2e. Near Mountain PUDR Amendment PC DATE: May 15, 2012 1011 2e CC DATE: May 29, 2012 C ITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: NA CASE #: 2012 -04 BY: REG P ROPOSED MOTION: The Planning Commission recommends City Council approve the attached ordinance rezoning the Planned Unit Development — Residential to incorporate the development standards for Near Mountain and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City is requesting an amendment to the Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R) zoning on the property to incorporate the unique development standards for the project as well as referencing the Single- Family Residential District (RSF) in the zoning ordinance. The City references an underlying standard zoning district to address issues that are not covered within the specific PUD -R zoning of the property. LOCATION: Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 2 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 3` Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 4 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 5 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 6 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 7 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 8 Addition, Summit at Near Mountain, Summit at Near Mountain 2 Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 2 " Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 3rd Addition and Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 4 Addition APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227 -1100 PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density (1.2 — 4.0 units per acre) ACREAGE: 147 DENSITY: gross: 1.6 units per acre LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION - MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonings, PUDs and amendments to PUDs because the City is acting in its legislative or policy - making capacity. A rezoning or PUD, and amendment thereto, must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Except as modified by the specific Planned Unit Development — Residential ordinance, the property shall comply with the requirements of the City of Chanhassen City Code. Near Mountain Residential Planned Unit Development Amendment May 15, 2012 Page 2 of 6 NEAR MOUNTAIN RESIDENTIAL PUD Hennepin County - 1 — —I J ..a 1 11�►� w i _ _. ►,�► 5 ` . ' ! hil 1 0 .,1111r III , . \ Ah 'ar mwnw , N .Maun„,,, , 44 A .a _ I Nmr 1Ww1 \) _ %eaaait haw Nu 1 ‘. ..._ I 0 44 ' .: a vAiv4 %Iir / c / "Mono.,o , " i H wo. ,..n oe / � 9 ' ` c,. o te n ; per 9 a A C 8 , 1 ,0 ° I BACKGROUND Near Mountain, PUD #79 -02 The City approved a development plan as the regulating document for this development. The final development includes 236 single - family homes. • November 19, 1979 — Approved preliminary development plan for 120 condominiums, 144 single - family and 36 quadraminium units for a total of 300 units for the Near Mountain project at a gross density of 2.04 units per acre. • May 11, 1981 — Approved Near Mountain Final Development Plan and rezoned property to P1, Planned Residential Development — 194 single family units. o Type A lots average 33,263 square feet o Type B lots average 19,263 square feet o Type C lots average 13,709 square feet (smallest lot 7,600 square feet) Near Mountain Residential Planned Unit Development Amendment May 15, 2012 Page 3 of 6 • February 27, 1984 — Approved final development plan amendment for Near Mountain Planned Residential Development. • May 7, 1984 — Approved final plat for Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Additions. • February 4, 1985 — Approved preliminary plat: 42 Type AA lots (1989 Amendment), 51 Type A lots, 46 Type B lots and 97 Type C lots. Area, Width and Setbacks Type Units Area Width Front Side Rear Misc. (square feet) (feet)* (feet) (feet) (feet) AA 42 20,000 115 30 10 30 Wetland, Summit at Near Mountain A 51 17,200 100 30 10 30 Wetland B 46 10,900 75 25 10 30 C 57 9,730 68 25 Alt. 5 30 Chestnut Ridge 1, 2, and10 3 &4 C 40 7,600 67 25 Alt. 5 30 Near Mountain and 10 *At building setback Wetland setback: 75 feet • April 1, 1985 — Approved final Phase I, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 5th Addition. • June 3, 1985 — Approved Phase II, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 6th and Trappers Pass at Near Mountain. • August 19, 1985 — Approved Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 2 Addition. • February 24, 1986 — Approved Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 7 & 8 and Amended Planned Development Plan. • April 20, 1987 — Approved Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 3 Addition. • September 13, 1989 — Approved PUD amendment to replace 114 condominium units with 45 single - family lots and preliminary plat. • March 23, 1992 — Approved The Summit at Near Mountain for 23 of 42 single - family lots. • February 8, 1993 — Approved The Summit at Near Mountain 2 Addition for 19 single - family lots. Near Mountain Residential Planned Unit Development Amendment May 15, 2012 Page4of6 I I REZONING The City is requesting to rezone approximately 147 acres amending the existing Planned Unit Development- Residential (PUD -R) to incorporate the unique development standards and referencing the Single - Family Residential District, RSF. The project consists of 236 housing units. The review criteria are taken from the intent section of the PUD Ordinance. Section 20 -501. Intent Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. The use of the PUD in this instance is to permit a variety of lot sizes for single- family housing. The use of the PUD zoning also allows for more efficient utilization of public infrastructure. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the City has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other more standard zoning districts. The proposed development provides a compatible development with the surrounding development. The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following land use goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: • Development will be encouraged within the MUSA line. • The plan should seek to establish sufficient land to provide a full range of housing opportunities. • The city will seek opportunities to provide transitions between different uses of different types. • Development should be phased in accordance with the ability of the city to provide services. The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following housing goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: • A balanced housing supply with housing available for people of all income levels. • A variety of housing types for people in all stages of the life cycle. • Housing development that respects the natural environment of the community while striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs. Staff is proposing the following development standards regulating the development of the property: Near Mountain Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD for 236 single - family dwelling units. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more Near Mountain Residential Planned Unit Development Amendment May 15, 2012 Page 5 of 6 sensitive proposal. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Except as modified by the Near Mountain PUD ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Single - Family Residential District, RSF. b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone shall be single- family homes and their ancillary uses. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation. c. Lot Requirements and Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The Housing Types are as follows: AA Summit at Near Mountain and Summit at Near Mountain 2 Addition A Trappers Pass at Near Mountain, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 2nd Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 3 Addition and Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 4 Addition B Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 5 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 6 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 7 Addition and Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 8 Addition C Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 2nd Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 3 Addition and Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 4 Addition The following table displays the minimum lot requirements and setbacks: Type Units Area Width Depth Front Side Rear Hard Misc. (sq. ft.) (ft.)* (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) Cover % AA 42 20,000 115 150 30 10 30 25 Wetland A 51 17,200 100 125 30 10 30 25 Wetland B 46 10,900 75 125 25 10 30 30 Alt. 5 Chestnut C 57 9,730 68 105 25 and 10 30 30 Ridge 1, 2,3 &4 C Alt. 5 Near 40 7,400 67 110 25 and 10 30 35 Mountain Wetland Setbacks: 75 feet. *Required width at the building setback line. Near Mountain Residential Planned Unit Development Amendment May 15, 2012 Page6of6 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Near Mountain Planned Unit Development Ordinance and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. ATTACHMENTS 1. Near Mountain PUD Ordinance. 2. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 3. Reduced Copy Plats: • Near Mountain • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 2nd Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 3rd Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 4 Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 5 Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 6 Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 7 111 Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 8 Addition • Summit at Near Mountain • Summit at Near Mountain 2 Addition • Trappers Pass at Near Mountain • Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 2 Addition • Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 3 Addition • Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 4 Addition. g: \plan\2012 planning cases\2012 -04 residential pud amendments \group 2 - may 15, 2012 public hearing\near mountain\staff report near mountain.doc AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the City's zoning ordinance, is hereby amended by rezoning all property within the following plats to Planned Unit Development — Residential: • Near Mountain • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 2 " Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 3rd Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 4th Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 5 Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 6 Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 7 Addition • Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 8 Addition • Summit at Near Mountain, Summit at Near Mountain 2 "d Addition • Trappers Pass at Near Mountain • Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 2 " Addition • Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 3 Addition • Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 4 Addition Section 2. The rezoning of this property incorporates the following development design standards: Near Mountain Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD for 236 single - family dwelling units. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Except as modified by the Near Mountain PUD ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Single - Family Residential District, RSF. b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone shall be single - family homes and their ancillary uses. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation. c. Lot Requirements and Setbacks 1 The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The Housing Types are as follows: AA Summit at Near Mountain and Summit at Near Mountain 2 Addition A Trappers Pass at Near Mountain, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 2 Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 3rd Addition and Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 4 Addition B Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 5 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 6 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 7 Addition and Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 8 Addition C Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 2nd Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 3 Addition and Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 4 Addition The following table displays the minimum lot requirements and setbacks: Type Units Area Width Depth Front Side Rear Hard Misc. (sq. ft.) (ft.)* (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) Cover % AA 42 20,000 115 150 30 10 30 25 Wetland A 51 17,200 100 125 30 10 30 25 Wetland B 46 10,900 75 125 25 10 30 30 Alt. 5 Chestnut C 57 9,730 68 105 25 and 10 30 30 Ridge 1, 2,3 &4 C Alt. 5 Near 40 7,400 67 110 25 and 10 30 35 Mountain Wetland Setbacks: 75 feet. *Required width at the building setback line. Section 3. The zoning map of the City of Chanhassen shall not be republished to show the aforesaid zoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the Clerk's Office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this ordinance, and all of the notations, references, and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 20, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on ) 2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of the City of Chanhassen for rezoning of Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 2 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 3rd Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 4 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 5th Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 6 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 7th Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 8 Addition, Summit at Near Mountain, Summit at Near Mountain 2nd Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 2nd Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 3 Addition and Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 4 Addition to Planned Unit Development — Residential. On May 15, 2012, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of the City of Chanhassen for amending the Planned Unit Development — Residential zoning of the property to incorporate references to the Chanhassen City Code and minimum lot standards. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed rezoning preceded by published notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development — Residential. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density use. 3. The legal description of the property is: Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 2 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 3 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 4 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 5 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 6 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 7 Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 8 Addition, 1 Summit at Near Mountain, Summit at Near Mountain 2nd Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 2nd Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 3 Addition and Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 4 Addition. 4. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: a) The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan by implementing the land use and housing goals of the city. b) The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c) The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d) The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. e) The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f) Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. The planning report #12 -04 dated May 15, 2012, prepared by Robert Generous is incorporated herein. 2 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the rezoning. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 15 day of May, 2012. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman 3 REPRODUCTIDLE COPY ( PLAT FILE NO. 260, 261, 262 • NEAR MOUNTAIN RT DOC. NO. T37992 THESE PRESENTS: That Near Mountain Properties, a - partnership under the MlnnsoN Uniform STATE OF INNESOTA J KNOW ALL Partnership P�, e co-partnership e own First Federal Savings and Loan AssoclaHOn of Minneapolis, a United States of America CC EPIN T furogol 9�.�in §§Wment coda ackrowletlgetl before me Nis d ( _, day t9e3. corporation, mortgagee, of the ollowtrg descHbad property s k.. in the County of Carver, State of M ta inneso, W wit: µ.1i a MI /gyro ((]ate, as general partners of ear Mountain Properties, m ,ership under 1 of Section I ship i 'or. of Range 2 po West, described as follows: Commencing at a int In VnlffSrm Act, on behalf of the m- gemership. Partne Ip N That part d Section 1, 905 feet South of N Northwest m said Section 1; thence North 89 204 —J2106, ,,,,,,,°,,,, East 1 390 feet to the acu n m al po of begi of rotract of la. to be described, d point of beginnibeing In , lL r15/ > 'n ; Minnesota • a center tine of the Excelsior and Eden P eirle ad s w n id out rg North 88 20' omN Hennepin Co y "R East 180.5 r n Intereectlonw enter line o the old Eden P e (m called) road as rally laid My Commission Expires j r 4d, /Seed £ nT e 49 10' East 0 r line a d a Nfeet „,,,, „,,.�,�,,.,.......w .v.• 9' East ¢ 6 159.4 aialong N g li or saidabandoned roatl c N r 5 ° 20'East 187., Net along do said abandon dl r tiro thence o. ea• 20' East 22 t along ¢ the can d l ine of said STATE ESOTA Sant center line o said abandoned road; then UD( North 38° GOTV OE.y EalEPIN TAm Pgt'epbing ' We1 mt vp dged ION) ^ me , tt)Js ac lay of 6'3 19, ananroned road; tease 05' Ewe 99,1 feet r less along the Ic lir. o said nd abaoned ro ts atl to i intersection with Ne East line N ,, /f RT, 6 vfrotrib' ( thy by d e syr , / �-��w Ir Swinge and aro or ant Lot c1 of said Section 1; .nace North along N Government r said Govemtt L Loan Association o Minneapolis, a United of A erica corpora n behalf of the corporation. ot 6, 347.9 feet to said Government t ent L • co along the North ei eet s tn N ed States Govemme t meand r comerin the North li of s Section aid 5 ctlm iI, said m GnRET O. COinv q ' 'd Sec 1 B thence South 13 35' West 381 /1 ° --v •nR /� /�J thence corner tieing 5.03 feet east of the South 9.5 West 327.8 feet; theca South l• st to a0' Ea Ne actual p oint of beginning. Subject however , 570, ry tENNF:pIry CO i1+iY ,t NonarY Ftblle, Hennepin County, to a public easement Ir the existing highway. '{� ..•. �.nv.w. y Commission Expires "/* Minnesota //)// That part or Lots 12 e1. 13, Pleasant View, Carver Cony, l ,. from , lying Northeasterly of a lire .ling I point in a Southeasterly line distant 113.2 feet Southwesterly of the most Easterly comer thereof, I hereby certiry that 1 he rveyed and platted the property described on this plat as NEAR MOUNTAIN; that this plat Is to a point In Ne boundary IMe between said Lots 12 and distant 149.37 feet Southwesterly of the most Easterly Nat at all distances aro correctly show n the plat In feet hundredths of a t; corner of said Lot 13, aro m N n bg e boundary line b said L 3 to a been aced In a grad as shown; and that the outs!. boundary lines foot; are correctly point In the Northwesterly r ly lire o Lot 13, ea distant a3 f leet Northeasterly of the most Westerly co plat 6 of said designated on the e¢ tly n Lot 13, except e Southeasterly l5 d feet of that part of Lot 12 above described. -sac'. X0/../.4. 2 That pert of Government Lot Four (4), Section One (I), ,1 10(8 One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty Three (23) Harold E. Dahl. Carver County, M lying Northeasterly of "Pleasant VIewf', a 00.6 to the plat Nereaf on file end or cord Land Surveyor, Minn. Ltc. No. 8914 In the office of the Register or Deeds, Carver County. MN..., e. lying b e Northeasterly .1.9.511.5 07 th Northwesterly line of Lot ew (13) a e Southeasterly tine of Lot Twelve (12) said "Pleasant View”, extended to No Norm tine of saki Government Lot Four (4), STATE OF MIInstrument m NNESOTA d ay of . Pt /n/iPr COUNTY OF ENNEPIN The Foregoing Instrument was ackwle09. before me .15 26,t6 1983, All Nat part of Government L our (4) or Section O (1), Township One Hundred sixteen (116), Range Twenty r Harold E. Dahun, Lend Surveyor, Three Government (23), Carver Cowes, Minn.. , lying Northerly of Ne Northeaterly Line of "Pleasant View', according to the plat thereof on file a cord In the orrice of the Register of Deeds, Carver County, Minnesota, and 1 westerly arty a/ � Y / ( ( / 1 terly ex re of the dividing line h (1 of the n Lots Thirteen 3) and Fourteen (14) of said "Pleasant View ", QQQ/// tf extend. Northeasterly Ina straight lie to the North Ilse of said Government Lot Four (4), ccording to Ne Theodore O Government Survey thereof. Public, H n Count', M1.lemta a y Expires January 27, 1886 Lot 14. Pleasant Vie, according to the plat thereof on file and of record In the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for said County of Carver and State of Mimeso.. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA The st Q000ler (NE I/4) of Ne Norwwest Quarter (NW 1/') and the North Half (N 1/2) of N a This plat of NEAR MOUNTAIN w roved and accepted Council of a CO, r (NE 1 /4) except the East 476 feet of the South 25 Feet o Ne Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Cie Nb ea3 H a or Chanhassen, ro Minnesota, t e Quarter' ter (NE INN, all In Section 1, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, innesota,. According to the rth M innes meeting th reef Yeltl this , Sub flay ofSE1l6MREfQ a City a. Is In compliance with Na Orovlslons of Quarter Survey thereof. T M Minnesota Statutes Section 50 Subdivision 2, 1 Tract , Registered Land Survey No. , files of the Registrar of Titles, Conti of Carver and Siate or Minnesota. By��,r,a / CI Jr C OUNCIL OF THE CRY OF Chv+NH //I /NINESOT/A� ,.aA Have Ji/ L , LL „,„,,,or y / ..:. ( 1 •.- t4 manager caused b surveyed and p NEAR MOUNTAIN end do hereby donate and dW m W icate m1 public for Thomas L. mllron Don Ashworth public use the highway, .e roads, the street, the boulevard, the circles, the peas, the ridge, and the eaiemnts for utility Purposes and for drainage and utility purposes as shown on the plat. In witness whereof said Neer Moro.. Prop s 00 ertie, e pat:Ver9 p under th seta Uniform Partnership Act, has COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver Corny, Minnesota tn e presents to 1e signed by Its par Nls _day of ,f 10.. ,, 1893, and d First Federal Pursuant to Chapter 395, Minn.°. Laws of 1831, this plat has been approved Nis ././. day of S7.7§.. vim, 1015S. 0>0 erg e Loan Association of Minneapolis, a nl d Stated of Americo In has a ggd e1. gg to be signed by Its nape off ts officers and I corporate seal N be hereunto affixed this r /"d y ofS NA /�1983, SIGNED: By / �/ Carlisle e County n Su NEAR MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES, a -P8 0805 t" ip under Mlmes.12 Vnifom. Partners Act H ip DyY , � u^^-.1 7 /Jr -3 , a general partner COUNTY AUDITOR, Carver County, Mi..n.... rver rveypr e t' _( 1*0! .( // , a general partner I hereby certify that F[ ; Y a of elingp8t for all 00411 prior tO /91(3 for land described on N o- IS Plat end ansfer a r Rl ,1933. � // /� / (/ /I� _/ - ey ST FEDERAL SAVINGS AW L F MINNEAPOLIS Richard J. Stolz, County Auditor By 4 „Ft, Y A 0. a j , , , L i it,.. 8y ,� (1.11 � ' REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Carver Corny esota V , Minn //�/ / ������ // �� 4�3,�`� I hereby earthy �Np. plat of NEAR MOUNTAIN was filed Nis day orLa'Cee , 1993, at♦'_.{O'01o., ..M es Domment NO•La.te—M2 /� �/� ��, /� ) Carl W. Hanson, Jr., Registrar of Titles 0 (37A e.Vi. r 26 ,ei COUNTY TREASURER, Carver County, Mimes °. O' d Nl 1 th he is rtiy day ° T at Vpa 'fA yea payable , 1:iori. o the year ISL./ for land describe on s plat as NEAR MOUNTAIN have been paid on /'1 D. F. Dahl e, Co., Treasurer y /0. Q) .( V SCHOELL & MADSON , INC. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS SHEET I OF 4 SHEETS REPRODUOTIDLE COPY - - •-• 'Vi - -. ' -29 P PLAT FILE NOzeo, 261, 262 . _ SILVER LAKE "67 „,,..,.. 363•Nros,/ _ ,., 30 °r 4.02 I RT. DOC. NO. T37995 t, i 11",' i ,, •••• 514. /5 ' - • i '; / 1,8n518.24,' ' \ '-... Undsd Voles &el Meander Oarnee 1 NC r S i L ,,,. . i • 4. , or 54 , 4 corner or S ,, 1 \ . -4Pennepin co 8 Iron i corner a ae o \ \ 5 ee.56,77I8LP.25 (Cmyer Co Cost Iran Mon.) I e 1 \ Morsdnent) I 1 C 11'.°4. 6„ c- o er, , i ,t ''P'' 1 q% W E ._ ( Ft 2 Copped Iron \ 1 1 E rk,..eAr ............ 1 T o c, L A N D ,J / 0.," .A, - fi !i. .7 / it , i= I 1 i \ _..., ... - ,..t. - ...- - .i.''. ; ! i 4.:' \\__ _----/ D 11 -----..., - 1 ) 1 V,9 I - ---- - ,' ---r — E ' \,..ri l e localion 0r,-- "...• .00. lr - - -- ,---- j ,: iv 4 zi, , I • i 1,t ,; ty! "e'• 0 r i r • / ,Fe. , / 4 , .__ ... , al - Veen c, Lok e e , A 8 " 1 , 7- at //' V 111 00 \ .--: . P •-• // .j ..-- - , s 0 a e e orsielld ans 4 P ' f d P...ff. 9 ; 1 ■ ,..... .,.. z. ,?.; / • t 5 '6 2' , ; ::::' :;:, /_/_-- ..,..9 i. .-..A ,.._ :. i ' te .1/ ', , =4 if; I . J ,. 4 , ct,o4c 0 .0- c., . 1 •- -. -• . * '-' ..:•. ' I -.. - . ,.... ii l • i .7 / o ; <F. ...,. .. . :,t1Sf t -s:: 1g 4 e. )c• OA. -- .3 ,..`°, ..:..'t '•,:,' i i !, A., (:).- 7 ' • st :P.:4;6 .,/,‘ ..2V-/ - !;,`-' °I . k \ ,'•••.' *e ,‘ao s pi , ,,.:% 64.1 --•' :' " ....-. 1:*,:, .:;, LO , = ,.,.. . .., :11 i . ',.. At 0 4`. . L o 1 . _i, 9 21=:11 ■ .., „ ... - • ki sef' 1 4sf• . , ., , ..,,, . •, . PLEASANT VIEW •,.. • • — .' s s ' ' 'hs , .• .--- - , ' ' . ''' S-' '''• 0, s, .0' -.- ROAD 1.0' . 33%1. .%. 4, VD,/ 3 V ''''' „3• 9 1:ks 47-40'1 *AA,' os' ' I :''''• -Cl1,. , e 1 A. Pound "..5.. Judicial •;•.sc • 1----- --e.a.. Z i;vof-ri id 2 ' •.,, Landmark -‘... ...... -41 corner of Goy; tot 4 i . j . i VA ..V.4 '''"." . \ t."....., .0 ' 1 ," / .`') . . , LOT // 4 4. v ) - Milne or aod (of 4, Sec 9, T116,4.23 ,7,, V , - 7: l• ad , ; •SP - sz? ). \AA ':: • ,/ ,,q- ni , t.,-;,,,' • 4§'' s," ' .• \es' NEAR MOUNTAIN 1..:,,, 4 ° ' ...4 ... - vs:. , . 6..5Tt rh. eosi line or& 114z or Ms AVIS , o> ,,.4 s° of See. 1,7 8. 71,6,25, hos an assurna e 14' 8.. 1 . , 7 '1' ' ' ' beorin9 of 50 • denote s a Fauns! Vs-/no , icon pipe I I ''':'' c ,4...., ,A 40 100 0 100 200 . sleed ke•ineh x 14.inch xi iron , . pipe marked by License fla 4374 N. line or Pleased One ' *, ' At a or lf ,,I.'4%, ,,, SCALE W FEET ' , Order Dm Afs. 4859 ''' .. '.: ..", 'f 0 f I WO V 1 0 a VA: n ',,n2'''°"^ k, - icia ,; ‘,.......j...,, „..., ..,,, Found Judl landmark, Z , ,., ••••,•., .., ifit 2,,y- . 1 ....7 \ ..,,.. , -:--_,..... „e,./ .1... SCHOELL 13% MADSON , INC. F1os/ 14 corner or Col /5 ,... 7 . _-- / 4,,L.,3\ • / 4'5 ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS 7 REPPODUCTIBLE COPY 1 33 1 PLAT FILE NO?60, 261, 262 NEAR MOUNTAIN d i mt•••%"•: n cV. 'c '4''''L. ".'") ( V !.... \-- —=..-=.- — — _— ___ _ _ — — O - 2 -06.78- ..: IN -29.90' TOWtlf ROAD g . 1 so/0,6Y A r .,...rd s.„.,:u. ...... 7 0 /V • I V- 1 L.( 2" CO ... 4./ I • 4 cr .,.... o 1 r -a 1 ......._, ..,.., '',—_,,' 1 _ ' .■.' l. .Z. CO /.... 0 Z 0 Z . 1 .:s Z Appr0,0mOtO edge of wellandsi rx,,,,,...,,,, .E.. 0 , . .40'°' , i - )- - 2 g l r - .... 44. A 4. 41. t :., ----' ' 7 ....4 .,.,. i --,..,,, ... 4, \." '-',...:5,.."`,. 5 . ..1 ..,,, ,....„ . ,..„,. , A. , ' ..: •,,,, -•=s,..•,,, OAS r • ; s , •J.* c , , ' .. ' 1 "4 ,g . A `, .... ,. fP 4 . gg' g T /.... 6 ''''''-'\ ''.. •- •••••\ .--- tz , \ '' `•,; "' 4., 4., 4.'"' ....,' ..z- C4 $ 1...1 1‘ ,,,,,,,,,,,,, A ,.,„,..-.'t4, . • V' ' r.: )4 \ 'o ...;X(......., \\%:1 ,d,7:, i••• ,..0.,,,e4":6r 8- C "$ ‘,.:.:(...-°``‘ \ '-. • ''' -^°' s tr.) 1 1 0 -. • a $ ',so ' sy- ,... v.., A/ ..449.00 : 1 4...r ..., ,:-..7aw .10$ . . . A • -0760o.- ' I . 2'..-- . ..... C ..\ i t. I.\ 'Air\ Nili • '''''' .... 4.7 1... 0 . 1 , ........-w. 1 1 .,...,1 IA t l*'- gl.",',..: K,. .,..,...0':-..4,1>46.s...470...-,..,,,:,,,,,,,/.'0.:7'7,-,.,.....-,,.i,,,,,,...,..::„-:....„,....-.,.:, ! 4...1., \ '' '''''H - • ' -,:i:5,.. . ! •, ,?.7 ,,,,:: g. f• 1 1.".f."' ? , ,.. 1 .. '• LOV , r A i :•A' . — . .,.;.• ;1114g oi ..,,, 94. , • •—v.ti , i . -- -....„,... \.,.... .— . p,s WEST 64 TH 'iv .. _..... .•--.... , . , '''...',",. "" . . _ ..:,... ' • ' S T. , ....,,/ Ig._ _ ........- 2 . , 57- EST___ ___:''''"- mersioew.- 64 TH 4 , ..: g STREET st.M; M. 11ne of ihe /4 of ga Me.fm of Sec. /- -'- ''?°...z° ;/; h l f.'gziechs.lan 111[ . . 100 200 / / e / • denotes a found Vt-ineh iron pipe SCALE IN FEET ..,-/ The Oall lone of lhe filt of lim Net/ 4:. of Sec.', T. 116, en, 1,23 00 assumed booin of S0250691 (.71 • I, c'e SCHOELL St MADSON , INC. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS HEPRODUGTIBLE COPY _ PLAT FILE NO. 260, 261, 262 ¢ R.T, DOC. N0. T37992 -_, NEAR MOUNTAIN 40 a, �� ;te ' /•••• � .a ` °° , \,�•'' \ix . '�L,:," e '. Ts: e " ' ro o'P , , S '• �y y ' 9 �• ` e le B 4 \ IN 8 'ea 8 ` a ^ n /OJ ..._ ^ v j � \ 5 $ , ` a DSO. 4 . y . w 9 0.� �x..s. z S • se / P oaa GP i / +� n y. / w r 9 � , i t a , k r 2Q > h , gg le P -\,r oaf U\ ` � i arm ylyl Via 44, i xy Y B � \� (,. >0.� e°r r. °. 6 r ra 1 � 1 t R nD a, C . .+ , , .h' 12 , ooz ' „ ' • , m 3 p o, a +, e I 8 C - .,<. a \ d e, /S.a•ez•Sru. .nN-....` `,r, =�e• 3 r �8 w s >•:r'ro+ g ' g d x s� ` ( . S.. ` <. :foe - e• � ;` .�., . s ti ii Ua.„ ,r ae. g I f✓ ` r :\ g 8s. \�: '> - - " e a .� S �ce uµµ ;$ n, y s xi 0,ka ,, T A LL '` - - - j o n ^ _ 7 , '6 �. -__-, arse < � -__ -- :. RIDGE Y 3 e : 2 - v:s .,, §•' `ae"`.5,.e . ' •e saex- _ , k'^' J ;,'WP° wT «�e € x g .r , e ,. .. \.,.,. Z e `; w u•e."-__-, S aa+o.,, l.. ,.d-'1a cr,4. a ; F .« .Y ' �� �: ' • v - • y '., s - 1 11 r 6?' ` Y Oi : _. , 9 i. �__ � ... q Sh , ` s�'.p." \ _.._.. 1. d `�� - r : ,i.,,,...• B S 4 1J.. .. - i r -- ,.., < _ ,�, °. : a' a< a . 2 8's_% 4 - X ".� 1.1 :- „.r : 44 7 ° >y e6 ,.em c '.: y+ p, g 4. n ,.o° dd \ r :4. -•S. 10 a 9 i 8 ` :d \e t ` � y s �v # 'd` e � , • : , V ' .... _ .a$� 1 8 o a <„",•G t . r r • t a _ <.-., a °• °g°°yi 'ro�°� \ N \ -v../,' ` ?r A a" ;.�a• °a a§ 0:' , •I 0.4, °: � n .^n < ' \ f e ejy <a..'a . • � a "`aa $ ' .. . • Cho, nor and Uhlily eoum„de o I ( ; N.o•a6ao•E. ^O 4 °s n 'p • e.yea' `� 13 e / U{ I'l a "'"• °n •'''..^ 'I..: a. :how. {hw , em.N z , 0 h W n , as r ^/ , . y'.. 8 I ro , f J w U 'u a-' e sa '°a•" :, RIDGE - < r 1 ■ /�." J� 'frjj e•e, so n a - - a F' 8 v-.. < :' N 7 r ,. 9"i- - xoax {eo•E . Sew, a f 7 n wide, odd odje :��.y ` , : _ �, . _ . �: 5 .. a, y,.e,.. �.— - -.' $ e ° : & ' 12 0 8 i rcpt °' w° li n,. s o, { n. n } . x n ii ;r9 x . Y ^ °p M1 ,r a , ¢ N.o•zfio6. . j,... • , " . 'roz„. ,o•C S 8 � \ ) � L 0 3 Being 5 / feet In wldlh and 6 - ; :a' • i , v. I .' i : / <: + i od,' ny rat Nnes,m ,, #' ! <' x . I ° r • a /... e_ m.•'. 14 and Wilily '' •,� known en {h, mop. Droinoge 31 o- ° ' , v' --'- e - a ° : � , ' • " .24. w ' • - °- •shown Ails e � ;1 23 a,d ' • '''''''wr r- �n.o•xeo,. Pr g � x •• ' d : o 4'.. o' r w ... o- 22 ♦ ...:. 4 � :Kx' e I (( if x� 4 `N.a•aYoo W ° ;,:e - S' 6omo.� g >a „� Nd a �t6 • a• N < :�Q N ; II w ; nos 8 Z B , ' '' 0 O .I l a a SS x . .a. a � B , I6 acs o<'u x oe� . � ,• 4 J Q � zh Irne ai {ha d.ve dlk NE. N I 30 °' a` > e b. o.• l «6 \ , •,'a a f , � " °' 5 "r o1 ,> zo.oe i . e 11 o„ ' , I. >NG.,z,sha.an I 0.r....... - , O x. V 9 k' -L e :a'. S - $ G '^ � �/ a6e 6wnn of S �O•46'06 "W 8S . L_____,. . j O$Q 24 21 . _�'.�- � N - o - n 6 w. � N 12 " E. 9 So?, G /..1 in width a f: ^ 'y ' 1 29 ♦: r - en te :' n:A . . ..•' ;`' �.00 L - - -- - -- &• c ._..sc 16 ': o: u ,�� 5 H .- ,.:w s..; t.t , x.oero6e r .8 83, , I _,. �' ^°• a p / J w o de.alae4 Nd, *Ili {Iron <: m+ '' 6 -' east e, L w 'fO . t ma �r,�P -5 ° PP" mo,1c. u< an<e Na:sa,G < , �.� a ;: . ,z x t>: ° ei onr ` „ - ,, 7' m.n _e'_a' _ b `• �� ; r s� ° o °' 25 P' T ..0 - -.N --_ r { , , # «� # C � 'N.r. - s ao• - v. 3 I r- -, ,0 • m u 20 a , „ ,e )�, V > a.Eaaa 1 • a +°� J _I � s'° � � a` a s a ; , . k e► / , q 6 z ` ._ \ \ ro:, ', r ' zaa r ," 17 w .. :as , \` 3 -I a S lN .o., : , 28 , , V i � \ 54,. r a &S `g e'/''� .,, 1 g ` ` ..,, ,` �_ . e ., i a ✓ d ....66°a... - ':8 eat ° ;,'' 26 y° 19 . / 0� 0 • , `„s : x / � 8 °" 7 �§ / z7 a 2 2 1S s 2 '‘..$ x I w , w 0 50 Ian a °- ''r34ae 4 STATE HIGHWAY NO. 101 i - pers•E. SCALE IN FEET SC HO ELL ®4 M ADSON , INC. t4,1Ln< N. Vs of NE 1/4 of Se<.,rss,9.23. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS REPRODUCIIBLE COPY / 4 PLAT FILE NO. 275 CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T. DOC. NO.T39969 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Ilmt Near Mountain Propertles, a co-partnershlp STATE OF MINNESOTA UTILITY A DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ARE SHaiti THUS: under the Minnesota Uniform Partnership Act, fee owner, and First Notion. Bank MONTY Of ICNNEPIN . . atIonal Banklng AssOclatIon, mortgagee, of the following e In the Covnty of Carver, State of MInnowla, to +It. _LI day of _f___J L___I___. 2 2 Outlet A, NEAR MDMITAIN, accordlng to the recorded plat thereof. of First Federal Savings and " s t f ...social. of MInneapolls a Un ted States of America corporatiorG om behalf of Ano that Lundgren Bros. Constructlen. loc., a Minnesota cOrperation, fee owner, the 7 ,ki BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH. MD ADJOINING LOT LMES, AND and First Federal SavIngs and Loan Association of Minneapolis, a United Strifes 10 FEET IN WIDTH AM) ADJOINUG STREET LINES, AS SNOW of Amer., corporation, mortgagee, of the fol.wIng descrlbed prcoarty situated • SIX . ONAW7.21lOU TA CH THE PLAT. In rho County 0 Carver, State of mInnesote, to wftr 5 47.2ferillioEtTriZsV? " 1 . 41 1 415 6 .coargaCm., Ai! of vacated CASCADE PASS as declicat. In the recorded plat of NEAR MOUNTAIN, which I les westerly of a I Ina 23.00 feet westerly of and pore! .1 with the center I .e of Basile Ridge es dedicated in said MEA.R 1.10UNT 05 00009 end STATE OF MINNESOTA Cl EW _ EA R VI T E R R AC E northerly of Lot I, Bleck 4, In said AIN. ALSO COUNTY OF ESOSEPIN 1 = 1 igt , I. B17 3 3 a. rl, Block .1, HEAR MOUNTAIN, according . gjoregoIng instrum ...... . ,.... nt was acknowledged before no this 4 day ot 1 _.; 33 33 i tank of Z Is. a I 1 \ ,.. - - SE. Corn, .ve caused 1. sere to be surveyed a. platted as CHESTHR RICHE . NEAR ic (Wdoo. 1 he . he o. llonwnen/) MouNTAIN and do hereby dcoate end demlIcete to the public for poblic use forever Nat BankIng AsscoletIon, on behalf of the ao7,olation;,,,..,. 0 .......... . . , - . - - - t pass, a t eaesneas for utility end Ora... purposes as shout, on the ...,. 45/the of /he Nof ,,..._. / - 27. plot. Md. , ti: 4 .r.ce -) 088/7 WI' , .-- 4? in whereof saki Near Mountain Properties. a co-partnershlp under the Z. l t:: .- / 3.102 -, -__4( - MI n sota Uniform Partnership Act, has cormod theso presents to be signed by BIS ----*/- f 3'i' partners this 22_1} day of _rimmoik___, 19.g-1, and .14 Lundgren Bros. ,r ws a e , -p.. TOWN LINE ROAD '.7 CemIstructIon, Inc., a MInnesote corporation, has Caused these presents tO be I hereby certify that 1 have surveyed and platted the property descabed on the 16 59./0 ,,,,:o. signo by Ms proper offIcer thls 39& dey Of Twos , 151td, and plat as CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEM MOUNTAIN; that thls plat . a correct 4 5 . ,m .... ea ,,,,_. -- sald First federal SayIngs and Loan Association of Minneapolis, a United States rePresentetion of the survey; that all distances are correctly shown on tlm plot o 4510 -- of America corporation hes caused these presents to be signed by Its proper In Ie. and hundredths of a foot; that all monuments have keen correctly placed • li /- ..\ 1 officers and its corporate seal to be hereunto afaxed this .3,._q_ day Of In the ground es shown; end that the Os!. boundary IInes are correc / tly . SO 7,1, 10§.t. and said Hrs. Natloeal Bonk of MInnempolls, a Notional des tod he . , I I Bankl. Asocmletion, has ma.. th.e presents to It: Vona: tiy of flseri Its T s.I to . hereunto af f I . thl 4 /0, 3 1 Thsegs S. Berggutst Ps• Registered land Surveyor & i% I I 1 R Minnesota Lid. No. 7725 .‘. ‘h ' CY 4 NEAR WafTAIN ALKWERTIES, • co-pa(tnershlp under the MInnesota Uniform STATE OF MINNESOTA e■ 0 \ I Par Act MINTY Of ...PIN '') ' \'. /,..._ pa pm, r- rtner this 3rd I , "." r"°'ae 'n" 1; ' 7,11 ' , "tnrzgu°: ,°:!::....vor. "y° , 0„,, ,--,..:-„ .,..,- I 1 „ a ...,, le}, Z--:7 " i , a pener. partner • '(.0,Tri ,,,,,,,, 0,,,..„ e I . ‘; . ;, , .. ,1 TED-.. l 'i7 - ‘,.,,N1‘ t.. - 0 , •• \ --,4"1 ------- Notary Publ., Henna. County ItIngleV., i LUNDISRO I.. my Commission Expires Art I I IMVIN 6 .1101r8LIAL i , ' `. 4 ' i 7 7 c. - - -; ', ' 11. - ', -; F.,/ ' lkomo d 4 Poter Pfieum, I preside. CHANHASSEN, e AT ng MINNESO ' TA .----- • - 1 - ,-.7-__,,,,, ,,. ... 7 4 , 9 ,678' -:%, This plat of CHESTNUT RIDGE NEAR MOUNTAIN was approved and accepted by the Imo .., a - ..._ FIRST FEDERAL snYING 500 109.11 ASSOCIATION OF MINK • M. Council of the Clty of Chanhassen, Minnesota, r et a egular mti .5 - 45. I PAgS ., r. '''' ',k- ---:-. " 9 / - or ,,z8"- City - 4.. k1 , - -5- 2[75 • 1 .,_ t \ R 071E MINNESOTA The north line of the NOmf the 00.9 9. Irt'.7,0, 'i....; (3: \ .7 Seclicm I hos on eased,. bearing of ..-- V -----, , Mayor S BEI . 57 07" w. •za ...,,ae."- , ..,..,"\ 7„17,..V • FIRST NATIONAL BANL OF MINNEAPOLIS X- C) a,.,,,e, , ggn.„. t' i 1 o denotes a-loch A 1.1 Inch set iron 1 : i By 70.172kmrtjarmf` Its 4044,Jag.,..21.44/alt pi. marked by License No. 7725 1 , 0z.. CASCADE ,7r,:,,t'z ; I \ B ila.Z1 .9.66 .+, CA..- 6.14", ofiqw MOM SURVEYOR, Carver County . Minnesota h e denotes o found A-Inc iron pipe Z I Px ei 1 ; i o Cr 30 taw4A1971, this plat has been approved mork. by License No. 6374 „ a' z" A ,! "P.\ • STATE OE Cou \ \ COUNTY OF ■ENNERIN Car I I a la Rads., Carver nty Surveyor By rarard7R, 944.41.4 ale,ody .5 t II 5 5e5250W T. 5.4" ",':;g:474,r;:til=" 7,dr4i,,..,..1,TZ C , . A 82 .12 ! ,-- Nee",71-A71 tO . 9.55555 T AUDIOR, Carver County, MInnesoto general partners of Near Mountaln Propertles, a co-partnershlp under the .- " 52.9-8"-\\ \ o- \ • MN ota UnIform Partnership Act, on behalf,. the Cpartnershlp. (. 7 .....,--714,4,ca fAmg,ally tfmt there are no delinquent:axes f:41 years prior tO L d., , I y Ind , ifis b c4ed en thi and tr nsfor ad. Dated thls • .. ‘, 2 c0 i p N 1 ^1 ot \ ) \ / '.:.., ";■ •• .,;. RIchard J. Stolz, County A.M. By v, 44. 4‘...tetb, 3 ',..\\ 1- . - I ......_ . .,. . ......,..,.............. STATE Of MINNESOTA r Cf \ 1.... \ 48.421 ./ SHASTA REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Carver Coonty, Minnesa COUNTY Of HENNEPIN ...------ The Art egoing Insley.. was .knowledged before tre this AnE.L day of . fi 1 •,; of CI:T Ibli ytf m. A _____ ''',?, bi r‘› -- •-k ..-- con,.. 4.,!'.4741'nv.::,:tn:rfp'Or1;1':.7.":e:n:fifLOVirn:ncsorr7o;at.. If' ■\ 50,5' . '" --- r v \N". ,---- ( Henson, Regl Jr., strar of Titl -ff-------------- 4 ' 7 4. 4 Z 5 i . 0 ,41 •14:1 i. ...._...----"-- ...rte., nennefou tyo till nes t "*, Carl M. . /65:49 • My Conegsslon Expires agrto t 0 a morrit".iti-tienisou ,c. 4,80 I „Ott S rs. . 1 50 ......--' COUNTY TREASURER, Carver County, Minnesota .s le Mt HIMI GM. I \'''''• \ l ./. I \ . . . n":1',11' iTOO the trAil;:4 Z::: re1; d gi ll' ty Mill I •'• ' • .. of ,.!•Fri ,l'ar \ \\ ..! .' . . . _ . a _ : SATHRE INC. D. F. Dahl., County Treasurer s, .raii-,-.. .-. \ 1 e'5-. ,... rt.,* \ II • SHEET 1 of 2 SHEETS RFPROOIICTIR! E COPY ' PLAT FILE NO. 275 • CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T.DOC. NO. TSSass 'oWR „SQI I' I ; o z I .r TERRACE . A! line of the A! 1 of /he NE. a of Set.; T/ /6, I 6 6 \ CLEAR 'VIEW / s ee•$770 W /256. I M \ - -- f89. 6B / 66]r0 INOVS:0'Ep OWN I._INE ROAD . W ; I°• 0 q 0 p S o o E aS� 2 1. ^/ OUTLOT B ” °° u w x` 1. 4 ‘. r � / , o. ■ A =;::ADE: of . • C T 0 �. -7 'l • N� $ 8 1 "r ti f / OUTLOT A . : % ��- ., Q,, o` cm • w � /i . - - - --- N -- ," F c > vo q b Ner ° 2l Oe •:jy _.. '''''.....r, S e2/2 fe �S J6MB� Y W °5�sf \� • a h E0 f % 0 Ne°AYQJ'E h if \ \ s9 ro F°'. r; ? SEE INSET FOR LOT 9 - SHAS * C;RC!E EAST yrao 0o h 0`. �. L O .° DIMENSIONS E — cs >.PS ,../q $?y \ i 99 ' 0 ` C\C. % - i � f • __ - .*l '.. : , a W 2 Z o e b .e''0i•(/ 1 E` �: :- oa�\ d ° � f ��O 2 6 ' �" 2,> OUTLOT C , s '=-t. ' o cy q< —� I I U'V'r 40 - O 2 ' ma Li • .Q r N. 14 E sP� = E re J i S 9 - 1 C7 • n p'' E or sD u ,,,t gmr nf M7.6>,00 o 11 . 4 0 Eo < tv / .4 2', ,. ati • IA " » s . 1\ M ' \\ 0 1yy1��� 6 0 8 5 " °,o :' e."'' -^�,‘ .., \\ (t t (gy p I t — V - A 1, ll!5 .�r.a 19 ' �i'• 1 " RCI_F 5T 1 r r ^ ! 10 , Et t ��9`�,°.•_ 0 i E /m / 0 g8S o / i C _.-0„,.. /L -- 1 / ion. o =Sty h 0 :°i ® H �� (' ,A \ ' \oi �p ° / MAZE IN FEE)' <y�rd 47',,,, \ q dr . ���/ CHESTNUT ,.... �'l lip(: =.. ,, The north line of the 24 of the NE% of �o� l� /03 % 2 so 57' or w. a,. n<arfno of i e � e. e. ��• 7,61'1 1 ' .. '1.... N. I , ... N EAR m a UN i N \ e 2 o t -:ym lrm °'" p, mo r�Nrbv L(cenae Na. dJ)d \ 2 T \ \ /` 'S/ /, \ 2ND / DDJ..i_i ON • .V } S A T H R E- B E R G O U I S T, INC. IZIP WEST C4 7 H 0. STREET - - -- -- • • SHEET 2 of 2 SHEETS RFPROITUC.TIRI F COPY ■ PLAT FILE NO. 274 . CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 2ND IR.T.DOC NO. T399 KNOW ALL MEN Y TNESE PRESENTS: t Lundgren Bros, Construction, Inc.. DDITION � �' ,. ° � ' ° p1 5 9 ' ° ,: Corp r1 t al Savings end Loan • I � di . 1 5 / 3 1 N drlh bne a! the South SISOO frc! o! the Nf of NES n.so a ore at . St: es oof and e corpora mortgagee, al the / R q 0 q d l\ a m Minneapolis. a un'r ., `j TS p` 9 5 r. ' ' ) ,.. / rol lowing described property situated In the County of carver, Stare of . P.S / = 2. ..- 0.... 1 -. 9 7b•. OO- NB9.3 / "05 "W I Minnesota, to wit: o / ; • QQ "E / I, 3 end J, BI «x I, NE MDUxrn lx, acs «din to tna plat tnerool on '+ � Y �'� \% %t \� 6 8 °p B Q Q � '> /32. /7 � - -- /93.33 / 99 � I Sea iii. our of r.cara 1n tn. o i of m. Re of nn. :. y�`ye \ �� / N I2Z' - ' o. f \ \z \ \ /� • n tot Lundgren Bros. Consiructlo,, 1 a Minnesota eorporatlon, fee owner, \ Se " � / � \ \ T5 \ \ /0 I ° an Lutheran Church, a Minnesota non-prof It corporation mortgagee, \ 5 / / \ \ °o z\ \ ../ Q- n ' 33 and of the fc American property alT..1.d In the County C.Svor. State 05 \ gg Z gS.� ,,,r.'` 19 9 /o I '''\ ' off \a 1 3 \i /ti' , , • The east rte. 0 /pet rte south 5x5,00 feet of the Northeast Quarter of � / 4' A'0 <• \ /.9 // \ I4 �£ \\ 4•87 / � 12 I O H ne n hare8.aat 0 aart. r «rlon 1, Township Its, , Rang. zJ, Carver county, j s l? • 6 ' D' P , • ` o,. J / � g b / / P \ \ a n•sz•30 \ 49.09 /� I r nave zr Tioxr :me °de surveyed end dedicate Rlp(E ATCxEM D /�: dry \taP.13 >, \ �P \ N,...\ ' ° :s ///,,/ I $ q / /o° �\ \\ a s �� ! - J >"° I -. highway, tM �tha court, am easements ° tor �:iury I` ..,4: A� • T ' , / / v \ \ y t �pp ,, / , 9 $ / 60 _ 89 _J and drain. Purposes as shorn on the plar. / h /Lu> l'- '• - • / / a / ♦ P/ .8-6.5-0.0. W ' Ho era ,h. v� b \ B / 8i M `_ _ In rn ss 1 sou d Lundgren Bros, Construction, a Minnesota b / N r \ \ / / / /I 17 / / . s) - ' - __J •- ,. , - - N I . M r se presents t signed DY Groper off leer thi / 0 / psi /,`' \ � / / \ �/ � tl ry '''41;:%.",..7" p 7.ae m "° 9,t[ 9 :old The Awrlcan Lu fsurcD, a 4 $ ?w8t,�i P \ \mo b./ ( p0 ( NBBYB'L19'1 AS y i e I �u n nns011 nth -pro c�u I has m aa these presents be s l g nsd b Ira ' ° 0 /4, 4 $o ° § f � / • Q ' a. °\ \o ////40 \� b \ 0 I -- °°, d_ ° 70 ° "-' $ / a°H 1 I 2 O o . Federal m S.0I6 g z end 10 Asa« of N1nneepol is, e 51 STatas 05 511 r20, / ° / \ 9 52' \� \ 1Q / / I O l I a 1 5 ' C p .: \ 1 O Z s.. .o or oration n SN Ith°ce p ro be s ghee D to DroDeyolfleers end / ///4,N, t'B �, 0 Q / Y t o be hereunto an Axed this de of b b r' '',3°/ 0 ° o ' ///r ""' o �• , +' 2 z B,- rlS00. -I o a m ro ere seal � v a.�a b ,� 1 /� l \.r 6 3' .; 9 3 i _ _ I-±126- •i 14 « ° <aM rs / / \ .9 `b // I h e•zD D° T b , / _ 2 SIGNED: --...,...,...„_____,i c �i / / / / • \ 2 � /3O ° off . / , . z I A' f '/ $ a r .8 NBS•i4, k{ LUOG BROS. CONSTRUCTION, INC. / ////a 2 \ Q/ / 6 �o / •1' \� /O\OQ i I I 4 .11.39'3 4 " p / 6 J . ,Y / . , • I b ' Peter Pilau, Ks president . a r' , � ` / / b r 1 / �0 3 \ t F � 8432 3 B "" m( • t 'r B / / J � " / o 1 h A° . n • 3 I Q N r _ b q D = . /'''10. / / 5� � / / '''.261/2;''';';'‘a � 4 ' -'," -. ••.ro.. �. .. >' �G /. \ o Vt o TIE MERICM 1,505103 00701 �� 8 PG P ` "'- / / 3 0 / p'� , __�� /89, \ I i-.4":1 I a :� �mm� /VD' a a et' -Wq / / 0\ /0 0 1 M , 7A: ro \ \ ,. B ti-L.142.111, Its ► U 1 � 4 ( , o�44 \-4. // / %"'° ,j .� .., RIDGE :trap -- 0,zss2 /. \, . / • - �� Y ,4, .. I = r `a ?.9.r9 / / X 2, )/- v 5 �e ad� ... a 4 b "/ W °a < sou 24 3 B 3 d \ \ / i l 47 pro( r . FIRST AL SAYINGS At Lain AssaclATlax of MINNEAPOLIS � \ T' �m // 0 4' /�� �" l /,'M °• s a •3 3BOD 1 ° 6 .\ \\ 9i o\ .4 By behalf of the par RY Its VfEx {Jif/' ®41{t✓ UTILITY a DRAINAGE FwsEAe3+ 5 ARE sNa+r rlus: \ \ /////0 o 20 / /� 6 M 1\ I I I 8 ✓ mm/ . ' s - v a 7 zl 1� E°" / N w STATE OF MINNESOTA ___- 2 - 5 __ o -_ \ yin 1.4.5-0 \ \ e / / ':1 I R of ‘',,g � /� '' 'o.TIa pi h I- z OWN, OF FENNERI9 - \ / w / I I O ,1 (, o. \ 1- m. •f 1 4 «eg Img instrument .a. «kno.I edged before m thIFZi� der of BERG 5 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS O1NENf1SE INDICATED, \ �� v ( / I 1 of ul ill l y o y aY 19$IA by Peter Pflaue president of Lundgren Bros. AD ND IOlSIN110 LOT LINES, MO 10 FEET IN WIDTH 000 I `�) / 1 _. _ 7 1 _ e79 - Const In ° n n•s0 a cur « behalf Or me c «potat XIIN25 STREET LINES AS S* , EYM W TIE PUT. / •" ---,-- 4 L \ .36 /O /. BO I 9925 era y rbb•` ie milrnnaDl � - �4 inne NIyh president 1 ,,,,, ,n: -- ..,/ I- - - - - J L - - - - � . I 96.97 IITI 50 a.9 1 10, Ie CounrY. Msot ,, '.5 *1 - L +� /28 .73 I II -- M ....Ion Expires L�]0 -1400. J ` ry ! �, b'... Th eas line or the tEP of the NET o! O 9) 9 /057 425. Ba YYY r x. r t \r f • x section 1 has an °sawed bearing our 9• 9t' B9yiBS1 WEST 64th STREET STATE OF MINNESOTA ae�v...5. vu N 0 06" E. $ t\ 2J' _^ .° w . 6 "E W 4 H COUNTY OF HENNEPIx o denotes k-Inch 5 I{ inch sal Iron �''' Q. H pipe marked by License Na. 7725 'NEST 1' Q J 9 ° 3 /OSW ing instrument a l acknowledged before u Is # '•'���.. U o th 976.00 ST r The forego 1,• a 911 Play a:A K R.� It s'E2. 1 1 . day el e.a S - � SOO / h %rte : the N E:y o! f hc NCY 0! saber, /, r //6, N23 "' I • e . 1 G denotes a found 0-Inch Iron p .6 :it Gleamed corporello aries•Qg of The Avelrlcan Lutheran Church, a narked Sr License No. 4374 -1 - -- 3 non-prof It on - -- - - - - - -1 Minnesota n " o-%o/ F`Jsin f - i MET / ADDITION . J.1.1. - F..1s" 8 I 33 I 3 Notary Public. Hennepin 052 \ lnnesora .ep+ .rzi,. I My fureisslon Expires l•Z•A 1 hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on th15 OI309103 EN, MINNESOTA COUNTY AUDITOR, Garver County, Minnesota RIDGE AT NE , STATE OF N1IwE50TA :.........°. plat °s OESTNUf RI00E AT NEVI MWNTAIN ADDITION; 1 plat Is a rn on d arrest reprse entation of tM wy; et 11 1 «tl s TA1s Dla1 el 01ESTNUT RIpGE THEM e10UMAIN 2ND PSq ITION ra ruby a wil }net M1e er o d ui lnauent to es « e y rs prio t COUNT OF IINNESOTA ..J correctly placed In the ground as �/ a plot In.1wt and hundrednc� a foo t; V!, ell mnuaanrsmnevy e be accepted b iM1e Clt Counc„"oT, me n CM1 n nn mp a re 9 end d r } bed re on Is pl end transfer I enter°dr°2,ed thr lo a s'4 ha that the outside boundary !Ines are meeting thereof held rhlc day of of _p hmssen, NI l9 s in m � e. I 4 n F day of. 1 ° 19 °. me arguing lnstr a rn; •s can // u t rez a or ed b pf correctly designated on the plat; and hat }Here are no outlands to be compliance with the rule ons f Nlnnesota Stet c S'0 50 3°3.°3, Subdivision �P • /p ( aCe of F rs de alIS `� d nd by dezlpn/pted on :7 Dl et 1 2. J. Stolz, County Auditor O ►3 , _ 1 [" - ,g Yf�L1'�e Y� i L 19 Q r b ? ` �o� f 4 s, a at Federal r and Loma Ass«- �� /,,,/// Richard J latIon of Inneepol Is, a United states of Am rice corporation, on Welt of Me ' • t 4f" C IL OF TH CIT OF CN HA55EN, MINNESOTA Thomas S. Bergdu lit /� Garver County, Minnesota corpor Xegiarered Surveyor �� � REGISTRAR Or TITLES, _ - , WYOr Y / / le_�� . e_ e, y ,S o nnesota is. No. 7725 I hereby cmril/ that this D1e1q CHESTNUT M MOLWTAIN ADDTI Pubuc, wnm.Dm Count, M Q�5j�j r /2fM My EAp Ir•a tin 1 -30 - 1911 Wenger raz III•d iM1ls y of / AS. , 19$(, at(�o .M. ION as STATE OF MINNESOTA JI COUNTY Of IENNEPIN 0 «uonr No. _ The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before m this �dey al 13301,, SURVEYOR, Carver County, Minnesota Carl w. xanson, Jr., Registrar of Titles er n _Q J acrt. �E1� J0 2984. vay misues *q Cuter 901 MI'ne f 1971, is plat peen epDroved n /q..�� COUNTY . s 5. Reruulst, lend sur n deY of 3 / m 19$•)'. , ( , / , � COUNTY 1REASURER, Carver County, Minnesota - • �l�bE - SAT 59 R E - B E R G O U I S T. INC. %"" --s W ^""�•` Carlisle Madsen, carver County Ba-4 -Y, r7,,,, I h r by c errll yar r ,.,,/ �`" y that m• teas payable for m„IOr Iona described on yA lr tart' Publ lc, Hennepin County, Ninnasom / IA� IR this I as 5ESTx�r RIDGE AT NEM NTA N ENO ADDITION have .en pad this xn1N+ a* : Cceeission EADlras k,•,I yo 39R7 y M1 c , MJ , dIW A drpoty /n of Iy.Oy 19 z� pr �`� Dal'�S"Ela1°t�"H r 4,,,, � D. F. Damie Count Treasurer 0 '. al • I. nmORODUCTIBLE COPY • PLAT FILE NO. 276 • CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T. DOC. NO. T39983 - NOON ALL IIEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Lundgren Bros. ConstructIni, .c., a 3RD ADDITION ;Orme... corporatInn, fae inner, of the folloules descrlead property sltueted In the County of Carver, State el NIenesote to wit: Or . :ot , C, CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR NOLINTAIN. according to Ihe recorded plat Has oeused the seam to be surveyed and platted as CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEM MOUNTAIN MID ADDITION and does hereby donate and dedicate to the publ. for ,,,,''''..9, pub!. use forioer lbe pass, end the eekoments for ulility and drainage - e • -- - ' , .e. V ''' N7324004/ --224.60 purpican hs shown on the plat. '..' "'clear• 474" 21 — 02•26'00 '', , • -' ',, ,-, 1 .., ' tisaff' ,,,.28 .7:: ' ,c. 133. ,.....,. ,?-28.8, I SIGNED: , ; ,,i5 50 ....-- e v Lu BROS. CONSTRUCTION, INC. . '... 1 .,,.,—. -,7.6::7:1,,., kl....ii -\\_A,..4, o ..io .___?;ti.i.,,..- AT N't;.:3,11--,,-',v11-0:::\11-1:;':.\.3ri-c,o / / N ^ ____ __- ,...-..... - .,..,: .„..,..- ....-,.i- Peter Pflaum, I President IP l \„ \ "t• ss- tR. ‹a 0, \b/7116.'' '' STATE OF MINNESOTA t„, 4 .4- 1-1-. RI 8 /6,,, •,ie 1 i .1 , =a, ,0 / /, t, ..t,N - .Pf. „ Tha foregoing InsItylrfp%wall. eck r me !TAGIL, day of c ‘--- N-2,.. .„ .. ,,, N ,. 2 / ‘0 ..„ 4 ,p .,,..,.. , - , ,. • ,,,..,„ c=4.—on. ,:,.4,g0 ''(--'-'- .\ ,,,, \ .kr..... .,/ si • ,-.,.% _. .., .ic..)‘-- Netary 7 P Zrr lInnasota ''''.1.,,Te // N ,,,,, • .. N.,... // A e ''''''''. Nit Corm:lesion EX,If05 J4 -1[4jA/0 .. ,.,..,..,,... 2 ,,,,, t• Amt.* ts.,,... .. / AO' 5" • ' , '''C. N./ < / // S1 4'3 N% 0' 5 t /,," , I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the properly descrlead on this plat as CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 3110 ADDITION; that thls plat Is a 1 , „,,, / / A 1 1 , • v N. ', , .5 .,!/ I,V l' . R'iv ', -.1. , , , 1 -1 7 1 .... 64...“.. 1•4 ma.r_v correct representatlon of rho ..r.y, the ell distances are correctly shorn 011 N / / Vi / -;;.. e,,,,,, 4s tl. feet a 39 plat . nd hundredths ? of a loot; that all monuments have been / // N '5 N N/ / ., ic;''' correctly placed . the ground es shorn; and that the outside homndery lines F.24.,•',1°'..7 ,•erzo„,, 1.6;7<. / /‘ ''' ' 'mt. 2 ' ., P • „ '? Oet '. - ' 5 - / / ' 6 o. ' - , 13 ' e ( ? - • : ;;•••■ -- 1 -- - ___./ / A q , 1 / /4 4, i ./ A ''';'" Thieves S. Dergaulst y'r / 4 5;., :i.. . '. - --- ' 13 'F' , ..2' 1 G-• , 1 5 :, / ,i '''...../ m '''' 'C' el. .... <1.'4 / \''';,' tli ''? RegIstered Land Surveyor IlInnesota L1c. No. 7725 • 1. ' . . -;:■•'''")/ / {11 / • N ' '..- 4_, / 1 , '‘.1 ,%,./.,, , , ,, /'*<\ / Ai, cc,.. ",.! • ° , i'. A 1- ' `', --; -' ,„\,,, ( ':q: 7 4 7 go / STATE OF MINNESOTA ,Ak''' /,,;0° , , o , .... / COUNTY Of HENNEPIN / / „ .. •s.st...2-2-d/ /mm / /.f. .. ' 2, 2 7, / / \1\17 / ,,, 4. ""1 p '-'5 Clt ' f■\' ,71O, 41 / / t5 '•,,,,'"".•• '... , 7 ' ` ' . 2 .' • / / 1clu'llIrl'er7d'Sti"rte:red. 30901 „ f ' IN' , IN 4% .o. 3T,N •'<r••, • ' / A. '-',.., . '' -o i ...• ‘‘\ '0 4) /.1z15 • -. •■•-,,,,,, •-_, <,, / ' h / •cs■ POJ—C6- OUNTAIN 3RD /4 - '2- 4l..;'■ o. !., / ./...-:-:..• / / gyozpv26 : v ',Zt.2:1...E;,'=,c",r/•,;",r;Irj' „, -.:-... „ / InfrIVOVVVVITYVVIMIT, '''''' / C' / .?,,,n N / / e i /// d.. ' ''''''' % e' / < t'y OIANH This pl ASSEN, MINNESOT " 4 A 7,t , / 4 •, > ', ' -1,s,, at of CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR M ADDITION was approved and \4\° t. "0 / / egoopted by the City_ggonclo CZ Chanhaesez ot a regular ,Y emetIng held thls 7 .111 ,.? 1 i < et ,,,/ 4i, ( / //' ` ,___ / / ' P / / "1 / ,, 6 k;• , '=:, , .. ' •,.? :, / 5 . 1: I /.(' //,,,,• <., '''. 4,-- 6sc. / , 5) ', c1) O .. , 0 THe2T/ 0 MINNESTA .,-, ••:>, /75\ ,, °7/ .'\ / ' 9 4'// '//1/ ,.., . l ( „ . (,.:1,4 . / ,- A - .20V , N—. ,...„, The north lire of Lot I, Kock I, ' ee 4 , o bi 01ESTRUT RIDCX AT NEAR MOUNTAIN . ".........>„.„.' / e _ CO ---, ,....-.,- ... 3RD ACOITICN hos on assorted bearing ... $, , \ , --- -2.:;) 'O'. UNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County, NInnemota of N 71 00' W. SeV ' / \O A. ' 4E / e'' ,------ ' - ,..;-.----.... Cs. ' o denotes k-inck 4 14 inch lel icense / iro / f ' Iri t c t -.„,.... ri ■P ' - 7:::-....: , / -- ;;;■:7414,:r:r, Tb4f b :1:1. '9''' "" P'” bbb been b"reved oi. worked by L No. 7725 n . 4 ' 92 %, \ • / TOR / 's - ...Y , `,., + <5 Carl Isle Hells., Carver County Surveyor Hylifditaxd,572.4•4_ . denotes o ro.,, h-inch Iron pipe 1\, i.... mocked by License No. 4374 ' a ''./ ,„. ..„.. ..” ../ / N' , / 2 * M / 't j i COUNTY AUDI Carver Co UIIT unva EAS unty, Minnesota i :CI< / / atikfTle b"b "' El * nre " TLY & oF ENEMS IRE SHOW PIUS: Ol / - : fi t. \ \ / O 4/ '27 --/112.- Cay of d t ' lg ' 47 *n Ay b" , ,__...v A ''', - Ilk V.. - ,;" , I I '. .,/ t cia -- ,'„ _ c• Plcherd J. Stolz, County Auditor 2 2 I k) , 1 %-... 2 ii loo f1 I \ REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Carver County, HInneso 1 : NC AD y V, W. V.,/ /h) KIM 3 FEET IN 01000, UNLESS 0318092933 3(0300T90, 3(0300T90, '1'41 '`‘'i 1 4,, 3 .1, JOINING LOT LINES, ANO 10 FEET IN WIDTH 170 ADJOINING STREET LINES, AS MOM ON THE PLAT. 0." '41 I 4 I A,. w 1 . 11 ,. ef;allo;14:411 , s , (: 160 60 12 It-t ----- • O /403 diAd,1 k '':- Document No. 00 •••.., - Carl W. Hanson, Jr., RpIstrer of Titles Illy .,.. • a .., l'Z'f j .0 et -------.. ..-.--- • r ee - ,,, ' rants . SATHRE-BERGOUIST, 3 N C. ..---- A . 0 ,... NS/VS °' •.' „, COUNTY TREASURER, Carver County, NInnesota 0. -, .. MO U. N TA I N SI...v 0 re , • I heby certify 3900 the tames 30008l5 909 the year igea(for land described _ __ ---- ,. 1 , h1_2LAY% ,, CTTNITT Rpf NE:WAIN 3RO ADDITION have been peld - ------ / -- NEAR MOUNTAIN --------.. D. F. DahlkO, County Treasurer By ..MI) A4Awki,-, 1 • RFPRf)f]LICTIRI F COPY • PLAT FILE NO. 276 ■ R.T. DOC. NO. T39985 CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 4TH ADDITION ROAD NH, I 1-) 33 I 33 IT OI �_ - , /he of /4. N. '2 of /6e N( q al S ; 7 //6, R23 $ BBY2p2- I l• 'L' 1 3E Corner el Set. 36, ! / /], R23 7 '� JJ 01 j (Hann. Co. /*n✓menf) Z. KNOW ALL YEN BY THESE PRESENT. " 667. /0 -- SBB °57'07•'N ? :t SS T Lundgren Bros. Construction, Inc., e ll.Ing described DroPer..... -- ___ _ _ - -- owner !' — F--T2/./0 89.49 i m h TOWN LICE_ C'. ,^,, In n the oCounty e,lee, fee of Carver, state of of ,h• f Minnesota, to lets r 72.69 _ \ 7 /5/.65 /0372 �/ 49. B6� /04.59 1 r y . uf B, 04STxUT RIDGE AT NEAR Ia1WfAI.. «cording to the r««a.a I \ \ 1 IW / / \\ .� - -� p o ,h « «f. I \\ rye 1 / ^ ° \ 3 \�' 2 ro � to J ( CHESTNUT RIDGE AT MEAA �I IQ 7 h 1 1 ° N i y yry / ! \ � J \ LI I A M T ry / 1 50 I � T T ai{ • 00U00TO M ha lx the same to . aur.yeil and ADDITION a. does hereby eDY donetaend 0.010.0, to the public for p I,V \ \-''''' \I ' O 6 '•s ^' ` ` � \ \ _ tJ I p z pal11 <useM p aces o70000ss, the come, and the easements for urill,y end D I O ? > \ ' 1� �, � ry / /1\\\ 4 `' NI Iw \/ 1 ; 0/ , ^•ln e a Lundar.n Bros eonsnud.la�n, ` n ed e \ '402v 1 / \ 1 � \ \ °I ��/ y I I \ +�� IIT,E owmraynsl 1 s pr o nc rm* .��aL ua 0°i „t n se i 8 \ \ P43 A5.73J ' >r. ///,`,‘ \ \ \ E '' \/ O "�� SI.EO, bb,, ` 0.3 ^�) a•19• i,A, b > /°l' \ Q L 6/.37 d• / O ° 0 l ` Y _ �`,;• 6 kD � \ r r% / 5 .....,,,,,\\\ SA. \ 6/. J 1 ' S O 6 ' �2 n LUNDGE BRIO. CONSTRUCTION, INC. �` `- 0 P / b' \ / 1 ✓ � ` 4 > / ,,,:t, I � " - V• I _ �_ \, l D' 3 9 - r \/J —i Ip. c. ^ I 1 � N.97 N.97 / R•2080 S��\ 1 j1 24, 2840-- . 4 - 9 ry -� tai \ Ib > Cq 60.00 4•sse6' /e' o ,.� \ ,,T$ 5 . 5\\� sye 46 .SH¢ 5 s: • ' P ' : J ti •� Peter laus, Its Pre dent � ' Cc CA DS STATE a MINNESOTA �■ S C, q \ ry,'9 �• 9 ' p a• p ° ' 9 ' ASS CA c Cj W r 4 o 5 _ h /W o ' ASu F es_ '! ,IgGt.. COUNTY OF HENNEPIx IO C ,C / O\ o\ ry ^0 / ,D 3 ° i.9 3 ° B ,`' &. � f n 'QV16.s � oo —s \ V M1 95.98 fTi d.A T" }Mregoing msr9 nt we4«knp gedP a * �r d_ a.r or t' C 8 o h `�' • : Pi a • 0 4.29...4'00' l \ .5- 26 ` 0 0' Dms rI Ion. 1«.,va Vim. c Ian of Bros. I G \ � 1j � A• eo4o (/ J9 y a x` Q .gR \ 6 4� 9 88 l �? e. ° �eeae:'° . { > ^ZT ' Ttti� o / .D� \ I r .--------''\ \ Hem IC He .pin Coen Mlnn ore r =Ms 's j 3 9Dr y '6 $ ' 14 2.40 a0 i, A t � / / \ • l p ` D� Z \ \ 3 p I r" W P Mr �Ieslen Explras •4re i94 � IU o haven • � i 1 15 9 j /6.40n9is' t' 4 i• . P /\ \ \ \ o /:b p - ,v.,... �.•"'"� 0 0 $ •Q' .rr n `A , ,a, Cl / • \ \ 4 O I �.°, 2 N / 8 I tl• O , ::Y. \ G 1 hereby certify that 1 nave surveyed and platted the property dnerlead on ,( ��', I ,W / /^ € a • � • q !. '7 0g . � , / n A \\ w\ \'- k I2 0 / �' a Lt `:� \ thls . CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR HDUNTAIN EDI ADDITION; that this let Ise !-\ \ O (; / /a R' / d V / \ h 1 I \ '�_ \ ° \ .tion of the aura v: that all dlatmo. are correctly shown w ' J \ R` '� / / 1 1 ^� n . O \\ _ _\ \� / I I / /@ '. S correct v tr represent fee, and hundredths of a foot; met an mon... have been r ` y^' 9' \ es 'r a0 L_�� �+ h / , o- =,- \' ��\ 9r °� L I 1 /� I \ \ the ground as howas i et the outside boundary Imes are '� \ A • 0 Y designated on he plat finer• are no veils.* to . � \ / —�J ` •a: p Ad l 5 ' � \\ E\ ` I I / / I \ r year 3 . 5 7 / , / J __ V y� �j JL � 1 ' z \ \ y , 1. o N �`z6 00 W i ... w I ` � � � 7z � 4-\ \ � " \ \ L 4 2.03 11 \ Reglsmrod Lana surveyor Q5 4 c, _ Z 1 0o"E .` il nnes.a Llc. No. 7725 �, $' 1 q ...3 NCI •?` �> rl H 6p J6 \ q n' ,J . 8 2./ 2 N STATE Of MINNESOTA \\ l \ I ' 0 1 �p W h ' 4.e.s 50.6 0 0'. 1 , -- -. COUNTY Of HENNEPIN / NE:. r w 1 • F ' , 1 ) I L\ ° '� _ oaeeg. Defer. we 1mPeyR� n , , / i /1 '1• Cc i � " \\ $ ter„ day or < . I cn a. i , i/ /.. er t .r* « e n s. eervaulsr. Lune Surveyor. / .: ��- -s. T \, n, IN +' Notary POI lc, Hennepin County Minnesota ` n Mr Ca•misslon Expires Ayri Jf3 6 lur " tr.l r 5° NI C fa M65NV Wets slOU Y \ The north line of the N 9 of the NE; of CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA smsrmVerr UTILITY 8 CRAINb EASEMENTS ARE $I1JnN THUS: \ N Section I has m °zoomed bearing of t ill TH - { � J•r, B L- -�- -__ U• o B denotes D il-inch x Id inch set iron This plat of CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 4 ADDITION yes approved and - mew, 7a M.. by City Connell of the City of Cnenhess•n, Nlnnesota, of s regular -- o meat lily hold this dad of J , 19.9.4... '♦_. f t pipipe mocked by License No. 7735 THE PLAT. CUTY Oi T1[ eo. MI NNESOTA • denotes o found k -inch iron pipe fi C.�Lt s., re-a-T � � / f B 01 5 FEET IN NIOTN, A'O PDJ01N LOT LINES, MD narked by License No..71 / 4•"nfz' L 3s • I TM� S 14 , Mayor 10 FEET IN HIM NO ADJOINING STREET LINES, AS SNOW ` 41 cC 1 , Manage, REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Carver County, Minnesot a COUNT' SURVEYOR, Carver County, Minnesota eraDy cert i Ia E Ui RIDGE //ii�� S�EAR XWATAIN 4TH�2DDITION this %' Ghep,r e 39}, Nlnnesota Laws 1971, s plat beer approved yes flied 0. ify dey f 19iS(, aT ,(Qo < ak (Z.M. e der. of • /u / I9 / /�y / D«uront No. S o 1 Carlisle Hedson, Carver County Surveyor OyU�ao10 dot I/.r o a. dePU Carl If. Hens , Jr., Registrar of Titles By __ J•� _ COWTY AUDITOR, Carver County, Minnesota COUNTY TREASURER, Carver County, 01,10,ote .s.! • e,� • • Dy certl fy that there ere no delinpuent texas for ell years Drlor to 1 hereby cerrll that the tuxes payaD le rot the year lli1 far lane dese 16. ° •• S A T H ie E- B E N G G U U S T, INC. Ag[�� v lyf]4 for Iaee aescr lD. on this slat end irensfer entered. Detect mid o n this p lat es C HEST N UT RIDGE AT xEAA MOUNTAIN 4TH ADDITION this /6� eey ^�J� //n de of • /// 19 Q ,. '�*, or d✓, , t9f. / (1 �� q © ©Y 0ICherd J. Stolz, County Au0ltar B1&y` c.L D. F. 0,010,, County Treasurer By /A Y. N<. ,.L REPRODUCTIBLE COPY • PLAT ALE NO.295 & 296 6 CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T. DOC, NO, T43110 /NOrfh hoe s/ Sec. /, T//6, R. 23 5TH ADDITION "I 88 I #86:5707?" . /40. / 631. — / 940 ' /4 0 -- KNOW ALL NEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Neer Mountain Properties, a co- partnership under the Nln whir, nesote Uniform 1 Partnership Act, fee , and First National Bank Minneapolis, a natlon banking association, mortgagee, of 5 the folloring described property situated In the County of Carver, Stare of 00 Minnesota, to mitt I - Sit Corner of Sec 36,17/ZR23 OoHESTRUT RIDGE AT NEAR TAIN, and Outlots 8, C and E, NEAR MOUNTAIN, according to the record•a (Reno., Co 2 - Cn/y0d %on Mootanto f plots r101 A, iMrCmf 40)J Have caused the same to be surveyed and plaTim as CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR HM OS.. 5M ADDITION and do hereby W E T A N D donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the Boulevard, Sena and Court, and easements eas+nts for uti 1Ity and drainage purposes az shorn on the plat, In "Rh od po t be s } eermsa Nea o f le r ,bunta ltln ProO•rrios, r a ccyartn•ren .)� d er Unlior� part arse E A lta s ` k 'r C `J NNatl., Beak of Xlnnea. national be ion b Is, a net her n*lnyass.ci association presents n o d these presen +o De slgnby proper :Vice/v:41 f // 19 ff lc.f�an Its corporate seal to be nveun o arflxed this lsdaY � _ ---- SIGNED: OUTLOT C - , � EAR MARA N PRCC J P � F � R TIES, / a copartnership oMer the Minnesota Uniform Partnership Act / 2 a general partner, ar 4.,,,sod [ 'fH , a Several partner `Rpprou)no /e of we /, a .d= l B ✓0e ' 711 /' p ` A FIRST NATIONAL. &1M( OF MINNEAPOLIS M W m 00..N en /V.A/wmAwf , It 2zp �1314N'f BY n^ , Irs�xM/I a.'OAi -1-% ti ' illi � _ STATE OF MINNESOTA MINTY OF HENNEPIN N f J \ T u me��1( pp mg Ifcap rryyy�t ram ackn l y el this (/ day or AM's• , T9�S, C — tame Williia firifti V , e.7. YE VI1} general partners of Neer Mauntaln Properrl•s, e q ., by , Q i co-patnership under the Nlnnesota Uniform Partners Ica Act, behalf of the coyarinership- O Fo t . ....1 B p h et]� b The south lint oT the NM of the NEL a MBUC MMNIddiA O ubllc H e, Mlnnesore 3�t ''''',5',, 1 M " / sectbon I nos an assumed Wort. of NNy otary Caw lsslon , F zD nn i r in I/ !9 nrmr r.F N ♦ 1 \ I N 89 31' 05' W. 1 o denote k -inch s la inch set iron i ' 4 .2D Owe morked by License No. ))as STALE OF MIME.. y i e COUNTY OF IENNIPEN denotes o round 5-inch iron pi • Sy o 4.'3, •,,,, r a • I marked by Lie.. 437,1 py The , W. •lof 51 f epoln9 1 �r�me9 acknowledbefore m s acknowledged before +hls�sY J as J9$S, SIA.N. ,4 ✓ I emeol ls of First Nation. Dank o1 Mlnn and D I J AIR :VI C.' _• ''' - LAIN P Po , a national banking ass ¢ a of lat�w, 1 101 the assaletlw. 4p NMarr, Public, Ibnnepin CDUntY Mlnn•sora to "'%�;EZ I My Comxissiw Empires I/",779n ,„,,,,,„, „�;„�;' do ss a. vT 'L 2 1 hereby certify that 1 have surveyed end platted the property descrlbM on this plat as CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR �g MOUNTAIN 52H ADDITION, that Thi pat Is a correct representation of 1 survey, that all distances a correctly y shown on the plat In feet and dreams of . fast' that all soot have been correctly placed In t e grwna • P _ • ' J . � na rnar,Jr bw`u, noes a correctly a.elgnarea n t• plat. ,. "= .,,,;f t,,,, <J COUNTY AUOITOR, Carver County Minnesota / // y // y . y o li3„ Rams SedDUnEUBUrveyor Mrapy cer+l iy toot root• are yB�� del lnauenl egister \ toes is all Yeerz Drlor to IYy1S for Minnesota Llc, No, ))g3 '' O `s \ lone aescrlb.o on this via '' "a " an__tlled. �iuN N� Q•0 .? Oetm iNs r7'N" tley o1 , 19]SZ. STATE OF MINNESOTA " s A, b " ' .v Richard J . Sto lz, County Auditor COUNTY OF HENNEPIN NO O, .O b y \ " ,, ,L5. -,,� y, l The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before ne this day of Jor.w , 19 5 M �by 'Mimes S. rs W L "61 M sp. S \ By • )IU� <Ml Bergoulsr, Land Surveyor. • � 5 V D \ 0U '. `-' 0/ REGISTRM OF TITLES, Carver County, Minnesota n s n. � .��'A Marla 2 Si,. 4 � Notary Public, 1Nnnepin County, MInnesofa (,e E M F:Ll \___ 1 M1ereh cwti' That rol plat o/ — T MY Csamlzslon Expires .,H s .6941 ^ -v � ^ . 1 octlg? U ? Nr � �IHDM ■ Jmlrldr ,s 7// rco. s.p,�.ro \\ at/Q�6sc /5.0. CIUNMASSEN, MINNESOTA /Nor, One s/ Los, Lo/ 4, Jed. , 41,6,4'23 / \ Carl N. Hanson, Jr„ Registrar or Titles Thls plot of CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN Si ADDIT res p aprve an accep y�e City Council of - - -- _ _ __ _ \ fs ' CM1annassen Ninnaote, ei a regular loci lnB held x this ls.0 tley oi , 19 . ( Y -C �-') ` �— — - -- T- Dy (' ] , �,/ , X ( f.� }q if1 CITY IL OF THE CI OF IDIA SSEN, MINNESOTA / tom {h / /Nett he al Me � of /he N� oFJ/, ed. / / /6,RI3 — ' Z Qa COLMT 1BEASUCarver ER, Car County, Xlnnezota .C/A� r . Manager I Mr•br certify that the tares parable for COUNTY SURVEYOR, Q County, Carver Coun Minnesota s•s •s• • the year 19S 5for lend described • this plot •° • ° 5 A T H R E - B E R G Q U I S T, 1 N C, as CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR NO MAIN STy,wORIDN Pursuant to Chapter 195, Minnesota 0,. of 197I, r I plat has D, L / 8 bmn ,I/Ae , 19B hee ' ha een paid w this 7:e•C day of m w pp ,go }nls r //!/ day or eaae D. Nemne, Carver County Surveyor Dys CA O.F. Dahlke, County Treasurer BY • • SHEET 1 of 3 SHEETS 1 REPRODUCTIBLE COPY • • PLAT FILE NO.295 & 296 CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T. DOC. NO. T43110 5TH ADDITION Cornerwf Sec. /, r/ts, A II ,-44,/k hi, of /he N.4 of lhe N(( br Sec.1, 77/6, 423 1 (Caner- ca 4 / 2 1.) — /940. /4 — N88.5707 -.-- ,...---..-/ —729. 24 -- --- ----.... ....... ,,,,2:..,.... . CHESTNUT RIDG / OUTLOT D / H F E -- ..57.3.3- ..?.. '- z .Th , „ 1 ' / .s As — .-. 4 1 I; )."...‘F. :•;, MOUNTAIN ---- W E T L A N / D ■ . ib',., ,--'- 4'.1 4TH / o.i... c y .2 '; ,,t ;.. 7•) , . A D DrilON ( t / 44972 i 'c/ Z' ;1. _____________ OUTLOT /F , / ,-.. .,,,,. • - iv T, Vs, --- AT 4.-Rpproximale <4 a 1/enis ,,, I ' ,it , .i' . ,,,,, -,.,,,,,,, „, Cb 2/5 s • eq5 0 / a. ;0,mi 11,—.. '',..! 4 i .4IN ,;.;‘,•';''‘, oio .,,s, oun.crr E I - `' 7, 'I'l■ '4 '..\.., Sce.bb ..... Vs ••.' ;Vt A R ------ Z Zz,': l ' <('--"' I\ V: 9, If, , .. ■--) -:7; —.Ass ' N 2 06 W 4711- ,,,-.4., \ ' LC 7 (, . 0. ge A.,,,,„ _„. 0 , 6 0 0 ' ,' ,, • 33 4 t • '5?-° ''' ...,.., Ine sootn line of the IA of the hEk of 0 s- ectpn I hos on ossoned !moll, of 1 E'l • '1 '' \. 10z' S 4_. ( '..f; , , 01' .1'.. ,..266.?„0" 0). - • 7 33. '' 1 , , .0 , ...P.:2b, ,i 0 ,5 .26 .0 ° „....,. k.i , e denote, 4-inch c le inch sel ire. 142.67 4 3.3 t [ le 9 / - ','D --s7 pipe corked by License No. 7725 4 '88W501 9 ,_ e denotes a foond Ii-incb iron PiPe N 1 F ,flork.d b., License No. 4774 " ib: -'3- ,; 1 ". .. >2, 4 ., .4 . ,.., 0 / . 7,,.44,94,3.1.72/145.:904 '; ' e , ..' IP,=.rot ,... tVil 0 ,A SEE INSET FOR LOT DIMENSIONS ' —.....-,„ '-7 <:., s_ \\ / / - . ma: A/59 \ --' -- 1,.. • c's \ " MD PASS \ .0 - ,& 2: ___\ , t2 N ' ' Z ,::: ir,, ,......----1"---1-"--':---7--;:reavow - %vere / co 4 c, 0 - N7;61:4 ---- X ,,3 / .".•:; ./". 1g, fs• ----.. ,::: 0 .,E; 7 / O .. ,.,..t , ,, s o.,„6 / , .., P ,,, --------- \-.1:1-,,, 0'00 „A k .: 0 1 =. (- 4 OUTLOT B )S' _-- 8 ,..3 ..337.. / - 2 (< \ ,.... - f" 2 :•00 ■••' 41 8" / ',' /1, ' ky • 6 4.° • : ,26. 07.1._ I= , - - -' ' / Saooviruw flio, 0.• l',1, ; &,), -,,,,,, • ....a OUTLOT B 3°6: ' 9 .7.-k: , ,,, N 4 6 Zi..... , '0, \ \ SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS 9' % T.. 1.0 " ';1" , ., \ . , . ‘z, • , ''.',... , •.!.., , 250.134 c), eee.36 . ';,,,,,:, N .; "y" 11 4,1" 1-- WEST _ : ______ 89 T 5: 24 Her.F/27.3 6 4 .7, E ET .--- en 1I'S - ii • '. 1 sea n N 89V/W1,7 - — .- ' — __ _ _ ,.••• ' • .,. . Zs.,, 4 f Me 4 of/he N44 of See. 4 ,,S,,973 I ,='; .../... / -- -.—.--. —. 14_ , C; .. / SATHRE-BERGOUIST, INC. .e-,i 2.57 .. ' // , ggil /6/2/ , • SHEET 2 of 3 SHEETS REPRODUCTJGLE COPY 1__PL AT FILE NO. CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T.DOC. NO. 743,,0 1 'c.. _ s^ 5TH ADDITION n �� - ' N83 °25'OZ'f /28.2/ p /\. L eo.0o ° � T G; G( / � / % V ' 06 '�0 4 3972 " v"/ / � p, i ^ Ao ,,,,,.9' ✓ ' ; . I` - 0' �� -.�', ' '- 660 s . , , �. P /' 100 ///-',. • \ �_ INSET I 5 ......Z.,3>, < %$,, _ 2 36 / A / A511.0 j/ r �. j � 19 g8 ro NF 0 7 6 £�%. \ 0p ; .2� 0.�,, 6.1 - III I amt Y �` e• , ' * ' ` , . / 4 M18. ��` I 2 o\ ��.° r e . / 65.3 3 ,-- \ \ "":-;`,:r ° o \ $ �°o, // / op 5 14 6 6 vc \ � � j N •05 I 6 , �� \ �� d `J 2 ° 2 2'33'k' TA p- 6 � / by ".. /j/ 5 ¢ -�L g b A - % �� .�. b I p ? ° � � �j 0 � n .es v / o J �� v�, ° % i / 9 °p co o > - . I I, � y w 2 ° +� s ` /ea_ °/i`bg ,6 0.0 •'°° / / p 0 A � b \ m < o \ �°•° /� - - � \ �' \ � /✓". imbit o ze.o `+ - B` b°/545 : F' /g1 . \' o // A 4 P�m -p O A ° c / / O p' - b \ ' \ .� :„ , i K � P s� °�= _ �/ 6 5 1 o� , .. '1p ' . . % / o � , - \ N- \ o N 2q9 / / - ate ' \ , \ /\ \ 4Y / ?i 0 ' /� 3 �� ^ I 7 0 ` 9 ' - G x 9, sc..... ∎.. p ..F -+ o _ 3 0 % 1 � 139.// +E \ y' G V----;_.--- k t 8300 i� 1 r oo 0 044 D p � < 066 ^ 09 ' 1 6 N � RaFg e u "7 �Z ,,„./.\\ °o0'oo.w I � e t I6�'/ 3 �i o. c� %4.0/ X �''i1 = m n � 70 Nez/88.45 .vse^90o0w � �. 10 8 0 \ 5 z:. 5_.' a./•zozn" 2 / /?:' :' 'b u �-' _ / _ ../21.00 -- -_J L _ /20.49 \ z \ / / � N 1 0 ° M / 6 \ 6 pp� ' \� /� /(�° 1e VI 4i 1 / j 1 168 z \ em\ - /// - � N 1 �`)? who 1 - \ N o � �/ � g �, Irj °3 .q / . ` 4D �R° \ a. p° j /6'0/' 0 06 9 ,6(' /`-' \ \ j/ 66: 561°4 \� ' r . \ 5 N 6 0. 2 21 ` ] 99 ,.. , . / e °3 < ) / � ' 'y. The south One or the N4 or the NEY of . op0 -4 fl Q ... . o� -5.,_;:-. �- -- Non r ' en / ' R• � / / 4 ` l S '• eai§ 1 i o , Z °"''''''' b "'' or v i c e y6 gl ;yb 3 p � ' • - e 3 o -, �_ / s 6 ' /� n ^ f / H° N W. ' T2 f. °°° ' a °" jc' OI ! � o D J 2° 9 e� _ v' ` I ° eeentns -Inert . II inert set Iran '. `�', 135 /� ` 1 � H 60. 00 O +¢ e NEAR Y/• C./ RIRe 'sorbed by License No. n¢5 v 0* ___....../AE I $ eu \ 77'..s'S3' . Nee %z'0y o o w ° � / a ° °te, ° re a § -Ines rte RIR &' / j o til 8 v eu I ,,,,...7,55,c;....... r'° �zr a� ,,s,„ - %Y8 # n /4 • ''302,0 " .140/ 2 ? i corked by License NF. eve p 0 i } Nee ° 59Y6" = • /T �� - G d '19 o e IA o. I l� - T - - �j Est Nn \ .i °// 6'. • . r. \ '. ¢ 6 8.30 X602/ 9 ".�I � 9:2 � !�� d �y N l/� // ,.,'c , t- 2 \ I O / 1 /6.50'00` I 61 §5,I I ' " I I . y3jO N ✓/, ' i s, I UTILITY ND DRAINS. EASEIENTS IRE SW. THUS: o\ 0 I N I It 1 I 1 1 I ,�, l 3 F - < 5) \ 6 4� _,_______r �� - -- \ \ a 1 N I F & 5 n/ /,8 �� �o I ` /% ` � O> 2 V ° a s',1.\''' o I n °r I I N 4 0, l 3 S,1 1 2 1 4 ` /L'. � •� ''� y �' � \ 1 . Eeel. 5 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INJIGLED, 2 1 I O I 6 M1 q `' ' D ND AD5 FEET N W LINES, NO 10 FEET IN WIDTH TED, J ~ Q ' 2 N O I \ 1' 0 k ' Ut / \ t. ti._6). OTHERWISE WICATED. NO IDJOINOG RIGHT CF WAY LINES. ` O 4 ` -J - -� �i - --f � -J I \ 1 L �'���, \ PL AS MOO \ CO W THE PIA,. ` I {� kith'fy j $ 0,4;n4ye E a emen/T ` i n • > 52.59 t 38.09 /26./4 78 -08 45. L o ' 5 255./5 ) te p ° • • y� • S A T H R E- B E R G G U I S T, INC. I I 30 v` A- _ - - - - _.49.13 - - - ^ry'A0 ;° lfn - - - - -- Ne9 °3i "os'w -- 644.36 - - e F Mr ;NEST 34 TH STREET e SHEET 3 of 3 SHEETS 1 REPRODUCTIBLE COPY PLAT FILE NO. 299 • CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN • R.T•DOC -NO. T43507 , CHESTNUT RIDGE 6TH ADDITION AT NEAR p0 \ MOUNTAIN bearing of N 15° — C tiG` M1 \\ r 2 PR 3/ �,� 4TH - S , T l C ,p:.. s p a / /oro3 �7 epee ry \ ADDITION / —„ ylv / / _ _ _ / �, 000 / q� //� /7478 a a. / ` .+ , / - /O, 1 ryb /, � � moo° � � N�9i ALL MEN t10 National Bank PRESENTS: That (h Natla in ta Properties, o F �rtn•rshlp under the Nlnn �paesota Unlf «e Pertnanhlp Act, fee owner, an0 t� / h M1 \ �£ y 1 FIr fga00 . of 1M1• following described Dropriy siteeted In the County of til • / / /� /„ 9, (' Carver, State of Mlnnesote, to rlalt: }' a.P /0301 % / 2 ` \ , . / F - Outlet E, CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 5TH ADDITION, according io 1h• recorded plat thereof. �. /, \ ` °c-a. i •- ,93 ' Na caused the same to be surveyed and platted as DQSTNIrt RIO. AT NEAR MOUNTAIN ON ADDITION and do hereby donate a. dedicate to the pub ;Ic / / yo`Or ' QT p /OZ 248.,,g.„,,,„,.... �7' pD G . fo publ. use forever the Court, and the easements for utility and drainage purposes as shown or the plat, 4° Q 00 • / a* V0.0.0:4* \ov $, �� f ./A I U ( f' In witness Whereof said Near Mounlaln Properties, a copartnership under the Minnesota Unlf«w Partnership Act, has os• presents to be 92 ^,� \ i� , �f °J� / 6 , �7 fry s igned by Ito partners this 1Fy day of . , 1:92.1; a sold First National Be. of M nneepol le, Banking Ietlw L-- �� N 0, has these presents to be signed D Its / off leer and It a N:P caused thl c/ agc • � �' � •� \s O b -H A L 0 � I 19 _lu 9 r pop s corporate seal to be hereunto al this Y/0. y i l , J 12. as p ai ,,. „„ -; C i J / 6•\' .O�SL� qJ� f'C SIGNED:: s ne proper O NB4.30'00 E 1 ' t geese -� d•9'39 " ONT COUR /ti �„ V' D I Qe NEAR MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES, a co- perinerahlD under the Nlnnesota Uniform Partnership Act zd22✓- A p a , G a C B Nq � - g � / 4 i 1 k�, ^ cq . �C7.2 960°° y1h is \ \ O O $ y C \ A `� ,z. BY* -- ofrid- f oi 1, a general partner- Bvle / .e general partner \ \\ � s\ Via $H I O FIRST NATIONAL BRIM MINNEAPOLIS The east line of Lot O, Blob I \ \\ o ^ o \ — — / / y2 0 k °�\ :.6�s ° -- Br Q .,,..,. . It c .s + D _ _o o.^— — - - - hos on o rvmcd d ' 57: 00' E. \ �C Coo . .J ` ' ..i> /28.2/ 3'02 E C \V STATE OF MINNESOTA �/ / N \ o COUNTY OF NENNEPIN demlcs -inch L!:,,!:11.!°; h Tres / pipe ma ked by 725 / = yam •: / 4, 6 m p ti i� iatr w r.7" ana ii ye I°f.'r�l ,,a;�. °at'ai f partner r war 9 M in Properties, a eo•parfn•rshi0 unar the Minnesota • � / � D '� \ + -(/� 0• d : \ Unl form Parin•rshi t, on behalf of the co-partnership. v ••((5y, J Bz: IGO fall IDORAUT ELEV. 910.03 FEET �/n ,. F ti ar J 4 125• FEET .f OF CASTLE RIDGE �� 9 ' J O \ / \ , pd Q ' AAp CASCADE PASS, wwT1929/ /— 'Q \., ' $ \ P Ave h Not POI lc, ns.* ty, Nlnn.��syyta \ a Qp 3` My Comalss on Ezplres t( i4 MY - +•'nrlf .. \ \ 'M \V T STATE OF MINNESOTA UIII.Iiv NO 15105050 EASEMENTS ARE 5.. TINS: ° i: , \ // COUNTY OF 516518EN 5�.�5 i/ \ me egoln9 instrument was ackn 1.ag / ed before m this _9.t of Jviy • 19 5 s 4> \ P q/\ of FIrsst atio.l Bank of Minneep011s, a Netlonal Banking Ass¢lailon, en behalf of the association. 9*100 5 FEET IN 01010, 010 ADJOINING 101 LINES, z / n \ \ Y� \ \ V C /T /O i t Nol vub5lo, Ezplr w 0195, • Count 32 Nlnnesota • ° ,t,, "` t'" � "wMa UNLESS OTHERWISE 51.0.1, 090 10 FEET IN WIDTH AND UJ / \ AD.OIHI. RIGHT OF WAY LINES, AS S.. T r N Mss i es Jrwa ,519/ ••. �•... v ".;`, „ , (N HE UT, •4 ,\''• / \ „n . / C1Na1fY AUDITOR, Carver County, Minnesota I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as CHESTNUT RIO. AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 6. ADDITION that this plat Is a correct representation of the surv, that all distances are ectly shown on iw plat in feet and hundredths of a foot; that all t Mr eO w Cllr inei ° iM �, f� del ln��}��1 fa f« all years prior to IQ fo r land described on th is plat and t'rensier entered, ...eats have been redly `lac n the ground as sh°vn; and that the arts; a boundary Iin. are corr by designated on the plat - Dat• t IsfL day 11/ alifz. , I9L52. Y.G /� /O /1 { W/_ ( /J( // A.,d Richard J. Stolz, County Auditor ' r%y'/ moms 5. Bergqufat , b �y h Registered Land Surveyor By ✓ /.m. , M ai /1(1.41 Minnesota LTC. No- 7735 STATE OF MINNESOTA REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Carver County, Mlnnesote. ''CC �r at T. COUNTY OF ...PIN I����n�e�re cattil D y that this plat el ESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 6TH ADDITION was filed t61s.j10ey of , 19Rp�a, f....9 Instru•ent was Nn 0wledged before we this q_iA day of . \.: \. , 1995b gq y Thomas S. Beruist, Land Surveyor. µa.aoic1¢h _RAI. as Dacwnt w. -1-43 1 m a. l0 D 1 on Carl W. Hens, J r ., Registrar or Tltlea Notary Public, ..In County, Mlnnesote p}V2 ads - (^� My Crnmisslon E.plres.3o... 57 IAA5 i . . 5 5 Yeom, E555,Arlo 12..12 By _ DwNHASSEN, MINNESOTA COUNTY TREASURER, Carver County, Minnesota 161, plot 0f CHESTNUT 01001 AT NEµ N0UNTA1N � 11106 was approved and accepted by the City Camel! of Chanhassen, MInneaota, at a regular « fY t6a1 rte az payable f« the year r9[�1« lend diner.. On this plat as 0ES RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 6TH ADDITION this teat ing Mld t61s 'j =day of •oar -s,s.L / /.4daY °f 1 t 9 was CITY D,r. Denike, County Treasurer 9JL�1C OF TE SSEX, MINNESOTA / < \ (l .00 •C(_,... , .. Manager •`• By COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County, Mlnnesote • • mil th e y S A T H A E - BERG U 15 7. 1 N C. Pursuant to Chapter 595, MIanesota Le. of 1911,, 15,). pI t has bee a p pproyed r6ls / 1, day of 1, / , 1985. 1 V r 16,00 re 0. rc e, Carver County Surveyor By: /A/ / / ,( I /L�JQ /.,� ■ C•FIGIAL PLAT • 'PLAT FILE NO. 324 R.T. DOC. NO. T46445 CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 7TH ADDITION KNOW ALL ,EN By IIESE PRESENT5U That Naar Mountain Properties, a co-ship under the MInnesota Unllor• Partnership Act, fee owner, and STATE OF NINIESUT First National Bend of Minneapolis, a Netlonel Banking Assoc iation, mortgagee, of the following described property situated In 1M County of COUNTY OF HENNEPI0 Carver, Stets of Mlnnwote, 10 •It, Outlot C, TDAPPEAS PASS AT NEAR WUfrAIM 2,0 ADDITION, ancordNp to the recorded plat ...I. • T 11 foregoing Insiruwn ne v ub h was acknowledged before w 1M1 IS22� deY of L1Pr: , 1Thomas b�. by TM1Os 5. B.rgw . lsr, Lend Surrey. .re caused 1 sew to M surveyed and platted as CHESTNUT RIDGE AT HEM MOUNTAIN TIN ADDITION and do hereby dom1 e and 0e01cate to the pub! Ic I�o</lI —a, 1 u,1,t u y fo lc use the band end way, end the easements for utility end drainage purposes as shoo on the plat. NHery Public, ...On County, Minnesota v„ . My Cowlsslon Expires ss ` co-n wm I s In ::tens wh .f said War :fy�u Propx erin op ershl D er und iM Ni otnnasa l m rten hip Act, y s ly }lo. fosse in penta letto labn e e w ed sad , the s e prmenis l to E. signed by f Its proper officer a its corporate , seal It o be Unlfer a hereo n Po . aff this I CHOMA55EN, MINIESOTA 'gib ' ff"/ / I l SIGNED, Thls ing ho pint of ld Mls A 10ESTHUT HFN' . d o 0 Af ^lyNO(+T f MWMs AIN , T 5! .. TION was approved and ...led by the City Council of Chanhassen, Minnesota, eta regular set !EAR MOUNTAIN PR0PERIIE0, • co- partmrahip under the Minnesota Uniform Partnership Act CITY COUACI1 OF T TI IE CITE OF / QNNINSSE0. NINIESOTA / / /' !'� � I.- . iJ.lke.e.. � ,/ f %/ / ,�//a G L—_ Mayor 11 i-a ` )0 ,..Ttl , Manager BY: J(j�'''' , a general partner. BYq.t • O.,„,.. z0 # e general Pert. �w �S L COWRY SURVEYOR, Carver County, Minnesota � ,/ NIP NATIONAL BMX OF NINNEAPDl15 Pursuant to Chapter Sp. Minnesota Laws of 197,thhs plat has peen LeP !s ,1 �R ,.. deg of / %Ky , 19Qi. �ff The.ore D. Noma, Carver County Surveyor By. C sxnt� BT. It ee.,l) IfWeeKeetle• , its VIC.e�r.u.vi. , STATE OF MIMIES°.A 11 COIN,Y AUDITOR, Carver County, MInmaota COUNTY OF ��JJ //�� NE NEP.N I hereby :art� ,hat there era 0 ellndueUy��taxes for all years prior to 7 for land described on this plat and transfer entered. TM f epon 1p yy w! Ognd before h raI g tday o Aa Yi , T by nti N M NAvn , Oefed MI :f( day of � , I9Q(Z, and n�Glf MIrL:Nou co- arts.. e ne ta g ichard J. S. eneral Dertmrs f of IFer Quota Propsrt las, ,)a a o Dartnerah leg un r iha Minn Ninnawra Uniform r, County Auditor • PertmrshlD Act, on behalf ofUOrfM L Y11{/e f.4A2 A { 3 w0Nnr en By: 4 s..' ' 1, X bfa, He= ty Nil2e�x j My Ise ion Expires M 1 �l j ®(son N.NI.NO REGISTRAR Of TI Es, Caner County. Nlnnssofe n v I M eby cartll fMt iM1 is plat of CJESTNVr RIDGE AT HEAR MOUNTAIN 7TH ADDITION was flied this�dey of , INggE, STATE Ci MUNfESOTM1 a1 uUCleck�.N, es Document W.T'Xe4v {. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN / �•/w�aa 01 199 f3CC lryrg 1 1 te`knwla05Wi W First tiun Bank m Ile, a m1 01101 T ( ansoc . Co 0. p 1 01 0 e // m alai Ion. Carl N. Henson, � Jr., Registrar of Titles 0 ' 1 '4?I) -.7:,4,-My. d O1 Sys . S 1 ' M Isslw ;, 7 bl lc, Expires I Hennepi NIA • COOKY TREASURER, Carter County, M.... .M.... ti . , iwn,n tA,M9 y des ""^`w^n'avw+me I hereby mrtlfy th at texas parable for year ID.L for lane described on this plat es CIESTNUI RIDGE AT NEAR MUNTAIN 7TH ADDITION hev. hereby TM I he eb certify that I have surveyed and platted the property 0e.rlbed on rhls plat as CHESTNUT MIDGE AT NEM MOUNTAIN 7 ADDITION; that Tnls bean pe id on to ls _(� a of ITIes,� 19�fa. Dlet lsa correct representellon of the suroayl that all distances are correctly .0.. on the plat In feet and aundredins of a food that all D.F. Dahike, County Treasurer 001 have ben correctly pl. 1 1M ow, ground as sh, that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat: and that me an -ra no lends10 be as ignat. � ' the plat. .0. A. F 6 %6.4.1...- If Byi Tomes S. Berg... i Register. Land Sur.yor Minnesota I,. W. 7735 �!ba S ATH RE -8 ERGOU I ST, INC. MP • SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS OFFICIAL PLAT PLAT FILE NO. 324 R.T. DOC. NO. T46445 CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 7TH ADDITION 50 0 50 00 I CHESTNUT \ /` ` ^` ` \ ill SCALE IN FEET I�? I 1J (_-.) 1 IVI lJ 1 1� I D fJ E /� r I - / ` f \ '''M f /-i I V L /-1 I� �. �I �� I /� i Nyl �r �� n7 I ` IT T � r T.� I f / ' 1 I \ 5° \ r � \� I r v, i- X .r r ,, 1 1 1 \ c I �I a, I `u I ti�`�, \r, 1'' � 1 o T 1-! /� 'i- 1 ' N `� \ Irk (D �).- 1 ti,r --i�, r,-2 I I ` 60 \ , `f \ \) �V 06 °.6,„ J91 e.,,, ' OO b \ \ ` � :, \ �" F `, r f� C ✓ - , , po o N88 b . \ e ; C� - I N ✓ l 201' ..s<s)0 l - N87 ° 00 0 0 ° W /68 -- - /70.48 - N : 6...b i'\ Y • \''s 07 ' . T C� �� V , L 1 C v \ (N E .• . J( 4)08 -- ° ir ° 20123 6‘.. 35 5/.39 r- 6908 �• ■ \ Z \ - L \ .0 r m ` 0 M __ P D �_ 4 i \ ; \ -y V I T \ N� \ `��' \ � ■ ` 5 6 c° l �1 I it / 1-_;, c-\ D„, 1 1, > I I I I A \ no �' 00 E . -- C dye 6� °det q ` aof /o ino 4 I 1 \ E4se mrnf I I I 3! 0 \ a � i ° n 6 0 I I 1 \ 3 W .8 \ f �v `v\�J.. 1 N�5 >/4s.w ` C E l " , t5 ,,,,A jdq ° b ° \_ °\ of Ia 0 k 8 1 I� 6 \ - <, 2c753 -- .- 54° - °- ' '• ' :< � S0 b p 5 `N .o ° I IN- 2 \"$ ` :`I "1. 4 : I LT, 5 I I \ - 7.q .,° d�^ \ \ DD %„ o. a , � Z ao m \ �\ 41 I °zl zl I / \ �<P , 100 - . 5. 660 _ , ,. 04 a - 4 . 4 z 4 , .. \ . °o IW \ I I I I �J 46r J ' J \ \ 1 ': R =9734 - - J eN ,. i0 R °i°o °0 . .,� °4_ it I ■ ID 10 \ J 10.05°4500' L 0600001 I ` G.,05 OB: 41 t } G C V / b • u 0 p0E c ' cec •/e.se ' sq • \ M1y ' \ \ B I I 05 °3° x. \ o65G ]0' 3435 6 38.00 4700 4 ~ 35. I i9 0 o ' . 0 �� _ \ 4° \...;:, y..H/3 W , .n - � N y `A i t I I C ' Ci 0'7 7 23 °00'00 - // °30.00 O 4 � I ,. M1 % ,., L .3 0.5 7'38.. , . 33 B 29 d . 1 4 2 rg 3 62.08 • b' G- • m B a as c=T9:12 _. IS 31948 2`23 ° 0 0'00 'g' i0 b i 3 I2 s/ Gf F - \ T ., 1 87 5 R -- _ 0 05.00 0 w yyA \ °.0' e • I'- Li 11) (l Ip�0 h \ y V �a y' 'o 8 . i)4,g 4 64'30'00' _� Z B 50 ° 00 �^ ' N �.3 23.63 ° ry S /. 80 /. 4 70'4 9 3 129 \ Z J • 0 U T u. /O T A \ \ M � , , 10. Z _ r ,.0 F ? - a 2< UNTAIN 9�. 36 4.0764000. 0,5/.7 I \ m yy _ -- (` • r 0 N E.` W (• I ! '$ O �9 °>D 40 4.64 °3000• `96. , 1 • 0162 C•51.76 I. /0 S. r F 1 \ 1 "z l to i+ G /1•04 I \ ^ GT .��6./0 bb , C•2 /dl 1 Y f • 91 tlE /ev.930.5f>. /N 1 1 - r • V ` I l 4bili0 "� 0 : °0° \ \ ° 1 3 1 \ £ 1 G? L.) ;G 9/ \ z 55tl I C•65 \ \ 3 1 I F- Q H..99 /.5 fY./NSVLI h 1j \ a / I I I \ \ n I W I8 `"1 :\ T_ LU -� I' o ,929, P d 6 : J \O ' I .,,,/ l I I \ \� %. 1 r J 6 1° 1 7 u\ o• r) ` � __, / 3 20' 11 13 N\I E / R n. 0 1' I N T \ \A ; N I / 7 0^ < 1 3 ,. \ \ f ,? h \! L 1 A J r I ! i� N \ .-- • ..,09. 61 s 3 ' I ,C° i3 E z `_ \ a ,./ 2 I \ \ - I' C•3 8.' 7 ., I � D 1 0 ,6 I N \ 0, 19 .17 145 ... I it I \ D .4o. 1 ? 4 3 I 0.1.11 I I I \ '{ 1 A' ' ,. �+N.o \ I / 1 I \ , C • 0.50 I 1 3823 3_38.1 1- _ /00.00 _1 L /20.50 • - C , w,' \ // L I p \ \,--- • .. � 0.11 . _. _ NB9 ° 3/ 05 " 250.88 - -- - - _ f •' \ 34 I a6 A a7 .. -- f I esae p `7 411, 6 0 0�9023.1i.' - - - - - -- 6740 L_ - L --- -'- .. N1i I b/4 f ES T /J4� T !� < STREET 893/'05"W 66292 --- - - -- - GOgrq - -. --- 5 r i -1 - UTLITAND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ARE //`� eQ � / SHOW Y THUS THE BASIS FOR THE BEARING SYSTEM 15 THE �L 5 C7 \ N � 1. F R I I L SOUTH LINE OF OUTLOT C, TRAPPERS PASS AT I I- +/ V 0 I I� L_') I LJS L_ 2 ∎! \L_ NEAR MOUNTAIN 200 ADD. WHICH IS ASSUMED 5" I 4 Ct � TO BEAR N89 DENOTE ARKED BY L S I/2 NCO % S E 14 N0 INCH , ]]25 SET IRON 1 /..,,, ` , , C D D: ! I I 0 NJ PIPE M / �.1 8d BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE / 1 BENCHMARK - TOP NUT HYDRANT BETWEEN LOTS INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES AND / ••• ' "• 283,BLOCK9,CHESTNUT 006(47 10 FEET IN WIDTH 660 ADJOINING RIGHT OF WAY NEAR MOUNTAIN 508 ADDITION LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. . 1 •. S A T H R E- B E R G O U I S T, INC. ELEV 934.31 FEET (N.G.V D Milt • SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS OFFICIAL PLAT • s by • roper o ea and , 1934, said Me Netlonel S +4:•.‘"? CHESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T. DOC. NO. rasaaB ? TAIN PLAT FILE NO. azs 8TH ADDITION 13 479.99•-• }pr%•l !3 3.43 _ 1. 3 �._______ 199.43 - (1- - -- il '7H- - I NI f` n l f - • i !� - C - r n 1 T ' I _ _ I `, `` �_ - - �i'n I �` T dn 4;1 , n l I. 1i_ J I NL, 1 4 oR 1 h RI / 7 ., 1 1 A T i ico 0 R. o, e, -.... Ne B•50'BO "E 479.66 ..... I�, '; ... �•. J NB7 °o0'00"E J I I , I _ %� 9 GT �l m - Y3 __ UTILITY AN0RAINAGE EASEMENTS ARE 0 � ad5,0 4:4', r 1 at +'• Y37.o, -- 1 o ? p - /sue - . '7 ^^ L _- 500957NUS: , 1/ t . J 3 o Q OI �I MQ r__ hi 03 `� - F- 9 5.1 } `a ar g `„ '-- --- J o �.1., 3 q l \ _ .:=-= y n „a 7' 2 ppd' - I N ` -� C., 1- J �- - - --- b A asr $ f, ? x N7 B_ 9 _ E � _� W r„..) L) a t/4,x Nee ° 9o'oa a 48G9Y1 •• J ya O ° I• _ I o ,.. <- 'Yy 2 R- a , c l : L`_ . - x ' .- 99 s _ d_ C[ i 'N, :i Y2.Y9 (L/ r - ?• X --- 7a7.op - - ^` ! p ?_ r � M ■ BEINGS FEET IN WIOTH,UNLESS OTHERWISE y '� ` � �v ,� i - Z w v U c •1 JeI ' - 1 i� f 1� k; , r I /� 1 N �� NY INDICATED 5,0 WIDTH D AND ADJOINING RIGHT OF WAY . L•A'e790pp "W 4 9 3 . ) I - � n 0.01 ' l. 1 1 N 2e Or.1 3 I , -.1 . F- 2 L' � LINES, A3 SHOWN ON THE PLAT. yl �+ I N lt1 i s . I r U `J t ,IY■ it � ,, !!.. ,;"•.---1..,,,, _ - r$ 1-1 l v L N V. ., - _ _ - -_ - 0 1 79 .96 _ _ KM, ALL PEN BY TIESE PRESENTS, That Neer MRUntaln Properties, • co•p•rtnenhlp under the Minn.. Uniform Partnership Aet 1•e owner, and c [ W _ • - Tv, P % .; I } , /71.86 - -� - - • P \ rst dt(onel &nk o Nlnnea te • National &nM lrp Association, Fptp•pe., 01 Me following dear lbe0 properly Mon./ n the ...IT of . '•N 'x l 1$ v ' v q•p" / � , ` `g /A atl /' fY rY I T , ^ P I \ dryer, na. of NTnne wb, oul ro .nP ey °p bp. of 0",,O � r I ' C 41 T TN 2 l e ; g 17\ L./ V 1 ,T I I I .) � \, \ \ • Fi o 007(0} 0, OIESTMJT RIDGE AT WAR MOUNTAIN STN ADDITION, .00ordlny 70 the recorded plat *hone. ,. -• 1 . 2 Dv , .5.6j 4 O T :s t Mews cereal the sere to be surveyed end platted as CIESTNUT RIDGE AT PEAR IMMIX ITN ADDITION end do hereby d0nete an dedicate co the pall. H 4 pp �, \ , .___•.,, • ' - 4F.79..5/ �,' -- for pull lc use forever the boulevard, end 74 e•wwnts for 0711 Icy and drains,. purpows sa shwn on the pla1• ,SS ,=..'4,,, / , ` 7,P \ In witness whereof sold &er H upp{mine Proper le 9 ertnerehip under the Minoan. Uniform Partnership Act, hr. caused these pree to b• signed by Its partners this, /`' ' a a' �,l / �Y C O •P § -7s,-.00. 0 " � . S r -TA:09 - -_ \\ ( .y of , en Snit o Nlnneppl4 &n I y lou Q S b yBy 90 � _ � . It us.d then presents to gn b• sied I n i If e s corporate vat to be hereu • f Ind nto • f lei 0na1 of AM�r 1etl � , r tJl�� ,v a i � • \ O Q � / •a/ j `// 0 0 ,0 > / 4' d� CHESTNUT RIDGE 009* MOUNTAIN PROPENTIE5, • co- yartnareh under the Ninnewta Uniform Partnership AN I r' - 4 p I "11 plT 4 I NI 1^T / � ♦ � � ,r �o- F / AT NE ,� 1� 0 v J I v I /-1 l I v � I I-i . .r / a! he. /�d"'•r , a pawn partner. 1Y,eq,. WO ' ' f . a genre, Patna. / < `± / P f l rl 1 T I ('l NI Fl RATIOINL OM a MIXIEAPOLIS I THE BASIS 00R THE BEARING SYSTEM 15 THE (/ "7 /•{ D D 1 1 1 .1 NORTH LINE OF OUTLOT 0, CHESTNUT RIDGE AT / a� 0 NEAR MOUNTAIN 5TH ADD. WHICH 15 A55UME0 TO BEAR 1400 • 5707'E 3 i 50 O S0 100 BYI 5%,001'S , its oCo Y13Erlf. o DENOTES I/2 INCH X 14 INCH SET IRON v 1 STATE V MINPESOTA C-1 PIPE MARKED BY LICENSE NO.7725 SCALE IN FEET =INN 00 MIKPIN .r°Is. TM �r..pWo1,c 1757 0* .aa k 1l4 b.lor ms fni. £ 'l•Y 0f J's 1 19Y, b I/ AM p4. F/e/Iirn CRAWN55EN. NINIESOTA .04 9P.eme P4 0 W . 1Ms &6, s \1 , . as general p artne r. o r Nwnt•�n Properlln, a co - parinerc l under fed .1.-4. Orel loan * ne 10 tl *T01lT R1 E 0 Af II.P W y AIN RTH ADDITION was approved and wonted by the City Guncll of Ch oh,nn,. 010,..o*,, at • regular PutM *0. on Dwelt nun co-partnership. . 19 . {¢bf74 u r O �- , • . •TU ----- , CITE. MOIL 00 TIE 0)17 OF NINSSE0 0101(5 MITEd' Palle, Hennepin county Minnesota.. ; ;( , ; g.��n, R. 1 A {( '` 7 //n/ I • Ny Comlsalw ENO,. I.,. LB . 7 ,rr 4 ..I,.A.., / ^� , W yor /W e... , �lV , R enewer 7 COWRY SURVEYOR. Caner County, Nlnnw *. STATE OF NINIE30TA tA7 CY Of HENNEPIN .Pr. r[ !� Pursuant to Chaster 395, Minnesota Lees of 1971, this plat has / bfee proved this /q1/ day of eddy . 19,fg,. TM. J9rMV,A X,wled -1, o Fl.st Wt�anal . of Zn I Is a .;,.2:�bankl, .e ni n W e.t.o5letl0n. Th.000re O. Rena, Career County Surveyor By, 1(.><70.r/pyMi. OI V b Ic new In sane NI y l 'A�,Nr PAN A COUNTY AUDITOR, Carver County, Manse. / V.\�� Rp{y I h:1 Mat ther one no del Insue9T}SV.S for ell year. prlor to /94"o for IoM d•wrlbed on this plat and transfer entered. My Idil u i•ten Ey lres �O L 17.7 urM�nnEwalu R.I1W T Dw ;74% PS AaY of 19th { , , 19.C(j, I woe* certify that 1 hen surveyed and platted the property denrl0ed on this 01.0 •a 00STINT RIDGE AT MM MOUNTAIN ITN ADDITION, that this Richard J. Stall, County Auditor On I M nprenntnldn of the survey, that col Osten. are correctly shown on M• pled In feet and hundredths of • bets that all • az e nave 0 correctly pined NW the ground es shown, and 1 the outside boundary ,inn era correctly designers/ on the plat. Byo6'I'i /�, / 11 � / // u J• (0 �.� ' ��J .11,14/..._',-,-, REGISTRAR CF TI7LES. Carver County, Minnesota Thee. 5• . 9 °' a sa!•} � I AarwY 0erti the} is plat 01 CC11EE��TXVT RIDGE AT MM MWMAIX UM 000191OX 'SS 1 1150 ih 1. 4(,. d•Y of IPA, Rnintern Land Surveyo STATE OF NIMESCRA et,�0•dfock14.M. es th Gdaunnt MM Minnesota Lk. No. 7725 COUIIIY OF IENNEPIN Carl M. Hanson, Jr., Rpl•trar of Title. The lor•p/ L0 - o Instrument was acknowledged before n this 22�day of QprA , 1934bby Thous 5, &runlet, Lend Surveyor, r (r L.5.11 ' );...Qr 1 oa, Wde .c. I - B 6. a"'JQCNM'•Y, '•• • ... Not rY Polio, Henn,. Daunt), Ien•.ola ( P tp.i.n.1..ua. 1 COUNTY TREASURER, County, Minnesota W Coalselon Expires Lu.sc Mai . ...• Jlfse S A T H R E - B E R G O U I S T, ' I N C. en id on el 7h J5 ° i' he aev o f s owe *w e 11_1' 0 Iv!G 9�for l 'na 4•wr Med on this plat as CIESTNUT RIDGE AT MM MOUNTAIN UM ADDITION hate qv DJ, Gnik• County Treasurer 4. 1. D.i*k (. By: ,a 9. 14.ka • • OFFICIAL PLAT THE SUMMIT AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T. FIL EN0. 5 T 2 g a 549 MN 9T TIME 1:13125191S: That l.dpe We. rmetnstlon, Ina. a ML.sela 11N1ON 5111. MIN16SMTA ocorp..t:m, fee mom. or the follaWng elemr:Eeel property .Muted in the State of Thin let of T0f 90399 T 111.11 MUM. tea approved and 0909131 by W City Cowell of BMA, Crony of Cover, a Nt. CMNm.en, Marmot , eta regular meting held this _23_ day of /Tara, 19 .U. 0u,Of 9, BANE S PASS AT 123A9 .0113.19 lm Am1Tlv1, according to W plat Wr.,of a file or of .8834 in W office of W B.gi.ler of Titles. Ah9O 9WPP0 x9 e PASS AT 91 ...tux 4111 Ammo,. ecoo.ding a the plat Cm MOM. OF 5119 MTV ❑ 1 191988 OF ANHASS , 3rn thereof an file or of rem. in W offi0 or W MI.. Ides:.trer of MI.. Grave Avene roe dell .. ,n W recorded pat of •191AS Ora PITY, portion of thumterlY of W described line: describ lie: Begin. at W sot 102 {�fY Mayor .colherlr mr+aer of OatiM B, 11.1.023 PASS AT Ng. 14MAM 90 AmITIO1: then North T degrees 29 .;rote 51 monde Beat. emu. besr:a. alas a m the marlY us of said Ou.loc B. W ;a north. arty artaalon. to W erUVeterlr line of . tywyor ie lY Gra/e Ave:. ad rid lire there ..minting: .aid Oak Grove Avers also — .._._. being Imam r • trap. is% 'Iroquois Pour and 'Indian 9;11 Bed•. aim rased W wore to he surveyed ad wetted as TIM 01449 AT MBAR warn. and de. ;xuoI'l . You. Carver County, 3,88 ode hereby donate .rd dedicate to the pal;c for patio use forever W Bed eve Cire1e .w a here. grant to the City of 00Ms.m. We dsalrar rd utility mesa, ea .Cave, c to hapter 195. Mi to la. of 1911. that plat hero Ism erenov0 a the pl or a t. ' John 9. Frew.., Carver Canty 9aveyor In vi.ess Jseof mid. Undo. Bro.. Oa atruction, Inc.. a M;meeate corporation, hen rhea ptvsaa t. . :pod M ;a pray:. °Maar thin �— day /J of Poo, 510110. COMM N CTIPB, Carver Comm, M;nsmte IIA230019iO9. tQ23104TION, 1 C. / for I hereby w by caify C ere are no delinquent tares far all Prior Fo now Kba 19 thing ea. w e . mrer entered. entered. a. nwd won a e t 1'i • • Peter Priam, ling dmt .15 11.dgra, Canty Auditor ATE GP MM3GrA By: maha -- I u.,4& t31 l/n � ® ..IT .1 0M12P11 The foregoing ins99toac rang emsmledod before a this Cm , mm d of tln.l 19 9y 94 m+d Peter PT..: Pre.ident of It�, Bro. rah .. . NLereo awn' 11173.13112. (Sarver Caney, Kinnear. mrpontia. on behalf of the corporation. r hereby certify Met W taxes payable la W 3 land � on Mae Plat ; Weal` A lWrfAil+ hove r r 19 for la paid a this dry l�nhl. 1 tf.. •6 1�,a+AAAA* IVl T .1993. 9f da xrcoulr. ro c�:r1a np1Yes?' at X 14 /9..6 B.P. NAM, A.P. ££ County 1ta.raer that surveyed row Lttd Nm� M9s8 05 pi Ti t m , a.( / In/ I� �,.�.(/ 1 1 h certify 99 SUM AT XS. 0 04 Wt i. plot in . .e3.eentatia or the y: that all 11.1. See are correctly Yong on W Plat In feet and budedthe of a foot: that all Noma have bee correctly placed in the grand so sham: that W maim bm.der7 F 1111101 OF TIT1% line arc correctly deipated on plat. C ty. Murc,na 9�y¢ ��Br� rerver iEE . ie4 of Title t Prg(14aeoaaad law•(^' one. No. 1725 9r: =a, en Boa OF 703089(. Gu rri OF xv3a9Pm Ton r car rivurlalgw before a thin N T NY at Hpri I o . 15 }Z le 1bo. S. 9000qu:.9. Iaw sweyor. N.r.�rW rC. /Tic �ocWA� Not Ca imi epi s +a mnt • ejhra SATHRE-BERGOUIST. INC. gr • • SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS _, OFFICIAL PLAT • •" THE survIkil -r --/-- ,‘‘ , .:_,,,,•, ,,,,,,,,,,, PLAT FILE NO.548 & 549 ' R.T. DOC. NO. T72841 AT NEAR \ MOUNTAIN e '' 0 \ ,00 50 0 50 100 200 ;;Z/ .Vb N 44" • „ ' t , --/.._ C il',.., / \ eWST■■■■1 SCALE IN FEET _ .'.7 , .€ .-X, -.•.;.',,. '7 C, , -7 / -;' '' ,,. • • .., / t h!P o l■ • 05140595 IRON MONUMENT FOUND ..., , T, ' 5 ' / ....... 0 09140595 1/2 INCH By 14 INCH IRON ,. ,.. I P, ,'-:\ P P E. 3 0 S ,-,, ,..)....) r_) p 0 , PIPE 595 6140 MARKED BY LICENSE 17,) 4. 140.7725. ' ' 1 , 7 >, ''',:, .., ' )3 ..... ,, o ' ..- cz ',,, e:, c , , .-- , ,- ,- N-■" //, ,:tr ' \ „. N F 1 -\ Q A.,, ) ,„.,.t%, __ —. ,..,!..„.,., -,,, ,-.., z /AT / MOUNTAIN 7 - , _ I I ■ ) ''...,,, 0 ,, / . tY c - t , ' 1 / 4 . , ' , / 4 H 4 INSET A )'-1,,,':,,,,, - - - -,t,„/ ', 0 UTLO Tie , ---.:4-,,,- / 4,0 ‘ 0 . 4 *? - 2, (,) rs — 1 , 1,) • :” s'^ A 12)DTION „,,,,,, rv,,,o , , -..., ,.....\ •., 1 , . , (SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS) N„, " 3 :7: 1, , , :04 : 0,;,0 ' A‘ z■o+ x '.-■ '' /0 0' 6: ,.:.; y ...... z ,.. 1 1 t , ■ . ._, . \ „ I ,, ,P I, gi , t .\ '.:-.. I 'l ' , to96 Ws , • 4 1 2 i • . . 67.99 • Top -- ■ ft; ; 4 V... \ \ ...V_IAS.."*...,..`1”" ...? ' -- p529 ; :: ' il t ,L Oerr ' IA / -'.°;-:,-;,-.. 1- :i; '6 : 7, : . - - ^2, 79 . 1 ° .V.:'!. '. ; !Fif.: 313" 1 t.i. 'S.. ‘ itit'i - ,-. 0 4 j - -H„ _ , .. . ....., i• y --''"- , i..-.\\ • -, \ , t ■ '',7-4.-v 4 '..,..,:-. , 04 P ' ;.• 6 / , 0 3 \ \ ;,,_,..,...____---:,,,.1. , . 4, / , ,..F • 5' ( 4.7frii;■;,... 's,:?,,,,,,. i cz, , 4 1°- \ .\,,,_.v.;'... , , ,-: ' ''''' 7; .e" 0 ,‘,1 -Z • -'. 0 n , , • --- ',7,...-4,- Nor, pl.L op . ..,‘ 0, ,„ ft i 1 . 1 - 7 , ft e., \ ft- ,f . Pals '• ,,,P „V '' ••••• u T. L , q.,...,.,- , L- 0 r , _ - ..„ r ..„..„„ ,,,,,,....,,..;„,, 4 ; ''; - - ' ..1..... i •:, '''' I , -.: • \ ,''LF. VESA V' . --- ,‘ ' ,1; -''' ''i.: ,...•...:, ! F? 0 C./ U 0 1S : !:;. 0 .."...,..,., . ,-,, . , ',., vii, N.,,, , ,;;-„,,,,,,--- „, , , ,_____ ______ - ,A ax 1 I : ... 9 , • , •:. \ s , \ 0 '''. : -, 46 13 a.rv. -1 , \‘ 1 1 • 4• N • -• ••1• 46 • E' 0.1 „1 , v \ .,,,, ‘„) \‘/ .ft 1 \ ' k 5 33.30 .`•=;?-•'. - - - V ''' 1 ft- ' 501.'' OUT LOT ii.Z l ', ' ': 1,1 r '.••41 ' ... ;$ '4 - 1: •"-- , Is E - 17 • WE ),.., • < . _1 : E g - , i .!- - 1 ' ' 1 N37 - ' ‘•• -,1 r7.-- - ' ''__::: ...... . ,,,,, , 0 .' - !---- I''.1-.:'."-• i s . ) ,,,„., o - 0 9 : 6 ; 9 0V ° .\\''' ' ; 4 P 0 7:1 ''''' --- ;46441; ''' 11:1- --,,,, .-,. . ■• d .5 o:. ,,,4 ',: ..., . • ...., t ;41 -- --'...• , V • ;' 96.49 N .,.... , r, . ,-.5.4.6 , -r ;-., ----__ __-- : ...i .• .. SATHRE-BERGOUIST. INC. ,,./ sjYi°7-. 4 4 0 4 - ' , : t a- • ' il ' \ , N 0. 8 3 1, Ca N70 / `./ 4-' -.., s. p._ ( \ 't". ',,, ",e \ \ t, \ - 6, • .. _ • OFFICIAL PLAT PLAT FILE THE SUMMIT AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T.DOC. NO.T284 I INSET A / 0M1 • � I /Q.Ir/ l� x D r r�r /(":';'2/ r J Or f`C 4 ClnyV ^ r . - /co a� I , \SS \� QM1 A -"-' •7 / , 5255.'“, L I 1 1 l� ^D AT N, , E 1,:k r_? C. Re6 : h n1 iD iJ "\i i/P 1 I 1 a 3Q,� / ...,,,...52 . 5.z < 2t_ Aft, M .. /072.53- - -- 4 I :-1_ 3r 2TC , 99� _._ 00? 4\`h W Q / / 4°4gswr.<srGJ -, 40• ; -- - - -- 3,. --0:1::,, . •I,�� 9 b" . E s � T � *s F 55 /ea \ \ N3 280' _ > W � J' ail 3xhu ° c 1 � A / \ '° / - „P t, r - ,• - • A / I_ I � ;� 0 I' ) G ■ p Y\ r ^ \ \� �� / r, �, /as.-z: --- > P- > r r'r i il� ; I O ,•I � � s / o �y W 30 c M? • o a ' P 4/ / /' \ �) N O '1v \a ,-1 . . :� a �.� I b / M Q W / : V -----:ft I V. I W I /' / q • � ti 1 \m •'•, i ,o / /b ��fi :' d , / / 5A �° � L ° m //� dil is ,e tio T� O / /; F' • p < ° °u F -- !f, v °� / 01 04 :s...--.5•• r „\ � \ V q /! / / / __ :!?..',./ m� ` ro \ P / 5 0 . °' 044 00 M1 \`" _ / / 3 >S\/ / // u \ ` . '-7 S Rag'` 4/ / Nb . u, 1 =,-,\\;?- _, 1\ 1 / .6!//` � / / z.-----_-_, .} ,-_ / � / Icy \ w .7.4 F T / ? ) .. "'c 3 �1 2/3 bv7" ,4 o ° 1161,- 1 1 , / / ,,,f,„,,,-.: • < � i 1 .• \ \'•. �, . , i' :', b t / / , \ o \ e. � 1 4 101.45 __ -I ,i_ __/03_/4 / 14: 4/ l , 1 / r . zs • � /. \ y"n ., c R„ v -_l I 1 3' 0/ / 4 0 / 1 1 's. W 2 \ _ CQ ,mi, :z / / • \ 293'�I°b9"w --_ s , , bn/ /� °b� ' �� / \ mW'" n 1 604 _•° / / D / 4.•,• !S 4 ° a iq /, / 1 9 /) V �i� ,,, -. �/ / 2/ / 6. / iI2 '� Q \ '• f q 0 `V / /,5 Y/ 0� 9 R,H u ° h . a h, X _ / •' % 0 / \ Duu °q 2 / / d . \` : \q.B. / • \ '19 / 9 �__�i'____ 3 °ox ; O ",e -\ 1 / / ti ��� \ `` i\ro .o Ip � F °. ? / � 6' / /-i 3 3 . 57 . 5 6' 2937 c -Ii's o \,V --9 ---, /,' d . .3t ' / 337 ., ayl Ye,z I t. / �, J c� 1 ° r 1 l_ 11) \\s2 1 .- : , - M15 • \ D ° 3D \I \ ,6 8 1 .1 ,�so4 __ 1 • g I rov / p, \ \ :: m . b \ ` ➢�� •/ •O/ / / \ \ \Z r \/I \J LJ �\' T I I VI 43.ia _ 2 � r/ -ND 1.: - 1 IN 19 /�pD k9 . 4 Al'"' \ \ NI i3 . 9 1 1 -'_ • O 53 • it ,\''' \ - C � q 9 4 '' \aoa 'Y � � fi° u : a� 3 - 0 T 19 / � ` ` ` •e566 e•3 B'99 M \. AS ''.•:,., 3 / 3 1 2 ,' _ . 3ri / bo \ 5/ I �: _ ' _ /, a 4 q 5 tl y �, \\4 , / \ \ Np / .'1l 1 2 e 3i 9d \ S\ i, ' /-•+.. . 4' %4N \ \ \'Vq9 / \ Z / / S U / /3 944. ,P'348.644`1/' ' 15 _ �• • 1a o / / /I• / � '0 � .1\ sJ �9 e / / / /IZD pO 1 \ \ \ \ v V til /Ll I IZ �,• O ` (o 5 ,/ K v Ai!? \h/ / \ \ ."o\ \m_ I / 0 I „ 0 c .as a. _ • I b/ .0 9 �, 9 / / /� I I T \ a l'2' r / I L i N om. i9 i � �a'� NyS 1SB'W 121.99 _ - O / ! �0 : ° ,,,•!.,,:„., D 4.. ^ ^� /, �/ l 1. \\ •` \ 2L_ I I ° \\ \tn u yAb39 / / °. ��v ` I �y L m \ �� ' 573.23. _ 1 ,v �9 jA9 //\ \ \ .n , \ \ _ M1 -� __ ; . . 0 I ' 10' C � ti- 00 .. iry - // \ D 1 \\ I 1 0 \ JI 1 . . A aJ \\� / / 3 "`\ \n \ \ \ .-- /1-171.4 .v. 000 \ 2917'3SWj I N 23'2735'W /` - ty�ti a m / /./ BC• /. . § •D fi . A\ q " . � , \ N ' T 22.00 R:14 • ; i • 4 � \ \s \ \\ri 9'38 �) `! 6S 65.94);• G 4 .,4V` /'S 1, FA 6 c' S 5 \� \\ 4- 1 16 4 • .94 \ '/' "' , )9. 15'0 ' 1" 4. 3? 'S`:' \ \ �� C • .. Z \ ' ys $ E 1ti ° j- 3. - s ' \ r s O 60n \ l --� /1``\ y ` d /39 \ -� - 'n 6 O 6 12 0 I 3 .° ?. .l a . S Y il, b • �.bi� • f • R V .. R .,B,d.l 203'. ,,,,,,;,;-.,z,.. "15 s `. :o 3°• a s s�'+ G \et4_ " rte G jb , Ie '4'.,„•44'; / I 1 9" SCALE IN FEET ° n "Zr. -'\,;.- . I�� - DB � / / fl.: �IJ I \\ %,„ A 2 IH a r i- . / 77yAD - 0540'°:°3° °aw -_ 9A.251 5M1z... I1 ° „s, 1 Q 0 1 /3 25.99 1,• .s avoij t 7 6,..\ \ \ p- 375'IT` 3. 1.1 1 1 4.- . I1 ^ • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND • N = 13 1 -z rr• 11 de12`.9?' ,'� -• i�140 \ \ 1 12 N a 1 , a 0 O DENOTES I/2 INCH 85 14 INCH IRON O,_ ' ` , , V 01 �% / M1 'a` 5 9A2 \ l :1-,- 6''2 \ \ \ 1 • P \ IN It., II A• ry 1 PIPE SET AND MARKED BY LICENSE x W I �. (♦I �, / /55 4 4. 32'23',3" \ \ \ ` 1. Im_ /5 ('\ r`` Imo\ IU!T I ~v 0 t X0.7725. o Io1.,,.'...,, ZA Vj / I'( 1� \ \ ma c. o\ \` \v: 0 ° . 1 t o /-\ U L./ I I 'NI I I I n I v M1 r �°, O, 1' tt 5.,4_,!------- 99 :�1 M1h 1 II�M1 �l \ \` a. /O ''' \ \ \;^ ,1,.:, 1 1 1 \ 7/ "I I d•//37�9" v \ o , DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE LL 1 / \ / 9 G 1 1 e\ \ \ \° 1 11'.'123,0j, 42'3/1.7 0, 4 1 . 90 ' SHOWN AINAGE S: '2' * 15 \ ` .6 J - _ _ -_ , T q 5 >� • • \ / D \ \I \ IIZ �� � \ \ \ \ ;., 29` " , \ J -1'5- _ ,5B 5 ._ 89•/0°X.45 . y` ' 1 756' gg:.! a' 10 �o \ 6 0 O , d-.1_ o iw \ 0 3. 11m m \\ \'' 6 X06-" , 4•„•9°'°°" __:....•"'!,,;1?"_,,:, : - F= 31- ;., a �h M : __�_- 1 1 5 -, _ �- = \ti' _ - 1 1•+ \ \l• °'D°' S k - 7 9 4.86 - D � I . p' ml l b °1 -. -. p d./9•/o GO I 1 t 5 \ �11v. 4 49 .1, w, OX BOW • / 'x9'05 I rvi4.1o• H, _ .... •\Q• 3 I hn a'' • 'i /64.56 A", 86 44 u , BEINGS FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE \. 1 1 00 Q °8 .9 86 INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES AND T 11 �/ 92' 8 3, 1 1 151 10 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING STREET i It'. ' \ \ p / Q / N • `\ D ` 23 79 • LINES, A55HOWN ON THE PLAT. ��� \5 \0&/p _9i / �g 5q�0 2. . � 7v` 4. S A T H R E • B E R G N U I S T, INC. `' • 6 �. S ao . 1 g :/ 19zAp �0 * III /1/�'P•9B.B /` N A5 s Sj•2 • SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS OFFICIAL PLAT • rub), for forvver Me (i T THE SUMMIT AT NEAR MOUNTAIN RT O 1779°3 • • 2ND ADDITION /ins of See. 1, Nef,.e9e.z3\ _.� -N B4 ° 54'11 " E 2-0,85 -- » 1 39. 6 9 13 1111.8 R 'Mat n110870 V " BY u In:., v n tim• lmm Bros. ��. x A../ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMO ` t y the `VI A u n iof 1 . ' rv ' � r 'n'I "'t �aa,teA :.: Stn4 ..f Is of 71111 WHIT WHIT NEAR R N]iffNx 2tm 40010 x w t wt County approved .02 amen.. IV Ne ity Co oil of A `, B 04 0108, e, ail u.A N °( jiniefsy 1.B 9s. 115 ARE 6.... v (t H MAIx, according n to t tM P af[:c: SHOWN THUS 914 914 ' Registrar °( Ti a.. x. .v Sy '11- ry f / CM N01CIL OF THE CITY O+OWNA4901, n[NNE90f74 D T r 5 0 I�nB i9txVA,x AD M lio. hereby ionnt deriim ,( W: t pu :it: N° r Al �i to xN l n 'nn -. • BEWO 5 FEET W Mg1F1 NA AOJONWC i C U• 01,aabxa wnn r m ' � i:n N IBnn R:.w. I:a,at..r:l.im, Ate. AND 10 FEET > 19800 LOT LINES. UNLESS OMERMSE INDICATED di \\ \ ' '" ' '" N ,w ,B,_ .. H y W MOTH MOD ADJOINING a r a ,, by ila P r n n .mr 1 � _,I_. ME PLAT WAY 11NE$ AS SHOWN ON t� 11/ : ' ___N�_ 10 r __..__ , i 9.ir` , MO wMAKIII, Carver 001.1 y, Minnesota W P P _ tM 0)11.101.: O:epter to Wm P Ibis Plat V y V 4 0. Or 1,8, M: snore* is L F<._ du f y 1 1 r ti, A A // m 11.11820N 101x. (84118011101, INC. 19�j. r �' �� ' I la B. Fle�er, Carver Cunt, Surveyor n �ry J iv s . .o eF /r,•c .. _ e..` n� J ) n�a.. Br. _ W ,1 It en ILLS ,s1 t 1 1 � 0. -- / - , n i 4 J I s / R t MIN N °x SPAM w C '.1, / r l� f� - 1 1 . ' n:1:vu',d4 1 , 1 20758 uf> Pie no delinquent taxes for all • ? � y e a. 1 11 1' ;1 I i M I I T- _ 'L ' , 9 'J. `p:rer a yen. prior 1.o � 1 Piers ur:.:ri1..I on �I.L am P J 1 1 x:•a:.:a:,,, �. n::.,, °fa� )> r' 1 I.:.... re^° "'_ Cu Nis A.._ Jay a 3 � 1 \ "a n. n: n, , . ' - e\ \ , ' J N... I.,.sun Coun ti Q. P V o° // \ ' ` y, m l 1. 1 1 � - —- - - -- — ., . ",,,, d: tor 1 � O ,/� \ . t1 J I ny 1: 1ae;::n BA .a: 8 1 % 9 4 . _.. - - -' o , \ \\ • 'o r ( c° \ \ 1 h.rvmy •a:r 1n Nal. r m. :r.r avnr TRB.wA� �.•rr rn,.:tr. n::..,.:)„ Z ? ;C 2 'l \ \\ III 1 r. nru ' zxn �. thin i :ln 1* l., a> orrt:rr 010 me f a 1.0.1.:10 rnr >nnr 19 93 A.P. 1 o e m \ 1 1 ■ " " .n v 110, u d n.1. U , r Cud daulbad m Niw lnt m (1,y ' Y S °, \ 1 \2,:k t 11 I ^. l l a 1. wi tl i ° 1 'n1 na+ S X w' AIN r>D w Can: Iv m N T /9 `_ \ 30 ' 7 ° \ \ I; ` 1 n w.l a d :•„n °( m� . 19 �. 1 %.„, \ \ \'T9 \ \\ '1 1 :_ 800.00, 01,1 ; .0,,). 11., )v awdarY line, I 0 1086*, Comity / y/ ` \ 15 a 5180 G!1110 m tly Jew{BnU..el r plat „ , wf ' 1. m A Nam aro nrr /. /, \e \\ t �, S=am ¢ , w aan:n.t in s:n.1. Mau-or Mau-or f- : ✓ \ \ \ q ;°> i .119 �v' p° 1 1, l8A)ir.Ni01Uira " i. • Y //11" �� \ \• °' o N 1B 3 � a pE �G �.y5 o f'E , 1. :IrxIB 1..1 •:uor u:na n: aeon,,::. Br: �._�. A.,CQ� j 1,-,L.:: 5 o.e r S i i„ \ C T M 6 ^ • .rnd Iti lu9urveyar MOISTEN/OF TIMM. �� 1 \ I \ \ \ \ o �•�� v�., '� l ` nx N° a x mKi rr�w.t Nie nlr senlT �r waa ' \ \3 \ \ \ °9 , 4, / \i J :5::::::7-1::;.‘2\ = - I MINNMOTA a ' at NNii. T 77 94 1 et n' ° R.H. • \ O P A \ v �'/ \J YIINIY (1 N101NF➢IN \'• Be� - . � Y� ( ,' Carl N. Henson, Jr., ReyLt,nr of Titl.a, nvINBM befn - I_ 60 0 60 120 ` 4^ f f � ' � n x ` � 'W ,1x'�nf _ _ ___, 19 Q3 M oavw 0 3.1 011 , f (T { } /W SCALE IN FEET \ / 1 L > �./ 0. n•rB int. loud .Slaveyar �'M otAJ a o.a^.,•..' fy -4.5 M,9 '''""'''"YYYYYY DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND B15.05 —'A • r 1 My Public, l 1I,m.•P:n . ._ 1 yy�����'yyy ;:•: ..... 1 ' _ Q ' ° I / y Im,nniun hP. M P t7r1 ..... : :,,,. . .w. /Y---� N g5 ° . 1/2 0 DENOTES T A 74 INCH O MARKED 8 Y LICENSE IRON I �� 3 = i 03`� % PIPE SET NE BY 1 110.7725. / 3 V 1, 3Vr• \ 5. .• ... S AT HRE- BERGGUIST, IN • • SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS OFFICIAL PLAT II THE SUMMIT AT NEAR MOUNTAIN PLAT FILE NO. ear R.T. DOC. NO. T77903 2ND ADDITION dl4, - .MZr59'rr'w a 011 4 r e 5 / ° i/ \ . R a s \ ,P; i� e\ 3 2 I \ , o, \ 4�/ / P y 4W- , j 1 .. �b'k\\ -P e �. ' ° , \ i I • `, '3 s s 1� I / � /'I\ ',,,,l'''-• e. • v °•R 2 \ • 60 s0 O SHOWN TNAND DIILITY EASEMENTS ARE :. / 0 / " \ vr,N °li4 \ w!3; S O \ \ � . W " 14 \ S , / — �, 5 y Y , L_- -- \ �� 0�' L- -- 154.55,.. i • \ C : SCAIf 1N FEET 10 --- r 5 10 , �\ li G\ , F , ' . . w n / .0 , • ,). > 2 �� a ,,, *\ s >. \. I i ✓ J . . zlsz • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND 1 1 N ls• � eG \ 1•f'i \ \ 6•� \ - IT .T4--- N4V3S'oa "w SONG 5 FEET IN 440111 AND ADJOINING S. \\ ...„-----,-;40, / 1 i' \ '6. R N 14 \ DENOTES 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH 1205 LOT LINES. UNLESS OTH0RMSE INDICATED be '— • 59' \ ` 1 •-- 'I' o PIPE SET AN0 MARKED BY LICENSE ONO 10 FEET IN 020111 AND ADJOINING \ i n l ay °jj< RIGHT Or WAY LINES AS SHOWN ON 1 1 ' a a \ 50.7 72 S. UT 1 1 ? '4' I= 10 �y$\ \ so ME P 41 1 H / N r / — 17 p A 1 1 1 z I / e / A z°`'_`>< — Zs'''. '- -.. ' 4 ; . 1 -1 C- / _! g Isc.11 R.4A9.OS- -_ ..-' - los.02 i < -. 32]. / %. \ \ /� r '1 - 1 1 /f`�J \ Ir . __.�' �. \�� l.. S. NO. " " t 1 .\, • 9. *o r -02� " 1—. 6' — Y � I r ' \\\t- A• / Y♦ SI ' X11 „9\ \ A c ,YOa 'ai I . � �' ___ „:;.9- °' • t-7,5,4,.' ✓ .p . \ ;•aa7S �� .1 1 2 \ .. // `2� 17 :, a; a -- . ...5i \ 4 1 \ 1 1,.,, k I I z R . 4. ,, \;. s \ e ' <a oo • / ----- r 9-\yr . Acva 11 1 sa \ 1z 1 C 1 1 Ili 1 id:'' 11% V \ \ \ \\ ' '5 u- • AW \./ 9B a99 BIS 1 f\Q .. 3 7 W I 10 \ \ 4 44> � ” �y. y \ \ Bo \L I J I C\ 1\-i. V ,III 11' IA;,•y \ \ �/ \ • �, ic - t ,P / r \ \ \ " L1 91 \g \ 2 ' 1 \ // Y �' „ o e .�, � Oo SBT • �.a \ \ \ \ � \'S n 1 1 1 _ 1 �� 1 \ ^ \ r� \ YIP: • \ C / r- \ \ \ 3 ' e \ \g \ \ \ 1 I I — I 1 1 1 T, -- A.I 4 ;, y a T9.6 ' -- ,ld r y " \ \ e 1 ■ _ 3 1 ' 1, °e J L . = = - � ` -- 1,,,/,., \ . /.' -A \\ 9 > \ \ \ 1 L' _as.n_j L_ 9e'�— J.�---I— - • 5 • 4 4 • 5. l "u a J^'ir / / \ �\ 2 $ \ �� \ \ \ l ` _°_ � ._. 1.11'1°zJ: oe „w zse.xF. Vii;. r ' A d T-1' • N \ \ _ ”: SATHRE -B ERGOUIST, INC. 1NY • SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS REPROP)IS:TIBLE COPY • TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR MOUNTAIN PLAT FILE NO. 300 R.T. DOC. NO. raasoa platted the property de«riaed on this a ( JJ� •� f,03NM L MEN gY rxESE PRESENTS: Taf N r Naunr°In Properriez, a co s nernlp ones fM Nlnneso}e Unll°rm Perin rsnl n ae rn »r ry 0 p 'y 1 bi2 •, ,36" KO f F lrsi AL National B of Nlnne,DOlis a national bankin ns «leilon, rt », et tM lo•I n dacr lase prepert situated n Count ° of Carver, State of innesota, to rlt: �` ' '9'0 1'A 0 . < Mo %h Carver, S ee She,/ 2 of 2 f O utlot F CH ESTNUT RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 5111 AD01T10N, according to the recorded l ry ti tiCd tib i 1 ( , . � - 0 Sh,e 9 plat thereof. 4 5 . �� 1e "b Have caused the sine to he surveyed and platted , TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR MOUNTAIN a. do nereay donate and dedicate to the 0.110 for Duel la use ({ \ • - .y y $. /�� \� forever the Boulevard, Bend, Pass and Clrele, and the easements for 011 ll lty end drainage purposes az shorn on the pl.. 6l 4 l' • - r ,, \ In witness whereof said Neer M»nraln Prepertlad, a co-partner,VI der the Minnesore Uniform PartnrhIp Acs, has Ts. tnoso nm m be :y •`Nb 9 4A. s• o 3 \ � \ ai9nea br 110 pa Thera rn . Q4N e f Jw(a 19�I ° end data Flrat xat tonal B,nk pr Nrnneapolle, 1°naI D .nk r {np pz I s e b 9p i ��158 , "C o $B > / h d 1 r prosents i m be signeA ny Its vrYer off l cmr end Its corporat seal to be hereunto afl17.1 this °* my of fl N! ° «I °r on ;, � 0\ j• .a 69. `'" /�\`` / Ig =yam r 1 09 \ ` °i C / N g SIGNED: S b t 2f �_r , O \ 1e: \ A, 4 5� F, b2p �O' d `, • ! , NEAR MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES, a co-partnership under r 1‘5.,?' o Ct , O ,' \ le \ : y �� . Minnesota n o Partnership r F ' \a $ \ "')� o I Milli _ ct 4.m Q. + 1 O N � a O\ \ o ,4°°+ / ,e BY(F.F. .r,; pa general partner. Brg ./.1 , a general partner. � 4' ns Q ti ' + 0 0+41 C . . ,y 'o. \ w ok -F. • \PD' g19e °d'v o o ,e e I FIRST NATIONAL BAN( OF pa �' Q o ' C� y � ST 'y� �,a. , s 6 3 73 / ra 1 n n,� I n Q ® . 4 ` -0 I 1a 9 U \ , oi5�Z5, � / k.1 BY • .f .Its r' acs. I.. Pu.aT S 'q 1. i / :. \ I STATE VVVV MINNESOTA • O L` / ,C11 oo \o+Pie ,/� COUNTY OF HENNEPIN L no 'F' u \E 1 �/ /� G �'a ° to- ,..1 p o f / Jl rn. r : y parr ' has arknwlea a 9.9010 a. r:1' +r�aa tt Properties. ( � . „v$�+, b /ewtt• 1 1 W L].r/O ■rsAlp Act, 1 /4 > 1 , 'b•. °r and 6l0, °g M. r /e(s ge.ral partners of x n ar a pun r the Minnesota u 1etr a » S�P /46 0 m %. ` L I n iV behalf or the co-par nip. / }0 o P �- ooA� NB2 °JOOO = aJ O j b C49.-. J o �� �C�li 1 A - ��°oj . 'm 4' 'S.'„1 a 1, /- -- ---- ao teifAlgd x • "/, M L1 i .. H � ' e y A 9 'l f ' p �k . 0 12.f00 Ng. I CI'mPSSI�c, ° inw,LOlnfluy • MTweua•cwri m. "" I W r ti 1 I Ekpires m �` /\ °b / I eTnrE of 010.50010 -?' - 8 ' /.{, \ ' '41 I COUNTY OF TENNIPEx 1....j.,' ` m' 1" 10 .y /.. o B 6924 \ \ 6 , 9 I I b R) Sta d<< .�/ /' o�B p. —\ gT I The f 7Z1 on' r e= o . was « knmeedgea Defwa me thl°_ °y of l.f 15 a 19_ y • The Section line of tae NY of the NE1 ind tree, °e. /<' / / k1 2 O Po ' i . \ \ \ � of First Net ion °I Bank of Nlnneepol ls, ° n °tlonel Denking as «tat ion, on Def: I f of the azs «tat ion north or x des 1 Mz on oazumed 4arin9 1` I. \ . 2 1I A , / L . or N BB °5>' 0>' E. A l I '4 . N .sb e V • 1[' L / P Y ... %� ' W \ ° / r g- \ I Not ubl leennepin County, Inn s pipe Man11U marked by Licensee 1 l : /11l't�a/0 \ \ \�.4.� g\ \ A yO �. NY Coral salon , Ea res Ja+w✓y a�,r r' a w . O denotes -inch A in Inch as r «: 50: F 101 NYWMR 0100. 9 \ : s e ' ,4 I ner f, eay cortlfy that I have nd plat as TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR MOUNTAIN, that this plat Is a FEET. 1250 FEET es( 50 U 1040 \ \ v° A correctly M hundredths is NTOGE 011, r0vAre PASS, IrGO ,D r- \ 9 correct represents,. 0 the survey that sn distances are c0rr« shorn » . plat a op * root: r all monuments 19x91. 1 <. ' E 1 \ \ �O.� ,fs p0 H O B p0 0 °E � b. <orr «rlr placro�m a ownl and met ins outside s Dana °rr m.a ° correctly designated o M Dl.r. " p° POND FEE i N ° Y i 1 9 2 ■ 1 ' 1 0 0 0 - Thames 5. : -rgpu ls} ORTTY MO DRAIN. EASELE.NIS ARE SHLwN THUS: °' ■ • D 0 Registered Lend Sur Or S I 11.1 `- vV9 CA-S Q `' T Minnesota LI, No, 7725 ____4____J �5 __L Q ___ z �� 0' �O' 2624•40 0r( STATE OF MINNESOTA 4 1 0' ql l ^ COUNTY OF HENNEPIN I I 1 obi 1 /01V The foregoing Instrument vas x015.01 aged before re mis�d °y of .\:, t , 19Thomas $0Y Thomas S. Bergaulsl, Land Surveyor. BENG 5 FEEL IN 01010, MD )0401)110 LOT LINES, AAO 19 , ' BEI10 10 FEET IN 0101H MO AD4010110 RIOI1 OF MAY LINES, V1.krssLn- '-, ::::Al 1L 0ESS OTHERWISE SNU01 ON HIE PLAT. M Publi Hennpin Cou nty, inesota 5 MY ion c, EAplfez .1.z...c es. Mn 11♦ \ y c mn EV dun T 1 CHNINASSEN, MINNESOTA REGISTRAR OF TIRES, Carver C enty, 01nn•soto 9. �p5a�" t } h M1 i ls das Dl,t of y TRAPPER$ of dA + PASS �4. AT NEAR , I9jy7 -. AIN was approved and accepted by the City Councl1 of Chanhassen, Minnesota, at a regular reeling held I Mr. c 1 y that this plat of TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR MOUNTAIN vas flied this� µ day of spy , Mgr, Way:cl «k A.M. as Da cumen No, x0 / P O Peri n..,RanCS�on, Jr., Registrar of Titles r.(s CITY CIL F / / 1$�E OF C //�/ y BY_l LMY �.U. Q's YIY IY< � / .c HASSEN, MINNESOTA , Mayon ,/ Ld aApcT <_, , Manager COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County, NJnnesote NUR? 11500450. Carver County, Mlnnasot° Pursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesota Lars of 1971, r tai has a p L/p/yv d his day of , .V /l/ , 19 B5 l T.,p y rer11 f ,t es payable r 1 y 000 r 1 for land described on this peat • TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 1915 //a //a day J T ((ref' , j *hi9B,[r°v Ter meadows D. K a, Carver County Surveyor By:lp I� O.F. Pehlke, County Treasurer COUNTY AUDITOR, Carver County, ra ', Nlnnes ° Oerod DY te aser o 10 na9�taxes tor all Years prior to 197./ for land aescr lDad on ih z plat end transfer entered. . rh S A T H R E- B E R G O U I S T, INC. 11055,4 4. 01015, county Auditor IP B1.f L 22gJ2(2 . . SHEET 1 of 2 SHEETS I REPRODUGTIBLE COPY 4 PLAT FILE NO. 3DD • TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T•DOC. NO. T43509 The ee north line of the NY of Ow NEt �NQ C o , o(See. , T / / 6 523 -- 575.3/-- N88^67'O>"C � N o � 1 h h'ue,T/he N a. /4.• N f a alSec.l T//6, R23 of5ecl�m 1 nos m aasa.<d b<arl,g / o of N eB 57' 00 "E. /34. /78. //7 68 48.95 //5.38 s p 1 25 .ark <d by ucmae 911: TCP NUT HYDRANT ELEV. 936.01 FEET. 125• FEET NW CF CASTLE 44..., +�SS>, / RIDGE NU CASCADE PASS,(.VO � �o . L W F E � � 1 T / L , 39 op e A i:'.8 A., 44 O 'age D />9 1.g 4, se Oy d p sa g ,�. ° °( 0 2 v W \ '0 4 ! N$ o va ° , 0' Z to 1 . h . o / Pn /G - , p C tl 0 . O p O N O \ / /�3ss_ Q ry vGQ/ 77/33 M i M n ,. " 0 I 1 s oo �� ___ 5 4, p Q °' o��e, / e - El, of Wel /and 0710/85 �/' se "e ,,,, 2 /�14r; o� a_. c c.' j p• - • o '�° - -_ -- _ / /J w o 0 53 • � _ ii N 3>a / 3 . 40 =: .,y b . , v 0 � s ,,, ,, ea. _ __ 6° n lo /2-�; / 0 c�,u, L__ -_ --f °� //4.8/ , \ 4 "6 A 1 '1r e r � by Qp � V 4 dr N B5.3 //6. NB6 °I6'O "f N /I a N -�•\ I 63 °4000 M1 0.:',, 1 / ° Ay `l . 36 6'BO E BO° /• yJ n3Q 4 6 ° (� R S 2 � i. Z I I s9 o8 • 1 � p ° �Q 1� I I� 0 0 � / f9. O Jiy6` d 73 '47 . 0` \ 1 ' / O� Q , QQ I I ' 5 II moo �. 3 \ 811,1 , ° ; / z�3 _ 1z �� 2 a" ¢ _ Q 1,1,, a,zz�oaa QNOS 4. I q ° sas ° „ J 1_ --L_-- a '' r1E.DM I • I ' / / J ; __ �5 I% Ie 1 � , � jai ti, 41.96 2 couRT J �J ' I 0 - N m 1 9 ✓ 0.29 _ h TRAPPERS -- zzs - A7 � I Iv 1 oenyw d /6 °o �. ✓ 6 ..00 ' u; -- / O . , 2 8,,,0_,..- . - 16 3.� 83d . R. 27 N - LiB . s s __ � _ = 3374 g9" _ � ,U ,01_________ /l . 6 =i - ° \ N ppSS 3 _ e /3 °30 .3 tl o // . .. M °5 � 0 4. / a0- 'ti R °929 ,2/3.09' d.17- _ - `'!1: °/ �' --7 - °p z73:3a -- 0 0' `/ l3 h M1 \ /.. N / q l d - / _ ' � � � �� R.47S >4 8.36 I I N \ ' ,� (� 3 66. /2� ry 290.6 _ p0 /0294 X10 to g1,810.00" (/ ,1 8.5.00 /3 . /8;7 _ ;*0oo \ /3°80 92 � S, : L ,. / 0 4.1 19 ,0 ,. �" 1 4 0014 ^ " 1 J • 8 I - 0 6 / w z °.AO .a•A6' 4 1 / `k , 0 - po . w .- / VI 1 4P. 4 '/9°08'/6° / w o o 01 l \ ° ��. pp \ / z ` I I 2 it / . / d 25 o 1N ° 00 1 1 �N DA.Fa9< // i \ sL NF4 / �'� 7 '' I Iy .°• \ i.0 O N a1 T to o G f 1. S \ 1 0 1 " / \ \c+ $ - N J l \ � PD OO IG//•�� � 1 1 / o 04 E w \ , 1 $ y . .. ,` � 'l`" � A , / X92.5764 \, •�iu \/ • \ \ /68i N !y L� / /' 0 00 O . 25 L \' • /91.6/x/ _b S ao ( 1 6 3.93 a a 0 � � �� 4/� / � 11-: / � 4i\ / °o oo -w / 0 ° o � 1416/ /0,1 / G: . \ Ma }a4 ` 6\ �, , NBB ° 44'53 "W . / the /S a Sheef / a V N C UTILITY 8 DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ARE SH4IN THUS: f2 S6cefsi ° o a--I - q� •, I BEIIU 5 FEET IN WIDTH, 40 IoJOINIIG LOT LINES, IMLESs OTHERWISE S A T H R E - B E R G G U I S T, INC. SWAN, ABED P I V O ,T FEET IN WIDTH ND ADJOINING RICHT OF WAY LINES, AS 4 SHEET 2 of 2 SHEETS OFFICIAL PLAT ■ TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR PLAT FILE NO. 323 R.T. DOC. NOrasaaa ASCE ALL MEN BY 'NESE PRESENTS: That Neer Mountain Proportles, a c artnership under the Minnesota Uniform Partnership Act, f a d First Retlonal Bank of N ed neepol is, a national banking association, "crises., of the following described property situat n the County yof Carver, Stare of Minnesota, to •It: MOUNTAIN 2ND ADDITION Nave caused the see .w D y. a. o ot fedas N TWPPERS ADDITION, AS M AT AR MOUNTAIN 210 ADDITION and do hereby donate an° dedicate to the ad i lc for nubile use forever the Band and Lone , and the eseimnrs for utll lty and aramege purposes as shorn on the plat. NBB °63 00 s6"f n tithes rM1areo} sale Neer rountaln P A- ez, a partnership under see Mlnetota Unlfprn Pertneranip A has c hale prmenrs }o be /10. is ✓O'J `'J6. T/l/, RP3 N °s7 o n us a t hese n }o be d b Its fitter 11J, id F g Bank f neapo ls, a net losneltbenx in msoc la}IOn signed It .partners } IS ,�]4tiaay of k Yi l , 19 q� • r ene.Ce. 1 "Ca fmaM B REGI SIRM Oi TITLES, Carver county, Nin:retota es oe prase 1s signed y d rape r o �T•Lday o ai d r I I ,Igh In °+J6.�S. S9 i)E NOi //r ° �� o/'NN�S ,/ I Mrmy certl ly Tnat to i�s�lyPl�ei of T MPPERS / �P I A Q SS�AT H EAQ NWMTAIN TID SIGNED: inch 4.M' as Document W. T /f ' i94( 0r NEAR NJIINIAIN PROPERTIES, a co-partnership under the Mlnnesote Uniform PartnarsM1lp Act SEE INSET A FOR LOT DIMENSIONS Carl N. Renton, Jr., Registrar of Titles Br9,.C..• 1 •44 1 . 6 •cwry , a general partner. Blgr...orG1 /44 a general Pert., S By: 19A 'A/tel',,. FIRST NATIONAL BAN( OF MINNEAPOLIS DOWDY TREASURER, Garver County, Minnesota BYJ/L....r.d. 1..op$, 1t, fE /2.,c e. - ,F . hereby certify that t tames parable for the year 1g r4 } / aesvlbed on tills pie} TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR $OJ fA1N 210 ADDITION STATE OF MINNESOTA hays Deese Dela this /Gay of lil 19 $�. COUNTY OF HEH,EPIN D.F. Dahike, County Treasurer iha oregoln Instrument �a� ovredBed -af ore me this.. ±'2, of 1916. by ,00, the Minnesota Unifore Partnership Act, on n At Y0111201 be of l co-partners 1eLs�e£sn general partners of Peer Mountain Proper Les, a co-partnership under D. ip ti Br: B J. B.Lr .(� L.v 10 ALL1'd f� /t Q.ei A 06 . No Y PuDllc, 1ennepin fp n y, Mlnneso h Ny Cowles Men Expires N1 y.N.1p J q 10 STATE CF Mi NAESOTA SEE SHEET tax DF ENNf PIN • 2 O e OF 2 SHEET The foregoing 4.:Iog Instrument Bank rem. n orredged :iio e an me r Iz _ *May of Apv- ■ I 1g3(,. b Yl ,t ✓ica.Potsae.i- • S t .s acknowledged Is, n h ln9 association, / 1 i pe association. Al �ry9 / � ,' �° rotar Dl lc, RemeDin tY• Xl nnoso �x G., �3�" "' IA ° Ialn ` Ku �i snA { " 9413 ;. PA i?gSy. �� M cmm lealon ExDlr.e 4n uB r rQ� ∎W �:wmle.Ia . t° /' / O Sb �� — o ff ' G � F 7 _�— properly \ t.,. -%' Lo a ha have surveyed and platted the prope ? '• 't Or' 6 / d P hereby certify that 1 n a h rogS • U °�s[In Fea < �\ _ � r — SCALE IN FEET described that rDis plat as TRAPPERS PASS AT N on the wrv 2w ti P b E— so _ c• 1 ADDITION, of a all distances °t o• D T�� ,.E— e-kl o have boundary Ines are 3/4.03 A 80 00'00'f '''' :' , ,C2 . sy , / " .. f Wr• VI. <,:x. 4.00 2 �" c.) -c:7,,,,,-..,<,‘.." i + YR ; ti: - r+ s at are correctly Retract represeitetlon of 1 ey e 11 r tly sbrd o see Mat In tae} and re ground foot; that cal a Wen ndary lines pieced \ \ me the ground M1orn; an that set der I A � • i &;., 3 /3 •73.6T' r d °� lyu 4 ', a, N O ON _ c\ as r 'a • '>,�°ge , e7)v0••00° \ \ fi �� 3 l 292 6/ / \ \ ,...?....<04, r Thomas S. • F . , % q m [AB/N1 /YS OD "f r, \ < ' 3 � 5 • 2 ^ r � K Wgizraree Lana 5urva 3 [ -r"- 7.• \ \ V. P OA 6:3,. I I ,U > Mlnnesote Lic, No. )13 N `� .� .� ),° s� .b: °� \i\� B'9. "v1 ZZZ6.. M o \) • / \ S�' STATE OF MINNESOTA 9 S . W \ o G`'° COUNTY of r ExxEPlx OUT � ° e° ° ° S � J DIMENSIONS �� /. ° ^ .z \ O \v k d LOT B ;i P % O O µ L / y / ..--. �. . \ �. C� ile foro90 g Inso-umeni ea nowe ldgeefoe r me is t 4. •L• •' o a E INSET B F / I ? / ,P� o \ 1n 19�y DY T ec iwms 5. Berg du D lst, Lana th Surveyor. — day A ? & S / E SHEETS ` r:S F (C ^:\ 7 • N ��c %'' b _ [ ! � ! ry SE E SHEET 2 OF 2 A oL / C�Fiy f 5D ra.eF c°unr Mlnllazo}a ■ ` 0 S s r � � �` p 0 C O O ° \' \ M Issn E xDlres J�r.IG N'419 >1 1E , w . $ 3y Oy a ydc."'ys0 g " pp /Aj ?`) 25 26 9 O NB7° \ \ CNNNINSSEN, MINNESOTA Mr COIn :: � i "mwI`n, .r. Cs i �3 O.S °z. . ,� .vi6° Nn ° 10 ' O> , r - /B ° `''.✓BBa �, 4 Z' 60 3 N. 6 . 7 ¢ 0, -p :E /0878 I 3o p e 0 ,L' B.4 /20 °00 ✓ plat of TRAPPERS PASS AT EM gUMAIN 40 ADDITION res approved w"` 'S ti D .5 } � 5 %1S ' ep.7 _... \ 1 and wrested Dr the cltr Council of cnanhee :.n. Mln r at a 5� b 5 1 .m N ° ZZ 7 ' 0 � ,tl N)j �:, o, N1r5 00• 7E � He NSa ororo. °r, 63 ., , .• 2 regular 'meeting held this . .,.1 of vtYdlM.'rl 19 V�i'. x W ;w A ' a 's 3 / J Z ') sea r s north n )Inn a 4.r ins ss n; 4.r d i f fEk 1 1.,- cy . g Ip . /g21) / A . 4 " 7 21*bJ R Novoet 6 0' ---• o \ \ _ GLTr�OUNCIL OF TI$ cl Tr/JF CINxNNS EN. Mlxr {s0I h oact.o 1 hs m °,me laing ? - G. ✓D /. ^ \ ' r. • d of N BO .5)' 0)' E. w rl .l ` 4 fs[ W' l9 2 ° ) /• : ( '. Manager • ` 9. is ✓,9 /� O . + 4.9 °).• B�s'w s ° 410' 00' _ V.544 4 �\ ' \ COUNfy SURVEYOR, Carver County, Mlnnesote m denotes h inch b inch en e C.-.t... pond a `. 337 16 - • • 0 1 ' W • Na 09. \ N :... p it o N' \ O ' 4 ( ursuant to pter 3 rita mars o Ig)1 this plat hes been / ; 8 i^ UTLOT C a Bry. ' \ P apv o d ihla Cha l3 dear of Ill ��!! L f gff��A % —.---- N p 4 .„0\'''. 4 .„0\'''. Theodore D. Keane, n�.f'o...�.a� ,:t , „'obj /07.s3r . \-)0 7."..• z me °, Carver County Surveyor BY: ,5 7/ °45 3 2-.79 Yi . ro' . ,, _ COUNTY ALOITOR, carver County. Mlnnaeora r � ^• —E, /0 , raDY car fhere I are a no dsl lnq ueni t 1 ro n ell year 705/ ry0. prio ro � 19l. / — day of 7/ Jr ona eacrlba n , l0 f ed trmere • "125 SQ P " NB9 °,peso{✓ , entered. Dated this 9 ./ Au ° _ S H R E - B E R G G U 15 T, INC. �� ° /// 0 "a7 /BdN� °l Hr.• ,r•F1s,�6639Z ,yB9, 'ZSQ•BB Richard J. Stolz, county A„altor °— MP 3/-0,3 PLEAS'Enur `✓EF YOA Bv: /�. 1 / / /f 4. _ Ak / — ■ SHEET 1 of 2 SHEETS OFFICIAL PLAT • • TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR MOUNTAIN PLAT FILE NO. aza R.T. DOC. NO . T46438 ,s4c. see.36, INSET A rNo�lhbneo/N1✓f //6, RP3 2ND ADDITION /Nam h'B8°53SS EJ r. /n, R. z3 63559 :✓ee'.s/'o7'E /23 B2 •` '1" ", /70 S4 /69.04 /10.52 //VAS 55:03 - - I __ 1 I G' 2 Z ------ sJ h ry CBS b v f _ -� � o 2 62 °1 . W N E `.. T N o e / I "' o 1 6 0 ,0 5a � INSET B L A N :, ki �n ^ / -1-.‘ aI� °1j5o a D / 50. 3 W , •o p 1 ; > 3 3 o b °2 W h 0 H, 1o . / NB g °44'53 °{y ../0' ^ ° 5 \ P. 4 q 0 0 3 $ n 2 b 2 / / o zs.0 °850 0'. - -14 2 6 / -- �� � _ `P \ ro � e o CD O / / ail .ti . � o _ / 'R ,� 6 m 0 / fs/9 / "1... / q / ° h p e e I a h ti 5 , , 5 ., ( 647= - --- \ /y o a '°O ; / v / V ^ aIF 't^ k):° Line :W / --- \ 0 \ ',P _ _ /28.20 / /e.7B °�\ \ i •�u� d b 41 \A9 ° b 0 // }•Z z ,$ .I \ 2IJ ° \'' p_� /P 9.53 ' ro l0 , N87 ° 900of I I' N86 ° 0000 "E \ 3 ' " ' •4',,,, 4 - \ \ � v /%6.68 NB / °32'00 I I I N)r 3P < c�\ O \ \ \ 4 •s 00 �/ 20' • . 1 NB/ ° I I i° t o I �� / I p m� w+ 4 � `O 0 i9 ? \\ ° s I � 6 8 5 4 a e {� "� \ ` a /4,, pp \N J /; Ve y. = m 1 I I1= I IT I W N 2 6 v \ 1 (u: Z p 7:,' � v 6 o A I I i I 1. ,,d I n ° p er i0 I \ w a l •:?: 4 2 / o " F r. 3 A ti Im - z 5z" Imro a ° °36 %0JI'II 0e ' I \ " a rye�o ° ' f` ,ti5' pp 'e ;:b ° o ' °�� .��4 -// 6 1 1 5 °av l a / J I N i.0 a ka o ti a 1 ° l'''' ?,. 7�� /1.../.,- ✓ = 0 1 .98 J d ti /58.20 ' a e �,n E /i . eq q lt 9 b. �° ' I v , �65p0 „°'•*- I 16 I L - - -- a s Sol +`9 11'x. e ,µ + \9 q& I 42 -- 09.54^ 4 ' 0f °0� ' • b 5 „sic' I NBJ ° 0000 f d b � ti , › p0 373 �_ 1 R•)3 -- roi P/ nil 4 es° �t 4 N NB6 °05 "E 3 I / 0'00' �� 0. 0 0 q1 °0o'a sr�o0 • : � ° °2 3 ° - 1' o Ir -- _ � I I so10 4 rI 1 I I : 1'• _ _v 6 6 6 3 �r� \ • ° _81.88 -_ ry °p B !'ti \� °p'- ' °' I I p ° r� a 4 =3B °56'33 40.783 P . r T '` P9s 6y ° m 2. 2 1 �° I 60 • Rqp c ,; \ I ;1 n il O : X •,r ow- ` p 'E ^' OUTLOT A ' #87°37 • �� , ry r ' P •e _ 4p \ J �B .1 3 • ° O ; d i i ° ° � � G \ � °` g 0'0 �1 65./7 \ , ` < / . � °°i` E • Ji \ 5 1 e / I ∎ � 33° Oi16" 6500 ''. '9 ' ° s CJ !. [- /14.66 q „�,\ ♦ ° 6z e ' \.? Per- I i ° � \ :25' 2 \ I N85°0'00 4 3 30.45 0 A � I 3 \ --- ( A ug' v � \C Z 1 _ a. O° ��a \ ' \` ° I zp S2 � ga v , ., 52 68 ' � I f b $ l b , , • . �N ° e .'"--,,,.%- es \ JO � \ \ /3 75 7 '' °j F . I I 1 3 0.130 °7 / S O ' . ° t / \ � 3 r id� ' � l d / 4 2 b / / e 1 �� R . s'' R - • � • A N NOT,'• Behehme /k m shoe/ 1 N t 4 / / ^ ti / p0 0 0 ° r 1q ` : w o/ P She e h h 1 I 60 / /.. / �^s� I h ° 2' The North line of u,. 14.1 °r the Net of 1 ' I l - I L 78.5 - l \ / / a h / pO , I� ' �ti ,� • e) 0) "E /76 J ` / 60 ti a�''°b Ohry N 0 5' 11 //3.72 ---1 �- /z \ / 0 0 / 4 " o 1j :b ti ° motes t -Inch ., H inn set Iron 03 00 '00 " - s J C � 4 � p pipe worked by ace ° :e N°. 7725 1 3/4. NB0 e4 � B o_ . r . ::. ‘S \ y\ 0b/ $ UTILITY 0 DRAINAGE EASEAENTS ARE SWAN THUS: ©Y \ • , p p B Z f ! ,/ L._ 4 3. 0° 00 ® BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH, A=D ADJOINING LOT LINES, MUSS OTHERWISE S A T H R E _ 8 E R G G U I S T, INC. \/ d`8° ` s�..�.. SHOW, �STOW e aBE IN WIDTH M D ADJOINING RIGHT Cf MAY LINES, • SHEET 2 of 2 SHEETS OFFIGIAL PLAT PLAT FILE NO. 447 8 448 TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T. DOC. NO. 761086 3RD ADDITION 10.311 ALL i �1t9: PN That O.rsid C. 0 * a Frs.. M. O'Brien, Mw.d b end wife, end Paul Pm. Wins sal Rita Zej1sa, Moth* end wife. SIA'18 OP 0009010 W Nary BB. Roth., Roll a et le person, ad Trest lkaertam and May Beth Robertson,: Mond and wife, W Mart Stanley *Jim W Yirsten Rohner, *Wend MUM OF 10D9IN end wife, vet Lirc• Am lajim, a •... perso fee woe* or the following deearilded property *i.e... Na Sta. of Mionme.. Canty of Carver, to vat: of m 30 (I�� P 'h • The P o�i� t c before m this 13 o d or U.�A 19 , y �."- t-t� / / T.. W. of Goverment lots r M an t 3d 4. Section 1, Toeip 116 North, Ra 23 Mot of e 5th Principal ltrldise, described u follows: t�)mt1{�o�t�_ 1 W TS " 1 Y u w:n Vevel Per of Beer Moo.. Pro...tim, a nNdp .der the Mtm.ota lWfone Party+ hip Act, o • Metro at the northeast corn. of rid Gwauss,t Id 3; theme *stet* ale* the math line of *id 0006 lot 3, s di.tawe of 042.00 tom✓ r \� C. c....vr,:,. fees; an* on bearing bearinSo. WLL W the vi of So. 0,.t lira of *id Rest. bet 3, • d 5.50 fat: thence • *vim , of West, , a dirt.. of 100.00 fa them t: Swath 23 levees 00 mitts* 00 aeon* • 0540 Fart. 1* of 400. 420. of 58 00 fat; thex North rth 32. on degree. 00 Notary public, ty,�Mi i e y t h „ te mtl * . 00 .es Mot, • distance of 102.00 feet; tMa North rth 23 degrees 00 rut* 00 swords , s dlst of 30.00 fa Mm No um t; hrth 67 Ma. (osait Bata degree. 00 b,4I. t 00 amok Vert, s distance of 158,30 fa Nonce tNonce Joel. 23 deg.* 00 sables *code 00 code B 01 ut, s distance of 219.51 Peet to ...r: We saint of * begl*dng of the lard to be d; .a m • boring of Mot, • d of 37.72 feet; u. 54 degrees 19 .Lute. 00 STATE OP 003690/ Ie Wet.. distance of 2,90 feet. 50 to th 100 e 2 rtheeverly line of the recorded plat 06 0* of ' ' 01* 10. m mte VIBM•; ..ye North Nor 47 dedegree. N o 1T minutes 16 OCIMIT OF MO�IN ' *coda Mt along rid td northe.m.rly line, a .42 p ea of 263.34 feet, lo the lntetasotimn with rthrly mtensi of the northwesterly Z line of *Malta Avon. u dedicated en the record* plea of " 4Y11918M v,. '; U North 70 degree. e. 31 *mute 57 se 4 a Beat, s dieter.. of TM t ing instrument u Nth etiv..ledg* before N 30 day of 1' , la 85 by Gerald C. O'Brien ad *oyes M. O'Brien, husband and wife. 3..44 feet; thence Nor. 8 devisee 23 minutes 18 ewe*. West, s 0 0.. of 307.48 feet; thence Sou. 87 degrees 02 *nut* 28 seconds • '61- � ...nee of 255,80 0 feet; these Se.N 20 d.r.es 22 minutes 11 .m4. Wet, a divorce of 306.80 feet to tee ear.. 0. W sterly line of said recorded 'nev�avwvAr..wsw+.v 1 0, 3M nor. - t o v30. em th 1 thence Nor . 47 4••••.•••• 17 matt* 16 mean Yeet• elm. s w w .. td rtlterly line, • dirt. of 196.77 feet, . a ant rat i0, 0 J/j M. ,�"�! ,g d�tant f '5 M 150.00 0.20 feet .. ly, u awed ®Nan said northeasterly lim term the lnteneeel10 W. the wrtheamtsrly *taut* of the My co.iuim tee 6 I 'f LBaia. / me L terly lire 0f let 11 2 20 . std SAI* VI th® North 30 doves. 07 minutes 40 an. Zema • distance of 598.77 feet, a ,..,a,..[ re the n lire or asap covenant 10 bet 1 .t* n fo 4, dit 100.00 feet ..tang woe the intersection of said north with *N* e th the nortd esthrly STAIR Cr I099Od • '- • . • 'en of the .aterl, llom of .d be No Lot 12; then. r. 89 dop Wt e. 54 m s 42 sods Zest, alma the north line of Government t COMM ce *MINN wM • bet 4,r *eta. of 476.65 feet to the norUsmt corner the Nagrees N er of maid Coven** Lot 4; these North 89 agrees mina* 38 moo Ze along along d. st, g the IN c(w/�w 2� rorN lira .. ral0 Ooveeiant lot 3, . disto a of 968.60 feet, . tM 0 northeasterly 0 3M .0 fM aaeoaded plat of 0* 07. 1 1 iNe AWIT30N; TM ( t� l J ,4 Mine me Nis '` day of yH, r b W a /. . 19 P4. Paul Tank *Yin& Rita Roli. hated ed wire, Nam ...westerly a di.tseos of 144.66 feet, along • nee tamentiel coma, *nave the mrthret loving a radius of 157.11 feet, a *Aral angle of 62 degree. 49 .Irate. 37 seconds .d s chord *stone of 1..78 amt, aid chord boas San. 46 dorm *ma 09 minutes 46 w Mot; n Nees Swath 19 degrees 44 alto 58 sods Meat along aid oar.. r* line, tangent to the let d *me a diaom of 492,15 fat Notary fee. ie ...thy. M1 1. ]F7r 6 the .tarsootim W th • line bearing Zest from the point of bol1.14, thence on a bor * of Mot, a dirt** * of 161.82 feet a the point a Iv Corms ** 2) 19) 4 £ o ; M so ' 9TATP OF MD090TA tea he le. ired accept that pat thereof lying south or the nor. 33.00 feet of the .et 682.00 hat of said Government lot 3. MUM OF 1®pNSP3N or Mal 0 a �( s L� * - .w � that Meer Manta. Pmperti. .1 • • co- p...v 7 der the Maas. W n 7.WM .1fo0ip Act, fee weer, of tae Lollwtng devribed property VOW.* 'in T. f0 s. J !�/""^w"� re ed before * 0,d. ew do of . , 19 23. W le pe s., 8. Bo..., . mingnes. No State of Mlnmta. Ct> of hater, to Wt: Ortle6 A. 0MR 01 81 AT MBAR tverrvN 710 AODITTCM, *mooch4 o thereof. the r90o4ded plat ereof. Aloe Noway Public. Comfy, Minnesota O u t l "v^• "" Cutlet 8, 10060 PASS AT NEAR IQMMIN 200 AWITIQI, moo.* to the recorded plat thereof. Also Mb Goa.** tea C 1 Iv) 9 T_ gena 0 u6 Ola 0, MBAR mum., .0,0342ng 60 the record* plat thereof. Ad: Blar . STAIR OF MR8 011 • LZ ' ' l *w OrslO. MM pert .00 Mat of the mot 682 feet of Covemmnt lot 3. Section loath loath 1. lo 116 Nor., Rage 23 Mot of the 6th Principal Meridian .area* within the awry OP 111.0431 -' following pa: The fee ily ins ream =fore be fore me w. 30 day of /1 Sm./. . 19 Tomas sal by Tomas Robertson Mary Beth PBbert on. had ad W wife. w at the n.rtlt 00mw of said Coven.* lot 3; them westerly arm the earth of **Goverment Lot 3, s distance of 682 I feet; 4. theme m 0n saws* bearing of Swath parallel with the 0,t Ilea of said Oovenment tot 6 1, 3, nd s dirt** of 558,50 feet; them m • Mari* ,(n /ran.- 0 ' •" ""'� of Wert, , a ...nee ...nee Bf 100,00 rot: aloe.. South 23 degrees DO matt:' 0 sec*. Wet, s distance of 420.00 feet: Norm North 67 degrees 00 Notary public. in Canty. Mime*. _ 00013 ' et 00 ow*. o * m Mt, m dirt** or 102.00 feet; ...ye tea North 23 dos 00 .Mats* 00 sords But, a diatew ,00 e of 30 feet; theme North 67 Mb ...... seer 4 ! r'i/ 9 - lime 0 ,i deMees 00 strut* 00 seam. Vest, s die*. of 158.30 feet; New Nor 23 degrees 00 ml 00 .cods Part, • di of 279.51 fat to t j M ap.,.r,f Ii.l e point of b 4. 6 . the e lad to 6e describd: then* or a brg of * w Meat. s dia.. 0! of 27 37.72 feet; thence Soul 54 64 d 4 egree. 19 oath* 00 STATE OF 14390Th • -- d. 1®09p1 / moo West, • s dist.e of 652,90 feet, to tM ncr 0* t ly line of the recorded plat of 'PLFASMTr VIEW; thedegree. O71 Nor 47 degre 17 Von* l6 =WIT aeon. s Wet. alum ad u dediand m tM .warded plat of ' d northeasterly line, • dirt.* of 263.34 feet, to e i.e.*** with the oral terly tarsi* of the ncrths0rly S I,. ' li * Ava.m edg* ne of la o before ee . se d of D e '} . 19 L, bbl. Robert Stanley Rajaa and Blot* R,jine d 017.. 308.11 feet; t; the Mouths North 8 degrees 23 *ou 10 seconds West, 41. nc thence Y®f'; Mom With TO dagr • distance of 907.48 feet; ce 0 31 alts* 57 moods Bus, a distanm of fee ma ecivw.l • South 87 degrees 02 mina.* 36 *co d. Wert. a C / ,_., • di•1r.e or 255.80 feet; therm Sore. 20 degrees 32 mitt. 11 .e onda Wet, • *thence of 306.80 amt . Ne northeasterly line of said :moo.* A^ j plat of "P VIM.; them No .ha North 47 dem 17 t* 1 sauds - mat, along said ...sn N rlr line, • distance of 196.77 feet. • point Notary Ral0o. 1 ..pin C Mfveaotn { jV � dirt.* 150.00 feet sout h... ly, es measured *m. said nertlas0ety 11., from the 0 intersection with the 3 0.arterly extension .0, of tM N,t, Co.co.,,,,,,,,,, i 6 , 19 L F ivf ∎' AB 1 - ^[pre ££ff{ m theas4rly la of lot 12 in aid ".180. em /24 VIBP'; th North 0 w [th 30 degrees mi utes 40 oods *V, s dista0. os of 598,77 feet to0 e paint the north Sane of mid Goverment lot 1, distant 100:00 rat ly from t e ...P.M of .Id nor. line with the fA rtheasterly STATE OP MIMO,90 w m of ,0 .* them /VIA roads *uteri, line of said Lot 12; 89 deiceee 51 minutes 42 roads Sat, *mg 00 the nor. line of said Government QAMrI' ........ N . M I 4, am • *stance of 476.65 feet tote northeast co er m * said O.eit 0,t . theme 4; the North 89 d 44 mitt* 38 .soda Zest. along Ne mi north line of d Corona. lot 3, a distance of 968.50 feet, to t tae northesterly line of e recorded plat of 10.111 LORE 1.418 , ADDT1IQ1; TM fore... inrtant ma etlo.w Ta ledged before me .is `• day of o-; / 19 By by La m ms A R.JL mingle person. a mi peas.. *nee m Nms.rly • distance of 144.86 rot. along a non -t mential ova, concave to the emNeat laves a radius of 157,11 feet, s a al ntral / j _ 0 • *e of 52 degr minutes ee 19 t. 97 end • d.N d.044 northwesterly 99 e* N of 1.78 [set, said Load bars .6 4 I6 degrees 08 mirages 48 seconds Went ® e ; - .wd[/� j g ""^• ^ tbe south 19 do. f se 44 sit* 52 58 .0 o *sda lent alma said line. tame* awe s dlato.e of 482,15 feet Now, public, pin con*, smta a ( /� *par the intersection with • lane bur Tr* *at rm .e point of be4mLn{; thane m • braying 0* that d of Meat, di t, s atom a nt of 451,82 feet the point er .. erasion ic es 0 // F L 4 9 , Ma *gaming. j 1 . aw* fo is plaRoast *. nor. 33.00 [.t thereof. 1 herby certify that I rave *ray* sa pleated the property described on T1*0t'm 0R4Pp08 PASS AT N8AR 030711IN 3RD 003TIC0; Net this plat ire a t repreem.tim of the s Nat all dietama are m[7eotly Yawn on the pat in 1086 0301 M.dredt 4 of s foot; that all mnsnto have bear I M mad the ore a be nervy* a `a ea TRAPP** PAST *NUR MOIL. 3RD VOITI 3 W do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for patio ,s [ N am: Nab the 00 5.14 . 0004.17 llae ere 00770 , 61 3.1 m ale 7 . . 186 tsar W Bed and Rds, and tM .ern for *ill* and dame papa. sa Noe m the plot. y/ j i / "/{l� / , N ultras *reef *id Near M retain T0.as re B 3.34 0 0 /41. PaopeKl . co- said G p .der tM M s a d woe. Paca.ereh bet, has.,.* , en p Paul P le . sigrd y ita Roiro lad Sur 7e partner. U. /OM d of Mere. t9 49_, W said C.Nd C. O'Brien lw W Pea.. N. O'Brien, • , 10. ad wife, am Pub Prod: Roth. enrd Rate MLVSOts Lac. W. TT26 • 2Jia, Mood and wife. N .\ry B. Rojim, • single peas., ad her* Roberto. ad Nary Be. iobertaon, Mob d and wife, and Robert Stanley Rodin. a 2 I anon Reji., hard ad Wfe, .d Linda Am Rogna, a single meson, awe boa*. met their lads We /9r9 day of Moved , 19 ea. STA* . MW90e • _ ByMT Cr HFW9LY . MAP MUM. PROP6Rf189• � III for n egoing 1.t tea .*Imo.le gad before me this '29_ day of Me/ // , 19ra p M q y 11u. S. **quiet, land surveyor. • 01 1300 Nl pe 0617 reeler - nemoa . . M ho ifo Pertr.lp t .lok0/�V. �. 8,: �I. / • ga etal Winer. 503 C 10. m 0o ....pin Cty Miry2� l'y' 6 00: /1 ly ®i Mires QOM* f*/ /N/ a t;`i�:,, ,,, ,._ �..._.... 1 i ' • goner. Pros OIANSAIM1, .0 L.••'••�•" "'••�••� n •_ ' .J SIQON. �/° n /y �(T a� � a/� C , . /� This plat of TRAPPR. PASS AT NIL* M33M'AIN 30, A90ITT01 ms von* am acceptaccepted * the City Cam11 of, *maw., at a ovular meeting meeting bold /OLW` 0�h( , FA..,...., FA..,...., /fL• 1.Y f� W / . / fa, 'Q-j. , ware y -�- d y or EWx . 19 ra • braid C. � d M / @isa Rsnc. M . 0'0,.1 -. Mary Y ire J /� //' /� / - ?...A VY,a'O,,..4 �/7. ,, . �. , � ; Q' TIP CITY . BNBilgBal, MM M9brA // / .�^ ^ I , Ma. ger i I.,/ . / a nr �� Ruh R un k RTJ1* g 'JL+ / / ham»4.A 12,rw I/ 1,1,1 - _ 2 .' ns. I . / _ . _ . .2,22.2.2 Bantam .. ...Ara . l 1J / . tea Boils SHEET 1 OF 4 SHEETS ' OFFICIAL PLAT • PLAT FILE NO.aa' s aa • TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T. DOC. NO. T61086 • r Plat f 20) 3RD ADDITION W, 9 X E - ssg 4 a „t, 0.er2_6KIiD40"0aoi ..3,4.0 y, R=3437 i D .. - 3 C =43.]9 4083 _ . r O U , ) , s o � .&4i N59°50'DO " W �r:O J_i� -`. I.. AT , y J I /,. oA is MAKE SWtbYRt, C.r.rver Copt, Minna.. ,p , 2 ^I' . 1 . , ry I Furspnt to Chapter 95. Minl...lna or „ f ` p s 2 O RAPPERS PASS ZCHSTNUT mi: day t ' p e . z Q f •:‘, ` `^ ° s " T v�„ NEAR z MOUNT= A "J 'INenane D. Fmr. %W y 119 s,r.'enr — t? w � AT RIDGE RIDGE IJRIDGE A "I • �a eA� r 0 G 9o� W 3' no 50 0 50 loo 200 2CJC JDfl�QI t R, Corer Canty. HimeNota ii gl PI_ H SCALE IN FEET COLN, ALAUT \2 4 9 �. ^ tN EA i� 1 "� "Z -- do s E S)3 °11' hereby artifr Pat there srt In a f +J 1. ' /- , X05.19 N T�10 -- E x ' °p ; t:TAity , . I delinquent ! THE BASIS FOR THE BEARING SYSTEM IS wt taxes for all �� ^ � o � 53__ Y1 THE NORTH LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4, to /2g f Per lard d ecr: l �ior Z y a . `I . A, z J , /' .. (vJtr` Nis plat Q_ and of �� 19 OAP p \ ° t / Q _ �' N �� � ; "- �` • S.Z3' T GEAR 116, ROE. 23, WHICH IS ASSUMED • 930.5 FEET o' ( m 0 . N � 1SP 2 "` W 3q,rE� is J'���:tii� TO GEAR N BS•21'OG "w. N Auditor f' en �. = g al J .a £ ,� P r 5A A=9 °46'06" B.M \ �� Bra Irw /� ,,Ow f✓/ F- 931.5 FEET g�.-1 \ �. '.; ; ^ ` =9].34 HYO. — l''..."-- C 'L W 9, n ') 11 .( 0.B0. N13 °53'09 "E \ !` n 21 c. �t rTlniKt. Q rn \ z V NE A R MOUNTAIN NTAIMOUNTAIN roves N6.•�� • \ y l' 'c S I � I J "j °' R :1 G t: .. I TR, PE PASS certify NEAR thin of cc N s ou 2 \ -y ,� \= ° " • gDD7TI rill t �- tlAY G . V.: LI)T : - J : J`. - � O . NI :.l v iv l " N h Gw Cons eec1 l of ts.FU.n9 � , el ort -r 4�H. u . Si b 8 �n t cw r wp.NG R k . N �a a 0s iJ L H - ( I N 89 ° 44 ' 38 °E L _68z.00 -- 7.414606 Lot a, 6eo.l, 9x W' , ' (� _ _ Hannon, Jr , Registrar or Title. £ - ' - 575.65 N 89.21'06" W - -- IN 89 °4d38"EI \ � �0 V • 't I m t"" ' ) V '^,i —' j n D Carl 9. � r• .et_ ,. IN 89 54' 42" E N 89 °31 9] W ro 3 1] . 08 N 89 ' . - � Br: "- Yom, I �.I _ .. mth'ry TREASURER, Carer [antr Minnesota I9 - - 1 � of Gat 966.50 - - -. 7 i' ai Np Caia. d ... WY Par o a (0� I , ' � E I hereby certih the taxis payable Gov't La ]. for the 19 for lard Ppd.. on i ` 9 • R= 15],11 PP Plat u PASS AT NEAR / O 2 INCH RON PIPE t � 1GMAIM 3R0 ADUITI have bent pitl MARKED BY LICENSE �� O I C= 139.]8 toia feu do, or , 19 8 1 °" • 4 A NO. 4374. A6• "A t G &4' S 46 53' S6" W "� A G Sib\ T I N i3 *, ^0y 5 46' 09'46 "WI I�' D.F. Oshike, Canty Trouper / 0 • N'V a T D° P \ �, .i2 ' J I4/ • 0 f r I _� �� = =s �` �3 82 h/ LAKE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE / ^ �Ja y • 'y f F SHOWN THUS: / \ \S0' 1 ', ' •(‘// \ O„ PH 7 �Sy d , a' - Iv y v iiiEtii ION r h /., )�.. .- 255.80' _ ° • ° 58711461 9 IC• 'I r Y / N' / : S 38 W o0 '6' g I h / I { / / 8 I a : 4. INB9 . 54'I DENOTES BEARING AS SHOWN 42'E /P I OH CERTIFICATE OF TITLE, FE IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING A / � / / / }' `� 1 LOT LINES AND 0 FEET IN WIDTH AND x •� • i. �� h �r POINT "A" ' / �'Y 'i , 9EINL 5 ST `•1 RIGHT•OF -wAY _INES, AS SHDWN / `c - 'i_ ) v ' S • N , , fp C - 284 -- / ON ADJOINING THE PLAT. d 6, \ B9 / ^Y O ry ( • \ . _ 20].60-. _ _ 1 . ,10..00- O D H x 10 INCH IRON PIPE / S ,,t' �* / \3' / Y _ - _ MA 8Y NO. 7725. / t a .'t 4 S`v 4 .. f1 S / 3 . s, •, / °'. t l. / __..49254_. , U T NW Co u1 - ! � ,' BENCHMARK: TOP T OF HYDRANT 4 •_ 8 v,t. A �j `5`� \� , a £ P ry I POINT Or N 89° IS' 4B'� W' �_ F LOT I, BLOCK 2, CHESTNUT RIDGE A EAR / 2 F ti F a • a r • , y ' MOUNTAIN 7TH ADDITION, N ELEVgT10N• 920.10 V..d. ' } \ 51v `N ' ' '� /W MGM. i �l / C l FEET. • . ' � N j0. , 2. �� 9 1 ,e . 4 t PI l 8 1j / \ 1l . • .' \ 3 so O d) °' 8 P PP' ff ,2 , \ t§ °`° N P / U- to NOTE: R LEVATIONS AR E B3ED OH NTIONAL ., ° j x ka OG N i , s N • Julius .r `' EOD VERTICAL DATU IN.G.V,D OF1929, a ` • °'P N96.33'Od'{y ,ADDI 1 4oN E. t `°ai $' 30.21._ \ '• _. \ ; / • N ?? q' ^ , c'y jam '�2 ' ';;C", 3, a 3323 1 �• W r) J • DENOTES 4 FOUND 90 7 I/2 INCH IRON P�f MARKED . V" , \ N 36.3 / ,L• Br LICENSE 92 ]i25 UNLESS OTHERwSE O / r y P6.X14\\3"%4 40:5".. y N� `� N23 °00'00 "E y /-, • � 5 AT HRE.BERGOU1ST, INC. J y,3�, \ \\ / / i Y a . qs „ 4°2 .0 04'/j/E `} k ,),.. , • • 0 4 , cb ■ SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS OFFICIAL PLAT • NIr -n i� J, (JVIV Ir-t A rne S N /r r -n YJ cr A T E M ,1 IAr TAIN �i \r El ... WATER LIB � NF AR N88°5 " E 330. eas.(330,01 - -- Near Maanta — PLAT FILE NO447 a 448 199.77 m.ad l Naar MaMdn� `` - 14aoo —'� R.T. DOC. NO 7 61086 '\ f559 5 _ me as. - - -- 5&Near 56 My a. Irainl,' - N 69 34' 27 E (794.53 me, ) 193.91 .Near Mountain) I190.O Na S I/4 Cor. of Sec. 36, TWPII7, a \ 89 "1605 E _ co 795 N Min) N 89 E R9e. 23 l Henn. Co. Concrete - ■ ear Mountain Meander Ca. ( Hann. Co. / Meander Cor ( Hem. Witness Co , to Monument) -; .� 2 inch wooed Iron Nan.) Co. 2 inch copped the 5 1/4 Cm. of r 3 5 tv / Iron Mon.l Sec. 36, Twp, 117 y l� . y` MA 23 ( Ham. Co. y� 2 inch ;` " i Y aT u Al, Y' C / Iron Mo L- -l-: T er C3 \,.. ' O 2, C- L- v� • � pN ` / `N a f J 1.) ) i . Is THE NORTH LINE LIE OF ST M • ' • .• � L_ ill LOT 4, SEC, I TWP, 116, RGEE. 23 WHICH E _' £ v1 T7 5 ASSUMED O BEAR N •21 06 W. 0 `X I ��4 _ _J ,V c = v 100 50 0 50 100 200 T 2 \._____„, , SCALE IN FEET v> 0 U T L 0 T B H 6 p p000 ° E o DENOTES 1/2 INCH % la INCH SET IRON 3 �'( • J / 31403- PIPE MARKED BY LICENSE NO. n25 ; I_ /5, • _ ' 1 " BENCHMARK: TOP NUT OF HYDRANT AT NW 122 a h p L n / CORNER OF LOT I, BLOCK 2, CHESTNUT H m h 0 A f " 1 / A / RIDGE AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 7TH ADDITION, L e.I•pp'pp" 4--'?':' • ' ELEVATION. 920.10 FEET. �''% R =5189,47 ',,,.6.,,, 2 / L C •9057 ( y, N •v2 li NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON P L E . • S.7 N I1 tr /C ..... -- -+ J` � Z T NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL _ Et 0 , a J, s� 1- a s / 0.4TUM (N. G.V. D.) OF 1929. 1 6 \ u. d , �` �. , 's ' T C' ` i • APE DENOTES MARKED BY LICENSE�NO. 7725 L I _, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. m .0 111 L/ $o 1 , £. " V 4.. MATCH LINE ' .JLM sal p85560 to Y ‘. Doc. No. 4859 '1 (SEE SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS) .-'' i, � '989 ° "W W 7p ,..2 Y N ' ` <' _ "s "s y " TRAPPERS PASS AT �` W � � � "9y N EAR MOUNTAIN �g • N 3RD ADDITION . . .., S A T H R E- B E R G U U I S T, INC. , ' Z., • ' 9 Q ° s 3 °jiw Avo, .. • P •" d ry I /`� • R. L. 74 , 4i , . J, '4 ✓>, NO. 83 ` 4' / ;', �'''" �','i\ , • • SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS IC I OFFICIAL PLAT TRAPPERS PASS AT ;- NEAR MOUNTAIN PLAT FILE N a448 R.T. DOC. NO. . T61 Tsioas es 3-- JY (INSET) 3RD ADDITION , ; , �, r • - -. ea 4.`;7 1.C.',•,-, B \ � P J [A, / 3 52` Fq /0.,, " k n'41 \\ 'se, SgAi g e c ° 4 / a0 / � \ � \\ 2T o . 4 yQ „.7,_ /\\ - ^1�)�,p . ` I \ / ' c �' '' K "a• of / `• \ u \ --, / ,' `9 � `• \ \ .3'' •0 -__ R I " 5 0y , f 1` \ '^\ CO ,;� 5 . 275.45 ��� C] -/ ) ,s, : -. jei>%20 —Cc ,f,/____ � 0 47: I 0, . - Q • .0 / . ,? /. c,„ E >, ,,.. a w,'I \ /// J / ,-Z-8- 8 s�3 D' rdm s .a /A � \ •3. LN 1 \ ' \ J �v // / ; z . �J 4. • �G h � b (.i/e•'' N : \ ' 1'. • / , y �7 \\ \ \ \' ` ' •4 / / ' c ' Y_ E�,�N ^.in \ • zs ; S U 4. c - / \ �• • � f 16223 N 5.00 � \� /� 2 \ -- - - - I ( c, . n / .,,,..1„ qy\ 0 ttr � �, °/ � 0 ; - - C • s . C, p(F, z s'1 cr n/ • \ \ . >( \ " 7r. �� = 3,- 4 1 . 1 6. .'8 / @,_- o �P \N 3• • en 64 • 0, / _J / / \ °°'. / k 3N r N ,,, r, 4 3 ^ 5g " Ll- N 1 / .4,4'6:N A - - 2 4, /• 4 a- 00 E - X463 -" / 1-- / •I Q' �J / .< I fb+ §" m� .\ i.i$ \\ a .` (., N 930 7 00 M __ I J I / x .8 %/ : ` o af �_;, C: 8 I m 9\ $ s" 1 e , � ,\ • �( U ', / , s , s... I o .'V , $ • •, qy \ .. ,gy\ j C . N THE BASIS FOR THE BEARING SYSTEM 15 THE NORTH I \ 'S I %6 . 55 \? F, .- 9r2 00 LINE OF GOVERNMENT LOT 4, SEC.!, TWP116 2 / / � %: ,, 0 WHICH 15 ASSUMED TO BEAR N 89 21'06' W. UN E / ? U (i " = N 0 �' / / 0 ` 2 / (3 5, . ;-,. , � • DENOTES A FOUND 1/2 INCH PIPE MARKED • ,,, m / / ' ,65 0 'C� 0... BY UNCENSE NUMBER 7725 UNLESS - .. . \ / / I 'y / / „S/„p \\ 0 . OTHERWISE INDICATED. • 1V °_ / d i d / 0 - _ J- w\ 9 '. , 4 6 '2 °15'00 NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NATIONAL te n, VI `, 723.39 p / 4 4' / > \ It_ . ' 8 = 47464 ' 3 0 E GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM ( OF 1929. sl 5/ �0. yam H I ,/ 5.. qy 4 = 61 °54 0 , C Br 9 DENOTES I/O INCH K 14 INCH IRON � `, , \ SU \- \ PIPE MARKED BY LICENSE N0. 7725 so, --4; QPIp4.40 P _�`\{ V �T l *9 2 y� �; -B „ ----- - ,q, \8 . e�C`.�0 DRAINAGE AND UTIL ITT EASEMENTS ARE ` Z '9 - -- EDGE OF FOND 1. r SHOWN THUS r : $� POND 3°''i ,,�i' -.� 50 o 50 ,00 o s .. A � 'A.) ' - 3 ' 0 y6'g � * SCALE IN FEET - - - - - J tri--a L___I_ -- C . ` "'if \ POND ELEV,e 9305 Feel •T : /'' +, • • `ye •, °. S A T H R E- 8 E R G O U 1ST, 1 N C. T7 . 0, m • '°1 . A5 OF 2-88 N \ r j BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE H,WL. _ '31.5 Feet I BENCHMARK: TOP NUT OF HYDRANT AT NW 1-, CORNER OF LOT I, BLOCK 2, CHESTNUT INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES AND RIDGE LEV IO AT NEAR MOUNTAIN LINES, 7TH ADDITION, NLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE FLAT. • �� ELEVATION= 920.10 FEET, SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS OFFICIAL_ PLAT • IPLAT FILE NO. 513 • • TRAPPERS PASS AT NEAR MOUNTAIN R.T.DOC.NO. 4TH ADDITION BY T 1%4f1i5: That Bra. Cuu , Inc., • M1r.ceta a ,po rye o.rrr, t.on, or the follnains a.: e.rth73 p ty 1] pperNSINMSFM M . K000cor ep to TX= .. the Starr of Minnesota, Canty of Contr. to .,it. N1 AS AT Fotw�n •1M AB9lr1� Nov. pd o pod by ON City :1 h a arnor eesen, Minnesota, at a regular A erd s OUDOr C, TRA PAM AT New !COMM sro emw !COM ADDITION, o t office e�°tt^c pia to � � a.r nr _ /y] q�f f,��. qo. of the Reg.st,nr of MI rec. runty, y, Min ow . "< to the plot donor o file or of record in CITY COUNCIL OF T¢ CITY OP CIPONASSm, MIININOTA o,ad Ne are to he surveyed .,rd Platted an TGPPRt PASS AT WAIL MOIMAIN ATI ABOITION end doe MrtYy tlo.te and dedt ®N to the Puhl;c ro r we forever Ne Bud, Pee oral lanes W e on do hap Front to to aom o City of Chme V the tl:ry ut e and ility em o ntta, so oho. the p Plat. In viNeas whereof Mid, l..d<... Bra.. Congertoune, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, me 818.73 theN pramnta to be 9iNtel ly it. WoPe r ofrioor Nt. gdrrt day of fnI . 19 , . / / / ' SIGNED: mum yAryNyryl, Carver fantJ. Minnesota DODD. COSSIWVITON, INC. 1 Pura. t to Chapter 995, obs 1 of 1971, to plat « Iran p r Nie 24y,y,Hy • • v`J . F,«*9er, Carve *moor Peter Fries , ita Pd9 • sun OP MlwMSnA Thor OP . snot .II73F73 horse e N:. Ne �n oar 40.I2A ' , 19 11• M Petr.r KN., President of Lundgren B.n. ttiMry M1DI198. Owes Coon, Minnow. rnru cr vv nrt. • C9.trtelis, Irv., o Mimeos. o ,o, Idalr of CPO r - e for rs P or t t r l l p t ear r m hereby certify that . d l; e ell . L 9 ` i ! d described m thin Plat. and m�a1 r.Wnr or �1 . • j rh 19..1e.n. Canty 9.8118 r w �i u lme : )/ 9l ; �r.,r„Ma., AIN By: rnOr t"'13d d i. -b5- .ii dpi. hear 81rttn Net 1 s .urvwy73 .. Platted the property dear-rd. N a rd. on i. plat TNAPFHC PAS MN r8M UOIn ADI . AON: Nat Nis plat is of the purvey: wt all eve r.ntly' Noun o the plat in Ledo ore root; tat all MISS.. OF TIfl69. m o enter ppr have born Maim pl din the e <N ea shoe; .: that Nu wGid. dlines or ho+> lie come :lly feet Y.N on dr. plat. Carver Doody, Mvsonota • ' he m ¢ M ' ary N N et is plet ibAR .P Mew ASS AT morrow AID ADDInW ... rild N a day or i t' • Thee° Bvgquivt Carl M. Nunn, Jr., Be<fet,er of Till.. Notts..' Iard MON.. tic. N. Tns P�CU.R. FF��y✓y°�'01 CUNT, 717P.A9i®l Carver Cou.q, Mioeaota • TN foregoing :.atnoo dold .t W o o < o d before a this . A del of 19 M I by rho.. A. M.F..ist. hed Surveyor. • I hereby certify tat the taxes Pert{{e for Ns year 9 1 73 o for lord deacr:b Nor plat m TRAPPERS PASS AT SPAR K:MAIN ATI ADDITION have IjI ) o Ni. yl/. _Z(9Jdey or .y , 8191 Q Y. - ' —am- ro95.91 8 �n+i r, rsn BD.0 DMA, C* .ty Treasurer Mr vein: Rrpi °u ,1w MrC. Eter -.111141o. S R T N R E. U E R G G U I S T, INC. • • rY • • • SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS • OFFICIAL PLAT PLAT FILE NO. 5 13 • TRAPPERS PASS R.T. DOC. NO. T68828 Xi^. ';,,,\ s, ZJ ,. 270.% AT NEAR MOUNTAIN rr ?P'•� \ -,:!_ � � � - i�� - - - i) � \ ', 4TH ADDITION � w0 °a. \ 6\ HIV/ £ � E 14 6D! ..7 \ - .I. \ 481. -. C / \ 4j NIGH 9 ;E F( Ise, 3 � -- , �' 1 � 1 f'e T' - - _N 11 0\ 'LfJ Y.' m a S ,5 q.. 'HB \\ la „ °._ ___.�,�•5 � X $ so o DO 120 SCALE IN FEET FS.kr ' L r� -( j. -.1 PO'''' . 8 \ P " y N I . cr \ $ $ • r - f \ ._',P4 950.50.'96 0 "t'.. - 1,1 S 0 A r, 7 ' � " I v � *„ of , + - ,so � � / z., W . I ' j -l 1 p 1 -C \ 3,9.11..' - J II °CTDbO E 1 ",:*,.'1,-10-. (i - >2 - I " 4 ' D : - -- 1]5.84 - -•, i - 1 - ' •'0 " I , ,^ — 1 .. N_T° dv Y — ' -. : � t., y . w`Y — _,155 w. 7;74.,;""------, \ 5 , •" 9:0- +�, ..., 4. a ° 6 E P� � b > ,. / 1 ° : , Le i Y + \\ G ° '6 1 " /' � ? ,':, T p. P a ; , dj/ ti 6 3 F /,;% , n c, ar ' \.. E o \ g� of ss i -' -c W. r ...T t d t? • • ^ B ' O \ \ B/ /.�' URVEYJ. - �' . • / T '6.4".•::::•,.\ , T� i �r ^I • - v. .� J41nG., E_ — _ N 1,° N` .0 W e f' : LINE 6 " 1 \g \ G' _ < ✓� •/. •\5 �en'z,• - -- - -_ L vMN °d�,P,,,' • $• \ Q G .• v I �M \ � \ \�`• ° F9 \ . •4 41 4 /a. IS o c. p.e f .A 90 E %s o,• M1�� �- I I'1' �,\ \a. i �° \ \ - zy k ... 4 / Q � m Y __ C oP • A \ \. -, . \ ▪ 1 v i Q t b\ \o.„ 'Ji .' , `4 z> — �' \ �/ 3`` N ` �v 9 '�`O y \ \ ♦ .'t° . I ei u ` Ti ' I �\ � hi\ \ "s z '.3 z•z r _ \\ \ rn ' L'3 -'/ ,�; " "aa� l o ry M1 I 2 \ \ A i d'j \ \ i. U �\ r� 'j ` o ` ` ? -- L'. /' \ ;\ ' ' • ? B j / R 3 \ \ i s fi' i. f \\ \ ",,,.">7 +/ !r to • ' 1' &' \ \\ Ci ° •,ems s ^ -� •,� zl K i =Rn ' 4 0 i .. t• \ \ \'' ,, \ \ -t 1 -------7\--___ y r� ro\ \ s Q. q,\ 4 \ =ate c I ' • ` \ \ ' " \ \0 \ �'\ \;. \ • �^ °•rte a \ A" r Z. 0. ; \ \ \e s \\3. RI G) . 'S�\< 1 " —�? ,+- ' / i,• i° ^� \\ 6 \\ \\�^ Br 1 <! - ' I O ) v a'.: • j • . • ' ^ Q, z ,,, -4 l z' r 'a - C e 4 \ \ • \ \'. \ \ z $ . le ' TId S "ry /,. P , ( p azaa. \ '>ia. `3 \ \3, \ nl.ra.- \ \ e sA \ e' e ' .y 3 -. \\ 2 \ - -- zn.ea , 91 J 1�/' � o \ `I` �, p 4.94 V \ \ \ \ `°S_,� � � � , i 7 \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ ,, ___N 7 " 39 04. 1.1 307.46 -._ 1' \ 6i �' L� - -N bOj�1 a '4. \1t, 1 . y • 1 \ • \\ �, \ \ I .L'� `t W \ ') ; I 1 ; THE BASIS FOR THE BEARING SYSTEM Is THE L'' I \ 2 ,- \ " i ne • 1 . :s \ \ e \ � \ \ NORTH LINE of Ga 0200 IS LOT e, SEC. I, �- \ \ TWP.116 ROE.2a, WHICH IS ASSUMED TO BEAR 8 ;) - 8 ° 3 %; \\ • , ; , r . �A1 . „off.. \ \\ 8 �Cr-. }},, R ° + \ \ 1- \ \ y , w � \ \ \ \*\'‘''' \\ H I 1 y BENCHMARK: TOP NUT OF HYDRANT AT xw a( r 1 \ VP' • \ \ \ p \\ \ N CORNER OF LOT I, BLOCK 2, CHESTNUT RIDGE I - Z 1 \e. \ \ — \ \ \ „1 , m AT NEAR MOUNTAIN 7TH ADDITION, 1 P ; V -- I ' , \ ..\\ \\ I N ELEVATION• 920.10 FEET. : 'L 2SO.H .1 `_` e— '• 9 013 . = '.� \\ \ • \ \ • \ ' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE — . ,„•,,6., O 8 \ \ \\ \\ \ I SHOWN THUS N 11 • S C I • L! 2 '79 . 81 . . . . . . . . . . . • • - 8 N S • \ \ \ J NOTE: ALL ELEVATIONS ORE - ' B•1]'CO "i4 34801.. - . , BASED ON NATIONAL GEODETIC S .• ..... P oz \ \ \ -•I N \ \ \ VERTICAL DATUM IN.G.V.O.! 1-5 2 \ \ , ?p�: OF 1.29. L • • �lfn 5 A T H R E- B E R G G U I S T, INC. a „)' \\ \ ) y ,, , 1— —__1__ yPD �” o oENares vz mcH K M InCH IROx \ } 111Y PIPE MARKED er uc6xcE xo me \ M°' \ BEINGS FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE \ i 5 INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES AND • DENOTES FOUND IRON MLNUNENT. LI WTH AND ADJOINIG STREET LINES, FEET 45 IN SHO ON THE PLAT. SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS