2 Park and Trail Acquisition CI OF
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Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
September 6, 2002
Recommended 2003 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development
Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
On Tuesday, August 24, 2002, the Park and Recreation Commission conducted a
final review of the proposed 2003 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development
Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Upon conclusion of their discussion
Commissioner Stolar made a motion to recommend the City Council approve the
following Capital improvements totaling $893,000.
Proposed 2003 Park and Trail Acquisition
and Development Capital Improvement Program
Bandimere Community Park
Park Shelter Building
Proposed funding source - park dedication fund
Chanhassen Recreation Center
Carpet Replacement
Proposed funding source - capital replacement fund
Cardio fitness machine replacement (2)
Proposed funding source - capital replacement fund
Curry Farms Park
PI ayground replacement
Proposed funding source - capital replacement fund
Lake Ann Park
Resurfacing original (dating back to the early 1970' s)
Park road and parking lots
Proposed funding source - capital replacement fund
Meadow Green Park
Playground replacement
Proposed funding source - capital replacement fund
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
September 6, 2002
Page 2
Picnic Tables and Benches
Annual acquisition of new tables and benches
Proposed funding source - park dedication fund
Skate Park
New ramp
Proposed funding source - park dedication fund
State Hwy. 41 connector
Proposed funding source - park dedication fund
Hwy. 101 north connectors
Connections from new Hwy. 101 north trail to Near Mountain Blvd
And Town line Road
Proposed funding source - park dedication fund
Trash Receptacles
Final acquisition of a three year replacement program
Proposed funding source - park dedication fund
Tree Planting
Annual fall and spring tree planting and replacements
Proposed funding source - park dedication fund
Park Dedication Fund $510,000
Capital Replacement Fund $383,000
Commissioner O'Shea seconded the motion, which passed on a vote of 5 to 1 with
Commissioner Happe voting against.
1. Memorandum to The Park and Recreation Commission dated August 22, 2002
2. Justification Sheet
3. Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Fund 410 Estimated Financial Activity
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Park & Recreation
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Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
August 22, 2002
Recommended 2003 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development
Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
I have amended the 2003 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital
Improvement Program to reflect the Commission's recommendations from June
25 . Please find an alphabencal hsnng of the proposed CIP attached. Staff is
recommending that the City Center Park Shelter be deleted from the 2003 plan in
favor of building a Park Shelter Building at Bandimere Park. The proposed 2003
Park and Trail CIP totals $893,000. Of this amount $510,000 is proposed to be
funded fi'om the park dedication fund. The remaining $383,000 is proposed to be
funded fi'om the Capital Replacement Fund.
The proposed 2003 CIP investment in park dedication fund dollars is $38,000
more than the fund's annual income average for the past four years of $582,000.
Following completion of the Hwy. 101 north and south trails, cash reserves in
park dedication will dip below the one million dollar mark. Knowing this, it is
apparent that a proposed 2003 CIP investment level of over $600,000 is fairly
aggressive. To assist the Commission, City Council members and other members
of staff to understand the need for these improvements, a justification sheet is also
attached to this report.
It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City
Council approve a 2003 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital
hnprovement Program totaling $893,000 as detailed in the attached reports.
Proposed 2003 Park and Trail Acquisition and
Development Capital Improvement Program Justification Sheet
Bandimere Community Park
Park Shelter Building
The park master plan for Bandimere Community Park identifies three buildings; a concession
area, a trail wayside rest and a shelter building. The response to Bandimere Park has been
overwhelmingly positive leading to its popularity as a destination within the City. Construction
of the park shelter building would provide the following amenities; covered picnic area, modern
restrooms, concession space, storage space and a mechanical room. The shelter would serve as a
focal point for the park and act as a tournament headquarters for approximately one dozen events
a year.
Advance planning during the original construction of the park called for sanitary sewer and water
main to be installed at the location of the future shelter. These public improvements are
currently buried below the shelter location requiring an initial investment of $27,000.
Chanhassen Recreation Center
Carpet Replacement
The existing carpet is eight years old, badly stained and sheds a negative light on an otherwise
pleasant facility. This improvement is 2 years overdue!
Cardio fitness machine replacement
The majority of the fitness room cardio machines am original to the construction of the building.
The Recreation Center Manager maintains an impeccable record of keeping these machines
running on a shoestring and used parts. However, the time has come to start rotating the stock!
The fitness room generates the majority of the revenue for the Recreation Center and needs
ongoing investment to remain viable.
Curry Farms Park
Playground replacement
The Curry Farms playground is one of the original wood "landscape structure" structures
installed in the city's park system. It was installed in 1989 and added onto in 1993. The
structure requires ongoing maintenance to ensure that safety requirements are met and to reduce
the likelihood of obtaining painful "mini" wood splinters.
Lake Ann Park
Resurfacing original (dating back to the early 1970' s)
park road and parking lots
The existing condition of the original Lake Ann Park road and parking lots is a glaring black eye
on what should be the city's premier park facility. For a community that prides itself on
providing well kept parks this improvement is long overdue. These asphalt surfaces are some of
the oldest in the community dating back to the early 1970's. Past recommendations have called
for a complete reconstruction of the surfaces including the introduction of curb and gutter
(standard improvements under city code). As a means of reducing the cost of these necessary
improvements, this year's proposal calls for an overlay without curb and gutter. This application
will result in a cost savings of 50%, however, it is important to recognize that with these cost
savings comes a corresponding reduction in the life expectancy of the improvements.
Meadow Green Park
Playground replacement
The Meadow Green playground is one of the original wood "landscape structure" structures
installed in the city's park system. It was installed in 1986. The structure requires ongoing
maintenance to ensure that safety requirements are met and to reduce the likelihood of obtaining
painful "mini" wood splinters.
Picnic Tables and Benches
Annual acquisition of new tables and benches
Annually the department transitions out old tables through attrition. Park user numbers also
increase annually requiring the presence of additional tables and park benches.
Skate Park
Acquisition of additional equipment was postponed this year in order to complete landscaping,
fencing and shelter improvements. The popularity of the park justifies additional equipment.
State Hwy. 41 connector
Pulte homes will complete a section of trail north of Arboretum Village this fall. This trail will
dead-end in the Itwy. 41 ditch at the western border of the project. Approximately 1000 feet
north of this dead ended trail exists the "Longacres" trail. This connector xvill be the
"connection" between the two.
Hwy. 101 north connectors
The completion of the Hwy. 101 north trail is truly a historic event. CmTent construction
however terminates to the north at Pleasant View Road. To attain maximum utility of the trail
these two connections need to be completed. The first would be placed on the north side of
Pleasant View Road from the intersection of Hwy. 101 and Pleasant View Road to just beyond
Near Mountain Boulevard where a neighborhood trail connector currently exists. The second
connection would travel north of Pleasant View Road in the ditch of Hwy. 101 connecting up
with the Minnetonka trail at Town Line Road.
Trash Receptacles
Final acquisition of a three-year replacement program.
To date 100 of the new green expanded metal trash receptacles with covers have been purchased.
These are replacing the baby blue plastic 55 gallon barrels. An additional 40 containers are
needed to finalize the replacement program.
Tree Planting
Annual fall and spring tree planting and replacements.
Each year, in cooperation with the Environmental Resources Coordinator, the department
replaces dead and dying trees and plants new ones. This is one of those instances where doing a
little every year pays off big dividends twenty to fifty years from now. Approximately 50 to 100
trees are planted each season.
Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Fund 410
Estimated Financial Activity
Spendable balance as of 6/20/02
Estimated revenue remaining 2002 year
Estimated revenue for 2003
At close of 2003
2002 Trail conne6tion project including Hwy. 101
south, Bluff Creek underpass, and Riley Creek
Hwy. 101 north trail
Marsh Glen Trail connector
City Center Commons Park
Remaining 2002 CIP obligations, i.e. trees, tables,
2003 CIP budget as recommended by Park and
Recreation Commission on 8/27/02
At close of 2003
Estimated Spendable balance at close of 2003
Note - All figures rounded and represent estimates