EC SUM 2012 04 11 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting April 11, 2012 Members Present: Amy Wenner, Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Robert Kircher, Matthew Myers, Denny Hansen, Keith Anderson Members Absent : none Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Guests Present: Bonnie Nelson, Lotus Lake Clean Water Alliance(?) Minutes: March minutes were approved. New Member introductions: New commissioner Keith Anderson introduced himself. Each commissioner introduced themselves to Keith. Arbor Day Work Plan: The commission discussed the schedule, responsibilities and activities for Arbor Day. Last year the city had an EAB info board. Jill will bring that again. The city also has a tree identification game. Jill will bring that to the event as well. Prep work on the morning of the event includes setting up displays, putting up banner, welcoming groups, having groups sign up for tree planting. Katie will take video and some pictures again on the day of the event. All commissioners said they were able to attend the event. Sustainability Report: The commission reviewed the report. Two minor changes were discussed and approved by the commission. The report will be presented to the City Council at the joint meeting. Katie will lead the discussion of the report at the meeting. The commission agreed that the intent of the report is as an annual assessment of the 4 topics. The target audience for the report is the council, commission and residents. The commission would like to have it posted on the city website. The report will be reviewed annually by the commission and going forward it will be an end of the year project. thrdth 4 of July Planning : Bob explained to Keith the general schedule of July 3 and 4 activities. The commission talked about possible themes for the info booth and parade entry. Water conservation may be a good topic or aquatic invasive species. Jill will contact the county to see if they’re interested in partnering for this year’s parade. Someone was wondering if the commission will be doing garbage, recycling and compost collection this year. Someone else noted that the PowerPoint wasn’t watched much at the info booth and wouldn’t be needed this year. Something more eye-catching or shorter/attention grabbing would be a better choice. The commission will discuss again next month. Annual review of by-laws: The by-laws were reviewed and approved unanimously by the commission. Election of Chair/Vice-chair : The commission voted Bob Kircher as chair and Katie Mahannah as vice-chair. General Discussion:  Denny and Katie volunteered to work with The Garden to develop a class, sponsored by the Environmental Commission.  Bob continues to work on possible grant opportunities for projects, such as classes, events, etc. He’d like the commission to be thinking of ideas for projects and have it on the agenda next month. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, May 9 at 6:00pm. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:50 PM. Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair