AgendaCALL TO ORDER PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS 1. FILE AGENDA CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSI WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1999 at 7:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE Request for site plan review for a 35,000 sq. ft. office/warehouse building on property zoned PUD to be located on Lot 6, Block 1, Chanhassen Business Center Second Addition (northwest comer of Lake Drive and Audubon Road), Boedecker Company, Amcon Construction, LLC. Request for subdivision and site plan review to demolish the existing Chanhassen Bowl and Filly's Bar and replace it with eight additional theaters with a seating capacity of 1,400 seats, with an area of 30,000 sq. ft. and 9,000 sq. ft. of retail space, variances for signage, hard surface coverage, subdivision creating lots with no direct frontage on public right-of-way, Hwy. 5 Overlay District pitched roof element requirement and parking requirements on property zoned BG, General Business District, located north of the railroad tracks and Pauly Drive; east of Market Boulevard; and south of West 78th Street, Chanhassen Properties, LLC. NEW BUSINESS Request for an interim use permit for earth work to temporary stock pile 30,000 cubic yards of material at 8301 Audubon Road located east of Audubon Road and south of the Public Works Building and the Twin Cities Western Railroad, David Stockdale. 4. *Item deleted. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ONGOING ITEMS oPEN DISCUSSION 5. Alterations in the Bluff Zone. 6. Review of Landscaping and Buffer Ordinance. 7. Yard (Porch) Regulations. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 10:30 p.m. as outlined in official by-laws. We will make every attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda. If, however, this does not appear to be possible, the Chair person will notify those present and offer rescheduling options. Items thus pulled from consideration will be listed first on the agcada at the next Commission meeting. Item deleted 4. Request for Site Plan approval for a 5,223 sq. ft. restaurant, Ruby Tuesday, on property zoned PUD, and located on Lot 1, Block 1, Villages on the Ponds Second Addition, Alliant Engineering, Inc.