2. Park & Recreation Servce Award Winners MEMORANDUM
TO: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
CITY FROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
CHANHASSFN DATE: February 14, 2012
7700 Market Boulevard SUBJ: Recommendation to the City Council for Park & Recreation Service
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317 Award Winners
The Park & Recreation Volunteer and Service Award program was developed to
Phone: 952.2271100 recognize those who make contributions to the Chanhassen community.
Fax: 952.2271110
Awards are presented in four different categories:
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.2271180 A. Resident Groups
Fax: 952.2271190 B. Business
C. Community Groups and Organizations
Engineering D. Groups representing schools in Districts 276 & 112.
Phone: 952.2271160
Fax: 952.2271170 In the 2011 award cycle, two applications were received in the Resident Group
Finance category:
Phone: 952.2271140
Fax: 952.2271110 Resident Group Nominee: Kandy Jelle
Kandy Jelle has been a dedicated volunteer for the Chanhassen Park & Recreation
Park & Recreation Department. She has volunteered for the Rec Center's Small Fry Sports programs by
Phone: 952.2271120 helping with football, soccer, basketball, golf, and Lit' Star sports. Kandy also
Fax: 952.2271110 volunteered for the 2011 Halloween party where she assisted from start to finish with a
variety of tasks. She was the "go to" volunteer that floated throughout the party and
Recreation Center provided assistance in critical areas of need. The entire party ran much smoother with
2310 Coulter Boulevard Kandy's help.
Phone: 952.2271400
Fax: 952.2271404
Resident Group Nominee: Terri Kelly
Planning & Terri Kelly has been a Chanhassen resident for many years. She volunteers large
Natural Resources amounts of time photographing the city's community events, Chanhassen High School
Phone: 952.2271130 events, and Chanhassen Red Birds baseball games. She captures the events through her
Fax: 952.2271110 photography and shares her pictures with the city. Terri recently published a book
featuring many images she collected from capturing life in Chanhassen. Terri donated
Public Works the book and many of the images to the city for use in our publications and on our
7901 Park Place website.
Phone: 952.2271300
Senior Center
Phone: 952.2271125 Staff recommends that the Park & Recreation Commission review the applications and
Fax: 952.2271110 forward a recommendation to the City Council as to who should receive the service
Web Site
www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us ATTACHMENTS
1. Applications
g: \park \jerry \volunteer awards \prc memo 2- 14- 12.doc
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Application Deadline is November 1, 2011
Name: '6,0c\y i e-\,
Address: I ci a7 C s Vii CJ:L)-.f
OL�$iL, MK\ 65311
Phone Number: 95L "'1 70 r 0695 Category: A
If in Category B, C or D:
(Name of Business, Community Organization or School)
Volunteering Description:
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' •wI ¥-a1 `Slease of Information
The City of Chanhassen reserves the right to use the award winners for promotional purposes through
newspaper articles, the city website, or other means. I agree to allow the city to use my name and the
description of my volunteering project. This release is only valid for winning entries.
()"\ \c'CLQ' b 36\r\v\t) N■ mom)
Application headline is November 1, 2011 --�
Name :. L = y Y \ v \ \ - k c') c, c2, \-e� - ---
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Phone Number: CI S -- --. `)) - i Category:
If in Category B, C or D:
(Name of Business, Community Organization or School)
Volunteering Description:
Terri Kelly organizes, promotes, and participates in City of Chanhassen events, sporting
events and Storm High School and Booster events. She shares her loves of the
community and its people through photography. Teri documents life in Chanhassen by
taking pictures for the Chanhassen Red Birds as well as Storm teams and has created a
website for viewing and sharing all of her beautiful photos.
Terri is a tremendously hard worker who never says no when asked to take on another
Release of Information
The City of Chanhassen reserves the right to use the award winners for promotional purposes through
newspaper articles, the city website, or other means. 1 agree to allow the city to use my name and the
description of my volunteering project. This release is only valid for winning entries.
\,,.......,\ .
Signature: C /�- '__"A— -)('`\.-L-
Park & Recreation Volunteer & Service Awards are provided by the City of
Chanhassen to recognize individuals, businesses, community groups or school groups
for their contributions to the community. These awards are designed not only to
recognize achievement, but also to enhance the lives of our citizens through giving of
Park and Recreation Service Awards will be presented in each of the following
A- Resident
B- Business
C- Community Groups and Organizations
D- Groups representing schools in Districts 276 & 112
All entries submitted or nominated must meet the following criteria:
1. Activities and benefits must occur within the city limits.
2. Any community member is eligible for the Volunteer and Service Awards.
3. Volunteering or special projects must be performed between January 1
and December 31, 2011.
1. Complete the application form and attach any supporting documentation.
2. Applications are due by November 1, 2011.
3. Mail application materials to:
City of Chanhassen
Attn: Jerry Ruegemer
7700 Market Blvd.
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Or fax to: 952 - 227 -1110
Or e-mail to: jruegemer @ci.chanhassen.mn.us
If you have any questions, please contact Jerry Ruegemer at 952- 227 -1121.
Application Deadline is November 1, 2011
Phone Number: Category:
If in Category B, C or D:
(Name of Business, Community Organization or School)
Volunteering Description:
Release of Information
The City of Chanhassen reserves the right to use the award winners for promotional purposes through
newspaper articles, the city website, or other means. I agree to allow the city to use my name and the
description of my volunteering project. This release is only valid for winning entries.
Category A:
Resident - A resident or individual who has volunteered for a community park and
recreation activity or service project, or other related activity.
A Sample of Eligible Activities:
1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service
project or special event through another group or agency such as a local
athletic association, scouting group, etc.
2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual
who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's
park system.
3. Sponsorship /Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support,
sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a
park and recreation or community program or activity.
4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and
Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen.
Category B:
Business - A local business who has taken the initiative to become involved in a special
project, a special event, or a recreation program through either working the event,
dedicating their business resources, or providing financial support or sponsorship to
the city.
A Sample of Eligible Activities:
1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service
project or special event through another group or agency such as a local
athletic association, scouting group, etc.
2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual
who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's
park system.
3. Sponsorship /Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support,
sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a
park and recreation or community program or activity.
4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and
Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen.
Category C:
Community Groups and Organizations - A group that has completed a special project
or provided a service to the community that has directly benefitted the city.
A Sample of Eligible Activities:
1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service
project or special event through another group or agency such as a local
athletic association, scouting group, etc.
2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual
who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's
park system.
3. Sponsorship /Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support,
sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a
park and recreation or community program or activity.
4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and
Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen.
Category b:
Groups Representing Schools in Districts 276 & 112 - School groups who have
completed a special project or provide a service to the community that has directly
benefitted the city.
A Sample of Eligible Activities:
1. Volunteering for a community park and recreation activity, service
project or special event through another group or agency such as a local
athletic association, scouting group, etc.
2. Enhancing the City's park system, e.g. a community group or individual
who takes on a special project that adds to the amenities of the City's
park system.
3. Sponsorship /Financial Support, e.g. providing financial support,
sponsorship, or dedicating business resources to the betterment of a
park and recreation or community program or activity.
4. Other, e.g. additional initiatives or dedicated service to the Park and
Recreation Department or the community of Chanhassen.
G: \PARK \JERRY \Volunteer Awards \Guidelines and Application.docx