EC SUM 2012 03 14
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
March 14, 2012
Members Present:
Amy Wenner, David Christianson, Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Robert Kircher,
Matthew Myers
Members Absent
: Denny Hansen
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
February minutes were approved.
Applicant Interview:
The commission interviewed Keith Anderson. Bob Kircher and Amy Wenner recused
themselves from the interview, discussion and vote. After the interview, the commission discussed the applicants
and voted unanimously to recommend 3 applicants – Bob Kircher, Amy Wenner, Keith Anderson - for the 3 open
Arbor Day Poster Selection:
The commission reviewed all of the submissions for the Arbor Day poster contest.
Entries were received from Bluff Creek Elementary and St. Hubert School. The commission selected 12 posters,
1 grand prize winner and 11 runner-ups. The City Council will approve the selections and the winners will be
presented with awards at the April 23 City Council meeting.
Sustainability Report:
The commission reviewed each section and made comments, corrections and changes. Katie will be adding
pictures, graphs and more narrative where applicable and will send a final draft to the commission for review.
General Discussion:
The commission discussed possibly scheduling a tour of the Seminary Fen.
Jill reminded the commission that the joint City Council meeting and the Arbor Day poster contest
presentation are both scheduled for Monday, April 23.
4 of July planning: someone suggested compiling all of the 1970’s PSAs onto a disc and showing them
during the trade fair. The commission will have to select a theme for the booth and parade. They also
talked about using the sustainability report at the booth.
Bob will start looking into grants for lectures and other projects.
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, April 11 at 6:00pm.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:50 PM.
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair