CC Minutes 04-23-2012 Preliminary Plat ExtensionChanhassen City Council – April 23, 2012 Mayor Furlong: Yep, it’s always shining in Chanhassen and so if you’d like to help, bring some gloves to shovel something to help with or just your positive attitude and we’ll be there. Free event. An Arbor Day th out at Lake Ann May 5 at 9:00 a.m. so look forward to seeing people there. And tonight as part of our Arbor Day celebration we are going to be awarding and presenting some certificates to some great students here in town who participated in our annual Arbor Day Poster Contest. What I’d like to do is invite 3 members of our Environmental Commission, Bob Kircher, Matthew Myers and Denny Hansen to come join me as well. Gentlemen, thanks for coming tonight. On behalf of the Chanhassen City Council and the Environmental Commission I would like to congratulate this year’s winners of our Arbor Day Poster Contest. The City has been sponsoring a contest for 13 years in order to express our commitment to trees and our urban forestry in our community. Every year local fifth graders are invited to submit their drawings based upon the annual theme. The theme for this year was Trees are Terrific in Chanhassen. As a city we’d like to thank all the fifth graders at St. Hubert’s school and Bluff Creek Elementary for their wonderful drawings. The City would also like to thank The Garden in Chanhassen for their generous donation to the grand prize winner of a potted tree of their choice. The framed winning picture will hang in City Hall along all the winners from prior years. So what I’d like to do is I’m going to announce some participants and this year’s runners up. I’d like you to come forward. We have I think certificates for each of them, is that correct? And also a copy of the picture, okay so they’ll be able to hold that. I’d like you, when I call your name to come up here and say congratulations to you. Shake your hand and I’d like the children to stay up here as well and then we’ll take one group picture and moms and dads there’ll be time to take pictures as well. So at this time, in no particular order I’d like to invite Abbie Docter to come forward. Abbie’s here. Sophia Duffy. Why don’t you just kind of fill in right there Sophia Duffy, congratulations. Elise Krauska is here. Caitlin Maloney. Riley Palattao. Did I get that close? Palattao, close. I apologize in advance. Congratulations. Luke Puklich. Is Luke here? Puklich. No, okay. Alright. Elle Risch. Lauren St. Martin. Abby Steffen. Back up a little bit. There’s room for more. Always room for more. Katie Stohlmeyer. Is Katie here? Lizzie Williamson. Lizzie. And this year’s grand prize winner, and there’s a copy of the framed picture that will hang in city hall is Maggie Erpelding. Congratulations Maggie. Very well done. Alright. Thank you everybody and for The Garden, which is a new business here in town, we’d like to thank them again for the certificate. Children, why don’t you kind of move around this way. We’ll let everybody get some pictures and let’s give them a good round of applause. That’s a great program. Thank you to our members of the Environmental Commission that were involved in that and of course all the families and again I will express thanks and appreciation to our outgoing commission members. We appreciate their hours and hours of service and dedication to the City. At this time I’d like to move forward with our agenda and cover the items under our consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated April 9, 2012 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated April 9, 2012 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Summary Minutes dated April 3, 2012 -Park and Recreation Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated March 20, 2012 Resolution #2012-24: b. Kerber Pond Slope Stabilization: Approve Quote. c. TH 5 Underpass Improvements at Minnewashta Parkway, PW067B2b: 1) Approve Cost Share Agreements with the University of Minnesota and City of Victoria for Pedestrian Underpass. 3 Chanhassen City Council – April 23, 2012 Resolution #2012-25: 2) Approve Limited Use Permit with the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Resolution #2012-26: d. Approval of Arbor Day Proclamation. e. Approve Request for Temporary On-Sale Liquor License, Camp Fire USA Minnesota Council Annual Meeting, May 7, 2012. f. Approve Extension of Final Plat, The Arbors. Resolution #2012-27: g. TH 101 Improvements Between Lyman Boulevard and Pioneer Trail: Approval Funding Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation Agreement No. 00789. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Furlong: This evening we do have a representative from Minnetonka Community Education. Tim Litfin is here to talk to us about the Tour de Tonka again this year. Good evening Mr. Litfin, how are you? Tim Litfin: Hi Mr. Mayor. I’m just fine. Mayor Furlong: Welcome. Tim Litfin: Thank you very much for having me here tonight Mr. Mayor, council members. Mayor Furlong: Sure. Tim Litfin: City staff. Community. Thank you for having me. I’m here to talk about Tour de Tonka. My annual visit to Chanhassen. I wish it was more often. You guys run such a good show over here. There’s no doubt about it. Thank you for allowing me to be here tonight and thank you for allowing Tour de Tonka to roll through your streets on the first Saturday in August and so with the presentation tonight I’ll look back a little bit with some data and photos for you and then also look forward to the 2012 year and take your questions and answers at the end, or questions at the end if you would please so there’s a shot of the start last year and we had a great year of participation. You can see from the first slide that in just 6 years we’ve grown quite a bit and that’s thanks to a lot of Chanhassen participation as well so we’ve done pretty well. 5 to 82 is our span last year. I think everybody in this room qualifies so I’ll look forward to seeing many riders from this room partake this year. Last year, and it amazes me every year where the riders come from and why they come but they do and I talked to a few people myself last year from Arizona, Texas and the State of Idaho and they came just for Tour de Tonka. Many people are here for vacation with family, etc but it’s kind of fun every year to see that they do come just for the event which means we’re reaching a little bit beyond our borders that’s for sure as you can tell from that screen right there and we’re pleased about that. Top 10. Chanhassen is doing very well and I think you’ve held the number 2 position since year 1. That dog gone city of Minnetonka just keeps edging you out but, so there’s a challenge out there city of Chanhassen if you’re listening, but very well represented with 192 participants just last year, and again they’ve been in the top 2 every year. There’s the top 40 in case you’re wanting a little bit broader reach and this is just last year. This is last year’s participation and we’re very well saturated in the region around us but as that screen a couple ago did say, we have 160 some communities so they’re coming from all over the state and the upper Midwest to participate. We’ve 4