1a1 Ashling Meadows Final PlatCITYOF
690 CiO, Ce, ter Drive
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, Mimwsota 55317
General Fax
Engineering Depamnent Fax'
&dlding Deparm~ent Fax
Web Site
wz~,it.'.ci, cha,/mssen, m,.us
Scott Botcher, City Manager
Sharmin A1-Jaff, Senior Planner
Matthew Saam, Project Engineer
DATE: April 4, 2001
Final Plat Approval for Ashling Meadows, Located East of Galpin
Boulevard and South of Lake Lucy Road, Lundgren Bros.
The applicant is requesting final plat approval to subdivide 40 acres into 3 ! single
family lots and three outlots. The property is zoned RSF, Residential Single Family.
The average lot size is 28,168 square feet With a resulting net density of 1.99 units
per acre. The site is located south of Lake Lucy Road and east of Galpin Boulevard.
Access to the subdivision will be provided via Galpin iBoulevard. All lots are
proposed to be served via internal residential streets.
Ail of the proposed lots meet the minimum area, width, and dePth re. quirements of
the Zoning Ordinance. There are three outlots shown on the plat. Outlot A contains
wetlands, and phase II of Ashling Meadows. Outlot B contains a wetland basin,- and
Outlot C will contain a sign identifying the neighborhood.
The site has some mature trees, which the applicant is making an effort to preserve.
There are some areas where grading limits extend into areas proposed to be
preserved. Grading limits have been imposed on the plat and made part of the
conditions of approval.
In summary, staff believes that the proposed subdivision is well designed. Minor
revisions will be required. We are recommending that the subdivision of the
rezoning be approved with conditions outlined in the staff report.
On March 12, 2001, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following:
I. Rezoning #00-5 to rezone 40 acres of property zoned RR, Rural Residential, to
RSF, Residential Single Family, for Ashling Meadows as shown on-the plans dated
received December 15, 2000.
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II. The preliminary plat for Subdivision #00-15 for Ashling Meadows for 52 lots and four outlots as
shown on the plans, dated December 12, 2000, stamped received March 12, 2001, subject to the
following conditions:
The applicant shall enter into a development contract containing all of the conditions of
approval for this project and shall submit all required financial guarantees. The development
contract shall be recorded against the property.
This condition still applies.
2. The applicant shall meet all conditions of Wetland Alteration Permit #00-5.
This condition still applies.
The proposed drainage swale in the backyard of Lot 44 shall be moved closer to the rear
lot line. This will minimize the amount of drainage easement required.
This condition has been met.
If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the aPplicant
will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes and traffic control plans.
This condition still applies.
Each of the ponds shall be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP)
This condition has been met.
The proposed drainage area in the southeast comer of the site shall be routed to the
southwest pond and adjacent wetland instead of to the northerly pond. This will better
follow the proposed drainage pattern shown in the City's Surface Water Management Plan.
This condition still applies.
Staff has reviewed the ponding calculations and found that additional information and
revisions are necessary. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to correct the
This condition still applies.
Prior to final platting, storm sewer design calculations will need to be submitted. The
storm sewer will have to be designed for a 1 O-year, 24-hour storm event. Drainage and
utilities easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat over the public storm
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drainage system including ponds, drainage swales, and wetlands up to the 100-year flood
level. The minimum easement width shall be'20 feet wide. Emergency overflows from
all stormwater ponds will also be required on the construction plans.
This condition has been met.
Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance with the
City's Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH). Staff recommends that the City's
Type III erosion control fence, which is a heavy-duty silt fence, be used for the areas
adjacent to the existing wetlands. The final grading plan shall incorporate erosion control
fence around the perimeter of the grading limits. In addition, tree preservation fencing
should be denoted on the grading and drainage plan as well. Erosion control matting or
wood fiber blankets will be required for the steep, rear yard slopes of those lots in the
north and southwesterly portions of the site.
This condition still applies.
Prior to construction commencing, each of the existing wells and septic tanks will be
required to be capped and/or removed per state health codes.
This condition still applies.
Sanitary sewer for this development shall be designed to serve the neighboring properties
to the east. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to establish a sufficient sewer
depth to serve the neighboring properties.
This condition has been met.
The property has not been previously assessed for sewer and water hookup and connection
charges. As per city ordinance, each newly created lot will be required to pay a sewer and
water hookup charge of $1,322 and $1,723, respectively. In addition, since the property is
within the Lake Ann sewer district, a sewer interceptor charge of $1,011 and a sub-trunk
charge of $828 will be due on each lot. The sewer and water lateral connection charges
will be waived contingent on the developer installing the internal lateral utility lines. All
of the above fees are due at the time of building permit issuance.
This condition still applies.
Utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's
latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and
specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be
required to enter into a development contract with the City and to supply the necessary
financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation
of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval.
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This condition still applies.
Landscaped median islands maybe permitted within the public streets contingent upon the
developer entering into an encroachment agreement with the City and that the
configuration be acceptable to the City's Fire Marshal.
This condition still applies.
The applicant should be aware that the maximum allowable street grade is 7%. Areas
with a street grade greater than 7% should be revised to meet the criteria.
This condition has been met.
Existing driveway entrances to the site off of Galpin Boulevard shall be removed.
This condition still applies.
Lot 53 shall be deleted and Outlot C be expanded to include the northeast corner of the
This condition has been met.
Increase the amount of platted right-of-way from the centerline of Galpin Boulevard to 50
feet in width. Likewise, increase the amount of right-of-way from the centerline of Lake
Lucy Road to 40 feet in width
This condition has been met.
Revise the preliminary utility plan to show the proposed sanitary sewer pipe size and
ensure that all of the sewer manholes are a lninimum of 10 feet deep. Also, add an
additional sanitary manhole along Topaz Drive at Station 3+00.
This condition has been met.
Revise the preliminary grading plan to show the existing 18-inch culvert that enters the
site in the northwest comer. Also, show all proposed easements and add a legend.
This condition has been met.
Submit streets names to the Building Department for review prior to final plat approval.
This condition has been met.
The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies,
i.e., Watershed District, Metropolitan Environmental Service Commission, Health
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Department, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Army Corp. of Engineers, Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources, and Carver County and comply with their conditions
of approval.
This condition still applies.
The applicant shall include a draintile system behind the curbs to convey sump pump
discharge from homes not adjacent to ponds or wetlands.
This condition has been met.
24. Storm water shall not be discharged into any wetland basin prior to pretreatment.
This condition still applies.
Silt fence shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer
is to be preserved, at the delineated wetland edge and shall be removed upon completion
of adjacent construction.
This condition still applies.
Lot lines shall not extend into wetland basins. Prior to going to City Council, the
applicant shall submit the revised plat that 'shows lot lines do not extend into Wetland
basins and the recalculated lot areas.
This condition has been met.
Drainage and utility easements shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland
mitigation areas, buffer areas used for mitigation credit and storm water ponds.
This condition has been met.
Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the
City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the
direction of City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign.
This condition still applies.
Based on the proposed developed area of 35.25 acres, the water quality fees associated
with this project are estimated at $28,200 and the water quantity fees associated with this
project are estimated at $69,795. The applicant will be credited for water quality where
NURP basins are provided to treat runoff from the site. This will be determined upon
review of the ponding and storm sewer calculations. Credits may also be applied to the
applicant's SWMP fees for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP or the provision of
outlet structures. The applicant will not be assessed for areas that are dedicated outlots. No
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credit will be given for temporalsf pond areas. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee,
due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $97,995.
This condition still applies.
30. Enviro~unental Resource Specialist conditions:
a. The applicant shall revise landscape plan to show a minimum of 323 trees to be
planted. Minimum requirements for buffer yard plantings shall be met.
b. A minimum of two overstory trees shall be required in the front yard of each lot.
c. The developer shall be responsible for installing all landscape materials proposed
in buffer yard and rear yard areas.
d. Tree preservation fence shall be install at the edge of the grading limits on Lots
20-23, 27-28, Block 1 prior to any construction.
e. According to tree preservation plans dated 11/30/00, all trees on Lot 23, block 1
shall be preserved by the developer/builder.
f. Any trees removed on Lots 20-23, 27-28 in excess of proposed tree preservation
plans xvill be replaced at a ratio of2:1 diameter inches.
This condition still applies.
Building Department conditions:
a. Demolition permits must be obtained' before demolishing any existing structures.
b. Final grading plans and soil reports must be submitted to the Inspections Division
before building permits will be issued.
This condition still applies.
32. Fire Marshal conditions:
a. An additional fire hydrant will be required. It is to be located on Topaz Drive
approximately 150 feet east of the intersection of Galpin Blvd and Topaz Drive.
b. If any trees or shrubs are to be removed, they must either be chipped or hauled off
site due to close proximity of neighboring homes. No burning permits will be
c. A ten-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants i.e., street lamps,
trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, US West, cable TV and transformer boxes.
This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by
firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1.
d. The proposed street names meet approval with the Chanhassen Fire Department.
e. Fire protection including fire apparatus access roads and water supplies for fire
protection is required to be installed. This protection shall be installed and made
serviceable prior to and during time of construction. Pursuant to 1997 Uniform
Fire Code Section 901.3.
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Submit radius tums and dimensions for the cul-de-sacs with center islands to the
City Engineer and Fire Marshal to approve. If the cul-de-sacs are to have islands,
"no parking in cul-de-sac" signs will be required.
Conditions a, d, and part of f have been met. The remaining conditions still apply.
33. Park and Recreation conditions:
Full park fees be collected in lieu of land dedication.
The applicant provide the necessary trail easement or outlot and construct an 8 ft. wide
bituminous trail connector from Topaz Drive north to the intersection of Lake Lucy
Road and Galpin Boulevard. Trail fee credit shall be granted in consideration for this
The City Engineer's office shall ensure that the 8 ft. wide bituminous trail connector is
located far enough away from Galpin Boulevard to ensure that a furore mm-lane or
widening of the road can be accommodated.
This condition still applies.
34. The lot depth for Lot 46 shall be adjusted to maintain 125 feet.
This condition is part of phase II of Ashling Meadows.
Outlot B shall be replatted as a 10t prior to issuance of a building permit.
This condition still applies.
Dead end streets shall be posted with signs that say this street may be extended in the
This condition still applies.
37. The applicant shall consider including benches in the tot lot areas.
This condition still applies.
To ensure clear communication the applicant shall have each homebuyer sign a
disclosure statement. The statement shall include information about future upgrading of
Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road. Information about wetland buffers and the
disclosure statement shall also include a plan that clearly shows the home placement, the
area available for future deck, porch or patio and all setback lines.
This condition still applies.
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The applicant should be aware that retaining walls greater than 4 feet require a separate
building permit.
This condition still applies.
Prior to final platting, the location and elevation of Emerald Lane may need to be
adjusted both to the south and lower in elevation to coordinate with the development of
the easterly property.
This condition is part of phase II of Ashling Meadows.
III. Wetland Alteration Permit #00-5 for Ashling Meadows as shown on the plans dated received
December 15, 2000 and subject to the following conditions:
Wetland replacement shall occur in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Wetland
Conservation Act (MR 8420). Eight copies of a wetland replacement plan shall be
submitted to the City for review, comment and aPproval by the City and other agencies
prior to final plat approval. The applicant shall provide a Declaration of Restrictions and
Covenants for Replacement Wetland. The City shall approve a wetland replacement plan
prior to any wetland impact occun'ing.
The wetland mitigation area shall be constructed prior to wetland impact occurring and
shall meet the City's buffer strip and structure setback requirements.
The applicant shall re-seed any disturbed wetland areas with MnDOT Seed mix 25 A, or a
similar seed mix that is approved for wetland soil conditions."
At this point, the applicant is requesting final plat approval for the first phase of the development
(this is a two phase development). Staff is recommending approval of this application with
The applicant is proposing to subdivide a 40 acre site imo 31 single family lots and three outlots.-
The density of the proposed subdivision is 1.1 units per acre gross, and 1.99 units per acre net after
removing the roads and wetlands. All the lots exceed the minimum 15,000 square feet of area, with
an average lot size of 28,168 square feet.
All of the proposed lots meet the minimum width, and depth requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
There are three outlots shown on the plat. Outlot A contains wetlands, and phase II of Ashling
Meadows. Outlot B contains a wetland basin, and Outlot C will contain a sign identifying the
All wetlands on site are contained within an outlot and are not counted as pmX of the overall area of
the individual lots. The ordinance requires all structures to maintain a 30 foot setback from the edge
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of a wetland. The ordinance also requires a buffer zone (0-20 feet wide) with an average of 10 feet.
The plans reflect a 10 foot buffer continued around the wetlands.
Staff notes that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance.
Three ag/urban wetlands exist on-site. Wetlands comprise approximately 4.78 acres of the
40.03 -acre proposed development.
Wetland 1
Wetland 1 is an ag/urban wetland located just east of Galpin Boulevard on the southwest side of
the property. The basin is dominated by reed canary grass and has willow shrubs scattered
around its edge. The applicant has proposed 3,360 square feet (0.08 acres) of wetland impact in
this basin to permit construction of the turning lane into the development.
Wetland 2
Wetland 2 is an ag/urban wetland located just south of Lake Lucy Road and east of Wetland 3.
The basin is dominated by reed canary grass and giant goldenrod. It receives runoff from
surrounding hillsides and discharge from Wetland 3 in the northwest corner of the property. No
wetland impact is proposed in this basin.
Wetland 3
Wetland 3 is a small wetland basin in the northwest comer of the site (at the intersection of
Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road). The wetland is dominated bY willow, reed canary grass
and silver maple. No wetland impact is proposed in this basin.
Water Quality Fees
Because of the impervious surface associated with this development, the water quality fees for this
proposed development are based on single-family residential development rates of $800/acre.
Based on the proposed developed area of approximately 35.25 acres, the water quality fees
associated with this project are $28,200.
Water Quantity Fees
The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average
citywide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition,
proposed SWMP culverts, open channels, and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage. Single-
family residential developments have a connection charge of $1,980 per developable acre. This
results in a water quantity fee of approximately $69,795 for the proposed development.
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S tFMP Credits
This project proposes the construction of three NURP ponds. The applicant will be credited for
water quality where NURP basins are provided to treat runoff from the site. This was
determined by reviewing the ponding and storm sewer calculations.
Total swamp credits = $27,308.00.
The total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $70,687.
The applicant has info~med staff that, while the project will be completed in two phases, the
entire site will be graded initially. Overall, the grading plan appears to work. Staff would
recommend, however, that the proposed retaining wall adjacent to Pond 1 be moved out of the
public drainage and utility easement. It is the City's policy not to allow permanent structures,
such as retaining walls, within the public easements. In addition, the site contains three houses
that will have to be removed prior to any grading operations. The applicant should be aware that
separate demolition permits are required through the Building Department for removal of the
If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be
required to. supply the City with detailed haul routes and traffic control plans.
There are three existing wetlands on the property. A large portion of the existing site drains to
any of the three wetlands. Only the southeast corner of the property drains offsite. Under the
proposed drainage plan, the amount of area that drainages offsite has been decreased. The
proposed drainage plan also includes three stormwater ponds. Each of the ponds has been
designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards. Under proposed conditions, the
stormwater runoff will be conveyed via storm sewer to the NURP ponds. The ponds will treat
the water before discharging it to the adjacent wetlands.
Pre- and post-development ponding calculations have been submitted for the site. Staff has
reviewed the calculations and found that additional information and revisions are necessary.
Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to correct the calculations. In addition, the storm
sewer design calculations will need to be revised.
Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance with the City's
Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH). Staff recommends that the City's Type III
erosion control fence, which is a heavy-duty silt fence, be used for the areas adjacent to the
existing wetlands. The final grading plan shall incorporate erosion control fence around the
perimeter of the grading limits. In addition, tree preservation fencing should be denoted on the
grading and drainage plan as well. Erosion control matting or wood fiber blankets will be
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required for the steep, rear yard slopes of those lots in the north and southwesterly portions of the
Each of the existing homes on the site is stowed by a septic and well system. Prior to
construction commencing, the wells and septic tanks will be required to be capped and/or
removed per state health codes.
CmTently, there is no public sanitary sewer available to the site. The nearest sewer line is
approximately 300 feet south of the site. The plans propose on connecting to this sewer line and
extending it to the north along the east side of Galpin Boulevard to service the site. This is
consistent with the City's Comprehensive Sewer Plan.
Municipal water is available to the site from both Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road. The
plans propose on connecting to the watermain in Galpin Boulevard and extending it throughout
the site. Typically, a looped watermain system is desired with every development. However,
due to the existing wetlands along the north property line of the site, a loop with the Lake Lucy
watermain is not recommended.
The property has not been previoUsly assessed for sewer and water hookup and connection
charges. As per city ordinance, each newly created lot will be required to pay a sewer and water
hookup charge of $1,322 and $1,723, respectively. In addition, since the property is Within the
Lake Ann sewer district, a sewer interceptor charge of $1,011 and a sub-trunk charge of $828
will be due on each lot. The sewer and water lateral connection charges will be Waived
contingent on the developer installing the internal lateral utility lines. All of the above fees are
due at the time of building permit issuance.
Utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest
edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and
specifications have been submitted for staff review. The applicant will also be required to enter
into a development contract with the City and to supply the necessary financial security in the
form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the
conditions of final plat approval.
There is one proposed access for the site off of Galpin Boulevard. As a rule of thumb, staff
would prefer a minimum of two access points to and fi'om developments but due to the existing
topography and the presence of wetlands along Lake Lucy Road, another access off of Lake
Lucy Road is not feasible.
Overall, the proposed street layout appears to work well. The entire street system is shown
within a 60-foot wide public right-of-way with 31-foot wide streets in accordance with City
design criteria. Each of the three permanent cul-de-sacs contains a landscaped "island" in the
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center. These islands will be encircled by curb and gutter and maintained by the development's
homeowners association. The City has allowed similar islands in the past and staff would
recommend only that the cul-de-sacs be signed "No Parking" as per the Fire Marshal's request.
Currently, Galpin Boulevard is a county road. As such, the proposed turn lane, street access,
bituminous trail, and sewer extension will require Carver County review, approval, and permit
issuance. Also, the existing driveway entrances to the site off of Galpin Boulevard shall be
The applicant for the Ashling Meadows development has submitted tree canopy coverage and
preservation calculations. They are as follows:
Total upland area (excluding wetlands)
Baseline canopy coverage
Minimum canopy coverage allowed
Proposed tree preservation
35.2 ac.
.03% or 1.22 ac.
25% or 8.8 ac.
.02% or 0.82 ac.
The applicant does not meet minimum canopy coverage allowed, therefore the difference
between the baseline and proposed tree preservation is multiplied by 1.2 to calculate the required
replacement plantings.
Difference in canopy coverage
Total replacement
17,424 SF or .4 ac.
20,909 SF
Total number of trees to be planted 19 trees
In addition, the applicant must increase canopy coverage to meet the minimum twenty-five
percent required. The calculations are follows:
Total reforestation area (8.8 - 1.22 ac.) 7.6 ac. or 331,056 SF
Required canopy coverage 304 trees
(one tree provides 1,089 SF of canopy)
The total number of trees required for the development is 323. The applicant has proposed a
total of 323 trees. Alt replacements must meet minimum size requirements.
Staff is concerned about proposed tree preservation shown in submitted plans. On several lots,
wooded areas are shown to be preserved, but in grading plans those same areas are shown to be
altered. The two proposals are incompatible. In question are Lots 14, 15, 18, and 19, Block 3,
Ashling Meadows 1st Addition. We note that there is an additional lot in phase II, Lot 4, Block
5, that carries the same concern. On these lots are trees to be preserved that are either extremely
close to or surrounded by grading. According to plans, the applicant will be preserving all the
trees in question. In order to ensure that, staff recommends that any trees removed on those lots
in excess of proposed tree preservation plans be replaced at a ratio of 2: i diameter inches.
Buffer yard requirements are as shown in the table:
Landscaping Item Required
Buffer yard B* - North 21 overstory trees
property line 32 understory trees
21 overstory trees
32 understory trees
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Buffer yard B* - West
property line
53 shrubs
27 overstory trees
41 understory trees
68 shrubs
53 shrubs
27 overstory trees
41 understory trees
68 shrubs
The applicant meets the minimum requirements for buffer yard plantings.
COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN: The City's Comprehensive Park Plan identifies Pheasant
Hill Park as the neighborhood park facility that will serve Ashling Meadows. Sugarbush Park,
although slightly further away than Pheasant Hill Park, will also be accessed by residents of Ashling
COMPRENHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN: Ashling Meadows is served by the existing Galpin
Boulevard off-street trail and the Lake Lucy Road on-street access to both these trails. A
"connector trail" from the entrance to Ashling Meadows (Topaz Drive) north to the intersection of.
Lake Lucy Road and Galpin Boulevard should be constructed. The applicant concurred that this
connector would be a desirable amenity.
The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this item and recommended the folloWingi
1. Full park fees be collected in lieu of land dedication.
The applicant provide the necessary trail easement or outlot and construct an 8 ft. wide
bituminous trail connector from Topaz Drive north to the intersection of Lake Lucy
Road and Galpin Boulevard. Trail fee credit shall be granted in consideration for this
The City Engineer's office shall ensure that the 8 ft. wide bituminous trail connector is
located far enough away from Galpin Boulevard to ensure that a future mm-lane or
widening of the road can be accommodated.
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot 3
Lot 4
15,000 90' 125' 30' front/rear
10' sides
17,035.5 145' 265' 30'/50'*
18,593.2 117' 305' 30'/50'*
19,003.7 117' 354.5' 30'/50'*
19,984.0 101' 387.5' 30'/50'*
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Lot 5
Lot 6
Lot 7
Lot 8
Bock 2
Lot l
Lot 2
Lot 3
Lot 4
Block 3
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot 3
Lot 4
Lot 5
Lot 6
Lot 7
Lot 8
Double Frontage
Lot 9
Double Frontage
Lot 10
Double Frontage
Lot 11
Double Frontage
Lot 12
Double Frontage
86' on curve
61' on CUl-Ce
16,702 110' 170.5'
55,143.9 183'
Private Amenity area
22,072 92'
17,370 97'
17,108 118'
16,898 96'
109' comer lot
69' on curve
59' on curve
73' on curve
68' on curve
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Lot 13
Lot 14
Lot 15
Lot 16
Lot 17
Lot 18
Lot 19
60' on curve
79' on curve
120' comer lot
88' on curve
675,626.6 sq. ft. (15.54 acres)
717,672.5 sq. ft.
149,454.3 sq. ft.
6,088.5 sq. ft.
873,215.3 sq. ft.
(16.48 acres)
(3.43 acres)
(0.14 acres)
(20.05 acres)
9,014.0 sq. ft.
24,847.1 sq. ft.
155,273.6 sq. ft.
(0.21 acres)
(0.57 acres)
(3.56 acres)
1,737,975.5 sq. ft. (39.9 acres)
Staff recommends the City Council adopt the following motion:
"The City Council approves the f'mal plat for Subdivision #00-15 for Ashling Meadows for 52 lots
and four outlots as shown on the plans, dated April 4, 2001, and subject to the following conditions'
The applicant shall enter into a development contract containing all of the conditions of approval
for this project and shall submit all required financial guarantees. The development-contract
shall be recorded against the property.
2. The applicant shall meet all conditions of Wetland Alteration Permit #00-5.
3. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be
required to supply the City with detailed haul routes and traffic control plans.
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The proposed drainage area in the southeast comer of the site shall be routed to the southwest
pond and adjacent wetland instead of to the northerly pond. This will better follow the proposed
drainage pattern shown in the City's Surface Water Management Plan.
Staff has reviewed the ponding calculations and found that additional information and revisions
are necessary. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to correct the calculations.
Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance with the City's
Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH). Staff recommends that the City's Type III
erosion control fence, which is a heavy-duty silt fence, be used for the areas adjacent to the
existing wetlands. The final grading plan shall incorporate erosion control fence around the
perimeter of the gn'ading limits. In addition, tree preselwation fencing should be denoted on the
grading and drainage plan as well. Erosion control matting or wood fiber blankets will be
required for the steep, rear yard slopes of those lots in the north and southwesterly portions of the
Prior to construction commencing, each of the existing wells and septic tanks will be required to
be capped and/or removed per state health codes.
The prope~xy has not been previously assessed for sewer and water hookup and connection
charges. As per city ordinance, each newly created lot will be required to pay a sewer and water
hookup charge of $1,322 and $1,723, respectively. In addition, since the property is within the
Lake gain sewer district, a sewer interceptor charge of $1,011 and a sub-trunk charge of $828
will be due on each lot. The sewer and water lateral connection charges will be waived
contingent on the developer installing the internal lateral utility lines. All of the above fees are
due at the time of building peimit issuance.
Utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest
edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and
specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to
enter into a development contract with the City and to supply the necessaly financial security in
the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the
conditions of final plat approval.
Landscaped median islands maybe permitted within the public streets contingent upon the
developer entering into an encroachment agreement with the City and that the configuration be
acceptable to the City's Fire Marshal.
11. Existing driveway entrances to the site off of Galpin Boulevard shall be removed.
The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e.,
Watershed District, Metropolitan Environmental Service Commission, Health Department,
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, gamy Corp. of Engineers, Minnesota Department of
Natural Resources, and Carver County and comply with their conditions of approval.
Scott Botcher
April 5, 2001
Page 17
13. Storm water shall not be discharged into any wetland basin prior to pretreatment.
14. Silt fence shall be provided adjacent to all areas to be preserved as buffer or, if no buffer is to be
preserved, at the delineated wetland edge and shall be removed upon completion of adjacent
15. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked-in accordance with the City's
wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of
City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign.
16. Based on the proposed developed area of 35.25 acres, the water quality fees associated with this
project are estimated at $28,200 and the water quantity fees associated with this project are
estimated at $69,795. The applicant will be credited $27,308 for water quality where NURP
basins are provided to treat nmoff from the site. No credit will be given for temporary pond
areas. The total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat' recording, is
17. Envirmm~ental Resource Specialist conditions:
a. A minimum of twO overstory trees shall be required in the front yard of each lot.
b. The developer shall be responsible for installing all landscape materials proposed
in buffer yard and rear yard areas~
c. Tree preservation fence shall be install at the edge of the grading lim!ts on Lots
14, 15, 18, and 19, Block 3 prior to any construction.
d. According to tree preservation plans dated 3/12/01, all trees on Lot i 9, block 3
shall be preserved by the developer/builder.
e. Any trees removed on Lots 14-15, 18-19 in excess of proposed tree preservation
plans will be replaced at a ratio of 2:1 diameter inches.
18. Building Department conditions:
a. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any existing structures.
b. Final grading plans and soil reports must be submitted to the Inspections Division
before building permits will be issued.
19. Fire Marshal conditions:
If any trees or shrubs are to be removed, they must either be chipped or hauled off
site due to close proximity of neighboring homes. No burning permits will be
A ten-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants i.e., street lamps,
trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, US West, cable TV and transformer boxes.
This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by
firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance 9-1.
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April 5, 2001
Page 18
c. Fire protection including fire apparatus access roads and water supplies for fire
protection is required to be installed. This protection shall be installed and made
serviceable prior to and during time of construction. Pursuant to 1997 Uniform
Fire Code Section 901.3.
d. If the cul-de-sacs are to have islands, "no parking in cul-de-sac" signs will be
20. Park and Recreation conditions:
a. Full park fees be collected in lieu of lm~d dedication.
b. The applicant provide the necessary trail easement or outlot and construct an 8 ft.
wide bituminous trail connector fi'om Topaz Drive north to the intersection of Lake
Lucy Road and Galpin Boulevard. Trail fee credit shall be granted in consideration
tbr this condition.
c. The City Engineer's office shall ensure that the 8 ft, wide bituminous trail connector
is located far enough away from Ga!pin Boulevard to ensure that a future turn-lane
or widening of the road can be accormnodated.
21. Dead end streets shall be posted with signs that say this street may be extended in the
22. The applicant shrill consider including benches in the tot lot areas.
23. To ensure clear communication the applicant shall have each homebuyer sign a
disclosure statement. The statement shall include information about future upgrading of
Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road. Info~rnation about wetland buffers and the
disclosure statement shall also include a plan that clearly shows the home placement, the
area available for future deck, porch or patio and all setback lines.
24. The applicant should be aware that retaining walls greater than 4 feet require a separate
building permit.
25. Submit revised construction plans for administrative staff approval.
26. The proposed retaining wall adjacent to Pond 1 shall be moved out of the public
27. All buildings shall comply with standards set in the compliance table in this staff repo~[
dated April 4, 2001."
1. Final plat dated April 4, 2001.