1. 80 West 78th Street Site PlanPC DATE: 2/7/12 CC DATE: 2/27/12 REVIEW DEADLINE: 3/1/10 CASE #: 12 -03 BY: AK, BG, TJ, JM, ML PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Site Plan as outlined in the staff report, subject to conditions 1— 5 and adoption of the attached findings of fact and recommendation." CITY OF CHANHASSEN SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is requesting Site Plan Approval for a 20,600 square -foot retail building, for the redevelopment of property located at 80 West 78' Street. LOCATION: 80 West 78 Street RLS 59, Tracts A and B APPLICANT: Ben Merriman Clifford L. Whitehill Center Companies, LLC 5320 West Harbor Village Drive # 201 2025 Coulter Blvd, Suite 215 Vera Beach, FL 32967 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952- 474 -4828 bmerriman(cr�,centercompanies. com PRESENT ZONING: Highway and Business Services District (BH) 2030 LAND USE PLAN: Commercial ACREAGE: 2.79 acres DENSITY: F.A.R. 0.17 LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION - MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets those standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. PROPOSAL /SUMMARY The applicant is requesting site plan approval for the redevelopment of property located at 80 West 78 Street for the construction of a 20,600 square foot, one - story, commercial retail building. Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 2 of 13 To the north of the subject site is the Twin Cities and Western Railroad and a storm water pond. To the south of the site is West 78 Street and Highway 5. To the east of the site is a retail nursery, zoned Highway and Business Services (BH), and located to the west of the site is a city -owned storm water pond. Water and sewer services are available to the site. Access to the parcels is gained via a driveway off of West 78 Street. The proposed development complies with City code and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff is recommending approval of the site plan. APPLICABLE REGUATIONS Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article XVII, Highway and Business Services District Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Oftice- Institutional Development Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 3 of 13 BACKGROUND On October 5, 1973, Registered Land Survey 59 for the subject site was recorded. The site is currently comprised of two Tracts, A and B. As part of the current proposal, the applicant will combine the two tracts into a single Zoning Lot. A zoning lot combines the lots under one Parcel Identification Number (PID) and address. It essentially eliminates the interior property lines and setback requirements; the lot area is calculated using both parcels. The site is currently occupied by a two -story office building, constructed in 1973. The construction of the existing building redates the ado t° fib M° t Q+.+ B 'ld° C d p p ion o e mneso a a e ui mg o e. The building will be demolished as part of the redevelopment proposal. GENERAL SITE PLAN /ARCHITECTURE The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 20,600 square -foot one -story retail building located on the northwesterly portion of the site. The proposed parking is located to the south (32 stalls) and east (68 stalls) of the building. There is a storm water pond located on the northeast portion of the site, which drains into a Manage 3 wetland located on the adjacent parcel to the east. Access to the site will continue to be accessed via West 78 Street. ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Size Portion Placement The City Code promotes the location of the building as close as possible to the setback lines as outlined in the district regulations and the majority of the parking to the side or rear of the building. The minimum setback in the BH district is 25 feet from the front property line, 20 feet from the rear property line, and 10 feet from the side property line. The proposed building is set back � � .� ° mr �a.zr, rm g o I PROPOSED Sul L0IN6 1 SR3 +• r` 0 O © A x Il k C [ , ggiH StREE� _ approximately 83 feet from the front property line, 42 feet from the rear property line and 20 feet from the side property line at the nearest point. 4 as' i9N 1 (`� el <Ix R9.0 W IE 6 P � L 'lit TRACT C vu dun � e E E OP sE<�i2 TRACT B xxY N!W EWC PER . i3 PFN9EN9 'i1X. NO 999 '� '. R•E9e• n• N.z9•< N E p6 u TRACT D / - _ •»oo . p p ion o e mneso a a e ui mg o e. The building will be demolished as part of the redevelopment proposal. GENERAL SITE PLAN /ARCHITECTURE The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 20,600 square -foot one -story retail building located on the northwesterly portion of the site. The proposed parking is located to the south (32 stalls) and east (68 stalls) of the building. There is a storm water pond located on the northeast portion of the site, which drains into a Manage 3 wetland located on the adjacent parcel to the east. Access to the site will continue to be accessed via West 78 Street. ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Size Portion Placement The City Code promotes the location of the building as close as possible to the setback lines as outlined in the district regulations and the majority of the parking to the side or rear of the building. The minimum setback in the BH district is 25 feet from the front property line, 20 feet from the rear property line, and 10 feet from the side property line. The proposed building is set back � � .� ° mr �a.zr, rm g o I PROPOSED Sul L0IN6 1 SR3 +• r` 0 O © A x Il k C [ , ggiH StREE� _ approximately 83 feet from the front property line, 42 feet from the rear property line and 20 feet from the side property line at the nearest point. Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 4 of 13 Parking will be distributed between the building and the south and east property lines. There is a drive aisle for the drive -thru drop -off bay located between the building and the west property line, then continues along the north side of the building connecting to the east parking area. The proposed building tenant is Goodwill. There is one customer entrance into the building located on the east elevation. This will serve as the prominent main entrance and is surrounded by windows and a standard clear anodized metal awning. There are four service entrances into the building, one on the north elevation and three on the west elevation. The north elevation of the proposed building is adjacent to the Twin Cities and Western Railroad and the wetland. There is a loading dock with overhead doors located on this north elevation, which face east. This loading dock will access the warehouse area of the building. There is also a service door and stairs located on this elevation. There is an enclosed donation drive -thru drop -off area located on the west elevation, which is directly connected to the warehouse portion of the building. There are also three service entrances located on this elevation. Building Articulation The proposed building provides some visual articulation with the use of columns at the main entrance on the east elevation and mimicked on the south elevation and at the corners of the building and the donation drive -thru drop -off area. The visual articulation is enhanced through the use of storefront windows and a canopy above, as well as parapet wall. However, the majority of the building is flat. Staff has added a condition that the articulation of the building be further enhanced through the use of additional projecting columns in those areas where the face brick is extended above the windows. Color and Material There is a combination of materials including brick, block, and EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finish system), and accent elements incorporated into the design provide visual interest to the building. The bottom half of the building is constructed of tan Utility Face Brick and Single Scored Burnished Concrete Masonry Units. The top portion of the building is constructed of paprika colored EIFS with tan EIFS accents. City Code (Section 20 -1065) states that EIFS may be used as an accent but not a primary material. Accent materials may occupy up to 15% of the building's facade. Staff conducted a quick analysis of the building and the EIFS occupies over 40% of the building facade. Staff has added a condition that the elevations shall be revised to meet City Code requirements for the percentage allowed for accent material. Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 5 of 13 The main entrance on the east elevation is accentuated with columns with decorative EIFS cornices. The parapet wall above the main entrance is accented with paprika EIFS with tan EIFS diamond accents. The storefront windows are bordered with anodized metal frames. This application is mimicked on the south elevation for visual interest; however, the south elevation will not contain an entry. Height and Roof Design The single -story building is 20 feet in height to the roof. The roof articulation is provided at the entrance on the east elevation and mimicked on the south elevation through columns and parapet wall. The columns extend three and a half feet above the roof and the parapet wall extends four feet above the columns. The City Code requires that each building contain one or more pitched elements, such as a pitched roof, awnings or entrances. The proposed building contains standing seam metal awnings located above the entrance as well as on the south elevation. Additionally, the varied parapet height provides vertical detail. The mechanical equipment will be screened through the use of the parapet walls. Facade Transparency City Code requires that 50 percent of the first floor elevation that is viewed by the public shall include transparent windows and/or doors. The south and east elevations of the building exceeds this requirement. 3oQQ1Ntl� — _ oo0MVILL SOUTH ELEVATION Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 6 of 13 The west elevation of the building is located adjacent to the storm water pond. This elevation contains a the drive -thru drop -off bay, three service doors and three windows toward the south side of this elevation. While this elevation is not the main customer entrance or located along a public street, it will have some visibility from eastbound traffic traveling on West 78` Street and Highway 5. City code, Section 20 -1068 Fagade transparency, does allow for reduced transparency standards for uses within buildings that do not readily allow windows, such as storage areas. The interior uses adjacent to this elevation are warehouse, office and break room. The fenestration requirement in these areas can be achieved through the use of upper level windows, spandrel glass, and glass blocks or increased architectural detailing. The applicant has shown three windows and three service doors on the west elevation; however, it is staff's opinion that the fenestration and architectural detailing on the west elevation be increased. The north elevation of the proposed building is adjacent to the railroad and a wetland, which acts as a buffer and will have minimal view by the public. This elevation contains one service door, two loading docks, and the exit to the drive -thru drop -off bay. Since this elevation will not be readily viewed by the public, there are no windows proposed for this elevation; however, staff is recommending that the architectural detailing, columns and canopy be continued along this elevation. In addition, the applicant should investigate a roof element over the entrance stairway on this elevation. LIGHTING /SIGNAGE Lighting City code requires that the applicant provide site lighting for the parking lot area to provide adequate levels of safety. Site lighting may be provided via 30 -foot tall light poles /fixtures. All fixtures must be shielded, high - pressure sodium or Light- Emitting Diode (LED) with a total cutoff angle equal to or less than 90 degrees. Wall- mounted light fixtures shall be shielded with a total cutoff angle equal to or less than 90 degrees and shall not be directed skyward. WEST ELEVATION Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 7of13 To minimize off -site impact, light levels shall not exceed one -half foot candle at the property line. It appears that the proposed wall - mounted and parking lot lighting (25 -foot tall poles with 3 -foot tall piers) complies with city code. Signage The applicant is proposing wall signage on the south and east elevations of the building. There is a sign band above the awnings in the center of the building. Wall signs are permitted on elevations with street frontage, as well as above the main entrance into the building. The proposed wall signage appears to comply with city code. The proposed plan indicates a 30 -foot tall pylon sign along West 78 Street. A pylon sign is permitted on parcels with frontage directly on a state highway. West 78 Street separates the subject site from Highway 5. Therefore, the site is permitted a ground low- profile monument sign only, pursuant to the district regulations. ,r ��.;• Ili- g. •_$0 _ F �yi - gtre Subject Site • All signage shall comply with city code and requires a Vate Hwy _ No. 5 separate sign permit application. Site Furnishing The applicant is proposing landscaping continuing around the building. Being that there is a sidewalk connection from West 78 Street to the site; staff recommends the addition of a bike rack. Loading Areas, Refuse Area, etc. The public drive -thru drop -off is located on the west elevation of the building. The commercial loading zone is located on the north elevation of the building. The loading zone will be screened by landscaping. The applicant has stated that trash receptacles will be located inside and will be taken off via the loading dock. Should an exterior trash enclosure be necessary in the future, it shall be screened and shall be constructed of similar materials to the building. Lot Frontage and Parking Location Frontage The subject site fronts on West 78 Street, which acts as a frontage road to Highway 5. The minimum building setback in the BH district is 25 feet from the front property line. The proposed building is setback 82 feet from the front property line. The minimum parking setback is 25 feet, which may be reduced to 10 feet with the use of landscape screening. The edge of the Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 8of13 proposed parking lot is set back 10 feet from the edge of the sidewalk and shall incorporate a landscape buffer consisting of a line of shrubs planted along the parking lot on the south property line. The shrubs must have a minimum height of three feet at maturity. City approval of the shrub species and planting spacing is required before installation. Parking The building is comprised of retail, office and warehouse space. The total number of parking stalls required is 84 (retail = 72, office = 6, and warehouse = 4). The applicant is proposing 101 stalls to be distributed around the south and east elevations of the building. Of the 101 stalls, 4 stalls are handicapped accessible and are located adjacent to the main entrance on the east elevation. The parking stalls meet city code requirements. ACCESS The site currently has access from West 78 th Street. No public street improvements are proposed or required with the development of this site. The developer proposes to construct two parking areas: one south of the proposed building and one east of the proposed building. Both parking lots provide two -way vehicle circulation. Access to the drive -thru donation drop -off bay will be directed toward the west, through the south parking lot; then north through the bay along the west elevation; then circulated around the north elevation of the building and directed south through the east parking lot. The commercial vehicles accessing the loading docks will be directed north, through the east parking lot, then east to the hammer head and then reverse into the loading docks. MTUM now x NiUPOSLU UUILUWG IK =9f61 i i $ i L ------------ - - - - -- - -- Staff requested that the applicant show future internal circulation to the properties to the east as part of the overall proposal. While this circulation was not submitted, it appears that this can be achieved via the turnaround hammer head located in the northeast corner. of the parking lot. However, the applicant shall provide the future circulation information to the easterly properties prior to council approval. Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 9 of 13 LANDSCAPING Minimum requirements for landscaping include 3,432 square feet of landscaped area around the parking lot, 7 landscape islands or peninsulas, 13 trees for the parking lot, and bufferyard plantings along the property lines. The applicant's proposal compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. Applicant does not meet minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area. The applicant shall add an island in the east parking lot containing two overstory trees, minimum inside width of 10 feet. Additionally, the applicant shall add one overstory tree to the peninsula in the south parking lot at the southwest corner of the building. Bufferyard requirements: Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 3,432 sq. ft. >3,432 sq. ft. Trees/ parking lot 13 trees 10 trees Islands or peninsulas/ parking lot 7 islands /peninsulas 6 islands /peninsulas Applicant does not meet minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area. The applicant shall add an island in the east parking lot containing two overstory trees, minimum inside width of 10 feet. Additionally, the applicant shall add one overstory tree to the peninsula in the south parking lot at the southwest corner of the building. Bufferyard requirements: The applicant meets or exceeds minimum requirements for buffer plantings except along the north property line. This area is adjacent to railroad tracks which adjoin the back of neighboring apartment garages. Buffer plantings in this area appear unnecessary. Staff recommends that the buffer plantings be accepted as proposed. GRADING/DRAINAGE Wetlands There are no wetlands located on the site. Re uired plantings Proposed plantings Bufferyard B — north 3 Overstory trees 0 Overstory trees prop. Line, 300' 6 Understory trees 0 Understory trees 6 Shrubs 0 Shrubs Bufferyard B — south 6 Overstory trees 6 Overstory trees prop. Line, 320' 9 Understory trees 11 Understory trees 15 Shrubs 21 Shrubs Bufferyard A — east prop. 2 Overstory trees 5 Overstory trees Line, 240' 4 Understory trees 9 Understory trees 4 Shrubs 13 Shrubs Bufferyard B — west 4 Overstory trees 4 Overstory trees prop. Line, 240' 6 Understory trees 22 Understory trees 10 Shrubs 27 Shrubs The applicant meets or exceeds minimum requirements for buffer plantings except along the north property line. This area is adjacent to railroad tracks which adjoin the back of neighboring apartment garages. Buffer plantings in this area appear unnecessary. Staff recommends that the buffer plantings be accepted as proposed. GRADING/DRAINAGE Wetlands There are no wetlands located on the site. Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 10 of 13 Lakes There are no lakes located on the site. Erosion and Sediment Control The applicant has not provided drainage plans or calculations a part of the development review application. As a result, staff has provided general comments based on the other plan sheets that were provided. These comments may change and additional comments may be added once the drainage plans and calculations are received. Further, no final approval may be given without the review and approval of the drainage plans and calculations. Being that an erosion control phasing Gantt chart has not been provided, one will need to be completed prior to earth - disturbing activities. Additionally, the swale along the western property boundary will need to be stabilized per Part IV. B.3 of the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. (Ex. Stabilization of the last 200 lineal feet within 24 hours of connection to a surface water.) All grading shall be phased so that the filtration basin is constructed last and is protected from construction traffic. The streets shall be swept clean nightly or as needed. Drainage and Treatment The proposed conditions will result in a decrease in runoff rate for the 2, 10 and 100 -year events and an increase in total phosphorus and suspended solids removal. The proposed curb cuts in the parking lot are all too narrow and should be increased to a minimum width of five (5) feet to avoid concentrated flow and resulting scour. Staff is recommending additional topographic information in the area between the two existing ponds in order to determine the emergency overflow (EOF) elevation of the pond to the west. The lowest floor elevation of the building must be minimum 18 inches above the established EOF elevation. A berm may be required on the northwest corner of the drop -off drive in order to properly divert the EOF water. The filtration basin will be privately owned and maintained. A maintenance agreement will be required by the City. An example maintenance agreement can be found in the City's Second Generation Surface Water Management Plan. While the infiltration basin for the roof scupper runoff provides rate control, it may potentially tax the filtration feature, which may result in future maintenance issues. The City would not be opposed to directing the roof runoff directly to the existing pond. Utilities Sewer and water services are available to the site. Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 11 of 13 Other Agencies The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. MISCELLENOUS A demolition permit is required for the removal of any existing structures. The applicant shall provided complete construction plans prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. Detailed occupancy - related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. COMPLIANCE TABLE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Site Plan for a 20,600 square -foot, one -story retail building, plans prepared by MFRA dated 1/4/2012, for property located at 80West 78'' Street, and adopt the findings of fact and recommendation, subject to the following conditions: Ordinance Requirements I Proposed w /Lot Combination Lot Area 20,000 sq ft 121,493 sq ft Frontage 100' 345' Depth 150' AVG. 360' Lot Coverage 65% 60% Building Height Principal two -story one -story Accessory one -story NA Building Setbacks Front yard 25' Approx. 82' Rear yard 20' Approx. 36' Side yard 10' Approx.42' (west property line) Parking Requirements Stalls 1:200 (Retail)= 72 1:200 (Office)= 6 1:1,000 (Warehouse)= 4 Total = 82 101 Front yard 10'w/ screening, 25' without 10' w /screening Side yard 10' 16.7' (east property line) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Site Plan for a 20,600 square -foot, one -story retail building, plans prepared by MFRA dated 1/4/2012, for property located at 80West 78'' Street, and adopt the findings of fact and recommendation, subject to the following conditions: Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 12 of 13 1. Building Official a. A demolition permit is required for the removal of any existing structures. b. Complete construction plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. c. The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. d. Detailed occupancy - related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. e. The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 2. Forester a. The line of shrubs along the parking lot on the south property line shall be extended to provide a buffer for the length of the parking area. The plantings can be incorporated into the rain garden. b. The applicant shall add an island in the east parking lot containing two overstory trees, minimum inside width of 10 feet. c. The applicant shall add one overstory tree to the peninsula in the south parking lot at the southwest corner of the building. 3. Water Resources a. No final approval of the proposal may be given without the review and approval of the drainage plans and calculations. b. The curb cuts must be increased to a minimum width of five (5) feet to avoid concentrated flow and resulting scour. c. Additional topographic information is required in the area between the two existing ponds in order to determine the emergency overflow (EOF) elevation of the pond to the west. d. The lowest floor elevation of the building must be minimum 18 inches above the established EOF elevation. A berm may be required on the northwest corner of the drop -off drive in order to properly divert the EOF water. e. Correct the elevations on the filtration basin cross section on page C4.01. f. The filtration basin will be privately owned and maintained. A maintenance agreement will be required by the City. 4. Engineering a. Erosion control phasing Gantt chart will need to be completed prior to earth - disturbing activities. b. The swale along the western property boundary will need to be stabilized per Part IV. B.3 of the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. (Ex. Stabilization of the last 200 lineal feet with 24 hours of connection to a surface water.) Retail Building Planning Case 12 -03 February 7, 2012 Page 13 of 13 c. Grading should be phased so that the filtration basin is constructed last and is protected from construction traffic. The streets shall be swept clean nightly or as needed. 5. Planning a. The property owner shall combine RLS 59, Tracts A and B into a Zoning Lot. The combination must be recorded at Carver County prior to issuance of a building permit. b. The applicant shall provide future circulation information to the easterly properties prior to council approval. When the parcel to the east redevelops, then the vehicular accesses shall be constructed. c. The articulation of the building shall be further enhanced through the use of additional projecting columns in those areas where the face brick is extended above the windows. d. The elevations shall be revised to meet City Code requirements for the percentage allowed for accent material. e. The fenestration and architectural detailing on the west elevation shall be increased. f. The architectural detailing and columns shall be continued along the north elevation. g. Should an exterior trash enclosure be necessary in the future, it shall be screened and constructed with similar materials to the building. h. All signage shall comply with City Code and requires a separate sign permit application. i. The applicant shall provide a bike rack." ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Reduced Copy Existing Conditions dated 1/4/2012. 4. Reduced Copy Demolition Plan dated 1/4/2012. 5. Reduced Copy Site Plan dated 1/4/2012. 6. Reduced Copy Truck Movement Plan dated 1/4/2012. 7. Reduced Copy Grading Plan dated 1/4/2012. 8. Reduced Copy Erosion Control Plan dated 1/4/2012. 9. Reduced Copy Erosion Control Phase 2 Plan dated 1/4/2012. 10. Reduced Copy Erosion Control Notes and Details Plan dated 1/4/2012. 11. Reduced Copy Utility Plan dated 1/4/2012. 12. Reduced Copy Site Lighting Plan dated 1/4/2012. 13. Reduced Copy Landscape Plan & Details dated 1/4/2012. 14. Reduced Copy Floor Plan dated 1/4/2012. 15. Reduced Copies Building Elevations (colored) dated 1/4/2012. 16. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List. 17. Email from Ben Merriman dated 1/23/12. GAPLAN\2012 Planning Cases\2012 -03 80 West 78th StreeAstaff report.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION Ihi7�i Application of Center Companies, LLC and Clifford Whitehill for Site Plan Review for a 20,600 square -foot, one - story, retail building in the Highway and Business Services District (BH). On February 7, 2012, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Center Companies, LLC and Clifford Whitehill for Site Plan Review for a 20,600 square -foot, one -story retail building for property located at 80 West 78 Street. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the site plan which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH). 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Commercial use. The legal description of the property is: Existing Registered Land Survey 59, Tracts A and B. 4. Site Plan Findings: a. The proposed development is consistent with the elements and objectives of the City's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; Finding: The redevelopment of the site is consistent with the City's development guides and comprehensive plan for commercial use in this location. The site is currently accessed via West 78 Street and will utilize the existing curb cut into the site. b. The proposed development is consistent with the site plan review requirements; Finding: The site complies with the site plan review requirements subject to meeting the conditions of approval. c. The proposed development preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; Finding: The site currently contains a building and parking lot, both of which will be removed and the site re- graded, similar to the existing topographic conditions. The redevelopment will provide additional landscaping and buffer yards. There is an existing pond located on the northeast portion of the site that will treat a portion of the runoff from the site, and then drain into a wetland located on the adjacent property. This wetland will not be impacted as a result of this project. The proposed building and site improvements will be consistent with the surrounding properties. d. The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; Finding: The development will be harmonious with the existing buildings and features. The development will be architecturally compatible with the surrounding property that was previously redeveloped in 2010. The applicant will demonstrate the interior circulation of the subject site in relation to the properties to the east. e. The proposed development creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: 1) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; Finding: The main entrance into the building is located on the east elevation, adjacent to the main parking area. The architectural detailing and fenestration is mimicked on the south elevation. The employee and services entrances are located on the west and north elevations. The parking is dispersed around the south and east sides of the building. 2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; Finding: The site will be landscaped, including the landscaping islands in the parking lot and exceed the minimum required in the district regulations. There is also a pond located in the northeast portion of the site that will remain and act as a buffer to the property to the north. 3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and Finding: This is the second parcel to redevelop in this area. The architecture and materials of the proposed building is compatible with the design standards of the property to the east that was redeveloped in 2010. 4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. Finding: The site includes sidewalks which connect with the existing public sidewalk along West 78 Street. The proposed development will utilize the existing curb cut on 2 West 78 Street. The applicant has demonstrated that the interior circulation is adequate for both passenger and commercial vehicles. The parking is distributed around the building and complies with the size and number of required parking stalls required by City Code. The developer will show future internal circulation on the property to the east which will connect when it is redeveloped. 5) Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: Sanitary sewer and water service are installed on the site and are consistent with all design standards. The applicant has adequately addressed the drainage and runoff from the site to existing storm water ponds and drainage systems. The redevelopment of the site will have a positive impact and is complimentary to the neighboring properties and uses. 5. The planning report, Planning Case #12 -03 dated February 7, 2012, prepared by Angie Kairies, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve Planning Case #12-03 for Site Plan approval for an 20,600 square -foot, one -story retail building located at 80 West 78 Street. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 7 th day of February, 2012. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION Its Chairman Planning Case No. C01 — PLEASE PRINT CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JAN 052012 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Name and Address: r Contact: Be v% M e,�r r vv\ u, v1 Phone: i'g;. 9 Fax: i9l- y y V A Email: brn�v►v��v�r��,neCtv`�e�vv�ncn� Property Owner Name and Address: L.k't�' L... W h.` Il 53.10 Wect Vc rc, F L. 3 279 6 Contact: CVl Q %�. L. W1n,'kc. kl Phone: jj g 563 0030 Fax: so,w.c Email: N IA NOTE Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Non - conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review X Site Plan Review (SPR)* 50 + ao ' tsv Subdivision* / _ o T _ Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right -of- Way /Easements (VAC) (Additional recording fees may apply) Variance (VAR) Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment Notification Sign $200 (City to install and remove) X Escrow for Filin Fees /Attorney Cost ** $_ UP/ACNAR/WAP /Metes & Bounds - 50 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE $ 1 1 1 0D. PJ C44 4 - 1S I An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Five (5) full -size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8 %" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF -Group 4 ( *.tif) format. * *Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard — P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 — (952) 227 -1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION SCANNED PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: SO Wtg:� LEGAL DESCRIPTIONAND PID: S c� av, 1 � \ocuv�S�n� 11� �aw� R1..559'Trce.� g �56gG�ooao � a568 X0010 TOTAL ACREAGE: WETLANDS PRESENT: X YES NO PRESENTZONING: 0. v\cL So%\" ess Srv-V0e-rs REQUESTED ZONING: tJo C- 4`C4-!n ` PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: C w O\ rm c V� c %a. \ REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: No ` REASON FOR REQUEST: GW �ov�s�rc]cr� OV1 FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: go This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the speck ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ov � M � L�.i - 9'.. _ moo!:. . Date Signature Signature of Fee Owner Date g: \p1an\fonns \deve1opment review application.doc SCANNED MAY -16 -1900 04:28 P.02 PROJECT NAME: 9 G?as k & ► ' s�y► s.i�C LOCH nom: = tJ«k 3M6' %h .w-. LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PIM my , ► osa,NZin r�ra Raw.ra & !22 1 &usffl"'f•�.�.� 8 TOTAL ACREAtirE: WETLANDS PRESENT: X yes NO PRESENTTONING: hg!%)tw , Avg► au►r.� S mru� le.a3. D." '�u- REQUESTED ZONING: Nmdr� PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: -- kWUE9M LAND USE DESIGNATION: -- REA$ON FOR REQUEST: 14 Ga�y.� ►ue.�t;:t�y► FOR SITE PLAN REVIEft Wude number of eat empkrp* s: so now wrobyew ThW appAosllal nvd bs ccn plsFm In fLA and be lypeMM@n or dearly printed and must bs awOrt PW* d try as i bT NSM and 0 M fgmd by WpjCgbM =y OtdbWM prvV%l . 80m MM 1lde sppfloallon. YM should ounfer with the PbnrdM DepMtim t 10 dslfarttlfns th* tQedfle cm%v nom and pracadurO mqubwmenb gWkxt* b your appfiOatfMn. A detennirmMon a cortrpletectesa d the sppW�stlor+ at" be made wt0+in 15 budnew days of eppkxdw submift. A W rMM r+opero dappat W dMldandas st+sfl be mWmd w ft applicant within if busU►ess dwp of spf +• This is to cwW fink I am mstft 4000000 for 1M damibed action by flee Cfgl and ff* I wn nssponwble fipr *Ofm ing with d C tegtissmenlswiQ► r+splfrd b0 this t+e�tsst. This sppiii tion should bs pmm - -, In mfr f ma snd I •m Vie patgr whom the Cl4 **A no ammi rsgatt" any mallsr palfai *tg to this 0ppfi0abon. 1 h" s21! ill I a copy of PW d owrars O also sly of TIM oro�� 89� Q. er I sm " w1 wiftd p*mm a I wm keep MYIW ll,Mlttsd at Vw $119 1 for submiselon d mate and Vw progress of We sppicwtlon. I fU&W undergem 00 addwnal fiess mow be chat for cmwaing fees, temetbw awcom etc. with on ewffww prior to any wAh9rkw6on bD pmcW wM the ft*. The documenb and hownefbn 1 hoo submiftod are" end wmt.'t to bast d RN m to c 'edge• mrstum of AVprcw tie $grlMur�a d FOS OMA idr C!,'{�o p 1(,✓ : f e �� Defoe al Is review 440ficed &W SCANNED T Project Narrative 80 West 78th Street 2.79 Acre Site Chanhassen, Minnesota Request for: Site Plan Review Approval, Preliminary and Final Plat and a Minor Subdivision, January 5th, 2012 Introduction On behalf of the tenant, the developer is requesting Preliminary Site Plan Review approval along with Preliminary and Final Plat and a minor subdivision for the proposed project. The tenant has several locations around the Twin Cities such as, Woodbury, Maple Grove, Oak Park Heights and Eagan to name a few. Goodwill / Easter Seals Minnesota have been a strong contributor to the development of Minnesota's workforce for more than 90 years. Goodwill / Easter Seals assist people with barriers to education, employment and independence in achieving their goals. Our comprehensive workforce development model helps clients: - Prepare for work - Maintain employment -Train for Employment - Advance in careers - Obtain Jobs - Connect to other community resources F Fendier Patterson CONSTRUCTION CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JAN 0 6 ?01? CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Project Narrative 80 West 78th Street, Chanhassen, MN January 5, 2012 Page 1 of 4 4839 West 124"' Street Savage, MN 55378 • Lic. #20011239 • Tel. 952- 890 -4364 Fax 952- 890 -2916 www.fendIerpatterson.com Fendier r 7 Patterson CONSTRUCTION From 25 locations, Goodwill / Easter Seals 781 employees provide statewide services to Minnesotans with disabilities and disadvantages. We provide paid work experience in our retail stores and corporate headquarters. In addition to our career workforce development model, we offer English Language Learning, mathematics, parenting and life skills classes. We also host discussion groups devoted to the specific needs of the individuals we serve. Goodwill / Easter Seals industry skills training programs, developed in partnership with Minnesota businesses, provide curriculum- based, hands -on training. Current programs serve the automotive, banking / finance, call center, construction and retail industries. Participants acquire soft and technical skills to get jobs and advance in their careers. Goodwill / Easter Seals long -term follow -up and support services help both participants and employers. Our community resources staff provides housing resources, retail vouchers for clothing, medical equipment loans and one -on -one assistance. In 2008, Goodwill / Easter Seals served 22,165 individuals, provided 35,891 services, made 880 job placements with 113 individuals advancing in their careers and generated over 17 million in taxable income by participants who gained employment. Use The tenant will utilize the facility for retailing purposes with the hours of operation being Monday- Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. These are standard hours of operation and do not take into account various holiday hours which most retailers adjust slightly to better serve the community. The proposed tenant would employ up to 30 employees along with 8 -12 participants which are engaging in career training programs. In addition this use works in conjunction with the retailers that exist in the area. Each user will compliment each others product thus assisting in the success of each others interest. Site The proposed project consists of constructing a 20,600 sf retail facility on approximately 2.79 ac site that is being platted into one lot from the current two story office building. The site will have parking in the front and to the south of the store, with a drop off area located along the west side of the building. A loading dock is located in the rear (north) of the building. Parking requirements for this facility are being met by providing 100 parking stalls in the front, rear and to the south of the store. The 100 stalls exceed the minimum city requirement of 82 stalls as defined in section 20 -1124 of the Chanhassen City code. The property is zoned BH Highway and Business service district. The property is bordered by a rail road to the north, a Stormwater pond to the west, State Highway 5 and 78` ST to the south, and commercial to the east. Project Narrative 80 West 78th Street, Chanhassen, MN January 5, 2012 Page 2 of 4 4839 West 124' Street Savage, MN 55378 • Lie. #20011239 • Tel. 952- 890 -4364 Fax 952- 890 -2916 w w w. f e n d I e r p a t t e r s o n. c o m Fendier F M rson CONSTRUCTION A 6 inch water service and sewer service will be constructed into the sw corner of the building. A new water service will be tapped from the existing 8 inch watermain located in the boulevard of 78`" Street; the existing sewer stub will be utilized with the addition of two manholes to bring the service into the correct location. Stormwater and drainage will follow the existing drainage patterns from the site, but will provide rate control and treatment of the Stormwater runoff. The existing site drains to the north, southwest and southeast corners of the site. The proposed project will install a storm scepter in the southeast corner of the site to provide solids removal prior to discharging off site, and a couple of filtration basins will be installed along the north and south west corner of the site. This area will improve water quality and rate control to the existing wetland and to the discharge off site to the south. It was the intent to follow the City Engineers advice and route the Stormwater to the existing pond to the west, but when the information on the pond to the west was evaluated it was discovered the 100 yr. high water level was over 3.0 feet above the site of the proposed development. Landscaping The landscaping plan has been developed to be in accordance with Section 20 -1176 and subsequent sections. We have provided a five foot high buffer screen along the 78 street side of the parking lot to accommodate a 10 ft. parking setback in accordance with City Code Section 20- 715 subsection 6 e. Buffer requirements B and A are met along 78 St and the property to the east respectively. Buffer requirement C is proposed along the West property line. The wetland to the north provides the buffer along this property edge. The following Planting schedule is proposed to meet the minimum buffer requirements. Side Length Canopy Under Story Shrubs South 345 7 14 21 West 295 9 18 27 East 427 5 9 13 Additional plantings have been added as shown on the plans to meet the screening requirements along 78 street. Parking lot calculations show we have 1.17 ac of parking lot, based on section 20 -1181 of the city code we need a landscape area for each 6,000 sf of parking area. This means we need 8.5 landscaped area with one tree for every 250 sf of landscaped area in the parking lot. This requires 7 parking lot trees to be added to the planting list. Project Narrative 80 West 78th Street, Chanhassen, MN January 5, 2012 Page 3 of 4 4839 West 124' Street Savage, MN 55378 • Lic. #20011239 • Tel. 952- 890 -4364 Fax 952- 890 -2916 w w w. f e n d I e r p a t t e r s o n. c o m r p Fendier Patterson CONSTRUCTION Lighting Site lighting is in accordance with section 20 -1123 of the City Code. Lighting levels along the property lines do not exceed 0.5 ft candles in accordance with the code. Architecture The proposed design for the Goodwill Store incorporates architectural elements and finishes from the typical prototype building. The new buildings exterior is proposed to be a combination of a face brick, EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finish System), and colored single score CMU fields and accent elements. Columns with decorative EIFS cornices are used to define the main entry to the facility along with a false entry facing South. All HVAC units on the facility are proposed to be screened from the structures parapets. They are designed high enough to screen all equipment. Signage Under the current terms of the proposed lease, signage is the responsibility of the Tenant. With that said, typically the Tenant will locate signage over the front entry to the facility and on any face of the building facing major roadways. In addition, various directional signage is located around the development as found on most retail projects. The Tenant is aware that a separate signage permit must be applied for and they are prepared to do so per the requirements of the City of Chanhassen. Closure The applicant respectfully requests the City of Chanhassen support the request for Preliminary Site Plan Review, Preliminary and Final Plat and a minor subdivision for the proposed Goodwill Project. We look forward to joining your community and assisting residents with our mission. Project Narrative 80 West 78th Street, Chanhassen, MN January 5, 2012 Page 4 of 4 4839 West 124 Street Savage, MN 55378 • Lic. #20011239 • Tel. 952- 890 -4364 Fax 952- 890 -2916 www.fendIerpatterson.com Site Development Plans for 80 W. 78th STREET Chanhassen, Minnesota Presented by: Fendler Patterson Construction BENCHMARKS BM NO.1 1002AV looted an Trunk 1119 —y 5, east olthe Intersettbn with Trunk HIRhway 101. ELEV. 935.71 .M .O.2 2736A looted on Trunk Highway 103, noM MMe IMerse<tlon wiN Trunk Highway S. ELEV.553.61 W fra ,48W 260 /N N.51T 910 P.Em b U 00 W 0 66147 8691418.6010 URSO ®418.692 mM1 Client IS CONSTRUCTION Project 80 W. 78TH STREET L.ocaclon CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification M ou .•�� U , e e u M �.�• ae oma�n <nn •eW iRmue CONSULTANT CONTACr LIST GENERALCONTRACTOE FENDLER PATTERSON CONSTRUCTION 4839 WEST 124THSTREET SAVAGE. MN 55378 TEL 952- 8904346 FAX 952 - 8902916 CONTACT:IOHN PATTERSON CIVIL ENGINEER MFRA INC. 1480028TH AVENUE, SUITE140 PLYMOUTH,MN 55447 TEL 763476 -6010 FAX 76347641532 CONTACT: MICHAEL C. BRANDT PE SURVEYOR 1480 D28THAVENUE,SUITE140 PLYMOUTH, MN 55N7 TEL-7 -0 FAX 7634768532 CONTACT: MARCUS R HAMPTON RLS. ARCHITECT DIE ARCHITECTURE INC LANDSCAPING 333 WASHINGTON AVENUE N. MFM INC SUITE 210 UNION F—A 1480D 28TH AVENUE, SUITE 140 MINNEAPOLL; MN 55401 PLYMOUTH,MN 55447 TEL612- 6762700 TEL 7634766010 FAX 612- 6262796 FAX 7634768532 CONTACT: CHRIS WHITEHOUSE CONTACT: KEVIN I. TEPPEN RIA. VICINITY MAP NO SCALE o.r. u/xa/x4ss Summary —4—­ P. Revision No. Date By Submittal/Re - aneeT i me TITLE SHEET Sheet No. Revision C1.01 1 � 356N60031 1es3B e]x r [ a+ � .J6 o �vn-re " � 1 — LEGEND •EOUxOMONUME�I�WARRMAIN ----- EASEMEHiIIHE v »SANI]A0.YSfWf0. &SETMON - - -- SETRAC[ R @> —>�>y noam 5— A-A s tE�wM Ic @— � BARFOExaSERlax —e— RIG.T OF ® AIR— OxIONER E.— TRANSFORM— T"' ....... ax:: uRS,AII -� YAS­ER 0 a UT— FOLE RE -- OR T o ­ E= �WD..1a..FA. _ :I.x —.— WooaI— DECID OUS]R E O— F— USTREF Ems — I-- ^ e.wmdlY.d Rts.xo. ss, nad m,�In.al OT Ek..RaS.,R ^ Tmatxl- ww, S., mxfidlfi.Ima,MYx.tlfiTmxtxYfi.a,IRt. nss<Iarn- m hunt pww sm, nm n d sm Imermwn won Toot xknww s. t 5m)� Y Rwurt/s -R.. Ww ARA greet YavoRaRY kemxtamn numMxOe I.A a. Ekxwmtw.,wmR�R- o.umaat. = SUBJECT PROPERTY Tnx. A am R. R >�e Eaw m... x0. M. a ra m.m. Mmm,da xma wuRR -R a -t R,S,. a � mo mNd. Yk� IK. sunnssu aENEEM pape k BSw 3r5e ustylY:umenumEally qte le f Yal [ awiene d Twm xkYwv ­Z.1. R Z.1.1. x NCR pd ], I- _ arxedlnaRVmruarNeAm . v ewnw. mwvnu. 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Fwnw r r kn fra - Mi N1fF+111/0' law M M K51110 IMI04 YN�80 911] 089170.80 OkYfb Client fp OONNT�IIUOTEO N Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Summary ka i. - Revision xHistory -a No. Date By 5,bmk.1 euhi- Sheet Title EXISTING CONDITIONS r7_ni ;,cam / mHs Rsw am s. w c¢ fauar En mow easwD DUEB : cD„En i — LEGEND Oxx •wuxD EAAEE��� wATERMAix - - - -- E g sn > vxDARrsewER - - -- ux E A,ETiw tEIw w~N�sonMSewex X 11 uRED END SECTOR S — — IINCAIIE ®.ORmx .1R�..�sESnOC.RswRrASA— Ax aU:�o NO..oR. e xA « .sETEHOxT PSOTSTAE � - GAS METER O — — INIA O TI 11AC' EI Gx = Qo o - E A wDDDEEN� T LEGEND I I -EE GROGRwxTRTxoxw TO E DIE xxGD..TR �SPEOFIC DEMOLITION NOTES R:Mll�l 11 1111 C.NCRETT a. R11111 C.isn A— H. —THDx. NG. AERS.nxD BITUMINOUS. �DEMO NOTES E D *o aaommooA.s.xe EROEOSSOmxnRUrnox. TE "u ExTHEIE Es III A I, CoIER.L.R A—INTHS A.D'N ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES, OF ILL STRUCTURES, A—, = DISMSAL ,..HE oox.AAROR,x,EE.00RD�xATE wxH RE�ErnxE DTNx. oox.Ax�ET.R�oR.o,HE AEEADxAE AxD /oA - f ra wwdaeMwgounnrowero� t/800MAEe K.Min %—* wm EESEn DIEN475 8010 MO M476.= IDDIERM Client rp o, Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification y - VAIN �rt ANO MEEOK [wSN,D CUNRB AND REM.W' . ALL SENI'E LINES AN. CRY A. LINES BEFORE 1B.CEEDIND IT. THE I LTI THE-1= DT. BE ABANDONED SIALL BE REMOWD IF ON DER THE BUILDING HICLIDING III NEIOND FOUIDAIIHS. 1. CIN1N=CE11RFL.11 MAINTAINED �RIHEIUIIIUNDIIIPRIPIRTIEIITAILTIMIIDIIIII DEMOLITION 10. IRIOR�DEIILITIIN�IRIII�E�IINMNIRIL�EICIAR,TO�E'N�LLEO. 11. S"IUID 11111M. xD/ oRRSE« A TONARwTE =AGEREN INLET SILALL AES/s.RUCTORES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE E ST OCT N P. CONTRACT "C="C'PAT.' ATORMI 1EDGIVD TO BE RELOCATED ON THIS PLAIN, ALL OTHER T REOmRED As UND 'RD —MENT, ETC. THE CONTI-OR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE MR ITS REMOIH. AID REPAIR 11. CINT"CTIR TO "'T" "ITINI I WHICH ARE TO REMAIN, DA.A.E TO ANY E.11TIN. CONDITIONS TO THIS TO 0 NCY "" USA CCU BRAND B ITHE RISK OF WAY SHIA CONFORI TO 0 RR r:r Summary 1 x mot /wy: -T- Revision History ft. Date 8, Submittal /ReN - Jneei IITIe DEMOLITION PLAN Sheet No. Revision C2.U2 k n- fra "RDIITSp1ROr/ 148002E01 A" KS" 14D NIFIGI imnle- SBN7 m 4m WO "BIDDERS Clie ■■- OOH"T�TION Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification M�kyoNy WFtlb�awR Mlnm.m. Euuw� Mw.N.MUn. ReWR xo�AEGS. xxMx/EOfs Summary De.y�rc aauu/w nDI. Book ;vase: -r- Revision ^History Q NI.DBRe BY SuDmRLA /R< N1 SITE PLAN Sheet No. Revision rq_nl = LEGEND EASEMENT n -- - - - - -- PHALTPANNG C WETLANG ITS PSP C X LINE T wv "GH roxcRETEV .. a / \ I—I PER w 4 0 RE+ 0 / — DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY I— snF AREA ­TSNG PRO I / / I PARxIN4ip)AREA LOT SUILIALEY OPEN AREA GREENS>AGEPROwDED .D,..SGF .S,DmSF 4ARBOSF i D% 2560600]1 1 70n1 ST W (AS qm FANILY t➢ R NO POND ^ SIOE rAxp SOFEFr �-931.5 (PER qTY AS- BUILT) xD EnmaT / vN Poo SE. zoNlxc ex w4xww.ir AxD.uslxOSSERS wFBS pSTRU:T anon [Amax A' f41RA1I011 R'41� EaMr�O SUMMARY S EE SnDO S.B . ( j — — — — — — psB roTAV9ov oEO ui.DDD 0 a a 1oE - DEVELOPMENT NOTES A. ALtDIMF S.HSARE NOUNDED TOTHE NEAREST TENTH .01 'P2S0 G y ID s _ 0 0 k J 0 IIN.SIOMI ARE TIE 1101 CURB TO FACE NOTED. OF CURB UxLBG.O­ U B 9O E J AN J 0 Au PARxu4 wIOTHAxD LE1 E . rxEC�s[BUI�ox�olMExslo UxLESSITIERIBEIIICATED snxo 00 y � UTILITY E.—NCE IDCATIONS. E EUGxTPOEURAL BUILDING A W ep J 1111 FIR LIGHT DOLE DOUxDAnox DETAIL AND FOR BRACT LOCATIONS C R Oq ARFNOUS RFTAR T I§ I� r _- > )B 711H IT W REOCY N GRQNICIE N. BEEFRTOFINALPUrFORLOTBOUNDARIESLOTNUMBERSwTAREAS oN IID wA Ns ALONG iHF AOARoUTF SLOPE OF S %po0l,,ExCE ,ANDLOTDIMENSION& AI LxRVF A MA.IMM Mv�li:iE�, AxDAMAxIMUMCRO55 mYIEM °'� 'f I- 1I. N M 1VII "i nl CONTRACT NE ® E#911NC FOlA WL -932.7 I °6 I' ( J pISGREPA «GY BErwEEN,HEGRADIBxr I« THE FIND VERSUS A THE DBM4N GRADIENT NWL -939.1 (PEA qtt AS -BURn PROPOSED BUILDING T t ) ,. «I PARGI45IGISSNAU REPLACED ALONG ALL III-All ns REQUIRED BY CIrc. 2so12z3m OD 78TEN IT N IBW z smvs RE. W o zB.o zao za.D 38.0 1& 1�.) # J J x. SETxAMESARE 11E11 APPROVAL TRE APPROVAL.YTIE i FIR O O O IPONDSlii . EPNIVI DEDOVERALLPU.000HLITIESANDUPTI HEHIGxwATERLEVEi < o e B KEY NOTES J py A BUILDI «4.SroIPS.srAIR55EEARGHxE UR LPA «5. `aa=Rlo: «p4pTYER <T reap D ADATAUNCATIDDOMESTRIP J Rfq AT URBSERIOx. C J e. — / E BE41x �Aximox io-1 CUR. ' J I I = �— B'B ` — — / 1 , E 0 _� N .1DICAPPAREII GMG Nw /GONGAETF PIPE BOL-D 1 _ L 11 — AR5_O� I coxcRFTF LDFwnu _ o L vYLON SIGH 3p xFI4M 1 n I —... ::'... — ... x. LIGHT DOLEISEE x4NTl «4 PIN FOR TOpNDAiIO «DErA.LM siov sl4x — — — — — — — — — I. — — — — — — — — — — — — — Do«OTE«TER ONEYMI Sl GNAG CONECHE CON, T Ix �FRP O -VERIFYE>uGTDIDDIMFISIONSw BLERR%AL PRIOR TO L- — $. UOINGITAR101 T. PAVEMENTSTRIPIING U. LOAOI«G OOCR CONCRET I B-C.A.CUT NORTH SCALE 1. FEET k n- fra "RDIITSp1ROr/ 148002E01 A" KS" 14D NIFIGI imnle- SBN7 m 4m WO "BIDDERS Clie ■■- OOH"T�TION Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification M�kyoNy WFtlb�awR Mlnm.m. Euuw� Mw.N.MUn. ReWR xo�AEGS. xxMx/EOfs Summary De.y�rc aauu/w nDI. Book ;vase: -r- Revision ^History Q NI.DBRe BY SuDmRLA /R< N1 SITE PLAN Sheet No. Revision rq_nl e° — S, MONG PMD N­ .5 HK-931 (_ ­ ­ )7 T) 7, L ENBBNC POND PROPOSED B UILDING 2� 00 S.F. W T) 1 JW n. ST pUN -4 H lu 2 78 Y 7­ ST W LEGEND - =_- L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — LEGEND - =_- -ANDAR= ALT SP.A ==S • SP ­UETE ­.G ITAILSPIRR.. 0 XEY 10TE 0 T ..RTfI 0 — 11 F11T 148002MAMKS9140 pw,w% YYNe® S M In Me NW — m4n.m 9pn+e Client p, M=m . ­11T ... T­ Project 80 W. 78TH STREET CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification Summary D.t­­ G ... :.. App—­ =/ p­­.— ­,­ Revision Histo No Dare By Sheet Title TRUCK MOVEMENT SITE PLAN Sheet No. Revision 041% 0%1% N.T.S. N� �N RAN N.Nm aNDE R02ERTTMUT E v�vOS[O— �y ORAI1TAE oN ® - TE`U`AnoN IINTIUR s +/� i / 1. 1. 1.. OOR BEINE THE 02 MW TO OMN S. R. SO TO TU% OF THE PARTCIES SHALL 5 BE IN ME RANGE OF 0.25 IN TO MEET S J. MEET PECIRCATW N PA59NC SS WRLMATW RAZE OF -N wER MOEN l0 BE DRY —N AB NWR —00. UNLESS 1. INF E OF N WATER C A R EN TO E DRY 01 DIE 2 00 SEVE ME W SIE . DEGIC OIHERNSE 2. CON— i0 PgONDE RNN WA1ER GARDEN INFlLTtATW TESTING AND OBTAIN APPROVAL. BT ENGINEER. PRIOR TO IN5TAALATION OF PLANTS AND MULCH. ME WNMACTOR'S RESPONIBNATY TO INSTALL THE CORRECT SOL MIX. PROTECTION WRING CONSTRUCTCN AND 00 —TION RATES �+\ FILTRATION BASIN CROSS SECTION GRADI NOTES WmA ox.: oo,. w.,.,x <.wwENeooNDN..11111IL AT ' . O CV lau,lAw PNNmlAmnxonuuxl�sluxun ou�u�M U�ramisw uw TOxruO D IN as CA.Ol N.T.S. �// i �j ;X I EXSTNB HWL�9J9.1 (PEA att AS -BUnT) 2D122W II / D o a�SSEN S THR , H dI / I \ L------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / / / U� W...D / N ITY AS ST (PER Cltt A- BUILT) N — PNNND P� WW T� 258H TM J1 ST W I QifANILY LP F- Doe ✓4 T y 1 . 2Sfi86W W JR IBM Si W PECCT Y KRONICK PROPOSED ..j 1AI �. V W I I .. & NO TO -- LEGEND R02ERTTMUT E v�vOS[O— �y ORAI1TAE oN ® - TE`U`AnoN IINTIUR GRADI NOTES WmA ox.: oo,. w.,.,x <.wwENeooNDN..11111IL AT ' . O CV lau,lAw PNNmlAmnxonuuxl�sluxun ou�u�M U�ramisw uw TOxruO D IN as �II kn- fra .-NNMK Al9WDIWgNWO1' 1480020N h.solm % NwNSm 551AT Dam no NW— A89RB.= 0 Client CONiTMUCTION Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification meA.NwN,�A:ssL nIn%noTT ° ` • n�x� :a`IS :�x�.w.NMnu.x.. Summary Revision N History . Da NPte By %bmRul /Revision GRADING PLAN Sheet No. Revision C4.01 � 0 CP =9J2N8 CCuN^� �I� ii ENGroIG POND III! M1.932) II I CHIVE c Ny1�939.1 vR QTY AS -Bunn im TEST, Si w I I I \ .—A— HR 1 I Ili / � 1 j I I 1 UE / (PER _9 tt B EG pp 26° / PILiRAOON B� APP FES 2= O aI` a } _ 1 E:92].00 E L- - - - - -- -- r�r / 256BGTH S W 1 CR fMBLY LIP 6 ARCH FES 76 ST W PEGGY Y NRONTN e LEGEND P ROPOS E D EMISTING CURB IS GUTTER 0— N OVFPFIDW ELFV. - -�- - -- - - -g---- BANCE SUIL.RU.S ij, -9 %'� PA -10 RU Ti`XOPAPYDIVERSwN D y xaGE HISS PNOTE—N DE-1 TEMPORNYSTIRI ND— FINGAREA SB TS oEEo ULa,1ATE1Rl11I :: : SM D �SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION SHA U. 3 START CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING PAD AND STRUCTURES. PHASE IIV CURBBAxD GUnUS. 3. INSTALL RIP RAP AROUND OURETSTRUCNRES.ME0.5TRUCEUPFS. 7: =LET PROTECTlON DE 9. s No[TA GRADING All IxsTALL PERMNE xi DING DEVI T111. CON TROL NIYIf SITE IS BILITF ,`If` Eo aEOa.N ARA T —NOTE TO CONTRACTOR ERovo THE ADD111Al REQUIRE111TS, SUCH AS ADDITIONAL OR MODIFIED 8 DESIGNED TO COR­ / 6 ^ — EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS xixE AREASUMMARY IN ACRES QUANTITIES *O ITEM UNIT I QUANTITY BUILD— AREA ­.Acl 1ILT FENCE I LINEAR FEET 11500 STIDIDAREA POST- C CONSTOUCT D ION E IMPEVOUS Is - CE -EI UNIT I REFER TO SHEET C5.03 FOR GENERAL NOTES, MAINTENANCE NOTES, LOCATION MAPS, AND STANDARD DETANS HILET PROTECwxDEVICE (1P1 UNIT RE:913 SOIL EROSION /SEDIMENTATION CONTROL OPERATION TIME SCHEDULE kn f ra mWNxygRRBTRbpROnoYq NwP/ 1/ Afl RSb 1 RAD, Am mewo ®SSH) D691TB.fi01D yyPlnN 889 178.692 y 11Ib ■ ■- OON.TN = YCTION Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA n•�1i•AC.ekeun¢�ru ww�u�3K Summary Duyn aaNaYm nao ePOt'va e: -/- Revision No. Date By SubmHla11ZIGioR Sheet Title EROSION CONTROLPLAN PHASE 1 C5.01 Project No. FEN19169 SCYMULE r�r / 256BGTH S W 1 CR fMBLY LIP 6 ARCH FES 76 ST W PEGGY Y NRONTN e LEGEND P ROPOS E D EMISTING CURB IS GUTTER 0— N OVFPFIDW ELFV. - -�- - -- - - -g---- BANCE SUIL.RU.S ij, -9 %'� PA -10 RU Ti`XOPAPYDIVERSwN D y xaGE HISS PNOTE—N DE-1 TEMPORNYSTIRI ND— FINGAREA SB TS oEEo ULa,1ATE1Rl11I :: : SM D �SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION SHA U. 3 START CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING PAD AND STRUCTURES. PHASE IIV CURBBAxD GUnUS. 3. INSTALL RIP RAP AROUND OURETSTRUCNRES.ME0.5TRUCEUPFS. 7: =LET PROTECTlON DE 9. s No[TA GRADING All IxsTALL PERMNE xi DING DEVI T111. CON TROL NIYIf SITE IS BILITF ,`If` Eo aEOa.N ARA T —NOTE TO CONTRACTOR ERovo THE ADD111Al REQUIRE111TS, SUCH AS ADDITIONAL OR MODIFIED 8 DESIGNED TO COR­ / 6 ^ — EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS xixE AREASUMMARY IN ACRES QUANTITIES *O ITEM UNIT I QUANTITY BUILD— AREA ­.Acl 1ILT FENCE I LINEAR FEET 11500 STIDIDAREA POST- C CONSTOUCT D ION E IMPEVOUS Is - CE -EI UNIT I REFER TO SHEET C5.03 FOR GENERAL NOTES, MAINTENANCE NOTES, LOCATION MAPS, AND STANDARD DETANS HILET PROTECwxDEVICE (1P1 UNIT RE:913 SOIL EROSION /SEDIMENTATION CONTROL OPERATION TIME SCHEDULE kn f ra mWNxygRRBTRbpROnoYq NwP/ 1/ Afl RSb 1 RAD, Am mewo ®SSH) D691TB.fi01D yyPlnN 889 178.692 y 11Ib ■ ■- OON.TN = YCTION Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA n•�1i•AC.ekeun¢�ru ww�u�3K Summary Duyn aaNaYm nao ePOt'va e: -/- Revision No. Date By SubmHla11ZIGioR Sheet Title EROSION CONTROLPLAN PHASE 1 C5.01 Project No. FEN19169 J Ss; IpDP�MtlI fE5 � — I �E Y `9 -1 F 1 / 66 — � I 1 EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS QUANTITIES ITEM I UNIT I QUANTITY S111— I LINEAR FEET —. .1. R.H. LINEAR FEET 130 OOIHAUCTIOI EEllval INLET PROT-101 INLET PIOTE— CE IIP- ) LEGEND PAOPOS D CU EAUTNII RIPRAP OVERFLOW . -:X& - 3 - - -- ---�--- MxcE t� IHN OF OVERLAND FLOW �> ST -9 ;M PA 10 T111OIAR1 DIVERSION AIR OF NA4E INEETPROTEETIOND —EL ®P- ®m- TEMPORAR —ANE AND PAIRING AREA 58 = ' . ' , T . -' UTLINED IN TIE SwIRIPP) RETSAS sM SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1: aAG 1. HALT ALL—DTHE111D IDATICT TIE CIVIL EIGII PHASE II: INSTALL RIP PAP AND ND OURETSTRUCNRES.M CUNSAxD 4UnER5. U. 9 xi CONTROL DE VICE (-1I1 HE IS SEABRRED)I IF REQUIRED 11 THE CON—T NOTE TO CONTRACTOR PLAN THE ERoRoN FAIL UNTIL THE —CE .1 TE.ZATI.. 11 FILED WIT. MvCA .R . Un ADDITION AL DENTIFIDD. AFTER THIRD THE NITIO IF TERMINATION. THE FV­ HKILUE116 THE TO RE IL IT IN FILE 1= DOR axCEwNx TxE RECORD RFTExTION RF E Fx SDESCRMFD IN THE AREA SUMMARY IN ACRES � —"EIT All I LOL A. TOTAL DISTINDED IRE OUNIDIR—ONINUPERVIlUl ' REFER TO SHEET C5.03 FOR GENERAL NOTES, MAINTENANCE NOTES, LOCATION MAPS, AND STANDARD DETAIL$ iiiiiig i• i•i•i•i•i•i•��i•s•i•i•�i•i•i•i• (T infra FROHPFIBV.MHIq ElErani EIIFI% ueao Pem •a R aF to M 4 1iR1 SSNi M 1A 0 M:= lakplos pB7i8.�2 0®YIIY Client ris M Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification 'aw RRnwEDu Summary -I T= D n: DID emt /Paee:y- Revision History NOENLte BV SUBmitrol /RLIOI aneet i me EROSION CONTROL PLAN PHASE 2 Sheet No. Revision C5.02 Project No. FEN19169 L-- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS "SITE MAP" �S ELOC w VnON MAP ROCK ENTRANCE DRIVE SILT FENCE DETAIL - -�"�" eEt.. "xm�.�lx,�t .tmwm.r. :A C ONCRETE WASHOUT AREA � ME.. FENDLER PA—N CON­11- TE-2-3* SffE­=J1E1E-111-- =1 ITIE1 T-2-- SILT FENCE INLET PROTECTION (IP-1) � GENERAL ERI NOTES: . .. A" A= IE�'"111 =A A 0= . . . n , x .- " L . . MAINIE T=Iv x N o OTEa o : ELY 0 ff. �== mmrmtuaawo<,xrxaxrorr�.rua a. 4. ��OTU IW Ml 7HI L lft%4 III Fr knf ra Client — ri2 M=m m ook—ucTio. Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification M Summary Revision History NI.Wtl By �b.�l / Lon sneet Titie EROSION CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C5.03 Project No. FEN19169 ROAD DRAIN INLET PROTECTION (IP-2) z Jl - A SITE `/ � y y I X ' M — A I �A SITE "o �Us .. �ts&p SILT FENCE DETAIL - -�"�" eEt.. "xm�.�lx,�t .tmwm.r. :A C ONCRETE WASHOUT AREA � ME.. FENDLER PA—N CON­11- TE-2-3* SffE­=J1E1E-111-- =1 ITIE1 T-2-- SILT FENCE INLET PROTECTION (IP-1) � GENERAL ERI NOTES: . .. A" A= IE�'"111 =A A 0= . . . n , x .- " L . . MAINIE T=Iv x N o OTEa o : ELY 0 ff. �== mmrmtuaawo<,xrxaxrorr�.rua a. 4. ��OTU IW Ml 7HI L lft%4 III Fr knf ra Client — ri2 M=m m ook—ucTio. Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification M Summary Revision History NI.Wtl By �b.�l / Lon sneet Titie EROSION CONTROL NOTES & DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C5.03 Project No. FEN19169 ROAD DRAIN INLET PROTECTION (IP-2) k n-fra BR9]WWB90SME W OEV BIEI% IAB00 M A. K Bl Ib RPRGI E.R@53O S]RRT M.M.BOID ..*— D074ALM nobble OO M.TII = OOTfOM Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA dwvexd. �wum�ww�iawmu PaAbxanm no�l3661 o.r.RR/AVb» vq=r,nR.mxarv. .A Summary Dam a:A wn CID Revision History NO. Date BY —NIGH lljll���ld�_1 \; Sheet No. Revision rc ni LEGEND CURB 0 GUTTER - IM a ♦ 8 -0 PUHTA 0 - P 0 ux IsAx3 0 0----0 0 ~ -1 —+ T — w 1 UTILnY CONSTRUCTION NOTES THE THEY RECIiKKAIiIOxs,EFR [E AS RfIN. COniMCTO SMLLOBTAIM WPY OF / I 1. 111 D1lIT1E551ALl1ECDNSTRDCTEDI1 ACCDG110ETDCDY1EpDI1E1ExTS. UNSCNCOUoE SIUPTIONS OF SRwCE TO THE PUUlCARE THE Cl xb1 IMBILTTY Of INF / z56e6DDS 189]0 ]BM ST W a RTI l E AMT xqF Ix x R IR E G 5 P ro 1a < f5 5 fW F A AT wATERmA1xAG M — FAMILY W iFwE0. M Aw N IBUIIDIG, STORM axD $/.NARYI cROS5wG5.D EOxD STRI G3E.5 N- 931. e. ALL MATERIALS SxaN eEAS SPECIFIED In clam SPECIFICATIONS fxcfer M P—TH THE RECOUITS DFTHE 1. ALL ATR LL IA.SHA CDM MEN AS MODIFIED xRfIx. D. (PER CITY AS -BUIL» / �xB, EAE 1 ATERM A .�O EDUCTR11oN CM555R WON 1FEE M CDVR UPUT, �T PRE )! WfEG '( Re�RlAW3 36' RCP ARCH FES ! ALL ST ONMSEwFRP PE t0 eF xDPEw ix waTRTCnT loxix r 1. - - - - - - ALLBEM DDTELASSS - RPPAPSH N c CONTRACTOR SNAIL TO ARCH TECTUPAL PUNSiORFMRIOCAi ONSAHDDMExsOxs - -- — =- - - - - -- o O_FT'GUlE Exrt PORCH", RAmvs,TRUCR DOCas PRE< sP eu LD GOMFxsaxs AND EMCTBDRN4UTLDY ENTRANCE LOCAT D. T�E E AGroRELENAON oF Rc F R/ IL. Tl x Is oo li:. . .50 " O ' A TF / / ® // Lr- ID•EC. IEd9N.90 HAT LOGE d� �( ' E WIN THE ofiiuxfD LIE IHOIN ON THE CONTRACTOR,gYGLLINLGOFHFRSTATE . '. I'AAi 55-0SNb=IPBf .11. E / po E A4E TD / ENT T<)P 93)88 F PBOPRT1ESOCaMIx4 DUew4THE COxsiaucTlox PHASfs OF T- a �EYH�A�EF 1 � N �a?w� PBOSECT. y '/C )5606WJ0 E ARFMOUS PFTAIL ,J�EA B J I ��� �'C ]0 TBM ST W cv 11 THE COxTRACTORSSAFEtt MUYJRF5IH vE66Y N IOtavl(x CONSTRUCTION SITE Ox ORxMRTHF 9 = I xCHESOSTDPSORPUCEOBExMTHTHE..'1 fDARR55HAll RE RISTOED 1-1 xr =9]9.5 (PER att AS -euE» I PROPOSED BUILDING p,G z5014z]00 p )BM SL W I? SUE. woSR g• WAIDR I �C Co.FORI TO APPPOIN C DEPARimExTOFTRANSPORTATON STANDARDS. Azsa Y I I SERVICE 8 SFRVNS E =931.85 - IS IP - IR RV AT 1. m STdINtFPTER YN 1. 0 1 111 =,. = uxsTAeIE OCUxbrtABlf 501lSYUlIBECOMIS. p xEgUwFMFNiSOF TxE 1 50115 ENGINEER TH DAS RRroxSIBIE ql 1 93205 (— VERIFY ) A-TECHNIGI EGIxERING SOU S RROPTWASCOMPIETFD ONx APRIL R4 D1�wER. 30 IF-6• AT I 5 H b f.OS RE = 9]80 E =93J0 CONSTRUCT $ CO OVER —I. RG EPE F RE =937.O5 - RE OAT I RE=9]).b E =9]0.0 3 FlEID VERIFYE ,�..— -' :93{.T9 iE:9100= S PFOUNfOONTHFSTPEET I E =931.55 — ISS R- 6•PVC, Sw b AT ,D: 0= -- — -- GO, PR IFICS-11IN111111-111TO. IN I _IS 11111EIR AID 11ALL IE COMPLETED IN IFLAIIIIIIECTED AN TIE - IS ENGINEER. j ,-1 U ALE EMEx1Y 0 T. N .... FER. D THE BF.CO ONN DET [ SHUI BFCOMPIETEDINACCORDAHCE THEI EMMxsxau MAIN IE E NGINE ER . I WIFE S ON PAR WI TH _ — _ - — u T 8fD FES" \ = 9N.(1� T All CIXISThUC�T YANHIXE OKR ERSSiWG iqS. SHALL BEIxSUUiF0 L SHFET C9 1 SUP..UNDING THE PIPE SEE OFTAIL ON .0. Wrtx6 In5UUi10x RL E:935.A5 -� XEi -TAP w /6•cAre vuvE =- - -- —STORM SEWER NUMBER STRUCTURE SCHEDULE TYPE SIZE I —TING* i— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NORTH W k n-fra BR9]WWB90SME W OEV BIEI% IAB00 M A. K Bl Ib RPRGI E.R@53O S]RRT M.M.BOID ..*— D074ALM nobble OO M.TII = OOTfOM Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA dwvexd. �wum�ww�iawmu PaAbxanm no�l3661 o.r.RR/AVb» vq=r,nR.mxarv. .A Summary Dam a:A wn CID Revision History NO. Date BY —NIGH lljll���ld�_1 \; Sheet No. Revision rc ni m \ � 1 / ms w CNVAAM FP i — v4 — LEGEND PR OPERTY LnEx __ ______ svxA„vnvlxc GoN.ETE BAYING • IUMBER OF Gw O BEY NOTE 0 L— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — C rt e kn fra 963 476 wo RNRR­ eBBlwmy Yy.ellBO NNB.w I�eoBmtn�KS.ib Bpm.L uwl®sNY B ®Am.e92 ulmYne Client r - oonrwu� c o Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification _wn,uzGEs Summary esVNe Boot/ aye __ Revision Sub History�� NO.—I By mNtal /Re�%W. Sheet Title SITE LIGHTING PLAN C7.01 rB V�C4f IYV. C c caw � 8 R T qs s+y R oris F. sS A. V mcuat wkNAR. NNMENI- NNRBI � D ; � w ar N caw [MVAIKIN O NsswX ¢ �o sowl s wsaMA I ° I vmaam M0 O �¢ mwna¢m.o. Mae¢a PEDEBTRIAN CURB RAMP infra OPTION 3/4' o« root 18 M N. 2.. GRADE N 're B'JG en 3• 1/2 Concrete pavement vrr I I J'• AA Right -oi -Way B618 _ & -t ..U. Cure & Cutler •a BiWmincus H R C -t—bon ,nmt. A - ,P B wmhma —.MI �Ir PLAN N. S ole MTDOT B618 W Cmwele Gun and fries In'• itum— M—KI ,/3 ro BMODOT ouw Is 'R ro &tumMma uatslM u n U a 1. m0 WMw 2 DRIVEWAY APRON 8 t— it,... Curb 6' Shoe Farmed r� TYPICAL CURB OEM VBAI10M AND GUTTER 5203 c caw � 8 R T qs s+y R oris F. sS A. V mcuat wkNAR. NNMENI- NNRBI � D ; � w ar N caw [MVAIKIN O NsswX ¢ �o sowl s wsaMA I ° I vmaam M0 O �¢ mwna¢m.o. Mae¢a PEDEBTRIAN CURB RAMP infra OPTION 3/4' o« root 18 M N. 2.. GRADE N 're B'JG en 3• 1/2 Concrete pavement a aasa 5 ease mcid —I to apron SECTION N A — A N . S.I. 24 MAX. 26' MAX INDUSTR AA Right -oi -Way B618 _ & -t ..U. Cure & Cutler •a BiWmincus H R C -t—bon ,nmt. A - x. Spacing 1. Eganslan Jolnt (Ip) Spey Cutter O 8' PLAN N. S ole I F Sections Welde gulm ,6 d Wire Mean. ey Cut, and Tnan eitM1 b x 6 2. Conlroctlon ee me 0 N oI 4oe. Rignt -of is the Soma U -Way oa 3. BiINminaua Porin—g 9 — section to . the street PoMng section. mfor CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APRON - G reNn. 5207 /1.5' -MNDOT 2350 —St— "e. ' —Tack Coot - 2357 \2.5 -MNDOT 2350 MVNW350358• _9' -pass 5 Aggrogote B.- 1005 Or.— xEAVT BUTT PAT — o¢ w wAwl x¢rAV¢ a¢wa.x,s ¢ ,I[ —in a. e : _ 7 - CONCRETE, P4 28 DAT STRENGTH 12• -CI... 5 Aggregol. Bogie, 1005 CrueM1etl LOADING DOCK PAVEMENT PAVEMENT SECTIONS 1f ra PL VARIABLE I ' H DRANT VALVE BOX B 6" 6' VA ST SEE RIE PLANS L IBN IT. CURB C NCRETE SEE NOTES 1 & 3 4• Class 5 Base NO ES I. TWI b• TUCK CONCRETE ERICA K. 2. USE 7 3' TACK Tai CpAMERICA ORIVEWAT DNT SNG. J. _T SPACING AT 5' WTERVALS. EIPAN50N JgNT SPACING AT 100' iERVAIS AND WHEN ABUTTING EXISTING CONCRETE OR STRUCTURE. (ffy CONCRETE SIDEWALK 5214 NOTE PAT SIGN FRE STANDING IN�ASPNALT KI NG LOT SHALL BE MOUN TED AS DOE TD�zoo Aq R74A �n aro IL Nm BAwg Rd �k� I BAS[ N M&12 to /os ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN in fra NO SCALE � �1y5• II oea -04 DOME SECTION ow.¢v � �{� eOe4�M I B 3• w+ A� PLAN VIEW OF DIGONAL RAMP DOME SPACING mm 5� gi 8 £ 2 as .. w•..m.mvewQ ? jP SECTION A -A m car 5' a' am 6' S' 6' 3 4 O ELEVATION OF RAMP B . o +n INw BKEawMm .X>», HMIR MATw,a- AAS«,o M m> ID m R[ r e m ¢ ,w d A ,x T IA BE O om aw t a��Ipp V Y 0• At. 1. olll¢ciwNAaIE wo,N 1 . TM E ,R1M�u COME E SI W�iTtAt'r sllwicvcam ( %Ay) N BM ApJ 0 w E i G » N, A r w, r ALX IS PIT ID DONE AREA SxuL NaT mE woo, sTAxouros Ica o3rtcrAOC wARM Ql'fOP PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP E.—NT omNAMENr ¢ HO- 5215 / CURB CUT WITH RIPRAP k nfra NlglmaN[ olyNpplNNlg1 pNq lcemamlAax.selw RAm4 Mn®b SuT 0C34T 00 t00— M178.858 JKBBrIM Client OO N OT�IIMOT[OM Project 80 W. 78TH STREET Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification M..penyytnNGwN ie e .eWlkm .m xx/Xx/to11 Summary D.W.d: yw o n.m —/1. ­ Revision History ..DBte BV SIbmhfzl /Remon Sheet Title DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C9.01 Project No. FEN19169 �00d>•�a�rl�f IMEM111=1111=11 Elm � a I�I►1L . �� CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING DROP uD tm iyl No . 6860 o o0 of < reyuir <6 f water main. Mueller H -103fit a• -D• - S TI Bibby- Ste -G°la Sigma N. o. 8-5160 Ne. VH2600W Olomelo — I,-2 s°Pee Y yww a nxrt VALVE STEM RISERS PROVDE 6' O THE SURFACE t Dox la ^ ol bey. ° NON: 1. Kor -n -awl maande w equal AN 2. eoq M1wxa sM1a4 De grwteb cwaltlereb amp - t. .tamale. w m'tl w4YCe. IT DISTANCE E FROM THE T NUT THE VALVE TO TW of Cum 6 1/2' Arles STANDARD � 1 E SURFACE IS GREA2ER THAN 8'. SURFACE 11 TOP Gobe SECTION y t tap I. 3 /a' bM 2- 61bhY - -GOIa Sigmo o. 6860 28' -10361 28' N 495012 27' No. VBb30G gmb 8. 1. tle eat R, o e o a yat—t F' a CATCH BASIN 2' X 3' Sigmo No.VB630 MNn o. 6860 E %TENSION - c I�aNa .ArYp,r 1 MO.. 3101 0352 BiDhy- Sle -Gola R -5001 No. SB N. 59 18. GOple.vlve bBe ex type. 3 5 1�4" shaft, size X 7'-6 Mueller No: SO 21 C boa. eal<ntletl. Bbb G ea —20 No. 59 N0. 20' • ` GAN VE DAPNR: 1 /4' yB5 _22 N. 57 8 No. 59 20' N COARNG,TM *2µ "" VB523 Sigma N. SO 26' N o 63t1 T THE CAN 5 Tv.EEN VALVE AND =T I, Muell Bibb y-Ste -GOIa Sigma N . H 6S' " 361 Go No. N. VB61.2 fiU GAGE VE ADAPTER. M 11 A mencon F low Lontrol R >hlonl Wetlg C- ° rnoa nb qoa % w. e BASE s ct 20Ja Bo> to ba eb per 5 , �a a nuts k belle. 18"%18'X8" --U, Dlock Q11OF GATE VALVE AND BOX m 21�2o�622�00E16 IdHI10S10E01 INSTALLATION Drvaa:n TE 6.. 1006 whcaa.TE Rani (rm.) lE£S s5uwa ° oe �aa P t° w �nlsmei,. NroRANi LEADS .J L CAOSffs r x• BENDS AT A V bOr rz� AM=bA1FVKVES ttn6 s m>Lrw mANA�n1ID AT 'AA 6tEEVEs ­ h.l affOP TYPICAL MEG ALUG LOCATION H0 1009 k nf ra >4yNW49aw466 N444601oY0Y 110 0 0 28 01 ha X.56110 6/164444 YIN16ae 66X2 069126.8010 61aN1RI 889 88.652 6NTi Clie ■ ■- OON 6T11YO TSON Project 80 W. 78TH STREET CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification � xMan, Summary pnynee:ucysc p wm Revision History History M Np. Data B wDmB1a4 /ReWS4on Sheet Title DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C9.02 Monhde C-119 antl ntlluetmg - V Gale SM1Own Gole Shown shoq be uaetl of p a. Ring (See 'R_ 211D) - Proeibe Mb Bama en 01 St­ sewer mmM1de(aee pale 2109) 'Y Mo a stave, Heensh e fl1981J or Aluminum, 18" on c Ica. SRI, .11 pe I—H, 18 ' neva pe a IB" . Lorgn w "."ring I. e r u4e , h En91n ° eer. l a• -D• - S TI A .1 <b o y x Cane S.G. er o be m. we naen Kw- n� - eed f regu�eb, el Pipe . VIF SECTION VIEW E Olomelo — I,-2 s°Pee Y yww a nxrt m Ihldmesa of Ara 6' �o; la' tl n leay ° greats Inca taw e t Dox la ^ ol bey. ° NON: 1. Kor -n -awl maande w equal AN 2. eoq M1wxa sM1a4 De grwteb cwaltlereb amp - t. .tamale. w m'tl w4YCe. J. WM onatrvcteb n lha mo MN f mmM1B99 t and >gn (YH) Ndl Oe a de. TW of Cum 6 1/2' Arles STANDARD � 1 MANHOLE Lwraac 6PaRIYm TF 6.. 2101 k nf ra >4yNW49aw466 N444601oY0Y 110 0 0 28 01 ha X.56110 6/164444 YIN16ae 66X2 069126.8010 61aN1RI 889 88.652 6NTi Clie ■ ■- OON 6T11YO TSON Project 80 W. 78TH STREET CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification � xMan, Summary pnynee:ucysc p wm Revision History History M Np. Data B wDmB1a4 /ReWS4on Sheet Title DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C9.02 - V Gale SM1Own Gole Shown shoq be uaetl of p a. /oTpo Face of CuN I— ����pp��I �' ga l l �I II �I II � II I DLwUOn of Flow 11 Il l� i � PLAN Catchbssm coating yy ate Neenah R30V w ea G`te t° be 2 below b 3' ra ma cum oa. P.- --t. gu t in g� tle. s551Ge al cetcnpoaln. HOPE bdpatgr(n , M of 2 -2' mealmum d 5 -2 TW of Cum 6 1/2' Arles crele abYem6t R, 1/ Eea o Ilmorlor e ep^ and WI 21 a X' cael S . 3' minimum 3" Gwt m ewtske, to c or 6' DogM1 �ses p � be g' ae pa° wta,tle. SECTION RUNS: steps a em /me :farm ..can mwndea. 2. Co>IN9 to �Y a>tepaeb In curb secNOn. 3. N ploch ab Ne weab aM1lma we D—It I teO�n the pbNatin9 Nn96 QPIOP CATCH BASIN 2' X 3' RECTANGULAR - c I�aNa .ArYp,r 1 MO.. 3101 k nf ra >4yNW49aw466 N444601oY0Y 110 0 0 28 01 ha X.56110 6/164444 YIN16ae 66X2 069126.8010 61aN1RI 889 88.652 6NTi Clie ■ ■- OON 6T11YO TSON Project 80 W. 78TH STREET CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification � xMan, Summary pnynee:ucysc p wm Revision History History M Np. Data B wDmB1a4 /ReWS4on Sheet Title DETAILS Sheet No. Revision C9.02 knf ra Client CONSTRUCTION Project 80 W. 78TH STREET I ) SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN LLVJ SEED MIX LEGEND WF SEED MIX/BUFFER 5oD A R— MULCH. 6--8- —ED 11— IOCK, I- Ep_ 3 CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL 1W- A � DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL nSHR &CONTAINER PLAN TING DETAIL Location CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Certification Summary D.4 —M— D-- Revision History mw W.Wt, By eb—1 / R—.. Sheet Title LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheet No. Revision L1.01 PLAN NORTH FLOOR PLAN - 20,552 S.F. 1— - I -o g Fedler Patterson CONSTRUCTION E =T am sao.�stn �ssaNawla Qi�IFaN1O Ya ± $y Ev' Y � 5 � a N O O = G$ 00 w n G_ � F N Z 3 00 m a REVISIONS II.Iaarr.�osw.n.I u�rss Al © O O O O — G DINI LL ®s®�sv r e®�ei�i■i ®®ei ® ® ® n�i ® ®� m�H ® ®■si ® ®��er . � ,�, MME ��� ®ice ® ■■ ■ ■ ®®l1�.1\i1 ■■ ■11 ■rp4im ... . - ■ 111 —WI — ■■ MMMIM ■ ■:: ■ Ifl - / O 0 0 0 0 ® ® ® ® . :::::::::: MME ® ® ® ® ��.. .:.....::::::: ®.® ® ® ®� .....:::............::::::............: ® :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0 0 0 0 'i t ® �GOODWILL� ® ! r®.�iaa■- ® � DA ®� ® Gi 1��®Il.�I@Si ®�®wo® psi \ - mnnnnunnnnm— - ■lii� ®�I� ® ® 1iii•�i/ O O O O • =.. � ® ®e.� ®ire ®�� ®�■� ® ®wi�s�a®® — ® .............................................................................................. ® ® ® ®® ............................ ®s _ - �— - e - O SIGNAGE BYTENANT PREFINISHED FLUSH SE METAL PANEL CANOPY 0 SOUTH ELEVATION PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING STUCCO COLOR 1 STUCCO COLOR 2 SINGLE -SCORE BURNISHED CMU UTILITY FACE BRICK 1 "INSULATED ALUMINUM GLAZING PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING STUCCO COLOR 1 SINGLE -SCORE BURNISHED CMU UTILITY FACE BRICK I" INSULATED ALUMINUM GLAZING SIGNAGE BYTENANT PREFINISHED FLUSH SE METAL PANEL CANOPY 4 NORTH ELEVATION 1 -4 -2012 111 -0103 PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING STUCCO COLOR 1 SINGLE -SCORE BURNISHED CMU UTILITY FACE BRICK PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING STUCCO COLOR 1 SINGLE -SCORE BURNISHED CMU UTILITY FACE BRICK Fbndkw P f edte CONSTRUCTION 3 EAST ELEVATION Fendler Patterson CONS T 11 U C 1 1 0 N 1 -4 -2012 111 -0103 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on January 26, 2012, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for 80 West 78 Street Site Plan Review — Planning Case 2012 -03 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A ", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Ka n J. Enge dt, Dep4 Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me thisa:Q��day of � yAjr , 2012. Nota Pubrc Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Site Plan Review for a 20,600 square -foot Proposal: Commercial Building on property zoned Highway and Business Services District BH Applicant: Center Companies, LLC Property 80 West 78 Street Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: ' Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /sery /plan /12- 03.html If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob Questions & Generous by email at bgenerous(a or by Comments: phone at 952 - 227 -1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Site Plan Review for a 20,600 square -foot Proposal: Commercial Building on property zoned Highway and Business Services District BH Applicant: Center Companies, LLC Property 80 West 78 Street . Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us /sery /plan /12- 03.html If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob Questions & Generous by email at bgenerous(a)ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by Comments: phone at 952 - 227 -1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial /industrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokesperson /representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. ABRA CHANHASSEN REAL ESTATE CLIFFORD L WHITEHILL CLS PROPERTIES II LLC CO 5320 W HARBOR VILLAGE DR APT 2 4711 SHADY OAK RD 6322 TIMBER TRL VERO BEACH FL 32967 -7416 HOPKINS MN 55343 -8840 EDINA MN 55439 -1049 CRB FAMILY LP 18930 78TH ST W CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9347 DANIELLE WATERHOUSE 7719 S SHORE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9327 DORN BUILDERS INC 2303 WATERS DR MENDOTA HEIGHTS MN 55120 -1163 DYS PROPERTIES 4711 SHADY OAK RD HOPKINS MN 55343 -8840 MCDONALD'S CORP (22 -157) 15455 110TH ST NYA MN 55397 -9453 PEGGY M KRONICK 8575 TELLERS RD CHASKA MN 55318 -9265 JBJ WINE HOLDINGS LLP 19900 WEST 78TH STREET CHANHASSEN MN 55317 I C JOHN LLC 301 OAK GROVE ST UNIT 411 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55403 -4015 MJR MANAGEMENT LLC 18001 STATE HIGHWAY 7 MINNETONKA MN 55345 -4150 SOUTH LOTUS VILLAS TOWNHOMES 7737 SOUTH SHORE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9327 TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RAILROAD 723 11 TH ST EAST GLENCOE MN 55336 KAHNKE BROS INC PO BOX 7 VICTORIA MN 55386 -0007 PAULETTE M LAMERE 7779 SOUTH SHORE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9237 TARA L SJULSTAD 7761 SOUTH SHORE DR CHANHASSEN MN 55317 -9327 VLADIMIR Z GALEYEV 19153 TWILIGHT TRAIL EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55346 ROSIE SHMYEL CSM CORP BEN MERRIMAN 19157 TWILIGHT TRAIL 500 WASHINGTON AVE SO #3000 CENTER COMPANIES LLC EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55346 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55415 PO BOX 687 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 From: Ben Merriman [ mailto: bmerrimanC@centercompanies.coml Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 10:36 AM To: Kairies, Angie Cc: Generous, Bob Subject: RE: 80 W 78th St Hi Angie: The garbage is taken off, or from the dock and the trash containers are kept inside the building, which qualifies under your code. Let me know if you have further questions. Ben Ben B Merriman Center Companies, LLC 2025 Coulter Blvd. Suite 215 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952 - 474 -4828 Direct 952 - 474 -4826 Fax 612- 720 -9213 Cell bmerriman @centercompanies.com E2 IY.R , X'Tne <n2 , M From: Kairies, Angie I mailto :akairies @ci.chanhassen.mn.usl Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 10:17 AM To: Ben Merriman Cc: Generous, Bob Subject: RE: 80 W 78th St Good morning, Ben. Thank you for passing on John's response. While Goodwill may not specifically require trash enclosures, City Code requires that any commercial establishment provide garbage disposal. Sec. 16 -2. - Disposal generally. (a) All persons shall dispose of refuse and garbage as provided in this chapter. Refuse and garbage shall be disposed of at least once each week from residential and multifamily dwellings. Refuse and garbage of any commercial establishment shall be disposed of at least once each week and at more frequent intervals if deemed necessary to protect the public health, and on order of the city. Refuse or garbage shall not be permitted to accumulate on any property within the city so as to constitute a nuisance by reason of appearance, odor, sanitation, or so as to create a fire or health hazard. Therefore, the trash must be addressed as part of this site plan for the retail building. This will ensure that there is adequate trash disposal for any future tenant that may occupy the building. Sincerely, Angie Angie Kairies Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Direct dial: 952 - 227 -1132 Fax: 952 - 227 -1110 email: akairies @ci.chanhassen.mn.us Website: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us