5. Senior Living Issue Papera
CITY OF TO: Planning Commission
CUMEMSEN FROM: Ashley Mellgren, Planning Intern
7700 Market Boulevard DATE:
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJ:
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110 BACK(
June 5, 2012 � ?,
City Code Amendment Issue Paper — Senior Living
Chapters 1 — 2, General Provisions
Chapter 20, Zoning
Building Inspections
The City of Chanhassen has had discussions regarding two proposals for senior living
Phone: 952.2271180
Fax: 952.22
establishments. The facilities contain separate bedrooms sharing common living
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F ax: one:52.27.110
spaces. The current standards outlined in the City Code allow for the senior living
establishment to operate as a group home.
Phone: 952.227.1160
however, the following may be a more suitable description of the living facilities
Fax: 952.227.1170
A group home is defined in Chapter 1, Section 1 -2 as follows:
"Group home means a state - licensed residential facility where persons reside for a
Phone: 7.1140
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purpose of rehabilitation, treatment or special care. Such persons may be orphaned,
suffer chemical or emotional impairment, or suffer social maladjustment or
Park & Recreation
dependency. "
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
The Group Home definition as found in Section 1 -2 is not suitable to define the senior
living establishment proposal since it does not adequately address the operations of
Recreation Center
such facilities.
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Further, Chapter 20, Section 20 -260 limits persons allowed to reside in group home
by stating "The following applies to group homes for seven [7] to sixteen [16]
Planning &
people. " The proposed senior living establishments would be for more than sixteen
Natural Resources
[16] persons.
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Staff recommends a more suitable definition for the proposed senior living
Public Works
7901 Park Place
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Fax: 952.227.1310
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Issue: In Section 1 -2 and Section 20 -260:
Senior Center
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F ax: one:52.27.110
The proposed senior living establishment could operate as a group home and is
allowed to operate with sixteen or fewer persons under Chanhassen City Code;
Web Site
however, the following may be a more suitable description of the living facilities
proposed for the City of Chanhassen:
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Planning Commission
Senior Living Issue Paper
June 5, 2012
Page 2
• Continuing Care Retirement Facility means "a state - licensed facility where senior - citizen
aged persons reside. Such persons may be furnished with board, lodging and nursing service,
medical service, or other health related service. "
As defined by the Minnesota State Statute 80D.02 subdivision 2 "continuing care is the
furnishing to an individual, other than an individual related by blood or marriage to the
person furnishing the care, of board, lodging, and nursing service, medical service or other
health - related service, regardless of whether or not the lodging and service is provided at the
same location, pursuant to a written agreement effective for the life of the individual or for a
period of time in excess of one year, which is conditioned upon the payment of an entrance
fee of $100 and the payment of regular periodic charges for the care provided."
Staff recommends the term Continuing Care Retirement Facility as a more accurate
description for the senior living establishment proposals.
Senior Congregate Housing, means "a residential facility with communal dining and services,
such as housekeeping, transportation services and other support services appropriate for the
residents. "
After review of other City Codes, staff determined Senior Congregate Housing to be
categorized as a group home. Senior Congregate Housing may be a suitable description for
the living establishments but notes that it is categorized as a group home.
• Assisted Living Facility acility means "state- licensed facility where adult persons reside to receive
assistance with daily activities are provided by staff."
As defined by Minnesota State Statute 144G.01, subdivision 2 "assisted living means a
service or package of services advertised, marketed or otherwise described, offered or
promoted using the phrase "assisted living" either alone or in combination with other words
and which is subject to requirements of this chapter."
Assisted Living Facilities allow for higher densities than allowed in residential zones. Other
cities have only allowed Assisted Living Facilities as a conditional use. The Assisted Living
Facility designation will limit persons residing in the facility to a certain level of care. This
level of care is between independent living and what is provided in skilled nursing facilities.
Assisted Living Facility may be a suitable description for the senior living establishments.
• Housing with Services Establishment for the Elderly means "Housing accommodations for
one or more adult residents. Residents are offered or provided with one or more regularly
scheduled health - related service. "
Planning Commission
Senior Living Issue Paper
June 5, 2012
Page 3
As defined by Minnesota State Statute 144D.06, subdivision 4 "housing with services
establishment means providing sleeping accommodations to one or more adult residents, at
least 80% of which are 55 years or older, and offering or providing, for a fee, one or more
regularly scheduled health - related services or two or more regularly scheduled supported
services, whether offered or provided directly by the establishment or by another entity
arranged by the establishment."
Housing with Services Establishment for the Elderly will limit the establishment to seniors
aged 55 and older and will eliminate opportunities for lodging for battered women,
residential settings for developmental disabilities, and for residents that are related.
Housing with Services Establishment for the Elderly may be a suitable description of the
proposed senior establishment.
• Intermediate Care Facility for the Elderly means "a residential facility which undertakes
through its ownership or management the providing of twenty-four [241 hour personal
services and health related care for its residents. Care provided is less intensive than care
provided by a hospital or skilled nursing facility. "
Staff finds further definition of "personal services" and "health -care related services is
needed. "Personal services means in addition to housing and minimum of two [21 meals a
day, assistance with activities of daily living, including bathing, dressing, eating, mobility
and continence. "
"Health care related services means limited medical supervision by licensed or qualified
persons, to persons who require such assistance but who do not require the degree of care
and treatment provided in hospitals or skilled nursing homes. "
Intermediate Care Facilities for the Elderly may be a suitable description for the senior living
establishment but notes the need the addition for personal care and health care related
services definitions.
• Long Term Care Facility for the Elderly means "a residential facility that provides
healthcare under medical supervision for twenty-four [24] or more hours to two [2] or more
persons aged fifty -five [55] and older. "
Long Term Care Facilities describes group homes and skilled nursing facilities.
Staff does not suggest Long Term Care Facilities for the Elderly as a suitable description for
the proposals. Staff believes Long Term Care Facilities definition is broad and would allow
for multiple uses.
Planning Commission
Senior Living Issue Paper
June 5, 2012
Page 4
• Residential Health Care Facility means "A residential facility that provides on a twenty four
[24] hour basis, rooms, meals, personal care and health monitoring services. "
Residential Health Care Facility describes skilled nursing homes, assisted living facilities,
continuing care facilities, hospice and group homes. Residential Health Care Facilities are
limited to sixteen or fewer persons. Facilities with more than sixteen persons are allowed as
a conditional use.
Residential Health Care Facilities is not a suitable description for the senior living
establishment proposals. Staff believes Residential Health Care Facility would allow for
multiple uses.
• Retirement Housing means "an age - restricted development, other than a skilled nursing
home, offering independent or congregate living for persons. "
After review of other City Codes, staff discovered Retirement Housing includes mobility and
recreational space conditions. Retirement Housing also describes age restricted subdivisions,
cottage developments, apartment buildings, mobile home parks or PUDs.
Retirement Housing is not a suitable description for the senior living establishment
proposals. Staff believes Retirement Housing is more suitable for a senior living
development rather than a facility.
Staff is requesting Planning Commission direction on the revision of the ordinance.
Planning staff believes that Continuing Care Retirement Facility is the most suitable definition
for the senior living establishment proposals set forth to the City of Chanhassen.
Continuing Care Retirement Facility to mean "a state - licensed facility where senior- citizen aged
persons reside. Such persons may be furnished with board, lodging and nursing service, medical
service, or other health related service. "
The R -8, Mixed Medium Density Residential District and R -12, High Density Residential
Districts, R -16 and the IOP, Industrial Office Park District are the most suitable for the senior
living establishment. Staff recommends that senior living establishment be a conditional use
with the following criteria:
1. The facility must maintain state licensing.
2. The structure shall be in compliance with local building and fire codes.
Planning Commission
Senior Living Issue Paper
June 5, 2012
Page 5
3. The site shall provide one -third parking space per dwelling, plus one parking space for
every two employees on the largest single shift.
4. The site shall provide annual reports of occupancy, care issues, public safety visits.
5. Maximum gross density of 10 dwelling units per acre.
6. Facility shall be connected to centralized utility services.
7. Facility shall have access via collector or arterial roadways.
8. Facility shall provide outdoor seating and outdoor recreation facilities.
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