7 SUB Southwest Tech CenterCITY OF P.C. DATE: 7-7-99 C.C. DATE: 7-26-99 CASE: 99-8 SUB, 99-2 VAC BY: AI-Jaff:v STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: LOCATION: APPLICANT: Preliminary Plat to Subdivide 39.48 acres into 5 Lots, Center and Vacation of a Utility and Drainage Easement Southwest Tech South of Lake Drive East, West of Dell Road, and North of Eden Prairie. CSM Investors, InCo 2575 University Ave. W. Suite 150 St. Paul, MN 55114-1024 646-1717 ACREAGE: 1~1~ hitIu~ui',tl Offi,,~ 39.48 acres ADJACENT ZONING AND LAND USE: SEWER AND WATER: SITE CHARACTERISTICS: N - Lake Drive East S - Eden Prairie, Residential E - Dell Road, Eden Prairie, Residential W - Chanhassen Estates, Residential Services are available to the site. The site is an old farmstead. There is an existing office industrial building on the west comer of the site. 2000 LAND USE: Office/Industrial and Residential Medium Def~sity ~.~a~ Dr E. W '(Uth St Lake 77th St Southwest Tech Center July 7, 1999 Page 2 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY There are two actions being requested with this application, a subdivision and vacation of a utility and drainage easement. The site is zoned IOP, Industrial Office Park and bordered by Lake Drive East to the north, Dell Road to the east, and a Lundgren Brothers residential development to the south. The lot areas are 7.03 acres for Lot 1, 4.47 acres for Lot 2, 4.51 acres for Lot 3, 3.981 acres for Lot 4, and 19.50 acres for Lot 5. The site has full access from Lake Drive East. The subdivision request consists of subdividing 39.48 acres into five lots. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 will contain office warehouse buildings (the site plan for the office warehouse buildings is scheduled to appear before the Planning Commission on July 21, 1999). Lot 5 will contain the existing DataServ building. The east portion of the site is occupied by a regional pond. There are some minor changes associated with the plat to create straight and parallel property lines. The applicant is aware of this and the change will be made. The subdivision request is a relatively straightforward action. BACKGROUND SUBDIVISION The subdivision request consists of subdividing 39.48 acres into five lots. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 will contain office warehouse buildings. Lot 5 will contain the existing DataServ building. The zoning ordinance requires a minimum lot area of 1 acre. The lot areas are 7.03 acres for Lot 1, 4.47 ac. for Lot 2, 4.51 ac. for Lot 3, 3.98 acres for Lot 4, and 19.50 acres for Lot 5. The subdivision request is a relatively straightforward action. Staff recommends the property lines between Lots 1 and 2, and Lots 3 and 4, be straightened out. The following easements are either illustrated on the plat or should be acquired: 1. Standard drainage and utility easements around the perimeter of all lots. 2. Dedication of drainage and utility easements over ponds and drainage ways. WETLANDS A wetland delineation report was prepared by John Anderson with Wetlands Data on December 20, 1995. Staff found one non-jurisdictional wetland on site. The wetland is located southeast of the DataServ parking lot. After meetings with the Water Resources Coordinator, it was determined that the wetland was non-jurisdictional. The site was excavated in 1982 in a non- wetland area. Aerial photographs show that the site had been tilled through 1981. In 1982, the water retention pond and two softball fields were created. The remainder of the site remained as tilled agricultural land. The ditch through Lot 1' was created in conjunction with the City's Lake Drive East project in 1989. The City has issued to DataServ a Certificate of Exemption for the Southwest Tech Center July 7, 1999 Page 3 consolidation or relocation of this pond south of DataServ's parking lot. Therefore, the wetlands on site are exempt from the wetland regulation process and the applicant may fill or drain it without replacement. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) Storm Water Quality Fees The SWMP has established a water quality connection charge for each new subdivision based on land use. Dedication shall be equal to the cost of land and pond volume needed for treatment of the phosphorus load leaving the site. The requirement for cash in lieu of land and pond construction shall be based upon a schedule in accordance with the prescribed land use zoning. Values are calculated using market values of land in the City of Chanhassen plus a value of $2.50 per cubic yard for excavation of the pond. SWMP water quality charge is $4,633/acre for industrial developments. The total gross area of the site is 39.48 acres; however, existing development is exempt from SWMP fees. Therefore, the proposed development would be responsible for a net area of 20.28 acres which results in a water quality connection fee of $93,957. A regional stormwater pond has been constructed for both water quality and quantity on Lot 1 by the previous development (CSM), and therefore, the applicant is not eligible to build NURP ponds for water quality credit. The stormwater runoff from this development will run through this pond and be discharged under Dell Road into a natural wetland as per the City SWMP design. Storm Water Quantity Fees The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average city-wide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition, proposed SWMP culverts, open channels and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage.. Industrial developments have a connection charge of $4,360 per developable acre. The total gross area of the property is 39.48 acres. However, existing development is exempt from the fees (Lot 4). Therefore, the proposed development would then be responsible for a net area of 20.28 acres which results in a water quantity connection charge of $88,421. The oversizing and installation of trunk storm sewer lines will be eligible for water quantity credit to the applicant. The total SWMP charges for water quantity will be determined based on the cost of the trunk lines. GRADING The site was graded with the previous development (CSM/Chanhassen East Business Center). A regional storm water pond was constructed over the easterly portion of Lot 1. The pond receives storm water runoff from this proposed development as well as CSM development north of Lake Drive East. In addition, the City of Eden Prairie contributes some drainage from the south. The preliminary grading plan proposes to "bench" in the site in order to develop building pads and parking lots and conform to the neighborhood topography. Based on the grading plan quite a bit Southwest Tech Center July 7, 1999 Page 4 of earthwork will be necessary to prepare the site for development. If exporting or importing of earthwork material is necessary, a haul route and traffic control plan will be needed to be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to construction commencing. The site contains existing berms and landscaping along the south property line. The plans propose on modifying the size of these berms; however, there are limitations due to the existing landscaping and property lines. Generally, the existing berms are proposed to be increased in height from a range of four to ten feet. The berms will provide a screening of two to ten feet along the southerly property line from the building's first floor elevations except for Lots 1 and 2. The berming along this area is proposed at 0.5 feet to two feet above the proposed first floor elevation on Lot 1. Staff believes the berming in this area can be increased three feet without impacting existing landscaping or a combination of lowering the first floor elevation on Lots 1 and 2. Individual berms are proposed along Lake Drive East to provide some buffering from Lake Drive East. Grading is proposed in front of the existing building on Lot 5 for future parking which encroaches setbacks. DRAINAGE In conjunction with the Chanhassen East Business Center the regional pond on Lot 1 was constructed to collect the runoff from this development as well. An existing drainage swale runs through Lots 1 and 2. This drainage swale will be replaced with a trunk storm sewer system which will convey the runoff from Lake Drive and other properties into the regional storm water pond on Lot I for pretreatment. The applicant will be entitled to credits against their surface water management fees (SWMP) with the installation of this trunk storm sewer pipe. Credits will be applied to the applicant's SWMP fees based on the cost difference between 24-inch pipe and the proposed pipe. The other storm sewer systems within the development will be considered private and owned and maintained by the property owners. The site receives storm water runoff from Eden Prairie to the south of the development. This drainage is proposed to be collected in the storm sewer system and conveyed to a regional pond to maintain the neighborhood drainage pattern. Drainage easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat to maintain drainage through the property. Based on the plans it appears a storm sewer line is proposed to be extended into the backyard areas, south of Lot 4, to convey runoff from the Eden Prairie resident's property. This drainage connection to Eden Prairie will require a temporary construction easement from the impacted residents. The applicant will need to acquire the necessary construction easements from the property owners to perform the work prior to final plat recording. The applicant will need to submit to the City detailed storm drainage calculations and drainage maps for a 10 and 100-year storm event, 24-hour duration, for staff review and approval in conjunction with final plat consideration. In addition, detailed construction plans and specifications shall be prepared in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates for the public storm sewer through Lot 1 from Lake Drive to the regional pond. Construction plans must be submitted three weeks prior to final plat consideration for staff review and approval. Since there are public utility improvements involved Southwest Tech Center July 7, 1999 Page 5 with the project the applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and provide the necessary financial security to guarantee installation of the public improvements and conditions of plat approval. As a result of site grading activities previously'on the site the regional pond suffered some erosion problems which have yet to be resolved. Sand deltas have formed in front of the storm sewer discharge points into the pond. The developer will be responsible for removing these deltas in conjunction with development of the site. EROSION CONTROL The preliminary erosion control plan appears to be in general accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. Staff recommends that a temporary sediment basin be constructed during the initial phase of site grading to collect sediment before reaching the regional pond and rock construction entrances at the construction access points along Lake Drive. The rock construction entrances shall be maintained until the driveways and parking lots have been paved with a bituminous surface. Hay bales, rock filer dikes and/or silt fence shall be installed around all catch basins until the parking lots have been paved with bituminous as well. UTILITIES Municipal sewer and water service is available to the site. Individual sanitary sewer and water services have been extended to the lots from Lake Drive East. All sanitary sewer and water improvements installed outside the City's right-of-way for Lake Drive East shall be considered private and not maintained by the City. These utilities will be inspected by the City's Building Department. The utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates and/or State Plumbing Codes. Fire hydrant locations throughout the site will be subject to City Fire Marshall approval. STREETS The project is proposed to be accessed from Lake Drive East which is a municipal state-aid route and listed in the city's comprehensive plan as a collector class I. All new driveway access points off of Lake Drive East shall be reviewed at time of site plan submittal. No driveway access shall be permitted from Dell Road.. Staff does suggest that the existing driveway access to Dataserv's easterly parking lot (Lot 4) which is not utilized should be abandoned due to the steep grade and geometric. All driveway access points onto Lake Drive East shall incorporate the City's industrial driveway apron (Detail Plate No. 5207). Pedestrian traffic should be of consideration with this development. Currently there is an existing 6-foot wide sidewalk along the north side of Lake Drive East and none along the south side. It is not uncommon to have sidewalk along both sides of a collector road such as Lake Drive East. Southwest Tech Center July 7, 1999 Page 6 The applicant shall be responsible for relocating any street lights along Lake Drive East. Staff recommends that the applicant look at driveway accesses to avoid impacting the existing street lights. In conjunction with the development of Chanhassen East Business Center, staff had a traffic study prepared for the region. The traffic study indicated acceptable levels of traffic (service) through the initial phases of Chanhassen East Business Center. The traffic study also indicated the need for a semaphore at the intersection of Lake Drive East and Dell Road in the future. This is all dependent upon phasing or timing of this development and the extension of Dell Road southerly to Highway 212. The development contract for Chanhassen East Business Center which included this property did have the requirement that the properties shall be responsible for their fair share of the cost for future installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Dell Road and Lake Drive East. Security to guarantee payment for the developer's share of the traffic signal will be required in the development contract. LANDSCAPING 'The site landscaping will be addressed in detail with the site plan application. LIGHTING Street lights consistent with Lake Drive East will be at 200 feet intervals, staggered from one side to the other. SIGNAGE One ground low profile Industrial Office Park identification sign is permitted. The area of the sign may not exceed 80 square feet and a height of 8 feet. Also, one ground low profile business sign shall be permitted for each building. The sign shall not exceed sixty-four square feet in sign display area not be greater than eight feet in height. Such sign shall be located at least ten feet from any property line. Also, one wall mounted sign per business shall be permitted per street frontage. The total display area shall not exceed 15% of the total area of the building wall upon which the signs are mounted. No sign may exceed 90 square feet. The applicant must obtain a sign permit prior to erecting the signs on site. One stop sign must be posted on the driveway at the exit point of all sites. A detailed sign plan incorporating the method of lighting, acceptable to staff should be provided prior to requesting a building permit. Southwest Tech Center July 7, 1999 Page 7 COMPLIANCE TABLE - IOP DISTRICT SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE TABLE - IOP DISTRICT Lot Lot Lot Area Width Depth Ordinance 1 acre 150' 200' BLOCK 1 Lot 1 7.03 451' 588' Lot 2 4.47 308' 625' Lot 3 4.51 301' 625' Lot 4 3.98 230' 640' Lot 5 19.50 1,139' 672' PARK AND TRAIL DEDICATION FEES The City is requiring that park and trails fees be submitted in lieu of park land. Fees are to be paid in accordance to city ordinance. One third of the fees will be required at the time of final plat recording. VACATION There is an existing utility and drainage easement over Lots 1 and 2. The drainage swale is being abandoned and therefore, the existing easement may be vacated. Staff is recommending the easement be vacated. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: SUBDIVISION "The Planning Commission approves the preliminary plat for Subdivision #99-8 for Southwest Tech Center as shown on the plat received June 4, 1999 with the following conditions: All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or wood-fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. Southwest Tech Center July 7, 1999 Page 8 o ge o 10. All utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of the City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates or State Plumbing Codes. Detailed utility plans and specifications shall be submitted in conjtmction with final plat approval for staff review and City Council approval. The private utilities will be inspected by the City's Building Department. The applicant and/or builder shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary permits from the City. The applicant shall provide detailed storm sewer calculations and drainage maps for 1 O-year and 100-year storm events for the City Engineer to review and approve prior to final plat approval. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and provide the necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of the development contract. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e. Carver County, Watershed District, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Health Department and Minnesota Pollution Control AgencY and comply with their conditions of approval. The appropriate drainage and utility easements should be dedicated on the final plat for all utilities and ponding areas lying outside the right-of-way. The easement width shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide depending on pipe depth. Consideration shall also be given for access for maintenance of the ponding areas. The developer shall be responsible for acquiring any easements outside the plat prior to recording the final plat No berming or landscaping will be allowed within the right-of-way. Landscape materials shall not be placed within drainage swales or over utility lines. The applicant may place landscape materials within the drainage and utility easement conditioned upon the applicant entering into an encroachment agreement with the City. The lowest floor elevation of all buildings adjacent to wetlands and storm ponds shall be a minimum of 2 feet above the 100-year high water level. The applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any drain tiles found during construction and shall re-locate or abandon the drain tile as directed by the City Engineer. The installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Lake Drive East and Dell Road is expected in the future. The developer shall be responsible or share the local cost participation of this signal on a percentage basis based upon traffic generation from full development of this site in relation to the total traffic volume of Dell Road. Security or other acceptable means to guarantee payment for the developer's share of this traffic signal for the entire development will be required. Southwest T¢ch Center July 7, 1999 Page 9 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. If importing or exporting of earthwork materials is necessary, a haul route and traffic control plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to construction commencing. All driveway access points onto Lake Drive East shall incorporate the City's industrial driveway apron (Detail Plate No. 5207). Cross access and maintenance agreements with the city shall be prepared and recorded against Lots 1 and 2 for the city The City shall be included in the use for accessing the regional storm water pond. The existing driveway access to Lot 5 shall be abandoned or reconfigured to accommodate emergency vehicle access. The developer shall be responsible to obtain a temporary construction easement from the property/properties for the storm sewer construction south of Lot 3 in the City of Eden Prairie. The rock construction entrances shall be shown on the Erosion control plans at every construction access point. The rock construction entrances shall be maintained until all disturbed areas are revegetated. All catch basin inlets shall be protected with silt fence, rock filter dikes or hay bales as well. Pedestrian access to and along Lake Drive East shall be incorporated in the site plan design process for each lot. The developer shall review the site conditions prior to construction for existing erosion control problems or damaged streets and utility improvements. Once construction activities commence the developer assumes full responsibility for site conditions and any corrections prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The developer will be responsible for removing the sand deltas in the regional pond and repair the associated erosion problem in conjunction with development of site. Increase berm height along the south property line adjacent to Lots 1 and 2 by three feet. Park and trail dedication fees to be collected per city ordinance. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and provide the necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of the development contract. The appropriate drainage and utility easements should be dedicated on the final plat for all utilities and ponding areas lying outside the right-of-way. The easement width shall be a Southwest Tech Center July 7, 1999 Page 10 minimum of 20 feet wide over the trunk storm sewer line. Consideration shall also be given for access for maintenance of the ponding areas. 23. The property lines Lots 1 and 2, and Lots 3 and 4, shall be made straight. 24. The proposed Industrial development of 39.39 net developable acres is responsible for a water quality connection charge of $93,957 and a water quantity fee of $88,421. The applicant will be eligible for credit to the water quantity fee based on oversizing the design of the trunk storm sewer system. These fees are payable to the City prior to the City filing the final plat." II. VACATION "The City Council approves Vacation 99-2 of the utility and drainage easements over Lots 1 and 2 subject to the following condition: The applicant shall provide the city with the legal description of the easements proposed to be vacated." ATTACHMENTS 1. Plans received June 4, 1999. \\cfs l\vol2\plan\sa\sw tech center.doc MEMORANDUM CITYOF CHANHASSEN 690 Cig Center Drive, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Phone 612937.1900 General Fax' 612.937.5739 Engineering Fax 612. 937. 9152 Pnblic SafeO, £,x 612.934.2524 Web www. d. chanhassen, mn. us TO: FROM: DATE: SUB J: Sharmin A1-Jaff, Senior Planner Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer July 1, 1999 Review of Preliminary Plat for Southwest Tech Center LUR File 99-26 Upon review of the preliminary plat drawings prepared by RLK and Associates dated June 17, 1999, I offer the following comments and recommendations: GRADING The site was graded with the previous development (CSM/Chanhassen East Business Center). A regional storm water pond was constructed over the easterly portion of Lot 1. The pond receives storm water runoff from this proposed development as well as CSM development north of Lake Drive East. In addition, the City of Eden Prairie contributes some drainage from the south. The preliminary grading plan proposes to "bench" in the site in order to develop building pads and parking lots and conform to the neighborhood topography. Based on the grading plan quite a bit of earthwork will be necessary to prepare the site for development. If exporting or importing of earthwork material is necessary, a haul route and traffic control plan will be needed to be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to construction commencing. The site contains existing berms and landscaping along the south property line. The plans propose on modifying the size of these berms; however, there are limitations due to the existing landscaping and property lines. Generally, the existing berms are proposed to be increased in height from a range of four to ten feet. The berms will provide a screening of two to ten feet along the southerly property line from the building's fa'st floor elevations except for Lots 1 and 2. The berming along this area is proposed at 0.5 feet to two feet above the proposed first floor elevation on Lot 1. Staff believes the berming in this area can be increased three feet without impacting existing landscaping or a combination of lowering the fa'st floor elevation on Lots 1 and 2. Individual berms are proposed along Lake Drive East to provide some buffering from Lake Drive East. Grading is proposed in front of the existing building on Lot 5 for future parking which encroaches setbacks. DRAINAGE In conjunction with the Chanhassen East Business Center the regional pond on Lot 1 was constructed to collect the runoff from this development as well. An existing drainage swale runs through Lots 1 and 2. This drainage swale will be replaced The City of Chanhassen. A ~rowing gommunit~, with clean lakes, euali~, schooh, a chamdn~ downtown, thdvine businesses, and beauti/~d varks. A ereat ~lace to live. work, and pL Sharmin Al-Jaff July 1, 1999 Page 2 with a trunk storm sewer system which will convey the runoff from Lake Drive and other properties into the regional storm water pond on Lot 1 for pretreatment. The applicant will be entitled to credits against their surface water management fees (SWMP) with the installation of this trunk storm sewer pipe. Credits will be applied to the applicant's SWMP fees based on the cost difference between 24-inch pipe and the proposed pipe. The. other storm sewer systems within the development will be considered private and owned and maintained by the property owners. The site receives storm water runoff from Eden Prairie to the south of the development. This drainage is proposed to be collected in the storm sewer system and conveyed to a regional pond to maintain the neighborhood drainage pattern. Drainage easements will need to be dedicated on the final plat to maintain drainage through the property. Based on the plans it appears a storm sewer line is proposed to be extended into the backyard areas, south of Lot 4, to convey runoff from the Eden Prairie resident's property. This drainage connection to Eden Prairie will require a temporary construction easement from the impacted residents. The applicant will need to acquire the necessary construction easements from the property owners to perform the work prior to final plat recording. The applicant will need to submit to the City detailed storm drainage calculations and drainage maps for a 10 and 100-year storm event, 24-hour duration, for staff review and approval in conjunction with final plat consideration. In addition, detailed construction plans and specifications shall be prepared in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates for the public storm sewer through Lot I from Lake Drive to the regional pond. Construction plans must be submitted three weeks prior to final plat consideration for staff review and approval. Since there are public utility improvements involved with the project the applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and provide the necessary financial security to guarantee installation of the public improvements and conditions of plat approval. As a result of site grading activities previously on the site the regional pond suffered some erosion problems which have yet to be resolved. Sand deltas have formed in front of the storm sewer discharge points into the pond. The developer will be responsible for removing these deltas inconjunction with development of the site. EROSIONCONTROL The preliminary erosion control plan appears to be in general accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. Staff recommends that a temporary sediment basin be constructed during the initial phase of site grading to collect sediment before reaching the regional pond and rock construction entrances at the construction access points along Lake Drive. The rock construction entrances Sharmin A1-Jaff July 1, 1999 Page 3 shall be maintained until the driveways and parking lots have been paved with a bituminous surface. Hay bales, rock filer dikes and/or silt fence shall be installed around all catch basins until the parking lots have been paved with bituminous as well. UTILITIES Municipal sewer and water service is available to the site. Individual sanitary sewer and water services have been extended to the lots from Lake Drive East. All sanitary sewer and water improvements installed outside the City's right-of-way for Lake Drive East shall be considered private and not maintained by the City. These utilities will be inspected by the City's Building Department. The utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates and/or State Plumbing Codes. Fire hydrant locations throughout the site will be subject to City Fire Marshall approval. STREETS The project is proposed to be accessed from Lake Drive East which is a municipal state-aid route and listed in the city's comprehensive plan as a collector class I. All new driveway access points off of Lake Drive East shall be reviewed at time of site plan submittal. No driveway access shall be permitted from Dell Road.. Staff does suggest that the existing driveway access to Dataserv's easterly parking lot (Lot 4) which is not utilized should be abandoned due to the steep grade and geometric. All driveway access points onto Lake Drive East shall incorporate the City's industrial driveway apron (Detail Plate No. 5207). Pedestrian traffic should be of consideration with this development. Currently there is an existing 6-foot wide sidewalk along the north side of Lake Drive East and none along the south side. It is not uncommon to have sidewalk along both sides of a collector road such as Lake Drive East. The applicant shall be responsible for relocating any street lights along Lake Drive East. Staff recommends that the applicant look at driveway accesses to avoid impacting the existing street lights. In conjunction with the development of Chanhassen East Business Center, staff had a traffic study prepared for the region. The traffic study indicated acceptable levels of traffic (service) through the initial phases of Chanhassen East Business Center. The traffic study also indicated the need for a semaphore at the intersection of Lake Drive East and Dell Road in the future. This is all dependent upon phasing or timing of this development and the extension of Dell Road Sharmin A1-Jaff July 1, 1999 Page 4 southerly to Highway 212. The development contract for Chanhassen East Business Center which included this property did have the requirement that the properties shall be responsible for their fair share of the cost for future installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Dell Road and Lake Drive East. Security to guarantee payment for the developer's share of the traffic signal will be required in the development contract. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with seed and disc-mulched or wood-fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. All utility improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of the City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates or State Plumbing Codes. Detailed utility plans and specifications shall be submitted in conjunction with final plat approval for staff review and City Council approval. The private utilities will be inspected by the City's Building Department. The applicant and/or builder shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary permits from the City. The applicant shall provide detailed storm sewer calculations and drainage maps for 10-year and 100-year storm events for the City Engineer to review and approve prior to final plat approval. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and provide the necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of the development contract. o The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e. Carver County, Watershed District, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Health Department and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and comply with their conditions of approval. o The appropriate drainage and utility easements should be dedicated on the final plat for all utilities and ponding areas lying outside the right-of-way. The easement width shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide depending on pipe depth. Consideration shall also be given for access for maintenance of the ponding areas. The developer shall be responsible for acquiring any easements outside the plat prior to recording the final plat Sharmin A1-Jaff July 1, 1999 Page 5 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. No berming or landscaping will be allowed within the right-of-way. Landscape materials 'shall not be placed within drainage swales or over utility lines. The applicant may place landscape materials within the drainage and utility easement conditioned upon the applicant entering into an encroachment agreement with the City. The lowest floor elevation of all buildings adjacent to wetlands and storm ponds shall be a minimum of 2 feet above the lO0-year high water level. The applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any drain tiles found during construction and shall re-locate or abandon the drain tile as directed by the City Engineer. The installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Lake Drive East and Dell Road is expected in the future. The developer shall be responsible or share the local cost participation of this signal on a percentage basis based upon traffic generation bom full development of this site in relation to the total traffic volume of Dell Road. Security or other acceptable means to guarantee payment for the developer's share of this traffic signal for the entire development will be required. If importing or exporting of earthwork materials is necessary, a haul route and traffic control plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to construction commencing. All driveway access points onto Lake Drive East shall incorporate the City's industrial driveway apron (Detail Plate No. 5207). Cross access and maintenance agreements with the city shall be prepared and recorded against LOts 1 and 2 for the city The City shall be included in the use for accessing the regional storm water pond. The existing driveway access to Lot 5 shall be abandoned or reconfigured to accommodate emergency vehicle access. The developer shall be responsible to obtain a temporary construction easement from the property/properties for the storm sewer construction south of Lot 3 in the City of Eden Prairie. The rock construction entrances shall be shown on the Erosion control plans at every construction access point. The rock construction entrances shall be maintained until all disturbed areas are revegetated. All catch basin Sharmin A1-Jaff July 1, 1999 Page 6 inlets shall be protected with silt fence, rock filter dikes or hay bales as well. 17. Pedestrian access to and along Lake Drive East shall be incorporated in the site plan design process for each lot. 18. The developer shall review the site conditions prior to construction for existing erosion control problems or damaged streets and utility improvements. Once construction activities commence the developer assumes full responsibility for site conditions and any corrections prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The developer will be responsible for removing the sand deltas in the regional pond and repair the associated erosion problem inconjunction with development of site. 19. Increase berm height along the south property line adjacent to Lots 1 and 2 by three feet. c: Anita Benson, City Engineer g:Xeng~ave'lx:Xchanpoint e.doc NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1999 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE PROPOSAL: Request for Subdivision APPLICANT: CSM Corporation LOCATION: So. of Lake Drive East and west of Dell Road NOTICE: You are invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, CSM Corporation, is requesting preliminary plat to replat Lot 1 (39.49 acres), Block 2, Chanhassen East Business Center into 5 lots and vacation of existing drainage and utility easements on property zoned lOP, Industrial Office Park and located south of Lake Drive East and west of Dell Road, Southwest Tech Center. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the developer's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Commission Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The Developer will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses project. make a recommendation to the City Council. The commission will then Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmin at 937-1900 ext. 120. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 24, 1999. 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61 18-116-22 23 0059 KEVIN L MACDONALD SWAN 19108 MAGENTA BAY EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0086 KRAIG O g LYNN M 8ROSE 8019 SPRUCE TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0063 OAVID d F GROSS 18921 WYNNFIELO RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0002 JILL LAMBER 8009 HEMLOCK CIR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0006 PETER d ESSEX III 18528 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 5534? 61 1~-I16-22 24 0010 JAMES E RUCHIE 8055 LONG MEADOW PCINTE EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 14 18-116-22 21 0003 CSM INVESTORS 2575 UNIVERSITY AVE W #150 ST PAUL MN 55114 14 18-116-22 21 0004 CSM INVESTORS INC 2575 UNIVERSITY AVE W #150 ST PAUL MN 55114 14 15-116-22 22 0004 CSM INVESTORS 2575 UNIVERSITY AVE W #150 ST PAUL MN 55114 14 18-116-22 22 000 CSM INVESTORS INC 2575 UNIVERSITY AVE W #150 ST PAUL MN 55114 ~4 18-116-22 22 0006 CSM CORP 2575 UNIVERSITY AVE W #150 ST PAUL MN 55114 61 18-116-22 12 0022 B N HURKADLI E A M HURKADLI 18316 CROIXWOOD LA Er)EN PRAIRIE MN 5534? 61 18-116-22 12 0025 R00NEY & JACOLYN LEI P-OLD 18344 CROIXWOOO LA EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0024 B D BRUBAKER & T L BRUBAKER 7103 SUNSHINE DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55546 61 18-116-22 12 0139 wARY E MCKINSEY 15320 CASCADE DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0140 ARLEANE ERICKSON 18296 CASCADE DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0141 P J PESHECK £ L S LARSON 18294 CASCADE DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0143 THCHAS J DECK 1~290 CASCADE D~ EDEN PRAIRIE ~N 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0144 FRANK D BOURN 13266 CASCADE OR Eg~N PRAIRIE MN 55.347 61 18-116-22 12 0145 KOREY D STRINGER 18264 CASCADE OR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0147 C L ~EVAN r~ C ~ C MONDYKE j18260 CASCADE OR JEDEN P~AIRIE MN 55347 161 15-116-22 12 0157 KINDERCAR~ REAL ESTAT~ CORP ,2400 PRESIUENTS D~ iNONTGQMERY AL 36102 61 15-116-22 13 0016 RANOAL A/CYNTHIA R BOTTELSON 8084 CRESCENT CT EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 161 18-116-22 23 0005 SCOTT F OUINLAN 18810 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 5534.7 61 18-116-22 23 0009 P K RCHOLT & P F SELTEN 8103 CURRANT ~L EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0148 NICHDLAS C OLSEN 18258 CASCAOE OR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 13 0010 CARL A ~ SHARON L BORINE 18285 CR.DIXWOOD LA EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 13 '0017 ~ICHAEL P & JOD~ MCMAHON 80?2 CRESCENT CT EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0006 MICHAEL J & PAULA J ROCK 18832 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0012 JEFFREY J & DEANNA P KERR 8102 CURRANT PL EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0149 WILLIAM R & ~ARBARA J BURG 18256 CASCADE DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 13 0011 CHUN WI SHEN E JUNKO ABE 18311 CROIXWOOD LA EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 13 O018 PAUL G & LORI J JOHNSON 8060 CRESCENT CT EDEN PRAIRIE MN 5534? 61 18-116-22 23 0007 JOHN & SUSAN KRUSE 18854 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0013 THOMAS K & DEBORAH A ~ILLER 8094 CURRANT PL EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0036 SCOTT C LUTZ MAUREEN B MARA 19133 MAGENTA BAY EDEN PRAIRIE HN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0040 EDWARD A NEER JR ADRIEHNE KOSTNER NEER 19193 POPLAR CIR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 18-116-22 23 0044 GREr~ORY L [ RUTH M HALLPERG 19180 POPLAR CIR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0037 JAMES ~ SARAH SCHASER 19151 MAGENTA BAY EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0041 0 BRADLEY DODOS 19199 POPLAR CIR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0045 SCOTT R £ ANN M MIKKELSON 19174 POPLAR CIR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0038 RAYMOND/CATHERINE A LAMOVEC 19175 POPLAR CIR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0042 PAUL J C ALTHEA P LARSON 19192.POPLAR CIR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0046 STEVEN J [ LYNNE S MCCOY 19168 POPLAR CIR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 1_~-116-22 23 0048 MICHAEL J [ DIANA N H.4NLINE 18964 WYNNFI~=LD RO EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0049 JCHN J ~ BAIL M SWAIN 18942 WYNNFIELD RD Ei.~EN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0050 TODD C [ RENATA A HONING 18920 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0052 GARY [ PAULA SZALKIEWICZ 1887'6 WYNN~IELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0057' M M CRICHTON & J A CRICHTON 19072 MAGENTA BAY EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 15-116-22 23 0058 RICHARD J ~ HARGARET A MEYER 19090 MAGENTA BAY EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0060 CHARLES L 6 NARTHA D BERGREN 19144 ~AGENTA BAY EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0061 JOHN R ~ KATHRY~ A BORRELL 18g99 WYNNFIELO RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 23 0062 C D HOLJE G S A HOLJE 18947 WYNNFIELD RD ECEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 1~-116-22 23 0064 ~ A ERICKSEN ~ 2: H QLLERMAN 18~95 NYNNFTEL3 RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 15-116-22 23 0065 J A TAYLOR & A G ABOUELENEIN 18869 WYNNFIELD RD EOEN PRAERIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 ~4 0001 THOMAS ~ SUSAN YEZZI ~015 HEMLOCK CIR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0003 S L HOLDHAN ~ D A HOLDMAN ~000 HEMLOCK CIR EDEN PRAIRIE HN 55347 61 15-116-22 24 0004 S .r)AIVO & DAWN E ESPINDOLA 8006 HEMLOCK CIR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0005 CATHERINE M PINSON 18500 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 1~-116-22 24 0007 MICHAEL ~ LAU&IE CAHP.~ELL I~556 WYNNFIELO RD E,~EN PRAIRIE ~N 55347 61 18-118-22 24 0008 NARY JC BUR~DORF 18584 WYNNFIEL0 RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0009 ~ & M CLEARY 18612 WYNNFIELO RD EOEN PRAIRIE MN 55347' 61 18-116-22 24 0011 EFONOA L SPROLES $071 LONG MEAODW POINTE EDEN PRAIP. IE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0018 PHILLIP G & PATRICIA R ERNST 8106 LONG MEADOW POINTE EDEN PRAI&IE HN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0019 J & R EARL 8090 LONG HEADON POINTE EDEN PRAIRIE MN 5534? 61 18-116-22 24 0021 MICHAEL K FRANK 8058 LONG MEADOW POINTE EOEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0046 LUIS & CAROLYN J PEREZ 18634 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0047 M & E FLOM 18656 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0049 D L BACHICHA ~ J J _~ACHICHA 10700 WYNNFIELO RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0050 PHILIP J & REBECCA L PECKER 18722 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0051 SCOTT F & JEANNE A KNUTSON 18744 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0053 STEVEN ALLAN ANDERSON 18788 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 51 18-116-22 24 0057 MARK J ~ COLLEEN M FELL~ER 18747 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRTE ~N 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0054 WILLIAM £ TERESA COSGROVE 18675 WYNNFIELO RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0058 BRADLEY F & KELLY L ROBBINS 18771 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0055 LAWRENCE & MARIANNE SANDERS 18699 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0059 CRAIG R £ TYRA L BROSSEAU 18795 WYNNFIELD RD EDEN PRAIRIE NN 55347 51 18-116-22 24 0061 qARK J & PATRTCIA L KITTOCK )127 CURRANT PL _-'DEN PRAIRIE .,"!N 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0075 TI~!4 L & SALLY J ADAMS 8010 SPRUCE TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0076 TODD & JULIE JOHNSON 8022 SPRUCE TRAIL EDEN PRAIRIE 55347 18-116-22 24 0078 ~AN-CHONG KUNS/~ H OE:3UOUE ~046 SPRUCE TR ~DEN PRAIRE :4N 5534? 1~-116-2~ 24 0087 ~ERMAN ~ LESLIE ~LASING ½031 SPRU~._ TR ~DEN PRAIRIE Mq ~5347 61 18-116-22 24 0079 ~RADLEY t. IEYER & HARY MEYER 8055 SPP, UCE TR EDE~ PP, AI~IE MN 5534? 61 18-116-22 24 0088 MICHAEL ~ ELIZABETH FAHNING ~043 SPRUCE TR ~OEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 24 0085 ALBERT L & SUSAN A FEASTER 8007 SPRUCE TR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 TOTAL LABELS BATCH 503 00105 1~-116-22 13 0012 ~K A & RENAE K LUEOTKE '7 CRESCENT CT iN PRAIRIE NN 55347 i 18-116-22 23 0003 'Y OF EDEN PRAIRIE ,0 MITCHELL RD !N PRAIRIE MN 55344 ! 18-116-22 23 0008 'ER L RUSSELL ~1 CURRANT PL iN PRAZRIE ~N 55347 14 18-116-22 22 0002 CSM INVESTORS INC % CS~ PROP INC/ATN O CARLAND 2575 UNIVERSITY AVE ~ #150 ST PAUL MN 55114 61 18-116-22 12 0021 JANES R 6 DONNA P KOEPPL 18288 CROIXWOOD LA EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 , 61 18-116-22 12 0138 BARDARA J BOYLE RICHARD F SMITH 18322 CASCADE DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0142 CHARLES & ETOPIA EVANS 18292 CASCADE DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0146 MARJORIE P SCHULTZ 18262 CASCADE DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 61 18-116-22 12 0156 JAMES L OSTENSON 7808 CREEKRIDGE CIR #310 EOINA ~iN 55439