CC Minutes 02-27-2012Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 20,600 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL TH BUILDING, 80 WEST 78 STREET, APPLICANT: CENTER COMPANIES, LLC. Kate Aanenson: Thank you Mayor. As you indicated this is a site plan review for a 20,600 square foot, th one story building. This item did appear before the Planning Commission on their February 7 meeting where they held a public hearing. They voted 6 to 0 to recommend approval of the site plan. The subject site is located on Highway 5 and the property is zoned Business Highway. As you recall most recently we upgraded some of the downtown commercial that eliminated the general business and created more of a central business district. In this area, the Business Highway district is really more of a mixed use. Those areas that need more visibility. Kind of a blend of some office, some retail. Some of our larger retail users and also some industrial. So this use fits within the zoning district. Currently there is a building there right now. One of the older buildings in the city built in 1973 that’s kind of used as an office building. There’s been some commercial uses in there now and most of those businesses are being relocated so it is consistent with the zoning district. Just to show you what’s around the area on Highway 5, most recently we approved the Haskell’s liquor store that’s just to the west of this site. Again there’s an industrial building, Lyman Lumber. We had some new office park right at Dell Road. Dentist office so it is really a mix of those uses that need high visibility. This use as a building, the applicant LLC for the 2.79 acres is proposing to do a Goodwill store so again it needs the high visibility of access to see that. The one in Minnetonka is on 394, kind of a sister city there and being able to see it for customers not only to drop off donations but also to be a consumer of the business itself. The grading plan, the current site sits low in that area so the new building will actually bring up the finished floor elevation about 3 1/2 feet so the building will seem a little bit taller in appearance. On the previous slide it did note there is apartments, there is residential immediately behind it. The railroad tracks. Some of those apartments. It’s heavily landscaped around this property. The site plan itself as I mentioned is a 20,000 square foot one story commercial building. Again it’s Goodwill will be the tenant. The building is being pushed to the west of the site and that’s in order to accommodate the, I got new technology. Can you use your mouse on that one? To show kind of the circulation around the building. To drop, yeah can you go the other way. There you go. That’s where you’ll be going around that way to actually drop off. There’s a canopy on that back side there where you’ll actually drop off, thank you, goods there. There’ll be somebody that can help you unload from your vehicle. When the Planning Commission reviewed this from the perspective I’ll show you in a minute, the architecture, the building materials, there was some concern about there was enough articulation on that side of the building but I think it’s hard to see when you look at that perspective which I’ll show you but the canopy does stick out 22 feet so that does give some relief. We did make some other recommendations, or the Planning Commission did to support that. The building was pushed to the west to accommodate the ability to access the site. You have cars that will come in and need to go through that drive aisle. The front door will be facing east so that provides most the parking on that side which people would be able to access into the site. We’ve got two systems running here. We’re having some problems here. There we go. Can we go back one? So sorry about that. One thing the Planning Commission asked about and that was a connection those three properties there. The Haskell’s liquor store will have access to what is now that landscape nursery and then this site would also provide access to the landscape nursery so there’ll be able to interconnect without having to get on that frontage road so there will be a future connection. One of the other issues that were discussed is right now all of the waste containers is being handled inside so people don’t inappropriately put products in maybe a dumpster on site so it’s kind of a, it’s a good management tool that they’re employing but if this building was to change uses, it’s just a tenant. They’re not the owner of the building. That dumpsters could be moved outside in an appropriate location so that issue was also brought up. The building itself does meet all of the architectural design guidelines. Again the circulation works for the trucking turn movements. Be able to drop off. Pick up supplies. Goods, excuse me, to the site so again there is kind of a faux entrance on the south side to kind of give it that architectural relief and maybe I’ll…these right here. To give you that, again that Highway 5 perspective so while it looks like there’s an entrance, the entrance is actually facing the majority of the parking lot which is on the west 17 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 side, so as I mentioned before there is a canopy over the doorway and the building materials consist of, let me see if I can try this one. Can we go to the overhead camera? Thank you. Maybe you could back out of that just a little bit on the camera. Thank you. For the building materials. The one issue that we had is the top of the building doesn’t meet on the, has too much EIFS on it so that was also recommended to make changes. 15% is the maximum. Again the building is well designed as far as, thank you. The windows and the like so the only change we have was again the Planning Commission had on going to the next slide the, the side with the canopy and, I don’t know what’s going on, sorry. So the canopy, it’s hard to see on the one slide there but the canopy does have on the top side where it says the west elevation, there is a 20 foot canopy. That’s hard to see. The other recommendation we had though, there’s a small door that comes out. They’re putting a roof over that door. That would be the door on the far right hand side. Otherwise there is really enough articulation. There’s also a pretty solid row of trees on that side of the building also kind of screening that as you’re coming, heading west on Highway 5. So the other side is a loading dock. Also pretty well screened so with that the Planning Commission did recommend approval. There was a condition in the staff report that has been met and that was regarding, on the conditions of approval, so there’s 5 conditions and under planning it said the applicant worked to provide that future access, and that has been resolved where that access would be. I showed you that on the one slide going to the property to the east. So that has been addressed so that would be condition b under planning. Otherwise there are 5 conditions. The staff is recommending approval of the conditions of the staff report and we do have a motion prepared for you. Thank you, so with that I apologize for the presentation but I’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Mayor Furlong: Questions for Ms. Aanenson. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I have a couple. Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Tjornhom. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Because this is a Goodwill, do they still pay property taxes? Kate Aanenson: Yes. They’re the tenant. Councilwoman Tjornhom: A non-profit. Kate Aanenson: Yeah, they’re the tenant of the building. They’re not, they don’t own the building. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Okay, okay. Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Councilwoman Tjornhom: And I did look at the plans, is there a drive through for that? Kate Aanenson: Yes, that’s that canopy I was trying to show on the one side of the building. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Okay. Kate Aanenson: Where the circulation, yes. So there is a drive through canopy and that was part of the challenge of trying to locate the site farther to the west to kind of provide that canopy screened and then also, so coming around the building, and also provide the loading docks to pick up and deliver goods. Councilwoman Tjornhom: And are they going to have hours, regulated hours for that or is it just going to be during their time of business do you know? 18 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 Kate Aanenson: I believe it’s pretty much standard with the time of business. There’s probably peak hours for dropping off. They advertise those on their website. They’ve got, you can go to their website now and look at their other stores. When they can drop off and pick up. Todd Gerhardt: There’s garage doors on both ends that close the canopy section off when they’re not open. Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Councilwoman Tjornhom: And are there any sensitivity issues to lighting? Kate Aanenson: They did provide the screening and how the building’s lit and it meets all the city regulations. There’s also photometrics in that too, and we did look at that from how that sits, when they raise the building up the 3 feet and the lighting to the back with the railroad tracks but because of the rise with the railroad tracks I think the, and the downcast lighting it should not be a problem. Mayor Furlong: Okay, other questions? Mr. McDonald? Councilman McDonald: Yeah, because of the nature of the store and everything, have there been any traffic projections? What’s it going to do at the light there and also at the light once you get up to the railroad tracks and everything? Are we going to be needing to look at any infrastructure improvements? th Kate Aanenson: I don’t believe so. Actually the light at West 78, that intersection was redone a number of years ago and as far as the functioning of this building and what could have been at the previous Chan Office Building at it’s maximum is probably pretty similar. I think the frequency of trips, when someone may go to the office might be a little bit more but I believe, maybe Paul has something else to add on this as far as, because you actually have two options to come out. You can go back out to Dell Road or come th in on West 78 as you go around. Councilman McDonald: But people are going to be shopping. This is a retail site isn’t it? Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. Councilman McDonald: Okay. So I was just wondering do they have any projections as to the amount of traffic that they think they’re going to be drawing through that intersection? Paul Oehme: I know staff did look at that. I don’t have those numbers here. The parking stalls again were at a point where I don’t think there’s that much of an increase in what was seen on the site with the th existing office building structure. The frontage road is on 78 Street is a collector roadway designed to th handle those type of trips. I think right now the trips on 78 Street are right around 4,000. We don’t th anticipate there’d be a traffic issue associated with this project on 78 Street. Councilman McDonald: Okay, thank you. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I had one more. Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Tjornhom. Councilwoman Tjornhom: This building now has one single tenant. Is there a possibility that at some point that tenant could move out and it could be divided into two buildings? Two separate tenants? 19 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 Kate Aanenson: Yes. Councilwoman Tjornhom: So would they have to comply with parking? Kate Aanenson: Yes. That’s always the kind of the control factor there. They would have to, because they’d have to do a building permit to modify it to go into two and then that’s when we internally would review that to make sure that there’s adequate parking. If it went to a higher use that would require the parking breakdown is in here, accommodating that there is some warehouse space for storage where the people are dropping things off. Some office space but yes, if it went to more retail and two separate buildings, or something that met the zoning district we would evaluate that to make sure there was adequate parking. Mayor Furlong: Any other questions. Mr. Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: Thank you Mr. Mayor. Kate, what’s Goodwill’s experience with this store concept in the metro area? Kate Aanenson: I’ll let the applicant speak to that but I think it’s pretty positive. I know that they’ve been building, Minnetonka just opened up their new one. I did frequent that this week just to see how the circulation and how that worked. I know there was concerns from the neighbors up there too and it, it was pretty busy on a Saturday afternoon and functioned very well. There were people dropping off, which I think is a benefit to our residents to provide that opportunity for them also to take some things and to re-circulate those and re-purpose those too so. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. You might have shown this before and my apologies but can you just show us on one of the plats where the connection between this parking and the by the woods would be? Kate Aanenson: Yep. Maybe you can right there Paul, yep. Maybe if you can show that. The garden center is immediately to the east. Councilman Laufenburger: Yep. Kate Aanenson: Yep. And then the Haskell’s is the next building over. Councilman Laufenburger: Yep. So did I hear. Kate Aanenson: I’m sorry, there’s woods on the westerly side and along the back too. Councilman Laufenburger: So where, there was mention of access between the two properties. Are you saying there would be like a. Kate Aanenson: Future access. Councilman Laufenburger: And where would that be? Todd Gerhardt: We have that map. It’s cut off up here where it… Kate Aanenson: Maybe I can try this one again here. Councilman Laufenburger: Yeah. 20 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 Kate Aanenson: You can go one more slide and it shows it up there on the corner where it says future connection. Councilman Laufenburger: Oh I see, okay. Kate Aanenson: Yeah, right there. Councilman Laufenburger: So just right in the upper the northeast corner? Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay. Kate Aanenson: And that allows those people, we tried to work those even the downtown area where you don’t have to get back out on the collector or if you want to go out to the next use so. Councilman Laufenburger: Okay, thank you Mr. Mayor. Mayor Furlong: Is that being set up by easement then or is it just a condition? Kate Aanenson: Yes, yep. Well we’re asking that they provide a, in the future, a cross access agreement. That’s how we set those up. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Kate Aanenson: And let me just go back to what we talked about with Haskell’s too because we thought that could be two different uses. Actually it was set up that way and actually as it turned out Haskell’s moved into that space so I think what we’ve learned over time in these changing times is everything’s flexible and then we just have to kind of see what happens and evaluate it at the time it comes back, but this is a zoned appropriately for this use. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I have one more question. Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Tjornhom. Councilwoman Tjornhom: The drive through, going back to the drive through. This is zoned just commercial business so there couldn’t be a restaurant that comes in on one part of it that would have a drive through? Kate Aanenson: Yes, it could but the way this is drive, it’s a 20 foot canopy and I think the way that it’s set up they would have to do, it’s a 22,000 square foot building and. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Because we’ve had that happen in town before. Kate Aanenson: Yes we have. I think it’s highly unlikely on this type of a building. I don’t want to say never. It’s 22,000 square feet to get the visibility you want there on that easterly side with that window. It’s a 20 foot canopy. Could something go on the back, it could. Never say never but it would be 21 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 permitted, and again they’d have to make sure the circulation works and the rest of the parking all fell into place. Councilman McDonald: Let me ask a question about this because now I’m a little confused. I’ve seen these stores before and there’s actually a door there where people come out to your car if you’ve got bags and stuff so it’s not really a drive up window per se. Kate Aanenson: It’s a canopy. It’s 20 feet long. They come out the door and unload you. Councilman McDonald: So you’re driving under the canopy and there’s usually a door down there and people will come in and out so. Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. Councilman McDonald: Yeah, okay. Councilman Laufenburger: My guess is it’s kind of like a raised garage door. I think it’s, the one that I visited in Apple Valley, it was a very large door that you know secure. When it’s down it’s like you know shops in Brooklyn and Queens. Kate Aanenson: I think we’re talking about two different doors. We’ve got the doors blocking the canopy then we’ve got the door going into the store so. Councilman McDonald: Oh there’s also a door that blocks the canopy? Kate Aanenson: That’s what I heard the City Manager saying. Todd Gerhardt: Yeah, it’s like Brown’s Car Wash. You know you’ve got garage doors on each end. You know when they’re open, they’ll be open. Inclement weather you probably could close them. Councilman McDonald: Okay. Councilman Laufenburger: Just for equality, it’s also like the Youngstedts Car Wash too right? Todd Gerhardt: Yes. Laurie Hokkanen: Actually those doors don’t close behind you. Todd Gerhardt: We have many fine car washes in Chanhassen. Mayor Furlong: It’s one of the best. Todd Gerhardt: One of the best. Mayor Furlong: The building’s entrance is on the east side, is that correct? Kate Aanenson: Yes it is. Mayor Furlong: And while it looks like from the design of the building, is there an entrance on the south side? 22 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 Kate Aanenson: The back of the building? Mayor Furlong: No, on the south side facing Highway 5. Kate Aanenson: Oh, I’m sorry. No it’s a faux. It’s faux. It looks like an entrance but it’s not. Mayor Furlong: But it’s not. Is there any requirement for I guess the entrance is big enough from a safety standpoint to have a single entrance? Is there enough based on the size of the building? Kate Aanenson: Well there is other entrances in the building. Or exiting, let’s say it that way. Mayor Furlong: In the back, okay. Kate Aanenson: Correct, in the back and on the side. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Kate Aanenson: The ones that I mentioned where the canopy is is another entrance there too. Under the canopy to help unload and another entrance. Mayor Furlong: And a dock. Kate Aanenson: That we wanted to put a small roof over to give some articulation to that side. And that’s the side facing west. There’s also doors on the north elevation where the loading docks are. There’s also doors coming out that side so it meets exiting requirements. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Okay. Kate Aanenson: The intent there was to make it, give it an appearance because most the parking was on the other side, that’s where they put their entrance. Mayor Furlong: With regard, one of the conditions talks about the west elevation and requiring more windows and articulation. Kate Aanenson: Right. Mayor Furlong: Is that, but it just said more or enhance. Kate Aanenson: Well we resolved that and I think in looking at that. Mayor Furlong: So is the plan before us tonight, does that meet our requirements? Kate Aanenson: Yes it does. Yes, we went back and revisited that and did talk to the applicant and again I think it’s hard in that visual of that elevation to see that there is a 20 foot articulation in the canopy. Putting the roof over the other door and then also reducing the EIFS and then slightly articulating the columns that are there. The one column on the corner of the building and that meets. Mayor Furlong: What about the window requirement? Kate Aanenson: I think what we’re saying is that there’s landscaping. The trees. There’s a significant row of trees on that western side that meets that screening requirement. 23 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 Mayor Furlong: And are those trees on this property? Kate Aanenson: Yes. Mayor Furlong: Okay, so is that part of the condition? Kate Aanenson: Yes. Mayor Furlong: That the trees would have to stay. Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Mayor Furlong: Or be replaced. Kate Aanenson: Effective screening, yeah. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Okay. Alright, thank you. One other question. Mr. Gerhardt we talked about this this afternoon, one of the requirements under Planning Commission is bike racks. Is that consistent with our ordinances? Kate Aanenson: Yes, we have done that in certain locations where this might be a place where people might be biking to. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Kate Aanenson: A type of use that might be biking to. Mayor Furlong: Have we done that in other? Kate Aanenson: Yes we have. Depending on the type of use, like for example if it’s younger people or certain segment of the population, for example the library, city parks, those sort of things we always do. This is one that we felt that it may be appropriate to have somebody that might be biking there. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Thank you. Any other questions for staff at this time? I see that the applicant or representatives are here. Anything you’d like to address the council with? Good evening. Ben Merriman: Good evening Mr. Mayor, council members. My name is Ben Merriman. I’m with Center Companies. I think it’s been explained fairly well. I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have and we’re actually in the process, I thought I was going to have some revisions done last week but some of the civil engineering didn’t catch up to it so I don’t have those revisions for you tonight but we’ll work with staff and get those worked out. The future connection, when we developed Haskell’s what we did was a cross easement and cross maintenance agreement with Lowe’s. At that point in time it was Lowe’s so that at the time that Lotus was redeveloped, or if it was redeveloped, that that agreement would be in place and I guess what we’re proposing here is that if in fact that property in the center, which is now private woods, if that ever is developed in the future, that the three parking lots basically could be combined so that you could travel, the trucks can travel in the back part and customers can travel through the front part of all the parking lots so it’s basically a cross easement and cross maintenance agreement, but it really can’t take effect until that middle piece is redeveloped at some point in time. 24 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 Mayor Furlong: But the agreements, the commitments can be put in place now so that if that middle property is redeveloped then they’re in place? Ben Merriman: I could talk with Jay Kronick about the owner of that and see whether or not, I assume he would but I think it’s somewhat conditioned upon the use. I mean if it stays a garden center they’re going to have their parking lot where in the front. Mayor Furlong: Right and I guess what I’m referring to is, if it is redeveloped in the future, putting the agreements and the commitments in place now so if it is redevelopment then to something similar. Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. Mayor Furlong: Is that right? Kate Aanenson: It’s not the intent to do it today. Mayor Furlong: No. Kate Aanenson: It’s when they do redevelop that, if it makes sense, we want to make sure that if, even if this property was sold that there was an intent to try to connect those properties. Ben Merriman: It makes sense. Mayor Furlong: Yep. Probably something similar or, okay. Ben Merriman: The drive through I think, Todd Gerhardt explained it fairly well but they are basically drive in doors. There’s two of them, one on each end and so they can be opened or they can be shut but when they’re shut it’s secure and it’s walls all the way around it so they can open up and you can drive in and people will help you unload and take the merchandise in and out and then you can drive around so it’s a secure drive in door and drive out. I’d be happy to answer any other questions. Mayor Furlong: Any other questions for Mr. Merriman? No? Very good, thank you. Ben Merriman: Thank you. Good evening. Mayor Furlong: Bring it to council for discussion and comments. Thoughts, comments. Mr. Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: Just I think, I’m not sure if Kate said this but this is a great opportunity to have something like this. Goodwill is a respected member of the Twin Cities and I think they, the fact that they are interested in not only having a retail outlet but also a place where property, materials, household goods can be received and then worked by the people from Goodwill, I would say there are many other organizations like that that come into Chanhassen for that purpose but to have actually a tenant in the community I think is wonderful so. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Other thoughts and comments? I’ll just add then. You know especially in this economy for any business, Goodwill and developers to be able to come together and put together a really significant investment, a redevelopment, market redevelopment. There’s no tax considerations or benefits being offered here that I’m aware of anyway. That’s not before us. This is, we’re redeveloping a parcel and upgrading the businesses along Highway 5 and I think that’s something that we should all be grateful for and proud of that Chanhassen is a place where people want to make that level of investment 25 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 so thank you for that. And thank you for everybody involved. I know that any time there’s a project like this there’s a lot of back and forth and work that takes place and thank you for all the work that has gone into place prior to the Planning Commission and since then so that we have a project here tonight that’s a good project that we can move forward with so. With that if anybody would like to make a motion. Councilman Laufenburger: I’d be happy to Mr. Mayor. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Laufenburger. Councilman Laufenburger: I would move that the Chanhassen City Council approve the site plan as outlined in the staff report subject to conditions 1 through 5 and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilwoman Ernst: Second. Mayor Furlong: Motion’s been made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Hearing none we’ll proceed with the vote. Councilman Laufenburger moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded that the City Council approve the Site Plan for a 20,600 square-foot, one-story retail building, plans prepared by MFRA dated th 1/4/2012, for property located at 80West 78 Street, and adopt the findings of fact, subject to the following conditions: 1. Building Official a. A demolition permit is required for the removal of any existing structures. b. Complete construction plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. c. The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. d. Detailed occupancy-related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. e. The owner and/or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 2. Forester a. The line of shrubs along the parking lot on the south property line shall be extended to provide a buffer for the length of the parking area. The plantings can be incorporated into the rain garden. b. The applicant shall add an island in the east parking lot containing two overstory trees, minimum inside width of 10 feet. c. The applicant shall add one overstory tree to the peninsula in the south parking lot at the southwest corner of the building. 3. Water Resources a. No final approval of the proposal may be given without the review and approval of the drainage plans and calculations. b. The curb cuts must be increased to a minimum width of five (5) feet to avoid concentrated flow and resulting scour. 26 Chanhassen City Council – February 27, 2012 c. Additional topographic information is required in the area between the two existing ponds in order to determine the emergency overflow (EOF) elevation of the pond to the west. d. The lowest floor elevation of the building must be minimum 18 inches above the established EOF elevation. A berm may be required on the northwest corner of the drop- off drive in order to properly divert the EOF water. e. Correct the elevations on the filtration basin cross section on page C4.01. f. The filtration basin will be privately owned and maintained. A maintenance agreement will be required by the City. 4. Engineering a. Erosion control phasing Gantt chart will need to be completed prior to earth-disturbing activities. b. The swale along the western property boundary will need to be stabilized per Part IV. B.3 of the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit. (Ex. Stabilization of the last 200 lineal feet with 24 hours of connection to a surface water.) c. Grading should be phased so that the filtration basin is constructed last and is protected from construction traffic. The streets shall be swept clean nightly or as needed. 5. Planning a. The property owner shall combine RLS 59, Tracts A and B into a Zoning Lot. The combination must be recorded at Carver County prior to issuance of a building permit. b. The applicant shall provide future circulation information to the easterly properties prior to council approval. When the parcel to the east redevelops, then the vehicular accesses shall be constructed. c. The articulation of the building shall be further enhanced through the use of additional projecting columns in those areas where the face brick is extended above the windows. d. The elevations shall be revised to meet City Code requirements for the percentage allowed for accent material. e. The fenestration and architectural detailing on the west elevation shall be increased. f. The architectural detailing and columns shall be continued along the north elevation. g. Should an exterior trash enclosure be necessary in the future, it shall be screened and constructed with similar materials to the building. h. All signage shall comply with City Code and requires a separate sign permit application. i. The applicant shall provide a bike rack.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. APPROVE LEASE AGREEMENT FOR OLD PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING, ROAD RUNNER INTERNATIONAL. Laurie Hokkanen: The item before you is a lease for our old public works building located at 5091 Park Road. The lease is with a company called Road Runner Diesel Services. It’s a group of gentlemen who own 5 over the road car carriers. Basically delivering vehicles from manufacture to dealership, from dealership to dealership, etc. They do propose to lease the entire building, which is just under 19,000 square feet for a 3 year term. This lease would be for the main building, parking lot and the remaining areas of the site but would not affect the lease that has about 8-9 months left on it under the current term with Beniek Property Services for the cold storage building. They would continue to occupy that. The leased area is outlined in yellow. This is the area that would be leased to Road Runner. The area outlined 27