EC SUM 2012 02 08
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
February 8, 2012
Members Present:
Amy Wenner, David Christianson, Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Robert Kircher,
Matthew Myers
Members Absent
: Denny Hansen
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Guests Present:
Laurie Susla, Lotus Lake Conservation Alliance
January minutes were approved.
General Discussion:
Ms Susla introduced herself and the aquatic invasive species (AIS) issue. She made a brief
presentation to the commission and inquired as to where they stand on the issue. Bob thanked her for the
information and explained that the commission doesn’t have a stand on the issue. The commission works to
educate the public on 4 main topics – stormwater management, water conservation, urban forestry and water
quality. The commission is currently working on various projects and hasn’t been directed by the council to do
anything with AIS.
2012 Work Plan
The commission made changes/updates to the plan adding one of the 4 focus topics to the quarterly newspaper
article. The commission also discussed the possibility of adding an urban forestry class at the library around
Arbor Day. The plan will be reviewed at future meetings if needed.
Sustainability Report:
The commission reviewed each sections and made comments, corrections and changes.
Stormwater: the Lake Impairment/CAMP information should be included in the water quality section; Bluff
Creek improvements should be moved to the water quality section; Shoreland sustainability should be moved to
the water quality section; impervious surface issues should be included in this section.
Surface Water Quality: still need to add table; add list of impaired water in Chanhassen and their impairments;
Maybe include all lakes, not just impaired lakes.
Urban Forestry: Add reference to Bluff Creek Management Plan and Comp Plan to support contiguous forests
and tree preservation goal; add recommended list of trees to plant in Chanhassen.
Water Conservation: Revised goals/targets to 3 items; narrative will be updated to reflect goals/targets
The commissioners will revise their sections and Katie will set a deadline for the final draft.
General Discussion:
There was discussion of appointing a newspaper liaison. Perhaps each commissioner could be a liaison
for an article pertaining to the topic in their sustainability report section. Bob volunteered to be the
For Arbor Day, depending on the weather, a water truck may be available and volunteers assigned to
watering planted trees.
For the March meeting, Bob may be out of town on business and Denny unable to make it because of
work duties which may make a quorum an issue. The March meeting is very important since there will be
new commissioner interviews and the selection of the Arbor Day poster contest winner.
The next meeting will be held Wednesday, March 14 at 6:00pm.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:45 PM.
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair