AgendaFl:LE AGENDA CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1999 at 7:00 P.M. CHANHASSEN CITY HALL, 690 CITY CENTER DRIVE CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC HEARINGS Site Plan approval for a 5,223 sq. ft. restaurant, Ruby Tuesday, on property zoned PUD, and located on Lot 1, Block 1, Villages on the Ponds Second AdditiOn, Alliant Engineering, Inc. Conditional use permit request to construct a 100 foot tall monopole tower wireless communication facility on property zoned RSF, Residential Single Family and located at 4151 Highway 7, U.S. West Wireless, in conjunction with Holy Cross Lutheran Church. Request for a 20 foot variance from the 50 foot setback requirement of the Highway Corridor (HC- 2) District regulation to permit the enclosure of the sanitation dock at the northwest comer of the existing building on property zoned lOP, Industrial Office Park and located at 8000 Audubon Road, C. F. Haglin and Pillsbury Company. Conceptual PUD request for mixed housing development (414 units) consisting of manor homes, court homes, village homes and townhomes on 82.8 acres and 3.7 acres of commercial uses on property zoned A2, Agricultural Estate and located on the northeast comer of Hwy. 5 and Hwy. 41, Arboretum Village, Pulte Homes. OLD BUSINESS 5. Alterations in the Bluff Zone. 6. Review of Landscaping and Buffer Ordinance. 7. Yard (Porch) Regulations. NEW BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES ONGOING ITEMS OPEN DISCUSSION 8. Training on Variance Criteria and Review of Applications. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 10:30 p.m. as outlined in official by- laws. We will make every attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda. If, however, this does not appear to be possible, the Chair person will notify those present and offer rescheduling options. Items thus pulled from consideration will be listed first on the agenda at the next Commission meeting.