6 Rec Center ReportCITYOF
7700 Idarket Boulevard
PO Box 147
Ohanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
P573: 952 2271180
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":'-.z 95;J 2;_:7. ;16'3
Park & Recreation
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Fa', 952227 111
F~a.: ,%2.227
Planning &
Natural Resources
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F:::, c?:,'32 2:J7 11 10
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1591 Park Road
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Senior Center
Phone S52 227 1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
FROM: Susan Marek, Recreation Center Manager
September 13, 2002
Park Commission Report - September 2002
Many organizations' have extended recurring rentals at the Rec Center
this school year. Once again, all four community rooms and the
conference room will be rented every weekday evening. Many rooms
change over 3 times per day!
The garden at the entrance to the Rec Center has been completed with
the installation of a bench. We look for the garden to be fully mature in
two years.
A new drop-in (punch card) fitness class will begin on October 4. The
class will be body toning with the use of fit balls and bands. This class
will be held in a community room. Our full schedule of aerobic classes
is in effect after the annual floor resurfacing was completed in August.
The Dance for Fun season has begun with our new coordinator, Miss
Nicole Sorensen. Miss Nicole has hired Laura Dvorak to teach Friday
classes and Kim Conradi returns to teach Saturday classes. Enrollment
in the dance program has declined slightly with the departure of
Maryann Porter, former coordinator. We look forward to new ideas with
our young, spirited dance staff this year.
5. Carpet replacement is in our future! Quotes are being prepared.
The childcare program has resumed. Childcare is available Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, from 9-11 a.m. Fees remain the same at $2/half
hour/child. Unused childcare punch cards from the past were mailed to
their respective families along with information on our childcare offering
this year. We welcome Teresa Deckard as our childcare provider this
The City of Chanhassen o A 9:,,::,~,',i: ~ comr,'r:,ur, tv ,',,ith, cie~rn ia:;p% q,Ja'.itv schools a charming dc, wnto,,',n th"iving businesses v,,,inding trails and beautiful park? A ereat place !o live v,'ork and p!av