2f. Oak Ponds PUDR AmendmentPC DATE: May 15, 2012 CC DATE: May 29, 2012 REVIEW DEADLINE: NA CASE #: 2012 -04 BY: REG 2f PROPOSED MOTION: The Planning Commission recommends City Council approve the attached ordinance rezoning the Planned Unit Development — Residential to incorporate the development standards for Oak Ponds and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. CITY OF CHANHASSEN SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City is requesting an amendment to the Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R) zoning on the property to incorporate the unique development standards for the project as well as referencing the High Density Residential District (R -12) in the zoning ordinance. The City references an underlying standard zoning district to address issues that are not covered within the specific PUD -R zoning of the property. LOCATION: Oak Ponds, Oak Ponds 2 nd Addition, Oak Ponds 3` Addition and Oak Ponds 4 Addition APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227 -1100 r Canyon CUNO_ Chanhassen -•c� Cure �F-SIDENTIAL OAK PONDS PU � m y 1 \ 0- / l4( , C, 9/ Wasl Village _ Nickc� PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development — Residential, PUD -R 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential High Density (8 —16 units per acre) ACREAGE: 27.04 DENSITY: gross: 7.80 units per acre LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION - MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonings, PUDs and amendments to PUDs because the City is acting in its legislative or policy - making capacity. A rezoning or PUD, and amendment thereto, must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Except as modified by the specific Planned Unit Development — Residential ordinance, the property shall comply with the requirements of the City of Chanhassen City Code. Oak Ponds Residential Planned Unit Development Amendment May 15, 2012 Page 2 of 4 BACKGROUND The City approved a development contract and site plan permit as the regulating document for this development. The final development includes townhouses and multi - family homes. • May 22, 1995 — City Council approves Oak Ponds 0' Addition. • April 10, 1995 — City Council approves Oak Ponds 3` Addition. • May 23, 1994 — City Council approves Oak Ponds 2 nd Addition. • April 1995 — Development contract was amended to permit internal density transfer within the development and the conversion of 70 townhouse units into 70 multi - family senior units. • On June 14, 1993 — City Council approves the final plat for Oak Ponds. • On December 14, 1992 — City Council approved rezoning of the property to PUD -R and site plan approval for 217 townhouse units. REZONING The City is requesting to rezone approximately 27 acres to Planned Unit Development - Residential (PUD -R) incorporating the unique development standards and referencing the High Density Residential District (R -12). The project consists of 211 residential dwelling units. The review criteria are taken from the intent section of the PUD Ordinance. Section 20 -501. Intent Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. The use of the PUD in this instance is to permit a mix of multi - family housing types. The use of the PUD zoning also allows for preservation of common features. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the City has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other more standard zoning districts. The proposed development provides a compatible development with the surrounding development. The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following land use goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: • Development will be encouraged within the MUSA line. • The plan should seek to establish sufficient land to provide a full range of housing opportunities. • The city will seek opportunities to provide transitions between different uses of different types. • Development should be phased in accordance with the ability of the city to provide services. The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following housing goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: • A balanced housing supply with housing available for people of all income levels. • A variety of housing types for people in all stages of the life cycle. Oak Ponds Residential Planned Unit Development Amendment May 15, 2012 Page 3 of 4 • Housing development that respects the natural environment of the community while striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs. Staff is proposing the following development standards regulating the development of the property: Oak Ponds Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD for Oak Ponds. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Except as modified by the Oak Ponds PUD ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the R -12, High Density Residential District. b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone shall be townhouses and multifamily dwellings and their ancillary uses. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation. C. Lot Requirements and Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Building Setbacks: Standards From Collector Street 50 feet From Exterior Lot Lines 30 feet Interior Lot Lines 0 feet Interior Public Right-of-Way 30 feet Hard Surface Coverage (Total site) 50% Lot Requirements: Minimum Lot Size 1,300 Square feet Minimum Lot Width 24 feet Minimum Lot Depth 54 feet RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Oak Ponds Planned Unit Development ordinance and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Oak Ponds Residential Planned Unit Development Amendment May 15, 2012 Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENTS 1. Oak Ponds PUD Ordinance. 2. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 3. Reduced Copy Plat: • Oak Ponds • Oak Ponds 2 nd Addition • Oak Ponds 3 rd Addition • Oak Ponds 4 Addition. gAplan\2012 planning cases\2012 -04 residential pud amendments \group 2 - may 15, 2012 public hearing \oak ponds \staff report oak ponds.doc AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1 . Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the City's zoning ordinance, is hereby amended by rezoning all property within Oak Ponds, Oak Ponds 2 nd Addition, Oak Ponds 3` Addition and Oak Ponds 4 Addition to Planned Unit Development — Residential. Section 2 . The rezoning of this property incorporates the following development design standards: Oak Ponds Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD for Oak Ponds. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Except as modified by the Oak Ponds PUD ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the R -12, High Density Residential District. b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone shall be townhouses and multifamily dwellings and their ancillary uses. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation. C. Lot Requirements and Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Building Setbacks: Standards From Collector Street 50 feet From Exterior Lot Lines 30 feet Interior Lot Lines 0 feet Interior Public Right-of-Way 30 feet Hard Surface Coverage (Total site) 50% Lot Requirements: Minimum Lot Size 1,300 Square feet Minimum Lot Width 24 feet Minimum Lot Depth 54 feet Section 3 . The zoning map of the City of Chanhassen shall not be republished to show the aforesaid zoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the Clerk's Office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this ordinance, and all of the notations, references, and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. Section 4 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 20_, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Todd Gerhardt, City Manager (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor 2 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of the City of Chanhassen for rezoning of Oak Ponds, Oak Ponds 2 nd Addition, Oak Ponds 3` Addition and Oak Ponds 4 1 Addition to Planned Unit Development — Residential. On May 15, 2012, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of the City of Chanhassen for amending the Planned Unit Development — Residential zoning of the property to incorporate references to the Chanhassen City Code and minimum lot standards. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed rezoning preceded by published notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development — Residential. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential High Density use. 3. The legal description of the property is: Oak Ponds, Oak Ponds 2 nd Addition, Oak Ponds 3` Addition and Oak Ponds 4 Addition. 4. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: a) The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan by implementing the land use and housing goals of the city. b) The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. C) The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d) The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. e) The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f) Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. The planning report #12 -04 dated May 15, 2012, prepared by Robert Generous is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the rezoning. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 15 day of May, 2012. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION WM Its Chairman 2 OFFICIAL PLAT O Denote$ Iran Monu*ent Found 2 r0 •� 2 L �; U. 2 �- UJ } F' 0105 ALL 1®1 YY T0Ig0 —Me; Tb.t Dean A. John•*. Conetraccla . i5,•p. • Mlnne.ot. co postion, Is. _.I and t Bank Yileallt*, National As..clatfon. • art...I bsnkte{ sociation, wart is ass of hs ro(lo,in{ deer load prowrtI situated in the County of Carter, state of will ... Is, to eft: 0*tlot B, 1 -181 —, a.cordle. to the r ord Viet tberaot and Ooglot B, WEST VILLAGE I1llaterS, aworates to the ncoid Viet to ' raof. Yen need the a to be Stressed end platted as CASK PONDS na do barely a*nate and dedicate to the p.bit, far pablic rorarer the Drlte, the .111wents far drainage d Willits purp .... AS .ho,n on the pi.t. In eltoss. wM1•ceof ea to 11, A. John.m Co....uct Yinn•wta ­.— b.. ...... thee. pees. le to be .I.e.d by lea proper orfiear ehla 235.♦ d0 0[_, Ipjj. In eltne.a •harm( said Nor•ast Baal Sit die *11, ""--1 As... tellov, tonal banking sa Latin. he. .....d the.• yra.ants to be .trued by Its prover off(car of a Jt.IK a IONLD $He. —T BANK YINNBSOTA, NATIONAL AaaOCIATION DBAN A. JOOI{GN CONSTRUCTIOH I t. eat $^ D•an A. IoM1n.on, Ira president BTATY OP YINME80TA CgA .1 1* 0Y N la PIAI The tots{oln a IvatrsMnt va. eded {ed a pie 21ST day of Tk/ , 13 by bet, A. J.11nsov, the preside., of Dam R. lobe." ov cutra .ct l q • � I ij.e•, a Little—, lLittle—, w�r f o. ) ^ o - ` v, - avb - • ofs ®�� �Y� try l..ion Bip� a 1�•16.961i YfmmOta $rats or Ylwiaeor � cuoxIy or tle..w M foen ivstra,ent • AOe.a before w ibi6 30 of ti 19 VteUO.•,e of Wrnet B' Bavt Yimesota, National .val Aswctat ion, s national banking iv{ e.socll of tlov, on bsFalf f ale id e. .... .oclet toot. �} }�I!��MldAYWa•DOMYO.A Not ry uol Ca.vty, Yl.ne.ota j 4 M7 o iaefod�eYplr•. -S- i b•nbl cartlfy list I pate asetl Spa Started to. property d..c[ibed ov is,. plat a OAK "diDS: that this tar 1. • *tree, tap •. [*lion of the .cart.?: that all distance. .re la ceetl> shoed m ibe plat iv fast and huaaredtb. of afoot; tLI .I 5oso.dta will be wr •ctly P t ... d iv the {roved a •boen, Is a ordeal• te, Will,... S.at cat.., Sectlod 305.01. 6 co r ebd, lY that the ..Laid: bads, y It,,, era arty de•],n d on < tbe plat and teat tWre thra t Isvas e. "filed Lv tan•.ota ■tar.t.s Section $05.02, sabd. l.r walll hlahe.>s to be d.li,le. ed other e. a shwa. /t t �i ° left 1 Gann, Lava Buivya .I. • Llcee.t No. 14376 ' e Denotes 1/2 Inch by 14 Inch Iran S ��/ L•15. 21 -- -- .__ ._, No. u 143 76�arked by 8.platratlon .2b � d•SY 312S�•. 5y2• L•33 13 fqp 11 8.45. 00 ; ;�d•64 ;, p•3q pp ^`l 61^.111?"011111.11t r9 alsed a9n the to GNTS, pa5•aurt fig. ZZ nicno u eii,YOSUearinppOfNEI Me e ` -- _ -- - ;77 1 N. 67.41'43- 56.33 5 $ SYE 1366 1 50 0 50 100 150 All M 1 5533 8 m 550 ° 8 1 _$ 23 6 W $ m 5 tE r SCALE IN FEET Q i 56.33 8 5533 g Q 6533 8 56.31 g I I J v ` 3 7 � N DRAINAGE AND UTILITY 1C °° B °° $ $ 3p $ 567 8 i 8 EASEMENTS ARE 6NfiNN THUS: a $ 3 ', 56. 33 55,33 Sfi.33 ° 1 A .• 0 8 I fIL66 ° 4 _ I I a r -1$.110 0 10. 00--1 ' 56 27.33 .33 = •584'S8'52'N \ ' 663] 1 Sa4.56'6 s 11266 II II N39'21154 -W 4B. 15/__.. -• A I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 811 19 10 feat In width and adl olnlnp lot Ilnee, a1 InUlcatetl an thla plat. STATE of Yllhf TA end 10 lest In Ml dtn end Sal of nlOq Street Ilme as shown on this plat. ODUNTY DD HENNEPIN The I ..... I.t .ury e • e•itltic•ts va. aekdwledaed before m this 21ST der of 7ULY , '. by Jeff— D. Lindar.n,�Ledd Survey or, Nivne.o to Licata. MO. 14376. ® IIOIEIIE F. YfYYIE yt / �fG /"N /� ( � NO � �a � j � � ( � 11 1 �1 / 1 e, D inpssote Yr Co�iaeton Exvfree ie•96 -96 T h i sW pl at, orx0 This Plat f ASK of d18 •a ova a Visa I ' of a a, {ular t held th is day If cde+..a by the CI[ Conn d ie i City of Chevhaeaen, Mlvneeot 19�, av h n co, Ilsnw •ith the provi dovs If Minnesota this pea, ies, Sectiov 303.03. euDd. 1. Ali nuaenta .ill be set as apeclfied by the city Co...11 sea stated on this p a<cordi.a to MLmmot. st•tato 505.02, s.bd. 1. '° CITY COUNCIL OP the CITY OP CYANW886x, 11"l(80 AA 09' W1oc / /n / 01: /a (1 . x:) clerk CUow- L"Shn"Oe, C. a 1 r County, Mf...... ''1, htsu.nt to Cbapter �E>:y 395, M1nve•ota Laea of 1971, tell plat be• been pp this day of .1°I./ John E. PraeYY•r, Carve[ Galt, ..I..... COUNTY AUDITCA, C r County, Misnesot. I hereby qsr�*�> tha test • dalingvent alprior to IW for tend described on tale pl.t and tree. ter eat d. red M1la r , • grLn� de. of !1 2. �w Mark Lund{cen, Co .I, Auditor Y a � 0 Bs: I & .k COUNTY 'JRBASURISR. Carver County, Ylvna.Ots T I bar.hY cartlfy that the t.� yayaD is for Les seer 192 for Isnd deecribed an tail plot 11 OAK PONDS have been paid e. Jt this day of yfdYi� 19j3L- . D.P. Dlhlks, County Sralaurar y ha eb w. tlfY f 11e e thll th a O,g IGwas ea• fd this - de. 19 of _.y at o'clock � .Y. e. DocYr.t Carl 5. em.on, u., Counq a•wzaer a >: �i.0.)Ot.Q{d�lA —is— CP T12LEa, career Co.vty, MSme.ot. I hereby cartify that this plat of OA[ DONDS .1 filed this __ de, of l9_ at _o'eloek _.N. m D•c.— Me ' Carl I1. Yanem, Jr., Registrar of Titles ,UM" av planning Engineer log Surpeylnp SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS Aul PLAT PLAT FILE N0. 60 1 OAK PONDS C. R. DOC. NO. 153148 9 \ I C'C V S O ' e. !•i •{ � I scLIFE i IF Il 11. I I I o P \ 5Y Y \4E J OUTLOT D \ •• .+. \\ �C•• sa ".,a \11f �KI3.1i' 613' labs � � 164 �� yl / �'t ( � a y NJO 1 1. I 1y i 4'•. f 4 ' I \\• A Shp, le L -). 67 �- V 1 s 8.103 06 phF) T L S ' ' d•OP IO'33' !!5 2• 095 ( e 1 _ _ !S , Po 1 i �� ai UTLOT OUTLOT E 0 ' ----- _.._— aYi' �2Y•P' 1n0E \ cis. lx. r. xle. xa sx E � 1/x t ` 0 0, 30 ----- r----T'-------- -OUTLOT C <p •L ' °. I '� Q'� �, ? \ \ T � \\ 100 0 100 200 300 I Q L121 M e / -34- IF 5fi• \ \\ _ / M61 61 / 'IT— .)6 _ \ \\ `: \\ SCALE IN FEET Lz)1. j" .2& Is 9 'zr ! 5. w e•62'IT U' -'; 1 ' OUTLOT F I'll ;;�� ! ^ �'• 1 1 1 1 ODenotes Iran MonueHnt FounE 1 � I I aN z ry, A a --tea 1/2 Inch by l< Inch Iron J/ 1 •, � � \ ! D a V A b i I L L on t kad by Registration 1 - 4 3 76. .. ' I / ' r ' _.. I F _ r' sez•,s' e•r Ie'u I • 1 d i1y4',La 093'39'3Mp:m OUTLOT B . I llx.� \a O 00 E Ito 00 _ 0 0.62 )1.x3 1 L -12¢ QO- - P' 4 ,4 12 L•2L. EL - pa y Bearin a shown are booed u suth the o I nlcn CC I i. •3 V _ 669'22'13'E �' 53 26'3 d•2Tar0e• __ c I T0 sewn'13'E A R- gae.62 1 NB3.19'0 E 1 4• L• ,T3 d' `' of Outlet B, WEST VILLA E G HEIGHTS. e Ads an assumed aeorinp of N.'07'91'93• M. I 1 18.00 IStAle. 22 1 I n -x • 'l0'E 171. i 1 "z'�'0 'J _ _ 669.22' 1 I - -- -- e. 52 _ -- - k ; 3 p_00 � - - - -- I 6 ORAINA6E AND UTILITY EASEMENTS - I I I 2 I ARE SHOWN THUS: I 6 2 6 2 6 6 7 3 7 = L i I B a B a B _ B I e a y i I 7. He. 1, o �IO.OD 8 1 I I T11'U'Y'0pA 92 - ___________ 3oY J 65.31 M I Inv of Pltlat B, too ; YES} VIIIAGE HelGNTS I I SEE DETAIL I I '0nng 1p roar m xlptn ang dglmnlnp I I SHEET ! OF 2 `- "T " i_i_r". lot Ilnes, s InOl torso n tnls slat. L -C I I H _ 3H T;, I I 1 I 1 n o ID r.a lath a oalanlnp street Ilnas as M enoxn a 0n tole plot. Plannfnp agir, ... leg S. —ylnp OAK PONDS 2ND ADDITION RNON ALL In By TazBR PaRRRNT9: That Dam R. JoDV.on CovtruceI.. Iet., • MSmeeota mtpotIII— fee oree[ and Noiree[ Rank Mtmewta, Natloml Nsocistion, x:1 bmtim ueoclatlon, 'Dogs „• of be ­­ill 41111 •d Dcopt[p aituat•d So the County of Csrv[, State o[ Mlmenotn, [o rlt: Out10te B, D and N, OAa P4NB, aceot.ing to the record plat th•reef. Rave caue•d the sees to a 'uzvl•d and DJatted as — PONS 21 ADDITION and do Nr•bp do ­I, and d.di „U to the Public for Pohl use focI'll the assault for &lima, and utility Du 11. ae shorn on the plat. Ip witn•ee rDai•of said Mav R. Joh „on Cmetxuctlo n MSmae0ta c Doiati0n bas *-,ad [Des• pia'=G to he algped br iG p[op•[ officer thl. 8� dap of rRfNf -. , 19 In with,- -harlot 'aid Rote•'t Be.k Mima m, Natloml Aeeoelatl=, I lltiOml beating allociltion me c,,,ad Chas* vres-t- to be 'ian,4 by St' Prober office[ tble 9 - - day of !W-IL , 1994. NRwe BAN- NIMN880TA, NATIONAL A890CIATIOR MAN R. J0R1180N CONSTRUCTION INC. BT. its JICE t;Ai,ac.rr• B9: �aW.`. � �11 _ Man R. Jomam, its pr•.id•nt STATR OY MINQDOTA mum .1 4known The for ... I -, Svtrua.or was aekno-1Wg•d befor. ee this -0— dAr of ..�_ 19 by D•m R. roamed, the preelNOt of Dam R. Joble- Comtructlm I.C. a MSm•'ota mryo[atlm baMIf of said coral-tlon. rLiN�t�' %•e� Rotary Doblln, / County, MMi al.'ta aita ONe1K4 ” SIY' Ceeni-•lon ...I... sf&-. v f 19W RTASa O( MINNa801'A COUNTY Op —,I. The foregoing surveyor'' certiflcet• va. actOc.I before w this 9 TH any of JuuE 19 by Jeffrey D. Linda,,., Land S.- ... I, Man eeota Licence No. 14376. �A9 .LER MOIR ® Notmy e, R•an.pl. County, Moment, Puhli My Co•ain,lon Rxpiz•- 10 -96 CalRMAeSRN, MIRMBROTA This Plat of OAR PONS 2N ANItION wee .,,-,ad and acc by the City Council of the ma City of CNa.a,, - Ina..ota, at a [•quiet watinu held this Mini day of Mq 19 and 1a in cdliam• with the provl.im• of M1m•aom at- or•.. ...Lion 505.03, Bubd. 2. All aoaulaat• 1011 be at a' specified by the City Council and a' stated on Lh11 plat, aCco ion to Him ee.I. Statute, 505.02, 3lbd. 1. CITY COUNCIL OF TRR CITY 0( CRAIIBAB.9., MINNR— B1 _ BY: _�-.Till Clerk COUNTY aUR"YOR, Carver County, Mim•tota '-'/ P=Suant to Chapter 395. Mibb elta Law' 01 1911, chit Dlet hm been ­­d tbia dap I 19'Z. John R. pr. ay.r, .-at Comtr 8u[veyoc gY \�✓`.�+ r / /1 COORTY AUDITOR, C =vi County, Him ... ta I h.riDY ,,rtlip teat that. - .ie • . �a4(.Iia9u• t t.... for all pear. Dr for to L and for l d .... im. m chi. Dlet and tt...far ..tared. pared Ill. n1O day of , 39 . MI. OY MI�a�n"adr, Mark Lundgren, County auditor Bp: Lyn «' I<A ]dGj,(, COUNTY or T The foreml.1 SmtrneeoY was ec.-l•dl.d bafot• n• t.i. h . • � deg of 19 b15_VFi•YIf} o Bank M Of —at ucalota, Netioml N'oefetiob, a national bank =g aeeocl=lo., on behalf o1 'aid a nniationl. COONTY TRWUa1R, Cor-r County, Mlomaote I mr•bT certify that the tai•. for CM p•a 19 fox land deeciimd o. tbie plat a• OAR PONB 2N {j£ ADDITION have been pale on thin 10{& d:, of 19 RNirm � N.i .. _1 --it, County, �M v ,„ v ,� vmw ,, y ,, _ MT CaIII-ion ck 4 �qq D. i. OWlka, County Yt•asun.i I m..by certify that I bava . -,are. and plettad the ptop•rty d•eerih•0 On thin Plat a' OAR PONS 2N ADDITION; that thi. lint ia a Contact xeereemtation of the noway; that all dl.tanc•e are eott•etly a-- on tm plat in S,at and hundi m ei a foot; that all aonueevt, will b• Corrmtly plated i, the ground IF abom, in accord=,, to Mlmeeota 8t4Wtm, Section 505.02, Subd. 1; that the outeida boundary lines ax• correctly 440Synar•d on the plat and that theta ana vo wet lands as 41flnad to Minaasot, Statute, e•otion 505.02, Subd. 1 or public high ey. to be 4eeimet,d other than m .boen. VAL-- 0 94•yµ J• D. Liodut•n, L =d ­M Minpeeota Lima-. No. 16376 By: � COUNYY aBCONRa, Carver Co =t,, Mlmaeota '/� I hereby c• that Chi- Dlet of OAR POND 2N AUDITION -u filed thin day of �• g•• , 19yy at o'clock L .M. a Demm•Ot No. Mog7Rb Carl N. Ramon, Jt., County Records BT; � ,ryp t/61y�j 1 , G o " ylennln9 Englm.11n9 Surv.Ying SHEET i OF 3 SHEETS OCFEneI e,.., OAK PONDS 2ND ADDITION DETAIL A NC SCALE \\ G,'t mp B fl 8 \ et 3 of 3 I \ for Y et al l of a 0loeka 5 -). ��� E ST✓ - Y < ✓ t 11 \� \\ ` I \ \• ImD Pl—Mg EnOlneer lnp SurveylnR DETA /L B He 9CYLE Iron Monuaent FounE of / >�� IWI'$H.1'Y — _ ri,n oDanote0 • penOt Oa 1'2 Incn RAG l4 Incn Ir p n n t Ya kea ay gelatret lan No. u t4376. \ 5 A . / WEST LINE OF M. 1/4 OF SY 1/4 OF SEC. 12. T. 116, q, 23 r 1 1 // 0.•tOS�T 500.3)'}e'Y yCtp S a to of OYtlpt A. OAKPONp6, Olcn naa a —Used bearing of 6 Go / \ / u ' q / / \ \^• 3 n ODTLOT B \ \ \ 5 S DETAIL A NC SCALE \\ G,'t mp B fl 8 \ et 3 of 3 I \ for Y et al l of a 0loeka 5 -). ��� E ST✓ - Y < ✓ t 11 \� \\ ` I \ \• ImD Pl—Mg EnOlneer lnp SurveylnR DETA /L B He 9CYLE 1 f �I _ r3 T I -- I I YY L�r l v 1l_L_it :: l- rlL =a'-7 I - I I_:r l DRAINAGE AM UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: I G.Go y am - } I ai hea ta rt,, lndllbt.G In�A ei. a Y 10 feeln YIYtn and 0 — ny street Ilnea as aeekn on this plat. - \ a e 6, 8B \ I c> �. �7 + , a 4 µ bp� 8 ,a` SOSOf'OB'E NQ 31 I _ I I 1 I 1 .. I L� I -• I GI I I II -.1 I UTLC T A 60 0 60 120 i80 SCALE IN FEET SHFFT 9 nF i CNFCTQ Iron Monuaent FounE of / >�� IWI'$H.1'Y — _ ri,n oDanote0 • penOt Oa 1'2 Incn RAG l4 Incn Ir p n n t Ya kea ay gelatret lan No. u t4376. \Ap \y p A . a0, BOar lny anon a paasY pon the 4 1ne 6A.p S a to of OYtlpt A. OAKPONp6, Olcn naa a —Used bearing of 6 1 f �I _ r3 T I -- I I YY L�r l v 1l_L_it :: l- rlL =a'-7 I - I I_:r l DRAINAGE AM UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: I G.Go y am - } I ai hea ta rt,, lndllbt.G In�A ei. a Y 10 feeln YIYtn and 0 — ny street Ilnea as aeekn on this plat. - \ a e 6, 8B \ I c> �. �7 + , a 4 µ bp� 8 ,a` SOSOf'OB'E NQ 31 I _ I I 1 I 1 .. I L� I -• I GI I I II -.1 I UTLC T A 60 0 60 120 i80 SCALE IN FEET SHFFT 9 nF i CNFCTQ OFFICIAL PLAT OAK PONDS 2ND ADDITION imyls•orr uw �.", .5 �s „ 3 _ an` ' pp d I aaa F0 9a 4 . "._.qp YaYE 5e00' 3 r8 W 6 2 ` Y as 8 <� c - � \ r , " \ ? OUTLOT B F I I \ I \ I 6p \ } \ F• J \ I ` I \ \ \ I \ I \ yatpm ?,� I \I n.w \ �aaat•c\ ' I I I I \ I \ I \\ I \\ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SNPMN THUS: I I $ eeln 1D roar m xl am ena a olnin lot I a, a In I natea on fn a Ola a a to rest in xleto an> al of nl nyy atraet Ilnea as anoxn on tnla Rlat. o Denote> Iron Mon—It Found a ^ene t S a a t .xee n ay Rep l >tfat l0n No. 0 14376. a Bea In anoxn a e paas0 >> tns to Plne of Outlet A, DANPDNDS. N87 has an ..ea eearinp or N S)•xl'a3• M. 30 0 30 60 90 SCALE IN FEET nF -q AIpFFTC OAK PONDS 3RD — Au. — Br —" tNtegvrs: mat "" E. Oohn.oI C...... N3oneaot. .orpormo.. fee owner and M.—I Bent xI........ National AssocL ion, a national banking Association, xortelaes of the fcllawi.s Laser load prOpaIts •icaaed In tee C ... IF If Catvar, bt.te of x[nneeoc., to wit: Oaths E and F, OAK Foults, accord /lag to to. t.Cold Flat thereof. tlave ceueetl [M1e .axe to be tat veyed and platted s. OAK PONDS JKD ADDITION sod do hereby donate and dedicate to the Ovblic for public una forever the e.aeaent. for dteineaa and ul iii IF purpon— •a .born on the plat. Ip nit.••. rbereof said Dean a. Johpao. Conatracti.n Inc., A Mt.....1 corporation has csound the.• p--, to be sl glad by its proper officer this ST day of H A7 , 197S. in ni[ne.e wner•of acid Motwsnt Bank xlnne•ots, N•tlonsl A a ..ration. . s •tiopal banking • ooclan on has uuvad these pre.epts to be nrgnad by /la proper office[ this f 7 �da y of 19y ee SIONCD NORR9T BAN[ MINNESOTA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION DEAN K. yO&ISON OONSTA —ON [NC. Ile V /cC 19SJi D••. E. fohnsoo, its p ... id..' 6TATE OF MINNESOTA WUNTY OF NEAJ UE//A 3 Te. toms —g Ina iax•nt wat a.toowl.dged before x• thl. isT a.y of M A / 19 by Dam R. )oboe.., th. pr..idapl of D••n R. J.n.son Cmutrualon 11.., . Mion..ot..orporwon, on b.half..f said ... or•ti on. Notary public, NAAAUr county, Mlnneeota r° ` e "'a� t xy co.tti..fon E :p+ree TAN• 31 . 2000 STATE OF MINNESOTA DwMrrr or a-lannapi. Tne foresoipg Isstrax•pt ..knowl•dgw berora w this /! day of 199 by ' Pmb— an -"WW Z Its `A" —" of N—t Bank - -sct., Na llonal Association, . national buskins ... I on beYSlf of aid association]. -�co 7aHa H:1.ay IEr:a-da ] Nota County, Y1ho•AOta .. �......,.urr Ml Cowl•• /on Eiplr•s 1- 31. iD 00 I haaby .ettity that I have antvay.d A platted th. ptopsrty as ... toad oo thin p a as OAK PoNDS — ADDITION; the t0 pl•[ 1• • correct rsWS •vta[t�n of tM •uneYi 1111 all dlaa.c•a sr• wrttettY 1— on [In Fiat fn last •oat Wnd ndth• of • foot: that .11 x.nvxeot• ni11 b..orrec[ty pl•.ad I. th. arnune a shore, In •ccotaas.s t Milan —' Itill —, Until. 111 -2. Subs. 11 that the oat.idl b ... d•ry Ilse. Ara cost—ly — ignaed on Its plat .lad that th ...... no Mat land. as d.fia.d Is Mincuota SwtaN• 311tm0 505.01, su60. l of p011. hi'llnu to b• da.liga —d nthat the. as .how. fy I ADD IT I ON STATE OF MINNESOTA CWNflf OF ...PIN Th. fore..]., aurver.r a C- 1111•re us. .cknowledeed barora xe tole )S7 day of MA Y , t9y� by Jeffrey D. Lindgren, Lsnd bcrvayor, Minpas.ts License N.. IaJ]6. M My t•ry public, 0 Qfn County. xtnne..ta Co.insi.1 EKpitea J y 31, 2000 CNANBASSEN, MINNESOTA This 'p let of OAK PONDS 3RD ADDITION nal apppJ.,Noo -.4 and . .•plod by the City C ... Iil of the City of cnenbanee., Minneeot•, .t s .arid er ...tiny laid thin 1i(— day of AffT 19 end le i. coxplisncs with the provi. tans of Mlnneeota St—t—, Sa.ticn 50:. �� 05, Sabd. 3. All xonumenra will b• at as spa.iffad by the Cl IF Council and •s e[st•d on this plat, scolding o Mionnnote St.tote, $05.01, ubd. 1. CITY WONCIL OF TBE CITY OF Cl.—SSEN, MINNESOTA By: ay or By: 'O'er —Clerk COON1'y StMp ., Catvet Canty, MI....... 'Q '' /�w Fulsuent to Chap— 395, Mill-It, Lane of 1971, thin plat has heel approved thin 1914 day of M , Job. E. F—cayer, Carver County S.rveyor By:: COONTy ADDI—, Greer Count., Ml ..... I• �(y�� or 1 herabr entered. 'but Snare a ��n as 11, all y till t. : f land d.scribad on this Fiat and tr cer al 11 Deed this r �'_ day of x.rk i.ondsr.n. County Auditor 0 Er: f 111LW dc�a.�1� IXNMyT TSEAs.. C•rvar Cuot >, Nlnos.ot• 1 h ... by cer[ify that the fate• ydbl• for Ina y..I 19 -2.'L for land described an this plat as OAK PoNDS 3W ADDITION nave ba•n paid nn this /%' day .f _ f , 19 f�5 . D.F. Dahill., Copy Tratauter By. 'd.?, tyNn3rr gEWgDea, car.•t co..n. Mm.•aot• ��°° . 1 herby ca rtify that this plat of OAK PoNDB ]N ADDITION nan Iliad thin _JJ— day of At IOOcRArckt .9-M. o.vaau- 'A- M - o _ . � I8 � 0 .? _ ss. SHEET 1 Of 2 SHEETS OFFICIAL PLAT OAK PONDS 3RD ADDITION \5 // \ s•'�'.,'e•E - - - ?la 6e . 8 _ � es Ivy .�,•� =s,. aw: s•. �, +,.° i . BLOCK , °re �� "E ° . Y + +e' °° \ °z$14 >'� &a ��g3`49.�`'s'g 55 d' __'_� + ' + 5665° `;,•.�'^ �i� e.� 5 I 16 15 a• >¢, a I yn��' 19i 18 87 g8 a s = 8'� xPo ���si / xpa o i �• >w•.�v" xoo azw ';��s�u.E \ 'a d6 88 S ; ^ oar a 20 .ee• c a . �`' aPo x a j Wo f & No .s vE W e� YrA re oo , re3 8 38 e 83&.z 4 *22 3zoo xrew, 8 35 s % 8 '� T •� / 8=338348 r :; u.ro � A 'op,. 0 �,8' 24 ry9i a � .. �� 32x � xe.m x si •,ixrr 8 "x,52 i y ,-. / su•Ir u•v / I _ � IT s u'E m,.�.ls•v epap i / I 8 .ro s6.ao xa.ao s.w S ,, / .y \ g . 30 lere•rrls' x.ro xnw q0 39:8 m o •v pro 0 8 42 $Sg8 8 R� dq/ _ s. ap • .ryu ` as °r _'P', ° A •a �d� � �ixe.w 'i e a\ / \ I ° .r. E „ a \ 18 sop 8 X28 `0 8t °$ re.•is' I 'ET � •xg,s•r jX z27 L noE C.m3 _so � >!_• —____ / ^, i 31..3 I R•988.52 E•126. I 3 SBTIlre6•M 11x.31 Ig'IB NB9'R'13'X i ao•IB'n• I _ I I I DETAIL 5.00 —�I Being 5 feet In Hltltn antl x11 .1 —It lot Imes. a In0lcat e0 on tnls plat and t0 feet In xletn Ane A j.1 It ng street Imes ae snpxn pn tnle plat. 60 0 60 120 l80 SCALE IN FEET 1,19M NAD pl ann In, Englnaaring Sprxeying SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS 0ennte5 Iron MO.—TI '..To \ I \\ I re0olr e9 a ben T c.h l atlon on -ant 11 Oe Sd Inch Iron on -ant loaf rill OB ang Hn sneli i place on Oelore o lcn e year froo ins filln9 Oata nis plat. _I_ Bears n9s snexn re pase0 ppn t e east of Out l.1 G, OAK pONOS, xnlcn bas I an IS-old Eearing of N 01'x2'32' E. =�48 1 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS RE SHOWN TAUS' 3P \5 // \ s•'�'.,'e•E - - - ?la 6e . 8 _ � es Ivy .�,•� =s,. aw: s•. �, +,.° i . BLOCK , °re �� "E ° . Y + +e' °° \ °z$14 >'� &a ��g3`49.�`'s'g 55 d' __'_� + ' + 5665° `;,•.�'^ �i� e.� 5 I 16 15 a• >¢, a I yn��' 19i 18 87 g8 a s = 8'� xPo ���si / xpa o i �• >w•.�v" xoo azw ';��s�u.E \ 'a d6 88 S ; ^ oar a 20 .ee• c a . �`' aPo x a j Wo f & No .s vE W e� YrA re oo , re3 8 38 e 83&.z 4 *22 3zoo xrew, 8 35 s % 8 '� T •� / 8=338348 r :; u.ro � A 'op,. 0 �,8' 24 ry9i a � .. �� 32x � xe.m x si •,ixrr 8 "x,52 i y ,-. / su•Ir u•v / I _ � IT s u'E m,.�.ls•v epap i / I 8 .ro s6.ao xa.ao s.w S ,, / .y \ g . 30 lere•rrls' x.ro xnw q0 39:8 m o •v pro 0 8 42 $Sg8 8 R� dq/ _ s. ap • .ryu ` as °r _'P', ° A •a �d� � �ixe.w 'i e a\ / \ I ° .r. E „ a \ 18 sop 8 X28 `0 8t °$ re.•is' I 'ET � •xg,s•r jX z27 L noE C.m3 _so � >!_• —____ / ^, i 31..3 I R•988.52 E•126. I 3 SBTIlre6•M 11x.31 Ig'IB NB9'R'13'X i ao•IB'n• I _ I I I DETAIL 5.00 —�I Being 5 feet In Hltltn antl x11 .1 —It lot Imes. a In0lcat e0 on tnls plat and t0 feet In xletn Ane A j.1 It ng street Imes ae snpxn pn tnle plat. 60 0 60 120 l80 SCALE IN FEET 1,19M NAD pl ann In, Englnaaring Sprxeying SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS OAK PONDS 4TH ADDITION LOT I V an I OUTLOT a ' BLOC[ I a. ll2'. VILI—GF HEIGHTS *Denotes Iron Monument Found 0' 1 OAK pl at of " nn " ' ' PONNSAmA0 ... OM pl—Ing C'of'o-Ing So—ying GM IMAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 10.00 J4 +t fQW 1.1 . li, AtI 'h u t in ioth an reat 11 d to is .no djoin n t — -- In.. on " pled . N 5 0 50 100 150 ARRgg�!� SCALE IN FEET KNOW ALL MEN D THESE —am-s: Tb.1 th H.Ililg a s Rad—I.— A.—lill I. and III In, City of Ca..b ...... "i"" nnili w --i— III — of 'a. 1- -ins d—lil.1 llo—tY --- In the County of Carver, L.Io 2, -, .1— 1; 1.11 1, J end 3. fai—I I; L.I. 1, 1. J. 1, 1 and 1, 111— 1 and It, PONOS p— --l. H— "I a.— 1. be —1.11d And 11-t— as 0.. FO— .7N ADD ITION ... do harsh= don. I ad dedicate to tee I_ P blic -I .--te for d—.­ end —i I IF p­onaa. es sh ­ th : n pt" ; : sw the city of - p .—to o An s.gdea ey it. proper officer -!�� A-bortf ;d =0 The : tot ­ 11 Its 9/ day If jptL�� Cit',j Cb— ..... , qm— a, p— A JtmumW0— , 'b: --1 1 1 and ­rjt, i. I i-iP.1 .—PlIetill, an bob. I f f 70 .1 . — . c ... I ..... I. I hereby --tifY that i a-'- as <yaa I.d pl.ttld he bad I. "is "I" a —s a- — I"; p"' I' a ""­ 1111—:1t III, I the 1-1 'h— OR I h:— d- 't eat 11, 1 1 to, I. be p— I ! — .. .... 0'.0 def bM"M .ad h ­dIh. of A Too, he, I '--tl pl., I. f ... d n 11 be I b .... .. a b I —T—t. deal ":%d a: t It S-Iti., 505.02, send. deal an oth- be. s .. b.—. 1 11 p-al hi.—Y. '. I, :d 3TAT11 P MINNESOTA 311 COIMTY OF —p. be f; D IS Ina 1 - 1 - 1- - —k—ladg.d befor mI tbi. y o f Lildat.., L.ld SI—y­ Ni ... sot, Mn . 1437 '. d 19- by Mots ell c, Be nnepin County, Mfn Mr Co�taaiov expires I -.L -ao I AMMAS­, MiNNesOTA T I- Fiat of u- FINDS IM N -Iti:DDITIO this -Wa 1*11d the C1 of the dry It cb— .... _ aIII held hie f It to 'a; .. ... is plat. to Mis., It. S­­, 50.02. sued. 1. Cou nc il 1 sta ted . mc S... to. 'o'.o" "u'd t, Will be It .1 1 pe.ified by the City C— COLICIL OF Ted CITY OF CRA.MA,Ism.. MINNESOTA ey:'�f -�—..!S�W-yor I-k couNTr -.C. c y' Win— Cha II-js 39 — — Loa — 5, Wines—. of 1971, Ibis at- b be.. ppra-4 thi. _d I f Job. E. Fla—yal, Cll­ coun a IXIUNTY A — , Call- Cou.ty, Mi ... III, I by — tier that the,. at. Fri., to described d...bad I. his plat •od tr ter —1-4. D.ted this X day Mark L I49tal, CIllty Auditor kp Adaal — -'Aa—R, Carver C ... ly, ­­­ b—ol h— ,.I I i --fy I he 1,1*4 4 d:, .f f the :..d lle - — ribald an t1l. 1 POND. ADDITION l ate D.F. Dab—, County Tt—a—r BY: A q CWINT'Y RECORDER. Cell— C...11. .1 ..... I. i hereby f> ana tern Plat er filed to,. or t j, % q,_ Call W. ....... 1— —oll --d-