6. Senior Center Activities Update0
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.2271100
Fax: 952.2271110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.2271180
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Phone: 952.2271160
Fax: 952.2271170
Phone: 952.2271140
Fax: 952.2271110
Park & Recreation
Phone. 952.2271120
Fax: 952.2271110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.2271400
Fax: 952.2271404
TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
FROM: Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator
DATE: June 26, 2012
SUBJ: Senior Center Activities Update
The Senior Center has been a busy place. Spring and summer programs are filled to
capacity. We continue to see many new faces both at our daily programs and at our
special events and day trips.
Featured programs:
• Chan/Chaska Overnight Trip — 34 people traveled to the Eau Claire /Chippewa
Falls area
• Details From the Deputies (40)
• History of Big Island (5 1)
• Historic Swedish Tour (45)
• Lake Ann Picnic (145)
• Tech Bites Programs; eBooks, Tablets ... what are they and what can they do?
• Senior Instructional Tennis Clinic
• Youth Woodcarving Class
• Grandparent & Me Bingo in the Park
Please join us for the annual "Evening with the Mayor" which will take place Thursday,
Planning & Jul 12 at 5 m. Dinner will be served Mayor Furlong will talk about what's h a p pening
Natural Resources Y p• � Y g ' PP g
Phone: 952.2271130 in Chanhassen, and then all are invited to grab their lawn chairs and enjoy a "Concert in
Fax: 952.2271110 the Park" featuring music geared to older adults.
Public Works Attached is the summer edition of the Senior Connection newsletter featuring an insert
7901 Park Place page "Chan Happenings," which highlights some of the things that are happening in
Phone: 952.2271300 Chanhassen this summer.
Fax: 952.2271310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.2271125
Fax: 952.2271110
Web Site
.:\senior center \senior center update for todd \6 -12 sr etr update doc
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
2012 SENIOR Connection
Showcase Your Collectibles
Enjoy all of your favorite picnic
foods, music, and lively con-
versation at the Chanhassen
Senior Center annual picnic!
Gt/t �G�YLfr C %LyVYIi
Lake Ann Park
Hilltop Picnic Shelter
Registration Deadline: June 13
Special thanks to the Chanhassen Lions Club
for sponsoring this event.
Are you a collector or do you have a special
interest or hobby? The Senior Advisory Board
is looking for your help to display or share
your story and collection at the Chanhassen
Senior Center. We have two locked display
cases to showcase local interests and stories
For more information, or if you would be
willing to display your collectibles, please call
the Senior Center at 952 - 227 -1125.
Join us for this fun look at the
fashions that reflected the times.
Clothes, makeup, and hair all reflect
change in society, acting as ba-
rometers of our expectations. The i
Gibson girl and her tightly corseted
ensemble kicked off the 1900s with
skirts, followed by the Edwardian
period of all white and delicate lace.
Then there were the roaring '20s
flappers and their shockingly short �!
skirts. The Great Depression divided
the rich and the poor of the '30s with elegant
evening gowns and homemade feed sack dresses.
World War II influenced fashions in a military tone.
Sliding into the '50s, there is only one silhouette;
the hour glass. Following this fascinating and fun
show, we will enjoy a delicious tea luncheon.
Special thanks to Hair for Guys and Dolls for their
financial support of this event!
Wednesday, August 8, 11 am
Chanhassen Senior Center
$13 Residents /$14 Non - Residents
Registration Deadline: July 25
An Evening with the Mayor
Enjoy a delicious picnic -style dinner
of fried chicken and all your summer
favorites as we dine with the Mayor.
Mayor Furlong will update us on
what's happening in Chanhassen and
answer any questions you may have.
After dinner, enjoy the music of the
KleinBank Summer Concert Series
featuring "After Five." Grab your lawn
chairs and head to the Senior Center
for an enjoyable summer evening!
Thursday, July 12, 5 pm
Chanhassen Senior Center
$8 Residents /$9 Non - Residents
Registration Deadline: July 3
Da- Trips
a celebration
An award - winning exhibition celebrat-
ing the life and work of Diana, Princess of
Wales. Direct from England, experience
nine galleries with 150 objects including Diana's wed-
ding gown, 28 designer dresses, family heirlooms, per-
sonal mementos, priceless jewels and rare home movies.
After the tour, you will have about 90 minutes of free
time. Lunch is on your own.
Monday, June 4 - Mall of America
Bus Departs at 8:45 am from the Chan Senior Center.
Returns at 12:30 pm
$26 per person - includes exhibiton and tour
Registration Deadline: May 24
Space is Limited - Wear walking shoes
k ox 1 1 \ /LI l7l Ll • 1 1
Beautiful music and scenery await us as we travel to
the Historic Nicollet Island Pavilion for the Minne-
apolis Pops Orchestra concert. After the concert we
will head to Cooper Pub & Restaurant and enjoy a
lunch buffet featuring a green salad, battered fried
cod, grilled chicken breast, potatoes, vegetable,
dessert and beverage. Our next stop is Trader Joe's
in Minnetonka, a fun grocery store, carrying many
unique products including the famous Charles Shaw
"3 buck chuck" wine.
Check out the birthplace of Minnesota, charming Still-
water! We will explore the beautiful St. Croix Valley and
this historic city with a step -on guide from Valley Tours.
Next we'll cruise the river on the climate - controlled An-
diamo Paddleboat. Lunch will
include a deli -buffet of sliced
meats and cheeses, bakery
rolls, sandwich fixings, fresh
fruit, seasonal salad, a warm R 1'
entree selection, cookie and
coffee. Following the cruise,
we will explore and shop downtown Stillwater
(weather and time permitting).
Wednesday, June 13
9am -3:30 pm
Bus departs from Chanhassen Rec Center
$52 (Includes bus, tour, cruise and lunch)
Code No. 6123.102
Registration Deadline: May 23
Twins Game
This summer we'll enjoy an evening ball game! Leave
the driving to us and join us as we travel to Target Field
to watch the Twins play under the lights against the
spectacular view of the Minneapolis skyline. Great
seats are reserved as the Minnesota Twins take on the
Baltimore Orioles. Game time is 7:10 pm.
THURSDAY, JULY 26, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Wednesday, July 18
$44 (Includes performance, transportation & lunch) 5:30 pm until after the game, approx. 10 pm
Bus departs from Chanhassen Rec Center $53 (includes ticket, & transportation)
Code No. 6123.104 Bus deaarts from Chan Senior Center.
Registration Deadline: July 11 Registration Deadline: June 21
Local Treasures
We'll visit Sovereign Estate and Winery in Waconia for a wine tasting paired with a taste of food that complements
each wine. Your visit also includes a delicious dessert and souvenir wine glass. There will be time to shop for your
favorite wine selections and signature gourmet specialties. Next we will travel to Nor-
wood Young America to experience the Mill House, with everything from custom built
furniture to jewelry, decorator items and antiques. Please eat lunch prior to this outing
as only wine tasting and dessert are included.
Thursday, August 23, 12:30 - 4:45 pm
Bus departs from Chanhassen Rec Center
$34 (Includes wine pairing, glass, dessert and transportation)
Registration Deadline: August 14
A number of activities and clubs are offered on a weekly basis through-
out the year and take place in the Senior Center, unless otherwise noted.
For more information, contact the Senior Center at 952 - 227 -1125.
BINGO Join us from 12:30 -3:00 pm on Wednesdays for 20 games of
bingo. Each game costs $.25. Try your luck and see if you are a winner!
BOOK CLUB: Meets the 4th Monday of the month from 1 -2:30 pm.
Join the group for a lively discussion of new and classic books.
BRI DG E CLU B : Meets every Monday from 12:30 -3:30 pm. To play,
call Rosemary Whowell at 949 -6614, at least 24 hours in advance.
CARD CLUB -500 & Hand & Foot: This group meets every
Thursday from 1 -4:00 pm. If you're interested in joining, call the
Senior Center.
CHAN o- Iaires: Share your talents with this group every Tuesday
from 12:30 -2:15 pm. New members are always welcome. The group
sings at various locations & special events throughout the year.
Interested in joining the group or booking a performance? Call Joan
Staubli at 952 - 294 -8292. Practice will resume in September.
CRIBBAGE Peg your way to the Senior Center for an afternoon of
fun. Six games will be played with prize money awarded to the top 3
point holders. We'll play on the first and third Fridays of the month.
1 -3 pm, $1 per person
FRIDAY FUN AND GAMES: It 's all fun and games on Friday
mornings at the Senior Center. Nintendo Wii, board games, Scrabble,
Dominoes, Uno and more — all available for your fun and leisure! Stay
for a warm nutritious lunch provided by the CAP Agency Senior Nutrition
Program. A three -day reservation is required for lunch by calling
952 - 227 -1127 and the program requests a $3.75 contribution.
Fridays, 9:30 am - Noon
WOM E N 'S CLUB: Join this energetic group of ladies for interest-
ing speakers, field trips, crafts, and community volunteer opportunities.
They meet the 2 nd Monday of every month from 9:30 —11:00 am. Our
schedule is listed below:
June 11 9:30 am, Meeting; 10 am, Lessons from Nature
July 9 9:30 am, Meeting
Aug. 13 9 am, Details from the Deputies
WOODCARVING This group of men and women meets on
Wednesdays & Fridays from 9 -11:30 am. All talent levels are welcome.
A volunteer instructor is available for first -time and /or experienced
carvers who would like to learn more!
SENIOR COMMISSION MEETING: 3rd Friday of the month,
10 -11:30 am
HIctOr� Lake Minnetonka
- B
1?ig Island D
Darel Leipold of Excelsior will pres-
ent a visual and oral presentation
on the history of Lake Minnetonka's
Big Island including the Big Island
Amusement Park and the Veteran's
Camp. Then we'll enjoy a hotdog
picnic lunch complete with all the
summer fixings.
Thursday, June 7, 11 am
Chanhassen Senior Center
$6 Residents /$7 Non - Residents
Registration Deadline: May 30
Grandparent & Me
Bingo in the Park
Are you looking for a fun afternoon
activity to do with your grandchild?
Look no further! Join us at the
Lake Susan Park picnic shelter for
Bingo in the Park! Prizes will be
awarded and snacks and bever-
ages will be provided.
Ages 6 -12
Lake Susan Park
$2 per child /adults FREE!
Minimum /Maximum: 6/40
Session 1
Monday, June 25
10 - 11:30 AM
Lake Susan Park
Reg. Deadline: June 18
Session 2
Monday, July 30
2 - 3:30 PM
Lake Susan Park
Reg. Deadline: July 23
7 25 44157
15 22 40 70
1130 74
a 2837
10 37 39159 75
SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD 3rd Monday of the month
9 - 10:30 am
Health, Education & Wellness
The Chanhassen Senior Center and
the Americinn of Chanhassen have
teamed together to provide swim
opportunities for area seniors. Punch
cards can be purchased at the Senior
Center prior to joining the program.
Towels, changing rooms, and a hot
tub /whirlpool are available.
12- session punch card
Defensive Driving
The Senior Center offers an 8 -hour defen-
sive driving class for those who have never
taken the class and a 4 -hour refresher
course for those who have taken the class
before. Participants receive an insurance
discount certificate after class completion.
Classes are held at the Senior Center and
the cost is $16 /person for AARP Mem-
bers/$18 for non - members. Make checks
payable to the City of Chanhassen.
Registration is required and is due 5 days
prior to start date. Stop by City Hall or the
Senior Center to pick up a registration form.
Phone and on -line registrations are not
accepted. For more information or to have
a registration form mailed to you, call the
Senior Center at 952 - 227 -1125.
Tuesday, June 12, 12:30 -4:30 pm
Code No. 6123.106
Monday, July 23, 5:30 -9:30 pm
Code No. 6123.107
Friday, August 10, 8:30 am -12:30 pm
Code No. 6123.108
Mon. & Tues., August 6 & 7, 5:30 -9:30 pm
Code No. 6123.109
Senior Instructional Tennis Clinic
Tennis pro Mark Mudra will instruct players on devel-
oping better strategies for singles
and doubles at any level. He will
work with participants on how to
improve forehands, backhands,
serves, volleys, overheads, and
specialty shots. Bring your racquet!
Tennis balls and water will
be provided.
City Center Park Tennis Courts, 7700 Market Blvd.
Thursday, June 21
9 - 10:30 am
Free, but registration is required by June 14.
For more information, or to register, call
952 - 227 -1125
Pickleball Party
May 31
10 -11:30 am followed by a hot dog lunch
Chanhassen Recreation Center
Learn to play the fastest growing
America. Pickleball is a
racquet sport that com-
bines the elements of
badminton, tennis and
table tennis. Come and
play on the Rec Center
outdoor court. Bring a
friend and learn about
this new game. If you are
unable to attend, but would like to be added to the Pickleball
playing list, please call the Rec Center at 952 - 227 -1400.
Regular play is on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from
1:00 - 3:30 pm. The cost is $2.75 Residents /$3.25 for Non-
Residents or you may use your punch card.
player participant sport in
Classes & Technolo8-y For Seniors
Tablets —what are they and
what can they do?
Have you heard the term tablet lately and
wondered just what are people referring to?
Join us and hear about
the tablet personal com-
puter (tablet PC) which is
a fully functional wireless
portable personal com-
puter with a touch screen
interface and see what they can do.
Provides hands -on computer training to seniors. These
classes are geared to seniors who have little or no experi-
ence with computers. Each class lasts approximately 2
hours, enough time for attendees to become familiar with
the computer (mouse, keyboard and desktop) and learn
the basics of surfing the internet. Seniors will learn how
to type in a web address, how to navigate from one web
page to the next, to determine whether or not a website
is secure, and to conduct searches using common search
engines. Classes are taught by representatives from the
Senior LinkAge Line.
Wednesday, July 11, 10 am
Chanhassen Senior Center
$5 Residents /$6 Non - Residents
Code No. 6123.110
Registration Deadline: Monday, July 2
Need help using the computer? Tutors are
available to work with you one -on -one and
teach you the basics of using a personal com-
puter. You'll be guided on how to use e-mail,
the Internet, and various software programs.
Call the Senior Center to sign up for an appoint-
ment. Mutual tutoring times will be arranged
by the instructor and participant.
Lifelong Learning presentations are offered at the
Senior Center through Augsburg College, THE
COLLEGE OF THE THIRD AGE. Special thanks to
KleinBank for sponsoring this educational program.
Refreshments will be served.
Lessons from Nature:
There is much to learn about us from birds,
insects, and other creatures. Join us as we
examine nature as it relates to the sexes,
death, power and justice.
Monday, June 11, 10 am, $3
Registration Deadline: June 1
Registration is required.
Upcoming dates: May 21, June 25 or July 23. Classes are
held at the Chanhassen Library.
The Carver County Libraries recently introduced
OverDrive, which allows people to borrow
eBooks from the Carver County Library. You can
download eBooks to your e- reader, Kindle, iPad, or
iPhone. Kathy Perschmann, Assistant Branch Man-
ager will demonstrate and provide instruction on how
to download to your device.
Monday, June 18, 1 pm
Chanhassen Library
Free but registration is required by June 11
New and Improved...
The City of Chanhassen recently launched
a new and improved website
which has features that make
it a great way to communicate
with residents, businesses and
visitors. You can find out about
senior center activities as well as
register for programs on -line. We will nagi-
vate through the different departments and
services the city has to offer. Assistant City
Manager, Laurie Hokkanen will
demonstrate all the features and how to
navigate the new website.
Friday, June 1, 10 am
Free but registration is required by May 25
Healtlz, Education & Wellness
EvLk2VLce F�tMss &
You can recognize an EnhanceFitness class by the relaxed
atmosphere and laughter in the room! Participants work at
their own pace and receive personal attention from a trained
instructor. EnhanceFitness focuses on stretching, flexibil-
ity, balance and low impact aerobics (seated if needed) for
cardiovascular health, and strength training exercises. Join
us to see why EnhanceFitness is the premier fitness choice
among older adults. Seniors who have UCare can attend at
no charge, but must register. Registration is required for all
who attend. $69 per session (FREE w /UCare).
Registration Deadline: July 18 (No class on Labor Day)
Mondays & Wednesdays
August 1- October 17
10:15 - 11:15 am
Chanhassen Rec Center
Foot care services are offered on the first
Tuesday of each month from 8:30 am -12:15 pm.
Services include a soak, assessment, nail trim-
ming and massage. Due to the high demand, we ask
that appointments are scheduled every other month.
Appointments are required and last approximately 30
minutes. Cost is $26 per visit and payment is made the
day of your visit.
Please call the Senior Center 952 - 227 -1125
to schedule an aaaointment.
Medicare can be complicated, but don't let it complicate
your life! Meet with a State Health Insurance Counselor
who provides individual assistance with: Medicare,
Supplemental Insurance, Prescription Drugs, Medicare
Savings Programs, Long Term Care Insurance, Medicare
Fraud /Abuse & More! Registration is required. Addi-
tional dates have been added to accommodate those
wanting to review or change their Medicare Part D plan.
DETAILS from _.
Join us every other month for coffee,
donuts and casual conversation with the
sheriff's deputies that serve Chanhassen.
Hear what's going on in the area and share
what's on your mind.
Monday August 13, 9 am
Chanhassen Senior Center
Happy Hands KNITTING
Calling all knitters and those who crochet!
The Happy Hands Knitting group works on
special projects, or feel free to bring your
own knitting proj-
ect and socialize
with the group. The
group meets on
the 2nd and 4th
Wednesdays, at
10 am at the Chan
Senior Center. Yarn donations of new or
good quality skeins are welcome.
CarFit: A Free Program Focusing on
Safety Issues for Older Drivers
The City of Chanhassen and Carver County
Public Health /Office of Aging have part-
nered to once again host the CarFit Pro-
gram. CarFit is an event involving trained
technicians who will lead older drivers
through a 12 -point checklist with their
vehicles. Technicians will recommend car
adjustments and adaptations, and offer
community resources that could make their
cars "fit' better to enhance their safety. A
CarFit appointment will take approximately
20 minutes to complete. Contact Beth Hois-
eth at 952 - 227 -1180 for more information
and to schedule an appointment. Call early
as this is a popular program!
Appointments are between 9:00 -11:00 am on the 2nd
Tuesday of each month on June 12 and July 10.
Wednesday, May 23
appointments begin at 10 am
FREE, but registration is required
MEMORIAL DAY CEREMONY - Monday, May 28, 12 noon
Cemetery Services begin at 9 am at St. Hubert's Cemetery and continue with visits to
the Chanhassen Pioneer Cemetery and Leach Cemetery. The ceremony at the Veterans
Monument in City Center Park begins at noon.
1 1 ��
FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION- Monday - Wednesday, July 2 -4
Join us for the most anticipated community event of the year! It starts on Monday
with family night and doesn't stop until Wednesday night at the Lake Ann Fireworks!
FREE Senior Citizen Appreciation Day
Sunday, July 8, 2 pm
Chan High School Storm /Red Bird Stadium
The Chanhassen Red Bird history will be celebrated with Red Bird Alumni
and Senior Citizen Appreciation Day. Senior citizens, age 60+ will receive
FREE admission, and Red Bird alumni will be introduced in pre -game cer-
emonies. Like the Senior Center, the Red Birds are a vital component of the
Chanhassen community. See you at the game! Go Red Birds!
CHAN DAY AT THE ARBORETUM - Friday, August 3, 9 am - Sunset
Chanhassen and Carver County residents can enjoy a FREE day of activities at the
Arboretum. Enjoy bagels, coffee and juice at the welcome event beginning at
10 am. Come and meet the Mayor and Carver County officials and pick up your
free gift bag.
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT - Tuesday, August 7
N " � � N A L This annual event promotes public safety awareness. Representatives from the
= mmm
■ §gf_ i Carver County Sheriff's Office and Chanhassen Fire Department will visit various
WUX block parties. If you'd like to organize your neighborhood gathering, call Beth
Hoiseth at 952 - 227 -1610.
RiewBank Summer conceri series
June 14 .......
7 -8 pm ................. ............................... Thru City (Light Rock)
June 21 .......7
-8 pm ........................Tim
Mahoney (Pop /Modern Rock)
June 28.......11:30
am -12:30 pm........
Kid Power with Rachael (Kids)
July 5 ...........
7 -8 pm .................. ...............................
Letho & Wright (Folk)
July 12 .........
7 -8 pm ......... ...............................
..........................After 5 (Jazz)
July 19 .........
7 -8 pm ....................Blue
Ribbon Bandits (Rock/Country)
July 26.........11:30
am -12:30 pm
.............. Wiggle, Jiggle & Jam (Kids)
August 2 .....
7 -8 pm ................. .........................Island
Time Bank (Beach)
Special thanks to KleinBank Chanhassen for sponsoring the
summer concerts!
Grandparents, are you looking to spend some time with
your grandkids this summer? This unique day camp will
provide a great opportunity and lots of fun!
= Dates: July 17 -19
Time: 9am —Noon
Ages: Grades K -6
(Ages 6 ®12)
Park: Lake Minnewashta Regional
Registration fee:
75 /Grandparent /Grandchild
0$25/additional Child)
Activities include a
variety of outdoor
programs including:
. Archery
. HO
. eocacig
Call the Carver County Parks office at
(952) 466 -5250 to register by July
9th! --
And more!
Mail to or drop off registrations: Payment may be made by check, cash,
Chanhassen Senior Center or Visa /MasterCard /Amex
7700 Market Boulevard Make checks payable to:
P.O. Box 147 City of Chanhassen
Chanhassen, MN 55317 Or via our website: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us
Participant's Name Date of Birth
City, State & Zip
Home Phone Alt. Phone (cell, work, etc.)
e -mail address:
❑ New and Improved..., June 1, FREE
❑ Diana, a Celebration, June 4, $26, Code 6123.111
❑ History of Big Island, June 7, $6 Residents /$7 Non Residents
❑ Lessons from Nature, June 11, $3
❑ Charming Stillwater, June 13, $52, Code 6123.102
❑ eBooks, June 18, FREE
❑ Lake Ann Picnic, June 20, FREE
❑ Grandparent /Me Bingo, June 25, $2 per child, Adults FREE, Code 2123.112
❑ Tech Bites, July 11, $5 Residents /$6 Non Residents, 6123.110
❑ An Evening with the Mayor, July 12, $8 Residents /$9 Non Residents
❑ MN Twins Game, July 18, $53, Code 6123.103
❑ Summer Pops Orchestra, July 26, $44, Code 6123.104
❑ Grandparent /Me Bingo, July 30, $2 per child, Adults FREE, Code 2123.113
❑ Ladies Luncheon /Style Show, August 8, $13 Residents /$14 Non Residents
❑ Details from the Deputies, August 13, FREE
❑ Local Treasures, August 23, $34, Code 6123.105
Total Due
Registration Policy: All trip payments are due on or before the registration deadline. Registration cannot be confirmed
until payment is made. No refunds are made for cancellation (after the registration deadline) unless the trip is cancelled
by the Senior Center. For more information, contact the Senior Center at 952 - 227 -1125.
I, the participant, do hereby agree to participate in the above - mentioned activity and I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless
from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s) arising out of, or in any way
with, his /her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of the
individual(s) named herein in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have
signed below.
Data Privacy Policy: The information requested on the registration form will be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and
equipment needs. You /your child's name, sex, birthdate, address, phone number and health information will be provided to city staff,
volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this information, failure to do so will
prevent you from participating in the program.
Participant Signature: Date:
Payment: Cash ❑ Check ❑ Check One: ❑ Visa ❑ Mastercard ❑Amex
Card No. Exp. Date:
6 MONDAY — FRIDAY, 9 A.M. — 4 P.M.
Women's Club ( 2nd) ..... .....................9:30 -11:00 a.m.
Sr. Advisory Board ( 3rd) . .....................9:00 -10:30 a.m.
Bridge............................. .....................12:30 -3:30 p.m.
Book Club ( 4th) ................ ............................... 1:00 -2:30 p.m.
Foot Care Clinic (1 .... ...........................8:30 a.m. -12:15 p.m.
Health Insurance Assistance (2 " ................. 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
CHAN -o- laires (resumes in September) .... 12:30 -2:15 p.m.
Woodcarving .................. .....................9:00 -11:30 a.m.
Bingo............................... .....................12:30 -3:00 p.m.
Nintendo Wii (1st & 3rd) ... resumes in Fall ........9:30 -11:00 a.m.
Card Club (500 & Hand & Foot) ...................... 1:00 -4:00 p.m.
Sr. Commission (3rd) . ....................10:00 -11:30 a.m.
Woodcarving .................. .....................9:00 -11:30 a.m.
Cribbage (1st & 3rd) .................. ............................... 1:00 -3 p.m.
Fun & Games ( Every) ....... ............................... 9:30 -Noon
Recycled Greeting Card Shop
The Recycled Greeting Card Shop is open!
We're in need of the following cards to recycle:
• Daughter 0 Brother
• Daughter -in -Law 0 Brother -in -Law
• Son 0 Grandchild
• Son -in -Law 0 Number Birthday
Drop off your cards anytime at the Senior Center
Help Us Update the Mailing List
To remove your name from the newsletter .
• mailing list or to update your '
. mailing information,
. 4
• or .
To receive Senior Center updates by email, ;
• please call the Chanhassen Senior Center •
at 952 - 227 -1125. ;