3b. Festive Banners MEMORANDUM 3b CITY OF TO: Planning Commission CHANHASSEN FROM: Robert Generous, Senior Planner • 7700 Market Boulevard DATE: April 3, 2012 ©) 1 __ PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJ: Festive Banners Administration BACKGROUND Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Prior to proceeding with the actual code amendments, staff is presenting the issues to the Planning Commission for review and direction. The festive banner issue was Building Inspections previously presented on January 17, 2012 and February 21, 2012 to the Planning Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.2271190 Commission for discussion. Staff was directed to provide additional information. We are requesting that the Planning Commission determine if ordinance changes Engineering should be prepared. Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 DISCUSSION Finance Decorative banners affixed to buildings or light poles (Sec. 20 -1255. - Signs Phone: 952.2271140 Fax: 952.227.1110 allowed without permit). Park & Recreation Issue: Except in a planned development or on city light poles, the city does not Phone: 952.227.1120 permit the use of decorative banners within a development except as permitted under Fax: 952.227.1110 the temporary sign permit. We have received requests for the use of these banners on Recreation Center light poles, but the ordinance currently does not address them. In reviewing this 2310 Coulter Boulevard issue, staff believes that festive banners and flags may be an attractive addition to the Phone: 952.227.1400 community, but as with most things, the problem is in the details. Fax: 952.227.1404 Analysis: Should the city permit festive banners and flags, we would develop Planning & standards for location, quantity and size, but not content except to prohibit the Natural Resources Phone: 952.2271130 advertisement of products. If the city wanted additional control, we could require that Fax: 952.227.1110 banners and festive flags be approved as part of a sign plan review process requiring a public hearing and city council approval of a specific plan. Public Works 7901 Park Place Staff has had one addition property owner /manager contact the city about such Phone: 952.227.1300 signage. They were in favor of permitting such signage and believe that it could Fax: 952.227.1310 benefit the community to permit the use of banners and flags, but they also believe that restrictions on size, quantity and location would be reasonable and necessary. Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Staff has attached a survey of light pole signs prepared by the City of Eagan in July 2011. What they discovered is that very few cities permit light pole banners. The Web Site City of Eagan did not proceed with the code amendment to add light pole banners. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Planning Commission April 3, 2012 Page 2 Bloomington — permits such signage on college campuses and provides standards. Maximum size is 18 square feet. Burnsville — permits banners by conditional use permit. Limit to two banners per pole and on no more than 75 percent of the poles. Included in the total sign area permitted for a building. Maximum size 12.5 square feet. Minimum height 15 feet above grade. RECOMMENDATION Staff is requesting Planning Commission direction on the revision of the ordinance. ATTACHMENT Light Pole Banners Survey g: \plan \city code\2012 \pc memo banners 4- 3- 12.doc Light Pole Banners July 2011 City Definition Location Maximum Number, Maximum Size & Minimum Setbacks Construction, & Permits Spacing, Height & Mounting Illumination, & Length of Time Standards Graphics & other Displayed requirements Bloomington - Accent signs -Along the campus -A maximum of one -The maximum sign - Accent sign - Illumination shall include specially perimeter and /or accent sign per two face area shall be support poles shall not be allowed College campus designed signs, within the campus; (2) acres of total eighteen (18) be setback a sites of 10 acres or such as banners, - In developed campus area; square feet; minimum of three more in size. These intended to areas of the - Accent signs along - The maximum (3) feet from any standards shall enhance campus campus; the same side of a height shall be planned public take precedent identity and visual - Shall not be street shall be twenty (20) feet street right -of -way; over the standards character placed in or spaced a minimum - No portion of the in the underlying adjacent to of two hundred sign shall extend sign district. undeveloped (200) feet apart into any planned and /or natural public street right - areas within the of -way campus boundaries Burnsville - Decorative -No more than two -Each banner shall -The top and - Constructed of banners installed (2) banners, on not exceed a bottom of each high quality, Developments with for year round or opposing sides, maximum size of banner shall be durable, fade multiple principal seasonal display on may be mounted to 2 1 / 2 1 in width and mounted to the resistant cloth; buildings and privately owned each light pole; 5' in length (12.5 light pole by -May be of various multiple light poles in any - Banners shall not s.f.) appropriate colors and designs, businesses, such as zoning district; be attached to -The banners shall brackets; provided banners a multi - building -By conditional use more than seventy be included in the -May be mounted are consistent with retail or service permit five percent (75 %) total allowable sign only on light poles an approved center, a mixed use of the light poles on area for the owned by the comprehensive campus, or the site buildings in the applicant; design plan; office /industrial development, -Shall be mounted -May contain the park. based on zoning to provide a name and logo of districts minimum of 15' of the development Not allowed for a clearance between and seasonal or single principal the bottom of the special event building banner and the greetings; Page 1 of 4 g: \plan \city code \2012 \matrix banners.docx Light Pole Banners July 2011 development or ground adja to Sha not advertise single business or t he light pol a b usiness name, a residential I pro duct name, or a development that service; is not park of a 9 A banner that has mixed use I g become torn, commercial # faded, loose, or development otherwise in I shall be i promptly disrepair replac or removed or ma y I i result in revocation of CUP 1 _ : Champlin ti The difficulty is more with long City does not - term maintenance address light pole of these banners; "Association" Larger multi lot related ti developments x , improvements have an overall N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A :i sign plan that includes sha pylons (area identification), x ( i banners, directional signs and the like; approval is via a PUD Chanhassen - Staff is l ooking into Shall have a Permitted on d the possibility of ma ximum area of approved standards fabric; Constructe plastic of Festive flags and providing standards 10 square feet attached to the prohibited banners allowed as for the use of building facade and -Shall not contain Page 2 of 4 g: \plan \city code \2012 \matrix banners.docx Light Pole Banners July 2011 (Chanhassen decorative banners on standards advertising for continued) in parking lots, attached to individual users, part of a PUD which would allow pedestrian area businesses, them without a lighting services, or permit - Shall project from products buildings a -Torn or excessively maximum of two worn items shall be feet removed at the request of the city Lakeville - Considers the use - Requires a permit - Cannot be of banners, displayed on the Banners, pennants pennants and flags property for more and similar devices on private property than 42 days during for commercial, as temporary signs any 12 month industrial and period institutional uses Oak Park Heights City does not N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A permit them Plymouth City does not permit them on private property; did allow banners on light poles in N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A the West Health PUD for way - finding ( West Health has a multitude of doors and the banners Page 3 of 4 g: \plan \city code \2012 \matrix banners.docx Light Pole Banners July 2011 (Plymouth continued) are lettered and colored coded to help visitors get to the closest door) Shakopee I City hasn't yet encountered ) 3 similar requests; code allows for wall banners for a N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A limited period of time for grand openings and special events in business complexes West St. Paul City does not have specific language N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A relating to light pole banners Page 4 of 4 g: \plan \city code \2012 \matrix banners.docx