23.74 40.44 Water Quality Summary The Site will utilize two StormTech SC -740 systems, and four rain gardens to meet and exceed the water quality requirements. The City of Chanhassen Surface Water Management Plan requires that 1 inch of runoff from the new impervious shall be treated onsite. Since the Site discharges into an impaired water, treatment will be provided for 1 inch of total impervious throughout the Site. The StormTech systems will provide pretreatment within prefabricated Isolator Rows. The StormTech Isolator Row is a row of StormTech chambers that are encased in geotextile fabric and acts as a sediment trap, prior to discharging into the entire system. A strip of non -woven geotextile fabric is wrapped over the top of the chambers for the entire length of the row, separating the first flush from larger storms. The Isolator Rows have been designed to remove up to 95% total suspended solids (TSS). Additional treatment will occur as water filters through the attenuation chambers and exits the underlying draintile. The Isolator Rows can be accessed via manholes at the ends of the rows and the sediment can be removed utilizing vacuum trucks on an as- needed basis. Four rain gardens will be placed in landscape areas throughout the Site. Rain gardens will provide first flush water quality treatment by biofiltration. Filtration was used in lieu of Walmart #5949 -00 Technical Memorandum infiltration due to the existing clay soils onsite. Rain gardens will also provide TSS and phosphorous removal throughout the Site. Below is a table summarizing the water quality treatment provided onsite. WATER QUALITY TREATMENT VOLUME Water Quality Treatment Volume Required Volume (cf) Impervious Area (ac) Volume (cf) 1 inch over impervious area 1 8.73 31,690 Water Quality Treatment Volume Provided Volume (cf) StormTech System 1 22,433 StormTech System 2 9,670 Gardens 4,696 [ R o a t in al 36,799 Please contact me at (651) 645 -4185 if you have any questions. Sincerely, KIMLEY -HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. M - 4 � Lucas C. Payne, P.E. CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on October 20, 2011, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Walmart Rezoning — Planning Case 2011 -11 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A ", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kare� J. Engj�a)dt, DepQ Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of C):: r , 2011. Notary ublic KIM T. MEUWISSEN Notary Public- Minnesota i ...�; MY C Jan 31, 2015 ommission Expires Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Rezoning from Industrial Office Park (IOP) to Proposal: Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a commercial development of a 120,000 square -foot Walmart Store on approximately 14. 10 acres of land. Applicant: Walmart, c/o Kimle -Horn Associates, Inc. Property 1000 Park Road Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /sery /plan /11- 11.html If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Kate Questions & Aanenson by email at kaanenson(o or Comments: by phone at 952 - 227 -1139. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday p rior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Rezoning from Industrial Office Park (IOP) to Proposal: Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a commercial development of a 120,000 square -foot Walmart Store on approximately 14. 10 acres of land. Applicant: Walmart, c/o Kimle -Horn Associates, Inc. Property 1000 Park Road Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /sery /plan /11- 11.html If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Kate Questions & Aanenson by email at kanenson(o)-ci.chanhassen.mn.us or Comments: by phone at 952 - 227 -1139. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. CNL FUNDING 2000 -A CORE MPLS INDUST PORTF ETAL DONALD E HALLA REVOCABLE PO BOX 1671 1600 DAVE ST #450 TRUST ORLANDO FL 32802 -1671 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 -2447 PO BOX 260888 PLANO TX 75026 -0888 ECKANKAR PO BOX 2000 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -2000 ISTAR MINNESOTA LLC PO BOX 4900 SCOTTSDALE AZ 85261 -4900 LOTUS HOLDINGS LLC 7411 FRONTIER TRL CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9722 RIDGEVIEW MEDICAL CENTER 500 MAPLE ST S WACONIA MN 55387 -1791 WILLIAM MATZEK KIMLEY -HORN ASSOCIATES INC. 2550 UNIVERSITY AVE W STE 238N ST. PAUL MN 55114 TFK MAMMOTH LLC 7801 PARK DR STE F CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9219 UNITED MAILING INC 7951 POWERS BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9502 Carver County, MN - ____fwd.— s- .'- �+..t� ;. � ' ��f J _ ..a t * 11"L pod l t Property Information Parcel ID: 255660010 Taxpayer Name: ISTAR MINNESOTA LLC Taxpayer Address: PO BOX 4900 Taxpayer City St. Zip: SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85261 -4900 Property Address: 1000 PARK RD Property City: CHANHASSEN AS400 Acres: 14.68 Homestead: N School District: 0112 Watershed District: WS 064 RILEY PURG BLUFF CREEK Tax Exempt: N Platname: PARK TWO 2ND ADDITION GIS Acres: 14.1 Disclaimer. This map was created using Carver County's Geographic Map Scale N Information Systems (GIS), it is a compilation of information and data from 1 inch = 641 feet various City,County. State, and Federal offices. This map is not a surveyed or legally recorded map and is intended to be used as a W E reference. Carver County is not responsible for any inaccuracies Map Date contained herein. 10/13/2011 S 46 0 IWCODIRECTO DIRECT NARKETINO LIKE NO ONE ELSE Joseph Morrison President Phone: 952 - 470 -6460 Fax: 952 - 380 -3969 November 21, 2011 Mr. Todd Gerhardt Chanhassen City Manager 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Gerhardt: - r Y r _ CHAN 1 SSE N ANHA� N IN, i iv�, ; i -)r 7951 Powers Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 As we are all aware, the Planning Commission recently voted to deny the Concept Planned Unit Development at the intersection of Highway 5 and Powers Boulevard. As the long term lessee of the property owned by Istar, we wish to provide the City Council an important perspective before its vote on November 28th. For the past 35 years IWCO Direct has called Chanhassen home. During this time we've expanded our operations and added jobs along the way. Today we are the third largest employer in Chanhassen, providing 880 jobs in Chanhassen and more than 1,400 jobs in Minnesota. We are proud of our history of working with city leadership to address key issues such as transportation, education, and health care. In short, we fully embrace the city of Chanhassen and understand that a thriving community is good for residents, businesses and local government. That's why we encourage the City Council to carefully consider the potential benefits of the proposed Walmart site. During the past six years, we've been unsuccessful in finding a buyer for this land parcel — until now. Developing this parcel as a vibrant retail destination appears to be its best purpose. It will create an anchor point for Chanhassen's commerce corridor bringing customers not only to Walmart but to the surrounding retail stores and restaurants. If the City Council votes against the development, it likely will take years to find another buyer, delaying the opportunity for an enhanced tax -base. Until then, it will remain an under - utilized asset to Chanhassen from a jobs and tax perspective. Walmart anticipates the new development will provide between 250 -300 needed jobs in Chanhassen. The new development will also add to the tax base. As reported in the local papers, in 2011 the Eden Prairie Walmart generated $380,000 in property taxes. To put that in context, IWCO Direct paid $280,394 in property taxes in 2011 on the property in its current, underutilized capacity. In addition, Walmart engaged Kimley -Horn for a traffic study. IWCO Direct reviewed their findings and concluded the proposed plan will improve traffic flow in the area and make it safer for our employees to cross between our buildings on Park Road and Powers Boulevard than the current situation. Residents are currently leaving the city to shop at Walmart stores in nearby cities. Welcoming Walmart to Chanhassen will benefit our residents in many ways. Dollars stay here to provide new jobs, grow the tax base and help make Chanhassen a more vibrant community. We encourage the City Council to vote in favor of the Walmart plan on November 28th. Sincerely, Joe Morrison Corporate Headquarters: 7951 Powers Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317 -9502 Facility Locations: Downey, CA • Little Falls, MN • Hamburg, PA • Warminster, PA Aanenson, Kate From: Scott Paulson [gcfworld @gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 7:19 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart Good morning Kate, My name is Scott Paulson and I met with you a few years ago regarding the proposed Harley Davidson Dealership. At that time you indicated to me that you had 'Big Box' retailers contacting you constantly about building in Chanhassen. You told me that there wasn't a single 'big box' location in town left. Is this still the case? What is the cities stance on Walmart? I believe it would destroy the town and once they come in you can't get rid of them (see Eden Prairie!). Thank you, Scott Paulson Aanenson, Kate From: Matt & Sarah Thomas [Thomas8407 @q.com] Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 9:39 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Wal-Mart Hi Kate, Thank you for taking the time to speak with me this morning regarding the proposed Wal -Mart development. At the time I was unable to access the documents via Laserfiche. I have once again attempted to download the PDF from the City website and while I couldn't print the PDF's I was able to view them. I hope to stop by City Hall tomorrow to take a closer look at the plan set and obtain some copies. A few quick things; I realize this is simply a concept plan but they don't have much of a narrative to support their request. I'd like to know why they propose the zoning change, what benefit a rezoning and PUD would bring to the City, and why they can't meet the standards within the zoning code? I'd like to see if they could meet the zoning standards and what a 65,000 SF Wal -Mart would look like. The rear of the building, outdoor storage and proof of parking along a busy corridor and entrance to downtown is not a good layout, in my opinion. To garner support for this type of proposal the development should enhance not only the site but the entire area and create a gateway to the downtown. Because of the number of deviations from code that I can only assume they'll need, the development should provide a public benefit and also go above and beyond basic zoning requirements. The "sign on a stick" pylon design shows Wal -Mart does not have the community in mind. As I stated this morning, traffic greatly concerns me. 212 just alleviated the traffic on Hwy 5 and this development would put us right back where we started. I don't know of any Chanhassen residents that have a desire for another big box discount store in town, especially with Target right across the street. So we will have the traffic and road repairs that are brought to us from residents living outside the City. Lastly, Chanhassen contracts through the County for its police protection, and I would like to know how the City would plan to handle the increased service levels this development would likely require. I have heard that crime tends to follow Wal -Mart. That may or may not be true; however, I have had a Police Chief personally tell me not to shop at a particular Wal -Mart after certain hours because it is not safe. My neighborhood has had many, too many, burglaries in the past few years and besides the additional traffic, crime is a fear of mine with this proposal. I am curious if it would be possible to check with other cities to see if they have seen an uptick in crime at their Wal -Mart locations. Chanhassen just doesn't seem to be a good fit for Wal -Mart, especially at this location. I would like to see the City work on enhancing the downtown and drawing in businesses that will compliment what already exists and not allow a monstrosity such as Wal -Mart. 1 look forward to seeing this proposal at the public hearing. Sincerely, Sarah Thomas 2555 Longacres Drive Aanenson, Kate From: beth.miller1 @usbank.com Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 8:26 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart Please count us as against this development. We will be at all meetings we are able to attend. Beth Miller Program Development Manager Strategic Alliances Consumer Banking Office (612) 973 -7834 Cell (952) 232 -7291 beth.miller1(c)-usbank.com U.S. BANCORP made the following annotations Electronic Privacy Notice. This e -mail, and any attachments, contains information that is, or may be, covered by electronic communications privacy laws, and is also confidential and proprietary in nature. If you are not the intended recipient, please be advised that you are legally prohibited from retaining, using, copying, distributing, or otherwise disclosing this information in any manner. Instead, please reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error, and then immediately delete it. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Aanenson, Kate From: Suzanne Huwald [shuwald @mchsi.com] Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 10 :26 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: proposed Wal -Mart We have been resident's of Chanhassen for over 17 years and I would be extremely disappointed if Chanhassen brought a Walmart to our town. There is absolutely no need for a Walmart in Chanhassen. We live off of Powers Blvd and we have the Target in Chanhassen within 5 minutes of our house, the Target in Chaska within 6 minutes of our house and the Walmart and Target in Eden Prairie within 10 minutes of our house. There is not a need for another big box discount retailer in this area. We desperately need family friendly higher quality restraunts, quality retail and a clean grocery store with low prices and quality produce. Hy -Vee grocery stores are amazing and would be a great addition to Chanhassen. Thank you for your time, Suzanne Huwald From: Bonnie Filko [bonnie.filko@q.com] Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 1:19 PM To: City Council Subject: Wal -Mart Good Afternoon, As a long -time resident of Chanhassen, I love how our community is growing and appreciate the thoughtfulness the City Council has been in reviewing each new development request. In regard to Wal -Mart. We have a Wal -Mart in Eden Prairie already which is only 5 miles or so away. As a citizen, I am not opposed to a large establishment moving in especially as this is close to the 212 highway and will therefore be attractive enough to draw consumers and provide good tax revenue for Chanhassen. Let's look for something that closely matches our needs, and will provide us something new in the area in regard to its goods —and services. We have enough grocery stores, enough banks and enough pharmacies within our city limits. The small strip malls in Chanhassen aren't very attractive, and am sort of surprised they are even still in business. We have enough home improvement stores within a 6 mile radius. I am short on ideas on what would be a good alternative for this land development, but hope it is not Wal -Mart that you determine what is good for our area. . Thank you for your time and consideration. Bonnie Filko 1 Aanenson, Kate From: Ann Kloempken [annk2002 @juno.com] Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 7:29 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Wal mart Kate, I was so happy to hear that Walmart might be building in Chanhassen ! It will bring jobs, increased tax revenue, and it could boost the sales of other retail stores and restaurants in Chanhassen. It will bring shoppers in from surrounding areas. Walmart is a great place to shop ! I'm concerned that you will only hear from people who are against the new store, so I wanted to be sure to let you know that I am looking forward to it Ann Penny Stock Jumping 3000% Sign up to the #1 voted penny stock newsletter for free today! http: // thirdpartyoffers. iuno. com/ TGL3141 /4e938e2bc7a2032ad8m05vuc 1 From: barbalan2 @aol.com [barbalan2 @aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:48 AM To: Furlong, Tom Subject: Proposed Wal *Mart Store in Chanhassen Good morning Tom - We have heard that Wal *Mart is interested in locating a store at the southwest corner of Highway 5 and Powers Blvd. Will you please let us know what your position is on this issue? Will you also please let us know what the proposed investment from the City of Chanhassen is for this project (infrastructure, TIF, etc.) Thank you. Alan and Barb Johnson Aanenson, Kate From: dgjinc @aol.com Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 2:58 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: WAL -MART Good Afternoon - I live in the Lake Susan Hills neighborhood and have been a resident of Chanhassen since 1991. This is the first time I have felt the need to address the city and let my feeling known about any city projects. I have just heard about the proposed Wal -Mart on Powers and Hwy 5.. I AM 100% OPPOSED TO THIS PROJECT. I believe it is wrong for our community and personally oppose the general Wal -mart business policy- the way they treat their employees - how Ilocal small business dries up under the shadow of a Wal -mart and how the dynamics of a city change when a huge box store like Wal -mart dominates and dictates the local business climate. I will attend the Nov. 1st planning meeting and alert my neighbors. I hope reason will prevail and this project will be killed. Doug Jacobson 952 - 937 -5381 . . Aanenson, Kate From: Brown, Kevin [kevin.brown @bemis.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:54 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Wal -Mart Proposal Good morning Kate, I have just caught wind of the Wal -Mart proposal that will be under discussion on November 1. Unfortunately I will be traveling for business on November 1 so my voice will not be heard at the meeting. As such, I am writing to you to represent my voice. As a note, I live in the Springfield neighborhood at Lyman and 101— 559 Greenview Drive. I, like many other I am sure, am not in favor of Wal Mart being located in Chanhassen. As a citizen, I do not like the impact Wal Mart has on the local business community. Local business is part of the charm of small American communities as they help create and maintain the character of the community. Wal Mart's destruction of local businesses is easy to identify and prove. Additionally, Wal Mart's EDLP (everyday low prices) sounds great, but it is part of the reason, as James McMurtry sings, we don't make it here anymore. To me, Wal Mart is simply the distribution network for foreign businesses. Our dollars spent at Wal Mart reinforce the practice of sourcing outside of our country. That I cannot support. I cannot be honest if I don't admit that there are benefits to additional business in Chanhassen. I would hope if this goes through that Wal Mart's impact would be to increase the flow of money into the Chanhassen tax base. Subsequently, this should allow taxes to be flat moving forward. If Chanhassen is providing too much tax incentive to bring Wal Mart to the community then the benefit to the community is being prostituted. Thanks for listening. Kevin Brown Director of Sales Bemis - NMprint Division kevin.brownna bemis.com 952 - 403 -1572 - office 773 - 610 -7165 - cell This email and any attachments may contain confidential and/or proprietary information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are not authorized to read, copy or use the contents of the email or any attachment. If you have received this email in error, please let us know by reply and then delete it from your systern. Aanenson, Kate From: Randi Shapiro [ rshapiro @jonathanmontessori.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:10 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Proposed Walmart Hello Kate, I am a resident of Chanhassen and was shocked to hear about the proposed development on the SW corner of Hwy. 5 and Powers Blvd. First, that area is pretty busy now and I can hardly imagine it with a Walmart. There is a Walmart 10 minutes down the road for those who really plan to shop there. I for one do not support their business ethic, or lack there of I should say. Just because there is free enterprise, I would hope that the planners of Chanhassen could think of a more useful business that would help the Chanhassen small town feel continue and still bring in the tax base they are hoping for. Target is a more discreet business and certainly more ethical than Walmart. Perhaps a restaurant or or a store like Michaels, or a bowling alley for teens to have a good place to go would be a better addition to Chanhassen. I would be sick to have to drive by that business ( Walmart) on a daily basis. A big mistake that will change the way Chanhassen is viewed. I doubt that the best small towns in the country have a Walmart in them. Please think VERY carefully! Sincerely, Randi Shapiro 743 Preakness Lane Aanenson, Kate From: royetta.snow @mchsi.com Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 5:59 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart I am very much against having a Walmart built in our town. They are unfair to their employes in the way they are treated and paid, and I believe it will greatly affect the other businesses as well. I do not think they will add to the great town we have now. Royetta Snow 1 Aanenson, Kate From: THOMAS W KRAUS [kraushaus1 @msn.com] Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:09 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: proposed Wal Mart We have learned that the city council is considering a rezoning proposal for the corner of Highway 5 and Powers Blvd to allow Wal Mart to build a store there. We feel this is a bad use of the property. There is already a business there that employs many people at higher wages that Wal Mart does. Plus the access and egress problems would be great as that is one of the busiest interesections in town. We feel a better place for them to locate would be along 212 somewhere. We feel a Wal Mart store in town would completely distract from the small town feeling of Chanhassen which is one of the main reason we moved here. Please deny this request. Tom & Sharon Kraus 7744 Vasserman Trail Aanenson, Kate From: Linda Hauser [lindamhauser @gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:33 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Wal Mart Please, please, Say no to a Wal Mart in Chanhassen ! ! ! ! Linda Hauser 2089 Clover Ct Chanhassen Aanenson, Kate From: Tom Lindemeier [tindemeier @mchsi.com] Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:14 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart Hi Kate, My wife and I have been living in Chanhassen for 18 years now and have seen our community go through many changes, most of them have been very positive. This Wal -mart development is a disaster waiting to happen. I have been in architecture for 26 years and when you review the traffic plans and overall scale of the project for that site it should not stand a chance to pass.lf it has to be rezoned it does not belong on that site to begin with I know the city needs the revenue but this is a bad plan. It is going to hurt Target and other businesses which are slow enough the way it is. Eden Prairie is not that far to do to Wal -Mart. Chanhassen Drug moved out after how many years taken over by the big boys. We drive on Powers South to 5 every day numerous times and it is too busy and dangerous the way it is. Please vote no for this Sincerely, Tom Lindemeier email: tlindemeier(a)mchsi.com Aanenson, Kate From: Waltgrob @aol.com Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 7:59 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: walmart I am a resident of Chanhassen and do not feel we need or want a Walmart in our community.We have enough competition in our grocery and other stores. Walter G Roberts 2019 Clover Ct Chanhassen,Mn 55317 Aanenson, Kate From: Tony Nuss [tlnuss @mchsi.com] Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 9:37 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Cc: Connie Nuss Subject: Proposed Walmart Site Ms. Aanenson -- The purpose of this email is to communicate that I am not in favor of allowing a Walmart store in Chanhassen. As Community Development Director, please know that I am concerned that it will diminish the small town feel of the city and most importantly will negatively effect business owners in the community. That is one of Walmart's legacies accross this country. I appreciate your consideration in this matter. Tony L. Nuss 9140 Springfield Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 952.402.0625 Aanenson, Kate From: Bader, Tom [Tom.Bader @wolterskluwer.com] Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 7:13 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: No Walmart lam opposed to Walmart moving to Chanhassen. Thomas M. Bader Sales Manager, Business Compliance Wolters Kluwer Law & Business Phone/ Fax: 877 - 347 -6108 tom.bader(a)_wolterskluwer.com NOTICE: This message (and /or attachment) is a confidential business communication.If you are NOT the intended recipient, any further review, storage, distribution, or other use of content is prohibited.If you received this message in error, please notify sender and delete the correspondence. Thank you. Aanenson, Kate From: Donald Dahlquist [donald.dahlquist @mchsi.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 10:35 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Wal -Mart Proposed Store 10/18/11 Dear Ms. Anenson The purpose of this letter is to request you and the City Council VOTE NO to the Wal -Mart request, to build in Chanhassen, MN. We understand the City Council's responsibility to govern our cities needs and especially revenues to support city needs and delay property tax increases. This is good, this is your charter. However, adding a Big -box Wal -Mart store into our downtown mix we feel is a negative for our community. There is a Wal -Mart only 8 miles east in Eden Prairie. Our good neighbors, the CARVER, MN city council and MINNETONKA, MN city council both voted a proposed Wal -Mart store down in their communities. We need to inquire WHY? Why were they so positively decisive for their existing community businesses? The comment of the possibility of Wal -Mart paying $350,000.00+ in annual taxes to the city comes across as if that was in ADDITION TO tax revenue we currently receive to our fine city. PLEASE understand from past history with a Wal -Mart being built in a city and village community, this is not true. The history of Wal -Mart going into a city and the belief that adding a big -box store will increase consumer spending is also negative thinking. There are only so many dollars consumers have, which in reality is spent at our current establishments OR would be at Wal -Mart. The history of a Wal -Mart being built in a community usually results is the closing of neighboring retail establishments. We are sure you agree, this would be BAD. Whole strips of retail stores closed provides a negative impact on the city's image for any future business. The tax revenue we currently receive from our existing retail businesses will STOP when they close or be reduced so far that the $350,000.00 expected from Wal -Mart will be awash in tax revenue gained. Other arguments are the possibility for more employment. We tend to believe this is false. If existing retail establishments close, some employees will try and be employed at Wal -Mart, so that is awash. The others will just be unemployed. And again the history of Wal -Mart salaries are very low, the laid -off employees from closed businesses who might gain employment at Wal -Mart most likely will not experience increased income as in their previous employment. Again we are being factual and analyzing Wal -Mart history around the country. The closeness of the Eden Prairie Wal -Mart and the placement of it in Eden Prairie in its major retail setting is completely opposite of our village community environment. If we turned down a Fleet Farm years ago to be located on 5 and 41, which would have been twenty- thirty miles away from another Fleet Farm, why would we approve a Wal -Mart that is only 8 miles away from Chan? Thank You for studying the Wal -Mart proposal thoroughly, and concluding the negative impact on our community as well as the reality of few if any real benefits that we might capture. PLEASE vote NO to approving a Wal -Mart store in Chanhassen. Respectfully, Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Dahlquist 7634 Prairie Flower Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Aanenson, Kate From: ml2 @mchsi.com Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 9:52 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Wal *mart Is there any benefit to having a Wal *mart in Chanhassen other than taxes? Michael Lalim 2089 Clover Ct Aanenson, Kate From: Taylor Pederson [tcpeders @gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 7:13 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart Store Please no Walmart! I grew up in Chanhassen and now my husband and I just bought our first home here. We love the small -town feel, but we worry that adding a Walmart would go against that. We already have a Target store that's doing great. We don't two mega- stores in one square mile. There is already a Walmart 10 minutes away in Eden Prairie anyway. If anything, Chanhassen could use a new restaurant or cafe in the neighborhood. A place that the community could be proud of and stand behind. Walmart has been accused of poor business practices, mistreatment of employees, and pushing out local businesses. Is that something we really want to bring to our beautiful city? Please take this into consideration when discussing this matter. Thank you, Taylor Pederson , r ua--10 - n7 C(4,0 v �� �Jw Aanenson, Kate From: pschrupp @mchsi.com Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:31 PM To: City Council Cc: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart We would like to add our names to the citizens that are opposed the proposed building of a Walmart in Chanhassen. Chanhassen continues to be named one of the best places to live in Minnesota (and the country). Look at other cities that have earned that honor. The majority of them do not have a Walmart! The proposed location will require new streets,stoplights --- we assume at taxpayer cost. There is a Target right across the corner from this location. If Target loses business and closes, what would you do with that empty location? There is an Office Max across the corner from this locatin. If Office Max loses business and closes, what would you do with that empty location? We realize these are both "big box stores ", but their location draws people into town. The increased traffic, perhaps 24 hours a day, will require extra police coverage not only near the store, but in surrounding neighborhoods. While we recognize that we are more suburb than small town, the extra lights from the parking area will add to destroying the "night sky" in our area. There is ample evidence that a new Walmart in town ends up closing down local businesses. The wages and benefits (or lack of benefits) Walmart pays its employees would not support most families that choose to live in Chanhassen - -most Walmart employees would drive in to work and leave rather than spending their dollars at other Chanhassen businesses. If road construction allows shoppers easy in and out at Powers and Hwy 5, what incentive would Walmart shoppers have to come into town to shop at other stores or eat at any of the local restaurants? We like that there is still a "downtown" Chanhassen. We don't want to end up like and Eden Prairie with malls and strip malls and no town center. We are heartsick at the thought of a Walmart being the western entryway to our city. While we appreciate that you are trying to grow our tax base, please -- please use some creativity. There must be another option that would make a better neighbor than Walmart. Sincerely, Paul and Toni Schrupp 1 October 28, 2011 City of Chanhassen C�Ur Planning Commission REC EIVE D 7700 Market Boulevard OCT 3 1 2011 PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 -0147 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Members of the City of Chanhassen Planning Commission: While I realize that a city needs to grow, exactly why do we need a 100,000 square foot plus retail establishment? Is there not already enough retail in Chanhassen? Do we really need a big box store? The rationale we are told is to create jobs and add to the property tax base. So let us take a look at those claims. Will a Wal -Mart create jobs? No doubt about it. Do not get me wrong, I am all for creating jobs but what kind of jobs are we talking about? After all, Wal- Mart is known for paying mostly minimum wage jobs and providing health care for only a small percentage of its store employees. As such, Wal- Mart.is not.going to create.many high paying, middle class jobs.. Area lot of Chanhassen residents going to .be applying for these jobs? My guess is probably not, so such a development is not 1going do. much .for job creation for: Chanhassen residents:. Is this the type of. employer; that the City desiresZ l doubt it. Regardless of the jobs concerns,: let us look at the property tax base side of the equation. In reviewing the Staff Report, there are numerous infrastructure: improvementsahat will be; required including, but not limited to: • An additional left turn lane for westbound Highway 5. • An additional left turn lane for northbound Powers Boulevard. • Addition of turn lanes and a median for Park Road. According to the Staff Report, it will be up to the developer to pay for these improvements. Does the City really believe that Wal -Mart will pay for such infrastructure improvements? That would mark a radical departure from past practices where municipalities pay for infrastructure improvements to get retail development. Given today's economy, I find it hard to believe that Wal -Mart is willing to sink close to a million dollars for the three infrastructure changes recommended. I am sure they will ask the City to pay for these changes which, according to the staff report, are not budgeted for in any current or future infrastructure budgets. find it interesting that the Staff Report does not recommend the addition of a traffic signal at Powers Boulevard and Park Road. With the traffic volumes projected at opening and into the future, it seems like a traffic light would be mandatory at this intersection, yet none is specified. I cannot even imagine the traffic mess at this intersection without a traffic light. It is literally an accident waiting to happen, again and again and again. And traffic lights are not cheap, particularly when it will have to be timed to a number of other lights in the near vicinity: I am just guessing that a trafficaight at Powers Boulevard and Park Road will :cost in ahe range of .$200,000::.: Then there are the environmental issues. According to the Staff Report, because the site is near two surface waters that have environmental issues, the s.ite will require that storm water runoff from the parking lot go through some sort of.treatment before that water;can enter.Riley Creek and Lake Susan. I am sure that Wal -Mart will not be willing to pick up the cost of this and will ask the City to pay for such an improvement. I have no idea what such a water treatment process would cost for such a space, but I City of Chanhassen, Planning Commission Wal -Mart Store Proposal October 28, 2011 Page 2 have to imagine that it is not going to be cheap. Then there is all of the issues of removal of the existing watershed attributes of the site should the development be approved. This will only further exacerbate the issues regarding water quality in Riley Creek and Lake Susan. So, based on my estimate, the City is looking at least at a million plus dollars worth of infrastructure improvements that Wal -Mart will likely demand the City to somehow absorb. Then there is the variance that will be required for entry into the development. According to the staff report, the site will not comply with code as the entrance to the development will be 40 feet short of code between the entrance and the Powers Boulevard and Park Road intersection. Based on the traffic analysis presented, this entry configuration will likely mean that during peak times, traffic will back onto Powers Boulevard in both directions as patrons attempt to enter the facility. As a result, it appears that we will gain a traffic hazard with this plan. If all of the above does not kill this effort, the eight code violations that are documented in the Staff Report should kill it. Some of these code issues are going to be impossible to justify and will likely violate State laws and statutes. So I do not know how the City can even consider this proposal realistic. I am sure that Wal -Mart will demand property tax incentives to locate their store in Chanhassen as that is standard operating procedure. So in addition to the infrastructure costs, the City will also likely have to take a hit on property taxes. As a result, the net will likely be that the City will lose money on the deal for at least the near term. If that sounds familiar, it should. That is the same deal the City cut to get the existing downtown development and we are still paying for that. Seems to me that we are cutting off our nose to spite our face if we move ahead with this proposal. But the strangest thing of all about this proposal is that the Staff Report points to a number of building sites along the new 212 corridor that are more than appropriate for such a development. So one has to ask themselves, why does Wal -Mart want to locate its store at Powers Boulevard and Highway 5 when a number of more appropriate sites are available along the 212 corridor? I find it hard to believe that Wal- Mart is negligent and missed all of the code issues they were generating with their proposal. So why is Wal -Mart proposing such a development at this location? Could it be that Wal -Mart deliberately wants to destroy our existing downtown retailers? I think that is the question the Planning Commission and City leaders should be asking the representatives of Wal -Mart. Competition is fine, but moving in with the implicit plan of destroying a community's existing retail environment is reprehensible. It is all the more reprehensible given that, as I recall, we are still paying for our existing downtown through tax incentives and other giveaways that were granted at the time. If Wal -Mart wants to come to Chanhassen, so be it. But bending over backwards, likely paying for infrastructure improvements, granting tax incentives and creating the kind of variances that will be required to build on the proposed site just does not make any sense. Chanhassen has plenty of more appropriate sites for such a retail development. I would recommend that the Planning Commission reject this proposal and direct Wal -Mart to more appropriate locations within the City. 41 Fox Hollow Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Aanenson, Kate From: Mark Fuchs [markjfuchs @yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 10:57 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart Proposal Dear Amy Unfortunately we cannot attend the meeting but please know that our household (2 adults, 2 children) all vote to reject the building of the wallmart in chanhassen. Sincerely, Mark and Carrie Fuchs. Aanenson, Kate From: Patricia Hastreiter [Patty .Hastreiter@mpls.k12.mn.us] Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 1:19 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: No Walmart in Chanhassen Kate: Please forward this message to the Planning Commission members. Thank you. Chanhassen Planning Commission Members: We are, unfortunately, unable to attend the Planning Commission Meeting tomorrow night but wanted to let you know that we are very much opposed to allowing a Walmart to be built in Chanhassen. We think it would be detrimental to other nearby local businesses. We think it would bring too much traffic to the area. We don't like big box stores, especially Walmart. They pay low wages and make it difficult for smaller businesses to compete. There is already a big box Target store, which seems to sell a lot of the same merchandise as Walmart. We have lived in Chanhassen for 17 years, We like it there, and plan to stay. We enjoy the trails and lakes and the relative quietness of the area. We like the Lakewinds Food Coop and Byerly's. Our top concerns in Chanhassen do not include property taxes. The quality of life and ambiance of the area are much higher priorities to us. We think that Walmart would take some of that away. Sincerely, Patricia and James Hastreiter 6990 Tecumseh Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 952 - 470 -9057 Aanenson, Kate From: Amy Severson [aeeverson @nemerfieger.com] Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 12:19 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Cc: Amy Severson Subject: Please! No Walmart in Chanhassen! Importance: High Hi Kate, I am so glad you are the person to contact to protest the proposed Walmart in Chanhassen. You have made such a beautiful city for us, and to think a Walmart could come in and destroy our town is a crime. I support and shop at my downtown stores. Target has been part of my life since I was a child. Please! Don't compromise our town! I will pay more in property taxes to keep it out and I think my neighbors would too. PS yep -1 am that Amy, class of '76 and Sarah's mom! Thank You Kate for your consideration to this appeal!! Amy Severson Senior Account Executive 952 278 3123 direct 952 925 1907 fax nemerfieger.com Aanenson, Kate From: Jody Lane Ookoberg @yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 11 :49 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Stop walmart We live in chanhassen and DO NOT want Wal -Mart coming here! PLEASE pass on your vote to NOT ALLOW WALMART TO BUILD IN CHANHASSEN. We will be at the meeting. Dave and Jody Lane 631 Bighorn Drive Aanenson, Kate From: Dave Lane [daveelane @yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 2:45 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart Do not let Walmart build in Chanhassen. thanks Aanenson, Kate To: Megan Liebl Subject: RE: Walmart in Chanhassen From: Megan Liebl [mai1to:mea.1iebWc1mai1.com1 Sent: Monday, October 31, 20114:09 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart in Chanhassen Hello Ms. Aannenson, I am aware that there is a planning meeting regarding the future of Chanhassen tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm. Being discussed is the proposal of allowing a Walmart store to be built and operated on the corner of Hwy 5 and Powers Blvd. As an active and very concerned citizen of Chanhassen, please, please, please vote against this proposal I'm sure you've received an overwhelming amount of feedback asking the same from other residents. After seeing all of the letters to the Chanhassen Villager, talking with neighbors, reading Facebook posts, and other online chatter against this proposal, it's hard to believe the idea is even still on the table. As your constituent, please do your part on behalf of your citizens and residents of Chanhassen and be our voice by voting against the proposal to build a Walmart in our nice, small town. My husband and I often say to each other, "I just LOVE Chanhassen" while driving through town. It has such the most pleasant, small town feel, yet close enough to larger cities like Eden Prairie and Minnetonka. As you know our city has been ranked very high on multiple Best Places to Live lists. The addition of a Walmart would not only bump our lovely Chanhassen down on those lists, but it would surely put the smaller shops and stores around town out of business. We were so saddened to learn of Chanhassen Center Drug's closing, and now Somebody's House just a few doors down, but this would be just the beginning if a Walmart is thrown into the mix. It would be tragic to see a business like Walmart take business and revenue away from stores like Target, Cub Foods, Byerly's, Lakewinds and all of the smaller shops passing this vote would negatively impact. Not only for the above - stated reasons is a Walmart in Chanhassen a bad idea, but also for these (and beyond): • Increased traffic in a bad location - I cross the intersection of multiple times every day. This area is already congested without a Walmart on that corner. There are pedestrians trying to cross in the crosswalks. Add more traffic there and you're just asking for trouble. • There is a nearby Walmart in downtown Eden Prairie • Poor business practices - Some may say the addition would bring job to the community, but Walmart is notorious for paying as- low -as- possible wages, and giving as few hours as possible to all staff to avoid having to pay for healthcare benefit, etc. • Increased crime rate - Just read this study: http: / /www.walmartcrimeroort .com/report.pdf . The study states that "Wal -Mart stores had more calls for service than nearby Target stores. For the sample, the average rate of reported police incidents at Wal -Mart stores was 400% higher than the average rate of incidents at nearby Target stores and 6 times higher for the number of reported criminal incidents defined as "serious or violent." Again, p lease vote against a Walmart in Chanhassen We really don't need one, and there would be many more adverse affects than positive implications to building one. Thank you for your work. Megan Liebl, Chanhassen Aanenson, Kate From: Susan.Wuollett @wellsfargo.com Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 6:28 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart Hi Kate, I wanted to let you know that my husband and I are concerned with the potential new walmart proposal for hwy 5 and powers. I have read the proposal and I was torn for about a week, knowing the added sales tax may be a benefit to the city. Since this walmart will be the furthest west, it will likely draw in people from the western suburbs who currently drive into eden prairie to go to walmart. However, I believe the possible negative side effects outweigh the positive. I am concerned with the crime that Walmarts tend to attract, and the potential harm to the current small businesses and boutiques we have in chan. Although the walmart would bring new job opportunities, I have read the numbers and many of those will simply be removed or relocated from current chan businesses, and all are lower paying jobs. Although I understand the financial benefits are tempting, please vote no to preserve the small town, classy that makes chanhassen special, and made my husband and I relocate from the northern suburbs to live here. Thank you, Susie Wuollett 720 Bighorn Drive, Chanhassen 1 The Community Development Director received calls from the following people stating they are opposed to the Walmart proposal: • Gloria Leone • Jane Osterfeld • Kay Faust Aanenson, Kate From: KIMBERLY MCREAVY [ktmtmcreavy @msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 20114:20 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Wal Mart proposal Hi Kay, I just want to voice opposition for the proposed Wal -Mart which is up for Planning Commission review tonight. My husband and I are against the project for multiple reasons, including increased traffic and potential detriment to existing Chanhassen businesses. Please pass our input along to the Planning Commission as we are not able to attend in person. Thank you, Kim and Tom McReavy 1350 Heather Court Chanhassen Aanenson, Kate From: Cook, Jamie M [JMCook @cbburnet.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 4:53 PM Subject: Plz say no to walmart Good afternoon, My husband and I have been Chanhassen residents for many years. (kids attend Chan Elementary) We would like to voice our concerns and do not want the Planning Commission /City Council to allow Walmart to build a faculty off of Hwy 5 and Powers. We feel as many others do - -that the charm of Chanhassen could be lost forever! Have you completed a traffic study? I imagine that would costly -- Traffic is major concern for all with the possibility of hundreds of cars a day traveling on Powers and into Chanhassen? How will it affect the events we have at Lake Ann - -such as 4th of July and Miracles for Mitch? We have nothing against shopping at a Walmart and believe this type of business /facility would be much better suited if it were located somewhere off of 212 and not in the heart of Chanhassen. The proposed logistics is truly perplexing! We shop at our local stores and can see how such a large conglomerate would really affect these business such as the local hardware store. As Chan residents we are fortunate to say we still have many small businesses and the feel of a small town that's why we live and raise our kids in Chan and not in Plymouth or Eden Prairie. I have no doubt that when Target came to town it was opposed by many too -- but Target it is a smaller store that is not overwhelming for the space nor traffic in Chan - Plus Target that gives back to the community. Will having Walmart affect the money that is given back to the Chanhassen schools? I am sure you are under pressure to hear the many voices of the Chan residents and I will predict they will be loud voices on this topic! Please vote to turn down this proposal. Regards, Jamie and Jeff Cook The information in this electronic mail message is the sender's confidential business and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this internet electronic mail message by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. The sender believes that this E -mail and any attachments were free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse, and /or malicious code when sent. This message and its attachments could have been infected during transmission. By reading the message and opening any attachments, the recipient accepts full responsibility for taking protective and remedial action about viruses and other defects. The sender's employer is not liable for any loss or damage arising in any way from this message or its attachments. Aanenson, Kate From: Don Draper [donrdraper @msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 5:14 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart - Yes I'm very much in favor of a Walmart here. It will be a great convenience, add jobs and opportunity. Please vote to allow it. Thanks, Don Draper Aanenson, Kate To: Tim Amlie Subject: RE: Walmart Building Hi Kate, I had hoped to come to the meeting tonight, but I have a cold coming on that I don't want to spread it or hopefully make it worse. Hopefully you can pass this on. I am in complete support of the proposed Walmart plan. After taking time to drive around the area and seeing that it does not sit next to any residential real estate, I feel it does not bring about problems that so many are voicing via the newspaper or facebook (where I have already posted). Had it been next to housing, I may have a different opinion. Those complaining about traffic may have forgotten about the "mall" that at one time (and hopefully will come back) planned at Lyman and Powers - that would bring traffic onto Powers as well. It is already a 4 lane road which is more than the Super Target sees in Chaska around it. In terms of economic value - it is huge. We have a number of residents in this community that would benefit from jobs from high school age to retirees looking for something. Sales tax revenue AND the property tax revenue would be much greater than what we see from the current building at that site. In a community our size, we need more shopping opportunity. The businesses in downtown Chanhassen are not the type to be affected by a big box store - they are specialty shops. The only real competition will be for Target and quite honestly, they need some. Target could have expanded to a Super Target in our community but decided against. We have the largest retailer in the world knocking on our door in this economy - I think that shows a lot for us. People have complained that we don't have enough good eating establishments in our community... Bringing in this type of retail will bring along those types of businesses (even a Walmart). I grew up between Alexandria and Willmar - both towns have Super Walmart stores - and the areas directly around them have brought in many eating establishments, etc. because of the area becoming a shopping stop point. It will bring revenue to gas stations and the other stores as well. My family owned a sporting goods store in St. Cloud for many years - it is still operating under new owners. We absolutely feared the big box stores coming to town. We were wrong. People may have purchased items at the big box stores, but when it came to after sale service and second purchases, they came to us. Business was incredible (the new owners have even expanded since we sold off 12 years ago). The bottom line is - I want to spend my money in my community. Those who are against Walmart don't have to shop there. In fact, those who are so against building it should pitch in towards the tax revenue our city would miss out if it isn't built. Additionally, those who would most benefit from this business probably can't even make this meeting or have the ability to voice their opinion... If one does the math in our community of nearly 23,000, I'm guessing the percentage of those against (but making a big stink) would be pretty small. Thank you. Sincerely, Tim Amlie 8796 North Bay Drive Aanenson, Kate From: Jim gimthomas1 @msn.com] Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 6:13 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Re: Walmart Sorry, found two spelling mistakes so fixed them .... Jimt On 11/20/20116:10 PM, Jim wrote: Dear Kate Aanenson, I want to express my support for Walmart at the corner of Hwy 5 and Powers. I live 4 blocks from this area and love having Target nearby, hence the support for Walmart. I realize some local merchants such as Ace Hardware are concerned about Walmart. Dr Sobel , West Virginia University Economics Professor, has published a paper which concludes: "Wal- Mart's presence simply has had no impact on the overall size, or profitability, of the U.S. small business sector ". Personally, I would continue shopping at Ace, I love that store. am surprised by the Planning Commission findings. In particular, why concerns about Riley Creek? The proposal does not appear to change the current impact on the creek, as developed by the previous owner. Also, why is 586 parking spaces a magic number? Target has less than that and uses less than 40% of those spaces for 364 days per year. I noticed there is concern about only two entrances. Target has only two, although one is shared with three other businesses. While I did not live in Chanhassen when Target was approved there seems to be two different standards being applied. The submitter says the proposal was "prepared in accordance with the City of Chanhassen's Code of Ordinances ". My question to the city is did you pro - actively work with the submitter because the resounding vote against their proposal implies lack of communication and shared understanding. This year I was asked to pay for paving of Santa Vera Dr. Clearly the city does not have enough funds to pay for paving its own roads - the tax revenue from Walmart would make a big difference to what the city council can sponsor. Jim Thomas 938 Kimberly LN Chanhassen, MN Aanenson, Kate From: Brenda Johnson [bdr6466 @yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 11:42 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Re: Say NO to WalMart Hi Kate, I wanted to elaborate if you don't mind. There are many reasons as to why I don't shop at WalMart. Besides the atmosphere WalMart has as a shopping experience, this store as a whole incorporates international vendors as the majority, a very much non -US supporting company. I've also heard that WalMart doesn't treat their employees well, the average rate of pay is very low and they have many ethical issues resoviing in a negative "community" as far as the people they hire and the crowd this type of store brings in. I wanted to correct myself below when I stated this will raise the robbery rate. What I meant to convey is the crime rate in towns that incorporate a WalMart are generally higher than those that don't. I appreciate the opportunity to voice my opinion in this matter. Thank you, Brenda From: "Aanenson, Kate" < kaanenson (cDci.chanhassen.mn.us To: 'Brenda Johnson' < bdr6466(cDyahoo.com > Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2011 8:11 AM Subject: RE: Say NO to WalMart I have received your email and will forward it to the city Council. Kate From: Brenda Johnson [mailto:bdr6466 a,yahoo.coml Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 20119:06 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Say NO to WalMart Kate, I've been a resident of Chanhassen for 7 years, I'm very proud of this community and feel a sense of comfort and safety in living here. It makes me nervous just thinking of a WalMart coming to this community. The additional traffic is only a portion of the problems this community would be getting with allowing a WalMart here. The clientele it brings scares me. If WalMart comes here I would prefer to stay away from the Chanhassen downtown area and do all my shopping normally done in Chanhassen to the Minnetonka or Eden Prairie areas. And I can see this happening with other residence of Chanhassen as well. There is a WalMart just 6 miles down Hwy 5 in Eden Prairie which I don't shop in, I know prices are normally better at a WalMart but I refuse to shop there. I don't understand why they would build so close to an existing store. If they want to move west they should be moving much further out where people actually need a big box store. WalMart should be building in a town that needs it, we don't need it or want it. I see no good with bringing this store to an area like this. This town is a safe, comfortable, friendly town. Bringing in a store like WalMart will only bring in the wrong type of people, the robbery rate will rise, the Chanhassen stores will loose business by residence no longer feeling comfortable shopping in the area. Say goodbye to the town that was voted second best town to live in by Money Magazine. Please vote NO to Wa1Mart. Best Regards, Brenda Rice Aanenson, Kate To: Isaac Will Subject: RE: Walmart is not needed in Chanhassen From: Isaac Will [mailto:isaacrwill @gmail.coml Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 11:42 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Walmart is not needed in Chanhassen Hello, I wasn't able to attend the hearing on the 1 st but I wanted to take a minute to write you personally. I don't believe that the location or the business is necessary in Chanhassen. With the direct impact to local businesses (which I try to support as much as possible), I dread the day that Walmart would reduce my shopping options. am in my early 30's, plan on living in this house for at least the next 15 years and have two kids who will be going through the Chanhassen school system. I love Chanhassen. I love Na's Pad Thai. I already have 3 options for groceries within walking distance, do we really need another? Walmart is not bad, evil or would bring on the downfall of Chanhassen- It is just not needed here. If anything, it has given residents something to rally around. The jobs they need will do little for the community, especially if you take into account the established jobs we'll loose. I am proud of Chanhassen, it really is a great place to live. I just don't think Walmart fits who we are or who we want to be. Plus, throw on the fact that the land is not zoned for their proposed plan, the extra city cost to modify and maintain infrastructure and the spatial separation from the existing shopping district- I just don't see it as a viable opportunity. Thank you for your time! Sincerely, Isaac Will Aanenson, Kate From: Brenda Johnson [bdr6466 @yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 9:06 PM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Say NO to WalMart Kate, I've been a resident of Chanhassen for 7 years, I'm very proud of this community and feel a sense of comfort and safety in living here. It makes me nervous just thinking of a WalMart coming to this community. The additional traffic is only a portion of the problems this community would be getting with allowing a WalMart here. The clientele it brings scares me. If WalMart comes here I would prefer to stay away from the Chanhassen downtown area and do all my shopping normally done in Chanhassen to the Minnetonka or Eden Prairie areas. And I can see this happening with other residence of Chanhassen as well. There is a WalMart just 6 miles down Hwy 5 in Eden Prairie which I don't shop in, I know prices are normally better at a WalMart but I refuse to shop there. I don't understand why they would build so close to an existing store. If they want to move west they should be moving much further out where people actually need a big box store. WalMart should be building in a town that needs it, we don't need it or want it. I see no good with bringing this store to an area like this. This town is a safe, comfortable, friendly town. Bringing in a store like WalMart will only bring in the wrong type of people, the robbery rate will rise, the Chanhassen stores will loose business by residence no longer feeling comfortable shopping in the area. Say goodbye to the town that was voted second best town to live in by Money Magazine. Please vote NO to WalMart. Best Regards, Brenda Rice Aanenson, Kate Subject: FW: Contact Request - Admin From: bicobb2004 @yahoo.com rmailto:bicobb2004 @yahoo.com1 Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 20113:15 PM To: Engelhardt, Karen Subject: Contact Request - Admin Website Contact Email Name Barbara Cobb Address 8479 Powers Place Email bicobb2004 n,yahoo.com Unfortunately, my husband and I were unable to attend last night's planning commission m eeting to state our opposition to the proposed Walmart plans. On principle, we do not currently shop at Walmart or Sam's Club as we vehemently oppose their business practices; most importantly towards their employees. The fact that they will be just up the road will not change the fact that we will not shop there. The fact that they would be "just up the the road" is also major concern for us. The back of our twinhome is directly on Powers Blvd. Traffic has increased markedly since the opening of 212 which is understandable. Powers Blvd may be a 4 lane road, but it is still a residential area. Despite the posted speed limits, average speeds are closer to between 50 and 55 miles an hour Comments with cars changing lanes to get around the the slower vehicles. It's hard enough to get out of our complex at times and to walk across the road is even harder... especially since our corner has no cross walks. even with croswalks, you take your life in your hands just like the Instant Web employees do. Traffic is certainly not going to decrease with the building of a Walmart. Not only will it increase, but there will be an increase in semi traffic as well. We understand the potential income etc that will be brought in to the community, but at what cost to the area? I don't agree with Target's practice of putting stores in such close proximity to each other and I certainly don't like the idea of a chain such as Walmart doing the same. We are hoping that you will think seriously before agreeing to this project. Barbara and David Cobb Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN 1030 Name City State Zip Country SignedOn Wendy OConnor Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/17/2011 Shelley Kerber Excelsior MN 55331 USA 10/17/2011 Mary Yazvec Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 stephanie rutledge Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Jennifer Weiner Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Laurie Hernandez Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Kate McGuire Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Mary Pernula Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Carol Anderson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Scott Wosje Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Abby Ellis Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Laura Gustayson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Aimee O'Malley Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Kristin Walters Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 carolyn thomson chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Laura Doten Shorewoo MN 55331 USA 10/17/2011 kristin stohl victoria MN 55386 USA 10/17/2011 Jeff Anderson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Craig O'Connor Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Mary beth silbernagel Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Leah Plath Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Vera Tschida Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Cindy Brodigan Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Natalie Christenson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Marceline Valenty Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Pam Hrubes Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 jason white Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Laurie Johnson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Elizabeth Kressler Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/17/2011 Amber White Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Mark Johnson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Jenny Pharis Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Ted Ellefson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Todd Neils Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 John L. Bell Destin FL 32540 USA 10/17/2011 Vicki Eastwood Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Ross Huseby Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Ingrid Steele Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Judy Anderson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 David Kressler Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Angela Magnuson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Angie Ellefson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Gerald Wolfe Chanhasse MN 55317 -450 USA 10/17/2011 Christina Salek Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Molly Ambrose Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Stacy Beno chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 a/u la'IBPrn 0 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Holly White Chanhasse MN 553 USA 10/17/2011 Kelly Koemptgen Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Sue Boski Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Susanne Cantlin Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Kyla Spencer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Kari Okonek Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Meredith Johnson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Sandy McNeill Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Melissa Crow Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Paul Coroneos Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Jessica Anderson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/17/2011 Kristine Beer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Patrick Beer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Karen Walker Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Elise Coroneos Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Debra Ludford chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Cameron Olsen Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 JACKIE JACOBSON CHANHAS MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 kathleen vankrevelen Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 CeCelia Smith Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Leslie Witterschein Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Cheryl Stanton Chanhasse MN I don't war USA 10/18/2011 Christine Anfinson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Johanna Heggelman Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Stan Valensky Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Allison Newman Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Theresa Bergren Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Emily Brisse Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Sharon Kraus Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Jessica Diaz Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Brian Diaz Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Tamara Sather Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Sue Berger Minneapolis 55419 -111 United Sta 10/18/2011 Rick Tonsing Fair Oaks CA 95628 USA 10/18/2011 Tonya Stier Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Maria Knox Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Jennifer Pauling Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Allison Lang Chaska 55318 United Sta 10/18/2011 Erika Carrillo chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Jan Gniffke Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Laurel Kiesow chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Gary Spencer Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Margaret Emerson Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Lisa Patrin Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Katy Anderson Chanhassen 553 171 United Sta 10/18/2011 Ashley Browning Chanhassen 55317J United Sta 10/18/2011 Lisa Arrington Chanhassen 55317J United Sta 10/18/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Amy Steffen Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 John and Stacey Bosacki Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/18/2011 Karl Wandling chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/18/2011 Victor Escobar Midlothiar VA 23113 USA 10/19/2011 Sarah Dritz Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Jennifer Fritz Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Kathryn Bader Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Robin Anderson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Pam Schwarz Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Maria Elgren Chanhaser MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Lisa Nebel Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Laura Helmer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Thomas Bader Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Daniel Ryan Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Kim Klingelhutz Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Susan Fagan Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Ana Moritz Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Blair Elgren Chanhasse MN We do not USA 10/19/2011 Debra Lochner Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Susan Hoffa Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 mary self Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Barbara Link Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 kathy kuhl chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Glenn Kaufmann Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Lisa Wing Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Suzanne Huwald Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Alysson Gebauer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 john manuel chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Kristie Hennig Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Judy Monn Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Susan Sampson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Christine Meier Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Laurie Lisignoli Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Paul Dorn Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Jane Dorn Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Annette Snyder - Fossum Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Lance Huwald Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 joseph tschida chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Jonathan Ortner Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Holly Mell Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Carol Berg Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Julie Swenson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Louise Manno Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 james m nordlund Fargo ND 58102 USA 10/19/2011 Cara Rainey lChanahsse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Caroline Nelson Eden Prairi MN 55347 USA 10/19/2011 Angela Gauer IChaska MN 55318 USA 10/19/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Michael Grabner Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Nicole Cleland Richfield MN 55423 USA 10/19/2011 Joan Reynders Chanhasse MN 5517 USA 10/19/2011 David Williams Victoria MN 55386 USA 10/19/2011 Kathleen Albrecht Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Jane Anderson Chanhasse MN 55331 USA 10/19/2011 Mary Brink Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/19/2011 Katie Gutierrez Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Stephanie Saltzman Edina MN 55436 USA 10/19/2011 c callahan Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Annette Stock -Lind Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Kathy O'Connor Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Keri Buisman Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Janet Rzonca Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Fred Berg Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Sheila Erickson chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 David Stockdale Excelsior MN 553C31 USA 10/19/2011 Karen Hoyle Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Jerry Cerchia Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Beth Miller Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Alyce Bell Chanhasse MN 55317 -855 USA 10/19/2011 Jean Hess Chanhasse MN We do not USA 10/19/2011 Michelle Williams Victoria MN 55386 USA 10/19/2011 Bruce Helmer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Bev Gellert Carver MN 55315 USA 10/19/2011 Bebe Paulson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Janice Johnson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 scoff paulson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Ila Wheeler Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Dave Vieau Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Dan Mertes Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Phyllis Wachutka Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Steve Cannon Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Dallas Nelson chaska MN 55318 USA 10/19/2011 Donald B. Dahlquist Chanhaser MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Alexandra Emerton Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Julie Burns MN MN Bad idea al USA 10/19/2011 SUE RIES CHANHAS MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 mari hart chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Kyle Renner Chanhasse MN Walmart USA 10/19/2011 Valerie Pass Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Leo Hofineister Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Pamela Olund Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Gloria Lindberg Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Jill Schmid Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Nikki Renner Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 kim motschenbacher Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/19/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Adam Erdmann Excelsior MN 55331 USA 10/19/2011 Sally Nordmeyer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Barbara Bode Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Susan Von Fruke Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Mary Ann Manuel chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 John Bergo Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Alec McKinley Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Aaron Stroeing Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Tony Evangelista Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Tony Marengo Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Nanci Olson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Mark Olson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Douglas Ahmann Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Jodi Holden Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Nancy Stanger Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/19/2011 damaris hernandez chaska MN 55318 USA 10/19/2011 Heide Ahmann Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Amanda Chase Carver MN 55315 USA 10/19/2011 Nancy Cardwell Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Michael Moritz Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 William Brown Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/19/2011 Nadia Janson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Mary Leirdahl Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Laura Brannon CHANHAS MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Courtney Cannon Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Chanh Nguyen Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 gail montana chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Elisabeth Kelly Washingto DC 20016 United Sta 10/20/2011 Jessica Olson Minneapol MN 55408 USA 10/20/2011 Jesse Sutton Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Mike Seifert Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/20/2011 Bev Gossard chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Jarby Blackmun Chanhaser MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Patricia Hawke Victoria MN 55386 USA 10/20/2011 Bonnie Marsh Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Jane Morgan chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Sarah Ferderer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Margaret Standafer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Zhanetta Lundberg Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Barry Mckinney Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Kelly Boss Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Gordon Buchanan Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 jan chatmas chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Kay Paterson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Sandy Opheim Chanhasse MN 553171 USA 10/20/2011 Kristin Mattson Chanhasse MN 553171 USA 10/20/2011 Kirk Sampson Chanhasse MN 553171 USA 1 10/20/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Katie Lloyd Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 John Kreger Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Leland O'Brien Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Amy Olson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Mary Gallardo Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Marshane Lindstrom Excelsior MN 55331 USA 10/20/2011 Nancy Hall chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Kersten Herold Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Bev Bell Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Stacy Lee Scholder Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Peter McCall Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Kim Schaeferle Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 k h Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Kristi Kahana Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Cathy Holmes Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Nancy Lynch Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Cindy Seal Victoria MN 55386 USA 10/20/2011 Barb Brown Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Jordan Perttu Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/20/2011 Beth Adams Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Todd Michels Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Brian Tuomala Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Scott Yager Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Alex Fossum Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 James Deno Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Andrea Deno Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Janet Adamski Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 MICHAEL MATTSON CHANHAS MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 clan pavlovich chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Jim Fisher Shorewoo MN 55331 USA 10/21/2011 Katherine Fischenich Victoria MN 55386 USA 10/21/2011 Derek Sorenson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Michael Neiman Minneapol MN 55403 USA 10/21/2011 Joan Skaff Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Max Anderson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 BethAnn Leonard Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 diane freeman Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Paul Ryan Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Pamela Carlson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Julie Beyer - Fitzgerald Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Pat Loge Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Wayne Mader Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Kevin Fitzgerald Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Julie Littfin Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Lisa McCall Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Deborah Mitchell lChanhasse MN 55317 USA 1 10/21/2011 Veronica Perttu lChanhasse MN I 55317 USA 1 10/21/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Kellan Fitzgerald Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Jay Kronick Chanahhss MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Anthony Rockwell Eden Prairi MN 55344 USA 10/21/2011 Pamela Murphy Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Meghan Maloney St. Louis Pi MN 55416 USA 10/21/2011 Fred Cuneo Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Joel Jenkins Chanhasse MN I believe tl USA 10/21/2011 Dorothy Downing Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Sean Connelly Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Sherill Coumbe Chanhasse MN 55331 USA 10/21/2011 Susan Wollan Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Jennifer Grabner Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Jane Evangelista Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Brad Karels Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Sally Ryan Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/21/2011 Stacy King Minneapol MN 55417 USA 10/21/2011 Cheryl Fischer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Jackie McCarthy Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Julie Yager Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Patti Ferguson Chanhassn MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Tony Ferguson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Amy Sampson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Florence Sheesley Saint Joser MN 56374 USA 10/22/2011 Kristin Berg Prior Lake MN 55372 USA 10/22/2011 Amy Jarrard Minneapol MN 55403 USA 10/22/2011 Paul Spencer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Jenny Spencer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Rosemary Soltis Chanhassen 55317 Uganda 10/22/2011 Laurie Sudol Clarkdale AZ 86324 USA 10/22/2011 Scott Hippen Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Marcia Hippen Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Gary Lehman Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Jennifer Doan Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/22/2011 Ann Dalhoff Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Liesa Sanya Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Renee Pederson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Ted Tigue Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Amy Kaehler Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Kathy Gavert Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Dwight Gaddis Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Dwight Gaddis Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Peggy Stevenson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Diane Swenson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Robb Swenson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Amy Rolland Martinek 55331 MN 55331 USA 10/23/2011 JoAnn Quackenbush Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Austen Edman River Falls IWI 54022 USA 10/23/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Dana V. Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Nico Haight Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Julie Lohse Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/23/2011 Emily Fliss Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/23/2011 Gennadiy Vavrenyuk Tacoma WA 98433 USA 10/23/2011 Beth Hiss Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/23/2011 Brandi Crotty Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/23/2011 Austin Johnson Saint Bonif MN 55375 USA 10/23/2011 Shelly Franceschi Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Melissa McNeill Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Margaret DiMarco Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Paul Palmer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Joseph Wise Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/24/2011 Jessica Roschen Minnesota MN 56001 USA 10/24/2011 Robert Schaefer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Maureen Grebin Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Debbie Kaplan Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Jeanne MacFarlane Excelsior/ MN 55331 USA 10/24/2011 KENT LUDFORD CHANHAS MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 KATHLEEN MADER CHANHAS MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Brian Boie Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Mary Sutton Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 john hagedorn chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Tom Smith Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Barbara white Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Sanam Favrow Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Scott Pharis Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Arlan Monderewicz reading PA 19609 USA 10/24/2011 Tina Shear Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Kathy Beery Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Shirley Vinkemeier Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Daniel Mueller Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Andrea Hawley Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Andrea Kremer Hawley Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Susan Bartenetti Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 karen gibney chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/24/2011 joe gibney chanhassei MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 John Hawley Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Bill Fisher Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Olivia Kressler Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24/2011 Dawn Erdman Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/24 /2011 Emily Rozanski Minneapol MN 55419 USA 10/25/2011 Anne Wicka Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Tarrah Mueller Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Christy Lee shorewoo MN 1 55331 USA 10/25/2011 Thomas Faust Chanhasse MN I 55317 USA 10/25/2011 mark zaebst chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN courtney kramer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Alan Kramer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Rob Martinson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Tammy Brady Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 James Pedersen Excelsior MN 55331 USA 10/25/2011 Tracey Reichert Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/25/2011 Travis Quinlan Burnsville MN 55306 USA 10/25/2011 Brittany Liebl Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Hilary Shadier Wayzata MN 55391 USA 10/25/2011 brian liebl chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Samantha Lee Bloomingt MN 55438 USA 10/25/2011 Rhiana Payer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Jeff Adams Saint Louis MN 55416 USA 10/25/2011 Kendra Gruman Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Jessica Tait Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Lee Thorson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Tracey Dreshfield Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Michael Kamerud Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Linda Kramer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Robert Filippi Excelsior MN 55331 USA 10/25/2011 Deborah Shillam Keighley BD22 United Kin 10/25/2011 Allyson Segar -Cohen Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Steven Cohen Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 craig warner Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Monica Wiant Excelsior MN 55331 USA 10/25/2011 Lauri Schauer Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/25/2011 Shelley Vandermeide Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Jason Barber Shorewoo MN 55331 USA 10/26/2011 Barbara Kayati Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Richard Peters Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 peggy Kronick Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/26/2011 Debbie Lloyd Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Betsy LePlatt Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Ginny Watkins Minneton MN 55345 USA 10/26/2011 Diane Crannell Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/26/2011 Katja Jeanneret Chanhasse MN With num USA 10/26/2011 Joan Ahrens Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Neil libson chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Kristi Jereska chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Susan dreves libson chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Lynn Speaker Eden Prairi MN 55346 USA 10/26/2011 Melissa Young Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Jennifer Jorgenson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Sara Brown Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Karey White Chanhasse MN 1 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Patricia Peterson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Jessica Jorgensen Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Steve Taborek chanhasen MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Laurie Kurmis Chanhasse MN 55345 USA 10/26/2011 Misty Ojanpa Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Debra Pladsen Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 MariBeth Schulke eden prair MN 55347 USA 10/26/2011 Erin Strot Eden Prair MN 55346 USA 10/26/2011 Ryan Brown Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Jason Strot Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/26/2011 becky ludvigson eden prairi MN 55346 USA 10/26/2011 Sara Gorham Shakopee MN 55379 USA 10/26/2011 Lindsay Strot Chaska MN 55318 USA 10/26/2011 McDonald Winton Excelsior MN 55331 USA 10/26/2011 Sharon Harris Chanhasse MN We don't v USA 10/26/2011 James Walker Janesville WI 53548 USA 10/26/2011 John White Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Martha McNeill Excelsior MN 55331 USA 10/26/2011 Andrew Lemkuil Chanhasse MN 55331 USA 10/26/2011 Natasha Reilly Chanhasssi MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 David Brackett Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Tom Miller Shorewoo MN 55331 USA 10/26/2011 Robert Panos Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Katie Kirschbaum Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Dianne Brackett Deephaver MN 55391 USA 10/26/2011 Kim Simenson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 branden strot eden prairi MN 55346 USA 10/26/2011 Ginny Watkins Minneton MN 55345 USA 10/26/2011 Amy Lemkuil Chanhasse MN 55331 USA 10/26/2011 Kerry Simenson Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Robert Schwartz Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 Candace DeCosse Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Chris Oster Chaska MN 55318 United Sta 10/26/2011 Brian Kummrow MINNETOr MN 55343 United Sta 10/26/2011 Sarah McGinn Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Susan Seward Chanhasssi MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Britton McGinn Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Laura Woelfel Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Stuart Powers Richfield MN 55423 United Sta 10/26/2011 Jenna Pederson Edina MN 55343 United Sta 10/26/2011 Jeff Burke Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Rebecca Brick Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Chris Engel Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Debbie Engel Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Jill Ramsey chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Jared Gehle Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Nicole Hamad Minneapol MN 55425 United Sta 10/26/2011 Bonnie Houck Victoria MN 55386J United Sta 10/26/2011 Will McMillan Eden Prairi MN 553461 United Sta 10/26/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Anne Marie Lambert Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Patrick Lambert Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Tracy Wilson Maple Gro MN 55311 United Sta 10/26/2011 Pat Potter Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Rhonda Perkins Excelsior MN 55331 United Sta 10/26/2011 Mackenzie McMillan Eden Prairi MN 55346 United Sta 10/26/2011 sally heard chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Mark Schumacher Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 10/26/2011 Katie Johnson Maple Gro MN 55311 United Sta 10/26/2011 Jennifer Niland Mpls MN 55407 United Sta 10/26/2011 charles littfin chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Nicole Campion Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 thomas potter chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Karen Cox Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Dan Campion Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Robert Egelston Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/26/2011 MariAna Ebenreiter Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Cindy Egelston Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Nick Sandstrom Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 karleen lutter Minneapol MN 55410 USA 10/26/2011 tony heard chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Jodi Alama Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 10/26/2011 Kimberly Gehle Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Julie butcher chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Mc Ed Sarawak 94300 Malaysia 10/26/2011 Jason Christensen Chanhasse MN DO NOT Bt United Sta 10/26/2011 Stefano Serpico Rimini 47921 Italy 10/26/2011 Cheryl Bauch Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/26/2011 Erin Karels Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Brook Benson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 eileen barnes chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Patrick Smith Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jon Maeser Chanhassen 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Heather Christensen Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 SHANNON BURKS CHANHAS MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Amelia Woltjer Nevis MN 56467 United Sta 10/27/2011 Diane Matthews Chaska MN 55318 United Sta 10/27/2011 Neal Klein Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jeremy Wherley Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 10/27/2011 Cindy Warner Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Kathleen Cancilla Chanhasse MN 55331 United Sta 10/27/2011 Lorinda Hanson Chaska MN 55318 United Sta 10/27/2011 Sonya Benkstein Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 anne Jutting Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Mike Wellner Chanhassel MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Stephen Pawlyshyn Chanhasse MN 55317J United Sta 10/27/2011 Brielle Herbst Shakopee IMN 553791 United Sta 10/27/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Susan Haun- Dorsey Excelsior MN 55331 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jeanna Simonson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jenny DeRoo Rockford MN 55373 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jay Donohue Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Kory Barthelemy Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Troy Prinsen Excelsior MN 55331 United Sta 10/27/2011 Laurie Donohue Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Amy Klitzke Lester Prai MN 55354 United Sta 10/27/2011 Ryan Litfin Excelsior MN 55331 United Sta 10/27/2011 Sarah Klein Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Phillip Kuehne Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Brian Smith Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Ashley Smith Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jennifer Grimm Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Derek Lechner Hopkins MN 55305 United Sta 10/27/2011 Thor Smith Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Matthew Taus Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Dan Piff chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Courtney Spekman Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Dave Howe Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Anne Taus Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Danielle Antonovich Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Christina Hamad Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Henry Ohnstad Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Madi Young edinA MN 55439 United Sta 10/27/2011 Debora Ho) Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Laura Williams Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Bruce Duncan Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 chris adams Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Valentina Muraleedhara St. Peter MN 56082 United Sta 10/27/2011 Patricia Adams Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Rachel Seppman Eden Prairi MN 55346 United Sta 10/27/2011 Rielle Perttu Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Justin Perttu 1000 Lake Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Rianna Perttu Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jordan Perttu Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Thomas Peterson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Mike Mehr Eagan, MN 55123 United Sta 10/27/2011 Claudine Wildman Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Steve Evangelista Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Kristin Terrell Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Phil Standafer Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jeff Engebretson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Elizabeth Gangl Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Edward Laurson Denver CO 80235 USA 10/27/2011 Zane Detert Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Julia Braswell Chaska MN 55318 United Sta 10/27/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Anne Fisher Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 susan cohoon Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Dick Lloyd Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 margaret adie chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Lisa Clausen Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Bonnie gasperlin chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Steven Cohoon Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jeff Zahn Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Spencer Schwartz Excelsior MN 55331 United Sta 10/27/2011 Marissa Schwartz Shorewoo MN 55331 United Sta 10/27/2011 Barbara Brown Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Bruce gasperlin chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Shelli Dorfe victoria MN 55386 USA 10/27/2011 Shawn Burk Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Robby Drake Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Luke Jackson Excelsior MN 55331 United Sta 10/27/2011 benjamin dorfe Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 10/27/2011 Eric Kvam Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Patty Bremer Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Alicia Schimke Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Sue Seifert Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Kelly Hastings Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Julie Greenberg Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Kaitlin Bentrup Winona MN 55987 USA 10/27/2011 Nick Hericks Americus GA 31709 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jane Revsbech Chanhasse MN 55331 United Sta 10/27/2011 Andrew Nelson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 J -John and Stacey Bos Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Mark fuchs chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Amy Waters Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Mary Rabai Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Eduardo Perez chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Dr. Kevin Burns Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jessica Meilleur Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/27/2011 Jeffrey Tam Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 elizabeth adams Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Kathy Gillis Eden Prairi MN 55346 United Sta 10/28/2011 Amy Butterfield Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Bob Butterfield Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Ruth Winterer Excelsior MN 55331 United Sta 10/28/2011 Matt Peters Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Raymond Brozovich Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Cathy Larson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Michelle Tanner St. Paul MN 55105 United Sta 10/28/2011 Lea Foli Excelsior IMN 55331 United Sta 10/28/2011 Cindy Yokiel Chanhasse MN 1 553 171 United Sta 10/28/2011 Jason Whims Chanhassel MN I 55317J United Sta 10/28/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN David Wollan Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Jennifer Westerhaus Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 craig anderson chanhassei MN 55318 United Sta 10/28/2011 Patti Michels Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Toni Schrupp Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Stephanie Friant chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 John Rock Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Jessica Miller Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Lindsay Barthelemy Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Lisa Katalinich Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 10/28/2011 Ben Newton Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 karlene mikesell chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Stephen Sando Edina MN 55424 United Sta 10/28/2011 Debra Bauler Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Lena Otolski Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 michael bailey chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Carrie Newton Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Patti Zimmer Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Linda Gallaro Chanhasse MN 55317 USA 10/28/2011 Jennifer Syverson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Kathryn Goerges minneapol MN 55404 United Sta 10/28/2011 Carol Buesgens Chashassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 nancy wright Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Amy Santella Wayzata MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 David Emerton Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/28/2011 Gerald Cook Chanhasse MN 55318 United Sta 10/28/2011 Lynn Peters Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Don Wallis Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Julie Kolbow Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Dan Revsbech Chanhasse MN 55331 United Sta 10/29/2011 traci peterson Excelsior MN 55331 United Sta 10/29/2011 Mary Ann Walstrom Chanahsse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Caitlin O'Connor Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 stephanie fisher Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Joseph O'Connor Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Melissa O'Connor Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Cynthia Tonn Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Beth Benzie Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Lori Larson Eden Prair MN 55346 United Sta 10/29/2011 Kevin Hippen chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Taylor Larson Eden Prairi MN 55346 United Sta 10/29/2011 Patty Besser Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Mike Boyle Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Nancy Boyle Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Jamie Nelson jThanhassejMN 1 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Pete Sperling lChanhasss I 55317J United Sta 10/29/2011 Meghan O'Connor jChanhassejMN I 55317J United Sta 10/29/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Allen Satter Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Nick Greenwood Eden Prairi MN 55346 United Sta 10/29/2011 alec gibney chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 blanca gibney chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Gail Bach Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Michelle Strain Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 10/29/2011 James Bach Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Craig Blechta Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Joseph Merboth Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Janet McFarland Shorewoo MN 55331 USA 10/29/2011 Debra Denzer Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 meranda ludford Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Deborah Benson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Anita Bronson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Kevin Carlson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 cameron economy Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Bonnie Economy Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Rochelle Curtis Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Kristie Wigger Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/29/2011 Michael Yazvec Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 William Schulte Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Kelly Schulte Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Lori Schmidt Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Linda Boerboom Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Nancy Hoopes Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Eric Gilliland New York NY 10014 USA 10/30/2011 Michael Clausen Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Stacy Sand Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 mike winters Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Len Adler Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Anthony Oberstar Los angele CA 90034 United Sta 10/30/2011 Shannon Brooks Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 10/30/2011 Connie Nuss Chanhassen 55317 Afghanista 10/30/2011 Blake Farland Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Sheryl Danks Hutchinsor MN 55350 United Sta 10/30/2011 Jodie Siems Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Steven Posnick Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Alex Westlind Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Edwin Everett Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Nancy Hanousek Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Rebecca Everett Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Dustin Lang Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Martin Schaeferle Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Dennis Rakocy Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Jacki Kurvers Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Jeffrey Kressler Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Katherine Johnson Chanhassel MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Holly Rakocy Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Pam Kerber Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Linda roslansky Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Michelle Laurent chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Jeanne Pietrini Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 frank laengle chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 tavis hudson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Monica Held Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Cindy Robb Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 10/30/2011 David Enright Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/30/2011 Eric Chellen Shorewoo MN 55331 United Sta 10/31/2011 Kristen Ryan Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Sue Adler Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Barb Johnson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Eric Rain Chaska MN 55318 United Sta 10/31/2011 Nick Bravos Minneton MN 55345 United Sta 10/31/2011 Pamela Strand Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Shirl Stroeing Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 William Hille Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Ben Woolcott Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Lisa Kurvers Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Trish Rinzel Chanhasse MN impact on United Sta 10/31/2011 Markus Fischer chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Heidi Garcia Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Kelly Lee Greenwoo MN 55331 United Sta 10/31/2011 Maureen Kvam Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Lauralee Chellen Shorewoo MN 55331 United Sta 10/31/2011 Alissa Abrahamson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 John Davis Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Deaen Held Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Lee and Jennifer Waldro Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Teri Kocourek chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Amir Dabiran Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Shahsa Moghimi Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Lori Thorne Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Amy Severson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Paymon Vasseghi Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Ozra Amirahmadi Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Tom Cardle Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Ehteram Barghi Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Rob Howard chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 kent borgerson chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Kristin Kovic Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Grace Tripp Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Becky Borgerson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Kevin Engebretson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 jackie ottoson IChanhasselMN 1 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN LuAnn Lutgen Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Bill Schubert chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Cara Goin Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Nick Goin Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Rhonda Backus Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Paul Ottoson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Susan Kucera Chahassen MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Rick Fox Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Nikki Fox Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Susie Wuollett Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Marcos Peluso Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Arkhip Osadchuk Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Irina Osadchuk Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 David Weiby Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Sharon McKinney Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Anita Steckling Chaanhass MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Katie Bastiansen MN MN United Sta 10/31/2011 Pam McCartan Excelsior MN 55331 United Sta 10/31/2011 Paula Hallau Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Kathleen Leisman Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Matthew Thomas Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Sarah Thomas Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Heike Hudson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 nancy clairmont carr Chanhasse MN 55317 -912 United Sta 10/31/2011 Nicole Jesse Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Scott Jesse Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Ann Nye Excelsior MN 55331 United Sta 10/31/2011 Daniel Uner Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Orhan Uner Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Pat Uner Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Brenda Vatland Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Keit Osadchuk Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 mark thorne chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Ruth Rogers Fort Collin CO 80528 USA 10/31/2011 patrick lynch chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Patrice Blechta Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 10/31/2011 Dave Schollman chanhassei MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Daniel Lynch Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Chuck Goers Chanhasse MN 55331 United Sta 11/1/2011 Donna Ozuturk Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Ordell & Sonja Leines Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Jean Nitchals Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Neil Ellis Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Barry Steckling Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Robb Hall IChanhasselMN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Laura Lehman Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Lance Wegner jChanhassejMN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Say No to rezoning Powers Blvd and Park Road in Chanhassen, MN Lee Leines Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 11/1/2011 Vicki Taborek Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Holly Stang - Williams Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Philip Williams Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Thomas Newhouse Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 George Webster Chaska MN 55318 United Sta 11/1/2011 Peter Boevers Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Kathy Luce Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Jodi Rivera Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Wendy Evenson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Sue Bogan Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Joe Oprosko Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Christoph Leser Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Jason Lehman Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 James Hastreiter Chanhaser MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Roger Rood Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 11/1/2011 Audra Mollet Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Dan Berg Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Brian BAker Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Leslie Baker Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Colleen Cannon Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Paul Johnson Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Amy Diedrich Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Sarah Petersen Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Mike Petersen Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Patricia Hastreiter 5317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Mark Glodoski Chanhasse MN 55331 United Sta 11/1/2011 Virginia Bailey Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Lisa Keenan Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Jeff grover Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 mike Grebin CHANHAS MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 michael boyer chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 cheryl niebeling chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Jerry Parten Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Jamie Cook Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Jim Van Asten Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Shirley Humphrey Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Brian leines Victoria MN 55386 United Sta 11/1/2011 Rita Klauda Chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Martha Noll chanhasse MN 55317 United Sta 11/1/2011 Jeff Cook Chanhasse MN 55317J United Sta 11/1/2011