CC Minutes 12-12-2011Chanhassen City Council Meeting – December 12, 2011 Mayor Furlong: Or 3. Councilwoman Ernst: Either one. Mayor Furlong: 3.1. Councilwoman Ernst: Sure. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Any other items? With that is there a motion to adopt items 1(a) through (k)? Councilman McDonald: So moved. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Second. Mayor Furlong: Motion’s been made and seconded. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Tjornhom seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated November 28, 2011 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated November 28, 2011 Receive Commission Minutes: -Park and Recreation Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated November 22, 2011 Resolution #2011-65: c. TH 101 Improvements, Lyman Boulevard to Pioneer Trail: Approve Resolution Accepting EA/EAW and Making a Negative Declaration on the Need for an EIS. Resolution #2011-66: d. 2012 Street Improvement Project: Accept Feasibility Study and Call for Public Hearing. e. Approval of 2012 Police Contract with the Carver County Sheriff’s Office. f. Approval of Lease Extension for Old Village Hall, Seattle Sutton. Resolution #2011-67: g. Approval of Resolution Accepting Voluntary Donation for City Services in Lieu of Paying Taxes, Mount Olivet Rolling Acres. nd h. Pioneer Pass 2 Addition: Table Final Plat, Plans and Specifications and Resolution Reapportioning Assessments. i. Approval of Requests for Temporary On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License, Chanhassen Rotary Club: 1) February Festival, February 4, Lake Ann 2) Fourth of July Celebration, July 3 & 4, City Center Park j. Approval of Findings of Fact for Denial of the Concept Planned Unit Development, Walmart. *Councilwoman Ernst abstained on this item. 3 Chanhassen City Council Meeting – December 12, 2011 k. Repeal Chapter 10, Article VIII of Chanhassen City Code Concerning Rental Dwelling Licensing. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0 except on item 1(j).* VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, we do have one resident and commissioner that would like to talk about an upcoming event here in Chanhassen. Mayor Furlong: Well I guess we can slow it down. They must move slower at the county meetings than they do here. Commissioner Workman, good evening. Tom Workman: Good evening Mayor and City Council. Thank you. I was talking about surgeries out in the hall with a neighbor. Not mine. I am here on behalf of the Chanhassen Lions Club here in Chanhassen. A couple years ago I asked them if we couldn’t sponsor an event in town that we don’t presently have, and they said good if I did all the work and so I’ve been sort of at this in the details along with the City’s parks department. Mostly Jerry Ruegemer. He says Ruegemer on his voicemail, I say Ruegemer. But it is a Polar Plunge and to be, Knutson has already signed up so. In fact I was in the lake today. I went out, there’s about 5 to 6 inches on the beach where we’ll be having it. I drilled a couple of holes. Got into my bare feet on the ice. Crawford was my photographer and so look for that so but it’s now it’s about getting jumpers and that’s why I’m here tonight to tell the city and I don’t know if that will pick it up. Can I put this on? Laurie Hokkanen: Sure. Todd Gerhardt: Right on the picture. Tom Workman: Wow, that looks perfect. There is a website that people can go to sign up and so let me tell what that is. That’s very clear. Chanlionsplunge.com. Chanlionsplunge.com for the attorneys in the room. But as I said the details are all coming together. Thanks to the City of Chanhassen and Jerry to let us get set up down there. Don’t know how it’s all going to turn out. Sometimes it’s a little bit weather related. If it’s 14 below and a howling wind, even Laufenburger won’t show up but I think you’re signed up. Councilman Laufenburger: You can take that to the bank. Tom Workman: So but anyway it’s going to be a lot of fun. I’ve been going for yeas up to Lake Minnetonka where they have a really good one and really successful one and I thought this is good. We can maybe do even do a little bit better but keep the money maybe even a little closer to home for the Lions and all of our charities. The Lions or the Lions. The fire department is going to be helping us. We’ll probably have about 6 firemen down there. Fire people to help anybody who may have an issue. There will be an ambulance on site so now the Mayor’s coming and so we’re, I am counting on every one of you to be down there so, nothing else going on really on New Year’s Day. I’m not a big New Year’s Eve guy and so I always started doing this, started as kind of a tradition. Chanhassen Legion’s going to be helping out with discounts on their buffet and some Bloody Mary’s or whatever else you want over there, so it’s going to be a great community event. I’ll stop taking your time. If you have a question for Commissioner Workman, county business, our budget is due to be finalized tomorrow. We’ll probably have less than you in our room. We’ve kept it like you, pretty tight and no real, no real issues on our budget. We are going to be talking a little bit about zebra mussels tomorrow. We had some Lotus Lake 4