1a-2. Woods at LongacresPC DATE: June 19, 2012 CC DATE: July 23, 2012 REVIEW DEADLINE: NA CASE #: 2012 -04 -4 BY: REG 1 a -2 PROPOSED MOTION: The Planning Commission recommends City Council approve the attached ordinance rezoning the Planned Unit Development — Residential to incorporate the development standards for The Woods at Longacres and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. CITY OF CHANHASSEN SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City is requesting an amendment to the Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R) zoning on the property to incorporate the unique development standards for the project, as well as referencing the Single - Family Residential District (RSF) in the zoning ordinance. The City references an underlying standard zoning district to address issues that are not covered within the specific PUD -R zoning of the property. LOCATION: The Woods at Longacres The Woods at Longacres 2 nd Addition The Woods at Longacres 3` Addition The Woods at Longacres 4 Addition The Woods at Longacres 5 Addition The Woods at Longacres 6 Addition APPLICANT: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P. O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227 -1100 MEADOWSMOODS AT LONGACRES i RESIDENTIAL PUD I \ PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development — Residential (PUD -R) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density (1.2 — 4 units per acre) ACREAGE: 97.8 DENSITY: gross: 1.26 units per acre LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION - MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonings, PUDs and amendments to PUDs because the City is acting in its legislative or policy - making capacity. A rezoning or PUD, and amendment thereto, must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Except as modified by the specific Planned Unit Development — Residential ordinance, the property shall comply with the requirements of the City of Chanhassen City Code. Planning Commission The Woods at Longacres PUD Amendment & Rezoning June 19, 2012 Page 2 of 7 BACKGROUND The City approved a development contract as the regulating document for this development. The final development includes single - family detached homes and a private park. The Woods at Longacres, PUD #93 -3 115 Single - family detached housing units and a private neighborhood park. November 8, 1993, City approved the rezoning of the property from Rural Residential (RR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD); the preliminary plat creating 115 single - family lots; and a wetland alteration permit for the filling or altering of wetlands on site. Minimum lot size 11,000 square feet Setbacks Front 30 feet Side (garage) 6 feet Side (house) 9 meet with minimum 20 -foot separation between structures Side freestanding accessory structure Must have 10 -foot side setback Wetland 40 feet from buffer June 27, 1994, approve The Woods at Longacres creating 28 Lots, reduced front yard setbacks to 20 feet for Lots 1 and 8 —10, Block 1, Lot 2, Block 3 and Lot 2, Block 4, Woods at Longacres. March 11, 1996, approve The Woods at Longacres 3` Addition creating 28 Lots. March 25, 1996, approve The Woods at Longacres 2 nd Addition creating 22 Lots. April 14, 1997, approve The Woods at Longacres 4th Addition creating 28 Lots. July 26, 1999, approve The Woods at Longacres 5th and 6 Additions creating 5 and 20 Lots, respectively. Front yard setbacks for Lots 2 — 7, Block 1, Woods at Longacres 6 Addition may be reduced to 25 feet. REZONING The City is requesting to rezone approximately 98 acres to Planned Unit Development - Residential (PUD -R) to incorporate the unique development standards and referencing the Single - Family Residential District (RSF). The project consists of 123 housing units. The review criteria are taken from the intent section of the PUD Ordinance. Planning Commission The Woods at Longacres PUD Amendment & Rezoning June 19, 2012 Page 3 of 7 Section 20 -501. Intent Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. The use of the PUD in this instance is to preserve natural features on the site. The use of the PUD zoning also allows for smaller lots and varied setbacks. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the City has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other more standard zoning districts. The proposed development provides a compatible development with the surrounding development. The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following land use goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: • Development will be encouraged within the MUSA line. • The plan should seek to establish sufficient land to provide a full range of housing opportunities. • The city will seek opportunities to provide transitions between different uses of different types. • Development should be phased in accordance with the ability of the city to provide services. The proposed amendment and rezoning assist in the furtherance of the following housing goals of the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan: • A balanced housing supply with housing available for people of all income levels. • A variety of housing types for people in all stages of the life - cycle. • Housing development that respects the natural environment of the community while striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs. Staff is proposing the following development standards regulating the development of the property: The Woods at Longacres Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD for single - family detached housing. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Except as modified by the Meadows at Longacres PUD Planning Commission The Woods at Longacres PUD Amendment & Rezoning June 19, 2012 Page 4 of 7 ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Single - Family Residential District (RSF). b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone shall be single- family detached houses and their ancillary uses and a private park. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation. C. Lot Requirements and Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. # 20 feet- Lots 1 and 8— 10, Block 1, Lot 2, Block 3 and Lot 2, Block 4, The Woods at Longacres; and 25 feet - Lots 2 — 7, Block 1, Woods at Longacres 6 Addition. @ House must maintain minimum 6 -foot side setback and garage a 9 -foot side setback. * Accessory structures must maintain 10 -foot side setback. Standards Setbacks: Project perimeter 30 feet Front Lot Line 30 feet # Side Lot Line 10 feet and Rear Lot Line 30 feet Setback from Wetland Buffer See tables below Separation between buildings 20 feet Hard Surface Coverage 25% Lot Requirements: Minimum Lot Size 11,000 Square feet Minimum Lot Width 90 feet Minimum Lot Depth 100 feet # 20 feet- Lots 1 and 8— 10, Block 1, Lot 2, Block 3 and Lot 2, Block 4, The Woods at Longacres; and 25 feet - Lots 2 — 7, Block 1, Woods at Longacres 6 Addition. @ House must maintain minimum 6 -foot side setback and garage a 9 -foot side setback. * Accessory structures must maintain 10 -foot side setback. Planning Commission The Woods at Longacres PUD Amendment & Rezoning June 19, 2012 Page 5 of 7 Wetland Buffer and Setback The Woods at Longacres: Block Lot Wetland Buffer (feet) Wetland Setback feet 1 3 0 80 1 4 10 -15 45 1 5 10 -55 45 1 6 10 -30 40 1 7 10 60 1 8 10 -15 40 1 9 10 -20 50 1 10 20 -40 50 1 11 45 50 1 12 35 -45 40 1 13 20 -35 40 3 1 10 -40 50 3 2 10 -20 40 3 3 10 -20 40 3 4 10 -15 220 3 5 10 250 3 6 10 -40 75 3 7 10 -50 50 Woods at Longacres 2 "d Block Lot Wetland Buffer feet Wetland setback feet 1 1 0-20 40 1 2 0-20 40 2 1 0 -20 40 2 1 2 0-20 40 2 3 0-20 40 2 4 0-20 40 3 5 0-20 40 3 6 0-20 40 3 7 0-20 40 3 8 0-20 40 Planning Commission The Woods at Longacres PUD Amendment & Rezoning June 19, 2012 Page 6 of 7 Woods at Longacres 3rd Block Lot Wetland Buffer (feet) Wetland setback (feet) 1 1 10-20 40 1 2 20-35 40 1 3 30-35 40 1 4 1 10-30 40 1 5 10-18 40 1 6 10-40 40 2 5 10-25 40 Woods at Longacres 4th Block Lot Wetland Buffer (feet ) Wetland setback (feet 4 12 N/A 40 4 13 N/A 40 4 14 N/A 40 4 15 N/A 40 5 1 N/A 40 5 2 N/A 40 5 3 N/A 40 Woods at Longacres 6th Block Lot Wetland Buffer feet Wetland setback feet 1 10 10 40 1 11 10 40 1 12 10 40 1 14 10 40 1 15 10 40 1 16 10 40 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve The Woods at Longacres Planned Unit Development ordinance and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Planning Commission The Woods at Longacres PUD Amendment & Rezoning June 19, 2012 Page 7 of 7 ATTACHMENTS 1. The Woods at Longacres PUD Ordinance. 2. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 3. Reduced Copy Plats: The Woods at Longacres, The Woods at Longacres 2 nd Addition, The Woods at Longacres 3` Addition, The Woods at Longacres 4 Addition, The Woods at Longacres 5 th Addition and The Woods at Longacres 6 Addition gAplan\2012 planning cases\2012 -04 residential pud amendments \group 4 - june 19, 2012 public hearing\longacres\staff report the woods at longacres.doc AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1 . Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the City's zoning ordinance, is hereby amended by rezoning all property within The Woods at Longacres, The Woods at Longacres 2 °d Addition, The Woods at Longacres 3 ra Addition, The Woods at Longacres 4 Addition, The Woods at Longacres 5 Addition and The Woods at Longacres 6 Addition to Planned Unit Development - Residential. Section 2 . The rezoning of this property incorporates the following development design standards: The Woods at Longacres Zoning Standards a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD for single - family detached housing. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. The PUD requires that the development demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and site design. Except as modified by the Meadows at Longacres PUD ordinance, the development shall comply with the requirements of the Single - Family Residential District, RSF. b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses in this zone shall be single - family detached houses and their ancillary uses and a private park. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation. C. Lot Requirements and Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Standards Setbacks: Project perimeter 30 feet Front Lot Line 30 feet # Side Lot Line 10 feet A and Rear Lot Line 30 feet Setback from Wetland Buffer See tables below Separation between buildings 20 feet Hard Surface Coverage 125% Lot Requirements: Lot Minimum Lot Size 11,000 Square feet Minimum Lot Width 90 feet Minimum Lot Depth 100 feet # 20 feet - Lots 1 and 8 —10, Block 1, Lot 2, Block 3 and Lot 2, Block 4, The Woods at Longacres; and 25 feet - Lots 2 — 7, Block 1, Woods at Longacres 6 th Addition. @ House must maintain minimum 6 -foot side setback and garage a 9 -foot side setback. * Accessory structures must maintain 10 -foot side setback. Wetland Buffer and Setback The Woods at Longacres: Block Lot Wetland Buffer (feet) Wetland Setback (feet) 1 3 0 80 1 4 10 -15 45 1 5 10 -55 45 1 6 10 -30 40 1 7 10 60 1 8 10 -15 40 1 9 10 -20 50 1 10 20 -40 50 1 11 45 50 1 12 35 -45 40 1 13 20 -35 40 3 1 10 -40 50 3 2 10 -20 40 3 3 10 -20 40 3 4 10 -15 220 3 5 10 250 3 6 10 -40 75 3 7 10 -50 50 2 Woods at Longacres 2 " Block Lot Wetland Buffer (feet) Wetland setback (feet) 1 1 0-20 40 1 2 0-20 40 2 1 0-20 40 2 2 0-20 40 2 3 0 -20 40 2 4 0-20 40 3 5 0 -20 40 3 6 0-20 40 3 7 0 -20 40 3 8 0-20 40 Woods at Longacres P Block Lot Wetland Buffer (feet) Wetland setback (feet) 1 1 10-20 40 1 2 20-35 40 1 3 30 -35 40 1 1 4 10-30 40 1 5 10-18 40 1 6 10-40 40 2 5 10-25 40 Woods at Longacres 4th Block Lot Wetland Buffer (feet) Wetland setback (feet) 4 12 N/A 40 4 13 N/A 40 4 14 N/A 40 4 15 N/A 40 5 1 N/A 40 5 2 N/A 40 5 3 N/A 40 Woods at Longaeres 6th Block Lot Wetland Buffer (feet) Wetland setback (feet) 1 10 10 40 1 11 10 40 1 12 10 40 1 14 10 40 1 15 10 40 1 16 10 40 Section 3 . The zoning map of the City of Chanhassen shall not be republished to show the aforesaid zoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the Clerk's Office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this ordinance, and all of the notations, references, and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. Section 4 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 20_, by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor (Published in the Chanhassen Villager on gAplan\2012 planning cases\2012 -04 residential pud amendments \group 4 - june 19, 2012 public hearing \longacres \pud ordinance the woods.doc El CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of the City of Chanhassen for rezoning of The Woods at Longacres, The Woods at Longacres 2 nd Addition, The Woods at Longacres 3 rd Addition, The Woods at Longacres 4th Addition, The Woods at Longacres 5 th Addition and The Woods at Longacres 6 th Addition to Planned Unit Development — Residential. On June 19, 2012, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of the City of Chanhassen for amending the Planned Unit Development — Residential zoning of the property to incorporate references to the Chanhassen City Code and minimum lot standards. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed rezoning preceded by published notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development — Residential. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density use. 3. The legal description of the property is: The Woods at Longacres, The Woods at Longacres 2 nd Addition, The Woods at Longacres 3 rd Addition, The Woods at Longacres 4 Addition, The Woods at Longacres 5 th Addition and The Woods at Longacres 6 th Addition. 4. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: a) The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan by implementing the land use and housing goals of the city. b) The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. C) The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d) The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. e) The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f) Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. The planning report #2012 -04 -4 dated June 19, 2012, prepared by Robert Generous is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the rezoning. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 19 day of June, 2012. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION Its Chairman 2 11,R.LS. NEI 89 II THE WOODS AT LONGACRES II �gC21 $ 2>2 — Cl1. I 4 80 �t z 150 0 150 Ago Scale 1 Inch = 150 Feet GENERA. NOTES! 1. . - ich . nch t iron AIM DNno1n 1/2 n1aAM try n Licanee tt 1 Z. Bean�ge Mo.n an LauO on tM north lira of TRACT A. R.LS. 10. 9� SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. ENGINEERS w SURVEYORS * PLANNERS SOIL TESTING * ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SHFFT 7 OF 4 SHP a '1 /� ° IS1216 1 i /t�Y'tll 10.001 '1°6l6'rs3W� 12W <9,9�5> ,� \3, 6> CO / g OF EXCELSIOR AND SNAKOKE ROAD y,y ` vy. . .CENTERLINE I �m �g e I S � � s3' � 1 f uTtLtT A,p g� I GAL PIN T6•V L FAKE RD.) $aTO j II9.30 \c _ N50.00 y + d • 18•e9• S 03 '23'35'V I I So2'I6WT � a8a'in 9 •. j f'�A 4 "" lr�V /2 3�9'EI M WETLAND �\ �bn2 tT` F. — DRAINAGE 6 UTILITY w a S05 1 ba 4 iN •� / bi ( ] EASEMENT , \ g 1 � S .n J O >3 3 EDGE OF WETLANDB,W i \\ 00 A h" AQ gN s I S00355.09 y ♦ \` i 2 HARRISON LAKE .� WETLAND SHORELINE, �.' ti SURVEY LINE y '� 1r L �n EDGE Di WETLANDy 30 .66 _ INSET A � 7. (SEE SHEETS 3 AND 4 OF 4 SHEETS) / \J M rc ELECTRIC TRANSMISSDIN LINE EASEMENT 5991 iGay /c.8s �V'Oa'" 09 B Ot. � (T, 1 TL \ N 1 ;1 1 \ l I AS DESCRIBE➢ IN tORPENS DOE. NO. \ — JO,J� 9 36 — ��_ O— A - - ND2 \ 2689.02 SV CORNER OF THE NV I /�� I \. V LINE OF SEC 10 � WIR' ADDITION I 1C SEC 10. T116, R23 C6 cIM) �t z 150 0 150 Ago Scale 1 Inch = 150 Feet GENERA. NOTES! 1. . - ich . nch t iron AIM DNno1n 1/2 n1aAM try n Licanee tt 1 Z. Bean�ge Mo.n an LauO on tM north lira of TRACT A. R.LS. 10. 9� SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. ENGINEERS w SURVEYORS * PLANNERS SOIL TESTING * ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SHFFT 7 OF 4 SHP OFFICIAI PI AT PLAT FILE NO. b THE WOODS AT LONGACRES ,5306 R.T. DOC. N0. 3os INSET A t b• =-, MATCH LINE A N 33863 ,E Q Z — — -`� / 59 `9• \ ` \\ \ 133.61 \ ' I WETLAND � 'I 1 q 30 0 30 130 n M ADVA UTILITY g _ Scale 1 Inch = 50 Feet ro 9 Nw•o2 3ez.02 60 g \ \ °• [� ;�^,(; a ri �O•B3 L =14.18 ^' ' EvSe D I �'ry 16.3_1 - ----; VET LAND I \ GENERAL NOTES: 0325 ]. 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N0. 3991 AS DESCRIBED LN S DDE. ; \ 3v36E \ \ \ I 1 SOIL TESTING * ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES N63•J;i•� 19{.00 t 1 - 60.00 t II"'--- - - - - -- - - - - -- - NO2.32'32'V SV CORNER lY THE NV 1/4/ �- Di SEC VE T116, 823 [CARVER E0. CDM) SHtU 3 OF 4 SHEETS OFFICIA PLAT THE WOODS AT LONGACRES INSET A c + ` �� i /' •,�>> 9 •�.� � °fie %'� �Q' ��c'� � � \ � �� u � I (�� X 11 \ty � P `".o \ / /°9 � ' o'qa• ♦ / S'+y° ,�\ �"�,�; \ \i d g2+6 r S' y p R '23> s �'oi• ~ 1 51.50 50 338.83 V I � vh'ry\�\'1\ � +3jj>g•4• � / ` �'bS v a >. > MATCH LINE o J 3 rn NO3 I / I 1 I I i� �\ I > 4o a, o f de<, oo° z so D sD Iso Scale 1 Inch = 50 Feet GENERAL NOES: 1. • — Denotes 1/2 Inch 1 14 inch et Iron Dlpe mocked by IlDanrs 1)006. z. Been no.n DDrea o.. noun One er TP7 A R,LS. NO. 9+ hwin preumed bsarinq or 5 89 E Omin "and Utility EDwmente am Moll that: �•-5 I I to - -5 -I- NO S I 2tlnq 10 fnt dje In wi- �5 dad W7 Nqn min �°� loloy :. na unlne oNrrwirr rhow'n on the Dlal. SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS 2 99.63 )` I s ° tD'aY'2- L•1pb6 O.pb.11'22• -11` Ld•9031' �� I NO3 . 23 . 33'E — � 119.30 — w Nel °' ... .. •` 7 03• a 1 \�L•'ve ❑ U � \� ` ❑ T kA � � DRAINnGE 6 . , .,.D° d•00•31'23• r 1 \ 1 \ J`q �• y� 2 NOD 0+'32 - E e � o• L E UTILI T `\ � lly. 1 ° 9 So0'ov32'v 122.00 4 1 1 - 32'E I 140 / c ;°�I +o/ I 2 •1 � a� & drew �- - - - - -� �L•30.S1 < e•oe• +2re+• + SS ° b °� �. — — — i , { -- �A � �, I � I — —� 6O 1/i \ I T SOD•04'32'V d•009500 ''` I 5 Q ° HI N00'04'32 -E v , 1sL _ —J 1 6.36 - - - -� �� •' oNC ` \ \`R1\ I � �lo I 2f \� ��, , 4 8 c + ` �� i /' •,�>> 9 •�.� � °fie %'� �Q' ��c'� � � \ � �� u � I (�� X 11 \ty � P `".o \ / /°9 � ' o'qa• ♦ / S'+y° ,�\ �"�,�; \ \i d g2+6 r S' y p R '23> s �'oi• ~ 1 51.50 50 338.83 V I � vh'ry\�\'1\ � +3jj>g•4• � / ` �'bS v a >. > MATCH LINE o J 3 rn NO3 I / I 1 I I i� �\ I > 4o a, o f de<, oo° z so D sD Iso Scale 1 Inch = 50 Feet GENERAL NOES: 1. • — Denotes 1/2 Inch 1 14 inch et Iron Dlpe mocked by IlDanrs 1)006. z. Been no.n DDrea o.. noun One er TP7 A R,LS. NO. 9+ hwin preumed bsarinq or 5 89 E Omin "and Utility EDwmente am Moll that: �•-5 I I to - -5 -I- NO S I 2tlnq 10 fnt dje In wi- �5 dad W7 Nqn min �°� loloy :. na unlne oNrrwirr rhow'n on the Dlal. SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEIE7 THE WOODS AT LONGACRES 2ND ADDITION PLAT FILE & 793 R.T. DOC. NO NO.792 . I w 1991 I C.R. DOC. NO. 195598 WATER ELEV. ON 9 \ \"� \ � 7 (NGVD 1929) A — 150 0 150 300 450 S in Feet 27­ DI" 1/2 —Inch s )6 —Inch $0 Iron pip, ­Aad by L�-- 17006. B.OiH,g, s hown — b—d on the toot line 0 SOW S. THE MEADOWS AT LON—iiil6 3RD ADORION ,ow, I. ....m d b,,4,ig or 9 00'3TW. TIP lt hyd,olt 1—t1d It th� NW C.— If H1­1 Drive ,,d O.lpii, R E ,.d. —U- 1002.21 flot(NM-1929) PI ld IW27 �E / /V. 520.90 A O\P 4 5i U . if WATER ELU. ON 9.3.4 Glo 1929) SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. ENGINEERS » SURVEYORS * PLANNERS SOIL TESTING W ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES seaovarw wvo t. S.I. SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEIE7 THE WOODS AT LONGACRES 2ND ADDITION C.R. D .. NO. • — Denplee 1/2- -inch x to —Inch set iron pipe marked /l / by license 17006. •°" °' h Z 60 0 60 t20 180 Bsaringf aM1Own bpeetl on A. eouln line of Oullot B, THE ME.ADOn AT LONWRES 3RD ADDRION • p Sc016 iO F-t having an oa ... badnq pf 5 0037w. D tn, . b Utility Epaemenle ore as ° / 7�a.,. '1 + �n;: -- �� 10 to r/ b (INSET A) ty ° N/ / c °' �` NO $ME ,�8 $ .� S J\.• Being t0 °e tl in wiol^ M g right— of — woy li ee, ticbeinq oal5 foinineel wietn nd adjoining I 1 lirwa, otn.rwiae __ttld on tn. apt. °ro �� a � � ' � % I �' %''• / a 4'!/ BLOCK /• 3 — //_ �� >H. wz»ar. n,. �� <` / � � _ ca=m s I / I I I I ' —�\ °'°' � ct '— _ �! I— .—� �i '�tl e•oc 6 I I& ..�I IQ 6 .,`7 s ^I I I I" ^I1I 9 I 8 $ '� ""� ''• J fi e;;. , ; � � ��a \ >°� µ,= _ � ���o : `— — — — ' asn.aw p , ''\ a'o'Oe °.,.. Y a,.• �� •"° `C a`;•'+ C9 i �' °� 0 1 Pte, `• b , 5 ` �.e` \\ 6 I diti iesr °'• I 3 K �R a > •� "��'� 1 /� / '!"� a \ y: 1 I I§ 20. d 3 Is� 4 �g g` � - ,e,e. y pey d ' a e` �v.w / @E spao,.rw �„a•ea'w S AO �9 tiO a o SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. ' -- ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS . PLANNERS SOIL TESTING s ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS OFFICIAL PLAT PLAT FILE N0. 793 & 794 THE WOODS AT LONGACRES 3RD ADDITION I R.T. DOC. NO. T91995 (,� / , / / /rte \ � • nY liasnea /21]008. M 14 —into NI Iron pipe mocked Bep.i ad on h an. ba. th, — e .'e.e. line of putlot D, ]HE WOODS AT LONWRE5 2ND ADOMON hW,,9 pn paaumad boldq of N5'52'35'W. •$ �` /\ •. Top nut hydrant I—W d the NW wmar of Hunlan D*e Oalpin Lake Road. Elevation - 1002.21 feet(N(M -1929) s' 00 50 0 SO 1 150 8.^ emu ,. usE"°" \ \ /,V ✓ `, k . O6.0 9. aM Wity Ea..m.nt. o StDle in Feel n 51 a i ^oY rney ° neing d s I"tt _ _ _ y ��:+� � �fy H b 3 /� iatn d ,I M.y ot f li,ya. L2J — — i/° , unleae oUe .ba indicated on Ma plat. � B L0 I I C K ;. �. w _ , , ,s I 1 2 , I 12 $ \s III $'.', 6 IIµ 5I to I I = I I 4 s s.0 F> -- s.as - - -1 II II //9 3 g l a ce = t a. J L 13 2 BN -6- r al's h s °'/ a / r ' a _ W u A la' X ILL ��, \e.,. /// ; / / ' ( `X POND 99 }Ea (H 0929)2196 C FP wNA I 1 Vw / a °'.z o' «.,,.zB °•ea•a.' „• , %a) � s 1 1 1 1 / / , \ \ < 4 ,J 3 BLOCK 1 2 I I I 11 5 I i I s I 7 .`"\')>J 1. I I 1 •`, SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. — K ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS SOIL TESTING • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS THE WOODS AT LONGACRES 4TH ADDITION N A iCn.er•seo. 0•xe' \ \ r SEE SHEET S OF 4 SHEETS — — — — — T N r — SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS I / - \ $,� �\ l f+' 5 la I I a9� / /.p 4 r "\ � J / d, 1 / `0 N G A C R E g $,% � x e e /\�«d,:o > �'\ � �W v/ ���o a �'s�9 / / > -EOCC oe D I I ;� .a •'y° ° � -no.00 :.w to F JJx / 0 - : ^za> n a _ _ _s• E _ _ —_, G _ ea" <r F / c x �� " >r• azJ • �' ?, 8� L °I _ -'ry,__ �, ei ' w` I \ �e,\� i•S,n W n o 10 is ��rermxm 0- D—tee 1/2 -1,ch n 14 -1nch e,t trop pipe marked hY Lloe^ee 57006. 0eo6^po shown ore weed on the —t —Wy / line ' )U WT B, THE WOODS AT LO.MRE SND ADDITDN h,vmg an .... d w,mq of N 2 W. D^ m.', w Mity Edaementa are - -I [--5 NO SOALE 0e1^p 1 0 leer in ridth and pdjoininq Intl o-r ieated, a^d ng 5 lest t �n ridln end djoininp lot Iinea unlace otken.iae inaicated on the I- B L\ 0 1 � \ C 1 K 12 . J . 60 0 60 120 190 Scale in Feel \ WETLAND . _ l r.cE eup �1 j SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. Ne OZes'rE ENGINEERS + SURVEYORS + PLANNERS SOIL TESTING + ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS THE WOODS AT LONGACRES 4TH ADDITION ' �'��� e.•Ip ----- — — — — — — — — — Top — hydrant I ... t,4 It the NW cemer of Nent.r DNre •N , and Calpin Lake Read. Elevelion - 1002.21 4et(NOW -1929) / •- Denote. found monument y � - J NO I Y O- Denotes 1/2 -inch x l a - -i-h It iron pipe morkea / .�q _ -. .0 P A' N E A 6 E 4 E N T•` by license 17006. / � Be°r+nS n w nosed on the moat wesl.ny SEE SHEET a OF 4 SHEETS _ Ill,. p O 1 UILOT 8. THE WOODS AT LONWCRES 2ND _ ODITION having on assumed bepnng If N 2 W. / / I 60 0 60 120 160 Scale in Feet Droiwege and Utility Easements S.. / .m� /f ~� e, > E No S °� sq X/ I I Rani i an n a» e. idtn eedlnw 9 i dicated, o a being 5 lest In width a.i raa _ w and dleining lot lines, "11— otM1erwlse indicated on tn. piste / ' ✓, / \ •( I l.. sid`7. ,yp o GK � a � �':ea a x ° k..ea.ex c � � \ 9J' a.14•00'00• .( v" pu".'�' - �gd ,.. ./ \ I / / Nea u•so•xi a a <�ett. - � .� z �r � o Tt..y" ,� s•.>.. E�sei.° / Via: / �o J c i � �'.. e � �J\ � �? '�Y'�� / .t` " pry / f R E'•5` �s s; o c \ e � � bI I„ � s\m `•,�' wcs. 3.s as E o \ \"e. 'I �s I a I I I 2 N" \ > �> a 3 2 C Kh 'l l ^ r e \, e•' ' I x / o �' > \� 11 I I / m O L I I `woo III 11 fi� hs� ✓, I / r a r�� ,� ;,. er ��,% os �'`�: o ��• /�` I / 3 �� e / m ��O�s "gip eewo's >0'• osE a• %' � d L e .zz•zs'y a � r P \ kMTCH LINE A — _1L aw L SEE SHEEP 2 OF 4 SHEETS — M _ ` R,b N1) f SCHOELL & MADSON INC. SBCl1•SfE .5'06'E , / 4 �.1 SOIL ESTNG • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS THE WOODS AT LONGACRES 4TH ADDITION Nw pgRNE. a Ile. ,a. T„611- «.� 7 g6. e1 \ lr aN % l i9eeea I l k I \ \ v, % \\ �\ o W T L P N D I r SEE SHEET u MATCH LINE B HEETS l _ _ _ _ _ _ / I'Tlr'fR IRIVIJ N6g �o1e, 3 OF d S BMA 1 e so- � MATCH LI IE (SEE SHEET 2 OF a SHEETS SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. ENGINEERS + SURVEYORS a PLANNERS SOIL TESTING + ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES e— Devotee loons ,nonum..t 0— D —W, 1/2 —Inch • 14 —Inch eel Z. pipe makes by Ucenee 17006. Baoringe shown on based on the moat westerly of OMOT B. THE W0005 AT LONGACRES 2ND PODOION h,,i, an -- bearing of N 2'32'37 W. BENCHMARK: Top nut hytlront located at the NW co r of Hunter Drive and Oelpin lake Rood. E—U.. - 1002.21 feet(NGVD -1929) -- �— b I 0 I 1__JL_1_ NO SCAIE Beinq 10 loot in ridth and adjoining ry ht— of—way linee M lee9 thanvive , d,cated, v d being 5 feet in i4lh nd adjoining bt 4nee, unlau atherwiae ntlicated an the lilt. ti 100 0 100 200 30o Scale in Feet ok �� o C d� y� SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS ADDITION R•T'28 No. BDD noose KNOW ALL MEN W THESE PRESEM9: That WMgnn Bn.. Conrtrullon, Inc., a MinuwIII urperatkn, lee oxner, b IM f.l..I.g de —W P—Ay Ntuted In the coony or Coney, SINN, of Mlnnewta. lO xia OWOt B , THE WODOS AT —M .TH AtN)mON, auordmg to ft r...ud plat lMrwf on T4 or b — In lM — er .. Nagis— Or N . Cam. Coony, Wnne.ota. wueed IM some 10 M .umyed aM P-W c. TIE WOODS AT LONGACRES 5TH ADOMON aM dose —t, donate and d.dkele to the pu 11. re WElie a.e lemer tM1. court and IM --,A. Ni, dl—ii. aM Willy purpowr ea rnaxn on IM Dl.l. M N ? 0 M b .ak WMgnn &u. tnbbn, ao urparadon, na. c ur d lh n4 Ie M spud by i4 ­0 pour offiur Nlr .12r�dDr or Y6//YC , SIGNED: LUNOORE EROS.. CONSTRUCTION, INC., a Mlnnewm .erpowDan STATE OF MINNESOTA !7 " OF NENNEPIN TM la w9a �p I-- sdppe��dArlen i. A2.2! III, IF _91/4lES4S_ _____. IB_ I br IlllAllfLrd_J37 N! f Wndgnn arw. wn.tnb4n, Ina o ml-- a .oruMlan, an Mn.lf of the <o.porotlF __�Q A V. OAVNI A NINN wT. N -' Hwmp MAC. S otery Pu in Cornb. N,nuwla WaW.r..w•. w _— n EeDir.. _l_3L ruby certif that M1ow .­d and bolted Un Property d-6— u fhb PW as THE W000S AT LONOACRES 5TN AO"-N: ,ha lM Pla/ 4 e coma ropne.nlelbn of - wny; that aH d4tan<rr err .omwty — m N. plat In feet and hundredtne of a fob; I- all menumwt..ill M eamety plena In the grand as I—. in a� I'. to uala 6MM.e. Section 55.02, Subd. I -t th. —Id. bound.ry 11— on umealy 0.1~ In tM "'t aM of lM1.r a no .al bode or drflud In Mlnnewb Slolutee Se II 505.03. S­ I le b. derigrwled other Nan _— Theodor D. K.nu, LaM Sunryvr Ltmnewtg U<sur No. 170 STATE �OFMINN�ES COUNTY OF NFNTM191 Y ThwOOn D. Sm me lM1l. 26d�ry�a��. CC�� } — +_ = -- } f ( °al bw i'rfar w d B Paa m Mry b, H. Count', 31 My Commlwion e-piapirea hrwary 31, 2000 0HANWt55EN, MINNESOTA Thl. b.t of THE WOODS AT LONOeCRE$ SM AOOMN .oa yp C.: DM tN by Ih. City —il b Ih. Ciy of CMnnorwn, JAI—, al a rpubr NIe.Mp M4 "4 a• 9 MIc. dot' of s =y_ IB!l�, arW I. nrrgNlau — On P—Iiiou of 4lnnwola $laWnr, SeN.n 55.03, Sabd. 2. l II bs wt u epwNNd pt' the city C .... iI .M ar rtoMd on lhle Dk4 --g to MI—I" Slalutr monum.nb \ B y_� �,/� CIIY COUNCIL OY THE CITY CF CNAHHASSEN, MINNESOTA 'i:•..^� , Mayer B _. Cleo d' a :••n \ I \ V It. J l�la____� I t • = I B,einq 10 fee in xldtn and djolning j nght —of line. v teen oth —i.. Ind-I. ork bong s met in width and adjoining lot tin . unlem oche ion indicgled on the P I.t.' . — D—tn found monument. 0— Denote. 1 /2 —inoh . 14 —inch It iron PiP, m.Ned 30 0 30 60 90 SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. by License 17006. B..ringe h..A .l. bad.d IA .sBumed d.lam. S-1. in Feet ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS ■ PLANNERS SOIL TESTING ■ ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COUNTY Su—F. Caner CDUny, Minnewta Punuent tg ChaDler J95. Minneeete Lo.e or 1 71, thle Plat nee been ppprued 1h4 1- dot' Df l�la____� Jelin E, Fnemyer caner coony Samya .I — AUOTON, con. coony, 1 Mrebr <.NNr ua lner. ar. n Iuunl w.. q � r pp re.a Dd. / fit r r Iona a.. ne.d on tn;l yIt oM (Hoer. entered. DeIM In4 Dry of _Vwwi t9'1Y J�'__", Marx Wndgnn. Cwby AMdiw COUNTY TREASURETt. —.1 Cdany. MN ­t. heroby ceroy Ina the lens p bl. for fns ywr IB for don In4 DID, oa THE WOODS .—Es 1. ADDRpN haw Men aid on Nla — D. F. Don4e, County Traaaunr e NwtiTNR of ri1 . Comr County, MI.— AT LONES !TN IDDITION .D. filed thl. 9± day of )jam¢/ f t' ua tale pia of ME,W�0005 GACR - LJI:E.Od= IS �_ . of a� p.M. ae Dxum Ne.. 6 _ Curl W. N.— Jr.. N,N, l r o1 T- By THE WOODS AT LONGACRES 5TH N89 14" W 435.86 OFFICIAL PLAT THE WOODS AT LONGACRES 6TH ADDITION I C.R. DOG. NO. 10B9 Dralna9e and Utility Ee.. —te era • - Denote, Toone monument. .pawn tnu.: 50 0 SO 100 150 o- by U. a +/2 -into x Id -loco ht iron Fiea —6. DY Ucenae +7008. I a ,hewn era besea on oecamsd datum. +0 10 MAIL Scala in Feet 9 l 5 - --— l I � •"•„w5g 5,'`'•�1'M1 _ _ MATCH_ UNE No SCALE /(- (SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS Beln9 +o reed b aatn end ealomm9 Ight -or -wan line. a .ec tnerwla. r 7 inamal.e,, 1 a rid Deinq s re.i in lath •• 1dcda / d i .n 9 roe plat' unlem olherwiee� _ _ _ — J y /°,? E N /- ..\�'� ` \ \ I S01 "W 136.63 S� D L 123 6o5' /3. �40 9N . / \\ 310 ° 45• 2 14 N•oi e y P Do��` /,s.''� je ° '', \\ ,. P J X 52 3p 9 0n ,(� F p...i ,_' z�)9 \ \ � � o \ •.. I�NWJW i:•i /zio ° - �u / •.:' \ \` \ QI _ Z O 17 K 1 \ 1 w >o (Fi 2 l \NE PN, iD + \ \ '?a\ 1 _N0Y21_26' —� R \µ (P A. L71 1 Y Yn\ \ s N Ie. \ • p •;ti •lt \ \\ zs' O r 19 \ \ S fs. -"�. i0 a9 •''\ \w 'w \ 1 2 \\ I m �(np �p f 2 �S 13 x;40 °o r >l p$ r \a \\ 'I 1 8 I i :... +. gym. \ 1l \\ \ \ \''•..• p. 26 ' 19' 3 1' = I 611 \ \ V L "1.9.53 J •.._ W ° ° \ �/% SI f'�`�� \� Q ,p �o ' \ \ ' 1!� _ R "525.00 L ` '•1 .1 �� 2 / 0` '. 1 ��" \\ Q ° ' x6 1 11 < .x1 .b.s I � 50 � s. l \ \\ : v S O .N Nr r' °. re e '233r.] ^ t+�' Lax ?4.95' >�� l \ �� ° R , 2 r9 E :t +3.26 50. WI i p0 O` <It) I ° m \ \ 1, \ \ •' ✓]•59. 5• R "2]5.00 R 28' 5` �1S R R "S2pe\0x y J�, y9 s \ y Iry 1 0 \ 0�9 P•'. D L =f 00.6> Sr2'r9•Ze' R-275.00.. h \ °vr / 2S0 18 g1 i —\ �D °20'58'25• 06 Or W H�', I 5155�p 51 f�LetO`olpipJ^ \ Nly�e° s'f� \ `f \•x('��.� L RLs.00 + �3•oz' \ ss, q , O \ a� 0 0 •N _ .• �Zg \ \ h.� L. A =25 °54'20• 26 09D` \ B,i > N35S g �c a ;EE DETAIL l i \ " - / � \\ 7 \ \ \ 2 \a g ryl I I I I I \ \ Nom /� h i.i.!•;.,, ---- sor2.•oo•e _ - - = —J s.o.�a 5 „I lm N I I 1N O\ •JS.aO F' 291.39— — — 1 p' + �N '• �j \ \ J. �\ ImI 4 b l� 3 \'�R \\ / G� 1;: ;' :,Z �••� \ o R 60 s V., 9 a \\ I \ \ ass \ z of h \\ \\ II II•: _ — — .::: o: - - \�'� 1 14500 a \ �- _ . 5] _ _ _ — � \�. ]+.2. l_ L _ 9] _ 69 — J L — 123A0— 1 \; �• L 2 — f — 1229.44 SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. NO2°32'32"W ENGINEERS + SURVEYORS + PLANNERS d ea T- e nenem�a— Doc. one Ne . I 91 t a SOIL TESTING + ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES eacrib �n SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS THE WOODS \ 1. S89e43'14! ' E 1 1— — 1071.25 AT LONGACRES 6TH ADDITION ti Q 60 0 60 120 180 Scale in Feet e — D ... t,, found mo,ummt. O— Denolee 1/2 —inch w 14 —Inc1, set Iron glse mooed ey U — . 17006. 8 -6ilge ehg.n aro eased on gseumed datum. Orairwge and Utility Eseemenq era enown teas: i 0 5 - --d JL_1_ NO SCALE Being 10 feel in width and gdjoininq di 1t— gl —..y Ilnee V a thenviae coted, —d being S feel in dth and djo;n2i" "' li ee unless olherwiae indieo on the olet.' SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS + PLANNERS SOIL TESTING • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS N t:\ \ \ \ / �''� •'' e ye yG %i 12 0 W JB pp Z W =I U N s 15 P d, ti Q 60 0 60 120 180 Scale in Feet e — D ... t,, found mo,ummt. O— Denolee 1/2 —inch w 14 —Inc1, set Iron glse mooed ey U — . 17006. 8 -6ilge ehg.n aro eased on gseumed datum. Orairwge and Utility Eseemenq era enown teas: i 0 5 - --d JL_1_ NO SCALE Being 10 feel in width and gdjoininq di 1t— gl —..y Ilnee V a thenviae coted, —d being S feel in dth and djo;n2i" "' li ee unless olherwiae indieo on the olet.' SCHOELL & MADSON, INC. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS + PLANNERS SOIL TESTING • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS