Project Narrativei i W. i' 80 West 78th Street 2.79 Acre Site Chanhassen, Minnesota Request for: Site Plan Review Approval, Preliminary and Final Plat and a Minor Subdivision, January 5th, 2012 Introduction On behalf of the tenant, the developer is requesting Preliminary Site Plan Review approval along with Preliminary and Final Plat and a minor subdivision for the proposed project. The tenant has several locations around the Twin Cities such as, Woodbury, Maple Grove, Oak Park Heights and Eagan to name a few. Goodwill / Easter Seals Minnesota have been a strong contributor to the development of Minnesota's workforce for more than 90 years. Goodwill / Easter Seals assist people with barriers to education, employment and independence in achieving their goals. Our comprehensive workforce development model helps clients: - Prepare for work - Maintain employment -Train for Employment - Advance in careers - Obtain Jobs - Connect to other community resources Project Narrative 80 West 78th Street, Chanhassen, MN January 5, 2012 Page 1 of 4 4839 West 12411' Street Savage, MN 55378 e Lic. #20011239 • Tel. 952- 890 -4364 Fax 952- 890 -2916 w w w. f e n d l e r p a t t e r s o n. c o rn a` • • , From 25 locations, Goodwill / Easter Seals 781 employees provide statewide services to Minnesotans with disabilities and disadvantages. We provide paid work experience in our retail stores and corporate headquarters. In addition to our career workforce development model, we offer English Language Learning, mathematics, parenting and life skills classes. We also host discussion groups devoted to the specific needs of the individuals we serve. Goodwill / Easter Seals industry skills training programs, developed in partnership with Minnesota businesses, provide curriculum- based, hands -on training. Current programs serve the automotive, banking / finance, call center, construction and retail industries. Participants acquire soft and technical skills to get jobs and advance in their careers. Goodwill / Easter Seals long -tern follow -up and support services help both participants and employers. Our community resources staff provides housing resources, retail vouchers for clothing, medical equipment loans and one -on -one assistance. In 2008, Goodwill / Easter Seals served 22,165 individuals, provided 35,891 services, made 880 job placements with 113 individuals advancing in their careers and generated over 17 million in taxable income by participants who gained employment. LIM The tenant will utilize the facility for retailing purposes with the hours of operation being Monday- Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. These are standard hours of operation and do not take into account various holiday hours which most retailers adjust slightly to better serve the community. The proposed tenant would employ up to 30 employees along with 8 -12 participants which are engaging in career training programs. In addition this use works in conjunction with the retailers that exist in the area. Each user will compliment each others product thus assisting in the success of each others interest. The proposed project consists of constructing a 20,600 sf retail facility on approximately 2.79 ac site that is being platted into one lot from the current two story office building. The site will have parking in the front and to the south of the store, with a drop off area located along the west side of the building. A loading dock is located in the rear (north) of the building. Parking requirements for this facility are being met by providing 100 parking stalls in the front, rear and to the south of the store. The 100 stalls exceed the minimum city requirement of 82 stalls as defined in section 20 -1124 of the Chanhassen City code. The property is zoned BH Highway and Business service district. The property is bordered by a rail road to the north, a Stormwater pond to the west, State Highway 5 and 78"' ST to the south, and commercial to the east. Project Narrative 80 West 78th Street, Chanhassen, WIN January 5, 2012 Page 2 of 4 4839 West 12411, Street Savage, MN 55378 , Lie. #20011239 e Tel. 952- 890 -4364 Fax 952- 890 -2916 w w w. f e n d I e r p a t t e r s o n. c o rn ■ A 6 inch water service and sewer service will be constructed into the sw corner of the building. A new water service will be tapped from the existing 8 inch watermain located in the boulevard of 78 "' Street; the existing sewer stub will be utilized with the addition of two manholes to bring the service into the correct location. Stonnwater and drainage will follow the existing drainage patterns from the site, but will provide rate control and treatment of the Stormwater runoff. The existing site drains to the north, southwest and southeast corners of the site. The proposed project will install a storm scepter in the southeast conger of the site to provide solids removal prior to discharging off site, and a couple of filtration basins will be installed along the north and south west corner of the site. This area will improve water quality and rate control to the existing wetland and to the discharge off site to the south. It was the intent to follow the City Engineers advice and route the Stormwater to the existing pond to the west, but when the information on the pond to the west was evaluated it was discovered the 100 yr. high water level was over 3.0 feet above the site of the proposed development. Landscaping The landscaping plan has been developed to be in accordance with Section 20 -1176 and subsequent sections. We have provided a five foot high buffer screen along the 78t1' street side of the parking lot to accommodate a .10 ft. parking setback in accordance with City Code Section 20- 715 subsection 6 e. Buffer requirements B and A are met along 78 "' St and the property to the east respectively. Buffer requirement C is proposed along the West property line. The wetland to the north provides the buffer along this property edge. The following Planting schedule is proposed to meet the minimum buffer requirements. Side Length Canopy Under Story Shrubs South 345 7 14 21 West 295 9 18 27 East 427 5 9 13 Additional plantings have been added as shown on the plans to meet the screening requirements along 78 °i street. Parking lot calculations show we have 1.17 ac of parking lot, based on section 20 -1181 of the city code we need a landscape area for each 6,000 sf of parking area. This means we need 8.5 landscaped area with one tree for every 250 sf of landscaped area in the parking lot. This requires 7 parking lot trees to be added to the planting list. Project Narrative 80 West 78th Street, Chanhassen, MN January 5, 2012 Page 3 of 4 4839 West 124" Street Savage, MN 55378 ® Lic. #20011239 m Tel. 952- 890 -4364 Fax 952- 890 -2916 w w w . f e n d l e r p a t t e r s o n. corn Lighting Site lighting is in accordance with section 20 -1123 of the City Code. Lighting levels along the property lines do not exceed 0.5 ft candles in accordance with the code. Architecture The proposed design for the Goodwill Store incorporates architectural elements and finishes from the typical prototype building. The new buildings exterior is proposed to be a combination of a face brick, EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finish System), and colored single score CMU fields and accent elements. Columns with decorative EIFS cornices are used to define the main entry to the facility along with a false entry facing South. All HVAC units on the facility are proposed to be screened from the structures parapets. They are designed high enough to screen all equipment. Signage Under the current terms of the proposed lease, signage is the responsibility of the Tenant. With that said, typically the Tenant will locate signage over the front entry to the facility and on any face of the building facing major roadways. In addition, various directional signage is located around the development as found on most retail projects. The Tenant is aware that a separate signage permit must be applied for and they are prepared to do so per the requirements of the City of Chanhassen. Closure The applicant respectfully requests the City of Chanhassen support the request for Preliminary Site Plan Review, Preliminary and Final Plat and a minor subdivision for the proposed Goodwill Project. We look forward to joining your community and assisting residents with our mission. Project Narrative 80 West 78th Street, Chanhassen, MN January 5, 2012 Page 4 of 4 4839 West 12411' Street Savage, MN 55378 a Lic. #20011239 a Tel. 952- 890 -4364 Fax 952- 890 -2916 w w w. f e n d I e r p a t t e r s o n. c o m