Administrative Section
Hoffman, Todd
ddahlquist @ att. net
Thursday, November 14, 2002 3:21 PM
Hoffman, Todd
Re: Trails
Todd ........... you are a good person.
Thank You, THANK YOU, thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you,
Thank You, THANK YOU, thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you,
Thank You, THANK YOU, thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you,
Thank You, THANK YOU, thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you,
Thank You, THANK YOU, thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you,
Thank You, THANK YOU, thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you,
Thank You, THANK YOU, thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you,
Thank You, THANK YOU, thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you,
Thank You, THANK YOU, thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you,
For the new BLUFF CREEK walking paths ......... they are great!!!!!
Question/suggestion/alert notice; off of 78th street as you go down
walking path to go under 78th street, there is a sharp curve in the
path. Next
to the curve apparently is a spring which runs OVER the path and into
the Bluff
Creek. With our cold weather it is now freezing on the path and
already there
is a ice buildup. Could you 1) place an 8 foot French drain next to the
to catch the water and divert it into the creek? Or for now
2) could you place a drum of salt/sand and a coffee can to spread it for
winter? Just a suggestion. Thanks. It appears some young bicyclists
already slid on this ice.
Jan and Don Dahlquist
7634 Prairie Flower Boulevard
Chanhassen, MN 55317
> Good Afternoon
> The section of trail that is not finished is outside of MN DOT right
of way
> and as such was not included in their project. The City anticipated
> and hired a contractor to finish this connector and the one to the
east at
> Lake Ann Park. You can anticipate them starting in the next few weeks
> finishing by mid to late October. Thanks for your note!
> Todd Hoffman
> Park and Recreation Director
7700 Ivlarket Boulevard
PO Box 147
,~?hassen. MN 55317
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~,, :,,,. :i.?
October 17, 2002
Mr. Michael Fahey
Carver County Attorney
Government Center, Justice Center
604 East Fourth Street
Chaska, MN 55318
Dear Mike:
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager asked that I reply to your letter concerning a
meeting with Ted Koltes. I was made aware of the incident referenced in your
letter by Sergeant Dave Potts of the Carver County Sheriff's Office. Sergeant
Potts contacted me soon after the incident occun'ed suggesting that the City
post "No Motor Vehicles" signs at the trail entrance points. I informed
Sergeant Potts that this signage was present and that we would move the signs
to a location closer to the trail entrances.
It is my position that this was an isolated incident that does not merit the
install.ation of gates. The City maintains approximately 50 of these trail
access points to parks. It is not reasonable to expect that we would gate these
accesses in an attempt to limit isolated violations of the no motor vehicle
ordinance. Such an effort would prove to be costly, unsightly, and would
severely limit our ability to efficiently maintain these properties. These trails
serve as the primary access points for city maintenance vehicles and mowers
providing routine maintenance at these locations.
I have instructed our Park Maintenance Division to re-install the "No Motor
Vehicle" signs at the trail entrance points in Pheasant Hill Park. Thank you
for attending to this matter on our behalf.
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
c: Ted Koltes, 1731 Wood Duck Circle
g :\park\th\fahey
Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area Planning Process
Citizens Advisory Committee
Meeting Notes: September 26th, 2002
Scott County Government Center, Shakopee
Robert M. Kahle, Belle Plaine
Todd Kahle, Belle Plaine
Ed Kroger, Belle Plaine
Donna Williams, Jordan
Randy Bullert, Hutchinson
Kyle Bakken, Minneapolis
Milt Meierbachtol, Henderson
Bev Meicrbachtol, Henderson
Pat Steckman, Henderson
John Busse, Blakeley Township, Belle Plaine
Harriet Mason, St. Peter
Alan Pickar, Belle Plaine Township, Belle Plaine
Tammy Pickar, Belle Plaine Township, Belle Plaine
Jim Wolf, Bloomington
Tom Bender, Henderson Chamber & True Value Hardware Store, Henderson
Bill Harjes, Sibley County Commissioner, Green Isle
Edwin Bachne, Henderson
Henry Crosby, Jordan
Terry Momson, Belle Plaine
Brian Schmidt, Blakeley Township, Belle Plaine
Audrey Kjellesvig, Belle Plaine
Richard Kjellesvig, Belle Plaine
Fran & Kathie Burke, Jordan
Denis Hahn, Three Rivers Park District, Maple Plain
Tom Phillips, Henderson Fire, Henderson
Holly Buchanan, Friends of the Minnesota Valley, Bloomington
Mark Cleveland, Mn DNR, Fort Snellin~d'Ivln Valley SRA
Nancy Albrecht, Mn DNR, Division of Parks & Recreation, St. Paul
The Purpose of this meeting was to review the recommendations for managing the
natural and cultural resources made by the Mn Valley Technical Team, an interagency
committee that has been meeting throughout the planning process (as well as the Citizens
Advisory Committee). The Tech Team provided recommendations for the following
waysides for this meeting: G/fford/Nyssens Lake, Carver Rapids, Thompson Ferry, Sioux
Vista, Lawrence/Belle Plaine Waysides, Blakeley Wayside. Once the citizens have
reviewed and concurred (or not) then the DNR will write the recommendations into the
draft management plan. The other purpose for meeting was to discuss potential boundary
changes for the same units.
Citizens were asked to divide into smaller discussion groups based on their (geographic)
interests. Three groups were formed: Carver Rapids, Sioux Vista/Lawrence, and
The following is a summary of the discussions from each of these groups:
Sioux Vista and Lawrence:
1) The group is in general concurrence with the recommendations from the Tech
Team's 5/1/02 discussion;
2) Work with the private landowners (especially the ones who own large parcels)
along the trail with an eye'towards future'acquisition;
3) The group is concerned about unauthorized use of the trail along the river and
there is significant erosion (in fact one portion of the trail has had to be closed);
· ' -' ,~o with certain wi'~':r .... :- '"~.-
4) w~'e group.ia conc,zr',,ed ;',qth the trml
such as turtles trying to lay eggs in the spring--consider closing the trail on a
temporary basis. Increase enforcement in general;
.5) Prairie management in the Sioux Vista area, as recommended by the Tekh Team,
is OK;
6) Continue involving the adjacent landowners in the management of the areas;
7) Plan to connect Kelly Lake to Belle Plaine on the Sibley County side---either
acquire or work with the private landowners (easements, registry or some other
conservation tool);
8) Continue restoration work in the Lawrence Unit including buckthorn control and
prescribed burning;
9) Make sure the private inholdings in the Lawrence Unit are marked on the park's
Carver Rapids:
I) The group concurs with the recommendations made by the Tech Team on
2) Regarding a land exchange so that the Refuge (Minnesota Valley National
Wildlife Refuge) manages the whole Louisville Swamp, Carver Rapids & Rapids
Lake area, the group thought that it has some merit since the users (visitors)
would be less confused about who manages what;
3) Consider a ferry or bridge to cross the river from Carver Rapids to the Rapids
Lake Unit;
4) Stay abreast of the proposal for an amphitheatre on the 169 side of Louisville---
the EIS is about to be released pending funding from the proposer (Q-Prime).
Blakeley WaYSide:
1) The group did NOT concur with the recommendation to talk to the township to
close the road that bisects the wayside and the recommendation was tabled;
2) However, the group did have concerns about:
Poaching on the wayside being done by people coming down from the
Twin Cities, especially the members of the Hmong culture;
Trespass by hunters onto adjacent private property (lack of adequate
boundary posting and enforcement)
Loss of soil on the uplands/erosion
Dumping on the wayside
3) The group recommended as solutions:
Post the state park owned boundaries
Explore some educational work with members of the Hmong community -
signs and reading materials may have to be done in their native language
or with photos of the birds that are being poached
Possibly put a no (bird) hunting sign on the bottom of the hill where the
majority of them park
Consider closing the area to hunting (do not transfer to the Ney WMA)
Work with adjacent landowners and the local Soil and Water Conservation
District to reduce erosion from above (use buffer strips, CREP, stormwater
detention pondsJ
Increase enforcement in the area
Put up no dumping signs in the obvious areas
Recognize the original landowner as a'contributor to the park/wayside
(Mr. Lehnart).
For Jessenland 25: allow natural regeneration of floc~dplain forest to
continue. The area is not easily accessible, so boundary and trespass issues
are probably not as urgent. The people who currently hunt the area were
not present at this meeting---so it is difficult to make a recommendation
about maintaining hunting or disallowing it on this site.
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
F'~,:,:}~: 952.227.1100
F3x: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
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r.:,, o.':.5' 9P7 1110
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,,,, ,.,.c a ~,~s~ .m .us
November 19, 2002
Mr. A1 Gagnon
Minnetonka Youth Hockey
6306 Summit Circle
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Al:
Thank you for taking the time to submit facility applications to the City of
Chanhassen for outdoor hockey space. Minnetonka Youth Hockey has been
assigned the following days and times.
]Location Rink No. Days Time
North Lotus Lake Park
Chanhassen Rec Center
NLLP #1 M-T-W-Th 5:30-7:30 p.m.
CRC #1 M & W 5:30-9:00 p.m.
Please look closely at your permits and let me know if there are any changes. If
you have any questions, please call me at (952) 227-1121.
Jen'y emer
Recreation Superintendent
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
P:. :,'~,.:: 952.227.1100
Fa:,,: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
?r~one: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Pi',orls: 952.227.1160
~r~:' 952 227.1170
:"..:. 3~,2.227 !140
Park & Recreation
F" :.',: ~2 2£7112~;
Planning &
Natural Resources
r'. -% o~? 997 '~'~
Public Works
::;,!,i i-'ar!: P,,;z~
F;,: 952 2271310
Senior Center
Web Site
.... C h~.r~h55S~,i.rT, q. US
November 19, 2002
Mr. Bob Lanzi
Chan/Chaska Hockey Association
8431 Egret Court
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Dear Bob:
Thank you for taking the time to submit facility applications to the City of
Chanhassen for outdoor hockey space. CCHA has'been assigned the following
days and times.
Location Rink No. Days Time
City Center Park
Chanhas'sen Rec Center
Chanhassen Rec Center
CCP #1 M-T-W-Th-F 5:30-7:30 p.m.
CRC #1 T & Th 5:00-9:00 p.m.
CRC #1 F 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Please look closely at your permits and let me know if there are any changes. If
you have any questions, please call me at (952) 227-1121.
Jerry Ruegemer
Recreation Superintendent